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KTCL 12 chuan va nang cao

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<b>NĂM HỌC 2010 - 2011</b>

<b>Mơn: Tiếng anh - Lớp 12 Chương trình Chuẩn và Nâng cao</b>
<i>Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút; </i>

<i>(50 câu trắc nghiệm)</i>

<b>Mã đề thi 505</b>
Họ, tên thí sinh:...

Số báo danh:...

<b>Read the text and choose the word which best fits each gap of the passage from 1 to 6</b>
The Internet has become part of our everyday life. Do you find the Internet useful? What do
you use the Internet for? How much time do you spend surfing the web a day? Please (1)

__________ to these questions.

XUAN: To my mind, the Internet is a very fast and cheap way for me to get information. I can
also communicate with my friends by (2) __________ of e-mail or chatting. However, I don’t use
the Internet quite often (3) __________ I don’t have much time. For me, the Internet is a
wonderful invention of modern life. It makes our world a small place.

MANH: Everybody can (4) __________ from the use of the Internet in life. However, it is a
pity for both me and most of my friends in the country. We cannot easily get access (5)
__________ the Internet out here. I sometimes pay a visit to my uncle in the city at weekends,
and this is a good (6) __________ for me to explore the net. I spend most of the time wandering

because I just don’t know which website is useful for me.

<b>Question 1: A. reply</b> B. ask C. answer D. write

<b>Question 2: A. means</b> B. way C. method D. technique

<b>Question 3: A. so</b> B. because C. if D. although

<b>Question 4: A. get</b> B. enjoy C. benefit D. take

<b>Question 5: A. of</b> B. from C. to D. for

<b>Question 6: A. opportunity B. case</b> C. action D. festival

<b>Identify the words/ phrases that are not correct in standard English.</b>
<b>Question 7: She has lived in this house since 6 years.</b>


<b>Question 8: Our form teacher is a nice person who often gives us a lot of useful advices.</b>
<b>Question 9: They told us that they enjoyed to listen to Pop music in their free time.</b>

<b>Question 10: She must getting up early because she has to prepare breakfast for her family.</b>

<b>Question 11: They wish there was many rivers and lakes in their hometown.</b>

<b>Choose A, B, C or D as your best choice to complete each sentence</b>

<b>Question 12: Nowadays, viewers can watch a variety of local and international </b>

A. in B. to C. on D. of

<b>Question 13: Tet is a festival which occurs__________ late January or early February.</b>

A. in B. from C. on D. at

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<b>Question 14: Scientists can usually__________ when a volcano will erupt.</b>

A. guess B. estimate C. report D. predict

<b>Question 15: He can’t go to see his friends. He hasn’t got ………….. time.</b>

A. a B. much C. many D. a lot

<b>Question 16: My sister loves to watch the stars………….. night.</b>

A. on B. in C. at D. for

<b>Question 17: Plastic bags will cause pollution………….. they are very hard to dissolve.</b>

A. so B. but C. because D. or

<b>Question 18.- “I suggest we go on a picnic on the other side of the river.”</b>
- “__________”

A. It’s a nice day! B. Have a good trip. C. Great idea! D. Congratulations!
<b>Question 19: Ho Chi Minh City is the most interesting city in Vietnam; __________, it’s not the </b>
capital of the nation.

A. so B. therefore C. moreover D. however

<b>Question 20</b>: Our class__________into four groups when we have English lessons.

A. usually divides B. is usually dividedC. is dividing usually D. be divided usually
<b>Question 21: What would you like to drink? - …………..</b>

A. Yes, please B. No, thanks C. Milk, please D. OK
<b>Question 22: He ______ email before, so I ______ him how to use it.</b>

<b>A. </b>was not using / will show <b>B. </b>did not use / had shown

<b>C. had not used / showed</b> <b>D. </b>has not used / showed
<b>Question 23: He went to the cinema _____ he had done his homework.</b>

<b>A. after</b> <b>B. </b>by the time <b>C. </b>until <b>D. </b>Before

<b>Question 24: Whenever we met, Jack avoided _______ at me.</b>

<b>A. </b>look <b>B. </b>looked <b>C. looking</b> <b>D. </b>to look

<b>Question 25: I ______ a terrible accident while I ______ on the beach.</b>

<b>A. </b>see / am walking <b>B. </b>have seen / were walking

<b>C. saw / was walking</b> <b>D. </b>was seeing / walked

<b>Question 26: I met Jane’s father, ________ work at the university.</b>

<b>A. </b>that <b>B. </b>that and who <b>C. who</b> <b>D. </b>which

<b>Question 27: To Americans, it is impolite to ask someone about age, _____ and salary.</b>

<b>A. </b>marry <b>B. marriage</b> <b>C. </b>marrying <b>D. </b>married

<b>Question 28: We ______ touch since we ______ school three years ago.</b>

<b>A. </b>have lost / leave <b>B. </b>were losing / had left

<b>C. </b>lost / have left <b>D. have lost / left</b>

<b>Question 29: Joyce thanked us for ______ them to dinner and said that they wanted to have us</b>
over for dinner next week.

<b>A. </b>to invite <b>B. inviting</b> <b>C. </b>invited <b>D. </b>invite
<b>Question 30: _______ you send this wedding card to Peter, please?</b>

<b>A. </b>Had <b>B. </b>Did <b>C. </b>Are <b>D. Will</b>

<b>Question 31: This pasta is a new experience for me.</b>

<b>A. </b>I used to eat a lot of pasta <b>B. It is the first time I have eaten pasta</b>

<b>C. </b>I am used to eating pasta <b>D. </b>I have ever eaten pasta many times before
<b>Question 32: If the rice paddies are polluted, rice plants__________.</b>

A. will die B. won’t die C. would die D. wouldn’t die

<b>Question 33: Tornadoes can suck up anything__________ is in their path.</b>

A. what B. who C. that D. where

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<b>Question 34: My father tells me that Ha Noi is different………….. Kuala Lumpur.</b>

A. from B. in C. with D. at

<b>Question 35: Tony is going to ………….. us to Hue on Sunday. Do you want to come?</b>

A. get B. take C. make D. turn

<b>Question 36: “I can’t find my wallet, Tom” – “Don’t worry. I’ll help you to ………….. it”</b>
A. look for B. take care of C. put on D. turn off

<b>Question 37: These students take part in charity activities in their town, …………..?</b>
A. do they B. don’t they C. did they D. didn’t they
<b>Question 38: We are really………….. that people have spoiled this area.</b>

A. happy B. proud C. excited D. disappointed

<b>Question 39: The wedding day was _____ chosen by the parents of the groom.</b>

<b>A. carefully</b> <b>B. </b>careful <b>C. </b>carelessly <b>D. </b>careless

<b>Question 40: John cannot make a _____ to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a</b>
house and a car.

<b>A. </b>decisive <b>B. </b>decisively <b>C. decision</b> <b>D. </b>decide

<b>Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others</b>

<b>Question 41: A. carefully</b> <b>B. </b>apartment <b>C.</b> attraction <b>D. </b>successful

<b>Question 42: A. </b>hospitable <b>B.</b> understand <b>C. </b>interesting <b>D. </b>beautiful

<b>Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest</b>

<b>Question 43: A. </b>chore <b>B. </b>teacher <b>C. school</b> <b>D. </b>children

<b>Question 44: A. </b>watched <b>B. </b>laughed <b>C. </b>missed <b>D. filled</b>

<b>Question 45:A. </b>loves <b>B. </b>joins <b>C. cooks</b> <b>D. </b>spends

<b>Read the passage and choose the best answer from 46 to 50.</b>

The Taj Mahal is considered one of the wonders of the world. It was built by the fifth Mughal
Emperor of India as a memorial to his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died when she was
giving birth to their 14th child in 1631. He began to build the monument in the same year and
mourned her for ten years. The Taj Mahal was completed 22 years later at the cost of 32 million
rupees. Twenty thousand people worked on it.

The Taj Mahal, meaning "Crown of the Palace," stands on the bank of the Yamuna River in
Agra. Built of white marble, its beauty is beyond description, particularly at dawn and sunset. It
was said that the King spent the last days of his life in prison staring into a small piece of glass at
the reflection of the Taj Mahal, and he died with the mirror in his hand. He was buried in the Taj
Maha with the wife he never forgot.

<b>Question 46: The Taj Mahal was built in ______ and completed in ______.</b>

<b>A. </b>1628/1645 <b>B. 1631/1653</b> <b>C. </b>1592/1628 <b>D. </b>1931/1941
<b>Question 47: How much did The Taj Mahal cost?</b>

<b>A. </b>Twenty two million rupees <b>B. </b>Twenty thousand rupees

<b>C. </b>Thirty two thousand rupees <b>D. Thirty two million rupees</b>
<b>Question 48: The King had The Taj Mahal built to ______.</b>

<b>A. </b>pay homage to his beloved wife <b>B. </b>mourn his wife's death

<b>C. commemorate his wife's death.</b> <b>D. </b>immortalise their love
<b>Question 49: Which of the following is NOT true about the King?</b>

<b>A. He spent his whole life in the palace</b>

<b>B. </b>He had a lot of children

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<b>C. </b>He loved his fifth wife so much

<b>D. </b>He was buried at the same place as his wife had been

<b>Question 50: The phrase is beyond description in the passage means</b>

<b>A. </b>cannot be described <b>B. too great to express in words</b>

<b>C. </b>impossible to describe <b>D. </b>too far to be seen from the back




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