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Bài giảng anh 8 - unit 13

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Unit 13 :
* Division of lessons :
1. Lesson 1: Getting started and Listen & read
2. Lesson 2: Speak + Listen
3. Lesson 3: Read
4. Lesson 4: Write
5. Lesson 5: Language focus.
Date :………………………2009
Period :78
Unit 13 :
Lesson 1 :
I. Aim:
By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to ask for explanations of events.
II. Language contents
1. Vocabulary : fetch (v), yell (v), urge (v), rub (v), participate in = take part in(v),award (v)
2. Grammar :compound words
III Techniques : Chatting, what and where, questions and answer.
IV. Teaching aids : stereo, pictures, cards.
V. Procedure:
Teacher ‘s and Ss’ activities Contents
T writes the names on the board and asks Ss to
say what these people are going to go on their
visits to Vietnam and they need advice on
where to go.
Introduce the names, one by one
Eliciting- modelling- checking meaning and
1. Warm up(5’):

Tom, David, Huckleberry, Oliver, Robinson
1. Tom likes swimming and sunbathing. Where
should he go ? .... Why ?
2. David is interested in ancient cities -> ?
3. Huckleberry likes mountain- climbing-> ?
4. Oliver is keen on pottery -> ?
5. Robinson is fond of crowded places -> ?
2. Presentation(10’):
 New words:
-fetch (v) : to go to get (sth) and bring it back
-yell (v) : to shout loudly
-urge (v): make a person / an animal move
more quickly
-rub (v)

T presents model sentence
T checks vocabulary
T sets the scene : “ Ba invites his friend Liz to
a traditional festival in the North of Vietnam.
Do you know what kind of festival it is ?”
( It is the rice- cooking festival )
T asks Ss to guess what they are going to read
by asking questions.
Ss open their books, read the dialogue and
listen to the tape
T asks Ss to read the statements and check the
boxes , using the information in the dialogue
Ss work in pairs and correct the false sentences
T delivers posters to Ss.

T asks Ss to do exercise on page 130 and write
their answers on the posters.
SS work in pairs / groups
- Do exercise 3 in workbook
-Prepare Lesson 2 Speak + Listen
-participate in -> participation (n)
-award (v)
(He is the winner of the competition . They
award him the first prize )
 Model sentence
There are three competitions : water-fetching,
fire- making and rice- cooking
 What and where
 Set the scene
How many competitions do people enter in a
rice-cooking festival ?
In water- fetching festival competition , what
do people do ?
3. Practice(15’):
 True or false
 Answer keys
a. F -> Only one team member takes......
b. F -> one water bottle
c. T
d. F -> ..... of bamboo are used
e. F -> the judges taste
f. T
4. Consolidation(10):

 Focus 3
 Answer keys
a. A fire- making contest
b. a bull- fighting festival
c. a car- making industry
d. a flower-arranging contest
e. a rice-exporting country
f. a clothes- washing machine
5. Homework(5’):
* Comments:

Date :………………………2009
Period :79
Unit 13 :
Lesson 2 :
By the end of the lesson ,SS will be able to talk about their preparation for a special event.
II. Language contents
1.Vocabulary : pomegranate (n), peach blossoms (n),marigolds (n),dried water melon seeds
spring rolls
2. Grammar : review
III. Techniques :what and where, grid, question and answer.
IV. Teaching aids :chart , stereo, pictures, cards.
V. Procedure:
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Contents
T asks Ss to think of 5 things they often

prepare for Tet. Ss write them on the
T correct and gives marks to Ss
Eliciting- modelling- checking meaning
and pronunciation.
Ss join the game
T asks Ss to read the dialogue on page
123 and put the sentences in correct order
Ss work in pairs , then give the answer
before class.
T puts the chart with the cues on the
1. Warm up(5’):
 Find things in common
-decorate the room/yard
-paint the house
-buy cakes
-buy new dress
-send New Year cards to friends.
2. Presentation(10’):
Speak 1
 New words :
-pomegranate(n): quả lựu
-peach bloosoms (n) :quả đào
-marigolds (n): cúc vạn thọ
-dried watermelon seeds : hạt dưa
-spring rolls (n) : chả giò
 Ordering
 Answer keys
A-> F,B-> G,C-> H,D-> J,E-> I
3. Practice:

Mapped dialogue
Mrs Quyen Lan
A: You/ tidied/
bedroom ?
1. Yes/where/going/
2.Could/collect/new Ao Dai

board, elicits the exchanges from Ss .Ss
work in pairs.
T calls some pairs to practice each
exchange before going on to another
T asks Ss to use one of the festival
(page123) and make up their own
dialogues. Ss work in pairs ,then T calls
on some pairs to demonstrate their
dialogues before class.
T sets the scene” The Robinson family is
making preparations for Tet. They want to
buy things to make it a traditional festival
as Vietnamese people do “
T asks Ss to open their books and read
the statements on page 124.Ss predict the
words in the gaps,play the tape (2 or 3
times )
T asks Ss to copy the grid( page124) and
fill in the gaps with the information taken

from the statements above.
Call on some students to give their
-Learn new words
- Do exercises in workbook
- prepare Lesson 3 Read
C. Sure/ will
D. not really/ but/
want house/look
E. That/very good.
out ?
now/will/clean glass
Speak 2
A village festival
A school festival
A spring festival
A harvest festival
A flower festival
 Listen
Gap-fill prediction

 Answer keys
a. Mr Robinson/ Flower market
c.Dried watermelon seeds
d.Make spring rolls
Things to do
Mr Robinson Go to the flower market to buy
peach blossom and a bunch of
Mrs Robinson Go to Mrs Nga’s to learn how to
make spring rolls
Liz Go to the market to buy candies
And a packet of dried watermelon
* Comments:

Date :………………………2009
Period :80
Unit 13 :
Lesson 3 :
By the end of the lesson , Ss will get some knowledge about Christmas.
II. Language contents
1. Vocabulary : spread (v),Christmas carol (n), patron saint (n), jolly (a)

2. Grammar : review
III. Techniques : jumbled words, matching
IV. Teaching aids : pictures, cardboards, posters, stereo
V. Procedure:

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