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Trac nghiem TA 12 unit 3

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<b>I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently form the others in each group</b>
<b>1.</b> A.signal<b>s</b> B. motor<b>s</b> C. problem<b>s</b> D. task<b>s</b>

<b>2.</b> A.regard<b>s</b> B. solution<b>s</b> C. wonder<b>s</b> D. interest<b>s</b>
<b>3.</b> A. alway<b>s</b> B. seat<b>s</b> C. physic<b>s</b> D. shop<b>s</b>
<b>4.</b> A.wash<b>ed</b> B. believ<b>ed</b> C. caus<b>ed</b> D. ask<b>ed</b>

<b>5.</b> A. prepar<b>ed</b> B. sign<b>ed</b> C. jump<b>ed</b> D. mov<b>ed</b>
<b>II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the rest.</b>

<b>6.</b> A.enter B. polite C. famous D. region

<b>7.</b> A. confide B. reject C. answer D. secure

<b>8.</b> A. passage B. support C. distance D. instance

<b>9.</b> A. precede B. culture C. decent D. constant

<b>10.</b> A. oblige B. maintain C. concern D. equal

<b>III. Choose the word which best fits each gap of the sentence.</b>

<b>11.</b> Fortunately, I recognized him at the , so I left the table and stopped him on time.
A. instant B. time C. shift D. distant

<b>12.</b> Any from the teachers to students’ progress will make them feel more confident.
A. admiration B. support C. compliment D. respect

<b>13.</b> marriage is believed by Asian parents and they don’t let their children decide their marriage
by themslves.

A. Contractual B. Approve C. Commercial D. Proposal

<b>14.</b> Many American men agree that wives and husbands should in each other and share all

A. share B. confide C. rely D. discuss

<b>15.</b> Applicants who are chosen for the job interview next week will be to make a medical

A. begged B.obliged C. insisted D. convinced

<b>16.</b> After the recent scandal., the president is expected to do the thing and resign from his

A. precious B. kindness C. decent D. formal

<b>17.</b> We’ve achieved some results with this drug, but it won’t be suitable for all patients.
A. marvelous B. beautiful C. effective D. vital

<b>18.</b> Some shops have doors which open by themselves at the of a customer.
A. need B. distance C. approach D. method

<b>19.</b> These flowers are brightly coloured in oder to butterflies.

A. impress B. protect C. affect D. attract

<b>20.</b> He was with rage when he knew that he was thought to steal the bicycle.
A. apoplectic B.angry C. miserble D. sinful

<b>B. GRAMMAR: Choose the best answer.</b>
<b>21.</b> Jane said: “I sent a letter to my brother.”

Indirect: - Jane said that a letter to brother.

A. she has sent/ her B. she had sent/ her C. I has sent/ my D. I had sent/ my

<b>22.</b> “ It’s the first time I’ve flown”

Indirect: - Sam said that it the first time

A. was/ he has flown B. was/ he had flown C. had been/ he flew D. has been/ he flew

<b>23.</b> “ I’ll see you tomorrow morning, James”

Indirect: - Maria told James that the following morning.

A. I will see you B. she would see you C. I would see him D. she would see him

<b>24.</b> “ My son doesn’t like his job,” said Mrs. Smith.
Indirect: - Mrs. Smith said to me that

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<b>25.</b> “ Nobody has asked me this question before.”

Indirect: - Susan told me that nobody question before.

A. had asked her that B. has asked me this C. would ask me that D. asked her that

<b>26.</b> “ I’m going away tomorrow, mother.”

Indirect: “ Leo told his mother that away the .
A. he was going/ following day B. I’m going/ day after
C. I was going/ day after D. he’s going/ following day.

<b>27.</b> “ These patients don’t obey your order, doctor”
Indirect: “ The nurse told the doctor that

A.those patients didn’t obey your order B. those patients didn’t obey his order
C. these patients didn’t obey your order D. these patients didn’t obey his order

<b>28.</b> “ Let’s have a picnic this weekend.”

Indirect : - Erick having a picnic that weekend.

A. asked B. agree C. suggested D. invited

<b>29.</b> “Why don’t we go out for a drink?”
Indrect: - Chris for a drink.

A. asked to go B. suggested going out C. told us to go put D. invited to go out

<b>30.</b> “ The sun sets in the West.”

Indrect: Yesterday the teacher said that the sun in the West.

A. set B. will set C. is setting D. sets

<b>31.</b> “ I must pick up my mother at the airport.”

Indirect: - Alice told me that pick up her mother at the airport.

A. I have to B. I must have to C. she would have to D. she had to

<b>32.</b> “ Don’t go near the water, children.”

Indirect: - She told the children near the water.

A. can’t go B. not to go C. don’t go D. wouldn’t go

<b>33.</b> “ Remember to lock the doors when you go out.”

Indirect: - The landlord me to lock the door when
A. reminded/ I went out B. asked/ I go out

C. ordered/ I go out D. suggested/ you went out

<b>34.</b> “ Do it by yourself if you don’t believe what I say.”

Indirect: - The instructor me to do by if I didn’t believe what
A. taught/ myself/ he says B. asked/ youself/ I say

C. reminded/ yourself/ I said D. told/ myself/ he said

<b>35.</b> “ Would you like some coffee?”

Indirect: - The woman her some coffee.

A. invited B. asked C. advised D. ordered

<b>36.</b> “ Why don’t you take a rest for a while?”

Inrirect: - My frien me a rest for a while.

A. offered/ taking B. advised/ to take C. asked/ to take D. reminded/ taking

<b>37.</b> “ If you think the room is cold, shut the windows, John.”

Indirect: - My aunt told John the windows if the room was cold.
A. to shut/ you think B. shutting/ you thought

C. to shut/ he thought D. shutting/ he thinks

<b>38.</b> “When was the timetable changed?”
Indirect: - I asked the man when

A. the timetable had been changed B. the timetable was changed
C. had the timetable been changed D. was the timetable changed

<b>39.</b> “ Do puppies travel free?”

Indirect: - The dog owner asked the ticket seller free.

A. if puppies traveled B. if puppies did travel
C. whether did puppies travel D. whether puppies did travel

<b>40.</b> “ If I were you, I would take a course of swimming.”

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A. asked/ to take B. advised/ to take C. warned/ taking D. suggested/ taking

<b>C. READING</b>

<b>I. Read the passage and choose the best answer.</b>


A. communication involves words, but it also involves many other things. Very often, we

communicate a great deal without ever opening our mouths. Because we speak with our eyes, gestures, and
expressions, our body language is an extremely important part of communication. In fact, according to some
researchers, as much as sixty percent of communication is nonverbal.

B. Nonverbal communication is not the same everywhere, however. Although we all use it, we may
use body language in different ways. This is because each culture has its own “unwritten rules” about

appropriate gestures, eye contact, and so on. Thus, learning language must involve the body language of that
culture. Otherwise, you’re learning less than half of the language.

C. Our culture determines at least some of our body language. As a result, communication between
people from different countries may be complicated if neither is aware of the body language of the other.
For example, a South American prefers more eye contact and speaks more quickly than a North American.
He or she also uses gustures more frequently. In the Middle East, people stand nearer to each other than
North Americans are accustomed to. In addition, they often touch each other during a conversation, but
North Americans do not.

D. Difference like these can create problems in communication. Sometimes, although they may not
understand why, people from different cultures feel uncomfortable during conversations. Such feelings may
even cause distrust or disapproval. If this happens to you, you should pay attention to body language – both

yours and the person you’re with. Words may not be the problem. The prolem may not be the body the body

<b>41.</b> Our body language plays a major role in communication because we speak with
A.our eyes B. gestures C. expressions D. All are correct

<b>42.</b> According to some experts, there is about 40 percent of communition.
A. unwritten B.eye contact C. verbal D. nonverbal

<b>43.</b> When using nonverbal communication, it is necessary to understand the unwritten rules about
appropriate gestures, eye contacts….because .

A. nonverbal communication is not the same everywhere
B. there are different ways of speaking

C. body language is extremely important

D. nonverbal communication makes ups to sixty percent.

<b>44.</b> In comparision with a North American, eye contact by a South American.
A. may be used in a more complicated way

B. is used more often
C. is used differently
D. is used in a simple way.

<b>45.</b> Because of some differences of the meaning of body language, sometimes people from different
countries .

A. are accustomed to nonverbal communication quickly

B. do not prefer using gestures

C. feel uncomfortable

D. create problems in communication

<b>II. Read the passage and then fill in each blank with the best completion.</b>

More than half of (46) we communicate is communicated not through words but through
body language. This includes our posture, facial espressions, and gestures. (47) body language is
so important, you’ll want to know what yours is saying and (48) to interpret other people’s, too.
Here are some examples of body language and (49) meaning. (Note: These meaning are for North
America. Interpretations may differ a bit in other cultures.)

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A smile is (53) of friendliness and interest. (54) people sometimes smile just to
be polite. To get another (55) from people’s faces, notice their eyes. Friendliness and interest are
expressed (56) a person’s eyes meet yours (especially when you are the one who’s talking) and
then (57) and meet yours again. A person who doesn’t look away is expressing a (58) .
A person who doesn’t look at you is lack of interest or is shy.

Hand gestures can mean a person is interested in the conversation. But repeated (59) - like
tapping a pencil or tapping a foot – often mean the person is either impatient or nervous. Stay away from
someone who points (60) you while talking with you: That person might be angry at you or feel
superior to you.

<b>46.</b> A.what B. which C. where D. who

<b>47.</b> A. Because B.However C. And D. Because

<b>48.</b> A. how much B. how C. what D. why

<b>49.</b> A. theirs B. their C. its D. it’s

<b>50.</b> A. posture B. appearance C. body D. shape

<b>51.</b> A. must B. could C. would D. should

<b>52.</b> A. can express B. will express C. express D. are expressing

<b>53.</b> A. a model B. a note C. a track D. a sign

<b>54.</b> A. although B. When C. But D. So

<b>55.</b> A. meaning B. clue C. evidence D. posture

<b>56.</b> A. when B. before C. as D. after

<b>57.</b> A. look over B. look up C. look at D. look away

<b>58.</b> A. hint B. warning C. challenge D.hatred

<b>59.</b> A. movements B. postures C. signs D. figures

<b>60.</b> A. on B. at C. to D. with

<b>D. ERROR IDENTIFICATION: Identify the error in each sentnence.</b>

<b>61.</b> Shaking hands upon greeting and parting is customary in France, The handshake should


be firmed, but an aggressive handshake is considered impolite.


<b>62.</b> Greeting are usually combined with the person’s name or a title, and usually precedes any


conversation or request.

<b>63.</b> Vietnamese generally shake hands when greeting and parting. Using both hands show respect,


as does a slight bow of the head.

<b>64.</b> For most social situations where some informality is allowed, a brief raise of hand and


a small wave is fine.

<b>65.</b> To attract someone’s attetion so as we might speak to that person, we can use either


verbal or nonverbal forms of communication.

<b>66.</b> The communication mode what we rely on most often to carry meaning from one person


to another is the verbal mode.

<b>67.</b> One’s nonverbal communication, or body language, is usually involuntary, and the nonverbal


signals are expressed through behaviour as well as verbally and also has symbolic meaning.


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there are other people who describe themselves and are describing by others as “touchy freely”.


<b>69.</b> Eye contact has the third form of nonverbal communication. We tend to size each other up in


terms of trustworthies through reactions to each other’s eye contact.


<b>70.</b> We tend to place distance between ourselves and other thanks to the kinds of relationships




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