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Tieng Anh 9

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<b>Đề kiểm tra chất lợng học kỳ II Lớp 9</b>
<b>Môn : Tiếng Anh</b>

<b>Năm học 2007 2008</b>
<b>Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút</b>
<b>( Đề dành cho số báo danh ch½n )</b>

<b>Question I : Hãy đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau, và trả lời các câu hỏi phía dới:( 2,5 p)</b>
Isaac Newton is one of the greatest men in the history of science. He was
born in a small village of Wool Thorpe in England in 1642. His father was a
farmer. When the boy was fourteen, his father died. Newton left school and
helped his mother on the farm. The boy did not like farming. He was fond
of poetry and mathematics. Newton was sent back to school where he studied
well and made his first scientific experiments. After he left school, he studied
at Cambridge University. He became famous at the age of twenty- one. When he
was twenty-two years old, he began studying the theory of gravitation. Isaac
Newton died in 1727 at the age of eighty-five

<b>Questions: 1. Where and when was Isaac Newton born?</b>

2. How old was he when his father died?

3. What did he like when he was a boy?

4. What did he do at the age of twenty- two?


5. How old was he when he died?


<b>Question II: Khoanh tròn các chữ A ,B ,C hoặc D( ứng với các từ ) có phần in đậm và gạch </b>
<b>chân đợc phát âm khác với những từ còn lại trong mỗi câu sau. ( 1,0 p)</b>

1. A. chair B. child C. cheap D. chemist
2. A. business B. shut C. summer D sunrise
3. A. women B. movie C. lose D. prove
4. A. sign B. lift C. light D. might

<b>Question III: Khoanh tròn các chữ A ,B, C hoặc D (ứng với các từ hoặc cụm từ ) để hoàn </b>
<b>thành các câu sau: ( 2,5 p)</b>

1. Vietnam is a country……… ….. ..exports a lot of rice.
A. which B. where C. when D. who

2. Last night, I was watching T.V…….my sister was cooking in the kitchen.
A. then B. and C. when D. while

3. ……….he worked hard, he couldn’t pass the exam.

A. So B. Because of C. Even though D. Therefore
4. The weather is terrible. I wish it………….warmer.

A. were B. is C. will be D. has been
5. He has really worked hard so far,…………..he?

A. does B. has C. doesn’t D. hasn’t
6. Miss. Hanh,………..sings very well, is my English teacher.
A. whom B. who C. which D. that
7. You ………..better if you take this medicine.

A. will feel B. feel C. felt D. would feel
8. He laughed………..when he was watching “ Tom and Jerry” on T.V.
A. happy B. happily C. happiness D. unhappy
9. In 1995, a huge earthquake……..the city of Kobe in Japan.
A. struck B. strike C. stricken D. striking
10. He told me he………..to leave the city the following day.
A. will have B. would have C. has D. had

<b>Question IV: Hãy sử dụng dạng đúng của từ cho trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau: </b>
<b>(1.0 p )</b>

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4. We think Mother’s Day should be celebrated………… ( <b>nation )</b>

<b>Question V: Hãy viết lại các câu sau bắt đầu bằng từ đã cho, sao cho nghĩa của hai câu không </b>
<b>thay đổi: ( 2,0 p)</b>

1. We spent five hours learning English.

It took………
2. They built the church in 18th<sub> century.</sub>

The church……….

3. The exercise was so easy that all students could do it.

It was such………..

4. The girl is Mai. She is wearing a red hat.
The girl………..

<b>QuestionVI: Sử dụng thời,dạng đúng của động từ,để hoàn thành các câu sau (1,0p)</b>
1. They asked me if my name…………Lan. ( be )

2. Do you know the boy………to hospital? ( take )
3. I would rather you……….in the class. (not talk )
4. The woman……… there is Lan’ aunt. ( stand )



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