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<i><b>Sunday, November 22</b><b>nd </b><b><sub>2009</sub></b></i>
<b>Unit 4 : learning a foreign language</b>

Period 25 – language focus


<b> O bjective : </b>

<b>- </b>By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to use modal verbs
with <i>if </i>, direct and reported speech “ here / now in reported speech and reported

<b> - </b>Use grammatical points in communication and doing exercises
<b>II. </b>

<b> T eaching aids: </b>

- Chalks and book.
<b>III. P rocedure :</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

<b>1. Warm up :</b>

- Greet ss and lead into the content of the

<b>2. Revision </b>

* You have already known some grammar

points, today we will revise those

grammar points.

<b>3. Practice</b>

Activity 1 : Exercise 1.

- Explain the task of exercise. Then make
an example with a good students

-Request ss to do this exercise in pair.
-Call some pairs to present before the

- Call others students to remark and then
give correct answers.


-Listen carefully.
- Work in pair.

-Raise the hand to do.
- Listen and remark.

Acticity 2 * <i>Complete the sentences. Use </i>
<i>the modal verbs and the information in the</i>

- What must you do if you want to speak
English well.?

Exercise 2

S1: I want to speak English well.
S1: If I want to speak English well, I
must practise speaking English

* Answer key:

c) if you want to loose weight, you
should do exercises.

d) if he doesn’t come soon, he might
miss the train

e) if you want to get well, you ought
to stay in bed.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

- Call ss to explain how to change the
tense and adverbs from direct sentences
into reported sentences.

- Ask ss to discuss inpair to complete the
table given in the book.

- Remark and give the correct answers.

<b>Activity 3 : Report statement</b>

- Answer

- Discuss to complete the table.
Ex 2: <i> Complete </i>the<i> table </i>:

Direct speech Reported speech
- Present simple

- present progressive

- future simple
- can / may
- must
- this/ these
- now
- today
- tomorrow

- past simple
- Past progressive

- future in the past
- could / might
- had to
- that / those
- then

- that day

- the following day
- Introduce the situation of the exercise

and then ask ss to change into reported
speech after giving an example.

- Call some pairs ; one asks and the other

- Remark and give the correct answers.

<b>Activity 4 : Reported questions</b>

* Change into repoted speech :
“ I’m happy to meet you’.

 Aunt Xuan said she was happy to

meet you.

“ I live in Kim Son ,” Hoa said

 Hoa said (that) she lived in Kim


* Answer key :

a) Uncle Hung said that birthday
cake was delicious.

b) Miss Nga said She loved those

c) Cousin Mai said he was having a
wonderful time there.

d) Mr Chi said he would go to Hue
the following day

e) Mrs Hoa said she might have a
new job.

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- Explain the task of the exercise and then
give examples to explain how to change
direct question into reported questions.
- Ask ss to work in pair to change the
questions given.

- Call some pairs to present before the

- Remark and give the corretc answers.

<b>4. Homework: </b>

- Ask ss to complete all the exercises in
the work book, revise the knowledge they

have already learnt for the coming test.

* Change direct questions into
reported questions.

- Work in pair.

-Raise the hand to do.
Eg :

“ Do you like pop musci ?,” she
asked me

 She asked me if I liked pop music

“ What do you do ?,” she asked me

 she asked me what I did.

* Answer key :

a) she asked me how old I was
b) she asked me if my school was

near there.

c) she asked me what the name of
my school was.

d) she asked me if I went ot school

by bicycle.

e) she asked me which grade I was

f) she asked me if I could use a

g) she asked me why I want that job.
h) she asked me when my school

vacation started.
- Listen and note down.

<i><b>Sunday, November 22</b><b>nd</b><b>2009</b></i>
<b>Period 26 : Test on english</b>

<b>I.Objective</b> : Help ss to know how well they have learned English so as for them to
fill their blank of knowledge. Help the teacher to appreciate the capability of

students in learning English.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b> Lesson plan, test papers.


<b>QuestionI</b>. <b>Circle the best option to complete the following sentences : </b>

1. I don’t know how to swim. I wish I ………… how to swim .

A. know B. known C. knowed D. knew
2. I...Lan for a few days.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

3.“ Where do you live ?,” the examiner askes Lan.

A. The examiner asked Lan that where she lived. B.The examiner asked Lan
where she lived.

C. The examiner asked me where I lived D. The examiner asks Lan
where she lived.

4. If you want to get good grades, you...work hard.

A. must B.mustn't C.don't D.doesn't
5. My father will be Ha Lonb bay ……… Monday...Friday.

A. from/on B. from/upto C. from/in D.from/at
6. Mr Ba works in a library. He...there for 3 years.

A.has worked B. have worked C.worked D. work
7.On sunday last night, iI went to bed...11 o'clock.

A.on B. in C. at D. to
8.I wish I...Nga' phone number.

A.remember B.remembers C. remembering D. remembered
9. If you...to improve your reeding skill, you should learn by heard many

A. wants B.wanted C. wanting D. want

10.I...Da Lat with my friends last summer.

A.wanted B.am visiting C.visit D. visited

<b>QuestionII. Rewrite the following sentenecs.</b>

1. " Do you play video games". His teacher asked him

His teacher asked him...
2. " Where do you live ?" My teacher aked me

My teacher asked me...
3. " How old are you?" Her aunt asked her.

Her aunt asked her...
4. " Do you go to school by motorbike ?" My uncle asked me

My uncle asked me...
5. " I will go Ha noi tomorrow ?" Mr Hai said

Mr Hai said...

<b>QuestionIII. Read the passage and tick true (T) or fales (F) sentences.</b>

Computers are now very important and useful for people all over the world.
They have been in use widely in Vietnam nowadays, they completely change the
face of Vietnam.

Computers have contributed greatly to the modernization of Vietnam with the help
of computers, we can communicate with the other people thousands of kilometers

away in a second. We can know the information on science and technology,
medicine or education not only in our country but also in other countries very

Students can send and receive message by using computers. Computers are
wonderful. They can help us save time.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

3. Computers help us communicate with the other people thousands of kilometers
away in a minute.

4. Students can send and receive message by using telephone.
5. Computer can't help poeple save time.

<i><b>Sunday, December 5</b><b>th </b><b><sub>2009</sub></b></i>
<b>Period 27 : the test correction</b>

<b>I. Objective : Help ss to improve their skill of doing a written test and </b>
consolidate their knowledge after they finished their test

<b>II. Preparation : prepare the mistakes in the test and what knowledge students </b>
have to focus on

<b>III.Procedure : </b>

1. Warm up : greeting and return their own test papers

2. Remark : give the mistakes they had in the test and what knowledge they have
to consolidate

3. Give the answer key:

Answer key of the test

<b>QuestionI.(5 điểm</b>)<b> Circle the best option to complete the following sentences :</b>

1. B
2. A.
3. B.
4. A.
5. B.
6. A.
7. C.
8. D.
9. B
10. D

<b>QuestionII(2,5 điểm)</b>

1. His teacher asked him if he played video games.
2. My teacher asked me where I lived.

3.Her aunt asked her how old she was.

4.My uncle asked me if I went to school by motorbike.
5.Mr Hai said He would go Ha Noi the following day.

<b>QuestionIII. (2,5 điểm)</b>

1. F
2. T

3. F
4. F
5. F

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

Lesson 1: getting started & listen and read

<b>I. ObjectiveS : </b>

- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to get acquainted with the new lesson "
The media". Ss will know the main conception of the lesson through the means of
communication such as : <i>newspaper, magazines, T.V, interactive TV</i>.

II.Teaching aids: - Book, chalk, poster, tape and cassette
<b>A. ProceduceS :</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’activities</b>

<b>1. Warm up</b>:<b> </b>

- Greet ss and find the words involved
in means of communication.

- Listen and do as the request.

* Find the words that involved in means
of communication.

<b>2. Presentation </b>:

<b>Activity 1 : Getting started </b>

- Lead into the lesson with some

+ Do you often read newspaper? Why ?
+ What about TV or radio?

+ Do you like them ?
+ Are they useful ?

+ How were our lives if there were no
means of communication ?

+ Among them which is your favorite
activity in your free time ?

+ How many hours a day do you often
spend watching T.V?

- Ask ss to work in pair to discuss
about their favorite activities in their
free time.

- Call some pairs to present before the

- Remark and correct the common

* As you know nowadays, media has
become very popular in our life. In
Unit 5 we will learn about this

interesting topic. First you work in pair
to ask and answer questions about your
favarite activities mebtioned in the

<b>Getting started.</b> See example in the

<b>3. Practice:</b>

- Listen and answer the questions

- Listen and do s the request.
- Raise the hand to do

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

<b>Activity 2 : Listen and read</b>

- Give questions to lead into the
content of the passage.

- Introduce the topic of the passage
with some questions.

. + Do you know how people

communicated in the time without T.V

or newspapers or magazines ?

+ What kind of media is the most
familiar to you

+ Which one is popular in Viet Nam

 Now you will know from the

passage below

- Show some new words from the
passage. Hold a game <i>Rub out and </i>

<i>remember</i> to help ss remember the


* New words :

+ Crier (n) + remote conntrol

+ Thanks to + live show
+ latest : + Game show
+ a variety of + talk show
+ Interactive T.V + benefit
+ bring about

- Read new words in chorus.

* Now you read the passage again and
complete the table. Fill in the passage
letters in which the facts and events

- Play the tape twice

- Guide ss to know the next task.
- Ask ss to compare their completion.

- Call some ss to give tehir answers
with the explanation.

-Give correct answer.

- Listen.

- Listen carefully to know the main idea
of the passage.

- Listen and note down new words.

- Listen carefully.

- Listen and conduct their duties.
- Do as the request.

<i>Answer key :</i>

1. D 2. B
3. B 4. C
5. D 6. A
* Answer the questions :

1. A town crier was a person whose job
was to go through city streets ringing
a bell to shout the latest news as he
was walking.

2. The <i>Kien Thuc Ngay Nay</i> is one of
the most popular magazines and is
widely read by both teenagers and

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- Call ss to read the paragraghs again.
-Allow ss time to work in pair to ask
and answer the questions 4 and 5
- Call some pairs to present their
duties before the class.

<b>4.Consolidation </b>:

- Call ss to reread the new words
mentioned in the lesson.

+ short stories :
+ series :

+ sports column :
+ comics :
+ documentary :

<b>5.Home work:</b>

- Request ss to summarize the main
development of the Media in Viet Nam

* Discuss in pair to ask and answer the
questions 4 and 5:



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