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Preparing day: 20/8/2010

Teaching day:
Week :1

Period: 1

A : Objectives : - To help sts to review the focus language they have learnt in grage 8
- Practice doing exercises

B : Main content
* Vocabulary : review
* Structures : review

* Grammar : present simple, present perfect, past continuous tense, past simple…and
passive voice…

C : Teaching aids : extraboards.
D : Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)
* checking the old lesson
* New lesson

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>
<b>2. Consolidation </b>

<b>A: Present simple tense</b>

*<i>The use</i> : Denotes an action which usually
happens, a habit, …

Adverbs of frequencey : always, usually, often ,
sometimes, seldom, never…

<i>* The form:</i>

(+) S + V+ O

(-) S + don’t/ doesn’t + V + O
(?) Do/ Does + S +V …?
Ex: She often goes to the zoo.
I don’t like beer

Do you usually read newsapers?
<b>B: The present perfect tense</b>

<i>* The use</i>: - denotes an action which has just
happened .

- an action which happened in the past but its result
still connects to present.

- an action which happened in the past, is
happening at the moment and may continue to

Adverbs :just, already, yet, ever, never, recently

* The form:

(+) S + have/ has + PII
(-) S + Haven’t/ hasn’t + PII
(?) Have/ Has + S + PII…?

Ex : I have lived in this town for ten years.
She hasn’t finished her work yet.
Have you ever gone to Paris?
<b>C: The past simple </b>

* The use : denotes an action which happened in the
past and its result doesn’t connect to present

T – S : greet
How are you?
S : answer

T : helps sts to review the past simple

? The use?
? the form?
S : answer

T- S: make comments
T : sums up

T : ask sts to remember the use , the
form of the present perfect tense

S : answer

T – S : make comments
T : consolidates

The use and the form of the past
simple tense?

S : answer

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Adverbs : ago, yesterday, last + time…
* The form :

(+) S + V (qk) + O

V : regular verbs and irregular ones
(-) S + didn’t + V + O

(?) Did +S + V + O

Ex : I went to the movie theater yesterday.
Did you stay at home last night?

<b>D : The past continuous tense</b>

* The use: denotes an action which is happening at a
definite time in the past

- when you came yesterday…
- at 6 o’clock yesterday morning…

* The form:

(+) S + were/ was + Ving

Ex : I was watching TV at 9 o’clock last night
What were you doing when he came yesterday?...
E : The passive voice

+ S + is/ am are + PII ( S. Present)
+ S + was/ were + PII (S. Past)

+ S + has/ have + been + PII ( P.P)….
+ S + is / am/are + being + PII ( P.C)
<b>3 .Practice </b>

<b>Exercise 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs</b>
<b>in brackets.</b>

1. What …you …(do) when we (phone) you last

2. A new hospital( build) in my neighborhood now.
3.Sometimes I (get) up before the sun ( rise)

4. A : …you (see) the film “ Titanic” yet?

B: Yes, I have. The film is very sad. It (make) me
( cry)

5. They (be) here since last week.

<b>Exercise 2: Write complete sentences, using </b>
<b>these words or phrases.</b>

a. Lan/ like/ learn English.

b. She/ study/ this foreign language/ nearly 3 years.
c. He /always/ want/ improve his French.

d. last week/ I / buy/ E- Vietnamese dictionary.
e. We/ often/ use /it/ for reading.

<b>Answers: </b>

Ex 1: 1.were…doing
2. is being built
3.get/ rises

4. have …seen/ made/ cry
5. have been

Ex2 :

a. Lan likes learning English.

b. She has studied this foreign language for nearly 3

c. He always wants to improve his French.

d. Last week I bought an E- Vietnamese dictionary.
e. we often use it for reading.

if necessary then give correct answers

T : has sts remember the forms of the
passive in some tenses

S : answer

T – S : make comments and
corections, if necessary then give
correct answers

T : hangs the extraboards

S : do the exercises in pairs or groups
T : calls on some sts to answer or write
the answers on the board

T – S : make comments and
corections, if necessary then give
correct answers

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<b>4. Consolidation </b>

<b>5. Homework </b>

T : consolidates the content of the

S : listen and remember

1. Review the language you have
learnt in grade 8.

2. Prepare Unit 1 ( getting started +
listen and read.

<b>6. Marks and remarks </b>

Preparing day:
Teaching day:


Week : 1

A . Objectives.

-After the lesson, students will be able to know some places Lan went with a foreign
friends and some activities they took part in together.

-They also can introduce Ha Noi and Viet nam to their foreign friends.
B . Main content

* Vocabulary: mosque,correspond,be impressed by, pray…
* Structure: used to + V…? wish…

* Grammar: - The part simple,

- The past simple with wish.

C. Teaching aids: tape cassette, pictures of some famous places of Ha noi.
D. Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

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content method
<b>1, warm up</b>

Ho Chi Minh mausoleum
Temple of literature
Museum of History

Ho Chi Minh’ stilt House…

a. Hung temple

b. Temple of literature
c. Dong xuan market
d. Restaurant

e. Theater

<b>2. Presentation</b>

Lan’ penpal

Maryam from Kuala Lumpur

Stay with Lan

First visited Ha Noi
Correspond( V) = write to each other

Mosque :a place of workship( nhµ thờ hồi

Be impressed by: ấn tợng bởi
Pray : cầu nguyện

Atmosphere : kh«ng gian

T: holds a game “ net works”

S : take part in the game in groups under
teacher’ guidance.

T - S: make comments

T : presents some famous places in ha noi if
sts haven’t known.

If sts can’t tell about famous places in Ha
noi they can tell about famous places in
their home towns.

Do you have a penpal?
Where does she/ he live?

Has she/ he visited your country?

What ativities would you do during the

If you don’t have any penpal, you can
imagine you have a foreign penpal who is
visiting you for the first time. He or she is
going to stay with you for a week. What
would you do during the visit and where
will you take him or her to? The pictures
page 6 may help you.

T : ask sts to give names of the places in the

S :answer

T - S: Make comments
S : work in pairs/ groups
T : check sts’ answers.

S 1: what activities would you do during the


S 2: I will take my friends to temples and


I will take them to the beach/ the

S3: I think I will take my friends to Nguyen
Khuyen teple. I can introduce one of

famous vietnamese poets.

T : leads to the new lesson. Presents the
situation “ Lan has a penpal,Maryam and
this is the first time she has come to Viet

Listen to the tape and give some
information about her.

S : listen and answer

T : prsents the new language

Can you guess where she went and what she
did during her stay?

S : guess.

Now listen to the whole text and check your

West lake


places in
Ha noi

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6. Marks and remarks.

Preparing day:
Teaching day :

Week : 2

<b> Unit1 : Lesson2 (Speak +Listen)</b>

Period :3.

A . Objectives

- After the lesson sts will be able to make and respond to introductions and listen to
get specific information then select the correct pictures.

- Practice speaking, listening skill.
B :Main content

* Vocabulary: belong to the topic.

* Structures : Let me introduce myself./ please to meet you.

* Grammar: Present simple.

C : Teaching aids :extra boards, tape, cassette, pictures…
D : Teaching procedures:

* Management ( 45’)
* Checking the old lesson.
<b> </b>

<b> * New lesson.</b>

<b>Content</b> <b>method</b>
<b>1. Warm up</b>

<b>2. Presentation</b>

<b> A: Speak</b>
<b>*Pre - speaking</b>

1-c 5-b 4- d 2- e 3- a 6.

T : asks some information
S : answer

? tell about Maryam?

S : tell some information about Maryam
T -S : make comments

T : marks

T : leads to the new lesson

T : asks sts to look at the picture page 8
and introduces the situation :Nga is talking
to Maryam. They are waiting for Lan
outside her school.

? put their dialogue in correct order to
make a complete one.

S: work in pairs

T: calls on some sts to answer
S: answer

T - S : make comments and give correct

T : Has some pairs to roleplay the dialogue
before class.

S 1- S2 : work in pairs

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<b>3. Pratice</b>

<b>* while - speaking</b>

Ex : Lan :Are you Paul?
Paul : That right,I am

Lan : very nice to meet you. Let me
introduce myself. My name s Lan I’m 15
years old.

Paul : me too. Do you live in Ha noi?

Lan : yes, I do. Is this the first time you have
been to Ha noi? Are you enjoy your stay in
Ha noi?

Paul : Yes, Ha noi is a very nice city.
Vietnamese peope are friendly and

Lan : where do you live in England?

Paul : I live in Liver Pool . It’s an industrial
cit in the North of England.

Have you ever been there?

Lan :No, I’ll be able to go there next

<b>* Post -speaking</b>

<b> </b>

<b> </b>

<b> B: listen</b>

<b>*Pre- listening</b>

Picture (a) : 1. in a park/ zoo
Keep off the grass

2. in a park

The sign : we aren’t allowed to pick flowers
Picture b : may be at a bus station / on the

1.the red bus’s number is 103
2. the blue bus’s number is 130
Picture c :

1. A mexican restaurant

T: guides sts to base on the above dialogue
and the information in the book to make
new similar dailogues to introduce
yoursself to Maryam’s friends

T :can give a mapped diaogue . and sts use
the mapped dialogue and the information
page 8 to make new ones.

Or T : uses the model dialogue then
underline the substituted words and

emphasizes them to help sts practice more

S : work in groups
G1 : talk with Yoko
G2 : talk with Paul

G3 : talk with Jane.

T : encourages sts to add more information
T: calls on some pairs to practice

T - S: make comments after each pair

? Introduce yourself?

S :write to introduce themselves

T : calls on some sts to answer before class.
S :answer

T - S : make comments
T :Marks.

Or can you retell about Maryam’s friends?
Ex : Yoko enjoys her stay in vietnam. She
likes Vietnamese people…

T : Sets the scene : “ Tim jone’s Mexican
penpal, Carols is visiting the USA .

? Look at the pictures and answer
What is there in each picture?
Where is the place?

What are the people doing?
Ex : picture (a)

T : where do you think the sign is in ?
S : it might be in a park

T : it might be in a zoo. What do you think
it says ?

S : I think it says “don’t walk on the grass”
or “ keep off the grass”

Picture (b)

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2. An American restuarant

<b>* While - listening</b>

a. 1
b. 2
c. 2

<b>* Post- listening.</b>

<b>4. Consolidation :</b>

<b>5. Homework : </b>
T: gives exercises

- practice introducing yourselves and
respond to the introductions

- Do exercises 5,6 page 8,9 ( work book)

S1 : yes .. which bus ?

… color,number…?

S : discuss in pairs or groups
T :calls on some sts to answer
S :answer

T - S : make comments
T :summarises

? Please think of the three things that Tim
and Calos are doing

S: answer

They are going to the park
They are taking a bus.

They are going to the restaurant.

? Listen to the tape and choose the correct


T : plays the tape (twice)
S : listen and answer

T: calls on some sts to answer

T - S: make comment and correction, if
necessary the correct answers
T: gives mapped dialogue.

S :Listen again and completethe dialogue.
Tim :……hungry,….?

Carlo: …………..

Tim: Let’s….restaurant, if…park, we…

Carlo:….like walking.

Lucky…it is beautiful with…
Tim: Careful! You….the grass.
Carlo: … I…sign.

S: work in pairs
T-S :make comments

?Answer :where are they going to?
Whose house close to the park?

Are they going to take a bus?

Are they going to eat Mexican food?
S: answer

S: copy down.

* T : Consolidates the content of the

S : listen and remember
S :Coppy down

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<b>Unit 1: Lesson 4: Read</b>

Preparing day :
Teaching day : .
Week :2

Period : 4

A, Objecctives :

- Practice reading for details

- After the lesson sts will have some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the countries of
the ASEAN.

B. Main content

* Vocabulary : ASEAN, region, divide into, Islam, official, religion, unit of currency…
* Strutures : review

* Grammar: simple present

C .Teaching aids : pictures, maps of countries of the ASEAN or Malaysia, ..
D . teaching procedures

* Management (45’)
* Checking the old lesson
* New lesson



<b>1. warm up </b> T : holds a game “ guessing game”
What country is it?

1. This country borders with Lao and Cambodia?
2. the major cities are Bangkok and Chiang Mai
S : Thailand

T : it is a country in Asia. It has Petronas twin tower.
( the capital city is Kuala Lumpur)

S : Malaysia

T : use the map to introduce the country

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<b>2. Presentation </b>

Divide : chia (into)

Region: ( n): vïng, miÒn, khu vùc

ASEAN: The assosiation of South East Asian
Nations: Hiệp hội các nớc khu vực đông nam
châu á.

Area :diƯn tÝch
Population: d©n sè
Climate: khÝ hËu

Unit of currency: đơn vị tin t
Capital city : th ụ

Official religion: tôn giáo chính thức
National language: ngôn ngữ chính

Conpulsory second language : ngôn ngữ thø hai
b¾t buéc

<b>3. practice </b>

1. area 329,758 sq km
2. pupolation > 22 million
3. climate tropical climate
4. U. of currency ringgit

5. Capital city Kuala Lumpur
6. official religion Islam

7.national language Bahasa Malaysia
8. C. P . language English

Islam :đạo hồi
1. T

2.F ( There are more than2 religions)

3. F ( English, Chinese and Tamil are widely

4.F ( one of the 3 : Malay, chinese, Tamil)

5. F ( English is a compulsory second language
of instruction)

<b>4. Consolidation </b>
* post- reading

? what is its pupulation?

How big is malaysia// what language…?
S : guess…

T – S: make comments.

T: presents some new language

? work in groups and complete the table/ 10 with the

information you have known about Malaysia.

S : work in groups

T : presents the new language

? Read the text and check your answers
S: read and check..

T : call on some students to answers
S: answer

T – S: make comment and corrections, i fnecessary
then give correct answers

? Read the text again and decide whether the
statements are T or F

S : read and do

T : has sts compare with a partner’s
T : call on some students to answer
S : answer

T – S : make comment and corrections, if necessary
then give correct answers

? Read the text aloud
S: read

T – S : make comments

T: T : gives situation: you are going to visit Malaysia
next summer. You want to ask Maryam some

information about Malaysia: which questions and
answers you are going to use?

you maryam

- what language?
- …climate?
- what about the

Bahasa Malaysia,
English and Tamil


1.Write some information you know about Malaysia
and learn by heart.

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<b>5. Homework</b>

<b>Unit 1: Lesson 5: Write</b>

Preparing day :
Teaching day :
Week :3

Period :5

A, Objecctives :- Practice writing a letter with suggested words

- After the lesson sts will be able to write a letter to tell about a visit to another part of
the country or in a different country.

B. Main content
* Vocabulary : review
* Strutures : review

* Grammar: simple present and future simple
C .Teaching aids : extraboards

D . teaching procedures
* Management (45’)
* Checking the old lesson
* New lesson

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up (5 )</b>’

<b>2. Presentation (15’)</b>
<b>Outline </b>

First paragraph

- Say when you arrived/ who you met at the
airport/ the bus/ the train station?

Second paragraph:

Talk about : what you have done?
Places you visited
People you’ve met
Food you have tried
Things you ‘ve bought
Third paragrahp

Tell how you feel ( happy, disappointed…)
Say what interests you most ( people, places,

Mention when you return home…

T : holds a game “ find someone who”
Have you ever been to.. Who

Ha long?
Cat ba?
Sa Pa?




S: take part in the game
T – S: make comments
T asks some questions

? have you got any relatives who live in
another part of our country?/ in a different

? If you visiting your relatives? What do you
write to your famimily about them?

S : answer

T – S: make comments

T : Presents the situation” Imagine you are
visiting one of your relatives or friend in
another part of Viet nam or in a different
country. Write a letter to your family, using
the outline page (11)

T : tell sts to read the outline carefully/
divided the class into small groups and asks
them to discuss the questions given by the


S : work in groups

? which tenses do you use? ( the past/ the
present perfect/ the future)

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<b>3. Practice </b>

Paragrahp 2: What places did you visit?
What food did you try?
What did you buy?
Who did you meet?
Paragrahp 3:

How do you feel?

( are you happy/ tired/ disappointed?)
What did you enjoy most?
( people, places, activities?

Whenwill you leave there?
( when will you return?

S : work in groups
S : write individually

T : observes and helps sts , if necessary.
T : asks sts to exchange their writings:
compare, check, find out the mistakes and


S: work in pairs

T : calls on some sts to read their writing
S: read

T – S : make comments…
T : marks …

T : gives suggested writing on the

S : read for reference

First paragrahp:

I arrived at DaNang bus station at 2 p.mon Saturday. Uncle Tan met me
at the bus station. He took me home by motorbike.

Second paragrahp: I have visited many places like beaches, the Cham museum, marble
mountains, supermarket and water park… I bought a lot of souvenirs. I have tried different
food: seafood, Da Nang specialities. We’ll visit Hoi An and My Son tomorrow.

Third paragrahp


Mom,I feel so happy. I’d like to stay here. I enjoy everything here. The
people are so friendly. The foods are so delicious, and the sights are so beautiful.

I will leave Da Nang at 3 p.m next Sunday and I will arrive home at 11 p.m. Please pick me
up at the bus station.

I’m llooking forward to meeting and telling you about my trip in Da Nang.

My Mom and Dad, I miss you
Your son/ daughter

<b>4. Consolidation </b>

<b>5. Homework </b>

Thong qua mét sè bøc th học sinh vừa trình
bày và th mẫu gợi ý , giáo viên yêu cầu học
sinh nhắc lài nội dung 1 bøc th vỊ mét
chun du lÞch

S: Answer : time, places, activities, feelings..
T –S: make comments

1. Viết một bcs th tơng tự kể về 1 chuyến đi
khác của mình cho gia đình hoặc bạn bè
2. Prepare part : language focus.

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<b>Unit 1: Lesson Language focus</b>

Preparing day :
Teaching day :
Week :3

Period :6

A, Objecctives :- help sts to review the past simple and the past simple with “wish”
- Practice skills of completing setences, basing on the pictures, suggested words or

rewriting sentences.

B. Main content:
* Vocabulary : review

* Strutures : review ( wish + S + v ( past simple)
* Grammar: simple past

C .Teaching aids : extraboards cards…
D . teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson( during the new lesson)
* New lesson

Content <b>Method</b>

<b>1. warm up </b>

1: meet 6: met
3: see 5: saw
2: go 8: went
4: buy 9: bought
7: say 12: said
10: have 11:had
<b>2: Practice </b>

Exercise 1

A:What did nga do on the weekend?

B: She went to a concert performed by Ha Noi

A :when did she go?

B : She went on Saturday evening at 8 p.m.

T : Holds a game “ Pelmanism” to help sts to
review the past form of some verbs

S : Take part in the game

T – S: make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

T: asks sts to look at the model dialogue

S : read…

T : guides: these are dialogues between 2 sts
talking about things Ba did last week. Now you
work in pairs . Study the table and make similar
dialogues about Nga’s , Lan’s, Nam’s and Hoa’s

S ? Review the use of the past simple
S : answer

T – S : make comments
? work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to practice

T – S: make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

? ask and answer what you did last weekend?
S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to role play
S : practice

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Exercise 2:
1: Lan
2: Ba
3: Hoa
4: Nam

5: Hoa and Lan
Lan made a cake

Ba hung colorful lamps on the wall.Hoa and Lan
bought flowers and put them on the vase.

Nam painted a picture of Ha Noi.
Hoa and Lan went shopping.
Exercise 3:

Wish …+ past simple ( unreal wish at present)
Ex: you are not tall.

I wish I were/ was taller.

b. I wish I were in the swimming pool now.
c. I wish I had a computer.

d. I wish I lived close to school.
e. I wish I had a sister

f. I wish I drew well

g. I wish I had my friend’s phone number
<b>3. Consolidation </b>

<b>4. Homework </b>

T : presents the situation and the requirement of
the exercise

“ observe the pictures page 12 and name the

S : answer

T: gives model sentences ( picture 1)

T : call on some students to read their sentences


S : read

T – S: make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

T : explains the requrement of the exercise
? review the use and the structures

with “ Wish”
s : answer
? work in pairs

S : work with a partner

T: call on some students to answer
S : answer

T – S : make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

T : can checks sts’answer through the game “
lucky numbers’

T : Reminds sts the past simple and the past
simple with “ wish”

S : remember

? write what you did yesterday at home and at

? exercises 6,7,8 page 9/10 ( workbook)
? prepare unit2 : Clothing

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<b> Unit 2: Clothing.</b>

5 periods ( from 7 to 12 )

Period 7 : Lesson 1: getting started + listen and read.

Preparing day:

Teaching day: .
Period: 7

A . Objectives. After the lesson sts will get acquainted wih the topic of traditional clothing,
costumes of some countries and Ao dai- traditional dress of Vietnamese women

- Skills: observing, making comments and reading comprehension.
B . Main content

1. Vocabulary:traditional dress, long silk tunic, fashion, designer, a sa-ri, a veil, inspiration,
ethnic minorities…

2. Structure: review

3. Grammar:- passive form ( review)

C. Teaching aids: tape, cassette, pictures of some traditional costumes of Viet nam and
other countries, extraboards…

d. Teaching procedures:
* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson .
* New lesson.

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

<b>2. Presentation </b>
a. a Kimono
b. an Ao dai

c. a kilt :v¸y cđa ngêi d©n téc thuéc Scotland
( UK)

d. a Sa – ri ( vải quấn quanh thân ngời thay
cho quần áo)

e. a cơ boy ( jeans)
f. a veil : mạng che mỈt

a. She comes from Japan.
b. She comes from Viet Nam.
c. She comes from Scotland.
d. She comes from India.
e. He comes from the USA.

T : holds a game “ jumbled words”


S : take part in the game
T – S: make comments
T : leads to the new lesson

? Look at the pictures page 13 and tell the
name of the costumes

S : observe and answer

T – S : make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

? decide where each person comes from?
T : suggests by asking some questions
about the characters in the pictures
S1 : What is she wearing?

S2: She is wearing a kimono
S1: where is she from?
S2: She is from Japan

Or : S1: where does she come from?

S2: She comes from Japan

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

f. She comes from Saudi (Arabia)

<b>2. Presentation </b>

Tradition (n)
Traditional (a)
Silk (n) lụa

A long silk tunic : áo lụa dài rộng thùng thình
Loose pants : quần rộng

Fashionable (a) : thời trang

Modernize (v) comes from the adjective


Design (v):thiÕt kÕ

Inspiration(n) : c¶m høng

Ethnic minorities ( N): d©n téc thiĨu sè
( Nung, Dao, Khmer are ehthnic minorities
<b>3. Practice </b>

1. poems, novels and songs

2.long silk tunic with slits on the sides worn
over loose pants.

3. …to wear mordern clothing at work.
4…. lines of poetry on it

5. …symbols such as suns, stars, crosses and

1. Traditionally, men and women used to wear
the Ao dai.

2. Because it is more convenient.

3. they have printed lines of poetry on it or
have added symbols such as suns, stars,

S2 : Because she is wearing a kimono.
? Work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to practice
T – S : Make comments

T : leads to part 2 “ listen and read” about
Ao dai.

? Do you know about any song about Ao
dai? What is it? Can you sing it?

S : answer..

T : Ao dai is the topic of many songs,
poems, novels…

? What do you know about Aodai?
- traditional dress of Vietnamese women
? Who used to wear Ao dai? Men and

? What material is ao dai made of?
S : silk…

? describe the form of Ao dai?

S : answer : v¶i lụa rộng, xẻ tà hai bên
T: yes, it is a long silk tunic worn over
loose pants.

Is modern Ao dai different from the old

S : answer : - it is modern, beautiful nd

? why? Because it is modernized by the

T : present the new language

- helps stt to practice reading the new

? listen and check your guessing
T : plays the tape

S : listen and chech and add more

T : present the new language, if necessary
? Read the text in silence and complete the
sentences, using the informationfrom the
passage (a/14)

S : read and do the exercise in groups( write
on the extraboards)

T : call on some students to answer
S: answer

T – S : make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

? read the text again and answer the
questions (b/14)

S : work in pairs

T : call on some pairs to practice

T – S : make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

crosses and stripes to the Ao dai.
<b>4. Consolidation </b>

1, Traditional
2. silk

3. tunic
4. worn
5. Materials
6. women
7. traditional
8. fashionable

<b>5. Homework </b>

“ lucky numbers”

? Fill in the blanks with a suitable word?
The Ao dai is the…(1) dress of Vietnamese
women. It’s often made of…(2)…. So it’s
called a long silk (4)… over loose pants.
Nowadays it’s made of many different kind
of …(5) . (6)…usually wear it on special
occasions. As it’s not only…(7)… but
also…(8). It is the unique dress in the

S : work in groups.

T : Calls on 2 students to write on the board
T – S : make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

1. Summarise the content of the text
2. learn by heart the new language
3. Prepare part ( speak)

<b>6. Marks and remarks </b>

<b>Unit2 : Lesson 2 : Speak + Listen</b>

Preparing day :

Teaching day :
Period :8

A, Objectives : Luyện phát triển kĩ năng nói , hỏi đáp về thói quen, sở thích cá nhân về
cách ăn mặc:

- practice listening for specific information . After the lesson sts will be able to discribe
what people are wearing

B. Main content

* Vocabulary : colorful T – shirt, plaid skirt, plain suits, blue shorts…
* Strutures : review

* Grammar: Indirect speech

C .Teaching aids : real things, ( doll, pictures of different costumes…) extraboards…
<b>D . Teaching procedures</b>

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson (during the new lesson)
* New lesson

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

1. Warm up T : Holds a game : noughts and crosses”
1. What’s our traditional dress?

2. What is it made from?

3. What is Ao dai described as?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

<b>2. Presentation</b>

Plaid shirt : áo kẻ ca rô
Plain suit : comple trơn
Sleeve : có tay

Sleeveless : cộc tay
Striped: kẻ sọc

Faded jeans : bò mài

a. a colorful T shirt

b. a sleeveless sweater
c. a striped shirt

d. a plain suit
e. faded jeans

f. a short sleeved blouse
g. baggy pants

h. a plaid skirt
i. blue shorts
<b>3. Practice </b>

Ex : what type of clothing do you wear
on Tet holiday?

What would you wear when you go to
the party?

Or Do you like wearing Jeans?

modernize the Ao dai?

7. On what day do have to wear shool unform?
8.What do your teachers often wear on

Teacher’s day?

9. What color is your school uniform?
S : Take part in the game

T – S : Make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers.

T : uses the pictures of different costumes doll
or sudents’ clothes

S : Makes comments on these clothes ( color,

T : presents the new words through sts’answers
S : write down

T : helps sts to practice reading the new words.
? Now match the phrases to the right pictures
S; Work in groups

T : call on some students to answer
S : answer or write

T – S: make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

T : has sts read these phrases in chorus

T : sticks the prices under each picture and asks
sts to practice

S1: How much is a colorful T – shirt?
S2:It’s 40 thousand dong

T : make comments .

? Look at the survey about the sts’ wear ( page
15) discuss and write 2 more questions for the
last sections of the survey

S : discuss and write

T : call on some students to answer
S : answer or write

T – S : make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

T : guides : Use the questions in the survey to
interview member of anther groups. Use the
following tavle when interviewing.

Clothes / name School uniform Favorite clothes Casual clothes Tet…

Mai White shirt/

blue trousers Modern clothes/red color Jeans Dress

Nam ……… ……… ……….. ………

* post - speaking

<b>4. Consolidation </b>

T : Asks sts to report the result of their

Ex : Hoa said she often wore a short –
sleeved blouse and baggy pants

Mai said she liked jeans because she felt

T : call on some students to answer
S : answer ( report)

T –S : make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

T : holds a game : “networks”

S : take part in the game

T – S : make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

? Rewrite what clothes you like wearing to
go to school, everyday, casual clothes/ on
othe special occasions

Prepare “Listen”


<b>1. Warm up </b>

<b>2. Presentation </b>

a. A: floral pants
B : bue shorts
C: polka dot skirt

b. A: long sleeved white blouse
B: short sleeved pink blouse
C: short sleeve white blouse
c. A: sandals

B: boots

C :brown shoes
Announcement (n)
Missing = lost
Entrance = ( gate)
<b>3. Practice </b>

T : hold a game “ Net works”

S : take part in the game

T – S : make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

T : asks sts to look at the pcture /page 16
and answer the questions about each of


What are these?
What is this?

What color are they?
S : discuss in groups

T : call on some students to answer
S : answer

T – S : make comments

T : presents the situation and new words “
you are going to listen to an announcement
about a missing/ alittle girl called Mary. The
girl reported missing at a car fair.

? Listen and answer the questions
1. How old is she?

2. where was she last seen?
3. what is she like?

T : Plays the tape twice
S: listen and answer

T : call on some students to answer

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

a. she’s wearing blue shorts

b. she’s wearing a long sleeved blouse
c. She is wearing brown shoes

* Post - listening

<b>4 : Consolidation </b>

<b>5 : Homework </b>

S: answer

T – S : make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

1; she is three years old

2. she was last seen near the entrance to the
Car Fair

3. She has short dark hair

? listen again and check (v) the letter of the
correct picture to show what she is wearing.
T : plays the tape

S : listen and answer

T : has sts compare their answers with a


S : compare

T : call on some students to answer
S : answer

T – S: make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

? Summarise the content of the listening
? what is the announcement about?
What’s the name of the girl?

How old is she?
What is she wearing?
What is she carrying?
S : answer

? discribe a friend of yours?
- how old is she/ he?
- What is she like?

- What types of clothes does she/ he
like wearing?

- What is she/ he wearing today?
T : consolidates the lesson through part
“ post listening”

Prepare part “ read”

Write to describe one of your friends ( past
post listening”

<b>6. Marks and remarks </b>

Preparing day :
Teaching day :
Period : 9

<b>Unit2 : lesson 4 : read</b>

A, Objectives :

- Practice reading comprehension skill/ get information about the history of jeans.
B. Main content

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

* Grammar.present simple, past simple…

C .Teaching aids : Mẫu tranh ảnh về quần Jeans, nhÃn hiÖu…
D . Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)
* Checking the old lesson
* New lesson



<b>1. Warm up </b>

<b>2. Presentation </b>

Style = type = kind (n)

Embroidered Jeans : thªu hoa

Painted jeans: in hoa văn

Cotton (n) : bông sợi ( real things)

<b>3. Practice </b>

Name after : đặt tên theo

wear out: (V) explanation

a. 1. 18th<sub> century</sub>…<sub>.Jeans </sub>


2. 1960s …..students
3. 1970s……cheaper

T: holds a game “ brain storming” about Jeans.
S: take part in the game in groups.

T: Call on some students to answer
S : answer

T – S : make comment and corrections, i fnecessary
then give correct answers

Jeans easy to wear

T : use the picture page 17 and ask.

? What kinds of trousers are these students wearing?
? Are they tight or loose pants?

? Do you like wearing jeans?

? What style of jeans do you know?
S : answer : - thêu hoa văn

- in vẽ hoa văn
? What materia?...

T : presents the new language through sts’s answers.
T : helps sts to practice reading the ne language.
* Brainstorming

T : Asks sts some questions : What do you want to
know more about Jeans? Make questions

T : elicit questions from sts.
Ex: 1. Who first designed jeans?

2. When did Jeans become popular? Why?
3. What were Jeans made of?

4 Who was this material named after?
5. Where were Jeans made?

6. What are some famous Jeans designers?

T: asks sts to read the text to find out the answers to
their questions and add more ideas.

S : work in pairs

? read the text again and fill in the missing dates and
words.(a/ 17)

S : read and do the exercise in groups
T : call on some students to answer

T – S : make comment and corrections, i fnecessary
then give correct answers

T : calls on some sts to read the complete sentences

? read the text again and answer the questions (b/18)
S: work in pairs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

4. 1980s……fashion

5. 1990s……sale.

1. The word “Jeans” comes from a
kind of material that was made in

2. The 1960s’ faashions were
emboidered jeans, painted jeans
and so on.

3. because jeans became cheaper
4. jeans last became high fashion
clothing in the 1980s.

5. The sale of jeans stopped
growing up because world wide
economic situaton got worse in the

* post - reading

<b>4. consolidation </b>

<b>5. home work</b>

S : take part in the game

T – S: make comment and corrections,
ifnecessary then give correct answers

? Retell the history of jeans in groups of 4
T : holds a game “ chain game”

S1: The word “ jeans” comes from a kind of material
that was made in Europe

S2: S1 + It named after salors from Genoa in Italy. It
was made from cotton

S3: S1+ S2 + In the 1960s’ fashions were
embroidered and painted Jeans….

T – S : make comments…

T : reminds sts the content of the text through part
“post reading”

1.rewrite the summary of the reading “ the history of

2. Prepare part “ write”

<b>6. Marks and remarks</b>

<b>Test 15’</b>

Preparing day :

Teaching day :
period: 10

A : objectives : to check sts’ understanding
B : questions

<b>I. Choose the best answer to complete these sentences.</b>
1. The Ao dai is the …..dress of Vietnamese women.

A. beautiful B.traditional C.casual D. baggy

2. Mary was really ……by the beauty of Ha Noi.

A. impress B.impression C.impressive D.impressed
3. Malaysia is divided …..2 regions.

A. to B.on C.in D.into

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

A. be B.is C.were D.was
5. Lan and Maryam……at least once every two weeks.

A. correspond B.meet C.see D.visit

<b>II. Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.</b>
1. What a pity! He can’t come here.

I wish………

2. Lan said “I like wearing Jeans”
Lan said……….

3.They often went to Vung Tau at weekend.

They used to………

4. They plant rice in those fields.
Rice ………..

5. I don’t have a sister.

I wish ………

<b>C , keys </b>

I :Mỗi câu đúng (1đ)

1.B 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. A
II. 1. I wish he could come here.

2. Lan said she liked wearing Jeans.

3. They used to go to Vung Tau at weekends.
4. rice is planted in those fields.

5. I wish I had a sister.

<b>D . Result: </b>

<b>E. Marks and remarks </b>

<b>Unit 2 : lesson 5: Write </b>

Preparing day :

Teaching day :
Period :10

A, Objectives :- After the lesson sts will be able to write an exposition, presenting one
side of an argument

- Practice writing skill.
B. Main content

* Vocabulary : encourage, be equal, bear one’s name, be proud of, feedom of choice,

* Strutures : review

* Grammar : present simple….
C .Teaching aids : extraboards….
D . Teaching procedures

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson: (5’) ? Tell about the history of Jeans
T : call on some students to answer

S : answer

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

T : marks.
* New lesson

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

<b>2. Presentation </b>

*Pre – writing
<b>An argument has 3 parts:</b>

Series of arguments

* <i>Introduction</i> : My opinion…./ I think….
* <i>Body/ Series of arguments</i>

- firstly,……
- Secondly,……
- Thirdly,……




<i>* Conclusion</i>: -Therefore …..
- In conclusion

Freedom of choicce = choose st freely.

<b>3. Practice :</b>

* While – writing

* post - writing

T : asks some questions about their feelings
when wearing different types of clothing.
? How often do you wear uniform?

? How do you feel when you wear uniform?
If you have a choice, What types of

clothing do you want to wear when going to
school? Why do you choose it?

S : answer

T – S : make comments

T : leads to the new lesson “ The way to
ex[ress your ideas or opinion/ the way to
present one side of an argument…

? Look at part 6/ 18 and answer : How many
parts does an argument have?

S : observe and answer
T – S : make comments

T : summarises

T : Hangs the extraboard “ outline A”
? Read and answer

1. What is the topic of the outline?
S :secondary school sts shuold wear uniform
2. What does wearing uniform encourage sts
to do?

to be proud of their school’ names

3. Why are they proud of their school name?
4.How do sts feel when wearing uniform?
S : feel equal, self – confident…

5. Do sts have to think of what to wear

6. what does the writer write to sum up the

S : answer

T : present the new language
S : guess the meaning

? read the model reading carefully. Then use

the outline B as a guide line to write a
paragraph that supports the arguments that
secondary school sts should wear casual

? what the writer’s point of view?

Why should the secondary school should
wear casual clothes?

S : answer :

- make sts feel comfortable
- gives them freedom of choice.
- make them feel self- confident

- makes school more colorful and lively.
S :write a paragaph of 100 or 150 words to
support the argument that secondary school
sts should wear casual clothes.

T : helps sts, if necessary

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

S : compare ( find out the mistakes and help
each other to correct…)

T : writes the main mistakes on the board
S : correct

T : calls on some sts to read their writing


S : read

T –S : make comments
T : marks…

T : gives suggested writing
S : read for reference
In my opinion, secondary school should wear casual clothes
Firstly, casual clothes make sts feel comfortable

Secondly, wearing casual clothes gives sts freedom of choice, They have right to choose
sizes, colors and fashions of clothes they like.

Thirdly, casual clothes make sts feel self- confident when they are in their favorite clothes.
Finally, casual clothes make shool more colorful and lively.

In conclusion, secondary school should wear casual clothes. Wearing casual clothes is
convenient and comfortable.

<b>4. Consolidation </b>

<b>5. Homework </b>

T : Holds a game “ Networks”
S : Take part in the game
T – S : make comments

1. Rewrite the argument in your exercise books

2. write an argument : “Spending too much time

watching TV is not good for children”
<b>6. Marks and remarks </b>

<b>Unit 2 : lesson 6 : Languague Focus </b>

Preparing day :

Teaching day :
Week :6

Period :11

A, Objectives: Helps sts to practice using “ already and yet” in the present perfect tense,
distinguish the difference in using the past simple and the present perfect tense

- Review the passive forms of present perfect, simple present, simple past…
B. Main content

* Vocabulary : ( Review)
* Strutures : review

* Grammar : present perfect, simple present, simple past and passive forms…
C .Teaching aids : extraboards….

An argument


Series of



I think/ In

my opinion <sub>Firstly,</sub><sub>…</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

D . Teaching procedures
* Management (45’)
* Checking the lod lesson
* New lesson

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up</b>

<b>2. Revision and practice </b>
Ex 2/ 20

Already : - Affirmative sentence
- posision: mid- sentence
Yet : - negative S. and questions
- position: at the end of he S .

Ex1 / 19

* Since : Start of a period of time

For: A period of time

“ Since and for are ussed to answer the
question “ How long….?’

Recently : Indicate an incomplete period of

Ex3 /21
“ Ever”

Have you ever….?

- Past simple : action happened in the past
and its result doesn’t connect to present

Read a comic
Use a computer
Be to the market
Go to the movies
Play football
Watch an elephant
Eat a durian

Note : been to Singapore: đi đã về
Gone to Singapore: đi cha về

T : holds a game “Pelmanism”

Do visited went ate go saw

eat see did visit ……

S : Take part in the game

T – S : make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

Do - did
See - saw

T : set the scence: You and your friendds are
visiting Ho Chi Minh city. Look t the notes :
there are things you have done. What are

S : I have seen Giac Lam pagoda
I haven’t ……

? review the use of “already and yet”
S : answer

T S : make comments

? Kake similar dialogues, using the
suggested words or phrases/ part 2
S : work in pairs

T : call on some pairs to role play
S1 – S2 : practice

T – S : make comments

? read the dialogue / 19 in pairs

Review the useand position of “ Since,
for,recently…. How long..?

S : answer

T – S : make comments

? Use the information in the box pge 20 to
make similar dialogues

T: Underlines the words or phrasses which
are substituted

S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to roleplay
S1 – S 2: practice

T – S : make comments

? Read the model dialogue/ 21. Notice the
difference between the past simple and the
present perfect tense.

S : copy down

T : has sts find out the verbs to match the
words given in the box

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

4, Passive form
S + be + PII ( P.S)
S + will be + PII ( S.F)
S + have/ has + PII ( P.P)
S + was/ were + PII (P.S)

a. Jean cloth was made completely from

b. Rice is grown in tropical countries
c. Five million bottles of ….will be

d. A new style of Jeans has just been

e. Two department storeshave been built.
5. Passive form with modal verbs and be
going to…

S + can/ could/ should/ must…+ be + PII
Be going to + be +PII…

a. The problem can be solved.

b. Experiments on animals should be

c. Life on other planets might be found
d. All the schools in the city have to be

e. A new bridge is going to be built in the

<b>3. Consolidation </b>
<b>4. Homework </b>

S1- S2 : practice

T : checks sts’ answers through the game “
noughts and crosses”

comic computer Singapore
volleyball Singapore movies

elephant Hue durian

S : take part in the game

S1: Have you ever eaten durian/
S 2: yes, I have

S1: When did you last eat?
S2 : last month

T – S : Make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

? review the forms of the passive
S : answer

T – S: make comments
? Complete the sentences…?
S : write

T : call on some students to answer

T – S: make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answer

S : review

? do the exercise

S : write on the worksheets

T : call on some students to answer

T – S” make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

T : Remind sts the language they have

S: listen and remember
1. Rewrite exercise 4,5

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

<b>Test 45’ ( Number 1)</b>

Preparing day:

Testing day:
Week: 7

Period : 12

<b>A : Objectives: To check sts’ understanding</b>
<b>B : Preparation</b>

T: prepares the questions

S : Review what they have learnt
<b>*Content – Vocabulary</b>

- Structures : wish clause/ used to + V / be ( get) used to + Ving ….

- Grammar: past simple, present simple, present perfect….passive forms…
<b>C: Questions </b>

<b>I. Listening : Listen and choose the right answers you hear. (2,5 p)</b>
1. The public announcement is about……….

A. a little girl B. a missing boy C. a little boy D. a girl
2. he is……….years old.

A. three B. four C.fourteen D.forty

3. what is he like? He is a…………..

A. a tall boy with dark hair B. short boy C.tall boy D.a boy with brown hair
4. What’s he wearing?

A. a white shirt and black shorts C. a white shirt and blue shorts
B. blue shorts and a red sweater D. a white blouse and jeans
5. What is he carrying?

A. a car B.a doll C. a hat D.a ball

<b>II. Reading : Fill in each number blank with one word from the box? (2,5 p)</b>

Between wore from were example
there not short lot pants

Clothes today are different …..(1) the clothes of the 1800s. One different is the way
they look. For …(2)…, in the 1800s all woman (3)….dress. The dress all had long skirts.
But today woman do…(4) always wear dress with long skirts. Sometimes, they wear …(5)
..skirts. Sometimes, they wear (6)…. .Another difference…(7)….1800s and today is the
cloth. In the 1800s, clothes ….(8) made only from natural kinds of cloth. They were made
from cotton, wool, silk or linen. But today, …(9)…are many kinds of man- made cloth. A

..(10) of clothes are now made from nylon, crayon or polyester.

<b>III. language focus.</b>

<b>Choose the best answer to complete these sentences (2,5p).</b>
1. We …each other for a long time.

A. know B.have known C.have been known D. knew
2. Ben writes very quickly. He’s finished his essay.

A. already B.for C.yet D.recently

3. I wish you………here now.

A. are B.were C.be D.was

4. Millions of Christmas cards ……last month.

A. sent B.are sent C.were sent D.have been sent

5. Vietnamese people are very ………and hospitable.

A. frienliness B.friendship C. friendly D. friend
6. have you gone skiing?

A. ever B.for C.just D.already

7. They ……cycle to school when they were students.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

8. Malaysia is divided….two regions

A. in B.to C.into D.by

9. We have lived in this town …..1989.

A. for B.since C. ago D.in

10. The teacher let me ……home early because I felt ill.

A.going B. to go C. went D.go

<b>IV. writing : </b>

<b>Rewrite these sentences so that they have the same meaning to the first ones (2,5 p)</b>
a. Mary always went swimming after school last year.

Mary used to……….

b. He started learing English 2 years ago.

He has ………

c. what a pity! He can’t come tomorrow.

I wish………..

d. I don’t have a computer.

I wish………

e. They have built two department stores this year.
Two department stores………..
<b>D . Keys and marks</b>

<b>Question 1: mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm</b>
1 - b 2 - b 3 - d 4 - a 5 - a

<b>Question 2 : mỗi chỗ điền đúng 0,25 điểm</b>

1: from 6: pants

2: example 7: between

3: wore 8: were

4: not 9: there

5: short 10: lot

<b>Question 3: mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm</b>

1:b 6: a

2: a 7: c

3: b 8: c

4: c 9: b

5: c 10: d

<b>Question4: mỗi câu đúng o,5 điểm</b>

a, Mary used to go swimming after school last year.
b, He has learnt English for two years.

c, I wish he could come tomorrow.
d, I wish I had a computer.

e, Two department stores have been built this year.

* Tapescript :Attention please. Here is a special announcement. A little boy is reported
missing. He was last seen 10 minutes ago near the main entrance to the harvest festival.
His name’s Bill. He’s 4 years old with brown hair. He’s wearing a white shirt and black
shorts. He may be carrying a toy- a red car. If you see Bill, please bring him to the
Information desk. His mother is waiting for him there. Thank you.

Có thể thay thế bài tập nghe bằng bài tập chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì phù hợp, dạng phù

1. You ( ever/ be ) to Singapore?

2. This church ( build) in the 19th<sub> century.</sub>

3. When you last (see) her?

4. We ( have) dinner when the light ( go) out.
Hoặc bài tập viết cã gỵi ý.

1. It/ necessary/ secondary school students/ wear/ uniforms/ school.
2. I/ wish/ have/ a guitar.

3. He/ used / go fishing/ when /he / young.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

5. They / be/ pen pals/ for over two years.

<b> </b>

<b> Correct the test ( Number 1)</b>

Preparing day :

Teaching day:
Period : 13

A: Objectives: - Nªu một số lỗi cơ bản trong bài làm của học sinh và yêu cầu học sinh tự
sửa chữa. – Cđng cè l¹i những nội dung học sinh còn yếu qua một số dạng bài tập.
B : Result of the test:

Class : 9 < TB > TB

Numbers of tests: P: 0 P: 1+2 P: 3+4 P: 5+6 P: 7+8 P: 9+10
C: Những u nhợc điểm thông qua bài kiểm tra.( Về kiến thức ,kĩ năng trình bày)

1.Ưu điểm :

2: - Nhợc điểm:

D: Chữa bài khắc sâu kiến thức, kỹ năng học sinh cịn tồn tại thơng qua bài kiểm tra.
( Soạn cụ thể đơn vị kiến thức, từng loại bài)

1. Basic mistakes

2. Exercises

a. he ( live) here for 10 years.

b. My father used to (get) to work by car.
c. I wish he ( be) at home now.

d. Many houses ( build) last year.

e. What a pity! She can’t come tomorrow.
I wish she………..
f. They started playing the piano an hour ago.
They have……….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

<b>Unit 3 : A trip to the country</b>

5 periods ( from 14 to 18)

Period 14 : Lesson 1: Getting started + listen and read.

Preparing day:

Teaching day: .

A . Objectives : - Aims : Introduce life and activities in the countryside

- After the lesson sts will be able to talk about life and activities in the

B . Main content

1. Vocabulary: banyan tree, bamboo forest, home village, bank river, shrine, entrance to
the village...

2. Structure: I wish I could visit…….

3. Grammar:- Modal “ could” with wish…/ prepositions of time ( review)
C. Teaching aids: tape, cassette, pictures , extraboards…

d. Teaching procedures:
* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson .
* New lesson.

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

2. getting started

Water the vegetables
Fly a kite

Feed the chickens

Plow ( plough) the fields
Play football

1. A girl is watering the vegetales

2. Some boys are swimming in the river
3. A girl is feeding the chickens

Home village
Banyan tree
Bamboo forest

Entrance to the village

T : asks some questions to present the topic
of the lesson

? have you everbeen to the countryside?
How often do you go there?

Where is it?

Have you got any relatives there?
Do you like the life in the countryside?
S : answer

T – S: make comments
T : Leads to the new lesson

? Look at the pictures and describe what the
people are doing?

S : work in pairs

T : checks ? What is she doing?
S : She is watering the vegetable?

? Now take turn to talk about the activities
in the countryside/

S : work in pairs

T : calls on some sts to answer
T – S: make comments

T : hangs the pictures of Ba’s village with
the banyan tree, bamboo forests, entrance to
the village, …..

S: Observes and answer the questions
? What can you see in the picture?
What’s it about?

S: answer : about a village/ home village
We can see a banyan tree, a bamboo forest,
an entrance to the village,….

T : presents the new langague through sts’
answers and the pictures

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

Shrines (n) : miÕu thê, ®iƯn thê

<b>3 : practice </b>

1. F ba and his family had a day trip to
their home village.

2. T

3. F : There is a big old banyan tree at
the entrance to the village.

4. F : people had a snack under the
banyan tree.

5. T

6. f : people had a picnic on the river

7. T

8. F : liz took a lot of photos.
9. T

1. It’s 60 km to the North of HaNoi.
2. Ba and his family got to the village by

3. The banyan tree is at the entrance to the

4. They saw the shrine of a Vietnamese hero
on the mountain.

5. They had a picnic on the river bank.
6. Liz took a lot of photors.

7. Liz wishes she could visit Ba’s village

T: helps sts practice reaing the new words
-holds a game “ rub out and remember”
S: take part in the game

T – S : make comments

T : presents the situation” Liz and ba’s
family visited ba’d village”

? Listen to the tape and answer

1. what did they see on their trip to the

2. What did they do on their journey to
his home village?

3. What did Liz think of the trip?
T : plays the tape ( twice)

S : listen and answer

1. They saw a banyan tree, bamboo forests,
the entrance to the village.

2. They visited Ba’s uncle, walked up the
mountain to visit a shrine, went boating on
the river and had a picnic on the river bank.
3. Liz enjoyed the trip very much.

? open your books and check your answers
S ; read and check

? Read the text again and decide what
sentence is True or False. Correct the false

S : read and do the exercise
T : gives sts worksheets

T : call on some students to answer
S: answer

T – S: make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

? Read the tetx again and answer the

S : work in pairs

T: check sts’ answers through the game
“lucky numbers”

S : Take part in the game in groups

T – S: make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

T : presents the structure with “ wish” …
could + V

S : review

? give examples

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

<b>4. Consolidation </b>

<b>5. Homework </b>



T – S: make comments

T : hangs the picture of Ba’s village and asks
sts to imagine being ba or Liz to retell the
trip to Ba’s home village.

T : suggests

When did you go? / How to go?
Who to go with? / What to see?
What to do during the trip?

How do you feel after the trip?
S : prepare

T: call on some students to answer
S ; retell

T – S: make comments
T : marks

1. Rewrite the trip to Ba’s village.
( roleplay Ba or Liz)

2. Rewrite questions and answers/23
3. prepare speak + listen

<b>6. Marks and remarks </b>

<b> Unit 3 : A trip to the country</b>

<b> Period 15 : Lesson 2: Speak + Listen </b>

Preparing day:

Teaching day: .

A . Objectives : - After the lesson sts will be able to ask and answer about their home
village. Practice listening for specific information

B . Main content

1. Vocabulary: to the North / South, do a living, drop sb off, pick sb up…
2. Structure: review

3. Grammar: - present simple

C. Teaching aids: tape, cassette, pictures , a local road map, extraboards…
d. Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson .
* New lesson.

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

Rice paddy fields

Banyan tree

T : holds a game : “Brain storming”

What do you often see in a village?
S : work in groups

T : calls on some sts in each groups to

S : answer

T – S: make comments the winner
Or T : can holds a game “ noughts and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

Fruit garden


<b>2. Presentation</b>

<i><b>* Pre </b></i>–<i><b> speaking</b></i>

- To the North/ West/ South of…
- do a living : kiÕm sèng , sinh nhai

<b>3. practice </b>

<i><b>* While </b></i>–<i><b> speaking</b></i>

<i><b>* post - speaking</b></i>

<b> </b>


<i><b>*Pre - listening</b></i>

Pick sb up : đón ai

Drop sb off : cho ai xuèng xe
Go to West: đi về phía tây
Go in the opposite direction

Turn letf on to a road rẽ trái vào mét con

<i><b>* While - listening</b></i>

How long Where What

When Why Which

S : take part in the game
T : leads to the new lesson

? read the questions and the information in
the box ( part a) carefully

- Explains the meaning of some phrases, if

T – S: give a model dialogue

T : Where is your home village?
S : It’s to the West of the city.
T : How far is it from the city?
S : It’s 30 kilometers from the city.
T : How can you get there?

S : I can get there by bus.

T : How long does it take to get there?
S : it takes 1 hour to get there.

T : What do people do for a living?
S : They plant rice and vegetables.
T : Does your village have a river?
S : Yes, there is a river.

S : work in pairs

T : calls on sme pairs to roleplay
S: practice

T – S : make comments and corections, if
necessary .

Make similar dialogues about your real
home villages.

S : work with a partner

T : calls on some pairs to practice before


S : work in pairs

T - S : make comments
T : marks.

T : asks sts some questions about Ba’s

? Where did ba and his family go last

What did they see during the trip?
? How did they go there?

S : answer

T : presents the situation

_ asks sts to match the phrases of places in
the box to the points on the road map

S : guess

T : presents some phrases of words sts
haven’t known in the listening

T : plays the tape twice or three times
S ; listen and check their guesses

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

A : Banyan tree
B : airport

C: Dragon bridge
D : Gas station
F :Store

G: pond

H : bamboo forest
I: parking lot.

<i><b>* Post - listening</b></i>

<b>4. Consolidation </b>

<b>5 : Homework </b>

T : call on some students to answer
S : answer

T _ make comments

T : plays the tape again and pauses at each
sentence if necessary to help sts check their

T – S : give correct answers
S : write down

? Where did the bus collect Ba and his
family? ( from his house)

? Where did it stop to get some fuel?

Where did they go after leaving the highway
Turn left on to a road Westward.

? Where did the bus go next?

Did the road to Ba;s village go through a
bamboo forest?

? Where did the bus drop everyone off?
S : answer

T – S: make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

?Base on the road map and the questions ,
write to describe Ba’s trip to his home
village by bus.

S : write and retell
T – S: make comments

1. Write to describe your home village?
2 . Rewrite ba’s trip to his home village by

3. prepare part “ Read”
<b>6. Marks and remarks </b>

<b> </b>

<b> </b>

<b> </b>

Preparing day:
Teaching day:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

A . Objectives :

- After the lesson sts will be able to understand the content of the text about the life on a
farm of an exchange student in the USA.

- Practice reading skill.
B . Main content

1. Vocabulary: corn, maize, humburger, hot dog…
2. Structure: review : review

3. Grammar: - present simple, past simple
C. Teaching aids: extraboards…

d. Teaching procedures:
* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson .

* New lesson.

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

- raise cattle/ chickens/ pigs…
- collect eggs

- work hard

- busy all year round
- have a hard life

- struggle with nature…
<b>2. Presentation </b>

<i><b>* Pre- reading</b></i>

- Grow maize

- raise chickens/ cows…
-Collect eggs

-Eat hamburger/ hot dog

<b>3. Practice </b>

<i><b>* whlle </b></i>–<i><b> reading</b></i>

maize bring things together

feed where people buy food or small

grocery store give food to
part – time corn

collect shorter or less than a standard time

Part - time : làm thêm

T : Holds a game Brain storming”
“ Life on a farm”

S : work in groups

T : call on some students in each
group to answer

S ; answer

T : write on the board

T - S : make comments the

T : leads to the new lesson “ Today
we’ll study about the life on a farm
of an American family which Van

– an exchange sts is staying with”
? Please guess :

what tree/ vegetables do the farmers
in America grow?

What animals do they raise?
What do they usually eat?
S : guess

T : presents the new language
through sts’ answers

? Read the textand compare the
information you‘ve guessed

S : read and compare and add more

? read the text again and do the
exercise “ matching”

T ; gives worksheets or extraboards
S ; read and do

T : calls on sts to hang their

T –S : make comments and
corections, if necessary then give

correct answers

? Read the tet again and complete
the summary ( extraboard)

T : asks sts to work in groups or

S : work in groups

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

1. Ohio, columbus
2. farmer

3. work part time at a big grocery store
4. Peter

5. Sam
6. after
7. farm

8. they watch
9. baseball
10. member

<i><b>* post - reading</b></i>

<b>4. Consolidation </b>

<b>5. Homework </b>
1. Rewrite part “b”

2. Summarise the content of the text and learn by

3. Prepare part “ write”

S : answer or write on the

T – S : make comments and
corections, if necessary then give
correct answers

T : holds a game “ lucky numbers”
S ; take part in the game

T – S: make comments
1. Where is van Now?
2. Who is he living with?
3. Where is the farm?
4 : LN

5. What do Mr. Parker and Mrs .
Parker do everyday?

6. How many children have they

7. What has Van learnt since his

8. LN

9.Does he like staying there?
10 : What does he do after school/
Or ? Compare the life on a farm of
American farmers with one of
Vietnamese farmers?

S : compare ( the same things and
the different things)

T – S : make comments

T : consolidates the content of the
lesson through part : “post reading”

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

<b> Unit 3 : A trip to the country</b>

<b>Period 17 : Lesson 3: Write </b>

Preparing day

Teaching day:
A . Objectives :

- After the lesson sts will be able to write about their picnics
- Practice writing skill.

B . Main content

1. Vocabulary: belong to the topic of activities in the countryside and some kinds of


2. Structure: (review)

3. Grammar: - past simple tense.

C. Teaching aids: extraboards, worksheets, pictures page 26.
d. Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson .
* New lesson.

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

<b>2 . Presentation </b>

Blanket (n) chăn, thảm
Lay out (V) dọn đồ ăn

Picnic site = place to have a picnic
<b>3. Practice </b>

Lay out laid out
Decide to do st

Be lucky to do st

T : holds a game

G1: sings an English song
G2: Guess the name of the song
Vs: G2: sing - G1 : guess

Ex: “ welcome teacher”, “ Auld lang shyne”
The winner

T : Make comments what game is it?
S : answer : what song is it?

? name of some games
S : answer

T : presents the situation “ Nam and his
friends went on a picnic”

Match the pictures in the correct orders of
the picnic?

S : order the pictures

? Retell the trip basing on the pictures
S : retell before the class

T – S: Make comments

T : uses the pictures to present the new


S : guess the meaning

? Observe the pictures and use the suggested
words under each picture to write about the

S :work in groups ( write on the worksheets)
T : Helps sts , in necessary./ suggests some
structures and words

S : write in groups

T : asks sts to hang their group’s worksheets
`– S : make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers
T- S : correct the mistakes

T : calls on some sts to read aloud
S “ read

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

It was a beautiful day. My friends and I decided to go on a picnic. We took a bus to the
countryside and then walked about 20 minutes to the picnic site next to the river. We put
down the blankets and laid out the food . After meal we palyed the game “ What song is
it?” and blind man’s buff”. Late in the afternoon. We went fishing.

<b>4.Consolidation </b>

<b>5. Homework </b>

T : Notice sts the part of a writing about a
picnic. The needed information?

S : answer

- what time to go?
Place to go?
What activities?
Arrival time?

T – S : make comments
1. Rewrite the writing

2. write to tell about your recent picnic/
3.Prepare “ language focus”

<b>7. Marks and remarks </b>

<b> Period 18 Unit 3 : Language focus</b>

Preparing day:

Teaching day:
A . Objectives :

- Help sts to review the main content of this unit
- Practice doing exercises in concrete situations.
B . Main content

1. Vocabulary: review

2. Structure: wish ….could…

3. Grammar: - past simple with “wish”
- Preposition of time
- adverbail clause of result
C. Teaching aids: extraboards.
d. Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson .
* New lesson.

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>
<b>2. Consolidation </b>

<b>A, modal Could and the past simple </b>“ ”
<b>tense with wish</b>“ ”

Wish + S + could + V….
Wish + S + V ( past simple)….
<b>3. Practice </b>

a. Ba wishes he could have a new bike.

T : asks sts some questions
S : answer

? Review structures with “ Wish”
S : answer

T : sums up

? observe the pictures and use the words
given to make sentences with “ wish”
S : work in pairs

T : asks ats to answer or write on the board
S : answer or write

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

b. Hoa wishes she could visit her parents

c. I wish I could pass the exam.
d. We eish it didn’t rain now.
e. he wishes he could fly.
<b> B . Preposition of time</b>
<b> Consolidation </b>

<b>Practice </b>
a . at
b. at

c. between
d. till
f. up to

? Complete the sentences with “ on , at ,in,

a. on
b. at/ in
c. in
d. for
e. in
F . at

<b>C . Adverbial clause of result</b>

<b>…… ………</b>

1 - e
2 - a
3 - d
4 - b

<b>4. Homework </b>

necessary then give correct answers
S : write down

T : holds a game “ Net works”

S : take part in the game
T – S : make comments

? Look at Mr Thanh itinaracy for his trip to
Singapore . Base on the information in the
itinaracy and the prepositions in the box to
complete the sentence in (a) .

S : do the exercise

? Compare your result with a partner’s
S : compare

T : call on some students to answer
S : answer

T – S: make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

? work in groups
S : work in groups
? Hang your posters
S : hang their posters

T – S: make comments and give correct

S : write down

T : presents the adverbial clause of result
with “ so”

? Match the half sentences and then write
the full sentences in your exercise books
S : do the exercise individually

T : call on some students to answer
S : answer

T- S: make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers
1. write 5 sentences using “wish”
2. rewrite part 4

3. Prepare Unit 4 “ getting started + listen
and read “

<b>6. Marks and remarks </b>

<b> Unit 4 : Learning a foreign language </b>

<b>5 periods ( from 19to 23)</b>

of time


<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

<b>Period 19 : Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read </b>

Preparing day:

Teaching day: .

A . Objectives :

- After the lesson sts will get acquainted with the topic of learning a foreign language and
will be able to advise sb to do st,…

- Practice listening and reading skills.
B . Main content

1. Vocabulary: college, stage, oral examination, written emamination, examiner..
2. Structure: she asked me what my name was and where I came from.

3. Grammar: - modal verbs with “ if”

- direct and reported speech/ reported questions
C. Teaching aids: tape cassette, worksheets, and posters.
d. Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson .
* New lesson.

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

<b>2. Presentation </b>

Oral exam ( examination) :thi nãi
Written eaxmination : thi viÕt

Examine (V): kh¸m, coi thi

Examiner (n) : gi¸m kh¶o,ngêi coi thi
- She asked me what my name was and
where I came from.

- She asked me If I spoke any other
language .

- She asked me why I was learning Engish.
- She asked me What <i>aspect of learning</i>

English I found most difficult.

*Aspect of learning English : kÜ năng học

T : holds a game brain storming
About ways of learning English
S : take part in the game

T – S: make comments
T : summarises the game

? compare with the ways of learning English
in part “ Getting started”

S : compare

? Add more ways of learning English?
S : answer

? tick the things you do from the list?
S : tick

? what do you do to improve your English?
Which ways of learing English do you like
best? Why?

S : work in pairs

Ex : I like reading stories in English.
Because they are easy to understand/ I can
learn more new words through reading….
T – S: make comments

T : presents the new language
Kinds of exam you know?
S : answer

T : presents the situation: “Lan đang nói
chuyện với Pao la- 1 nữ sinh ngoại quốc về
bài thi nói tiếngAnh mà Lan đã tham dự”
? listen and find out the questions which the
examiner asked Lan?

T : plays the tape
S: listen and answer
T : write on the board

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

tiÕng Anh

<b>Repoted questions </b>

<i>1. Yes/ no questions </i>

S + asked (sb)… if / Whether + S + V (qk)...

<i>2. Wh </i>

<i> questions </i>

S + asked … What + S + V (qk)….

<b>3. Practice </b>

Royal English college: trờng i hc Hong
gia Anh.

Stage 1: giai đoạn 1
Candidate : thÝ sinh

V : 1,2,6,7,8,9,10,14

<b>4. Consolidation </b>

<b> 5. Homework </b>

kinds of questions ?
+ Wh – questions
Yes/ No – questions
S : make comments

? The tense of the verbs in reported
questions and speech.

? The forms of the reported questions
S : answer

T – S: make comments
T : sums up

S : write down

T : plays the tape again
S : listen

? practice the dialogue in pairs
S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to practice
S : practice reading

T – S : make comments

? read the dialogue again and do exercise b/

T : explains the new words
S : do the exercise

( đối chiếu câu hỏi trực tiếp và đánh dấu (v)

vào các ô tơng ứng)

? compare with your partner’s
S : compare

T : call on some students to answer
S : answer

T – S: make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

? Roleplay Lan and the examiner”
S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to roleplay
S 1 – S2 : practice

T – S: make comments
T : holds a game “ net works”

S : take part in the game

T – S : make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

1. Learn by heart the new language
+ Ways of learning English

+ reported speech with Wh – questions
and yes/ No questions

<b>6. Marks and remarks </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

<b>Unit 4: Lesson 2: Speak +Listen</b>

Preparing day:

Teaching day :
Period : 20

A : Objectives : After the lesson sts will be able to persuade s to do st
- practice speaking skill

- Practice listening skill : listen and decide which information is True or False.
B : Main content

* Vocabulary :dormitory, on campus, reputation, experience, western culture, scenery…
* Strucrures : I think…

Why don’t we…..?
We should………
* Grammar : present simple tense
_ skill: reading and listening skills

C : Teaching aids : tape , cassette and pictures…
D :Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson; ( during the new lesson)

* New lesson

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>
1. Warm up

I think we should…..
Why don’t we…..
What do you think….?
We should……

Let’s ………..
<b>2. Presentation</b>

Dormitory (n): kí túc xá

On campus : khuôn viên trờng
Reputation (n) danh tiếng

Western culture : văn hoá phơng tây
scenery : quang c¶nh

T : Holds a game : “brain storming’
What do you say when you want to
persuade sb to do st?

S : discuss in groups

T ; calls on some sts in each group to

S : answer

T – S: make comments …

T:presents the situation “ Tam, Thu
and Kim have been awarded a

scholarship of USA $ 200 to attend an
English language summer course
abroad. You work in groups of three
and play the role of these three sts to
persuade your partner to attend the
school you would like to go to
? Study the advertisements of three
language schools that the three girls
plan to study.

T : presents some new words in the

S : read the information of three

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

<b>3. Practice</b>

Ex : Thu : I think we should go to Brighton
language center in the UK. The school ha an
excellent reputation.

Tam : I dissagree because the course only last

6 weeks

Kim : why don’t we go to the Brisbane
Institute of English – Australia. If we go
there, we can stay with an Australian family.
<b>4. Consolidation</b>

Kim : I dissagree because we can’t
practice speaking English with native

Thu : why don’t we go to the

Brighton language center in the UK .
If we go there, we can lvie in a

dormitory on campus…..

? work in groups of three, play the
role of Thu, Tam and Kim and
persuade your partner to attend the
school you would like to study. Ue
the expression in the box as prompts.
S : work in groups

T : observe and helps sts, if necessary
T : calls on some groups to roleplay
T – S : make comments

T : marks

T : yªu cầu học sinh luyện tập cách
thuyết phục theo các tình huống gần
với bản thân. thuyết phục bạn cùng
chän trêng THPT vµo líp 10.

T : gợi ý từ, cách diện đạt.

<b>1. Warm up</b>

<b>2. Presentation </b>

<i><b>* Pre - listening</b></i>

<b>3. Practice </b>

<i><b>* While - listening</b></i>

a. T
b. T

T : holds a game “ Network’

S : take part in the game
T - S :make comments

T : presents the situation of the listening “
we are going to hear a conversation

between Nga and Kate about Nga’s
studying English in London.

? read the sentence from a to f and guess
which sentence is true or false

S : read and guess

T: writes their guess on the board
? Listen to the tape and check your

T : plays the tape ( twice)

S : listen and check their guessing
? Compare your result with a partner’s
S : compare

T : call on some students to answer
Studying English

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

c. f: a national bank an international

d. T

e. F : her listening is terrible( this is her
biggest problem. People talk very quickly
and she can’t understand them)

f. T

<i><b>* Post - listening</b></i>

<b>4. Consolidation </b>

<b>5. Homework </b>

S : answer

T: plays the tape again

S : listen, make comments and give
correct answers

? Now answer the questions

1. What is Nga studying English for?
2. Did she lean English at school and

3. Where does she work?

4. Which aspect of learning English does
she want to improve?

5. Is she listening excellent?
6. What does she hope?
S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to ask and answer
T – S: make comments

? Discuss in groups

? What aspect of learning English don’t
you like?? Why not?

? Are you food at listening/ speaking?...
S : discuss

T : call on some students to answer
T – S: make comments

1. Complete the summary about Nga’s
studying English in your exercise books
2. Prepare part” read”

<b> </b>

<b> 6. Marks and remarks </b>

<b>Unit 4:Lesson 4: Read</b>

Preparing day:

Teaching day :
Period : 21

A : Objectives :

- Practice reading skill : Đọc lớt để tìm thơng tin quảng cáo cơ sở dạy tiếng Anh phù hợp
với yêu cầu dự định.

B : Main content

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

* Grammar : present simple tense
C : Teaching aids : extraboards.
D :Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson; ( during the new lesson)
* New lesson

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

<b>2. Presentation </b>

<i>* Pre- reading</i>

- beginner classes: các lớp sơ cấp
- intermediate classes: các lớp trunng

- advanced classes: các lớp cao cấp
- well – qualified teachers: giáo viên
có trình độ cao

<b>3. Practice </b>

<i>* While - reading</i>

T : holds a game “ chain game” about names
of some foreign languages.

S1 : I can speak English

S2: I can speak English and Chinese.

S 3: I can speak English, Chinese and French.
S : Take part in the game

T – S : make comments

? Do you go to an evening class/

Have you ever read any advertisements for
English course?

If yes. ? What do they say?

What kind of information do you see in the

S : answer

T – S: make comments

T : Presents the new language through


? read the advertisements and do the exercise/
page 36 “ Complete the table”

T : hangs the extraboard
S : work in groups

T : asks sts to hang their posters on the board
T – S: make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

S : write down

School Class time


Language level


Time to start

- Accadamy of

- Foreign language

- New English

- morning/

- morning/ evening
- afternoon/

evening/ weekend

- advanced
- beginner/

- beginner

- First week of
- 3rd<sub> November</sub>

- today

? read Mr Lam’s notes to know his

requirements for an English course. Then

read the advertisements again and choose a
suitable language school for him.

S : Read and choose

? Compare your answer with a partner’s
S : compare

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

T – S: make comments
? Give reasons

? What class time is Mr Lam looking for?
S : early morning

? What level does he need?
S ; Intermediate level

? when does he want to start the course?
S : last October or early November

? Which language school is a suitable one
for Mr Lam?

S : Foreign Language Council is the most
suitable school for him because it needs all
his requirements.

English class

- early evening
- Intermediate level

- starting late October/ early November

<b>Foreign Language Council</b>
G/F, 12 Nam Trang street

Study English, French or Chinese in
morning or evening

- places available in beginner/ intermediate

- course start on 3rd<sub> November.</sub>

<b>4. Consolidation </b>

<i>* post- reading</i>

<b>5. Homework </b>

T : yêu cầu HS đóng vai phóng viên hỏi và
khảo sát xem trong nhóm lớp có bao nhiêu
bạn muốn học thêm tiếng Anh ở 3 trung
tâm trên và lí do lựa chọn

EX: Interviewer: Do you want to improve
your English at the language center?
S : Yes, I’d like to improve my speaking


Interviewer: Which one do you choose?
S : I think I’ll choose New English

Interviewer: Why do you choose it?

S : Because they offer weekend classes for

1. Rewrite part “consolidation”
2. prepare part “ write’

<b>6. Marks and remarks </b>

<b>Unit 4 : Lesson 5 - Write </b>

Preparing day

Teaching day :
Period : 22

A : Objectives :

- Practice writing skill : after the lesson sts will able to write a letter to get information.
B : Main content

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

* Strucrures : review

* Grammar :past simple, present simple tense

C : Teaching aids : extraboards.

D :Teaching procedures:
* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson; ( during the new lesson)
* New lesson

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>
<b>1. Warm up </b>

<b>2. Presentation </b>

<i><b>* Pre </b></i>–<i><b> writing</b></i>

Address of the recipient:2
Address of the writer:1
Heading – opening:3

Closing ( end with a polite closing) 6
Request:/ further information 5
Reasons to write :4

* Could you please….?

* I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Fee : häc phÝ

* the needed information

+ length of the course
+ time to start

+ timetable
+ fee…
<b>3. Practice </b>

<i><b>* While </b></i>–<i><b> writing</b></i>

Nguyen Van A

12 THD Street, Ha Noi

T : asks some questions
? What is a letter of inquiry?

How will you write if you want to attend an
English course?

S : answer

T : summarises : A letter of inquiry is a
request for information or action. A letter
of inquiry is a kind of formal letters you
must adopt strict regulation about the
formal structures of the letter. They include
the address of the writer and the

S : listen

T : Has sts read the letter page 37
S : read

? How many part does a letter of inquiry

S : answer

T- S: make comments
T : sums up

T : gives some parts of a letter and asks sts
to put them in correct order

S : answer

? review the requests you have learnt?
S : answer

? ways of ending letter?
S :answer

? Read again and choose one of the three
advertisements in part 5- read. Choose one
of the school you want to attend to

improve your English and write a letter of

inquiry for more information about the
courses and the fees.

You can use the advertisements in part 5
and the outline to write

S : discuss in groups

? which information do you need?
S : answer

T : sums up

? Now write a letter of inquiry?

S : write in groups ( write on the posters)
T : helps sts, if necessary.

T : asks sts to hang their posters
T -S : make comments

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

November 15, 2009
New English Institute

108 Trang Thi Street,Ha Noi
Dear Sir,

I saw your Institute’s advertisement on
Today’s TV program. I am very interested
in learnig English and I would like some

more information about your Institute.
I can speak a little English, but I read it
very slowly and my writing is bad. So I
want to improve my reading and writing.
Could you please provide more

information about the course and fees for
beginners? I can supply my record of
English study if necessary.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Your sincerely,

( your signature)

<i><b>* Post - writing</b></i>

<b>4. Consolidation </b>

<b>5. Homework </b>

? Suppose that you want to attend an
English summer course. Which
information do you need?

S : answer

1. When does the course start?
2. How long does the course last?
3. How much is the course?

4. How many hours a week is it?

?Now work in pairs : rewrite the above
mentioned questions in a polite way.
Ex: 1. When does the course start?

Can you tell me when the course starts.
2. I’d like to know……

3. Could you please….?
S : work in pairs

T : calls on some sts to read the answers

T : has sts retell the parts of an formal
letter/ a letter of inquiry.

S : answer

T – s: make comments
1. Rewrite the writing.

2. Use one of the rest advertisements and
write a letter of inquiry to …

3. Prepare part “ Language focus”
<b>6. Marks and remarks </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

Preparing day

Teaching day :
Period : 23

A : Objectives : - Help sts to review the language they have learnt in unit 4
- Practice doing exercises.

B : Main content

* Vocabulary : Review
* Strucrures : Review

* Grammar : Modal verbs with “if”/ Direct and indirect speech/ reported questions
C : Teaching aids : extraboards.

D :Teaching procedures:
* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson; ( during the new lesson)
* New lesson

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>
<b>Activity 1</b>

<b>Activity 2</b>

Practice the conditinal sentence with
modal verbs “ can, must…”

If clause , main

Simple present tense can + V
Must + V
- If you want to loose weight, you
should do exercises.

- If you want to speak English well,
you must practice speaking it everyday.

c. If you want to loose weight, you
should do exercises.

d. If he doesn’t come soon, he might
miss the train.

e. If you want to get well, you ought to
stay in bed.

<b>Activity 3</b>

<i><b>Change direct sentence into reported </b></i>

T: holds a game “ finding the ideal partner”
T : Hangs the extraboard ( write 10

conditional sentences which two parts are
seperated ( A- B)

S : work in groups

T -S : make comments

? The form of the conditional sentence with
modal verbs.

S : answer

? give examples ?
S : answer

T -S : make comments
? Do exercise 1/ 38
S : work in pairs

S 1: I want to loose weight

S2 : What do you have to do if you want to
loose weight?

S 1: If I want to loose weight, I have to eat
less meat.

T: calls on some pairs to practice
T -S : make comments

? Review the ways of changing a direct
speech into a reported one.

S : answer

T -S : make comments

Change the tenses/ adverbs of time and
place/ subjects/ and posessive pronouns…
T : sums up

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

Present simple

Future simple
Can/ may/ must

Past simple
Past pogressive

Future in the past (would +V)

Could/ might/ had to



That day

The following day

a. Uncle Hung said that the birthday cake
was delicious.

b. Miss Nga said she loved tose roses.
c. Cousin Mai said she was having a
wonderful time.

d. Mr Chi said he would go to Hue the
following day.

<b>Activity 4: Reported questions </b>
* WH – Questions

S + asked + (sb) + What

Where + S + V (QK)


* Yes/ No questions

S + asked (sb) + if/ whether + S +V (qk) a.

a.She asked me How old I was.

b. She asked me if my school was near

c. She asked me whether I went to school
by bike.

<b>* Consolidation </b>

<b>*. Homework </b>

T : asks sts to do exercise 3/ 39
S : work ( individually)

? Compare your answers with apartner’s
S: Compare

T: call on some students to answer
S : answer

T – S : make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

? The form of the reported questions
S : answer

T -S : make comments
? Read then do the exercise

S : work in groups ( write on the posters)
T : asks sts to hang their posters on the

T – S: make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

Write sentences?

1. If/ want/ pass/ exam/ you/ should/learn/

2. She/ ask/ if/ I/ have/ car.

3. He/ say/ he/ live/ Ha Noi/ now.
4. My mother/ asked/ what/ I/ like.
5.He/ ask/ us/ whether/ come / here/

S : do the exercise

T – S : make comments

T : sums up the content that sts have

1. Rewrite exercise 1,2,3,4 /38 and 39.
2. Prepare to have a test ( 45’)

<b>* Marks and remarks </b>

<b>Test ( 45 )</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

Period: 24

<b>A. Objectives:</b>

- To check students’ understanding through concrete situations.

<b>B: Main content: - Tenses</b>


reported speech, reported questions, passive voice,
conditional sentence type I, suggestions, result clause …

<b>C. Questions </b>

<b>Question I : Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences (2,5 points)</b>
1. I’ve known him …….I left school.

A. when B. before C. for D. since

2. I can’t understand French visitors. I wish I …..French.

A. know B.have known C.knew D.will know

3. The church…….about 100 years ago.

A. was built B. is built C. has been built D.will be built
4. If he ……soon, he might miss the train.

A. isn’t coming B. didn’t come C.won’t come D.doesn’t come
5. Please let Tom….with you.

A. going B. go C.to go D. went

6. We …..some experiments, the light went out.

A.are doing B. did C.were doing D. was doing

7. The police stopped us and asked us where ………….

A. were you going B. are you going C.we are going D.we were going
8. He said he ….a friend at the station that day.

A.is meeting B. is going to meet C.was meeting D. meets
9. We will be there ….5 o’clock …the morning.

A. in/ on B.on/ in C. at/ in D.in / at

10. Hoa worked hard,…..she passed her exam.

A. so B.because C. but D. if

<b>Question II: Give correct form of the verbs in brackets (2,5 points)</b>

1. I ( write) to my pen pal for three years, and we first (meet) each other last week.
2. Minh (know) a little English, so she wishes she (can) speak it fluently.

3. When he (come) yesterday, we (have) dinner.
4. They (not/finish) their homework yet.

5. She used to (get) up very late, but now she is used to (get) up early.
6. Look! The bus (come).

<b>Question III: Read the passage and answer the questions (2,5 points)</b>

Last Sunday, Nam went on an excursion to Oxford. He got up early and took a bus,
so he arrived there on time. In the morning, he visited the National Gallery, Big Ben and
the Hyde park. In the afternoon, he bought a dictionary abd a small disc with the word
“ Oxford University”. He met some English students in the bookshop. He was happy to
practice speaking English with many foreigners. Although he felt a bit tired, he had a nice

1 . Where did Nam go last Sunday?
2. How did he go there?

3. Did he arrive there late?
4. What did he visit?

5. How did he feel after the excursion?

<b>Question IV: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the </b>
<b>first (2,5 points).</b>

1.. Why don’t we go to Ha Noi foreign language University?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

2. What a pity! I can’t play the guitar.
I wish……….

3. “Where do you live?”, the interviewer said to me.
The interviewer asked me……….
4. A policeman to me: “ Have you got a driving licence?”
A policeman asked ………...

5. Nga is happy to meet her aunt again soon.

Nga is looking ………

<b>Keys and marks</b>

<b>Question I : Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm</b>

1.D 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6. C 7. D 8.C 9. C 10. A
<b>Question II: Mỗi động từ đúng 0,25 điểm</b>

1 : have written/ met
2: knows/ could

3: came/ were having
4: haven’t finished
5. get/ getting
6. is coming.

<b>Question III: Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 diểm.</b>

1. He went on an excursion to Oxford. ( He went to Oxford)
2. He went there by bus.

3. No, he didn’t.

4. He visted the National Gallery, Big Ben and the Hyde park.
5. He felt a bit tired.

<b>Question IV: Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm</b>

1. Let’s go to Ha Noi language University.
2. I wish I could play the guitar.

3. The interviewer asked me where I lived.

4. A policeman asked me If/ whether I had got a driving licence.
5. Nga is looking forward to meeting her aunt again soon.

<b> </b>

<b> Correct the test ( Number 2)</b>

Preparing day :

Teaching day:
Period : 25

A: Objectives: - Nêu một số lỗi cơ bản trong bài làm của học sinh và yêu cầu học sinh tự
sửa chữa. Củng cố lại những nội dung học sinh còn yếu qua một số dạng bài tập.
B : Result of the test:

Class : 9A < TB > TB

Numbers of tests: P: 0 P: 1+2 P: 3+4 P: 5+6 P: 7+8 P: 9+10
C: Những u nhợc điểm thông qua bài kiểm tra.( Về kiến thức ,kĩ năng trình bày)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

2: - Nhợc điểm:

D: Cha bi khc sâu kiến thức, kỹ năng học sinh còn tồn tại thông qua bài kiểm tra.
( Soạn cụ thể đơn vị kiến thức, từng loại bài)

3. Basic mistakes

4. Exercises

<b> Unit 5 : The media </b>

<b>5 periods ( from 26 to 30)</b>

<b> Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read </b>

Preparing day:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

Period: 26

A . Objectives : - After the lesson sts will be able talk about some kinds of media .
- Practice listening and reading skills.

B . Main content

1. Vocabulary: media, crier, interact with…, interactive TV, benefits of…
2. Structure:

3. Grammar: - Present simple/ past simple…
C. Teaching aids: tape, cassette, extraboards
d. Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson .
* New lesson.

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

*Spend time doing st.
<b>2. Presentation </b>

- media(n): phơng tiện thông tin đại chúng
- crier (n): ngời loan tin

- remote control(n): ®iỊu khiĨn tõ xa
Interactive TV(n): use a remote control to
choose shows or channels.

Benefit(n); lợi ích
Bring about: mang lại

A: criers

B : newspapers and magazines
C : radios and TV

D. Interactive TV.

T: Leads to the new topic of the lesson
? look at the picture page 40 and name the
activities ?

S: observe and answer

? Write the activities under each pictue?
S: write

? ask and answer about your favorite

activities and how much time you spend on
each activities?

S: Work in pairs

T: calls on some pairs to practice

S 1: Which of these is your favorite activity
in your free time?

S2: Watching TV

S 1: How many hours a week do you spend
watching TV?

S2: about 4 or 5 hours.
T -S : make comments

?Look at the pictures and guess the names
of the media?

S: guess

T: present the new language through
students’answers and pictures

T: Helps sts to practice reading the new

? Do you see a crier today?

T: there were only criers in the past/ a long
time ago

T: gives reqirement of the listening “ you are
going to listen to 4 passages (a- B-C-D).
Listen and answer which media is
mentioned in each passage?

Or What is passage A/ B/C/D about?
S: listen and answer

T: plays the tape
S : listen and answer

T: calls on some sts to answer
S: answer

T -S : make comments

A is about the media before newspapers and
magazines invented.( criers)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

<b>3. Practice </b>

1:D 2: B 3: D 4: C 5: A 6: D

1. A town crier was the person who would
go through the city ringing a bell and
shouted the latest news.

2. The Kien Thuc Ngay Nay is widely read
by both teenagers and adults.

3. Peopple can get the latest information and
enjoy interesting and inexpensive local and
international programs in a convenient way.
4./5 sts’answers.

<b>4. Consolidation </b>

<b>5. Homework </b>

most popular magazine in Viet nam)
C is about radios and TV

D is about interactive Tv

? Read the text again and do the exercise

S : work in groups

T: call on some students to answer
T- S: make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers.
? Read the text again and answer the
questions (page 42)

S: discuss in pairs or groups

T: checks sts’ answers through the game
“ lucky numbers”

S; take part in the game

T: make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers
T: holds a game “ Net work”

S: take part in the game
T -S : make comments

1. Summarise the important development of
the modern media.

2. Lean by heart the new language.
3. Prepare part : Speak and Listen
<b>6. Marks and remarks </b>

<b> Unit 5 : The media </b>

<b> Lesson 2: Speak + Listen </b>

Preparing day:
Teaching day:
Period: 27

A . Objectives : - Luyện tập kĩ năng nói bày tỏ sự đồng ý hay không dồng ý về một vấn đề
nào đó với câu hỏi đi.

- Mở rộng chủ đề về phơng tiện thơng tin đại chúng qua hàng loạt các chơng
trình truyền hình.

- Practice listening and speaking skills.
B . Main content

1. Vocabulary: documentary, children’s corner, weather forecast, telegraph, journalism….
2. Structure: - You watch the news , don’t you?

- You don’t like foreign film, do you?
Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.


criers newspapers

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

3. Grammar: - tag questions

C. Teaching aids: tape, cassette, extraboards and a table of TV programs.
d. Teaching procedures:

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson .
* New lesson.

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

<b>A. Speak</b>
Folk music: nhạc cổ truyền
Documentary(n): phim tài liệu

Literature and Art : văn hoá nghệ thuật
Safe traffic news: bản tin an toàn giao thông
Dramma(n): kịch

Health for everyone: sức khoẻ cho mọi ngêi
Children’s corner: gãc thiÕu nhi

Wildlife world: thế giớ động vật
Wheel for fortune: chiếc nón kì diệu
The right price: hãy chọn giá đúng
Catch phrase: đuổi hình bắt chữ
The songs I love: bài hát tôi yêu

Who wants to be a millionaire? Ai lµ triƯu

The road to the Olympia peak: đờng lên
đỉnh Olympia.

<b>2. Presentation </b>
* Pre - speaking

Violent (a)

* You like watching sports, don’t you?
No, I don’t.

* You don’t like watching foreign film, do

T : holds a game “ Net works’ about Tv
programs you know.

S: take part in the game
T -S : make comments

T: presents more new programs through the
net works.

- helps sts to practice reading these
new words

S: practice reading

T: check sts understanding through the game
“ matching”

S: take part in the game
T -S : make comments

T: Presents the situation of the dialogue
“ Lien and Trung are talking about their
favorite programs”

? read the dialogue and answer the questions
1: Does Trung like sports?

S: No.

? Why? S: As it is violent.
2.What does he like?

S : He likes documentary? T: Why?
S: because it is informative

3.What about Lien?

She likes watching sports.

4. Which questions does Lien ask Trung to
know what Trung like?

S : You like watching sports, don t you?’
How does trung ask Lien to know whether
she like foreign films or not?

S : You don t like foreign film, do you?’

T : present the new language through

sts’answers: ( new words and tag questions )
TV programs

Sports <sub>Weather forecast</sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

No, I don’t.

<b>3 : Practice </b>

*While - speaking

S 1: You like watching sports, don’t you?
S 2: Yes, they are interesting.

S 1: You don’t like Literature and Arrt, do

S2: No, I don’t. I have no time. I prefer
cartoons. They are interesting….

* Post- speaking

<b>B. Listen</b>

<b>* Pre- listening</b>

<b>* While - listening</b>

Newsreel:= documentary
a. The late 19th<sub> century</sub>

b. radio and newsreel
c. In the 1950s

d. The Internet
<b>* Post - listening</b>

How many parts are there in a tag question?
S: two parts/

Make comments on the form of tag
questions ?

S: answer

T -S : make comments
S : write down

? Read the dialogue in pairs
T -S : make comments

? Make similar dialogues, using the TV
programs guided page 42?

S : work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to practice
S 1- S2: roleplay

T -S : make comments

? write programs you like and give reasons.
Ex: I like watching children’s corner and the
right price. They help me relax after a hard
working day.

- I don’t like watching gardening and

dramma because I don’t have time and they
are not really interesting ( boring)

T: presents the situation an the content of the
listening “ Chau ,a student was given an
assignment about the inventions of the
media. She needs some information to finish
her assignment. She’s asking her father for

? Read the table page 43 and guess the
missing information (a,b,c,d- time or

S: Guess

T : writes their guessing on the board

Ex: a: time/ b: names of two formsof media/
c: time/ d: name of a morden media.

T: plays the tape twice

S: listen and do the exercise

? Compare your answers with apartner’s
S : Compare

T: plays the tape again

S: listen and check their answers
T: call on some students to answer
S: answer

T -S : make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers
? Role play Chau andher father

S1: When did the first newspaper appear?
S2: In the 7th<sub> or 8 th century.</sub>

S 1: Where did it appear?
S2: In China.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

<b>4. Consolidation </b>

<b>5. Homework </b>

T : calls on some pairs to practice
T -S : make comments

* T : reminds sts the tag questions and
some inventions.

a. The telegraph was invented in the late 19th


b. The Internet became a major force in
journalism, ……..?



S: do the exercise

T: sums up, if necessary.

1. Make 5 tag questions and answer
2. Rewrite the dialogue part post-


3. Learn by heart the new words
4. Prepare part : “ read’

<b>6. Marks and remarks </b>

<b> Unit 5 : The media </b>

<b> Lesson 3: Read </b>

Preparing day:

Teaching day: .
Period: 28

<b>A . Objectives : - Practice reading skill</b>

- After the lesson sts can talk about Internet’s benefits and its disadvantages.
<b>B . Main content</b>

1. Vocabulary: get access to, communicate, surf the web, wonder, forum, time –

2. Structure:

3. Grammar: present simple

<b>C. Teaching aids: picture page 43 and extraboards. </b>
<b>D. Teaching procedures:</b>

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson .
* New lesson.

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

1. Warm up

<b>2. Presentation </b>

Surf the web : lít m¹ng

T: uses the picture/ 43 of the Internet to
present the new lesson.

? Have you ever used the Internet?
What do you use the Internet for?
? Do you think the Internet useful or
harmful or both?

S: answer

? How much time do you spend surfing the
web a day?

Do you often get access to th Internet?
Guess the benefits of the Internet?
S: answer

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

Get access to: truy cËp
Get information:

Communicate(V) liên lạc , giao tiếp

Explore (v):khám phá
<b>3 Practice </b>

1. She uses the Internet for getting

information and communicate with friends
and relatives.

2. Because she lives in the countryside
where the Internet is not available.
( unavailable)

3. People use the Internet for education,
communication, entertainment and

4. The internet is used for getting
information, giving entertaintments….
5. Yes, there are some disadvantges.

It is not only time- consuming and costly
but also dagerous of viruses and bad

6,7,8,9 : students’answers

<b>4. Consolidation </b>

 Advantages………..

 Disadvantages:
- time – consuming

- an expensive way to get information
- dangerous because of viruses and bad

- sometimes users have to suffer risk/ junk

- personal information leaking.
<b>5. Homework </b>

- getting infromation
- talking to friends
- chatting

- communicating …by means of emails or

- explore the world/ net.

? Read the text, check your guessing and
add more information.

S : read and check
- used for commerce

- is a fast and convenient way to get

? Read the text again and answer the

1. What does Sandra usse Internet for?
2. Why is it difficult for Hong Hoa to get
access to the Internet?

3. According to Huansui, Why do people
use Internet ?

4. Make a list of benefits of the Internet
according to the three passages?

5. Are there any disadvantages of the
Internet? If so, what are they?

6. Do you agree? Or disagree with the

7. Do you find the Internet useful?

8. How much time do you spend surfing the
web a day?

9. What do you use the Internet for?
T: checks sts’answers through the game
“ noughts and crosses”

S: take part in the game

T -S : make comments and corections, if
necessary then give correct answers

? Work in groups of four. Talk about the
advantages and disadvantages of the Internet
S: work in groups

T:call on some students to answer
S: answer

T -S : make comments
T: marks.

1. Rewrite the advantages and disadvantsges
of the Internet and learn by heart.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

<b>Test (15 )</b>

<b>Number 2 ( The first semester)</b>

Preparing day:

Testing day :
Period : 29.

<b>A : Objectives: To check students’ understanding</b>
B: Question

<b>I. Write a passage about the benefits of the Internet with the cues given.</b>
1. Internet/ now/ very/ useful/ our life.

2. It/fast/ convevient/ way/ information/ which/ very / up date.

3. It/ cheap/ way/ communicate/ friends/ relatives/ means / e. mail/ chatting/ web cam.

4. It/ provide/ variety/ entertainment/ such as/ music/ movies/ games/novels, magazines,

5. It/ possible/ use/ Internet/ education.

<b>Keys and Marks</b>
Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm

1. Internet is nowvery useful in our life.

2. It is a fast and convevient way to get information which is very up date.

3. It is also a cheap way to communicate with friends and relatives by means of e. mail,
chatting or web cam.

4. It provides a variety of entertainment such as music, movies, games,novels,
magazines, etc.

5. It is possible to use the Internet for education.
<b> </b>

<b>D. Result:</b>

9A: Giái : %
Kh¸ : %
Trung b×nh : %
YÕu : %

KÐm : %

<b> Unit 5 : The media </b>

<b>Lesson 4 : WRITE</b>

<b>Ngay soan :</b>
<b>Ngay day : </b>
<b>Period : 30</b>

<b>A . Objectives : - After the lesson sts will be able to write to express their ideas about a </b>
concrete problem about the Internet.

<b>B . Main content:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

<b>3. Grammar: present simple</b>
<b>C. Teaching aids: extraboards. </b>
<b>D. Teaching procedures:</b>
* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson .
* New lesson.

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

<b>2. Presentation </b>

1. Increasingly developed and become part
of our everyday life.

2. It is useful in many ways.

3. a fast and convenient way to get

- read electronic newspapers

- check weather condition before going out.
4- communicate with friends and relatives.
- listen to misic

- watch movies
- play games

- read newspapers , novels, poems…
5. learn English/ look up a dictionary
- take a training course

- self – study.

- on line school, on line lessons…
<b>3. Practice </b>

<b>Language can be used </b>

Secondly, …..


In conclusion,……

? What do Hong Hoa and Huansui think
about the Internet?

T : call on some students to answer
S: answer

T -S : make comments

- It’s a fast and convenient way to get

- You can communicate with friends.
- The Internet make the world a small

- You can use the Internet for education,
entrtainment and commerce.

T; helps sts to make an outline before

? Read the main points of the suggestion
about benefits of the Internet and read part 5
– Read/43 again

S ; read then discuss these questions :

1. What can you say about the development
of the Internet?

2. Is it useful.

3. Why is the Internet a source of

4. Can we say the Internet a source of
entertainment? Why or whynot?

5. Is the Internet also means of education?
Give your reasons?

S: answer

T: notices sts the language can be used to
show their opinions.

S: answer
Secondly, …..



In conclusion,……

? write the benefits of the Internet

S: work in groups ( write on the posters)
T; observes and helps sts, if necessary.
T: asks sts to hang their posters on the board
T -S : make comments

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

Firstly, The Internet is a very fast and convenient way to get information. We can get
information such as newspapers, articles, and weather forecast.

Secondly, It provides a source of entertainment ( It is a very good way to entertain). We
can listen to music and to the radio, watch movies, and play games on line. Besides, we can
chat with our friends and relatives.

Finally, the Internet rovides a rich source of educational materials. It is a convenient way to
study. On the Internet we can learnEnglish, look up new words in a dictionary, take a
traiing course. In addition, we an do on- line exercises, take on- line tests. We don’t need
to go to school, but we can complete the education programs.

In conclusion, the Internet brings us lots of benefits which make ourlife more modern and

* Post –<b> writing</b>

<b>4. Consolidation </b>
<b>5. Homework </b>

? write to express your ideas about the
disadvantges of the Internet?

S: write ( individually)

T : calls on some sts to read aloud
S: read

T -S : make comments
T: marks.

* T: reminds sts te way of giving their ideas
about a concrete problem.

S: listen and remember.

<b>1.</b> Rewrite the writing at home.
<b>2.</b> prepare part “ Language focus”
<b>6. Marks and remarks </b>

<b>Unit 5 : Lesson 5 - Language focus </b>

Preparing day:

Teaching day: .
Period: 31

<b>A . Objectives : - Practice tag questions / gerund after some verbs.</b>

- help sts to review the language they have learnt in concrete situations.
B . Main content

1. Vocabulary: ( Review)
2. Structure: ( Review)

3. Grammar: tag questions and gerund
<b>C. Teaching aids: extraboards.</b>

<b>D. Teaching procedures:</b>
* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson .
* New lesson.

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>
<b>2.. Consolidation </b>
+……., - …?
-……… …, + ?

T: aks some questions
S: answer

T – S : make comments

T: asks sts to review the tag questions
S : answer

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

You like sports, don’t you?

You don’t like foreign fiml, do you?
<b>3. Practice </b>

Ex1: a. haven’t you
b. didn’t he
c. wasn’t it
d. do you
e. aren’t we

Ex2: work with a partner

a. A: Tuan like news, doesn’t he?
B: yes, he does

b. A: Mai and Anh don’t like news, do

B: No, they don’t
Ex 3:


Like + Ving


Ex 4:- My father likes watching sports, but
my mother doesn’t. She loves listening to

<b>4. Consolidation </b>

<b>5. Homework </b>

? give some examples
S : answer

T : has sts practice in pairs
? complete the dialogue?
S : work with a partner

T: Calls on some sts to answer
S : answer

T – S: Make comments and corrections, if
necessary. Then give correct answers

T : explains the requirement of the exercise
- asks sts to read the model dialogue and the
table /45

S: read then work in pairs

T : Calls on some pairs to role play
S : Roleplay

T – S:Make comments and corrections, if
necessary. Then give correct answers

T: asks sts to review the gerund after some

S :answer

? practice, using the words in the box
S: work in pairs

T : calls on some pairs to practice
T - S: make comments

T : Marks

T : tell sts to read the model sentences, then
write about the hobbies of their ralatives/
parents and siblings, friends and themselves
S : write

T : asks sts to compare their results with a

S : Compare

T : calls on some sts to write on the board
T –S: Make comments and corrections, if
necessary. Then give correct answers

T : Reminds sts the tag questions and Ving
after some verbs

? Complete these sentences
a.She likes(cook), ….?
Yes, …….

b. My father hates( watch) violent film.
c. He doesn’t enjoy (drink) beer, ….?
d. I am a student,………?

e. You prefer (listen) to music to (watch)

1. Rewrite exercises 1 and 4 in your
exercise books.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

<b>Consolidation </b>

Preparing day:

Teaching day: .
Week :17

Period: 32

<b>A . Objectives : - help sts to review the language they have learnt in concrete situations.</b>
B . Main content

1. Vocabulary: ( Review)
2. Structure: ( Review)

3. Grammar: tag questions and gerund
<b>C. Teaching aids: extraboards.</b>

<b>D. Teaching procedures:</b>
* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson .
* New lesson.

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

2. Consolidation and practice doing

T : asks some information
S: answer

T : hangs the extrboards

S: work in pairs or groups or individually
T: Calls on some sts to answer or write on
the board.

T –S: Make comments and corrections, if
necessary. Then give correct answers
<b>Questions : Choose the best answer to complete these sentences.</b>

1. Paul wishes he …. Good at Math.

A. was being B. were C. will be D. is

2. The room….in use since it was decorated.

A. is B. has been C.used to be D.was

3. We ….a lovely holiday there, did we?

A. have B.has C. were having D.had

4. ….you don’t feel like it, you don’t have to take it.

A. what B. how C. whether D. if

5. He….like a chimey when he was a student.

A. used to smoking B. was used to smoke C.used to smoke D.got used to smoke
6. Nobody phoned, did….?

A. they B. she C. it D. he

7. Tommy suggeted ….the shrine on the mountain.

A. to visit B. visiting C. visit D. visited

8. How much time do you spend….the web a day?

A.posting B. responding C. surfing D. using

9. You have read this article on the website,….?

A.don’t you B. do you C. haven’t you D. have you

10. When I was on holiday, I enjoy…get up early.

A. not having to B. not have to C.no have to D. have to know
<b>Question 2: Rewrite the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.</b>
1. “ Do you speak any other language, Mai?”

The teacher asked………
2. What a pity! I can’t go camping with you.

I wish………..

3. Jane never studied French well when he was a student.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

4. They haven’t phoned us for a month.
It has been……….
5. “ I’ll be back tomorrow”

He said……….

<b>Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.</b>

I keep a vocabulary notebook. It’s organized (1)… . When ever I hear or read a new word,
I write it (2)….. then …(3)…I have time, I look it up in my dictionary. I put down some
key..(4)… about the word- you know(5)…it’s a noun or a verb, and some (6)…of how it’s
used. I (7)…the notebook nd study the words as often as I can. I really (8)…that the only
way to learn words (9)… in your own language is by ..(10) them.

1.A. alphabet B.alphabetical C.alphabetic D. alphabetically

2.A. in B.on C.down D. besides

3.A. when B. while C. if D. unless

4.A. examples B. information C.meaning D. usage

5. A. what B.where C.whether D. when

6.A. meanings B. things C. examples D. words

7.A. go through B. go after C. go on D. go up

8.A. believe B. mean C. guess D.learn

9.A. whether B. ever C. even D. through

10.A. forgetting B. memorizing C. improving D. learning


<b>Question 1: </b>

1b 2b 3d 4d 5c 6a 7b 8c 9c 10a

<b>Question 2: </b>

1. The teacher asked Mai if she spoke any other language.
2. I wish I could go camping with you.

3. jane udes to study French badly when she was a student.
4. It has been a month since they last phoned us.

5. he sais he would be back the following day.

<b>Question3: 1d 2c 3a 4b 5c 6c 7a 8a 9c 10b</b>

<b>3.Homework : </b>

<b>a. Reviewpresent perfect tensse</b>
<b>b. reported speech</b>

<b>c.tag questions </b>
<b>d.verb forms</b>

<b>4. Marks and remarks </b>

<b>Consolidation </b>

Preparing day:

Teaching day: .
Week :17

Period: 33

<b>A . Objectives : - help sts to review the language they have learnt in concrete situations.</b>
B . Main content

1. Vocabulary: ( Review)
2. Structure: ( Review)

3. Grammar: tag questions and gerund
<b>C. Teaching aids: extraboards.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

* Management (45’)

* Checking the old lesson .

* New lesson.

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

<b>2. Consolidation and practice </b>

T: asks some information
S :answer

T : Hangs the extraboards
S : work in pairs or groups or

individually…or take part in the games
T- S: make comments and corretions, if
necsessary and give correct anwers
S: write the answers

T : emphasizes the language sts forget.
<b>Question 1 : Choose the best answer to complete these sentences. </b>

1. The Muslims often go to…..to pray.

A. temple B. church C. mosque D.pagoda

2. The English 9 text book …ten units.

A. divides B. comprises C. separates D. depends

3. Maths and Literature are….subjects in high schools.

A. national B. offical C. optional D.compulsory

4. I wish I…….have a computer.

A. can B. may C. could D. will

5. Many designers took …..from Vietnam’s ehnic minorities

A. inspiration B. impression C. fashion D. friendliness
6. Wearing uniform helps sts ….equal in many ways.

A. fall B. fell C.felt D.feel

7. Maryam and Lan …..pen pals for over two years.

A. are B. were C. have been D. will be

8. There …an old building in this area.

A.used to B. used to be C. used to have D. used
9. We have been classmates…..four years.

A.for B. in C. from D. since

10. In the 18th<sub> century Jean cloth was made completely</sub>…<sub>cotton.</sub>

A. by B.from C. to D. in

<b>Question 2: Write complete ssentences with the words and phrases given.</b>
1. It/ necessary. Students/ uniforms/ when/ school.

2. Nga used/ walk/ Vinh Nghiem pagoda/ her way/ primary school.
3. I/ wish/ have/ a guitar.

4. Today/ many Vietnamese women/ prefer/wear/ modern/ clothing/ work.

<b>Question 3: rewrite the second sentence sothat it has the same meaning to the first.</b>
1. He can’t go to my birthday party.

I wish………

2. You must do this exercise.
This exercise ……….
3. “ Do you go to school by bike?”
She asked me……….
4. As a boy, I often flew a kite.
I used ………..

5. People grow rice in tropocal countries.

Rice ………

6. People speak English all over the world.


7. You must this bill at once.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>

<b>Question 1: </b>

1c: mosque 2. b comprises 3. d: compulsory 4c: could 5a : inspirarion
6a: feel 7.c: have been 8. b: used to be 9. a : for 10b: from

<b>Question 2: </b>

1. It is necessary for students to wear uniforms when they are at school.
2. Nga used to walk past Vinh Nghiem pagoda on her way to primary school.
3. I wish I had a computer.

4. Today many Vietnamese women prefer to wear modern clothing at work.
Question 3:

1. I wish he could go to my birthday party.
2. This exercise must be done ( by you).
3. She asked me if I went to school by bike.
4. I used to fly a kite .

5. Rice is grown in tropical countries.
6. English is spoken all over the world.
7. This bill must be paid at once.

<b>3. Homework </b>

- Review the language you have learnt
<b>4.. Marks and remarks </b>


Preparing day:

Teaching day: .
Period: 34

<b>A . Objectives : - help sts to review the language they have learnt in concrete situations.</b>
B . Main content

1. Vocabulary: ( Review)
2. Structure: ( Review)

3. Grammar: tag questions and gerund
<b>C. Teaching aids: extraboards.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

* Checking the old lesson .
* New lesson.

<b>Content</b> <b>Method</b>

<b>1. Warm up </b>

<b>2. Consolidation and practice </b>

T: asks some information
S :answer

T : Hangs the extraboards
S : work in pairs or groups or

individually…or take part in the games
T- S: make comments and corretions, if

necsessary and give correct anwers
S: write the answers

T : emphasizes the language sts forget.
<b>Question 1 : Choose the best answer to complete these sentences. </b>

1. This building…..in 1980.

A. built B. builds C. was built D. is built

2. We …..Nam since he left school.

A. met B.meet C. meeting D. haven’t met

3. Do you mind ……me home?.

A. taking B. take C. took D. to take

4. He saw that film……7 p.m…….Sunday.

A. on/ from B. in/ at C. at/ at D. at/ on

5. We have lived in that house ….five years.

A. ago B. for C. since D. already

6. When I loked round the door, the baby ….quietly.

A. is sleeping B. was sleeping C. slept D. were sleeping
7. I’m looking forward to….her.

A. see B. saw C.seeing D. sees

8. we are proud …our father.

A.to B.of C.for D.at

9. We …to France for our holiday last year.

A.goes B.going C. have gone D.went

10. There are many ….festivals in Viet Nam.

A. traditional B.tradition C.traditionally D. traditionic
<b>II. Give correct form of the verbs in brackets.</b>

1. When my mother came home from work, I…(cook) dinner.
2. Peter ..(go) to school by bike everyday.

3. The children (play) soccer in the stadium now.
4. you (go) to London last month?

5. She (learn) English a lot since she (go) to England.

6. My father used to (get) up very late. Now he gets used to(get) up early.
7. This is the first time I (read) a novel (write) by an English novelist.

8. My mother usually (get) up very early, but yesterday she(not get) up until 9 o’clock.
9. I (not see) your brother recently.

- No. He (not be) out of his room since he( buy) a new computer.

10. When I (come) to see Mr. Robinson last night, he( read) a newspaper and his two
children ( listen) to an English song.

<b>III. Read the passage . Fill in the blank with a suitable word from the box.</b>

newspapers radio TV websites program

magazines emails information chats news

There are four people in my family. Each of us has a different hobby. My dad likes

reading…(1) because he can get the latest …(2) every morning. However, my mom enjoys
watching …(3) and reading…(4)…. Mom often spends hours reading articles about

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

development of aircraft. He also writes (7)… or (8)…with his friends about his hobby. For
me, I am interested in listening to music. I love listening to music on the FM (9)… . I also
like music…(10) on Sundays. What about you? What is your hobby?


I :1. C 2. D 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.B 7C 8.B 9.D 10. A
II. 1.was cooking


3. are playing
4. Did…go

5. has learnt/ went
6. get/ getting

7. have read/ written
8. gets/ didn’t get

9. haven’t seen/ hasn’t been/ bought
10. came/ was reading/ were listening.

III. 1:newspapers 2. news 3. TV 4. magazines 5. websit4s 6. information 7.
emails 8. chats 9. radio 10. program.

<b>3. Consolidation </b>

<b>4. Homework : Review the language you have learnt and prepare to have atest</b>
<b>5. Marks and remarks </b>

Preparing day:
Teaching day: .
Period: 35

<b>English 9</b>

<b>Test 45 - </b>

Number 1 ( The first semester)

Ma trËn

Néi dung

NhËn biÕt

Th«ng hiĨu

VËn dơng








I. Listening




5 câu 2,5


II. Reading




10 câu

2,5 điểm




10 c



10 câu

2,5 điểm

IV. Writing


<sub>0,5 đ</sub>

5 câu 2,5


Tổng số

10 c

<sub>2,5 ®iĨm</sub>

20 c

<sub> 5 ®iĨm</sub>

5 c

<sub>2,5 ®iĨm</sub>

35 c

<sub>10 ®iĨm</sub>

C: Questions

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

A. a little girl B. a missing boy C. a little boy D. a girl
2. he is……….years old.

A. three B. four C.fourteen D.forty

3. what is he like? He is a…………..

A. a tall boy with dark hair B. short boy C.tall boy D.a boy with brown hair
4. What’s he wearing?

A. a white shirt and black shorts C. a white shirt and blue shorts
B. blue shorts and a red sweater D. a white blouse and jeans
5. What is he carrying?

A. a car B.a doll C. a hat D.a ball

II. Reading : Fill in each number blank with one word from the box? (2,5 p)

Between wore from were example
there not short lot pants

Clothes today are different …..(1) the clothes of the 1800s. One different is the way
they look. For …(2)…, in the 1800s all woman (3)….dress. The dress all had long skirts.

But today woman do…(4) always wear dress with long skirts. Sometimes, they wear …(5)
..skirts. Sometimes, they wear (6)…. .Another difference…(7)….1800s and today is the
cloth. In the 1800s, clothes ….(8) made only from natural kinds of cloth. They were made
from cotton, wool, silk or linen. But today, …(9)…are many kinds of man- made cloth. A

..(10) of clothes are now made from nylon, crayon or polyester.

<b>III. language focus.</b>

<b>Choose the best answer to complete these sentences (2,5p).</b>
1. We …each other for a long time.

A. know B.have known C.have been known D. knew
2. Ben writes very quickly. He’s finished his essay.

A. already B.for C.yet D.recently

3. I wish you………here now.

A. are B.were C.be D.was

4. Millions of Christmas cards ……last month.

A. sent B.are sent C.were sent D.have been sent

5. Vietnamese people are very ………and hospitable.

A. frienliness B.friendship C. friendly D. friend

6. have you gone skiing?

A. ever B.for C.just D.already

7. They ……cycle to school when they were students.

A. use to B.used C.used to D. did use to

8. Malaysia is divided….two regions

A. in B.to C.into D.by

9. We have lived in this town …..1989.

A. for B.since C. ago D.in

10. The teacher let me ……home early because I felt ill.

A.going B. to go C. went D.go

<b>IV. writing : </b>

<b>Rewrite these sentences so that they have the same meaning to the first ones (2,5 p)</b>
a. Mary always went swimming after school last year.

Mary used to……….

b. He started learing English 2 years ago.

He has ………

c. what a pity! He can’t come tomorrow.

I wish………..

d. I don’t have a computer.

I wish………

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

<b>D . Keys and marks</b>
<b>Question 1: mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm</b>

1 - b 2 - b 3 - d 4 - a 5 - a

<b>Question 2 : mỗi chỗ điền đúng 0,25 điểm</b>

1: from 6: pants

2: example 7: between

3: wore 8: were

4: not 9: there

5: short 10: lot

<b>Question 3: mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm</b>

1:b 6: a

2: a 7: c

3: b 8: c

4: c 9: b

5: c 10: d

<b>Question4: mỗi câu đúng o,5 điểm</b>

a, Mary used to go swimming after school last year.
b, He has learnt English for two years.

c, I wish he could come tomorrow.
d, I wish I had a computer.

e, Two department stores have been built this year.



:Attention please. Here is a special announcement. A little boy is
reported missing. He was last seen 10 minutes ago near the main entrance to the harvest
festival. His name’s Bill. He’s 4 years old with brown hair. He’s wearing a white shirt and
black shorts. He may be carrying a toy- a red car. If you see Bill, please bring him to the
Information desk. His mother is waiting for him there. Thank you.

Có thể thay thế bài tập nghe bằng bài tập chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì phù hợp, dạng phù

5. You ( ever/ be ) to Singapore?

6. This church ( build) in the 19th<sub> century.</sub>

7. When you last (see) her?

8. We ( have) dinner when the light ( go) out.
Hoặc bài tập viết cã gỵi ý.

6. It/ necessary/ secondary school students/ wear/ uniforms/ school.
7. I/ wish/ have/ a guitar.

8. He/ used / go fishing/ when /he / young.

9. The Ao dai/ the traditional dress/ Vietnamese woman.
10.They / be/ pen pals/ for over two years.

<b> </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

<b>Number2 (the first semester)</b>

<b>C. Questions </b>

<b>Question I : Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences (2,5 points)</b>
1. I’ve known him …….I left school.

A. when B. before C. for D. since

2. I can’t understand French visitors. I wish I …..French.

A. know B.have known C.knew D.will know

3. The church…….about 100 years ago.

A. was built B. is built C. has been built D.will be built
4. If he ……soon, he might miss the train.

A. isn’t coming B. didn’t come C.won’t come D.doesn’t come
5. Please let Tom….with you.

A. going B. go C.to go D. went

6. We …..some experiments, the light went out.

A.are doing B. did C.were doing D. was doing

7. The police stopped us and asked us where ………….

A. were you going B. are you going C.we are going D.we were going
8. He said he ….a friend at the station that day.

A.is meeting B. is going to meet C.was meeting D. meets
9. We will be there ….5 o’clock …the morning.

A. in/ on B.on/ in C. at/ in D.in / at

10. Hoa worked hard,…..she passed her exam.

A. so B.because C. but D. if

<b>Question II: Give correct form of the verbs in brackets (2,5 points)</b>

1. I ( write) to my pen pal for three years, and we first (meet) each other last week.
2. Minh (know) a little English, so she wishes she (can) speak it fluently.

3. When he (come) yesterday, we (have) dinner.
4. They (not/finish) their homework yet.

5. She used to (get) up very late, but now she is used to (get) up early.
6. Look! The bus (come).

<b>Question III: Read the passage and answer the questions (2,5 points)</b>

Last Sunday, Nam went on an excursion to Oxford. He got up early and took a bus,
so he arrived there on time. In the morning, he visited the National Gallery, Big Ben and
the Hyde park. In the afternoon, he bought a dictionary abd a small disc with the word
“ Oxford University”. He met some English students in the bookshop. He was happy to
practice speaking English with many foreigners. Although he felt a bit tired, he had a nice

1 . Where did Nam go last Sunday?
2. How did he go there?

3. Did he arrive there late?
4. What did he visit?

5. How did he feel after the excursion?

<b>Question IV: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the </b>
<b>first (2,5 points).</b>

1.. Why don’t we go to Ha Noi foreign language University?


2. What a pity! I can’t play the guitar.
I wish……….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

A policeman asked ………...
5. Nga is happy to meet her aunt again soon.

Nga is looking ………

<b>Keys and marks</b>

<b>Question I : Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm</b>

1.D 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6. C 7. D 8.C 9. C 10. A
<b>Question II: Mỗi động từ đúng 0,25 điểm</b>

1 : have written/ met
2: knows/ could

3: came/ were having
4: haven’t finished
5. get/ getting
6. is coming.

<b>Question III: Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 diểm.</b>

1. He went on an excursion to Oxford. ( He went to Oxford)
2. He went there by bus.

3. No, he didn’t.

4. He visted the National Gallery, Big Ben and the Hyde park.
5. He felt a bit tired.

<b>Question IV: Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm</b>

6. Let’s go to Ha Noi language University.
7. I wish I could play the guitar.

8. The interviewer asked me where I lived.

9. A policeman asked me If/ whether I had got a driving licence.
10.Nga is looking forward to meeting her aunt again soon.

<b> </b>

<b>Test 15</b>

<b>Number 2 ( The first semester)</b>

<b>I. Write a passage about the benefits of the Internet with the cues given.</b>
1. Internet/ now/ very/ useful/ our life.

2. It/fast/ convevient/ way/ information/ which/ very / up date.

3. It/ cheap/ way/ communicate/ friends/ relatives/ means / e. mail/ chatting/ web cam.
4. It/ provide/ variety/ entertainment/ such as/ music/ movies/ games/novels, magazines,

5. It/ possible/ use/ Internet/ education.

<b>Keys and Marks</b>
Mỗi câu đúng 2 điểm

1. Internet is nowvery useful in our life.

2. It is a fast and convevient way to get information which is very up date.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

4. It provides a variety of entertainment such as music, movies, games,novels,
magazines, etc.

5. It is possible to use the Internet for education.

<b>D . Result: </b>

<b> Correct the test </b>

Preparing day :

Teaching day:
Period : 36

A: Objectives:

- Nªu mét số lỗi cơ bản trong bài làm của học sinh và yêu cầu học sinh tự sửa chữa.
Củng cố lại những nội dung học sinh còn yếu qua một số dạng bµi tËp.

B : Result of the test:

Class : 9A < TB > TB

Numbers of tests: P: 0 P: 1+2 P: 3+4 P: 5+6 P: 7+8 P: 9+10

C: Những u nhợc điểm thông qua bài kiểm tra.( Về kiến thức ,kĩ năng trình bày)

1.Ưu điểm :

2: - Nhợc điểm:

D: Chữa bài khắc sâu kiến thức, kỹ năng học sinh cịn tồn tại thơng qua bài kiểm tra.
( Soạn cụ thể đơn vị kiến thức, từng loại bài)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>

6. Exercises



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