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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

Class: 8/....


Subject: English - Time: 45’

Code: 149

<i>I/ Choose the correct word or phrase by circling the letter in front of the word or </i>
<i>phrase: (3marks):</i>

<b> Câu 1. My younger brother hates ... to the market.</b>

<b>A. going</b> <b>B. to go</b> <b>C. to go</b> <b>D. to going</b>

<b> Câu 2. Nga should ... English every day.</b>

<b>A. to practice</b> <b>B. practice</b> <b>C. practicing</b> <b>D. practices</b>

<b> Câu 3. The bus will arrive at 9.00 am. We must be there ... 8.30 am ... 9.00 </b>

<b>A. between/ and</b> <b>B. from/ to</b> <b>C. at/ at </b> <b>D. at/ to</b>
<b> Câu 4. Would you like to go to my party ... April 2</b>nd<sub>?</sub>

<b>A. at</b> <b>B. between</b> <b>C. on</b> <b>D. in</b>

<b> Câu 5. My father ... work by bus.</b>

<b>A. used</b> <b>B. is used</b> <b>C. used to</b> <b>D. is using </b>

<b> Câu 6. His mother will come back home late to night so he'll cook the dinner </b>
by ...

<b>A. themselves</b> <b>B. herself </b> <b>C. myself</b> <b>D. himself </b>
<b> Câu 7. He ... very past on Physical education class yesterday afternoon.</b>

<b>A. ran</b> <b>B. run</b> <b>C. is running</b> <b>D. runs</b>

<b> Câu 8. She ... go to the library when she was a student.</b>

<b>A. use to</b> <b>B. usually</b> <b>C. used to</b> <b>D. is used to</b>
<b> Câu 9. Lan needs ... her English pronunciation.</b>

<b>A. improve</b> <b>B. improving</b> <b>C. to improving</b> <b>D. to improve</b>
<b> Câu 10. I think we ... put the telephone on the bookshelf.</b>

<b>A. ought to</b> <b>B. should to</b> <b>C. must</b> <b>D. have to</b>

<b> Câu 11. Lan hates ... meals</b>

<b>A. to cook</b> <b>B. cooking</b> <b>C. is cooking </b> <b>D. cook</b>
<b> Câu 12. My father ... travel to work by bus.</b>

<b>A. used not </b> <b>B. didn't used to</b> <b>C. used not to</b> <b>D. didn't use to</b>
<i>II/ Matching the column A with column B to make a meaning full sentences by </i>
<i>writing the correct letter with number below (1marks):</i>

<b>A</b> <b>B</b> <b>A-B</b>

1. Could you do me a favor?

2. Which subject did you have a test

3. How does Tim study this semester?

4. How do people learn words?

a. highlight
b. Excellent
c. English
d. Yes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<i>III/ Write the past simple form of the verbs below: (1 mark)</i>

1. take - ... 2. have - ... 3. eat - ... 4. sit- ...
<i>IV/ Complete the text below by using the words in the table and answer the </i>
<i>questions: (2 ms):</i>

next other out two

There are also different ways of learning the same number of words. For example,
if you try to learn ten words in (1)____________ days, you can do so in two ways.
You can learn the first five words the first day, and then learn the (2)__________ five
the next day. However, because revision is necessary, you can learn all the ten words
the first day and revise them the (3)__________ day. This helps you practice the
words more times.

Language learners should try different ways of learning words so as to find
(4)________ the best way for themselves.

a. What is necessary in learning words?

b. How should language learners to find the best way for themselves?

<i>V/ Rewrite the sentences in to reported speech: (2 ms)</i>

1. Mary tells Hung: “<i><b>Please give Loan this gift.</b></i><b>” </b>

told ...

2. Teacher tells Minh’s mother <i><b>“Minh should practice speaking English every day</b></i>.”
Teacher ...
<i>VI/ Translate in to English: (1m)</i>

Ba thích chơi bóng đá, nhưng khơng thích xem TV.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

Class: 8/....


Subject: English - Time: 45’

Code: 138

<i>I/ Choose the correct word or phrase by circling the letter in front of the word or </i>
<i>phrase: (3marks):</i>

<b> Câu 1. Would you like to go to my party ... April 2</b>nd<sub>?</sub>

<b>A. at</b> <b>B. between</b> <b>C. in</b> <b>D. on</b>

<b> Câu 2. Lan needs ... her English pronunciation.</b>

<b>A. to improve</b> <b>B. improve</b> <b>C. to improving</b> <b>D. improving</b>
<b> Câu 3. Nga should ... English every day.</b>

<b>A. to practice</b> <b>B. practicing</b> <b>C. practice</b> <b>D. practices</b>
<b> Câu 4. I think we ... put the telephone on the bookshelf.</b>

<b>A. should to</b> <b>B. ought to</b> <b>C. must</b> <b>D. have to</b>

<b> Câu 5. My father ... work by bus.</b>

<b>A. is used</b> <b>B. used to</b> <b>C. used</b> <b>D. is using </b>

<b> Câu 6. My father ... travel to work by bus.</b>

<b>A. used not to</b> <b>B. used not </b> <b>C. didn't used to</b> <b>D. didn't use to</b>

<b> Câu 7. The bus will arrive at 9.00 am. We must be there ... 8.30 am ... 9.00 </b>


<b>A. between/ and</b> <b>B. at/ to</b> <b>C. from/ to</b> <b>D. at/ at </b>
<b> Câu 8. Lan hates ... meals</b>

<b>A. cooking</b> <b>B. to cook</b> <b>C. cook</b> <b>D. is cooking </b>

<b> Câu 9. His mother will come back home late to night so he'll cook the dinner </b>
by ...

<b>A. herself </b> <b>B. themselves</b> <b>C. himself </b> <b>D. myself</b>
<b> Câu 10. She ... go to the library when she was a student.</b>

<b>A. use to</b> <b>B. used to</b> <b>C. usually</b> <b>D. is used to</b>
<b> Câu 11. My younger brother hates ... to the market.</b>

<b>A. to go</b> <b>B. to go</b> <b>C. to going</b> <b>D. going</b>

<b> Câu 12. He ... very past on Physical education class yesterday afternoon.</b>

<b>A. ran</b> <b>B. runs</b> <b>C. is running</b> <b>D. run</b>

<i>II/ Matching the column A with column B to make a meaning full sentences by </i>
<i>writing the correct letter with number below (1marks):</i>

<b>A</b> <b>B</b> <b>A-B</b>

Could you help me?

Which subject did you have a test yesterday?

How do people learn the words they want to learn?
Do learners learn words in the same ways?

a. different

b. highlight
c. Math
d. Yes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<i>III/ Write the past simple form of the verbs below: (1 mark)</i>

1. come - ... 2. sit - ... 3. run - ... 4. have- ...
<i>IV/ Complete the text below by using the words in the table and answer the </i>

<i>questions: (2 ms):</i>

in learn revise so

There are also different ways of learning the same number of words. For example,
if you try to learn ten words (1)__________ two days, you can do so in two ways.
You can learn the first five words the first day, and then (2)__________ the other five
the next day. However, because revision in necessary,you can learn all the ten words
the first day and (3)_________ them the next day. This helps you practice the words
more times.

Language learners shuold try different ways of learning words (4)_________ as
to find out the best way for themselves.

a. What is necessary in learning words?

b. How should language learners to find the best way for themselves?

<i>V/ Rewrite the sentences in to reported speech: (2 ms)</i>

1. Mary tells Hung: “<i><b>Please give Loan this gift.</b></i><b>” </b>

told ...

2. Teacher tells Minh’s mother <i><b>“Minh should practice speaking English every day</b></i>.”
Teacher ...
<i>VI/ Translate in to English: (1m)</i>

Lan thích nấu ăn, nhưng khơng thích chơi cầu lông.



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