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Full name : ……...………….……...………... Class : 7/... Mark :



<i>(Date : Week 11, 2009)</i>

<b>I/ Choose the best answers : (5ms)</b>
1. 8:15 is said : ... .

a. It’s quarter to eight b. It’s eight fifteen c. It’s eight quarter
2. …… school, we study many subjects .

a. At b. On c. With.
3. We have fifteen - minute break everyday.

a. recess b. school day c. class.
4. The shelves on the ... have math and science books.

a. left b. back c. middle

5. His father always … coffee for breakfast.

a. drink b. drinks c. is drinking.
6. Look! The teacher ...… here.

a. come b. is coming c. are coming.

7. It’s time .. lunch now.

a. at b. for c. to.

8. He practices … the piano every afternoon.

a. play b. playing c. plays.

9. Choose the word that has a different pronunciation from the others :

a. subject b. study c. computer

10. Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the others :

a. repair b. marble c. enjoy

<b>II/ Answer this question : (1m)</b>

What do you study in Geography class ?


<b>III/ Write a complete sentence : (4ms)</b>
1. you/ play/ any/ games/ recess ?

2. Library/ Congress/ one/ large/ libraries/ the world.


<b>THE END </b>



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