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Observer’s name: Date:


Time: Grade: Number of students:

Type of lesson:

<b>I. PREPERATION</b> <b>GOOD</b> <b>CAN IMPROVE</b>

<i><b>Lesson plan</b></i>  easy to understand and follow

 good understanding of method
 clear objectives

<i><b>Appropriateness; </b></i>
<i><b>Anticipation of </b></i>
<i><b>student problems;</b></i>

 students’ problems
 timing of activities
 appropriate lesson plan

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<i><b>Presentation or </b></i>
<i><b>skill- stage</b></i>

 short and clear start of the


 not too teacher-centered
 setting the scene/ introduction
 pre-teaching of vocabulary
 techniques of the lesson

( variety/successful)

 visual aid

 activities (successful/ variety )
 eliciting, concept checking
 timing

<i><b>Practice, Accuracy,</b></i>
<i><b>Fluency or </b></i>
<i><b>While-task/ Post-task</b></i>

 clear instruction

 eliciting, concept checking
 variety of activities

 clear stage

 techniques of the lesson

( variety/successful)

 activities (successful/ variety)
 mistake correction

 timing

<i><b>Learner </b></i>

 active participation
 students’ interaction
 interested

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<i><b>Classroom </b></i>

 giving instruction
 eye contact

 eliciting, checking
 monitoring

 use of visual aids
 board use

 mistake correction
 feedback

<i><b>Teacher’s </b></i>
<i><b>Language Use</b></i>

 proper pronunciation
 suitable to ss’ level

 good use of grammar and lexis
 fluency

 clear voice

 Balance of English and

<i><b>Aims achieved, </b></i>

<i><b>clarity of purpose, </b></i>

 use of lesson plan


 aims achieved

<i><b>Teacher’s </b></i>

 friendly encouraging,

approachable manner

 able to get over nervousness

 able to praise students at their

own level

 enthusiastic about teaching
 flexibility

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