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<b>Practice Test 6</b>

<b>Grade11 </b>

<b> 11/08/2010 </b>

<b> </b>

I. Chän a, b, c, và d sao cho phù hợp.

1. He finds it...lasting friendship.

a. difficult to make b. difficulty in making
c. is difficult to make d. difficult making

2. You...any friends if you...taking like that.
a. will win/ carry on b. won’t win/ carry on

c. wouldn’t win/ carried on d. would have won/ had carried on
3. The aim of the culture festival is...friendship between the two

a. promote b. promoting c. to promote d. being promoted
4. People he...turned out to be only fair-weather friends.

a. trusted b. has trusted c. was trusting d. had trusted
5. How can you let such a silly incident...your friendship?
a. wreck b. to wreck c. wrecking d. that wrecks

6. It has become necessary...water in the metropolitan area because
of the severe drought.

a. rationing b. ration c. to ration d. to have rationed
7. All the passengers were made...their seat belts during the


a. buckle b. to buckle c. buckling d. for buckling
8. ...good ice cream, you need to use a lot of cream.
a. make b. making c. to make d. for make
9. I got my friend...her car for the weekend.
a. to let me to borrow b. to let me borrow
c. let me borrow d. let me to borrow

10. They...good friends, but they’ve fallen out recently.
a. used to be b. would be c. were d. are
11. I don’t mind...late if it will help at all.

a. to work b. to be work c. working d. being working
12. I remember...to the zoo when I was a child.

a. to take b. to be taken c. taking d. being taking
13. We managed...over the wall without...
a. to climb/ seeing b. climbing/ being seen

c. to climb/ being seen d. to be climbed/ seeing

14. Isabel expected...to the university, but she wasn’t.

a. to admit b. to be admitted c. admitting d. being admitted
15. The city council agreed...the architect’s proposed design for a
new parking garage.

a. to accept b. to be accepted c. accepting d. being accepted
16. The tin opener seems...for left-handed people.

a. to design b. to be designed c. designing d. being designed
17. My parents appreciate...the thankyou note you sent them.
a. to reveive b. to be received c. receiving d. being received
18. When the police frist questioned him, Wayne denied...in the

a. to involve b. to be involved c. involving d. being involved
19. Many reliable methods of storing information tended...when
computers arrived.

a. to forget b. to be forgotten c. forgetting d. being forgotten
20. The police warned everybody...inside with their windows

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a. He doesn’t like it when people tell him what to do
b. He often needs the help of other people in his work
c. He doesn’t accept help from people he dislikes
d. He likes people to think all good ideas are his own
22. I would rather have an egg for breakfast.

a. I would eat an egg for breakfast.
b. I don’t want an egg for breakfast.
c. I prefer to have an egg for breakfast.
d. I will have an egg for breakfast.

23. It would have been a perfect paper except for some mistakes.
a. It was a perfect paper b. The word was spelt perfectly

c. The paper had some mistakes d. The teacher did not accept the paper

24. It’s waste of time to try to explain anything to Tony.

a. Tony should be given explanation.

b. It’s not worth trying to explain anything to Tony
c. To save time, explain it to Tony.

d. It’s well worth trying to explain things to Tony.

25. The workers are threatening to go on strike unless the company raises the
hourly wage.

a. If their wages are not increased, the workers plan to strike.
b. The company raised the worker’s wages to avoid a strike
c. The company demands that the workers strike.

d. The company threatened to pay the workers less.
II. Chọn lỗi sai.

1. Whatever happened, I didn’t want to lose friendship of Vera.

2. The basic aims of science and magic are very similar – to understand and
to control nature.


3. It was a period of her life when she made some lifelong friendship.

4. Simon finds it hard for making friends with other children.

5. Not longer are contributions to the advancement of industry made
primarily by individuals.

III. Chọn a, b, c, và d sao cho phù hợp.

1. I/ had/ An/ clean/ bedroom/ before/ let/ her/ go out/ play

a. I had An clean up her bedroom before I let her going out to play.
b. I had An cleaned her bedroom before I letting her go out for playing.
c. I had An clean up her bedroom before I let her go out to play.

d. I had An to clean her bedroom before letting her go out to play.
2. It/ wonderful/ hear/ magnificent performance.

a. It was wonderful to hear such a magnificent performance.
b. It was wonderful of hearing a magnificent performance.
c. It‘s wonderful to hear such magnificent performance.

d. It will be wonderful to hear a such magnificent performance.
3. He/ not keep/ promise/ visit me/ regularly.

a. He doesn’t keep his promising and visiting me regularly.
b. He didn’t keep his promise to visit me regularly.

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a. We listened to the old man saying his story from beginning to end.
b. We listened the old man say his story from beginning to the end.

c. We listened to the old man say his story from beginning to end.
d. We listened to the old man to say his story from beginning to end.
5. Boys/ clever/ see/ solution/ problem/ so quickly.

a. The boys were clever to see the solution to the problem so quickly.
b. Boys are clever to see the solution of problem so quickly.

c. The boys are clever at seeing the solution to the problem so quickly.
d. The boys were clever to see the solution of the problem so quickly

<b>Practice Test 7</b>

I. Chän a, b, c, và d sao cho phù hợp.

1. ...the promotion of health and to helping people
avoid injury and disease.

a. To commit the Red Cross b. The Red Cross to commit
c. Committed to the Red Cross is d. The Red Cross is committed to
2. It is possible...may assist some trees in saving water in the

a. the leaves are lost b. when leaves have lost
c. that the loss of leaves d. to lose leaves

3. It can sometimes...a home.

a. to take months to sell b. take several months to sell
c. selling takes several months d. to sell taking several months
4. Pioneer men and women endured terrible hardships, and...

a. so do their children b. neither did the children

c. also the children d. so did their children

5. How about going to the theater? OK, but I would rather...a

a. attend b. to attend c. attending d. have attended
6. Neither my friends nor I...particularly interested in the training
course next month.

a. are b. am c. be d. being
7. It’s time you...harder for the next exam.

a. work b. are working c. worked d. have worked
8. Jim doesn’t speak very clearly...

a. It’s difficult to understand him b, It’s difficult for understanding him
c. He’s difficult in understanding d. It’s difficult to understand

9. Only when she apologizes...to her again.

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a. accomplishes b. accomplished

c. has accomplished d. will be accomplished
11. Last night, we saw a meteor...through the sky.

a. streaked b. to streak c. streak d. to have streaked
12. At the end of this month, we...friends for ten years.
a. will be b. are c. has been d. will have been

13. The skiers would rather...through the mountains than go by bus.
a. to travel on train b. traveled by train

c. travel by train d. traveling by the train

14. If we leave now for our trip, we can drive half the distance before we

a. having b. to have c. having had d. for having
15. She resented...to make tea for everyone at the meeting.
a. to ask b. to be asked c. asking d. being asked

16. Let’s leave early. We can’t risk...in heavy traffic during rush

a. to hold up b. to be held up c. holding up d. being held up
17. After their children had grown up, they decided...to a

condominium in the city.

a. to move b. to be moved c. moving d. being moved
18. The new students hope...in many of the school’s social

a. to include b. to be included c. including d. being included
19. Does Dr Johnson mind...at home if his patients need his

a. to call b. to be called c. calling d. being called.

20. The film...by the time we...to the cinema.
a. already began/ got b. have already begun/ got

c. had already begun/ got d. already began/ had got

21. After Jessica...her degree, she intends to work in her father’s

a. will finish b. finishes c. finished d. is finishing
22. As you...your car at the moment, can I borrow it?

a. don’t use b. didn’t use c. aren’t using d. haven’t used
23. When she saw a snake at her feet, she...

a. screamed b. was screaming c. had screamed d. screams
24. When he realised that I...at him, he...away.

a. looked/ was turning b. was looking/ turned
c. was looking/ was turning d. looked/ turned

25. I...the new Harry Potter book now, so you can borrow my copy if
you like.

a. finish b. am finishing c. have finished d. had finished
26. A lot...since I last...you.

a. happened/ saw b. happened/ have seen
c. has happened/ saw d. has happened/ have seen
27. Your eyes are red...?

a. did you cry b. have you been crying
c. have you cried d. do you cry

II. Chän lỗi sai.

1. When I kept getting unwanted calls, I called the phone company and had
my phone number change.


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3. Clay that has been heated or fired in a kiln cannot to be softened again.

4. It is educational for children to observe adults to perform their daily tasks.

5. As they grow older, children in many cultures taught not to rely on their

III. Viết lại câu

1. I started working in this hotel six months ago. (worked)
2. Sue has been in Italy for the last three weeks. (went)
3. I met her during my stay in Paris last summer. (while)
4. We haven’t gone to the cinema for over a year. (It’s)

5. Sam played tennis yesterday and it was his first game. (never)
6. How long is it since they went to Nairobi? (When)

7. Mac Kenzie wrote four best-sellers before he was twenty. (By the age)
8. She is still working on her homework. (stopped)

9. Couls you deliver the goods to my house? (delivered)



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