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<b> Trường THPT Chuyên </b> <b> Môn thi : Tiếng Anh – Khối D</b>

(Thời gian làm bài 90 phút- Đề thi gồm 6 trang)
Mã đề thi


<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following </b></i>

<b>Question 1: Forget all and try your best next time. Lighting never ... twice in the same place.</b>

A. strikes B. attacks C. beat D. hits

<b>Question 2: It is imperative that this letter ... immediately.</b>

A. is sent B. was sent C. has been sent D. be sent

<b>Question 3: The kid are very quiet, I wonder what they’re getting ... to?</b>

A. by B. down C. through D. up

<b>Question 4: The sun and the moon are often ... poetry.</b>

A. personalized B .personified C. personal D. personable
<b>Question 5: You are too old to carry on working. It’s time you call it a ...</b>

A. week B. year C. day D. month

<b>Question 6: During the rush hour the traffic ... in the city centre is terrible.</b>

A. congestion B. concentration C. condensation D. accumalation
<b>Question 7: You shouldn’t have criticized him in front of the class. It was extremely ... of you.</b>

A. sensible B. insensitive C. insensable D. sensitive
<b>Question 8: A: Let’s go out and have a drink, shall we?</b>

B: Yes, ... .

A. After you, sir B. We shall C. Go first, please D. I’ll follow you.
<b>Question 9: When he heard the joke, he burst into loud ...</b>

A. laughter B. amusement C. enjoyment D. smile

<b>Question 10: The school was closed for a month because of serious ... fever.</b>

A. outbreak B. outcome C. outburst D. outset

<b>Question 11: When a fire broke out in the Louver, at least twenty ... paintings were destroyed, </b>
including two by Picasso.

A. worthless B. priceless C. valuebless D. meaningless
<b>Question 12: All his plan for starting his own business fell ... .</b>

A. through B. in C. away D. down

<b>Question 13: Only thoroughly unpleasant people leave the ... of their picnic to spoil the </b>
appearance of the countryside.

A. remainder B. rester C. remains D. rest

<b>Question 14: ... , the people who come to this club are in their twenties or thirties.</b>
A. Virtually B. To a degree C. By and large D. Altogether
<b>Question 15: In order to grow vegetables properly, gardeners must know ...</b>

A. what are each vegetable’s requirements. B .what the requirements for each vegetable are.
C .that is required by each vegetable. D. that the requirements for each vegetable.
<b>Question 16: ... further rioting to occur, the government would be forced to use its emergency power.</b>

A. Were B. Did C. Had D. Should

<b>Question 17: His brother refused to even listen to anyone else’s point of view. He is very ...</b>
A. open - minded B. single - minded C. narrow - minded D. absent - minded
<b>Question 18: “How long does it take to get to the City Library from here?” – “...”.</b>

A. You can go there by bus. B. I am sorry. I don’t know.
C. Yes, it’s a long way. D. It isn’t far.

<b>Question 19: The director retired early ... ill-health.</b>

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A. have got home and dry B. have been successful
C. have not got wet D. have not no water

<b>Question 21: The company received ... complaints about the quality of its products.</b>

A. continual B. continued C. continuous D. continuing

<b>Question 22: The strike was caused by the ... of two workers.</b>

A. dismiss B. dismissing C. dismissed D. dismissal

<b>Question 23: The ... polluted atmosphere in some industrial regions is called "smog.”</b>
A. much B. largely C. fully D. heavily
<b>Question 24: ... anything suspicious arise, please let me know at once.</b>

A. Should B. Would C. Can D. Did
<b>Question 25: Please ... your cigarette. I am going to get choked.</b>

A. cut down B. blow out C. put aside D. put out

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that has underlined part is </b></i>
<i><b>pronounced differently from the rests.</b></i>

<b>Question 26: A. learned </b> B. naked C. baked D. blessed

<b>Question 27: A. bombard</b> B. mustart C. discard D. retard

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the </b></i>
<i><b>position of the main stress in each of the following questions.</b></i>

<b>Question 28: A. solidify B. miraculous </b> C. intimacy D. appropriate
<b>Question 29: A. mathematics B. history</b> C. literature D. physics
<b>Question 30: A. elaborately B. mysteriously</b> C. necessarily D. originally

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.</b></i>
<b>Question 31: The Concord could fly across the Atlantic without refueling and carrying 11 tons of freight.</b>


<b>Question 32: Children enjoy telling and listening to ghosts stories, especially on Halloween night. </b>


<b>Question 33: She makes her assignments completely every night.</b>

<b>Question 34: As every other nation, the United States used to define its unit of currency, the dollar, </b>

in terms of the gold standard.

<b>Question 35: Officials at a college or university must see a student’s transcripts and financial guarantees </b>
prior their issuing him or her a form I-20


<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to </b></i>
<i><b>each of the following questions.</b></i>

<b>Question 36: I only called the police as a last resort.</b>
A. I only called the police when it was special.
B. I only called the police at the last moment.
C. I only called the police at last

D. I only called the police when I had tried everything else.

<b>Question 37: The coach’s tactics were directly responsible for the team’s defeat.</b>
A. The team’s responsibility is to defeat the coach’s tactics.

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C. The team lost as a direct consequence of the coach’s tactics.
D. The coach directly guided the team, but had no responsibility.
<b>Question 38: We could have helped her out.</b>

A. We could, so we helped her out.

B. Although we didn’t help her, she managed to go out.
C. We didn’t help her when she had difficulty.

D. We succeeded in helping her out.

<b>Question 39: Rarely has a 15-year-old earned so much money.</b>
A. 15-year-old rarely earns money.

B. A 15-year-old rarely earns lots of money.

C. A 15-year-old has seldom earned that much money.
D. A 15-year-old has never earned that much money.

<b>Question 40: Tigers eat human beings only on rare occasion when food is scarce.</b>
A. Tigers occationally consume human beings when they are hungry.
B. Tigers eat human beings when they have food.

C. Tigers are scarce just like food.

D. Food is available for human beings but not for tigers.

<i><b>Read the following passage and mark the letter A , B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct </b></i>
<i><b>word for each of the blanks from 41 to 50.</b></i>

Last night I watched a new TV drama aout a writer on a glossy monthly magazine. As a magazine
editor myself, I think it captured our lives brilliantly. The lead character is very credible. She’s friendly and
open and wears her heart on her (41) . She’s a good listener so everyone (42) on her shoulder.
People in publishing tend to be very ambitious and Sally is extremely keen to (43) and reach the top
of her profession. This sometimes drives her to (44) off more than she can chew. In one scene, Sally
goes (45) met the leader of a criminal gang and gets completely out of her (46) . I’ve been
in a similar situation myself. So this really rang a (47) .

The office she works in has a pleasant atmosphere, which is usually the case in our sort of job in my
experience. (48) in mind that people who write for a magazine become quite close since they spend
the day discussing a whole range of personal and social issues. If someone in the office is (49) a
questionnaire – on diets, for example, or people’s likes and dislikes – they usually try it out on the rest of the
team first, so you end up knowing about everyone’s life in (50) .

41. A. jacket B. sleeve C. coat D. hat
42. A. lies B. leans C. cries D. bends
43. A. get on B. get up C. get along D. get over
44. A. cut B. bite C. take D. have
45. A. undercover B. red-handed C. in disguise D. in secret
46. A. bearing B. league C. height D. depth
47. A. horn B. bell C. siren D. alarm
48. A. Rest B. Stay C. Bear D. Hold
49. A. carving up B. drawing up C. doing up D. setting up
50. A. full B. attention C. entirety D. detail

<i><b>Read the following passage and mark the letter A , B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct </b></i>
<i><b>word for each of the blanks from 51 to 60.</b></i>

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nine. In late 1800s, the five-string banjo was developed, a model that had a small unfretted drone string that

was played with the thumb. This was the instrument that country singer Earl Scuggs played, and was the type
used to produce that greatest style of music known as American bluegrass.

In the 1920s, the four-string tenor banjo made a remarkable comeback, as banjo bands became
popular in schools and clubs from coast. Again in the 1960s there was a renewed interest in folk and country
music that brought the banjo back into the forefront of American music. It’s an American instrument that
continues to live on.

<b>Câu 51: What does this passage mainly discuss? </b>

<b> </b> <b>A. the lasting effects of bluegrass music</b> <b> </b>
<b>B. the development of an American instrument</b>

<b> </b> <b>C. the life of a banjo</b>

<b>D. changes in music the nineteenth and twentieth century</b>
<b>Câu 52: The banjo originally came from...</b>

<b> A. southern plantations</b> <b> B. folk and country music</b>

<b> C. minstrel shows</b> <b> D. Africa</b>

<b>Câu 53: The word “plantations” in the passage most probably refers to...</b>
<b> A. types of farms in the South</b> <b> B. southern states</b>

C. southern musical theatres <b> D. bands common in the South</b>
<b>Câu 54: The word “pegs” is closest in meaning to...</b>

<b> A. holes</b> <b> B. bars</b> <b> C. pins</b> <b> D. strings</b>

<b>Câu 55: The word “precise” could best be replaced by which of the following?</b>

<b> A. accurate </b> B. confirmed <b>C. pocessed</b> D. forthcoming

<b>Câu 56: According to the passage, all of the following are true of the five-string banjo EXCET...</b>
<b>A. It was used by Earl Scuggs.</b> <b> </b>

<b>B. It was famous in the production of bluegrass music</b>
<b>C. It had an unfretted string</b>

<b> </b> <b>D. It was a tenor banjo.</b>

<b>Câu 57: Which of the following is most similar to the meaning of “comeback”?</b>

<b>A. performance</b> <b> B. reappearance</b> <b> </b> <b>C. gain</b> <b> D. achievement</b>
<b>Câu 58: The word “renewed” could best be replaced by which of the following?</b>

<b> A. rescued </b> B. remarkable <b>C. revived</b> D. renowned
<b>Câu 59: Which of the following means most nearly the same as the word “forefront”?</b>
<b> A. forecast </b> B. spotlight <b>C. footnote</b> D. record
<b>Câu 60: Which of the following best indicates the author’s attitude toward the banjo?</b>
<b> </b> <b>A. It is a unique instrument.</b> <b>B. It should be in a museum.</b>
<b> </b> <b>C. It should be used more</b> <b>D. It must be kept alive.</b>

<i><b>Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B , C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct </b></i>
<i><b>answer to each of the questions from 61 to 70.</b></i>

The adage that “a woman’s place is in the home” no longer applies to the dauntless ladies in space.
The first woman in space was a Soviet who orbited the earth with a male companion in 1963 and landed
unscathed after a three-day sojourn abroad a spacecraft. Seemingly, it was inevitable that another Soviet

woman would repeat her feat. The second woman in space was Svetlana Savitskaya, a parachutist and test
pilot, who served as researcher abroad Soviet Soyuz T-7, which had a rendezvous with Salyut 7, the space
station in which the longest manned orbital flight was completed.

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Soviet authorities announced that they were looking forward to gaining further information about the
“weaker sex”, so-call in the Soviet newspaper Tass under the stressful conditions of space travel. Sex,
however, is not considered an impediment but rather a benefit in space, for the Soviet have lauded women for
their precision and accuracy in carrying out experiment.

As planned, the Americans put their first woman in space in mid-1983. Sally Ride was their choice.
Ms. Ride joined the NASA program with five other women and thirty four men to train as astronauts in the
space shuttle program. She faces an epoch when space travel will no longer be a glamorous adventure but
rather a commonplace day’s work.

<b>Question 61: The word “rookie”is closest in meaning to ...</b>

A. well- known B. novice C. experienced D. practicing

<b>Question 62: You can infer that women have been included in the space program as a result of ... </b>
A. public outcry B. their husbands

C. their qualifications D. their ability of working under stress

<b>Question 63: Soviet authorities apparently think that men and women are ...</b>

A. equal B. different C. weaker D. inevitable
<b>Question 64: The Soviet Salyut 7 was ... </b>

A. joined by Soyuz T-7 B. manned by a woman
C. an experiment D. a training craff

<b>Question 65: Ms. Savitskaya was chosen to travel into space because ...</b>
A. her father was in the Soviet Air Force and her husband was a pilot .

B. she was dauntless

C. her ability to endure stress and her precicision in doing experiments
D. she was experienced in aviation

<b>Question 66: How did you know whether the statement “Ms. Savitskaya showed no fear of space travel” is</b>
true or false?

A. It was stated B. It was implied C. No information was given
<b>Question 67: From the use of the term “weaker sex”, you can infer that the Soviets...</b>

A. think that Soviet women are not strong
B. entertain a bias against women

C. think that Soviet men are better than women
D. question the women’s movement

<b>Question 68: The word “lauded” is closest in meaning to...</b>

A. recruited B. promoted C. evaluated D. praised

<b>Question 69: An American woman has traveled ...</b>

A. to the moon B. to NASA

C. in the space shuttle D. with the Soviets

<b>Question 70: Space travel will soon be ……….. .</b>

A. glamorous B. adventuresome

C. an everyday experience D. a lot of work

<i><b>Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct</b></i>
<i><b>answer to each of the questions from 71 to 80.</b></i>

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wine, but they did not find the five and a half tons of American Gold Eagle coins they were searching for.
Preservationists focus on the historic value of a ship. They say that even if a shipwreck’s treasure does
not have a high monetary value, it can be an invaluable source of historic artifacts that are preserved in nearly
<i><b>mint condition. But once a salvage team has scoured a site, much of the archaeological value is lost. Maritime</b></i>
archaeologists who are preservationists worry that the success of salvagers will attract more treasure-hunting
expeditions and thus threaten remaining undiscovered wrecks. Preservationists are lobbying their state
lawmakers to legally restrict underwater searches and unregulated salvages. To counter their efforts, treasure
hunters argue that without the lure of gold and million-dollar treasures, the wrecks and their historical
artifacts would never be recovered at all.

<b>Question 71: What is the main idea of this passage?</b>

A. Searching for wrecks is much easier with new technologies like side-scan sonar.
B. Maritime archaeologists are concerned about the unregulated searching of wrecks.
C. The search of the RMS Republic failed to produce the hoped-for coins.

D. The popularity of treasure seeking has spurred a debate between preservationists and salvagers.
<b>Question 72:The word “sunken” is closest in meaning to which of the following words?</b>

A. broken B. underwater C. ancient D. hollow

<b>Question 73: Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “legitimate”?</b>

A. justified B. innocent C. prudent D. fundamental

<b>Question 74: From the passage, you can infer that a preservationist would be most likely to...</b>
A. do archaeological research B. put treasures in a museum

C. be a diver D. shun treasure-seeking salvagers

<b>Question 75: Which of the following statements is best supported by the author?</b>
A. The value of a shipwreck depends on the quantity of its artifacts.

B. Preservationists are fighting the use of technological advances such as side-scan sonar.
C. Side-scan sonar has helped to legitimize salvaging.

D. The use of sound waves is crucial to locating shipwrecks.

<b>Question 76: The author uses the word “services” to refer to which of the following?</b>

A. cups B. sets C. containers D. decorations

<b>Question 77: The author uses the phrase “mint condition” to describe...</b>

A. something perfect B. something significant C. something tolerant D. something magical
<b>Question 78: All of the following were found on the RMS Republic EXCEPT...</b>

A. wine bottles B. silver tea services C. American Gold Eagle coins D. crystal dinnerware
<b>Question 79: The word “scoured” is most similar to which of the following?</b>

A. scraped away B. scratched over C. scrambled around D. searched through

<b>Question 80: The second and third paragraphs are an example of...</b>


