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period 8589

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<i><b>Planning date: </b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date: </b></i>

<b>Period 85.</b>Unit 14: Freetime fun

Lesson1: a1. Time for tv
<b>A.The aims and Objectives :</b>

1. The aims: After the lesson , Ss will learn about a new topic , The activities
in freetime such as watching TV , playing chess….. and know specific information
about Lan and Hoa .

<b>2. Objectives :</b>

<b> a. language focus: </b>

Review the invitation and accepting or refusing .
Would you like to <b>………….</b>

<b> => I d love to / I m sorry , I can t ’</b> <b>’</b> <b>’ …</b>
<b> b. Skills: listening and reading</b>

<b>B. Preparation :</b>

1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, poster.

2. Students’: textbooks, workbooks and other tools.
<b>C.Procedure </b>

<b>I. Organization (2 ) ’</b> Greeting + checking member.
<b>II. Checking up the old lesson and warm up (5 ):’</b>

Chatting with Ss about their freetime by some questions :
<i><b>What do you usually do in your freetime ?</b></i>

<i><b>Do you like watching TV?</b></i>

<i><b>Do you like watching news in English?</b></i>

<i><b>What programs on TV do you like watching?</b></i>
<i><b>What is your favorite program?</b></i>

<i><b>How much time do you spend watching TV a day ?</b></i>
<b>III. New lesson: (35’)</b>

<i><b>Teacher s activities</b></i>’ <i><b>T</b></i> <i><b>Ss activities</b></i>’
<b>1. Presentation :</b>

+ Series ( n ) : loạt, chuỗi,phim nhiều tập(số
nhiều ko đổi)

+ Adventure ( n )cuộc phiêu lưu (trans)
+ Cricket ( n )con dế (trans)

+ To prefer ( v ) = to like ……better …
+ To sound ( v )Nghe thây, tiếng… (trans)
+ To guess ( v ) = to predict :đoán (trans)

- Have Ss read new words in chorus and
individually .

- Have them play a game : what and where .

+Ask Ss to guess what Lan and Hoa usually do in
the evening .

- Call on some Ss to give their predictions .
<b>2. Practice :</b>

+Ask Ss to look at the books , listen to the tape and
check their predictions .



Listen to the
teacher .

Listen and write
down .

Read new words in
chorus and

individually ,
guess the

meanings , then
copy down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

- Call on some Ss to give the answers .
+Have Ss work in pairs reading the dialogue

Call on 3 or 4 pairs to read the dialogue in front of
the class .

-Ask Ss to read the dialogue again then choose the
best answers .

- Have Ss exchange the results with the
partners .

- Call on some Ss to give the answers .
- Correct and give the key :

<i><b>a) Lan invites Hoa to eat dinner with her family .</b></i>
<i><b>b) Lan wants Hoa to watch TV before dinner .</b></i>
<i><b>c) Hoa s family doesn t have a TV because her </b></i>’ ’

<i><b>aunt and uncle don t like watching TV.</b></i>’
<i><b>d) Hoa likes spending time with her aunt and </b></i>

<i><b>uncle at night.</b></i>

e) <i><b>Lan s family always watches TV in the evening</b></i>’
Ask Ss to write in the notebooks .

<b>3. Production :</b>

+Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering about

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of

the class .

- Remark .



and Hoa do in the
evening .

-Give the
predictions .
- Look at the
books , listen to
the tape and check
the predictions.

- Give the
answer :
Hoa usually talks
about her day, then
she reads and
sometimes she
plays chess.
Lan usually
watches TV.
+Work in pairs
reading the
dialogue .

+Practice reading
in front of the
class .

- Do
exercise .
+Exchange the
results with the
partners .

- Give the

<b>IV.Consolidation: (2 )’</b>

- Retell the main points of this lesson.
<b>V.Homework .(1 )’</b>

+Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each .
Do exercise 1 at page 87 in workbook .

Prepare part A2 .
<i><b>Planning date: </b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date: </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

Lesson 2: a2. Time for tv
<b>A.The aims and Objectives :</b>

1. The aims The students practice the dialogue in order to review

the structure “ Would you like to ………?” question and answer to talk about
their favorite TV program .

<b>2. Objectives :</b>
<b> a. language focus: </b>

Review : Would you like to + V ?
<b>b. Skills: listening and speaking</b>

<b>B. Preparation :</b>

1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, cassette.

2. Students’: textbooks, workbooks and other tools.
<b>C.Procedure </b>

<b>I. Organization (2 ) ’</b> Greeting + checking member.
<b>II. Checking up the old lesson and warm up (5 ):’</b>
- Have Ss play a game : Slap the board .

Teacher reads in Vietnamese , Ss slap in English.
- State the group which wins the game .
- Remark and lead in new lesson .
<b>III. New lesson</b>

<i><b>Teacher s activities</b></i>’ <i><b>T</b></i> <i><b>Ss activities</b></i>’
<b>1.Presentation :</b>

- Introduce the situation of the lesson .
-Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the tape .


+ Cowboy movie ( n ) phim cao båi
+ Detective movie ( n ) phim trinh th¸m
+ Pop concert ( n ) nh¹c pop

+ Classical concert ( n )
+ Drama ( n ) kịch

+ Advertisement ( n ) quảng c¸o
-Have Ss read new words in chorus and

- Correct their pronunciation .

-Have Ss work in pairs reading the dialogue .

-Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class
- Correct the pronunciation .

- Explain the model sentences :
<i><b>What would you like to watch / see?</b></i>
<i><b>I d like to watch / see a cowboy movie .</b></i>’
<b>3.Practice :</b>



-Look at the books

and listen to the
tape .

-Listen and write

Read new words in
chorus and

individually , guess
the meanings , then
copy down .

-Work in pairs

reading the dialogue .
-Practice reading in
front of the class .
Listen carefully .
Look at the

advertisements and
make up similar



<b>e</b> <b>concert</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

Ask Ss to look at the advertisements , make up
similar dialogues .

- Have Ss work in pairs .

-Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class
- Correct the mistakes if necessary .

<b>4.Further practice :</b>

- Give a mapped dialogue :

Hoa ……….Lan

Would ……theater? - ….good . What would
you ………..?

.easy life .

… ……

youth theater . - Ok …Tuesday night?
Sorry ….E club .

How….Thursday? - Ok .
Fine, let’s ………

-Have Ss work in pairs using mapped dialogue .
-Call on some pairs to role play in front of the
class .

- Correct the mistake.


dialogues .

- Work in
pairs .
-Practice in front of
the class.

S1: Would you like to
go to the concert this
week ?

S2: That sounds good
. What would you
like to see?

S1: There is a
classical concert on
at Hanoi opera

S2: Ok. Can you
make it on Tuesday

night ?

S1: Sorry , I have to
go to E club .

S2: ………

- Look at the mapped
dialogue .

Work in pairs .
-Practice in front of
the class .

<b>IV. Consolidation (2 ) retell main points’</b>
<b>V/Homework : (1 )’</b>

- Learn by heart new words .

- Make a dialogue in the notebook .
- Prepare part A3 .


<i><b>-Planning date: </b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date: </b></i>

<b>Period 87.</b>Unit 14: Freetime fun

Lesson 3: a3. Tv in viet nam
<b>A.The aims and Objectives :</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

- Develop reading skill.
<b>2. Objectives :</b>

<b> a. language focus: </b>

Review the simple present tense and past simple tense<i> .</i>

<b>b. Skills: reading</b>
<b>B. Preparation :</b>

1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, cassette.

2. Students’: textbooks, workbooks and other tools.
<b>C.Procedure </b>

<b>I. Organization (2 ) ’</b> Greeting + checking member.
<b>II. Checking up the old lesson and warm up (5 ):’</b>
- Have Ss play a game : Hangman

3 words : Watch – television – living room
- Have Ss guess the words .

- Remark and lead in new lesson .
III. New lesson

<i><b>Teacher s activities</b></i>’ <i><b>T</b></i> <i><b>Ss activities</b></i>’
<b>1. Pre-reading : TV in Viet Nam </b>

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and say about them
- Introduce the situation of the lesson , then explain
some new words to Ss .

+ Owner ( n ) : the person who has TV:Người làm chủ
+ To gather ( v ) : Tụ tập, tập chung

+ To change ( v ) :Thay đổi
+ Might ( modal verb ) :

- Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually .
- Correct their pronunciation .

- Have Ss play a game : what and where .
<b>2. While- reading:</b>

- Ask Ss to do an exercise : True or False prediction.
1) Thirty years ago in Viet Nam , a lot of people had
TV sets .

2) These TV owners were very popular .

3) The neighbors gathered to watch color programs in
the evening .

4) Now , they don’t spend much time together .
5) A few people have TV sets today .

- Have Ss do exercise in groups .

- Call on some groups to give their predictions .
- Ask the rest groups to exchange the results .

- Have Ss look at the book , listen to the tape and check
their predictions .

- Call on some Ss to give the answers .
- Correct and give the answer key :
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5 . F

- Call on some Ss to read the passage aloud .

- Give some answers and ask students to find out the
questions .

1) No, very few people .

2) The black and white programs .
3) They might sleep a little .
4) No, noone .




- Read new words
in chorus and
individually .

- Play a game .

- Work in groups .
- Give the

predictions .
- Exchange the

- Give the answers .
- Some students
read the passage
aloud .

- Read the passage
again and find the
questions for the
answers .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

5) In their own living room .
- Have students work in pairs .

- Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the

- Correct the mistakes and ask students to write down .
* Now complete the summary :

- Ask students to read the passage again then find the
words to complete the summary .

- Have students exchange the results with the partners .
- Call on some students to give the answers in front of
the class .

- Correct the mistakes and give the answer key :
1. people 2. not 3. TV 4. popular
5. evening 6. gather 7. they 8. today
9. have 10. life 11. know

- Call on some students to read the summary aloud
<b>3. Post- reading</b>

- Ask students to look at the picture and answer the
question : what is she doing ?

- Play the tape for students .

- Ask students to look at the books and read after the
tape .

- Call on some students to read aloud .
- Correct their pronunciation .


- Read the passage
again and complete
the summary .
- Exchange the
result with the
partner .

- Give the answer in
front of the class .
- Read the summary
aloud .

- Look at the picture
and answer the
question .

- Listen to the tape .
- Look at the book
and read after the
tape .

- Read aloud .
- Work in groups .
- Give the ideas in
front of the class .
<b>IV. Consolidation :</b>

- Have students work in groups discussing the advantages and disadvantages of
TV .

- Call on some groups to present their ideas .
<b>V. Homework :</b>

Learn by heart new words by making 2 sentences with them
- Do exercise 3,4 at page 89 in workbook .

- Prepare part B1,2 .

<i><b>---Planning date: </b></i>

<i><b>Teaching date: </b></i>

<b>Period 88.</b>Unit 14: Freetime fun

Lesson 4 : b1,2. What’s on ?
<b>A.The aims and Objectives :</b>

1. The aims The students continue to practice the topic about TV , they
talk about their favorite programs and the time of some programs on TV .
<b>2. Objectives :</b>

<b> a. language focus: </b>

What kinds of programs do you like ?
<b>b. Skills: listening and writing</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, cassette.

2. Students’: textbooks, workbooks and other tools.
<b>C.Procedure </b>

<b>I. Organization (2 ) ’</b> Greeting + checking member.
<b>II. Checking up the old lesson and warm up (5 ):’</b>
- Have students play a game : Jumbled words .

+ RGMAPOR=>……… …. ..+ NEATERGE=>……… ………. .

+ SUMIC=>………..+ VOMEI=>………..

+ REHATTE=>……… …….. ..+ ODARI=>………...
- Call on 2 students to go to the board and write down .

+ Program + Teenager + Music + Movie + Theater + Radio
- Remark and give marks .

<b>III. New lesson</b>

<i><b>Teacher s activities</b></i>’ <i><b>T</b></i> <i><b>Ss activities</b></i>’
<b>1. A1 . Then practice with a partner .</b>

- Ask students to look at the picture and answer the
question: What’s on TV ?

- Introduce the situation of the dialogue , then ask
students to guess what kinds of programs Nga/ Ba

- Call on some students to give their predictions .

- Have students look at the book and listen to the
tape and check their prediction .

- Have students work in pairs reading the dialogue .
- Call on 3or 4 pairs to read the dialogue in front of
the class .

- Correct their pronunciation .
<b>2. Read and answer :</b>

- <i>Ask students to read the dialogue again to find </i>
<i>out the answers for the questions .</i>

<i>- Have students work in pairs .</i>

<i>- Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of </i>
<i>the class . </i>

<i>- Correct and give the correct answers :</i>

a. No’ she doesn’t because there aren’t many good
programs for teenagers .

b. Ba likes to watch sports shows, cartoons and
movies .

c. Nga likes to watch programs about teenagers in
other countries .

d. Because they don’t play the kind of music she

likes .

e. She is going to listen to the radio and maybe read
a book .

- Ask students to write in the notebooks .
<b>3 . A2 Listen and write.</b>

- Have students look at 5 programs in part 2 .
- Ask them to predict the times of these programs .
- Call on some students to give their predictions .




- Look at the picture
and answer the
question .

- Listen and guess .
- Give the prediction

- Look at the book ,
listen to the tape and

check the prediction

- Work in pairs .
- Practice in front of
the class .

- Read the dialogue
again to find the
answers .

- Work in pairs .
- Practice asking
and answering in
front of the class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

- Ask them to listen to the tape and check their

- Correct and give the answer key :
a. Children’s programs : 5:oo
b. Early News : 6:oo
c. Weather forecast : 6:10
d. The world Today : 6: 15

e. Movie : “ A firstful of dollars” : 7:oo

- Have students write the answers in the notebooks . 10

- Look at the
programs in the
book .

- Predict the time of
the programs .

- Give the prediction
in front of the class .
- Listen to the tape .
- Give the answers.
- Listen to the tape
and check the
<b>IV. Consolidation :</b>

- Give some cues then ask students to practice asking and answering :
+ Morning News

+ Teenagers.

+ The world of animals .
+ Music programs .

- Have students work in pairs .

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class .
- Correct the mistakes .

<b>V. Homework :</b>

- Learn by heart new words .

- Do exercise 1,2 at page 90 in workbook .
- Prepare part B3,4 .

<i><b>Planning date: </b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date: </b></i>

<b>Period 89.</b>Unit 14: Freetime fun

Lesson 5 : b3,4. What’s on ?
<b>A.The aims and Objectives :</b>

1. The aims After the lesson , the students will understand about
popular TV programs . They will continue to know some more vocabulary
about TV programs .

<b>2. Objectives :</b>
<b> a. language focus: </b>

Review : the simple present tense .
<b>b. Skills: listening and writing</b>

<b>B. Preparation :</b>

1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, poster.

2. Students’: textbooks, workbooks and other tools.
<b>C.Procedure </b>

<b>I. Organization (2 ) ’</b> Greeting + checking member.
<b>II. Checking up the old lesson and warm up (5 ):’</b>
- Have students play a game : Noughts and Crosses

EX: What kind of programs do you like? I like to watch Early News .Early News The world Weather <sub> today forecast</sub>
Cartoons Sports shows Movies

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

- Have students play in 2 groups .
- State the group which wins the game.

<b>III. New lesson</b>

<i><b>Teacher s activities</b></i>’ <i><b>T</b></i> <i><b>Ss activities</b></i>’
<b>1. Listen and read . Then answer the questions .</b>

- Ask students to look at the three pictures and
identify them

- Introduce the situation of the lesson , then explain
some new words :

+ Audience : The person who watches the shows .
+ Artist ( n ) : A famous singer .

+ To perform ( v ) :

+ To contest ( v ) = To compete
+ Contestant ( n ) = Competitor
+ Folk music ( n ) :

+ Imports ( n ) = foreign series .
+ To include ( v ) :

<b>2. While- reading:- Have students do an exercise : </b>
T or F prediction .

1. Pop music , contests , imports are popular TV
programs .

2. Teenagers like to listen to classical music .
3. There are contests of knowledge .

4. The contestants are students , workers , TV viewers

5. Imports are very expensive .

- Have students work in groups in 2 minutes .
- Call on some groups to give their predictions .
- Ask students to look at the books , listen to the tape
and check their predictions .

- Call on some students to give the answers .
- Correct and give the correct answers :
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F
- Have students read the passage aloud .
- Correct their pronunciation .

- Ask students to work in pairs asking and asnwering

the questions in the books .

- Correct the mistakes and give the correct answers
a. Teenagers like to hear the latest pop music and see
the shows of their favorite artists .

b. They are students , workers or family members .
c. Imports usually include police and hospitals .
d. Students’ answer.

<b>3. Write. </b>

+ To be possible : the same meaning with Can.




- Listen and
repeat in chorally
and individually

- predict in pairs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

+ Satellite ( n ) :
+ Cable TV ( n ) :

- Have students complete the passage , using the

words in the box .

- Ask students to exchange the results with the
partners .

- Call on some students to give the results in front of
the class .

- Correct and give the answer key :

- Ask 2 students to read the passage aloud .


- work

<b>IV. Consolidation :</b>

- Have students take a survey :
_ Have students work in groups .
( Each group has a secretary )
<b>V. Homework :</b>

- Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each .
- Do exercise 3,4 at page 91 in workbook .



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