Tải bản đầy đủ (.ppt) (22 trang)

unit 6read

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<i><b>Collect and empty garbage</b></i>

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What does the
Y .U in Viet

Nam often do?

<b>helping the Handicapped</b>
<b>Cleaning the </b>
<b>Planting trees</b>

<b>Cleaning up street, river banks and lakes</b>

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<b>II.New lesson</b>

<b>: </b>

<b>1.Pre-Reading: Pre teach</b>


<b>Volunteer (n)</b>
<b>Awareness (n)</b>


thể lực tốt

quyền cơng dân

<b>người tình nguyện </b>

<b>Sự nhận thức</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

<i><b>2. Checking Vocabulary:</b></i>

<b>I. Pre- reading</b>

<i><b> 1. Pre- teach</b></i>





<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>


Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union is an organization for

Vietnamese youth from 15 to 30 years of age. The Union builds
good character, love for the nation and encourages good

citizenship, soft skills and personal fitness.

The Union was founded on March 26th, 1931 by the beloved

President Ho Chi Minh. It had different names over the years. One
of its first names was “ Vietnam Communist Youth Union” . In

December 1976, it was officially named as it is called today: Ho

Chi Minh Communist Youth Union. However, people normally use
the name “ the Youth Union” for short.

The Youth Union , together with other youth organizations such as
the Young Pioneers Organization, the Vietnam Youth Federation,
the Vietnam Students Union, often hold social activities such as
Helping the Handicapped, Cleaning the Environment, Green
Summer Volunteers Campaign, and other similar movements.
These activities aim to help the young develop their public

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<b>2.While -reading</b>

Complete these sentences

a. The Youth Union was founded in...

b. In...The Youth Union was officially named as it is
called today

c. The Youth Union’s activities aim to help the young

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<b>2.While -reading</b>

b………….December 1976………….

c………...their pubic awareness and

form their personality

Answer key:

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<i><b>3.Comprehension questions</b></i>

a. At what age can one join the Youth Union?

b. When was the Youth Union was founded?

c. What is the complete name of the Youth Union

d. Can you name social activities of the Youth


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1 2 3

4 5 6

<b>Lucky number</b>

<b>Team A</b> <b>Team B</b>

1020304050 4010203050

a. At what age can one join the Youth Union?

Any Vietnamese youth from 15 to 30 years can join the
Youth Union

b. When was the Youth Union was founded?

b. The Youth Union was founded on March 26th,1931

c. What is the complete name of the Youth Union

c.The complete name of the Youth Union is Ho Chi Minh
Communist Youth Union

d. Can you name social activities of the Youth Union?

Some social activities of the Youth Union are helping

the Handicapped,Cleaning the Environment,Green
Summer Volunteers Campaign…..

e. What do these activities aim to help ?

e. These activities aim to help the young develop their public
awwareness and form their personality

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

a. Any Vietnamese youth from 15 to 30 years can join the
Youth Union

c.The complete name of the Youth Union is Ho Chi Minh
Communist Youth Union

b. The Youth Union was founded on March 26th,1931

<b>Answer key</b>

d. Some social activities of the Youth Union are
helping the Handicapped,Cleaning the

Environment,Green Summer Volunteers Campaign…..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

<i><b>4.Post Reading:Interview</b></i>

1. Are you happy to join the Youth Union?

2. What are the aims of the Youth Union?

3. Is it the largest voluntary Youth Organization

in Viet Nam?

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<b>Answer key</b>

<b>1.Yes,I’m happy to be a member of this</b>
<b> organization</b>

<b> 3.Yes,of course</b>

<b> 2.They are building characters, good citizenship and </b>
<b>personal fitness </b>

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