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Revision for Grade 11

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

<b>acknowledgements </b>

<b> lời nói đầu</b>

<i><b>Các em thân mÕn!</b></i>

Đây là bộ tài liệu ơn tập chơng trình cơ bản lớp 10 và lớp 11, một chơng trình hết sức quan trọng

trong chơng trinh THPT do thầy su tầm và biên soạn từ nhiều tài liệu khác nhau kể cả trên mạng

Internet với mong muốn bằng nổ lực bản thân và sự giúp đỡ của thầy cô giáo các em có thể ơn

lại và trau dồi kiến thức hết sức cần thiết này. Bộ tài liệu khơng nói nhiều về lý thuyết mà phần

lớn là các dạng bài tập và từ vựng cơ bản nhằm giúp các em có cơ hội ôn lại kiến thức cũ và kỹ

năng làm bài cũng nh tự kiểm tra đánh giá. Bộ tài liệu đợc sắp xếp theo trình tự, khoa học với

các dạng bài tập lớp 10, 11 theo chủ điểm và đơn vị bài học về ngữ pháp, từ vựng, đọc hiểu, tự

luận, trắc nghiệm ; ngữ pháp lớp 10, 11, từ vựng lớp 11 và bảng động từ bất qui tắc theo thứ tự,

thậm chí có một số đáp án cho các bài kiểm tra. Các em chỉ cần tra cứu lại phần lý thuyết ngữ

pháp với 1 cuốn từ điển bỏ túi là có thể làm đợc các dạng bài tập trong này. Tuy nhiều song các

em đừng lo ngại, chúng chỉ có 1 dạng mà thầy đa nhiều bài tập để các em làm cho thành thạo

mà thôi. Mong rằng các em cố gắng nỗ lực hết sức. Thầy tin các em có khả năng làm đợc điều kì

diệu đó.

<b>If At First You Don t Succeed,</b>

<b>Try, Try Again</b>

<i>Nỗ lực kiên trì là chìa khóa của sự thành công</i>

<i><b>Chúc tất cả các em thành c«ng!</b></i>

<b> </b>

<b>The one who can move a big mountain</b>

<b>is the very one who has taken away stone after stone</b>


<i>ời chuyển dời đợc quả núi lớn chính là kẻ đã chuyển dời đi từng viên đã nhỏ</i>

<i>(Ngạn ngữ Trung Hoa)</i>

<b>Review Verbform Exercises</b>

Insert TO where necessary before the infinitives in brackets.
1. It is easy (be) wise after the event.

2. Do you (wish) (make) a complaint?

3. We don’t (want) anybody (know) that we are here.

4. IF you can’t (remember) his number you’d better (look) it up.
5. I want her (learn) Esperanto; I think everybody ought to (know) it.
6. He is said (be) the best surgeon in the country.

7. Visitors are asked (not feed) the animals.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

9. It’d better (travel) hopefully than (arrive).

10. He should (know) how (use) the film projector, but if he doesn’t you had better (show) him.
11. He was made (sign) a paper admitting his guilt.

12. I heard the door (open) and saw the shadow (move) across the floor.
13. He tried (make) me (believe) that he wasn’t my stepmother.

14. As we seem (have missed) the train we may as well (go) back to the house.
15. I felt the house (shake) with the explosion.

16. He told me (try) (come) early.

17. Before he let us (go) he made us (promise) (not tell) anyone what we had seen.

18. Would you (like) (come) in my car?
No, thanks, I’d rather (walk).

19. I advised him (ask) the bus conductor (tell) him where (get) off.

20. It is better (put) your money in a bank than (keep) in under your bed is an old stocking.
21. He doesn’t even bother (read) letters, let alone (answer) them.

22. The bank robbers made the cashier (show) them how (open) the safe.

23. If you knew he was wrong, why didn’t you (say) something?I didn’t like him (say) anything because he always
gets angry if you contradict him.

24. It’s better (be) to sure than sorry.

25. What do you (want) me (tell) him? Tell him that any time he cares (call) I shall be delighted (discuss) the matter
with him.

26. Did you remember (give) him the money? No, I didn’t. I still have it in my pocket; but I’ll (see) him tonight and I
promise (not forget) this time.

27. I saw the driver (open) his window and (throw) a box into the bushes.
28. This is far too heavy for one person (carry); let me (help) you.

29. I was afraid (pick) up the revolver as I don’t know how (handle) firearms.
30. I saw the plane (crash) into the hill and (burst) into flames.


Gerund and infinitive.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (gerund or infinitive)
1. He hates (answer) the phone, and very often just lets it (ring).
2. If you go on (let) your dog (chase) cars he’ll end by (be) run over.
3. I prefer (drive) to (be driven).

4. I advised you (start) (look) for a flat at once.

5. Would you mind (lend) me 5$? I forgot (cash) a cheque.

6. (Lie) on this beach is much more pleasant than (sit) in the office.
7. She likes her children (go) to the dentist every six months.

8. By (neglect) (take) ordinary precautions he endangered the life of his crew.
9. An instructor is coming (show) us how (use) the aqualung.

10. I have no intention of (go) to that film; I couldn’t bear (see) my favourite actress in such a dreadful part.
11. I suggest (telephone) the hospital before (ask) the police (look) for him.

12. After (hear) the conditions I decide (not enter) for the competition.
13. Some people seem (have) a passion for (write) the newspaper.

14. He expects me (answer) by return but I have no intentions of (reply) at all.
15. I tried (explain) to him but he refused (listen) and went on (grumble).

16. By (offer) enormous wages he is persuading men (leave) their present jobs and (work) for him.
17. He postponed (make) a decision till it was too late (do) anything.

18. Image (have) (get) up at five a.m. everyday.
19. Try (forget) it; it isn’t worth (worry) about.

20. There is no point in (remain) in a dangerous place if you can’t do anything (help) the people who (stay) there.
21. The horse won’t be well enough (run) in tomorrow’s race. He doesn’t seem (have recovered) from his long


22. At first I enjoyed (listen) to him but after a while I got tired of (hear) the same story again and again.
23. It is usually easier (learn) a subject by (read) books than by (listen) to the lectures.

24. It wouldn’t be safe (start) down now; we’ll have (wait) till the mist clears.

25. After (discuss) the matter for an hour the committee adjourned without (have reached) any decision.
26. It’s not much use (have) a bicycle if you don’t know how (ride) it.

27. He didn’t dare (leave) the house because he was afraid of (meet) someone who might (recognize) him.

28. I distinctly remember (pay) him. I gave him 2 $.

29. Did you remember (give) him the key of the safe.
- No, I didn’t. I’ll go and do it now.

30. Please forgive me for (interrupt) you but would you mind (repeat) that last sentences?

Supply the correct forms of the words in brackets:
1. It’s quite an (excite)……… game.
2. When I saw it, I felt (excite)……….

3. I went home early because I felt (bore)……….
4. He seems quite (satisfy)……… with his new job.

5. It’s an (astonish)……… news. All of us are (astonish)………...

6. She was (amaze)………. to see that London drivers kept their cars to the left.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
9. He cycled (care)……….. and had an accident

10. It was a very (tire)……… meeting.

11. No tree can grow on that soil . It is (tree)……….
12. Julia sings more (beauty)……… than Susan does.
13. I was (delight)……… to get your letter this morning.

14. They all passed their exames without the slightest (difficult)………...

15. The lesson was so (interest)………. that most of them went to sleep in the middle.
16. I feel (interest)……….. in this book.

17. I think that the price here are (reason)………..
18. They were (disapoint)……….. when they read the result.
19. The weather this summer has been (disappoint)……….
20. Were they (satisfy)……….. when they got the job?

21. If you work hard, you’ll eventually (success)………...
22. The result of the test was (satisfy)……….


<b> Gerund, infinitive and present participle.</b>

Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms. No that sometimes a bare infinitive will be required.
1. ‘I was lonely at first,’ the old man admitted, ‘but after a time I got used to (live) alone and even got (like) it.’
2. Before trains were invented people used (travel) on horseback or in stage coaches. It used (take) a stage coach

three days (go) from London to Bath.

3. I meant (buy) an evening paper but I didn’t see anyone (sell) them.
4. Tom: I want (catch) the 7 a.m. train tomorrow.

Ann: but that means (get) up at 6; and you’re not very good at (get) up early, are you?

5. He accepted the cut in salary without complaint because he was afraid (complain). He was afraid of (lose) his job.
6. She remembers part of her childhood quite clearly. She remembers (go) to school for the first time and (be)

frightened and (put) her finger in her mouth. And she remembers her teacher (tell) her (take) it out.

7. Did you remember (lock) the car?

No, I didn’t. I'd better (go) back and (do) it now.

8. No, I didn’t move the bomb. I was afraid (torch) it; I was afraid of (be) blown to pieces!

9. Next time we go (house-hunt), remember (ask) the agent for clear directions. I wasted hours (look) for the last

10. Tom: Let’s (go) for a swim!

Ann: I'm not particularly keen on (swim). What about (go) for a drive instead?

11. .I want the boy (grow) up hating violence but his father keeps (buy) him guns and swords.
It’s almost impossible (prevent) boy (play) soldiers.

12. Would your children mind (keep) quiet for a moment? I'm trying (fill) in a form.
It’s no use (ask) children (keep) quiet. They can't help (make) a noise.

13. I'm thinking of (go) to Oxford tomorrow on my motorbike. Would you like (come)?
No, thanks. I want (go) Oxford, but I'd rather (go) by train. I loathe (travel) by road.
14. Let’s (go) (fish) today. There’s a nice wind. What about (come) with us, Ann?

No, thanks. I'm very willing (cut) sandwiches for you but I’ve no intention of (waste) the afternoon (sit) in a boat
(watch) you two (fish).

15. He resented (be) asked (wait). He expected the minister (see) him at once.

16. The police have put up a railing here (prevent) people (rush) out of the station and (dash) straight across the road.
17. All day long we saw the trees (toss) in the wind and heard the waves (crash) again the rocks.

18. I didn’t mean (eat) anything but the cakes looked so good that I couldn’t resist (try) one.
19. Do you feel like (walk) there or shall we (take) a bus?

I'd rather go by bus. Besides, it’ll take ages (get) there on foot.
20. All right. When would you like (start)? In a few minutes?

Oh, let’s wait till it stops (rain); otherwise we’ll get soak (walk) to the bus station.

21. The old miser spent all his time (count) his money and (think) up new hiding-places. He kept (move) it about
because he was terrified of (be robbed). He used (get) up at night sometimes (make) sure it was still there.
22. Jack suggested (let) one flat and (keep) the other for myself. But Tom advised me (sell) the whole house.
23. The child used (lean) on the gate (watch) the people (go) to work in the mornings and (Come) home in the

evenings. And he used to hear them (shout) greetings to each other and (talk) loudly.

24. He soon got (know) most of them and even managed (learn) the greetings. Then they began (greet) him too on
their way to work and sometimes would stop (talk) to him on their way home.

25. He succeeded in (untie) himself, (climb) out of the window and (crawl) along a narrow ledge to the window of the
next room.

26. Did you have any trouble (find) the house?

No, but I had a lot of difficult (get) in. Nobody seemed (know) where the key was.

27. Bill couldn’t bear (see) anyone (sit) round idly. Whenever he found me (relax) or (read) he would (produce) a job
which, he said, had (be) done at once. I wasted a morning (perform) his ridiculous tasks and spent the rest of the
weekend (keep) out of his way.

28. After (spend) a week in the cottage, he decided that he didn’t really enjoy (live) in the country and began (think)
of an excuse for (sell) the cottage and (return) to London.

29. It’s no use (argue) with him. You might as well (argue) with a stone wall. He is incapable of (see) anyone else’s
point of view.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
Exercise 2: Underlined the correct answer.

1. I’m looking forward to ……….you at Christmas. ( see/ seen/ seeing )
2. Litter boys like ………. trees. ( climb/ climbing/ have climbed )
3. Mr.Ha decided ……… ….. .. his new suit .(wearing/ to wear/ wear )

4. Some people are used to ……… ….. . in crowded buses. (standing/ stand/ stood )
5. I dislike ………… ………….. . on the subway. ( to ride/ riding/ ride )

6. I enjoy ………. with Miss Phuong. (to study/ studying / studied )
7. Students must practice ……… …….. .(to use/ using / use )
8. Hoa and Lan have stopped ……….to each other. (to talk/ talking/ talks)
Exercise 3: Give the correct verb forms.

1. He’s expecting ………..(make) a trip to Ha Long Bay.
2. Students stopped ………(make) noise when the teacher came in.
3. Ann likes ………..(cook) but hate … ……….. ..(wash) up.
4. I enjoy ………..(listen) to classical music.

5. He will try ………..(not make) the same mistake again.
6. Would you mind ………..(buy) me a newspaper?

7. Would you like ………..(have) a dance with me?

8. They finished ………..(learn) and then they wanted to go out for pleasure.
9. I hope ……….(not do) that tiring work again.

10. It’s no use ………(advise) him.

11. He always avoids ………(meet) her in the street.
12. My mother gets used to ………..(get) up early in the morning.
13. Tom refused ………..(give) me his address.

14. Do you agree ……….(lend) me some money?

15. My parents decided ………..(take) a taxi because it was late.
16. My watch keeps ………..(stop).

Exercise 4 : Put the verb in brackets into correct tenses : simple past, past perfect and present perfect
1. I ……….a great film yesterday. (see)

2. ………...a new car? (you ever buy)
3. Sue ………… …….. .the flu last winter. (have)

4. A few days ago we ………..to his uncle. (drive)
5. They ………..bingo Wednesday afternoon. (play)
6. He ……… …. .the bus to get there. (already take)
7. Last week my rabbit ……… …….. away. (run)

8. We ………a lot last Sunday. (do)
9. ………...to India? (she ever be)
10. I ……… …. .him last Monday. (meet)
11. She ………… …….. .yet. (not wake up)

12. I ……… ….. .her since last Thursday. (not meet)
13. Bob ………… ……. well last night. (sleep)

14. I ………..a letter from her two days ago. (get)
15. They ……….in Germany. (already arrive)

16. When we arrived, the dinner ……… ……. .(already begin).
17. She ………… …….. ..(cry) after he ………… ……….. .(go).

18. They ……… …. ..(tell) us we were too late. The train ……… …. ..(leave).
19. When I ………… ….. .(get) to the theatre , the play …… … …. .. .(already start).
20. John was not at home . He ……… ……… …. .. (go) away.

21. The house was very quiet. Everybody ……… …. .(go) to bed.

23. We ……… ………. .(just turn off) the lights when we heard someone at the door.
24. Everyone ………...(eat) dinner by the time we ………(get) to the dining-room.
25. We …………....(ask) the poster where he ………… ….. (put) our luggage.
26. He ………(do) nothing before he saw me.

27 He thanked me for what I ………..(do).
28. I ………(be) sorry that I had hurt him.

29. After they had gone, I ………(sit) down and ……….(rest).
30. He ………..(die) after he ………..(be) ill a long time.
31. As soon as you ………..(go), I ……….(want) to see you again.
32. Before you ………….(go) very far, we found that we …………(lose) our way.
33. My friend ………(not see) me for many years when I met him.

34. My father ……….(tell) me he ………….(give) up smoking.
35. He ………(be) late because he ………(have) an accident.
Ex 5: Complete the following sentences using “to V”, “V”, “V-ing”

1. Has it stopped ……….(rain) yet?

2. Why do you keep……….(ask) me questions? Can you leave me alone?
3. He made me (do)... it all over again.

4. He wouldn't let my baby (play) ...with his gold watch.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
9. It is really interesting ( read) ... these books.

10. I saw the plane (crash) ... into the hill and (burst) ... into flames.
11. She is busy with ………..(take) care of her baby.

12. They’re looking forward to………(see) their old classmates again.
13. They decided ( not/ go) ... to the park as it was raining hard

14. I want you ( tell) ... me the whole truth.
15. I don’t enjoy ……….(drive) very much.
16. I felt the house (shake) ... with the explosion,

17. I expect………..(pass) all exams with good marks.
18. I was too tired ( do) ... any more work.

Exercise 6:Identify one mistake in each sentence and correct it.
1. He found it hard repair the computer.

2. How can you let such a silly incident wrecking your friendship?
3. I couldn’t help being laughed when he told me that story.

4. She has tried to wear three dresses and the blue one was the best.
5. It cost me a lot but I don’t regret spend money on it.

6. Her teacher suggested them taking a trip to Huong pagoda.

7. Remember check your answer before handing in your exam paper.
8. He doesn’t like being pick up at school by his mother.

9. They prevented the customers from leave the shop.
10. It’s no use to persuade him. He has made up his mind.

EXERCISES: <b> reported speech</b>

I/. Indirect speech: <i><b>commands, requests, advice, suggestions.</b></i>

Put the following into indirect speech.

1. ‘Would you please fill in this form and then join in the queue by the door?’ said the clerk.
2. ‘Could you read the last sentence again, please?’ said the girl.

3. ‘Could I have a new queue book, please?’ said the girl.

‘Could you show me your old cheque book?’ said the bank clerk.
4. Postcard: be ready to move off at very short notice, Tom.

Ann (reading it to Mary): Tom says that we …
5. ‘Please, please don’t tell my mother,’ begged the boy.

6. ‘Don’t fire except in self-defence,’ said the police sergeant.
7. ‘Why don’t you task the rest of the day off?’ said my assistant.
8. ‘Will you have me to move the piano please?’ said my aunt.

9. ‘Don’t drive too close to the car in front,’ said the driving instructor.
10. ‘Don’t smoke near the petrol pumps,’ said the mechanic.

11. ‘When you have chosen a book, bring it to me and I'll stamp it,’ said the librarian.
12. ‘Show the boarding card to the man at the roof of the gangway,’ said the clerk.
13. ‘Reduce speech now,’ said a huge notice. (omit now)

14. ‘Could I see your tickets, please?’ said the inspector.

15. ‘Keep an eye on your luggage,’ he said. ‘This place is full of thieves.
16. ‘When you have read this, pass it on to the next person on the list,’ he said.

17. ‘Why not light a fire on the bank and cook the fish at once?’ suggested the fisherman.
18. ‘Whenever you see the number “7” on the screen, press this button,’ he said.

19. ‘Sit down and tell me what is worrying you,’ he said to her.

20. ‘Walk along the line of men,’ said the police sergeant ‘and if you recognize your attacker, just nod. Don’t say

21. ‘Even if you feel hungry don’t eat anything between meals,’ said the dietician.
22. ‘Could you ring up the taxi rank and order a taxi for me?’ said Tom.

‘Why don’t you go by tube?’ said Ann. ‘It’s much quicker.’
23. ‘Let’s buy some yeast and make our own bread,’ said Mary.

‘The bread we’re getting now is absolutely tasteless.’

24. ‘IF you have to use the river water,’ said the guide, ‘boil it first. Don’t drink it unboiled.’
25. ‘Let’s not tell anyone,’ said Tom, ‘till we are quite certain that the report is true.’

26. Tom (on the phone to Ann): I’ve got the tickets. Meet me at the air terminal at 6.30. (Image you are Ann. Report
this message to Mary, who is standing beside you. Begin :Tom says …)

27. ‘Let’s show that we are united,’ urged the shop steward, ‘by voting unanimously to continue the strike.’

28. ‘Will customer please count their change,’ said a notice above the cashier’s desk, ‘as mistakes can't be rectified

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
II. Indirect speech: sentences with <b>let</b>.

Put the following into indirect speech.

1. ‘Let’s go to the cinema,’ said Ann. Yes, let’s,’ I said.

2. The Prime Minister said, ‘Let us show the nation that we are worthy of their confidence.’ (Use urged.)
3. ‘Let me stay up a little longer tonight, mother,’ begged the child.

4. ‘Let’s eat out tonight,’ said Ann. ‘Too expensive,’ objected Tom. ‘Why don’t we go to your flat and have
scrambled eggs?’

5. The police officer said, ‘Let’s leave the wrecked car here for a bit. It may remind other drivers to be more careful.’
6. ‘The neighbour will object!’ said Ann.

‘Let them,’ said Tom.

7. ‘Let’s go on a diet,’ said Ann.
‘All right,’ said Mary reluctantly.

8. ‘Tom made this mess. Let him clear up,’ said his father.

9. ‘It’s Mothering Sunday tomorrow,’ said the boy. ‘Let’s buy Mum some flowers.’
10. ‘Let’s take a tent and camp out,’ said Bill.

‘Let’s go to a nice hotel and be comfortable,’ said Mary.
11. ‘Let’s give a party,’ said Ann.

‘Let’s not,’ said her husband.

12. I said, ‘Let’s not jump to conclusions. Let’s wait till we hear confirmation of this rumour.’
13. ‘The newspapers will say it’s your fault,’ warned his colleagues.

‘Let them say what they like,’ he said.

14. ‘Let the nations forget their differences and work together for peace,’ said the preacher.
15. ‘Let me explain,’ she said. ‘Don’t be in such a hurry.’

16. ‘Let the children play in the garden if they want to,’ she told the gardener. ‘I'm sure they won't do any harm.’
17. ‘Let’s stay here till the storm has passed,’ I said.

18. ‘It’s the government fault. Let them do something about it,’ grumbled my father.
III/. Indirect speech: sentences with <b>must, needn t and have to.</b>’

Put the following into indirect speech.

1. He said, ‘IF what you say is true I must go to the police.’
2. He said, ‘I must be at the docks at six a.m. tomorrow.’
3. ‘Must you make such a noise?’ he asked.

4. ‘You mustn’t come in with out knocking,’ he told us.
5. ‘Your tickets will cost 5$,’ I said.

‘In that case,’ said my nephew, ‘I must go to the bank tomorrow.’
6. Park notice: Dogs must be kept on a lead.

7. His father said, ‘Tom must work harder next term.’

8. ‘You needn’t come in tomorrow,’ said my employer. ‘Take the day off.’
9. ‘I must go to the dentist tomorrow,’ he said. ‘I have an appointment.’
10. Notice: passengers must not lean out of the window.

11. He said, ‘There must be someone in the house; there’s smoke coming from the chimney.’
12. She said, ‘When you are a big boy you’ll have to ties in your own shoes.’

13. ‘Port wine must be never shaken,’ my wine merchant said.

14. ‘He hasn’t had anything to eat since breakfast; he must be starving,’ she said.

15. The official said, ‘This passport photo isn’t like you at all. You must have another one taken.’
16. ‘You mustn’t play with knives, children,’ said their mother.

17. ‘I needn’t get up till nine tomorrow,’ I said.

18. Railway regulations: Passengers must be in possession of a valid ticket before traveling.
19. ‘How did you get your bulldog up the escalator?’ I said.

‘I carried him,’ said Tom.

‘You must be very strong,’ I said admiringly.

20. ‘You mustn’t tell anyone what I’ve just told you,’ she said to me.
21. ‘Need I eat all, mummy?’ said the child.

‘Yes, dear, you must,’ she said.

22. ‘I had to drive your pigs out of my garden,’ she said.

23. ‘Sticks and umbrellas must be left at the desk,’ said the notice in the museum.
24. ‘Must you do it tonight? Couldn’t you leave some for tomorrow?’ I asked her.
25. ‘When you go through Bayeux you must see the tapestry,’ he told me.

26. He said, ‘You must walk faster; you are far too slow.’

27. ‘You mustn’t forget to put the stamp on or your friend will have to pay double postage,’ he told me.
28. ‘I needn’t tell you how grateful I am,’ he said.

IV/ Indirect speech to direct speech.

Put the following into indirect speech with the appropriate punctuation.

1. She asked if he’ like to go to the concert and I said that I was sure she would.

2. She told me to look where I was going as the road was full of holes and was very badly lit.
3. They said that while they were bathing they saw someone examining their clothes.

4. I asked if she had looked everywhere and she said that she had.
5. She suggested giving her a bottle of wine.

6. He said that the new carpet had arrived and asked where he was to put it.

7. He said that two days previously an enormous load of fire wood had been dumped at his front gate and that since
then he hadn’t been able to get his car.

8. They offered me some more wine and I accepted.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

10. She asked the burglars who they were and who had let them in. They told her to sit down and keep quiet unless she
wanted to get hurt.

11. He asked what the weather had been like during my holidays and I said that it had been awful.
12. He suggested going down the harbour and seeing if they could hire a boat.

13. He said that if I didn’t like escalators I could go up the emergency staircase. I thanked him and said that I would
do it.

14. He suggested that he and I should go ahead and get tickets.

15. He said that he thought my electric iron was unsafe and advised me to have it seen to.
16. He said that if war broke out he would have to leave the country at once.

17. I asked him if he had enjoyed house-hunting and he said that he hadn’t.

18. She said that she was surprised to see that the grandfather clock had stopped and asked if anyone had been
fiddling with it.

19. She said that she had tried to ring up her mother several times on the previous day but had not succeeded in getting

20. I asked her if she’d like to borrow the book but she thanked me and said that she had already read it and hadn’t
liked it very much.

21. He wanted to know if I was going to the dance and suggested that we should make up a party and go another.
22. I told her to stop making a fuss about nothing and said that she was lucky to have got a seat at all.

23. The clerk in the booking office enquired if I wanted a singled or returned ticket. I asked if the return was any
cheaper. He said it made no difference.

24. My employer hoped I would not be offended if he told me that, in his opinion, I would do better in some other
kind of job.

25. The AA man told the woman that if her wheels had gone a couple of inches nearer the edge, the car would have
plunged into the ravine.

26. He said I mustn’t mind if the first one wasn’t any good.

27. He asked the crowd if they thought that he was a liar and the crowd shouted that they did.

28. I stopped a man in the street and asked him to help me with my car. The man asked if it would take long,
explaining that he was on his way to catch train.

.V/ Indirect speech: mixed types.

1. Letter (from Paul to Ann): Please get me a small tent and camping equipment for two people.
Ann (telling Mary about this): Paul wants …

2. Mr White (on the phone to Mr Black’s secretary: Ask Mr Black to meet me at six in the bar on the ground floor.
Secretary (reporting this to Mr Black): Mr White would like …

3. ‘Shall I go and get a candle?’ said Ann when the light out suddenly.
‘I'd rather you got another bulb,’ said Mr Jones.

‘But there aren’t any,’ said Ann, ‘and the shops are shut.’

4. ‘Don’t worry about a few minutes,’ said Peter. ‘I make mistake all the time.’

‘Do you learn from you mistakes?’ I asked. ‘Or do you keep making the same ones?’

5. ‘I'm looking for a man called Albert, who drinks in this bar,’ I said. ‘I should keep away from Albert if I were
you,’ said the barman. ‘He doesn’t like strangers and might turn nasty.’

6. ‘Could I have a look at your paper for a moment?’ said the man.
‘I just want to see the football result.’

‘I haven’t quite finished with it,’ I said. ‘Could you wait a moment?’
‘I can't wait long,’ he said. ‘I'm getting off at the next stop.’

7. ‘You woke everyone up last night,’ said the mother. ‘You must try to be quieter tonight.’
‘We will,’ I promised.

8. ‘The soup’s cold again,’ complained Mr Jones. ‘Why do I never have hot soup?’

‘Because the kitchen’s so far from the dinning room,’ explained his wife. ‘If you insist on living in a castle you
must put up with its disadvantages.’

‘What about getting an ex-Olympic runner as an au pair girl?’ said Mr Jones.
‘She wouldn’t stay,’ sighed his wife.

9. ‘Your license is out of date,’ said the policeman.
‘It is,’ I admitted, ‘but I have applied for a new one.’

‘Next time,’ he said severely, ‘apply for a new one before your current one has expired.’
10. ‘’I'll have the money for you next week. Shall I post it to you?’ I said.

Could you keep it in your safe till I can come and collect it?’ said Tom, ‘a lot of my mail has been going astray
lately and I'd hate to lose one of your large cheques.’

11. ‘’Could I borrow your map again?’ said Peter.

‘You’re always borrowing it. Why don’t you get one of your own?’ I said.
12. ‘When you hear the fire bell,’ he said, ‘shut the windows and go down stairs.’

‘And what shall we do if the stairs are blazing?’ I asked.
13. ‘Can you hear that noise?’ Ann said. ‘What do you think it is?’

‘I think it’s only rats running up and down inside the wall,’ I said.

‘I think it’s someone trying to get in,’ she said. ‘You’d better go and see.’
14. ‘’It’s your turn baby-sit tonight,’ they told Ann.

‘It can't be!’ said Ann indignantly. ‘I baby-sat last night! And the night before! And I'm only supposed to do two
nights a week!’

‘Could you possible do it just this once?’ they said. ‘And we promise not to ask you to do any next week.’
15. ‘This is the best restaurant in tow,’ said the taxi driver. ‘The only problem is that they expect guest to wear ties.’

‘Then why have you brought us here?’ said the tourists indignantly.

‘Don’t get excited,’ said the taxi driver, opening a box. ‘I keep ties specially for gentlemen in your predicament.
What colour would you like? They’re all the same price.’

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‘I'd rather you started today,’ said Tom.

17. ‘Why don’t you go and see the film? It may help you to understand the book,’ I said.
‘But the film’s quite different from the book,’ Ann pointed out.

18. ‘I saw the two climbers,’ said the helicopter pilot. ‘And one of them sat up and wave to me.’
‘Which one of them waved?’ I said.

‘I don’t know,’ he answered. ‘I wasn’t near enough to see them clearly.’
19. ‘What caused the ship to sink?’ I said.

‘She must have struck the submerged wreck,’ said the coxswain of the lifeboat. ‘But I can't understand it, because
the wreck is very clearly marked with buoys.’

20. ‘My car won't start! Exclaimed Mary. ‘The battery’s flat again! Could you possible give me a push just to start me
down the hill?’

‘Why don’t you sell the car?’ said Bill.

‘Nobody would buy it,’ said Peter. ‘What about just putting a match to it?’

21. ‘I've been given so many bottles of wine lately that I'll have to buy another wine rack,’ said Mr Jones.
‘Why don’t you throw a party and save yourself the expense of a wine rack?’ I suggested.

22. ‘Press button A to start the engine,’ he said.

‘But last time you told me to press button B!’ I said.

‘That was on a slightly different type of machine,’ he explained.

23. ‘Don’t brake if you find yourself skidding,’ said Tom. ‘That only makes it worse. Try to steer into the skid.’
‘I know what I should do,’ I said. ‘But when I start skidding I get so excited that I do the exact opposite.’
‘Then stop and let me take over,’ said Tom. We’re just coming to an icy bit and I don’t want to die just yet.’
24. ‘I've run out of stamps,’ said my father. ‘Have you got any?’

‘No, but I'll go out and get you some if you like,’ I said.
‘Don’t bother,’ he said. ‘I've missed the post anyway.’

25. ‘Repairs to cars rented from us must be arranged through our office,’ he said. ‘So if anything goes wrong with the
one you’ve hired, please ring the number printed on your card. The office is open from nine to six, Monday to

‘But what shall I do if something goes wrong with it outside office hours?’ I said.
26. ‘Why didn’t you signal to the tanker that she was coming too close?’ I said.

‘We did signal,’ said the pilot, ‘but she came on in and ran ground.’
‘What’s going to happen to her?’ I said.

‘We’re going to try to tow her off tonight she’ll be here till she breaks up, and there’ll be an oil slick all along the

27. ‘Why are you spending so long on those accounts?’ I asked.

‘Because I can't make them balance,’ he said. ‘I seem to be 13$ short; and that means that I'll have to put in 13$ of
my own money to make it up.’

‘Would you like me to go through them and see if I can find a mistake?’ I said.
‘No,’ he said, ‘but I'd like you to lend me 13$.’

28. ‘Why are you looking so depressed, Jack?’ I said.

‘Because I've just asked Ann to marry me and she refused,’ he said sadly.

‘I think she prefers clean-shaven men,’ I said. ‘Why don’t you cut your hair and shave off your beard and try

29. ‘How did you get up that tree?’ Mary asked.

‘I used a ladder, of course,’ he snapped. ‘But someone went off with it when I was sawing. Go and get another one
and don’t just stand there asking silly questions.’

30. ‘Are you ill?’ he said coldly.
‘No,’ I said.

‘Did you sleep well last night?’
‘Yes,’ I said.

‘Then why are you sitting about when all the others are working? Go out at once and give them a hand.’
31. ‘Will passengers with nothing to declare please go through the green door?’ said a customs office.

‘You’d better go through the green door, Mary,’ said Peter, ‘but I'll have to go through the other one. I'll take a bit
longer than you will, so wait for me at the other end.’

32. ‘(Image that you have received the following postcard from your brother Tom. Report it at once to the other
members of the family. Begin: Tom says …)

Don’t worry about me. I wasn’t badly injured and I'm being very well look after. I'm coming back next
Wednesday on the nine o’clock from Zurich. Could you please meet the plane?

33. ‘What shall I do with my wet shoes?’ said the boy.

‘You’d better stuff them with newspaper and put them near the fire,’ said his mother. ‘But don’t put them too near
or they’ll go hard.’

34. ‘Let’s drive on to the next village and try the hotel there,’ he said.
‘But what will we do if that’s full to?’ I asked.

‘We’ll just have to sleep in the car,’ he said. ‘It will be too late to try anywhere else.’

35. ‘’They have a rather fierce dog,’ said Ann; ‘but she’s heavy sleeper, and with any luck hear you breaking in.’
‘What’ll I do if he wakes up?’ I said.

‘If he starts growling, given him some of these biscuits,’ said Ann.
‘How do you know that he likes these particular biscuit?’

‘All dog like them,’ Ann assured me. ‘It says so on the packet.’

36. ‘If you even touch one of the pictures,’ warned the attendant, ‘alarm bells will ring all over the gallery and you
will be arrested instantly.’

‘Are you serious? I said.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

<b>Exercise 1. Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech with infinitives.</b>

1. “Remember to write to me soon,” she said to me.

She reminded ...
2. “You’d better spend more time learning to write,” I said to the boy.

I advised ...
3. “Would you like to have dinner with us tonight?” Mike said to Linda.

Mike invited ...
4. “Please, please turn off the T.V, John,” said Tom.

Tom begged ...
5. “Don’t lean your bicycles against my windows, boys,” said the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper warned ...
6. “Open the safe,” the robber said to the bank clerk.

The robber ordered ...
7. “Leave this space clean, David,” she said.

She told ...
8. “Shall I open the window for you, Edna?” he said.

He offered ...
9. “I’ll wait for you. I promise,” he said to me.

He promised ...
10. “Would you like to come with me?” John said to Mary.

John invited ...
11. “Don’t forget to take the holiday,” Mark said to me.

Mark reminded me ...
12. “You should take a holiday,” Jane said to David.

Jane advised ...
13. “I thought you took a holiday last summer,” Tom said to Sophia.

John expected Sophia ...
14. “Taking a holiday would be a good idea,” George said.

George proposed ...
15. “ You really must take a holiday, Linda,” Jim said.

Jim told ...
16. “Don’t touch that switch, Peter,” I said.

I warned ...
17. “Read this document before you sign it,” he said to her.

He advised ...
18. “Will you help me, please?” she said to me.

She asked ...
19. “Please do as I say,” he said to me.

He begged ...
20. “Don’t forget to prune the roses,” my aunt said to Alfred.

My aunt reminded ...
21. “Would you like me to help you with the cooking, Tom?” Laura said.

Laura offered ...
22. “If you don’t pay the ransom, we’ll kill your son,” the kidnappers said to them.

The kidnappers threatened ...
23. “I won’t answer any questions,” Paul said

Paul agreed ...
24. “Would you like to go camping with us next weekend?” Andrew said to Cindy.

Andrew invited ...
25. “Don’t forget to join in the contest tomorrow morning, Robin,” Jessica said.

Jessica reminded ...
26. “Would you like me to clean the room for you, Alvin?” she said.

She offered ...
27. “If I were you, I would join the voluntary team tomorrow, Tom,” said Eve.

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28. “Flora, can you remember to buy some bread?” said Raymond.

Raymond reminded ...………
29. “ I really think you should see a doctor, Lucia, ” said Thomas.

Thomas advised ...………
30. “No, I’m sorry, I won’t work on Saturday,” said Victoria

Victoria refused ...………
31. “ If you like, I’ll help you do the decorating, Carol,” said Charles

Charles offered ...………
32. Louis said, “Yes, all right, I’ll share the bill with you, Lisa”

Louis agreed ...……….
33. “Carol, speaking English,” he said

He told ...………...
34. “Fill in the form, sir” the receptionist said to the guest.

The receptionist asked ...

35. “Mind your own business,” Ethel told me.

Ethel told ...………...
36. “Don’t repair the computer yourself,” she said to him.

She warned ...……….
37. “Don’t give yourself up” he told his girlfriend.

He advised ...………
38. “Don’t go out without me,” Harry told Sally.

Harry begged ...………

39. Allen said, “I’d like you to visit my house, Jack”

Allen wanted ...………

40. “Don’t forget to post the letter for me when you go out,” my wife said to me.
My wife reminded ...………

41. “Could you possibly speak more slowly, please?” the student said to the teacher.

The student asked ………...
42. “Guard, take him to the prison,” said the king.

The king ordered ...………...
43. “Can you trans late this sentence into English for me?” Maria said to Mark.

Maria asked ...………...
44. “Don’t forget to send your uncle a birthday card tomorrow,” Mary said to her son.

Mary reminded ...………...
45. “Please come to our wedding,” John said to his boss.

John invited ………...

46. “I’ll pay for the next round,” Bobby said.
Bobby agreed ………...………...

47. “Don’t run around the edge of the swimming pool or you’ll fall in,” Susan said to her children.
Susan warned ………...
48. “I won’t go to bed,” Ron said.

Ron refused ………...

49. “You should talk to your advisor,” Bill said to Linda.
Bill advised ………...………...

50. “Take that chewing gum out of your mouth immediately!” the teacher said to Tom.
The teacher ordered ………...
51. “ I will bring the sandwiches to the party,” said Helen.

Helen offered ...
52. “Come to the cinema with me tonight,” he said to her.

He invited ……...………...
53. The teacher said to us , “Do all your homework before you go to class”

The teacher told ..………...
54. Mary said to Tom, “Send me a postcard when you come to Paris, please”

Mary asked ...
55. He said to me, “Don’t believe everything you hear”

He advised ..………...………...
56. James said to her boyfriend, “Come with me tonight. I’m feeling very lonely”

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57. “Follow this car,” the detective said to the taxi-driver.

The detective ordered ...
58. “Go on, send your short story to magazine,” Adam said to Alice

Adam encouraged ...
59. The teacher said to Jim, “Would you give your book to Mary, please?”

The teacher asked ...
60. “Ok. I will not change the date of the meeting,” Mary said

Mary promised ...
<b>Exercise 2.</b><i><b>Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech with Gerund</b></i>

1. “Why don’t we organize an English competition for our student?” said Ms Lien.

Ms Lien suggested ………...
2. “I’m sorry I’m late,’ said Mr Thanh.

Mr Thanh apologized ...………...
3. “Me? No, I didn’t take Sue’s calculator,” Said Bob.

Bob denied ………...
4. “You took my pencil,” said David to Henry.

David accused ………...
5. “I must see the manager,” he cried.

He insisted ………...
6. “If you wanted to take my bike, you should have asked me first,” said Mike to his brother.

Mike criticized ………...
7. “ You won the scholarship. Congratulation!” Mary told me.

Mary congratulated .………...
8. “It was kind of you to help me with my homework,” Lan said to Hoa.

Lan thanked ………...
9. “Turn off the computer. You are not allowed to play game now,” Dick’s mother said to him.

Dick’s mother prevented ...………...
10. “I’m sorry that I broke the glass,” said Peter.

Peter appologized ………...
11. “Let’s invite Mr. Brown to the party next weekend,” he said.

He suggested ………...
12. “You stole the jewels,” the inspector said to him.

The inspector accused ...………...
13. “I only borrowed your car for some hours,” the man said.

The man admitted ………...
14. “I’m sorry I damaged your tape recorder, Mike,” said Bob.

Bob apologized ………...
15. “It’s nice of you to invite me to lunch,” Bob said to John.

Bob thanked ………...
16. Carol said, “What about going to the cinema this weekend, Max ?”

Carol suggested ………...
17. “I’m sorry I forgot your birthday,” Dave said Julia.

Dave apologized ………...
18. “Why didn’t you tell me the truth?” he said to me.

He accused ………...
19. “Don’t go near that deserted house,” Tony said to Monica.

Tony warned ………...………...
20. “I’m sorry. I broke the vase,” my son said.

My son admitted ………...
21. “You cheated in the exam,” the teacher said to Jack.

The teacher accused ………...
22. “Great! You are well-dressed today, Mary,” Tommy said.

Tommy complimented ………...
23. “You have just got a promotion, haven’t you? Congratulation!” Peter said to her friend.

Peter congratulated ………...
24. “You mustn’t get into this area,” the policeman said to them.

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25. “I know I’m wrong,” he said.

He admitted ………...
26. “I didn’t say that last night,” Joan said.

Joan denied ……..………...
27. “If only I had told him the true!” Jane said.

Jane regrets ………...
28. “I haven’t finished the assignment yet. I’m really sorry”.

The boy apologized .………...
29. “It’s you who took my bag,” the man said to the boy.

The man accused ………...
30. “No, no .I really must sit for the test,” Hilary said.

Hilary insisted …....………...
31. “What I always want is to become a doctor,” she said.

She dreamt ………...
32. “I can’t let you use the mobile phone,” his mother said to him.

His mother prevented ………...
33. “I like this car. I’ll buy it,” Christina said.

Christina thought …………...………...
34. “I feel like going to America next month,” Margaret said.

Margaret looked forward to …………...………...
35. “It was your fault. You didn’t tell me,” she told me

She blamed ………...
36. “I don’t think that we must widen the village road”, he said

He objected ………..………
37. “You are so selfish to behave like this,” my mother said to him.

My mother criticized ...
38. "I wish to speak English very fluently,” said Stella.

Stella dreamt ...
39. “I must go home now,” said Daisy

Daisy insisted ...
40."Sorry teacher, I didn't do the homework," Philip said to his teacher.

Philip apologised to ...
41. “You didn’t pay attention to what I said,” the teacher said to him

The teacher accused ...
42. “I hear you passed your exams. Congratulations!” Mark said to us.

Mark congratulated ...
43. “It was nice of you to visit me. Thank you,” Miss White said to Jack.

Miss White thanked ...
44. “I’ve always wanted to be rich” Bob said.

Bob dreamed ...
45. “Why don’t we go to the beach tonight for a change?” said Henry.

Henry suggested ...
46. “You failed to save my husband’s life,” she said to the doctors.

She blamed ...
47. “Let me pay for the meal,” said Ben.

Ben insisted ...
48. “Yes. I’ve spent too much money doing the shopping,” she said.

She admitted ...
49. “Well done, Tom. You won the game,” said the teacher.

The teacher congratulated ...
50. “Beware of this bad road! It’s very dangerous to drive on it!” He said to us.

He warned ...
51. “I didn’t tell the teacher your mistake,” Joseph said to Martin.

Joseph denied ...
52. “You got me into trouble with this man,” Kevin said to Elizabeth.

Kevin blamed ...
53. “You lied to me, Julia,” Max said.

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54. “Forgive me. I didn’t mean to make you angry, Sarah,” Lewis said.

Lewis appologised ...
55. “We must be given every detail of this case,” they said.

They insisted ...
56. “I’m afraid I’ve lost your letter, ” Michael said to Barbara.

Michael admitted ...

57. “Don’t drink this water because it is very polluted, ” Mitchell said to us.

Mitchell warned ...
58. “Why don’t we go sailing this weekend?” Samuel said.

Samuel suggested ...
59. “It’s not true. I didn’t sell this information, ” Stephen said.

Stephen denied ...
60. “I’m sorry that I was rude to you yesterday, Helen,” said Robert.

Robert apologised to ...

 <i><b>Note:</b><b> </b></i>

a. <b>v + prep + v-ing </b>

1. complain <b>about</b> 2. dream <b>of</b> 3. apologize <b>for</b> 4. confess <b>to</b>

5. insist <b>on</b> 6. object <b>to</b> 7. look forward <b>to</b> 8. think <b>of</b>

b. <b>v + o + prep + v-ing </b>

1. blame ... <b>for</b> 2. thank ... <b>for</b> 3. congratulate ... <b>on</b> 4. prevent ... <b>from</b> 5. accuse ... <b>of</b>
6. stop ... <b>from</b> 7. compliment ... <b>on </b> 8. warn ... <b>against </b> 9. criticize ... <b>for</b>

<b>Exercise 3. </b><i><b>Turn into reported speech, using the verbs in brackets</b></i>.
1. He said to her, “Come to the party. You’ll enjoy it” (persuade)
2. He said to me, “I’ll lend you some money if you like” (offer)

3. He said to us, “Why don’t you have a holiday in my country cottage?” (invite)
4. “All right. I’ll help you,” Tom said to Joe. (agree)

5. “Whatever you do, don’t walk on the grass” the safeguard said to the tourists. (warn)
6. “You must pay for the damage you’ve done,” she said. (make)

7. “I haven’t done anything wrong,” Tom said. (deny)
8. “No, I won’t talk to the lawyer,” Tom said. (refuse)

9. “Yes, I did drive too fast through the town,” she said. (admit)
10. “You damage my sweater, Tom,” said Ben. (accuse)

11. “Stop speeding or you will get a ticket,” said the traffic warden to the driver. (warn)
12. “Please do go to the movies with me tonight,” said Aunt Fancy. (persuade)

13. “Why don’t we work and keep ourselves from starving?” said Mike. (suggest)
14. “Go on holiday when the weather gets warmer,” she told him. (advise)
15. “Keep out of this room at all time,” she said to them. (warn)

16. “Remember to post those letters,” he said to me. (remind)

17. “If you can’t find anyone else,I’ll drive you you to the airport,” he said to me. (volunteer)
18. “If you don’t give me a pay rise, I’ll resign,” he said to me.(threaten)

19. “It certainly wasn’t me who took your car!” said Bob. (deny)
20. “Shall we go to Paris for the weekend?” Mary said to me. (suggest)
21. “I saw Megan in town,” he said. (mention)

22. “Be careful of malefactors and don’t go out at night alone” (warn)
23. “Nam, you shouldn’t spend so much money on gambling” (advise)

24. “Would you like to have lunch with me today” (invite)

25. “Why don’t you open a bank account” (encourage)
26. “Remember to book a table in advance” (remind)
27. “Fasten your seat belts” (tell)

28. “I’ll offer you some more wine tomorrow” (promise)
29. “Ok, I’ll carry some of these parcels for you” (offer)
30. “Could you possibly give me a lift to the next village” (ask)

EXERCISES: <b>conditional sentences</b>
. I/Conditionals sentences: type 1

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
2. If you (smoke) in a non-smoking compartment the other passengers (object).
3. I'll wash the glasses in this nice hot water.

No, don’t. If you (put) them into very hot water they (crack).
4. If you (see) Tom tell him I have a message for him.

5. If he (win) he (get) 1.000$; if he (come) in second he (get) 500$.
6. If you (feel) too hot during the night turn down the central heating.

7. Tom: Jack is a translator; he translates 1.000 words a day and gets 100$ a week, which he says isn’t enough to live

Bill: Well, if he (want) more money he (have) to do more work. Advise him to translate 2.000 words a day.
8. If you (finish) with your dictionary I'd like to borrow it.

9. Jack (in canoe): Watch me! I'm going to stand up.

Tom (on the bank): He’s an idiot! If he (stand) up in the canoe it (capsize).

10. The lift wasn’t working when I was here last. If it still (not work) we (have) to use the stairs.
11. I shan’t wake if the alarm clock (not go) off.

12. I shan’t wake unless I (hear) the alarm.

13. If you’d like some ice I (get) some from the bridge.

14. He's only sixteen but he wants to leave school at the end of the term.
If he (leave) now he (be) sorry afterwards.

15. I expect it will freeze tonight.

If it (freeze) tonight the roads (be) very slippery tomorrow.

16. That book is overdue. If you (not take) it back to the library tomorrow you (have) to pay a fine.
17. Unless Tom (take) his library back tomorrow he (have) to pay a fine.

18. You’d better take the day off if you (not feel) well tomorrow.
19. If a driver (brake) suddenly on a wet road he (skid).

20. If you (like) I (get) you a job in this company.
II/Conditional sentences: type 2.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct from.

1. Of course I'm not going to give her a diamond ring. If I (give) her a diamond ring she (sell) it.
2. Tom: I wake up t find the room full of smoke; but I knew exactly what to do.

Ann: IF I (wake) up to find the room full of smoke I (have) no idea what to do.

3. Ann: I couldn’t live without Tom. If he (go) off with another girl I (pine) away and die. But I have complete
confidence in Tom.

4. Husband: But I'm not going on a diet. Why should I go on a diet?
Wife: If I (go) on a diet you (lose) weight.

5. If someone (say), ‘I'll give you 500$ to go into court and swear that this statement is true,’ what you (do)?
6. If we (work) all night we finish in time; but we have to no intention of working all night.

7. You must never blow out a gas light. Do you know what (happen) if you (blow) out a gas light?
8. If I (see) a tiger walking across Hyde Park I (climb) a tree.

That (not be) any use. The tiger (climb) after you.

9. If I (come) across two men fighting with knives I (call) the police.
But this is a very peaceful area.

10. Ann: If you (ask) him for 1.000$ what he (say)?
III/Conditional sentence: type 2.

Rewrite these following sentences using if construction.
1. She is very shy; that why she doesn’t enjoy parties.
2. He doesn’t take any exercise; that why he is so unhealthy.

3. I haven’t the right change so we can't get tickets from the machine.

4. They speak French to her, not English, so her English doesn’t improve.
5. He doesn’t work overtime, so he doesn’t earn as much as I do.

6. My number isn’t in the directory so people don’t ring me up.
7. The police are not armed so we don’t have gun battles in the streets.
8. The shops don’t deliver now, which make life difficult.

9. He’s very thin, perhaps that why he feels the cold so much.
10. We haven’t any matches so we can't light the fire.

11. It’s a pity we haven’t a steak to cook over our camp fire.
12. I'm fat; that why I can't get through the bathroom window.
13. He doesn’t help me, possible I never ask him for help.
14. I can't drive so we can't take the car.

15. We have no ladder so we can't get over the wall.
IV/Conditional sentence: type 3.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

1. If he (not take) his gloves off he (not get) frost bitten.

2. She was sent to prison only because she refused to pay the fine; if she (pay) the fine she (not be) sent to prison.
3. He didn’t tell me that he was a vegetarian till halfway through the meal. If he (tell) me earlier I (cook) him

something suitable.

4. I had no map; that’s why I got lost. If I (have) a map I (be) all right.

5. Why didn’t you say that you were short of money? If I (know) I (lend) you some.

6. It’s lucky he had his torch with him. If he (not have) it he (fall) down the cellar steps.

7. The job is much worse than I expected. If I (realize) how awful it was going to be I (not accept) it.
8. It was the drug, not the disease that killed him. He would still be alive today if he (not take) that drug.
9. This room’s freezing because the fire has only just been lit.

If it (be lit) this morning, as I suggested, the room would be warm enough to sit in now.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
V/Conditional sentence: type 3.

Rewrite these sentences using an <b>if</b> construction.
1. I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop.
2. I didn’t know your number, so I didn’t ring.

3. She didn’t know you were in hospital, so she didn’t visit you.
4. We only came by bus because there were no taxis.

5. She didn’t speak to him, possible because she was so shy.

6. Landlord: She threatened to set fire to her flat; that’s the only reason I asked her to leave.
7. We didn’t visit the museum because we hadn’t time.

8. I only came up the stairs because the lift wasn’t working.

9. We didn’t listen carefully; perhaps that’s why we made this mistake.
10. We got a lift, so we reached the station in time.

11. You washed it in boiling water; that’s why it shrank.

12. We missed the train because we were using an out-of-date timetable.
13. His own men deserted him; that’s the only reason why he failed.

14. They were driving very quickly. That’s why the accident was so terrible.
15. It was raining. That’s the only reason I didn’t take the children to the beach.

16. When I bought this house I didn’t realize that in summer planes skimmed the roof every five minutes. (<i>If I (knew) </i>
<i>. I (not buy) etc</i>

<i>…</i> .)

17. Tom’s father was on the Board. That’s the only reason he got the job.
18. He wasn’t looking where he was going. That’s why he was run over.

19. I don’t like country life, perhaps because I wasn’t brought up in the country.
20. I didn’t know he was so quarrelsome. I'm sorry now that I invited him.
VI/ Conditional sentences: mixed types

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.

1. I’ve hung out the clothes. It’s lovely and sunny; if it (stay) like this they (be) dry in two hours.

2. French is essential in this job. All the telephonists speak it. If they (not know) French they (not understand) half
the callers.

3. How did you do in the car rally?

We came in the last actually; but only because we got lost. If we (not got) lost we (come) in somewhere in the
middle. We certainly (not be) late.

4. I want really surprised that we got lost because I knew that he navigator couldn’t map-read.
5. This flat would be all right if the people above us (not be) noisy.

6. A group of spectators, including myself, left the stand just before the end of the game. When we were half way
down the stairs a goal was scored and there was a great cheer from the spectators. If there (not be) a goal the
crowd (not cheer).

7. If the crowd (not cheer) we (not run) back up the stairs to see what had happened.

8. If we (not run) back we (not rash) into the rest of the spectators on their way down, and there (not be) this frightful

9. If the pain (return) you’d better take another pill.

10. IF you aren’t going to live in the house why you (not sell) it? If I (have) a house I couldn’t use I (sell) it at once.
11. No, I didn’t know any Russian at that time.

But if you (not know) Russian why you (offer) to give him Russian lessons?
Because I knew that he (refuse). He always rejected my offers.

12. Tell hi to bring his bicycle inside. If I (leave) it outside someone (steal) it.

13. Why do people always wear dark clothes at night? If pedestrians (wear) light coloured clothes drivers (see) them
much more easily.

14. She must have loved him very much because she waited for him for fifteen years. If she (not love) him she (not
wait) so long.

15. He looked so small and weak that nobody asked him to do anything. If he (look) strong he (be) expected to dig all
day like everyone else.

16. The government is talking of pulling the village down to make room for an airport.
If they (start) doing it the village people (resist).

17. IF you are catching an early train tomorrow you (like) to have breakfast at 7.00.

18. We’ll have to break the ice on the pond; otherwise the ducks (not be able) to swim. And if they (not be) able to
swim they (not be able) to get food. (Use can/could form where possible.)

19. When he left school he became a fisherman. His family didn’t like it at all. They (be) much happier if he (become)
a greengrocer like his father.

20. They still say that if he (go) into the greengrocery business when he left school he (be) comfortably off now
instead of being poor.

EXERCISE:Some, any and compound, e.g. somebody, anything, somehow.
Insert some or any, making the appropriate compounds if necessary.

1. There’s … milk in that jug.

2. She wanted … stamps but there weren’t … in the machine.
3. I’m afraid there isn’t … coffee left; will you grid …?
4. Is there … one here who speaks Italian?

5. I’d like to buy … new clothes but I haven’t … money.
6. There’s … gin in the cupboard but there aren’t glasses.
7. They can’t have … more strawberries; I want … to make jam.
8. … one I know told me … of the details.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

10. I saw hardly … one I knew at the party, and I didn’t get … thing to drink.

11. When you would like to come?
… day would suit me.

12. Are there … letters for me?

13. Don’t let … one in. I’m busy to see … body.
14. … thing tells me you’ve got … bad news for me.
15. I can’t see my glasses … where.

16. We didn’t think he’d succeed but he managed … now.
17. You’re looking very miserable; has … Thing upset you?
18. If you had … sense you wouldn’t leave your car unlocked.
19. Scarcely … was one wearing a dinner jacket.

20. … one who believes what Jack says is a fool.

21. She put her handbag down … where and now she can’t find it.
22. Will you have … pudding or … fruit?

23. Haven’t you got … friend in Rome? I feel sure you mentioned them once.
24. Haven’t you got … friends here? You should join in club and get to know people.
25. I see you haven’t … maps. Would you like borrow … of mine?

26. … one can tell you how to get there. (<i>Everyone knows the way</i>.)
27. Come and have supper with us if you aren’t doing … thing tonight.
28. I … how imagined the house would be much larger.

29. All the salaries are being paid much later now; it’s … thing to do with the computer.

30. He lives … where in France now.

31. You can’t expect just … student to solve the problem. It requires a mathematician.
32. He is not very well known here but he’s … one (<i>an important person</i>) in his own country.
33. Where shall we sit?

Oh … where will do.

34. IS there … one moving about downstairs? I heard … thing falling.
35. Is there … one living in that house? It looks deserted.

Would you like … thing to drink? There’s … very good beer in the fridge


<i>I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.</i>

1. We'll go to the beach if it ...(be) fine tomorrow.

2. Had it not been for the goalkeeper, the team ...(lose) the match.

3. Supposed that I ...(drop) in his house last night, I ...(tell) him the news.
4. She ...(be) very happy if you come.

5. Plants and trees ...(die) if there is no rain next year.

6. Men ...(continue) live on food unless other types of protein are found.
7. This flat would be all right if the people above us ...(not be) so noisy.

8. If you aren't going to live in the house why don't you sell it? If I ...(have) a house I couldn't use I ...
(sell) it at once.

9. He'll come and help you if he ...(finish) his work before 5 p.m.
10. If I see him I ... (give) him a lift.

11. They ...(play) football if it ...(not rain) now.
12. The police ...( arrest) him if they catch him.

13. If he ...(go) on telling lies nobody will believe a word he says.
14. Mr Black will buy a new house if he ...(have) enough money.
15. If I have free time I ...(come) to visit you.

16. If you kindly sit down I ...(make) enquiries for you.
17. Unless you ...(be) more careful you 'll have an accident.
18. She ...(buy) a big house if she had enough money.

19. If there ...(not be) gravity, apples wouldn't drop from trees.
20. We would set up for the journey if it ...(stop) raining now.

21. Why don't you bring your car to work? If I ...(have) a car I ...(bring) it to work.

22. Fred failed the test because he didn't study. However, if he ...(study) for the test, he ...(pass) it.
23. If I ...(know) that there was a test yesterday, I ...(study).

24. If I ...(be) you I ...(work) harder.

25. If I ...(speak) English well I would apply for that job.
26. If he ...(eat ) all that he will be ill.

27. Should I meet him, I ... (tell) him the news.

28. If he ...(finish) his work on time he ...(come) to see you, but he doesn't have enough time.
29. They ...(go) for a picnic if the weather ...(not be) so bad today.

30. If she had paid the fine she ...(not be) sent to prison.
<i> II. Rewrite the sentence in another way.</i>

1. She was sent to prison only because she refused to pay the fine.
2. She can't apply for the job because she doesn't speak English well.
3. I had no map; that's why I got lost.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
6. Our environment will be destroyed if we don't do anything to protect it.

7. This room is freezing because the fire has only just been lit.
8. She is too old, so she can't play sports.

9. I missed the train because I got up late.
10. The question is difficult, so I can't answer it.

11. His house had been broken into as he forgot to shut the door.
12. The beach is too far away from his house for him to walk there.
13. We can't buy a new car because we don't have enough money.
14. Peter was sick because he ate too much cake.

15. Hurry up otherwise you will be late for school.

16. She couldn't pick her husband up at the station because he didn't leave the car keys at home.
17. The coffee is too hot for me to drink.

18. The sea was so rough that the children couldn't go swimming.
19. She is not old enough to get married.

20. The boy was punished because of his laziness.
<b>B. WISH / HOPE</b>

* Mong muốn l m vià ệc gì: Wish + To-Inf. (=want / expect)

<i> e.g: I wish to pass the exam.</i>

* Trái với hiện tại: Wish + S + Verb (Subjunctive = Past simple)

<i> e.g: I wish I were rich / I wish I had a car / I wish I could speak English well.</i>

Wish + S + would + Verb (nếu mong muốn một việc gì xảy ra hoặc ai đó l m vià ệc gì)

<i> e.g: I wish she would come / I wish it would stop raining.</i>

* Trái với quá khứ: Wish + S + Verb (Past Perfect)

<i> e.g: I wish I had gone to the cinema last night. / I wish I had studied harder last year.</i>

@ NOTE: If only = I wish

<i> e.g: If only I were rich </i>

* Hope + To-Inf

* Hope that + S + Future simple / Past simple

EXERCISE 1: <i><b>Put the verb in the right form.</b></i>

1. I wish ... (go) to England after leaving school.
2. I wish I ... (know) that Gary was ill.

3. I feel sick because I ate so much cake. I wish I ... (not eat) so much cake.
4. We hope ... (pass) the coming exam.

5. I wish I ... (know) her phone number but I don't know.
6. If only I ... (speak) English well.

7. I hope that it ... (stop) raining tomorrow.

8. I wish I ... (not live) in the city. I prefer the country.
9. I wish she ... (come) to my party.

10. I'm broke. I wish I ... (spend) all my money.

11. They hoped that we ... (come) to their wedding yesterday.
12. If only Lan ... (be) well.

13. We wish we ... (go) to the cinema with you last night.
14. I wish I ... (not be) rude to the teacher yesterday.

15. It's very crowded here. I wish there ... (not be) so many people.

EXERCISE 2: <i><b>Rewrite the sentence in another way, using "</b></i><b>I wish ..."</b>
1. I regret not taking your advice.

2. What a pity I didn't come to see her yesterday.
3. I can't drive a car.

4. It is still raining and I hate it.

5. Mary can't come to my birthday party tomorrow.
6. I don't live near the sea.

7. I prefer you not to go there with them.
8. We regret breaking your camera.

9. My father won't permit me to go out this weekend.
10. I don't have enough time to finish the test.

11. I live in a big city, but I don't like it.
12. I have to work tomorrow.

13. What a pity that I failed to meet my old friend yesterday.
14. I am sorry, but I can't come to your party.

15. I regret shouting at her.
<b>C. AS IF / AS THOUGH</b>

1. It's very noisy next door. It sounds as if they ... (have) a party.
2. That house is tilting. It looks as if it ... (fall) down.

3. Ann coughs a lot. She sounds as though she ... (have) a cod.

4. I've just come back from holiday but I feel tired and depressed. I don't feel as if I ... (just have) a holiday.
5. I don't like Norma. She talks as if she ... (know) everything.

6. She is always asking me to do things for her as if she ... (be) my wife.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
8. He talked about the accident as though he himself ... (see) it.

9. She looks frightened as if she ... (see) a ghost.
10. Henry talks to his dog as if it ... (understand) him.
11. She is wearing a fur coat as if it ... (be) winter now.

12. Betty talked about the contest as if she ... (win) the grand prize.
13. He spends money as though he ... (be) very rich.

14. He looked he ... (run) ten miles.

15. Mary walks as though she ... (study) modeling, but she is studying economics.

<i>A. With the introductory verb in the present tense:</i>
<i>Put the following sentences into reported speech:</i>

1. Lan says: ' I've just come to visit my grandparents'
2. Peter says: 'I am going to watch television tonight'
3. They say: ' We don't like your car'

4. ' My sister called me last night' he says.
5. ' I don't think you are right' she says to me.

6. Mother says to me: ' You can invite your friends to you birthday party'
7. ' I'll come and pick you up at your house' Tom says to his girlfriend.

8. My teacher says: ' You are a punctual student because I have never seen you come to class late'
9. ' I don't open my gift until you arrive' he says to her.

10. She says to her husband: ' You are always coming home late at night'

<i>B1. With the introductory verb in the past tense:</i>
<b>1- commands:</b>

<i>Put the following sentences into reported speech, using</i> told/ asked/ reminded + object + (not) To-infinitive.
1. ' Don't put sticky things in your pockets', said his mother.

2. ' Don't do anything dangerous,' said his wife.
3. ' Don't lend Harry any money,' I said to Ann.
4. ' Remember to book a table,' Ann said to the clerk.

5. ' Get into the right lane,' the driving instructor said to all the drivers.
6. ' Open a bank account?' said Peter to his friend.

7. ' Don't leave your homework until tomorrow,' the teacher said to the pupils.
8. ' Please do it immediately right now,' the mother said to her children.
9. ' Remember to insure your luggage here,' my father said to me.

10. ' Don't leave your house door open when you are away,' my friend said.
<b>2 - Statements:</b> <i>Put the following questions into indirect speech:</i>

1. ' I'm working in a restaurant' she said.
2. ' I can't live on my basic salary,' Peter said.

3. ' My young brother wants to be a taxi inspector,' said Mary.

4. ' We had done our homework before we played football,' said the children.
5. ' I've made a terrible mistake!' said Peter.

6. 'You are always making terrible mistakes,' I said.

7. ' We've been here for two and a half years,' said the woman 'and we're going to stay here for another six months.'
8. ' I'm living with my parents at the moment,' she said.

9. ' I'm leaving tomorrow by the 4.30 from Victoria', she said.
10. ' We'll come and see you off,' we said.

11. ' I've just bought a car,' said Peter,

12. ' I'm bathing the babies tonight' said Mary.
13. ' I didn't see you here yesterday' he said to me
14. ' We haven't finished our work yet' said the students.
15. ' I've missed my train and I'll be late for work,' said Bill.
16. ' We'll wait for you if you are late,' they said.

17. ' They are supposed to be landing at London airport,' I said.

18. ' If you lend me the chain-saw,' said Mary,' I'll bring it back the day after tomorrow.'
19. ' I hate getting up on dark morning,' said Peter.

20. ' I lived with my uncle in Paris five years ago' Lan said.
<b>3 - WH-questions:</b> <i>Put the followings into reported speech:</i>

1. ' Who are you ?' the principal asked the boy.

2. ' Where is the nearest post-office?' the stranger asked me.
3. ' What are you doing at the moment?' I asked him.
4. ' How often do you go swimming?' Jane asked Tom.
5. ' How does your father travel to work, Lan?' he asked.

6. ' Why did you come to class late yesterday?' the teacher inquired Daisy.
7. ' Whose are these beautiful shoes, Mary?' Mum asked.

8. ' How long have you learnt English , Ann?' I asked.
9. ' Who has been using my typewriter?' said my mother.
10. ' Who did you give the money?' Ann asked her husband.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
12. ' How many sleeping pills have you taken today, Mr Johnson?' said the night sister.
13. ' What are you going to do with your old car?' I asked him.

14. ' Where can I park my caravan?' I asked my policeman.
15. ' When will your sister come to see you?' she asked me.

16. ' Where are you going for your next summer holiday?' I asked my brother.
17. ' Why aren't you taking the exams?' said Paul.

18. ' What were your parents doing at 8.00 A.M two days ago, Peter?' I asked.
19. ' How many children does Jane have?' he asked me.

20. ' Why didn't she come to your party?' I asked him.

<b>4 - Yes/No questions:</b><i> Put the following questions into indirect speech:</i>

1. ' Do you like coffee, Tom?' I asked him.

2. ' Do you want to see the cathedral?' said the guide.
3. ' Would you like to come with us ?' they said to us.
4. ' Did you sleep well last night?' asked the hostess.
5. ' Have you been here long?' the other students asked him.

6. ' Can you tell me why Paul left the university without taking his degree?' Paul's sister asked.
7. ' Are there any letters for me?' said Mary.

8. ' Will it be all right if I come a little later tonight?' asked the au pair girl.
9. ' Have you ever been to England?' I asked him.

10. ' Did any of you actually see the accident happen?' said the policeman.
11. ' Have you finished your work yet?' I asked the girl.

12. ' Was your mother cooking when you came home yesterday?' she asked me.
13. ' Will a new school be built in your village next year?' they asked us.
14. ' Is Mrs Black growing flowers in the garden now?' we inquired the boy.
15. ' Did your parents take a holiday to Ha Noi last summer, Tam?' she asked.
16. ' Does anyone want tickets for the boxing match?' said Charles.

<b> Change into indirect speech</b>

1. "I want my room to look nice at the festival," Hoa said.

2. "We are going to the rice - cooking contest,"said Mr Robinson.
3. "You have to take at least two bottles of water,"Tam's father said.
4. "I will clean all the class windows,"said Trung

5. "Help me to hang this picture, Ba," said Mai

6. "My brother doesn't like eating sticky rice," said Linh

7. "Don’t throw that bottle away. We can reuse it," said Mr Cuong.
8. "Do you want to visit the Great Wall in China, Tam?" I said
9. "Are you from Australia?" I said to the tourists.

10. "My uncle is working in a building near the Statue of Liberty.", John said.

11. "Will you go to Cairo on your holiday next month?"I asked Mr and Mrs Robinson
12. "Send me a postcard when you arrive in Paris!"I said to Lan.

13. "Does your sister have a toy store in London?", Jane asked Peter.
14. "Don’t go out alone at night!", the household said to me

15. "Is there any information about the flight to Phnom Penh?", Mr Hoang said.
16. "Where are you studying?"Mr Bruce asked.

17. "Please call me at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning", said Mai
18. "Are you interested in this Language Center?"Asked Lan
19. "We will spend our holiday in Da Lat next month," said Mrs Chi
20. "What does your son want to learn?" the man said to Mr Linh.
21. "You must cometoday," Hoa said.

22. "If you want to learnt English , I can help you," John said.
23. "Do you live here?" Liz asked

24. "I don’t understand what you are saying," Tom told us.

<b>E. VERB FORMS</b>

<i>A. Form 1:</i> Bare Infinitive
* S + V1 + V2 (Bare Infinitive)

V1 = can / could / will / would / shall / should / may / might / must / need (aux) / had better / would rather ...
e.g: You should <i>stop</i> smoking

* let / have / make ...+ Object + Verb (Bare Infinitive)
e.g: The teacher made us <i>do</i> a lot of homework.
<i>But in the passives we use</i> To-Inf.

The cashier was made <i>to hand</i> over the money by the two robbers.

<i>B. Form 2:</i> To-Infinitive

* For purpose: e.g: I go to school <i>to learn / </i>in order <i>to learn / </i>so as<i> to learn.</i>

* S + V1 + V2 (To-Infinitive)

V1 = decide / want / hope / promise / agree / plan / manage / refuse / threaten / learn / fail / tend / intend / arrange / aim /
attempt / afford / offer / would like / would love / would prefer / desire / expect / prepare / pretend / claim / hesitate / seem
... + To-Infinitive

e.g: We have decided <i>to take</i> this exam.
* S + V1 + Object + V2 (To-Infinitive)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
e.g: She invited me <i>to go</i> to her party.

* Adjective + V (To-Infinitive)

Adjs = anxious / boring / eager / easy / pleased / usual / prepared / common / dangerous / good / ready / difficult / hard /
strange / able / possible / unable / impossible ... + To-Infinitive

<i>C. Form 3:</i> Verb-ing
* S + V1 + V2-ing

enjoy / mind / finish / hate / give up / quit / practice / risk / delay / put off / keep / keep on / carry on / imagine / avoid /
(can't) bear / (can't) stand / (can't) help / consider / allow / permit / advise / fancy / postpone / detest / forbid / encourage /
suggest / recommend / deny / admit / miss / report / appreciate / resent / recall / resume ....+ V-ing

e.g: Do you enjoy <i>playing</i> soccer?
* After some expressions:

+ There is no point in
+ It's no use
+ It's no good
+ It's (not) worth

+ ... have difficulty (in)
+ ... spend (time)
+ ... waste (of) time

e.g: It's no use <i>asking</i> him for money.
* After a preposition:

e.g: We are interested in <i>playing</i> soccer

@ NOTES: Some verbs are followed by To-Infinitive or Verb-ing

I. Without or little difference in meaning.

start / begin / continue/ bother/ like/ love / hate / can't stand / dread / prefer
e.g: It started <i>to rain</i> two hours ago. = It started <i>raining</i> two hours ago.
II. With difference in meaning.

+ Stop - To-Inf : (For purpose) e.g: I stopped <i>to smoke.</i>

- Verb-ing: (Give up) e.g: I have stopped <i>smoking.</i>

+ Try - To-Inf: (attempt) e.g: I tried <i>to open</i> the door but I couldn't.
- Verb-ing: (put to the test) e.g: I tried <i>cooking</i> the dinner

+ Remember/Forget: - To-Inf: (For reminder ) e.g: Don't forget <i>to lock</i> the door when you go away.
- Verb-ing: (Recall) e.g: I remember <i>locking</i> the door when I left the house.
+ Regret: - To-Inf: (Sorry to have to do) e.g: I regret <i>to tell</i> you this news.

- Verb-ing: (What a pity ...) e.g: I regret not <i>taking</i> your advise.
+ Need: - S (person) + need + To-Inf e.g: I need <i>to buy</i> a dictionary.

- S (thing) + need + Verb-ing e.g: The grass needs <i>cutting</i>

EXERCISE 1: <i><b>Give the right form of the verb in brackets.</b></i>

1. He tried ... (avoid) ... (answer) my question.
2. Could you please stop ... (make) so much noise?
3. I've never been to Iceland but I'd like ... (go) there.

4. The film was very sad. It made me ... (cry) through the show.

5. We were kept at the police station for two hours and then we were allowed ... (go)
6. Carol's parents always encouraged her ... (study) hard at school.

7. I enjoy ... (listen) to music.

8. Our neighbor threatened ... (call) the police if we didn't stop the noise.
9. We were hungry, so I suggested ... (have) dinner early.

10. Hurry up! I don't want ... (risk) ... (miss) the train.
11. My father allows me ... (use) his car sometimes.

12. Can you remind me ... (phone) Ann tomorrow?

13. I considered ... (apply) for the job but in the end I decided against it.
14. Have you finished ... (wash) your hair yet?

15. If you walk into the road without looking, you risk ... (be) knocked down.
16. Jim is 65 but he isn't going to retire yet. He wants to carry on ... (work)
17. I like George but I think he tends ... (talk) too much.

18. There was a lot of traffic but we managed ... (get) to the airport in time.
19. We've got a new computer in our office. I haven't learnt ... (use) it yet.
20. She refused ... (tell) us her name.

21. I don't mind you ... (use) the phone as long as you pay for your call.
22. Hello! Fancy ... (see) you here! What a surprise!

23. I've put off ... (write) the letter so many times. I really must do it today.
24. What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine anybody ... (be) so stupid?

25. Sarah gave up ... (try) ... (find) a job in this country and decided ... (go) abroad.
26. She denied ... (steal) the money.

27. Don't keep ... (interrupt) me while I am speaking.
28. Shall we postpone ... (go) away until tomorrow?
29. It was late, so we decided ... (take) a taxi home.

30. Simon was in a difficult situation, so I agreed ... (lend) him some money.
31. I'm still looking for a job but I hope ... (find) something soon.

32. They don't have much money. They can't afford ... (eat) out very often.
33. I wish that dog would stop ... (bark).

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
35. I didn't move the piano by myself. I got someone ... (help) me.

36. The police don't permit ... (enter) the harbor area.
37. Don't let him ... (do) what he wants.

38. Sarah persuaded me ... (take) that exam.
39. I wouldn't recommend ... (stay) in that hotel.

40. Having a car enables you ... (travel) round more easily.
41. My lawyer advised me ... (not say) anything to the police.

42. What would you recommend me ... (buy) for my girlfriend's birthday?
43. I didn't expect it ... (rain).

44. One of the boys admitted ... (break) the window.

45. The boy's father promised ... (pay) for the window to be repaired.
46. 'How did the thief get into the house?' ' I forgot ... (shut) the window'.
47. The baby began ... (cry) in the middle of the night.

48. Please remember ... (lock) the door when you go out.
49. He can't remember ... (be) in hospital when he was four.
50. I can't go on ... (work) here any more. I want a different job.

1. Prepositions of place:

in / on / at / in front / of / behind / beside / next to / near / (far away) from / under / by / between / among / opposite /
above / over / beneath / beyond .../ at the end (beginning) of + a place

2. Prepositions of direction:

from / to / toward / backward / into / out of / by / past / across / through / over / up / down / along / round (around)
3. Prepositions of time:

at + 6.30 / Christmas / Easter / midnight / weekend ...
on + Monday / April 30 / birthday / weekend ...

in + January / 1945 / Spring / the morning(afternoon, evening) ...
during + the lesson / the summer / the lunch ...

for / within + two years / five days ...
before / after / since / till / until ...
in the end (beginning) of + time

on Sunday morning / at night / at 45 TRAN PHU street / on (in) TRAN PHU street.
4. Other Prepositions:

for / with / without / about / like / as / of / except (for) / besides / rather than / apart from / because of / due to / thanks to /
instead of / despite / in spite of / against

5. Adjectives + Prep:

* acceptable / accustomed /used / agreeable / contrary / harmful / important / kind / likely / lucky / open / pleasant /
similar / helpful / married / close / adjacent ... + TO

* afraid / ahead / aware / capable / confident / full / short / tired / certain / sure / conscious / typical / fond / proud /
ashamed / jealous / envious / tolerant / frightened / terrified / scared... + OF

* available / difficult / late / perfect / useful/ easy / famous / responsible ... + FOR
* clever / good / present / quick / skilful / bad / excellent / surprised ... + AT

* acquainted / crowded / friendly / popular / familiar / angry / bored / fed up / pleased / satisfied / disappointed /
confident ... + WITH

* interested / rich / successful / absorbed / confident... + IN

* absent / different / safe / far away / tired / independent ... + FROM

* confused / sad / serious / worried / anxious / doubtful / certain / sure / sorry... ABOUT
* keen / dependent / intent ... + ON

6. Verbs + Prep:

* look at / look for / look after / look forward to / think of (about) / dream of (about) / succeed in / laugh at / smile at /

point at / talk (speak) to (with) someone / listen to / write (a letter) to / invite (someone) to / complain about (of) / worry
about / insist on / approve of / apologise (to someone) for something / explain something to someone / apply for / care for /
take care of / wait for / search for / leave A for B / die of (from) / consist of / thank (forgive) someone for / pay for / suffer
from / protect sb,st from / prevent sb,st from / depend on / rely on / break into / happen to / provide, supply someone with /
provide something for someone / supply something to someone / concentrate on / divide into / fill in / throw away / cut
down on / turn on (off) / get on (off) / be better off / insist on / worry about / confess to ...

EXERCISE 1: <i><b>Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.</b></i>

1. He jumped ... the water and dived for two minutes.

2. Mr. Smith is proud ... his son, who is studying abroad now.
3. The heavy snow prevented the train ... running.

4. I am looking forward ... hearing ... you soon.
5. There are 50 applicants ... every job.

6. Fred confessed ... stealing the jewels.

7. The mechanic was lying ... the car to repair it.

8. Who will look ... you house when you are ... holiday.
9. This new car belongs ... Mr. Dave, our headmaster.

10. Where do you live? I live ... Hilton street.
11. We can see some oil paintings ... the wall.
12. They often go out ... Sunday.

13. We always listen ... his advice.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
15. Paola comes ... Italy. She is Italian.

16. Can you swim ... this river?

17. When a child grows up, he does not want to be dependent ... his/her parents any more.
18. I was walking ... the riverbank when I saw him.

19. The struggle... poverty and hunger is a hard one.
20. The Earth moves ... the Sun.

21. They will begin their journey ... Easter.

22. The yard is ... the house and the garden is ... the house. The house is ... the yard and the

23. What did you do ... 2 o'clock and 3 o'clock?
24. Henry is thinking ...going to France in August.

25. We ate and talked ... many things ... the meal.

26. At the party I met all my friends ... Mary. She must have been ill.
27. She has been waiting for the bus ... 7 o'clock in the morning.
28. What time do you leave Hue ... Hanoi?

29. Please turn ... the television if you don't watch it.
30. We arranged to meet ... June 20th.

31. There is a drugstore ... my house. If I want to get some medicine I have to go ... the street.
32. I travelled ... Bombay ... boat last year.

33. He sharpened his pencil ... a small knife.

34. Tom was such a clever student that he answered all the questions ... any difficulty.
35. You shirt is different ... mine.

36. Some gases are harmful ... humans.
37. Peter is cleverer ... chemistry than John.
38. Brunei is a country which is rich ... oil.

39. We were so bored ... the film that we left before the end.
40. Everyone was surprised ... her success.

EXERCISE 2: <i><b>Complete each sentence with a suitable adjective.</b></i>

1. Although they are sisters, they are ... from each other.
2. Are your children ... in watching cartoons?

3. My daughter was ... of singing when she was two.

4. He is always ready to give assistance to his friends. He is ... to them.
5. Fresh fruits and vegetables are very ... for our health.

6. Nam was ... from class yesterday because he was very sick.
7. Hurry up or you'll be ... for school.

8. It is too ... for me to solve this problem alone.
9. Be ... of yourself if you want to succeed.

10. Smoking is ... to our health.

11. The climate in spring is ... to everybody.
12. They don't appear ... in buying a house.
13. Is she ... about learning to be a pilot.
14. Are you ... with the works of Shakespeare?
15. Are you ... of snakes?

16. They are ...about their son because he hasn't come home yet and it is nearly midnight.
17. Why are you paying much attention to this matter? Is it ... to you?

18. We are all ... at his success. What he did is ... our expectations.
19. The children were so ... about the trip to Dalat the next day that they couldn't sleep.
<b>F.Relatives: defining, non-defining and connective.</b>


Combine the following pairs or groups of sentences by means of relative pronouns, making any changes necessary.
1. You sent me a present. Thank you very much for it. (PREP)

2. She was dancing with a student. He had a slight limp. (prep)

3. I am looking after some children. They are terribly spoilt. (<i>two ways</i>)
4. The bed has no mattresses. I sleep on this bed. (prep)

5. Romeo and Juliet were lovers. Their parents hated each other.

6. There wasn’t any directory in the telephone box. I was phoning from this box.(prep)
7. This is Mrs. Jones. Her son won the championship last year.

8. I was sitting in a chair. It suddenly collapsed. (prep)

9. Mr Smith said he was too busy to speak to me. I had come especially to see him.
10. The man was sitting at the desk. I had come to see this man.

11. His girl friend turned out to be an enemy spy. He trusted her absolutely.
12. This is the story of a man. His wife suddenly loses her memory.

13. We’ll have to get across the frontier. This will be difficult.

14. A man brought in a small girl. Her hand had been cut by flying glass.
15. The car crashed into a queue of people. Four of them were killed.
16. The roads were crowded with refugees. Many of them were wounded.
17. I was waiting for a man. He didn’t turn up. (<i>The man</i>…)prep)

18. The firm is sending me to York. I work for this firm. (<i>The firm</i>…)prep)

19. The Smiths were given rooms in the hotel. Their house had been destroyed in an explosion.
20. I saw several houses. Most of them were quite unsuitable.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
22. This is a story of a group of boys. Their plane crashed on an uninhabited island.
23. He introduced me to his students. Most of them were from abroad.

24. He expected me to pay 2$ for 12 eggs. Four of the eggs were broken.

25. They gave me four very bad tyres. One of them burst before I had driven four miles.

26. She climbed to the top of the mountain to see the wonderful view. She had been told about this view.

27. I was given this address by a man. I met this man on a train.

28. A man answered the phone. He said Tom was out.

EXERCISE 2: <b>Relatives: non-defining and connective</b>.
Combine the following pairs or groups of sentences, using relative pronouns.

1. Tom had been driving all day. He was tired and wanted to stop.

2. Ann had been sleeping in the back of the car. She felt quite fresh and wanted to go on.
3. Paul wanted to take the mountain road. His tyres were nearly new.

4. Jack’s tyres were very old. He wanted to stick the starred road.

5. Mary didn’t know anything about mountains. She thought it would be quite safe to climb alone.
6. He gave orders to the manager. The manager passed them on to the foreman.

7. She said that the men were thieves. This turned out to be true.

8. The matter was reported to the Chief of Police. He ordered us all to be arrested.
9. In prison they fed us on dry bread. Most of it was mouldy.

10. We slept in the same room as a handcuffed prisoner. His handcuffs rattled every time he moved.
11. We lit the fir. It soon dried out our clothes.

12. They rowed across the Atlantic. This had never been done before.

13. The lorry crashed into a bus-load of schoolchildren. Six of them were slightly injured.
14. She refused to use machines. This makes her work more arduous.

15. I met Mary. She asked me to give you this.

16. The women prayed aloud all night. This kept us awake.

17. Mary said that there should be a notice up warning people. Mary’s children couldn’t swim.
18. Ann said that there were far too many notices. Ann’s children could swim very well.
19. But Tom’s leg is still in bandages. He will have to watch the match from the stand.
20. His boss didn’t drink. He saw what was the matter and wasn’t sympathetic.
21. Even so the report took three hours. It should have taken an hour and a half.
22. I went to Munich. I had always wanted to visit Munich.

<b>Relative clauses replaced by infinitives.</b>
Part 1: Replace the clauses in bold type by an infinitive or infinitive phrases.

1. We had a river in which we could swim.

2. The child is lonely, he would be happier if he had someone that he could play with.

3. I don’t much care for cooking for myself; if I had a family that I that to cook for I'd be more interested.

4. Here are some accounts that you must check.

5. I’ve got a bottle of wine but I haven’t got anything that I could open it with.

6. I have some letters that I must write.

7. I don’t want to go alone and I haven’t anyone that I can go with.

8. I don’t like him playing in the streets,I wish we had a garden that he could play in.

9. We had to eat standing up because we hadn’t anything that we could sit on, and the grass was too wet.

10. The floor is dirty but I haven’t got a brush that I can sweep it with.

11. My files are all over the place. I wish I had a box that I could keep them in.

12. She said that she wasn’t going to buy any cards; she hadn’t anyone to show whom she could send cards.
Part 2: Replace the clauses in bold type by infinitives.

13. He was the first man who left the burning building.

14. You are the last person who saw her alive.

15. My brother was the only one who realized the danger.

16. The pilot was the only man who survived the crash.

17. He simple loves parties. He is always the first who comes and the last who goes.

18. The Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship which had been built on the Clyde.

19. The last person who leaves the room must turn out the lights.

20. I was the only person who saw the difficulty.

21. He was the second man who was killed in this way.

22. Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the moon.

23. Lady Astor was the first woman who took her seat in Parliament.

The fifth man who was interviewed was entirely unsuitable

<b>G.cleft sentences</b>

<i><b>EXERCISES: </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
2. This blue bus pass my house every hour.

3. They help their father do everything in this house.
4. We change planes at Heathrow.

5. You watched too much TV last sunday
6. Tom and Nancy worry too much.
7. I cash a cheque every month.

8. I always carry an umbrella. I don’t carry a hand-fan
9. They wash the floor every week.

10. His sons go to the local school.
11. These hens lay brown eggs.
12. These figures astonish me.
13. The rivers freeze in the winter.
14. They fly from London to Edinburgh.
15. The carpets match the curtains.
16. their children realize danger.

17. She likes to work, she didn’t like to swim in the river.
18. Tomy teaches his boy to ride.

19. Ann didnot wear her new dress at my wedding party
20. The aero plane flew at 2,000 meters.

21. Henry cleaned these shoes for.
22. you haven’t mended that old shirt
23. Did I tell this truth?

24. the dengerous chemical from the industrial zones killed trees and animals.

25. Mrs Jones sweeps the steps outside her house.

26. We frist heard the news from Tom and peter

27. The countryside is most spectacular in spring.

28. I have just seen my form teacher, I didn’t see the headmaster.

29. Napoleon was finally defeated in Waterloo.

30. Susan helped me with my English, Marie didn’t
<b>H.Tag Questions</b>

Complete the following tag questions
1.Let's listen to the radio, ...?

2.She has never eaten this kind of food before,...?
3.I'm getting too fat,...?

4.They never go to the theatre,...?

5.His parents won't buy him the new game,...?
6.Turn off the television,...?

7.The Pikes stayed there last week,...?
8.The police are looking for the thief,...?
9.Your brother has to go to school to day,...?
10.Mrs Nga is thirsty,...?

11.They ought to know the fact,...?
<b>I. Passive voice and active voice</b>

1. They saw that boy go out

2. Betty has just sent Mary many post cards
3. People call him pop singer

4. why didn’t they turn on the lights?
5. Where do people speak English?
6. someone will tell him that news
7. people saw him steal your car
8. The teacher is watching them work
9. Open your book

10. Take off your hat.

11. they made him work all day.

12. someone should look into the matter
13. He likes people to call him “sir”

14. He wants someone to take some photographs
15. Did anybody see him come down the lane?
16. Mary has had a friend type all of her papers
17. you will have to get someone to see it
<b>J- Combine sentences as directed</b>

<i><b>I. Combine sentences with "Enough"</b></i>
1. She's not old. She can't get married

2. That coat is not warm. I can't wear it in winter.
3. That chair is not strong. We can't stand on that chair.
4. Are you very tall? - Can you reach the top shelf.?
5. It's not warm today.We can't go outside.

6. I'm not strong. I can't lift this box.

7. Tom doesn’t have money. He can't pay his bills.

12.Daisy drinks a lot of orange juice,...?
13.You're going to school tomorrow,...?
14.You have to go to school on time,...?
15.There are only twenty eight days in


16.Your parents don’t like vegetables,...?
17.We hardly wash our hands before meals,...?
18.Something has happened,...?
19.She didn’t do homework yesterday,...?
20.Your children are sleeping,...?

21.Noone likes reading that book,...?

1. you neednot type this letter

2. you should have taken those books back to the

3. it is impossible to do this

4. We don’t use this room very often
5. They are setting up a new theatre
6. Noone likes reading that book
7. You have to give the book back
8. They made us work hard everyday
9. Did the cartoon attract the children?

10. Somebody is cleaning the room at the moment
11. Nobody can measure the depth of the river
12. The enemy used to attack Halong Bay
13. My sister gave me a new pair of jeans on my

fifteenth birthday.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
8. This bed is not wide. Two people can't sleep in this bed.

9. The water wasn’t clean. We can't swim in
10. He wasn’t experienced. He can't do that job.
11. I don’t have money. I can't lend you some
12. He is hungry. He can't eat three sandwiches.

13. Peter isn't tired. He can't sleep right away.
14. This seat isn't wide. We can't sit on
15. Susan isn't old. She can't stay home alone
16. That box is light. She can lift it.

17. I didn’t have time. I can't eat breakfast this morning.
18. This shirt is big. He can wear it.

19. Mary doesn’t have money. She can't buy a new a new bicycle.
20. It's warm tonight. We can't go out.

<i><b>II. Comebine sentences with "Too"</b></i>

1. Tom is short. He can't touch the ceiling

2. Alice is very young. She can't stay home alone.
3. It is very late. We can't go to the movie.
4. It's very cold.We can't go swimming today.
5. Peter is very tired. He can't study.

<i><b>III. Combine sentences with "so...that", "such ...that"</b></i>
<i><b>- So...That</b></i>

1. The food was hot . It burned my tongue
2. He is fat. Everybody calls him stuffy.

3. You speak very fast. I can't catch up with your words.
4. I had many friends. I never felt lonely.

5. they worked very quickly. There was no time for talking

6. The film was very interesting. We went to see it twice.
<i><b>-Such ....that</b></i>

1. She had a sore throat. She could hardly speak.

2. The children make a noise. We could hardly hear ourselves speak.
3. We had had a tiring day. we went straight to bed.

4. He was a fool. Noone took any notice of him
5. The room was in a mess. It took two hour to tidy.
<i><b>IV. Combine sentences with "so that", so as to, in order to</b></i>

1. Minh does morning exercises regularly. He wants to be healthy. ( so as to)
2. You have to wear warm clothes. You won't catch a cold(in order to)

3. Please close the window.You don’t want anybody to look at my room(so that)
4. I'll write to Mai. I want to invite her to my birthday party. (so as to)

5. She said nothing. She didn’t want to make him angry. ( so as to)
6. I'm learning English . I want to read books in English (in order to)

7. Mrs Hien decided to give up her job. She wanted to have more time with her children. (in order to)
8. He locked the door. He wanted nobody to disturb him( so that)

9. Mr Tam saves money. He wants to do an MA course abroad. (so that)
10. He hurried up to the station. He didn’t want to miss the train. (so as to)
<i><b>V: Combine the sentences below, using the words in brackets.</b></i>

1. The movie was boring. We went home before it finished ( So)
2. Mai opened the door. Mai greeted the guests. (and)

3. We started the trip very early.We reached the village before noon.(so that)
4. Liz saw some wild ducks. Liz was resting under a tree. (while)

5. Nga is very sick. She can't sit up. (so ...that)

6. Ba felt tired and hungry. Lan felt tired and hungry.(so)

7. We enjoyed the fresh air in the countryside.We enjoyed the food there (both)
8. The water is very cold. We can't swim in it. (too)

9. Peter didn’t have money to buy a bus ticket. He had to walk home. (so)
10. Mr brown feeds the chicken. He collects their eggs. (not only... but also)
<i><b>VI.Combine the sentences below,.</b></i>

1. I was very happy. I received your letter this morning.

2. The factory is producing more and more pollution. We are afraid.
3. Using unleaded petrol has a lot of advantages. I'm sure.

4. They burned the plastic waste. It's not good.
5. He didn’t pass the driving test. He was very sad.
6. You have paid attention to recycling. He is delighted.

<b>Reported speech & Reported questions</b>

<b>1) Phong said, “My parents are very proud of my good marks.”___________________________________________</b>
<b>2) She said, “She doesn’t buy this book.”_______________________________________________________</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

<b>7) Thu said, “All the students will have a meeting next week.”_____________________________________________</b>
<b>8) Hoa’s parents said, “We’ll visit you this summer.”____________________________________________________</b>
<b>9) “Are you Mrs. Lien’s student?” Lan asked me.___________________________________________________</b>
<b>10) “Do you enjoy reading books?” Phong asked Peter._________________________________________________</b>
<b>11) “Does Hoa play badminton?” Lan asked Thu.____________________________________________________</b>
<b>12) “Why is she crying?” Thu asked Hoa.______________________________________________________</b>
<b>13) “When will you visit Ha Noi?” Hoa asked her parents.</b>

<b> </b>


<b>1) People speak English in many countries._____________________________________________________</b>
<b>2) Someone stole her helmet.__________________________________________________</b>

<b>3) The students are discussing about their new plan.__________________________________________________</b>
<b>4) The police have just caught the thief._________________________________________________</b>

<b>5) She teaches us grammar and writing._________________________________________________</b>

<b>6) Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb.__________________________________________________</b>
<b>7) Lan is going to invite her friends to her birthday party.________________________________________________</b>
<b>8) Everybody should keep food in the refrigerator to keep it fresh.__________________________________________</b>
<b>9) Lien couldn’t open the door of the classroom.____________________________________________________</b>
<b>10) People must repair that old building.__________________________________________________</b>

<b>11) They cancelled all the flights because of the storm._________________________________________________</b>
<b>12) Someone will give you your tickets at the airport. _________________________________________________</b>
<b>13) Someone is cleaning the classroom at the moment. _________________________________________________</b>

<b>14) The working people has considered May Day a great holiday. __________________________________________</b>
<b>15) Since the 9</b>th<sub> century, people have used wood for making the pulp. ______________________________________</sub>

<b>16) The doctor has moved to a new house. He looked after my family.______________________________________</b>
<b>17) The man is my English teacher. You spoke to him in the street last night._________________________________</b>
<b>18) The books are for reference. They are on the stacks near the librarian.____________________________________</b>
<b>19) Is that the car? You want to buy it._______________________________________</b>

<b>20) Students will be punished. Their homework is late.______________________________________</b>

<b>21) Henry was in a very bad mood. His car had been broken down._____________________________________</b>
<b>22) Teacher’s Day is the day. Pupils show their gratitude to their teacher on that day.___________________________</b>
<b>23) The last summer holidays were the time. We had a lot of fun at that time._________________________________</b>
<b>24) New Year’s Day is the day. All family members gather and enjoy a family dinner on that</b>


25)One day last week I visited that village. The people there grew many beautiful flowers._____________________

<b>Adverb clauses</b>
<b>I) Adverb clauses of result: so</b>

<b>1) It was cold. I turned the heating on.__________________________________________</b>

<b>2) The stereo didn’t work. Vicky took it back to the shop.________________________________________</b>
<b>3) There weren’t enough chairs. We had to sit on the floor.________________________________________</b>
<b>4) The shops were closed. I didn’t get any milk._______________________________________</b>

<b>5) This picture is very expensive. Please be careful with it.___________________________________________</b>
<b>II) Adverb clauses of reason: because, since, as</b>

<b>1) The door was open. I walked in. (as)_______________________________________</b>

<b>2) They live near us. We see them quite often. (since)_____________________________________</b>
<b>3) Peter was very fat. He ate too much. (because)________________________________________</b>
<b>4) She was late the work. She missed the bus. (because)_____________________________________</b>
<b>5) We watched TV all evening. We had nothing better to do. (as)__________________________________</b>
<b>III) Adverb clauses of concession:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
<b>3) The joke was funny. No one laughed. (although)_________________________________</b>

<b>4) We thought we’d better invite them to the party. We didn’t like them very much. (even though)_______________</b>
<b>5) My father has to go to work. It is raining hard. (though)______________________________</b>

<b>K. relative clauses</b>

<b>B i tà</b> <b>ập 1: Nối hai mệnh đề sử dụng liên từ thích hợp.</b>
1. I couldn’t sleep. I was tired.

2. They ha<i>veve</i>ry little money. They are happy.

3. We li<i>ve</i> in the same street. We hardly e<i>ve</i>r see each other.
4. Angela got married. She was 23.

5. The phone rang three times. We were having dinner.
6. She dresses like that. E<i>ve</i>ryone will notice her.
7. He sold the car. It was too small.

8. I will stay here. You get back.

<b>I) Fill in each blank with one suitable relative pronoun (who, whom, whose, which) or relative adverb (where,</b>

<b>1) The man ____________ your mother is talking to is my English teacher.</b>

<b>2) Ha Long Bay is a beautiful spot ____________ thousands of tourists visit every year.</b>
<b>3) The students ____________are standing in front of the library is my classmates.</b>
<b>4) Hoa’s parents ____________ are farmers work very hard to earn their living.</b>
<b>5) The children like to play football ____________ is very popular in our country.</b>
<b>6) These are the latest news ____________ you might want to know.</b>

<b>7) Ba and his friends are fond of the performing animals ____________ have just come to town.</b>
<b>8) The beach ____________ the students are cleaning up the trash is a beautiful one.</b>

<b>9) The parrot ____________ can speak some words belongs to my close friend.</b>
<b>10) This is the best movie ____________ I have seen.</b>

<b>11) He is enjoys reading books ____________ are on computer science.</b>

<b>12) Mother’s Day is the day ____________. the children show their love to their mother.</b>
<b>13) Tet is a Vietnamese festival ____________ takes place in late January or early February.</b>
<b>14) The little girl ____________ is wearing the red dress sings beautifully.</b>

<b>15) Thu enjoyed her trip to Da Lat ____________ her grandparents lived long ago.</b>
<b>16) Lan’s parents came back to Ha Noi ____________ they visited last year.</b>
<b>17) They like Asian food ____________ is sold in that market.</b>

<b>18) Mary, ____________ sits next to me, is good at maths.</b>

<b>19) My office, ____________ is on the second floor of the building, is not very big.</b>
<b>20) That’s Jack, ____________ lives next door.</b>

<b>II) Combine each pair of sentences with a relative pronoun or a relative adverb:</b>
<b>1) The doctor has moved to a new house. He looked after my family.</b>

<b>2) The man is my English teacher. You spoke to him in the street last night.</b>

<b>3) The books are for reference. They are on the stacks near the librarian.</b>

<b>4) Is that the car? You want to buy it.</b>

<b>5) Students will be punished. Their homework is late.</b>

<b>6) Henry was in a very bad mood. His car had been broken down.</b>


<b>B i t</b>



<b>p 2</b>

: N

i câu b



i t

quan h

1. Peter wanted to ha


dinner with us. He hated

eating on his own.

2. We saw se


ral houses. Most of them were




3. My brother has just sold his town house. His

dream is to li


in a farm house.

4. We pay a visit to the house. We li


d in the house

10 years ago.

5. They’ll ne


r forget the day. Their wedding took

place on that day.

6. What was the name of the year? Your son was

born on that year.

7. Hai phong is a nice city. Its streets are green.

8. I like the dog. Its fur is white.

9. Felipe bought a camera. The camera has three


<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
<b>7) Teacher’s Day is the day. Pupils show their gratitude to their teacher on that day.</b>

<b>8) The last summer holidays were the time. We had a lot of fun at that time.</b>

<b>9) New Year’s Day is the day. All family members gather and enjoy a family dinner on that day.</b>
<b>10) One day last week I visited that village. The people there grew many beautiful flowers.</b>



<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

1. Chinese people have a very special kind of soup. This kind of soup is made from shark’s fin.
2. A lot of fish died everyday. They live in the polluted sea.

3. We have a new teacher. I really like her.

4. Many people get sick or die every year. These people eat puffer fish, a very poisonous species.
5. She ‘ll tell you the story. That story will surprise you.

6. The Nile is the home of a great variety of fish. The Nile is in Egypt.
7. Yesterday, I visited Tri Nguyen aquarium. It has various species of fish.
8. The movie Harry Potter is coming soon. I’m longing to see it.

9. Then he was caught in the mouth of a while shark.It is one of the most dangerous sea creatures.
10. The most beautiful park is opposite my house. It has a lot of big trees.

11. The girl was injured in the accident . She is now in hospital.
12. A man anwered the phone. He told me you were away.
13. A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient.
14. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt.
15. Some people were arrested . They have now been released.
16. . A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half an hour.
17. Petr is studying French and German. He has been abroad.

18. You’ve all met Michael Wood. He is visiting us for a couple of days.
19. We are moving to Manchester.Manchester is the north west.

20. I’ll stay with Adrian. His brother is one of my closet friends.

21. John Bridge is one of my oldest friends. He has just gone to live in Canada.
22. The Earth is a planet. It can support life.

23. The book is about the girl. She runs away from home.
24. A dictionary is a book. It gives you the meaning of words.
25. The man was very kind. I talk to him yesterday.

26. She is the woman . I told you about her.

27. The man works in the hospital. I told you about him.
28. The picture was very beautiful. She was looking at it.
29. I’ll give you the address. You should write to it.
30. The movie is very fantastic. They are talking about it.

<b>PART v- relative clauses</b>

<b>I- Fill in the blanks with relative pronouns/ adverbs. Put commas when they are needed:</b>
1. Alexander Flemming _______ discovered penicillin received the Nobel Prize in 1945.
2. The book ______ I need can’t be found in the library.

3. Here is the beach ______ is the safest for swimmers.

4. Do you know the American woman ______ name is Margaret Mitchell?
5. Jim ______ I have known for ten years is one of my closest friends.
6. John found a cat ______ leg was broken.

7. Don’t sit on the chair ______ is broken.

8. This tree ______ branches are dry should be cut down.
9. The child smiled at the woman ______ he didn’t know.
10. That woman ______ name I don’t remember is a doctor.
11. Children enjoy reading the books ______ have colored pictures.
12. I met someone ______ said he knew you.

13. The noise ______ he made woke everybody up.
14. The film is about a spy ______ wife betrays him.

15. Those girl ______ serve in the restaurant are the owner’s daughters.
16. The house ______ walls and roof are made of glass is a green house.
17. Rod Lee ______ sister I know is a film actor.

18. Mr. Bake will buy the house ______ is opposite to my house.

19. You have to take care of the books ______ you borrowed from the library.

20. Karl Marx ______ theories have changed the world’s history is the German Philosopher.
21. Let me see all the letters _____ you have written.

22. Is there anyone ______ can help me do this?

23. Mr. Brown ______ is only 34 is the director of this company.

24. The chief of police, ______ work is very important, takes care of the public safety.
25. I know a place ______ roses grow in abundance.

26. The teacher with ______ we studied last year no longer teaches in our school.
27. They showed me the hospital ______ buildings had been destroyed by bombings.

28. We saw many soldiers and tanks ______ were moving to the front.

29. We must find a time ______ we can meet and a place ______ we can talk.
30. The decision was postponed, ______ was exactly what he wanted.

<b>II- Use a relative pronoun/ adverb to combine each pair of the sentences below.</b>
1. You sent me a present. Thank you very much for it.

2. Romeo and Juliet were lovers. Their parents hated each other.
3. This is Mrs. Jones. Her son won the championship last year.
4. This is the house. We often stay in this house in the summer.
5. That was the time. He managed the enterprise at that time.
6. I was sitting in a chair. It suddenly collapsed.

7. This is the story of a man. His wife suddenly loses her memory.

8. Charlie Chaplin died in 1977. His films amused millions of people in the world.
9. Please post these letters. I wrote them this morning.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
11. I’ll show you the second-hand bookshop. You can find valuable books in this shop.
12. The police want to know the hotel. Mr. Bush stayed at this hotel two weeks ago.
13. The reasons are basic grammatical ones. I’m scolded by the teacher fro these reasons.
14. I have not decided the day. I’ll go to London on that day.

15. The airport is the most modern one. We are going to arrive at this airport.
16. She doesn’t want to speak to the cause. She divorced her husband for this cause.
17. He doesn’t want to sell the house. He was born in this house.

18. The teacher is Mr. Pike. We studied with him last year.

19. The problem has been discussed in class. We are very interested in it
20. Many diseases are no longer dangerous. People died of them years ago.
21. Do you see my pen? I have just written the lesson with it.

22. I like standing at the windows. I can see the park from this window.
23. The boy is my cousin. You made fun of him

24. This is rare opportunity. You should take advantage of it to get a better job.
25. This matter is of great importance. You should pay attention.

<b>III- Multiple choice:</b>

1. It was the boy ______ broke the window.

A. which B. who C. whom D. whose

2. The new camera ______ I bought on the internet last week is broken.

A. whom B. which C. for which D. at which.

3. We met Mary’s father, ________.

A. who teaches us English B. whom teaches us English.

C. whose teaches us English D. that teaches us English.

4. Peter is the one ______ we miss most.

A. who B. which C. whose D. that

5. The teacher _____ is very kind to everyone.

A. to whom I talked yesterday B. who I talked yesterday.

C. to that I talked yesterday D. that I talked yesterday.

6. Do you know the person ______ this book was written?

A. by whom B. who C. whom D. which

7. It was in 1990 ______ I met my husband.

A. which B. when C. who D. that

8. The Island ______ was extremely beautiful.

A. which we visited it B. in which we visited C. where I visited D. we visited
9. Is Dr. Brown the person ______ you wish to speak to?

A. with whom B. no relative pronoun C. to that D. to whom

10. The children, ... parents work late, are taken home by bus.

A. that B. whom C. whose D. their

11. She doesn't understand ... I am saying.

A. what B. that C. whose D. where

12.The place ... we spent our holiday was really beautiful.

A. what B. who C. where D. which

13. My uncle _____ you met yesterday is a lawyer.

A. what B. whose C. whom D. which

14. Dien Bien Phu is the place _____ our army won a resounding victory in 1954.

A. what B. that C. which D. where

15. Dr Sales is the person _____.

A. whom I don't have much confidence in him B. I don't have much confidence

C. in that I don't have much confidence D. in whom I don't have much confidence

16. Further improvements continued, particularly in America, ________ most of the world’s films were produced.

A. where B. which C. when D. who

17. Alexander Fleming, ______, received the Nobel Prize in 1945.

A. that discovered penicillin B. who discovered penicillin

C. which discovered penicillin D. he discovered penicillin

18. The boy ______ eyes are brown is my friend.

A. who B. whom C. which D. whose

19. He arrived late, ______ was annoying.

A. it B. that C. what D. which

20. In our school library, there are several large tables _____ we can sit to read books.

A. where B. that C. when D. which

PART V - relative clauses

<b>I- Fill in the blanks with relative pronouns/ adverbs. Put commas when they are needed:</b>
1. Alexander Flemming _______ discovered penicillin received the Nobel Prize in 1945.
2. The book ______ I need can’t be found in the library.

3. Here is the beach ______ is the safest for swimmers.

4. Do you know the American woman ______ name is Margaret Mitchell?
5. Jim ______ I have known for ten years is one of my closest friends.
6. John found a cat ______ leg was broken.

7. Don’t sit on the chair ______ is broken.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
12. I met someone ______ said he knew you.

13. The noise ______ he made woke everybody up.
14. The film is about a spy ______ wife betrays him.

15. Those girl ______ serve in the restaurant are the owner’s daughters.
16. The house ______ walls and roof are made of glass is a green house.
17. Rod Lee ______ sister I know is a film actor.

18. Mr. Bake will buy the house ______ is opposite to my house.

19. You have to take care of the books ______ you borrowed from the library.

20. Karl Marx ______ theories have changed the world’s history is the German Philosopher.
21. Let me see all the letters _____ you have written.

22. Is there anyone ______ can help me do this?

23. Mr. Brown ______ is only 34 is the director of this company.

24. The chief of police, ______ work is very important, takes care of the public safety.
25. I know a place ______ roses grow in abundance.

26. The teacher with ______ we studied last year no longer teaches in our school.
27. They showed me the hospital ______ buildings had been destroyed by bombings.
28. We saw many soldiers and tanks ______ were moving to the front.

29. We must find a time ______ we can meet and a place ______ we can talk.
30. The decision was postponed, ______ was exactly what he wanted.

II- Use a relative pronoun/ adverb to combine each pair of the sentences below.
1. You sent me a present. Thank you very much for it.

2. Romeo and Juliet were lovers. Their parents hated each other.
3. This is Mrs. Jones. Her son won the championship last year.

4. This is the house. We often stay in this house in the summer.
5. That was the time. He managed the enterprise at that time.
6. I was sitting in a chair. It suddenly collapsed.

7. This is the story of a man. His wife suddenly loses her memory.

8. Charlie Chaplin died in 1977. His films amused millions of people in the world.
9. Please post these letters. I wrote them this morning.

10. The building is the church. Its tower can be seen from afar.

11. I’ll show you the second-hand bookshop. You can find valuable books in this shop.
12. The police want to know the hotel. Mr. Bush stayed at this hotel two weeks ago.
13. The reasons are basic grammatical ones. I’m scolded by the teacher fro these reasons.
14. I have not decided the day. I’ll go to London on that day.

15. The airport is the most modern one. We are going to arrive at this airport.
16. She doesn’t want to speak to the cause. She divorced her husband for this cause.
17. He doesn’t want to sell the house. He was born in this house.

18. The teacher is Mr. Pike. We studied with him last year.

19. The problem has been discussed in class. We are very interested in it
20. Many diseases are no longer dangerous. People died of them years ago.
21. Do you see my pen? I have just written the lesson with it.

22. I like standing at the windows. I can see the park from this window.
23. The boy is my cousin. You made fun of him

24. This is rare opportunity. You should take advantage of it to get a better job.

25. This matter is of great importance. You should pay attention.

III- Multiple choice:

1. It was the boy ______ broke the window.

A. which B. who C. whom D. whose

2. The new camera ______ I bought on the internet last week is broken.

A. whom B. which C. for which D. at which.

3. We met Mary’s father, ________.

A. who teaches us English B. whom teaches us English.

C. whose teaches us English D. that teaches us English.

4. Peter is the one ______ we miss most.

A. who B. which C. whose D. that

5. The teacher _____ is very kind to everyone.

A. to whom I talked yesterday B. who I talked yesterday.

C. to that I talked yesterday D. that I talked yesterday.

6. Do you know the person ______ this book was written?

A. by whom B. who C. whom D. which

7. It was in 1990 ______ I met my husband.

A. which B. when C. who D. that

8. The Island ______ was extremely beautiful.

A. which we visited it B. in which we visited C. where I visited D. we visited
9. Is Dr. Brown the person ______ you wish to speak to?

A. with whom B. no relative pronoun C. to that D. to whom

10. The children, ... parents work late, are taken home by bus.

A. that B. whom C. whose D. their

11. She doesn't understand ... I am saying.

A. what B. that C. whose D. where

12.The place ... we spent our holiday was really beautiful.

A. what B. who C. where D. which

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

A. what B. whose C. whom D. which

14. Dien Bien Phu is the place _____ our army won a resounding victory in 1954.

A. what B. that C. which D. where

15. Dr Sales is the person _____.

A. whom I don't have much confidence in him B. I don't have much confidence

C. in that I don't have much confidence D. in whom I don't have much confidence

16. Further improvements continued, particularly in America, ________ most of the world’s films were produced.

A. where B. which C. when D. who

17. Alexander Fleming, ______, received the Nobel Prize in 1945.

A. that discovered penicillin B. who discovered penicillin

C. which discovered penicillin D. he discovered penicillin

18. The boy ______ eyes are brown is my friend.

A. who B. whom C. which D. whose

19. He arrived late, ______ was annoying.

A. it B. that C. what D. which

20. In our school library, there are several large tables _____ we can sit to read books.

A. where B. that C. when D. which

Part VI

I/ Choose A, B, C or D that best completes each unfinished sentence

1. Mai worked hard , ______ she passed her exam .
a. so b. although c. because d. though

2. _____ she was very tired , she helped her brother with his homework .
a. Because b. whether c. Although c. so

3. It’s raining hard , _____ we can’t go to the beach .

a. or b. but c. so d. though

4. Nam was absent from class yesterday ____ he felt sick .
a. so b. because c. although d. but
5. Tom has a computer , _____ he doesn’t use it .

a. or b. as because d. but

6. The boy can’t reach the shelf ____ he’s not tall enough.
a. because b. although c. even though d. and
7. The film was boring ____ we went home .

a. so b. when c. but c. if

8. The girl bought the shoes _____ they are very expensive .

a. but b. if c. so d. although

9. He used to smoke a lot ______ now he doesn’t smoke any more .
a. still b. therefore c. but d. as

10. She couldn’t unlock it ______ she had the wrong key .

a. while b. but c. though d. because


1. I couldn’t do the test because it was difficult.àBecause of ………
2. Although he got up early, he was late for the first train.à In spite … ………….

3. Although English grammar is difficult, we like to study it.à In spite … ……….
4. Although he is an excellent doctor, he can’t cure lever cancer.à Despite … ………..
5. Although my friend doesn’t have enough money, she wants to buy that new car.à Despite ……
6. Although Mai didn’t speak English well, she decided to live in London.à In spite ………
7. Athough he is sick, he goes to school.à In spite of …………

8. Although Lan was tired, she did all her homework carefully.à Despite … ……….
9. Everybody has a great regard for her despite her poverty.à Although ………

10. They worked very hard although they were old.à In spite … ……….
11. Peter didn’t go to school yesterday because he was sick.à Because of …… ……….
12. Mary went to bed early because she felt tired.à Because of … ……….
13. She didn’t go to the circus with Betty because she had a bad cold.à Because of … ……….
14. John succeeded in his exam because he worked hard.à Because of … ……….
15. She stayed at home because her mother was sick.à Because of … ……….

16. I like him because his father is kind to me.à Because of … ……..

17. I couldn’t do the test because it was difficult.à Because of ………
18. Although he got up early, he was late for the first train.à In spite … ………..
19. Though English grammar is difficult, we like to study it.à In spite … …...

20. Although he is an excellent doctor, he can’t cure liver cancer.à Despite ….

21. Although my friend doesn’t have enough money, she wants to buy that new car.à Despite … …..
22. Although Mai didn’t speak English well, she decided to live in London.à In spite … ….

23. Although I am hungry, I can’t eat now.à Despite … ……..

24. Despite the narrow streets, many people drive cars in this city.à Though … ……….
25. In spite of the high prices, my daughters insist on going to the movie.à Although ….
26. They worked very hard inspite of their old age.-> Although……….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

A. In spite B. In spite of C. However D. Although

2. ______of the committee, I’d like to thank you for your generous donation.

A. According B. On behalf C. Together D. In addition

3. _____he wasn’t feeling very well, Mr Graham went to visit his aunt as usual.

A. Although B. However C. Therefore D. Still

4.______he had no money for a bus, he had to walk all the way home.

A. For B. Thus C. So D. As

5. _____to an accident in the High Street, traffic is moving very slowly on the London Road.

A. Through B. Owing C. Because D. Since

6. Of course I’m a Christian______I expect everyone who works here to be a Christian too.

A. since B. then C. and D. but

7. The ______the disaster was engine failure, not human error.

A. reason by B. reason on C. reason why D. reason for

8. We have to start early ______we won’t be late.

A. so that B. that C. because D. because of

9. She came in quietly______not to wake the baby.

A. as if B. so as C. such as D. if so

10. He was offered the job______his qualifications were poor.

A. despite B. in spite of C. even though D. Whereas


1. Translate this article .. .. .. ..English for me, please.

2. You remind me .. .. .. .. my sister.

3. We can see many stars .. . .. .the sky at night.
4. Children like to go to the circus .. . .. . sunday
5. Who is talking .. . .. . the phone, my dear?

6. when I saw Lan. She was talking .. .. ..a friend .. .. ..hers.
7. My wife has been .. ... ... Ho Chi Minh city several times
8. he is very interested .. .. .. football.

9. Do you go to school .. .. .. car or .. .. .. foot.
10. She is good .. .. .. English.

11. They have only been there ... a few minutes.

12. The canoe overturned and evryone fell ...the deep water.
13. Do you mind if I sit ...the front seat ...the car?
14. Donna is thinking ...importing flowers ...Vietnam.
15. Would you mind if I had a look ...your luggage?
16. How ...going to Ben Thanh Market this afternoon?
17. You can use dictionary to find ...new words
18. They are very proud ...their new house.

19. They named their daughter ...their favorite singers.
20. The passage is written ...English

21. I'll come ...to pick her ...at 8 o'clock
22. Mrs Lan called ...her newspaper delivery.

23. He worked very hard and finally came ... ...a very important invention

24. I couldn’t meet Mrs Chi because she's ...

25. Tam had high marks ...exams ...working very hard ...school
26. To be remember of our organization, you can register ...today
27. That's very kind ...you to help me ...this math problem.
28. It has rained ...two o'clock.

29. Try to learn the meaning of new words ...heart.
30. Please wait ...me a few minutes.

31. In this respect, french differs ...English

32. This restaurant is famous ...its Chinese dishes.
33. She enjoys participating ...raising funds for the poor.
34. The house is very dirty. We haven't cleaned it ...ages.

35. My grandmother prefers living in the countryside ...living in the city.
36. My parents are tired ...living in the city.

37. She’s looking forward ...seeing her sister
38. I’m grateful...him ...a wonderful evening
39. Thank you ...advising me not to smoke

40. Jacson was late because he was not aware ...the time
41. Mary is sitting ...her father and mother

42. She’s looking forward ...seeing her sister
43. I’m grateful...him ...a wonderful evening
44. Thank you ...advising me not to smoke

45. Jacson was late because he was not aware ...the time
46. Mary is sitting ...her father and mother

47. Pasteur devoted all his time ...science
48. Are you jealous ...his success.
49. He is so busy ...his work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
53. A raincoat keeps you...being ill

54. He asked ...some money

55. His teacher believes...his improvement
56. Three prisoners escaped ...the prison in May
57. He’s very good ...telling jokes

58. Better methods of refrigeration depend ...engineers
59. That’s very kind ...you to help me

60. What is the reason...your absence?
61. I’m really proud ...my mother

62. Did Mr John succeed...selling his old car?
63. Measuring money must be very difficult to carry...

64. Why did those fellows insist ...doing everything themselves?
65. The teacher divided the class ...two groups

66. We will provide you ...plastic bags.

67. We're afraid to say that we don’t agree ...your project.It causes many bad things ...environment.
68. Tom's parents was disappointed ...him because he failed final test.

69. Take an umbrella with you. It will save you ...getting wet on the way home.
70. The boys keeps ...asking his father ...protecting the environment.
71. The street are full ...garbage.

72. We are all responsible ...keeping the environment clear and clean.
73. There’s no point ...arguing

74. She’s famous ...her intelligence

75. if you earn a good salary,you can be independent ...your parents
76. She was quite satisfied ...your anwser

77. This story is similar ...that one
78. He often borrow money...his friends



<b>Exercise1: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence by circling A,B,C, or D . </b>
1.I wanted to go ______ he wanted to stay.

A. and B. but C. or D. so

2.She’s not only beautiful _____ intelligent.
A. but also B. but C. however D. yet

3.I was very tired; ______, I determined to walk on to the next village.
A. therefore B. however C. and D. for

4.You can come either on Monday ______ on Friday.

A. or B. nor C. both D. and

5.He had to act immediately; _____ he would have been too late.
A. consequently B. nevertheless

C.still D. otherwise

6.Jane is beautiful but intelligent ______.

A. too B. so C. both D. moreover

7.They said both he _____ I were to come.

A. but B. or C. so D. and

8.The weather in Dalat is neither too hot in summer ______ too cold in winter.
A. or B. nor C. or else D. otherwise

9.Jane is beautiful but intelligent; ______ she’s very kind.
A. however B. for all that

C. moreover D. on the other hand

10. He never works______ he gains all the prizes.

A. furthermore B. whereas

C. but D. accordingly

11. The sun is shining and there are very few clouds; ______ I am sure it is going to rain.

A. what’s more B. hence

C. thus D. nevertheless

12. Bill is in class 12, ______ John, who is a year older, in only in class 4.
A. and B. whereas C. either D. also

13. You must leave at once, you ______ miss the train.
A. however B. yet C. still D. otherwise
14. You had better come yourself ______ send a friend.

A. either B. neither C. or else D. while
15. He felt ill _____ he went to bed early.

A. and B. but C. or D. so

16. The examination was very difficult,______ very few were able to pass.

A. consequently B. as well as

C. on the other hand D. whereas

17. We know ______ him and his wife.

A. either B. neither C. both D. and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
19. There was no one there; ______I went away.

A. and B. but C. or D. so

20. He was very young and had no experience of that type of work _____ he was not given the post.
A. and B. but C. or D. therefore

21. He had to pay a fine of $ 10, _____ he had to spend 10 days in prison.
A. or else B. while C. whereas D. however

22.He is clever and wins all the prizes _______ his brother never seems to know a thing.

A. and B. while C. therefore D. or

23.You must tell him where you are going ______ when you will be back.

A. and both B. as well as

C. and also D. and too

24.Geography is a very interesting subject; ______ very few people study it thoroughly.
A. and B. however C. moreover D. so

25.________ Nancy is an honest person, I still wonder whether she’s telling the truth about the incident.
A. In spite of B. Since C. Although D. In the even that

26.The professor told me that I was doing well, _________ my final grade was awful

A. so B. therefore C. in spite of D. yet

27._________ Daisy has a new car, she no longer takes the commuter train to work.

A. Now that B. While C. Although D. In case

28.You’d better give me your answer quickly, __________ I’ll withdraw the invitation.

A. although B. nevertheless C. even though D. or else

29.I have to go to the meeting _________ I want to or not

A. provided that B. whether C. even if D. only if

30.What time do you expect Tom to be home ? I must talk to him, I usually go to bed around ten, but tell him to call me
tonight ______ it’s past midnight.

A. however B. in case C. even if D. as long as

31.__________ you’re going to the fruit market, would you please pick up a few apples for me ?

A. Even if B. Although C. So D. As long as

32.I guess I’m a soft touch. I just lend Jane some money for lunch _______ she never paid me back my last loan.
A. even though B. unless C. or else D. only if

33.I think I did OK in my speech last night _____ I’d had almost no sleep for 24 hours.

A. even B. in spite of

C. unless D. despite the fact that

34.I ask Mary to run the office while I’m away _____ I know I can depend on her.

A. unless B. since C. although D. therefore

35.The sky was grey and cloudy. ________, we went to the beach.
A. Consequently B. Nevertheless
C. Even though D. In spite of

36.I turned on the fan _____ the room was hot.

A. due to B. despite C. even though D. because

37.Sam and I will meet you at the restaurant tonight _____ we can find a babysitter.
A. although B. unless C. otherwise D. only if
38. Carol showed up for the meeting _____ I asked her not to be there.

A. even though B. despite C. provided that D. because
39. You must lend me the money for the trip. _______, I won’t be able to go.

A. Consequently B. Nevertheless C. Otherwise D. Although
40. He told me not to do it; _____________ I did it.

A. Therefore B. So C. But D. however

41. We have not yet won; ______________, we will keep trying.

A. moreover B. however C. therefore D. so as

42. Everyone thought Emma should accept the offer. ____________, she turned it down.

A. Moreover B. Nevertheless C. Therefore D. But

43. The building has a smoke detector _________ any fires can be detected immediately.

A. so that B. if C. as if D. in case

44. I like to keep the windows open at night no matter how cold it gets. My wife , _________, prefers a warm
bedroom with all windows tightly shut.

A. nevertheless B. on the other hand C. consequently D. whereas

45. I wanted to give him some money after he helped me with the car ________ he absolutely refused to accept it.

A. so B. but C. therefore D. and so

46. _____________, I can not keep pace with Johnny.
A. So I have tried hard B. I have tried hard so

C. However hard have I tried D. However hard I have tried

47. He has done nothing to prepare for the final examination, __________ played.

A. but B. so C. therefore D. and

48. He is only sixteen, and _____________ he is not eligible to drive a car.

A. nevertheless B. but C. therefore D. however

49. Maria tried to read a novel in French ___________ the book was too difficult for her to understand.

A. so that B. therefore C. but D. and

50. The man had a motive for the murder. ____________, he was seen in the area at the time.

A. Moreover B. Consequently C. However D. Nevertheless
51. A tree had fallen across the road, ____________ they had to turn round and go back.

A. but B. and C. so D. then

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

A. or B. but C. so D. however

53. I bought a bottle of wine ___________ we drank it together.

A. therefore B. so C. and D. but

54. The Waiter was not very nice, _____________, the food was delicious.

A. however B. but C. so D. and so

55.___________ hard he worked, he could earn enough money to support the family.

A. But B. However C. Therefore D. Whatever

55.I am going shopping for food this evening _________ I do not have to go at the weekend.

A. so B. but C. however D. moreover

56.When she got the news from her family, she could not do anything , _________ cry.

A. but B. and C. so D. however

57.Mrs. Linda has _____________ that she is unable to get a job.

A. but not enough education B. so little education C. however little education D. such little education
58.Peter broke his leg in two places. ___________, he had to wear a cast and use crutches for three months.

A. However B. For that C. Consequently D. Since

59.You can not see the doctor ___________ you have made an appointment with him.

A. even so B. unless C. however D. without

60.The automobile began as a toy __________ into powerful force for social change.
A. so developed B. but developed

C. or developed D. and developing

61.Ann needed some money, ___________, she took a part time job.

A. furthermore B. moreover C. however D. therefore
62.Julie has a guitar _________ she played it really well.

A. and B. so C. but D. therefore

63.My fingers were injured ________ my sister had to write the note for me.

A. and B. however C. so D. but

64.The concert was cancelled ___________ we went to the nightclub instead.

A. so B. however C. so on D. but

68. We stayed at home ______ watched television last Sunday .
A. so B. therefore C. but D. and

69. Houses are very expensive nowadays, _____, they have managed to buy one .
A. So B. Therefore C. But D. However

70. The journey didn’t take _____ long as we expected .

A. so B. therefore C. such D. much

71. ________ tired she was , she didn’t stop to have a rest .
A. So B. However C. But D. Therefore

72. My car broke down on the way .______ , when I got to the airport the plane had taken off .
A. Because B. However C. But D. Therefore

73. _______ they haven’t got enough money , they cannot buy that house .
A. Because B. However C. But D. Therefore

74. “ _________ hard it is I must find my lost son ,” the old man said to himself .
A. Although B. Despite C. As D. So

75. Translate this article .. .. .. ..English for me, please.

79. You remind me .. .. .. .. my sister.

80. We can see many stars .. . .. .the sky at night.
81. Children like to go to the circus .. . .. . sunday
82. Who is talking .. . .. . the phone, my dear?

83. when I saw Lan. She was talking .. .. ..a friend .. .. ..hers.
84. My wife has been .. ... ... Ho Chi Minh city several times
85. he is very interested .. .. .. football.

86. Do you go to school .. .. .. car or .. .. .. foot.
87. She is good .. .. .. English.

88. They have only been there ... a few minutes.

89. The canoe overturned and evryone fell ...the deep water.
90. Do you mind if I sit ...the front seat ...the car?
91. Donna is thinking ...importing flowers ...Vietnam.
92. Would you mind if I had a look ...your luggage?
93. How ...going to Ben Thanh Market this afternoon?
94. You can use dictionary to find ...new words
95. They are very proud ...their new house.

96. They named their daughter ...their favorite singers.
97. The passage is written ...English

98. I'll come ...to pick her ...at 8 o'clock
99. Mrs Lan called ...her newspaper delivery.

100. He worked very hard and finally came ... ...a very important invention

101. I couldn’t meet Mrs Chi because she's ...

102. Tam had high marks ...exams ...working very hard ...school
103. To be remember of our organization, you can register ...today
104. That's very kind ...you to help me ...this math problem.
105. It has rained ...two o'clock.

106. Try to learn the meaning of new words ...heart.
107. Please wait ...me a few minutes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
109. This restaurant is famous ...its Chinese dishes.

110. She enjoys participating ...raising funds for the poor.
111.The house is very dirty. We haven't cleaned it ...ages.

112. My grandmother prefers living in the countryside ...living in the city.
113. My parents are tired ...living in the city.

114. She’s looking forward ...seeing her sister
115. I’m grateful...him ...a wonderful evening
116. Thank you ...advising me not to smoke

117. Jacson was late because he was not aware ...the time
118. Mary is sitting ...her father and mother

119. She’s looking forward ...seeing her sister
120. I’m grateful...him ...a wonderful evening
121. Thank you ...advising me not to smoke

122. Jacson was late because he was not aware ...the time
123. Mary is sitting ...her father and mother

124. Pasteur devoted all his time ...science
125. Are you jealous ...his success.
126. He is so busy ...his work

127. They spend much time ...reading books
128. They were excited ...the TV programme
129. We buy it ...a low price

130. A raincoat keeps you...being ill
131. He asked ...some money

132. His teacher believes...his improvement
133. Three prisoners escaped ...the prison in May
134. He’s very good ...telling jokes

135. Better methods of refrigeration depend ...engineers
136. That’s very kind ...you to help me

137. What is the reason...your absence?
138. I’m really proud ...my mother

139. Did Mr John succeed...selling his old car?
140. Measuring money must be very difficult to carry...

141. Why did those fellows insist ...doing everything themselves?
142. The teacher divided the class ...two groups

143. We will provide you ...plastic bags.

144. We're afraid to say that we don’t agree ...your project.It causes many bad things ...environment.
145. Tom's parents was disappointed ...him because he failed final test.

146. Take an umbrella with you. It will save you ...getting wet on the way home.
147. The boys keeps ...asking his father ...protecting the environment.
148. The street are full ...garbage.

149. We are all responsible ...keeping the environment clear and clean.
150. There’s no point ...arguing

151. She’s famous ...her intelligence

152. if you earn a good salary,you can be independent ...your parents
153. She was quite satisfied ...your anwser

154. This story is similar ...that one
155. He often borrow money...his friends

<b>Test yourself</b>
<b>Unit 1: friendship</b>

<b>I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others</b>

1. A. pleasure B. friendship C. residential D. unselfishness

2. A. adventure B. tear C. volunteer D. tomorrow

3. A. joy B. changeable C. guess D. imaginary

4. A. chew B. fetch C. achieve D. echo

5. A. constancy B. brighten C. patient D. acquaintance

<b>II.</b> <b>Choose the word whose main stress is in the second syllable</b>

<b>1.</b> A. loyalty B. mutual C. unselfishness D. constancy

<b>2.</b> A. apartment B. brighten C. intimate D. common

<b>3.</b> A. sympathy B. sympathetic C. enthusiasm D. understand

<b>4.</b> A. quality B. perfect C. hospitable D. generous

<b>5.</b> A. capable B. gossip C. modest D. acquaintance

<b>III. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or </b>

1/ Everyone has a number of <i>acquaintances, </i>but no one has many friends.
A. a person that you have met but do not know well

B. a person whom you know well and whom you like a lot, but who is usually not a member of your family
C. a player on the same team

D. a person with whom you share a room for a period of time

2/ For true <i>intimate </i>friendship is not common; and there are many people who seem to be incapable of it.

A. good B. close C. special D. deep

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

A. certainty B. greatness C. beginning D. nature

4/ Some people seem not to be <i>constant.</i>

A. quick B. sure C. steady D. strong

5/ <i>Loyalty </i>is the third important quality.

A. Truth B. Faithfulness C. Strength D. Sureness

6/ Two friends must be loyal to each other, and they must know each other so well that there can be no <i>suspicions </i>

between them.

A. types B. gaps C. differences D. doubts

7/ We do not think much of people who readily believe rumor and <i>gossip </i>against their friends.

A. chitchat B. talk C. speech D. saying

8/ Those who are easily influenced by <i>whispers </i>can never make good friends.

A. allusions B. words C. letters D. designs

9/ There must be <i>mutual </i>trust between friends, so that each can feel safe when
telling the other his or her most intimate secrets.

A. interested B. social C. shared D. public

10/ And where such mutual <i>sympathy </i>does not exist, friendship is impossible.

A. knowing B. trust C. harmony D. relation

<i>11/ </i>For true intimate friendship is not <i>common; </i>and there are many people who seem to be incapable of it.

A. choice B. unique C. superior D. tasteful

12/ For friendship to be intimate and <i>lasting, </i>both the friends must have some very special qualities.

A. finalizing B. stopping C. temporary D. short

13/ A <i>selfish </i>person is incapable of true friendship.

A. generous B. common C. social D. good

14/ Some people seem not to be <i>constant.</i>

A. unable B. weak C. wrong D. uncertain

15/ They take up an interest with <i>enthusiasm, </i>but they are soon tired of it and feel the attraction of some new object.
A. tiredness B. indifference C. kindness D. shortage

16/ <i>Loyalty </i>is the third important quality.

A. Faithlessness B. Badness C. Absence D. Madness

17/ Two friends must be loyal to each other, and they must know each other so well that there can be no <i>suspicions </i>

between them.

A. proof B. connection C. similarity D. trust

18/ But there are <i>talkative </i>people who cannot keep a secret.

A. untruthful B. silent C. quiet D. calm

19/ Lastly, there must be a <i>perfect </i>sympathy between friends, sympathy with each other's aims, likes, joys, sorrows,
pursuits and pleasures.

A. defective B. bad C. sad D. unlucky

20/ Lastly, there must be a perfect sympathy between friends, sympathy with each other's aims, likes, joys, <i>sorrows, </i>

pursuits and pleasures.

A. interests B. joys C. likes D. love

<i>2I/ </i>It's worth________an appointment before you go.

A. make B. to make C. making D. to making

22/ Perhaps you should try ___________ up (= You should get up) earlier in the mornings.

A. get B. to get C. getting D. got

23/ She's busy ________out the wedding invitations.

A. write B. to write C. writing D. written

24/ These lights are used _______ _the playing area.

A. illuminate . B. to illuminate C. illuminating D. for illuminating
25. Tom and Paul have known each other for a long time. They are close friends.

A. best B. mutual C. intimate D. good

26. He has always remained ______ to his living principles.

A. kind B. loyal C. polite D. thoughtful

27. A(n) _______ is a person that you know but who is not a close friend.
A. neighbour B. friend C. acquaintance D. associate
28. Henry's _________ has made him very popular among his friends.

A. selfishness B. impoliteness C. unhappiness D. generosity
29. All of us extremely admire her courage and constancy.

A. fidelity B. kindness C. self-confidence D. humour

30. The workers seem to be totally . . . of working in such bad working conditions.

A. able B. capable C. incapable D. unable

31. We didn't want to ________ the _________ neighbour so hewas always alone.
A. make friends with - selfish B. make fun of - selfish

C. befriend-unselfish D. make friends with-selfish
32. He took his seat quietly ___________.

A. so as to disturb them B. to avoid disturb them

C. so as not to disturb them D. in order for me not to disturb them

<b>IV. Identify the underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the sentence to be </b>

<b>1 .To preserve natural resources means reserving them for our future.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

2. Japanese seems very difficult for me. I would prefer study English.
3. In English people drive on the left, so be sure to go on the right side.


4. John used to live inLondon, but his company had him be tranferred to a
better position in Manchester.



Friendship is important to us. Everyone needs friendship. In all of our lives, we cannot live (1) ______ friendship just
as we cannot survive without air and water. Friendship gives usa (2) ______ of security and warmth; friendship
encourages us to go ahead all the time.

But real friendship is not easy to (3) ______ True friendship must be sincere and (4) _____ It is based on mutual
Understanding, not onmutual benefit. Some people try to get something from their friends, and their friends also try to
make (5) ______ of them. If such a relationship can be called friendship, we need no friends at all.

The mutual understanding between two friends means both of them have similar ideas and (6) ______ each
other. Otherwise, it is (7) ______ for them to help each other and to make their friendship last long. However, it is
advisable to have many good friends as we can. A good friend can always be a good (8) ______ to us. By his advice,
we are

p e r s ua de d t o go t he r i g ht w a y; b y hi s h e l p, w e c a n be f r e e f r om m a n y difficulties; by his warning, we are
(9) ______ of the danger of doing wrongs. The more friends we have, the more help we can (10) ______ from
them and the more beautiful a life we will live.

1. A. with B. without C. because of D. for

2. A. feeling B. taste C. thought D. imagination

3. A. come in B. come into C. come by D. come on

4. A. unreliable B. unconditional C. unusual D. unlimited

5. A. funB. friends C. room D. use

6. A. come B. gather C. trust D. live

7. A. unreal B. impossible C. unnecessary D. inconvenient

8. A. teacher B. doctor C. helper D. sponsor

9. A. fond B. aware C. confident D. doubtful

10. A. benefit B. gain C. exploit D. expect

<b> Unit 2: personal experiences</b>

<b>I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others</b>

1. A. sing B. single C. thing D. ring

2. A. strong B. designs C. hang D. significant

3. A. run B. and C. think D. thin

4. A. solemn B. Friend C. experience D. sneaky

5. A. own B. want C. thank D. once

<b>II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from that of the others</b>

1. A. complain B. involve C. embarrassing D. safeguarding

2. A. floppy B. serious C. embrace D. terrified

3. A. appreciate B. attitude C. idol D. sneaky

4. A. memorable B. experience C. selfish D. confidence

5. A. escape B. replace C. involve D. selfish

<b>III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the</b>
<b>underlined word or phrase</b>

1. She nearly died of _______ when he said such a secret thing.

A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. embarrassment D. embarrass
2. Most children like being made a fuss of by the others.

A. taken care of B. paid much attention to

C. given place to D. made allowance for

3. Can you tell me one of your _____ experiences?
A. embarrassing B. memorable
C. unforgettable D. All are correct
4. The boy looks very like his father.

A. is the idol of his father B. is the only child of his father

C. is the image of his father D. is the best child of his father
5. I have vivid memories of my old friends in my childhood.

A. experiences B. recollections C. images D. impression

6. That film star is no longer popular. She is considered as a fallen _______.

A. actress B. figure C. idol D. woman

7. My little girl is always too shy to ask anyone for help.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
8. With a little they could turn this region into a good resort

A. effort B. imagination C. reaction D. research
7. Have you ever had a look at a certain girl?

A. sneaky B. timid C. silent D. strict

7. I failed the entrance examination, but I just put it down to

A. life B. secret C. experience D. thought

11. What time _________ tonight?

A. does the concert begin B. will the concert begin
C. will the concert be beginning D. is the concert going to begin

12. We ____ (arrive) after electricity ____ (cut) and now John ____ (light) the oil lamps.
A. arrived - had cut - lighted B. arrived - had been cut - had lighted
C. arrived - had been cut - was lighting D. arrived - was cut - was lighting

13. Wait here until I _________ you.

A. am going to call B. am calling C. will call D. call

14. How _____ since we ______ school?

A. are you - left B. will you be - had left

C. have you been - had left D. have you been - left
15. Did you go to Da Lat on holiday?

- I ______ to go, but I got sick at the last minute.

A. had planned B. would like C. have planned D. planned

16. Thank you for warning me, I don't know the plug is wet and I _______ put it in the socket.

A. will B. am going to C. shall D. was about to

17. Before cars people __________ horses and bicycles.

A. is invented - using B. were invented - had used

C. has been invented - have been using D. inventing - use
18. What's wrong? -. ._____________.

A. He is dead B. He died C. He has been dead D. lie was dead

19. You 'd better not eat this food. It __________________.

A. went bad B. has gone bad

C. went wrong D. has gone wrong

20. If only you ________your mother what I said, everything _______ all right.
A. didn't tell - would be B. hadn't told - would have been

C. don't tell - will be D. shouldn't tell - would be
21. Have you brought my pocket calculator?

- Oh no! I ________ again. That is stupid of me.

A. forgot B. have forgotten

C. had forgotten D. forget

<b>IV. Identify the underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the sentence to be </b>

1. London, which was the capital of England, was founded by the Romans


in 43 A.D.

2. I've been being lost one of my keys. I must have dropped it somewhere in


the classroom this morning.

3. It is thought that more than 400 million people will have spoken English


by the end of this decade.

4. The benefits which we gain from walking are more greater than what


many people was realizing

5. The government has promised to deal to the problem of unemployment

. among young people.


<i><b>V. Read the passage and statements below carefully, and then say whether the statements are true (T), false (F) or not </b></i>
<i><b>given (No):</b></i>


A major aspect of career counseling and guidance is knowledge of the world of work. Ignorance of the many
ways in which people earn a living has been a great deterrent to freedom of occupational choice. To help
solve this problem, some schools provide opportunity for students to gain actual work experience as part of
their educational preparation. The value of work experience in education has long been recognized and is now
emphasized in the counseling of youth.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

unions and, more recently, of business and industry because both contribute to the goal of an educated labor

The two national professional associations concerned with vocational education and career
counseling and guidance are the American Vocational Association and the National Career Development
Association. Accreditation is provided by the National Association of Trade and Technical Schools.

1/ The knowledge of the world of work is less important.

2/ Ignorance of the ways of people's earning a living has been a cheerfulness of career choice.
3/ Students are helped by being given good chance to get work experience.

4/ Society has identified the value of work experience in education for a long time.
5/ Work experience also plays a role in advising young students.

6/ Vocational education and career counseling have not been necessary.
7/ Business and industry contribute to the goal of an educated labor force.

8/ The National Career Development Association is one of the two national professional associations concerned with
vocational education and career counseling and guidance.

9/ The American Vocational Association has a lot of employees.

10/ The National Association of Trade and Technical Schools provide Accreditation.
<b>Unit 3: a party</b>

<b>I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others</b>

1. A candl e B. famil y C. adul t D. chalk

2. A. coul d B. woul d C. coupl e D. talk

3. A. h our B. h ear C. h it D. hat

4. A. mother B. their C. r elative D. theatre

5. A. h appy B. perh aps C. h ungry D. vehicle

<b>II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others</b>

1. A. together B. receive C. activity D. celebrate

2. A. perhaps B. helicopter C. American D. enthusiasm

3. A. restaurant B. candle C. organize D. invite

4. A. birthday B. cowboy C. enjoy D. treasure

5. A. healthy B. parade C. social D. temper

<b>III. Choose t he wor d or phrase - A, B, C or D - t hat be st c omplet es t he sentence or </b>
<b>substitutes for the underlined word or phrase</b>

1..A __________ is a person who enjoys going to parties.

A. party-maker B. party-lover C. party-goer D. party-admirer

2. Our parents are. going to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary in Dalat.

A. golden anniversary B. silver anniversary

C. special anniversary D. memorable aniversary

3. He refused to be a party to any decision.

A. pay attention to B. deal with

C. be involved in D. take notice of

4. On my graduation, my parents presented me a new computer.

A. awarded B. rewarded C. gave D. sent

5..The plans for the _______ were approved by the committee.

A. celebration B. celebratory C. celebrate D. celebrating
6. They are very happy to be together for their golden anniversary.

A. golden celebration B. golden occasion C. golden wedding D. golden age

7/ He got quite a lot of nice presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful big drum.

A. books B. sweets C. gifts D. things

8/ He got quite a lot of nice presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful big drum.

A. massive B. mature C. adult D. powerful

9/ Of course, Jimmy liked his drum very much.

A. Generally B. Naturally C. Actually D. Luckily

10/ He made a terrible noise with it, but his mother did not mind.

A. attend to B. obey C. follow D. take care of

11/ His father was working during the day, and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in the evening, so he did not
hear the noise.

A. before B. after C. in D. on

12/ His father was working during the day, and Jimmy was in bed, when he got home in the evening, so he did not
hear the noise.

A. was eating B. was reading C. was sleeping D. was learning

13/ His father was working during the day, and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in the evening, so he did not
hear the noise.

A. clamor B. outcry C. riot D. commotion

14/ But one of the neighbors did not like the noise at all, so one morning a few days later, she took a sharp knife
and went to Jim's house while he was hitting his drum.

A. people living in the same society B. people living near rivers
C. people living in the same city D. people living nearby

15/ But one of the neighbors did not like the noise at all, so one morning a few days later, she took a sharp knife
and went to Jim's house while he was hitting his drum.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

16/ But one of the neighbors did not like the noise at all, so one morning a few days later, she took a sharp knife and went to
Jim's house while he was hitting his drum.

A. colliding B. breaking C. touching , D. kicking

<b>IV. Complete the following sentences with the words provided:</b>

<b>agency, company, birth, day, beloved, celebrated, between, during, random, free, correct, exact,</b>
<b>accompanied, followed, balloons, candles, surely, generally, sweet food, sea food </b>

<b>Birthday party</b>

A birthday party is a celebration that occurs to celebrate the (1) __________ of the
person being honored. The birthday party is the most (2) ___________ event in the
world. As of July 2006 there were approximately 6.525 billion people on Earth. If
birthdays were perfectly (3) ___________ in their distribution across the year, and if
every person were to celebrate theirs at their (4) ___________ birth time then there
would be a birthday celebration every 0.005 seconds. While a child's party is

usually at home and consists of soft drinks and (5) __________ _ as well as savory,
adults' often take place in clubs with a buffet of savory food and alcohol.

In Western culture, particularly in the United States, birthday parties are often
(6) __________ _by colorful decorations. A traditional birthday cake is often served with
(7) ___________ that are to be blown out after a "birthday wish" has been made. This
wish is usually kept secret, and represents some desire for the time (8) __________
the current birthday and the next. While the birthday cake is brought to the table,

the song Happy Birthday to You is (9) __________ sung. A birthday party may even be
an event planned carefully through a special (10) ___________ or through a party

<b>Unit 4: volunteer work</b>

<b>I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others</b>

1. A. w orry B. w ine C. w rite D. wind

2. A.u sed B. Eu ro C. cu re D. bury

1. A. wh ale B. wh eel C. wh at D. whose

2. A. supply B. simply C. deny D. reply

3. A. grow th B. w age C. w et D. one

<b>II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from that of the others</b>

1. A. orphanage B. problem C. volunteer D. participate

2. A. vacation B. holiday C. mountain D. service

1. A. university B. charity C. brother D. comfortable

3. A. disaster B. provision C. increased D. understand

4. A. provide B. comforts C. conducted D. community

<b>III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for </b>
<b>the underlined word or phrase1</b>

1. A(n) ... is a person who does a job without being paid for it.

A. helper B. adviser C. assistant D. volunteer

2. The athlete overcame his injury to win the gold medal.

A. got on B. got in C. got over D. got off

3. The victim's widow was ___________ by family and friends.

A. comforted B. comfortable C. comfort D. comfortably

4. _______ is a British charity that sends skilled people such as doctors and teachers to work in other countries as

A. Voluntary Service Organization B. Voluntary Charity Overseas
C. Voluntary Overseas Service D. Voluntary Service Overseas
5. We paid a visit to the home for children whose parents are dead.

A. homeless organization B. orphanage

C. children's home D. orphanage home

6. The disadvantaged children need to be helped by the government.

A. deprived B. homeless C. unlucky D. delicate

7/I don't like going on___________tours.

A. organize B. organized C. organization D. organizer

8/ You feel so ____________ because there's nothing you can do to make the child better.

A. help B. helping C. helpful D. helpless

9/ The lower tax rate is particularly____________to poorer families.

A. advantage B. advantageous C. disadvantage D. advantages

10/ Hot soup is very___________on a cold winter's day.

A. comforting B. comforter C. comfortable comfortless

11/ An eight-hour_________day is still typical for many people.

A. work B. working C. worker D. workhouse

12/ I hate it_________there's no one in the office.

A. that B. when C. which D. where

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

A. that B. whose C. whom D. which

14/ There were 500 passengers,___________ 121 drowned.

A. who B. to whom C. whose D. of whom

15/________party would you prefer to go to - Anna's or Ian's ?

A. Who B. Whom C. That D. Which

16/ Quite________he isn't here today Is a mystery.

A. whom B. that C. what D. why

17/ Bradford,________Bren comes from, has a lot of good curry restaurants.

A. when B. where C. what D. which

18/ Well, ________ it, we've finished - we can go home now.

A. that's B. what's C. why's D. which's

19/ See if you can guess__________one is me in my old school photo.

A. what B. whose C. which D. that

20/ He took out a photo of his son,____________he adores.

A. whom B. who C. that D. which

<b>IV. Circle the option A, B, C or D that best completes the passage</b>

In order to participate in the project assisting St. Eustatius National Parks Foundation, you should be 21 years old

and over, fit, healthy and (1) _____ of carrying out manual work in all (2) _____ in a hot climate. The upper age (3)
_____ is 45 years old, due to the nature of the physical activities in this project. No specific (4) _____ are needed, but
those with previous experience of manual conservation work, trail work, gardening, sea turtle monitoring, etc. would be
(5) _____ useful, as well as those who are self-motivated, as you will get more out of the project (6) _____ you are.
The project will especially (7) _____ to those with an interest in conservation, tropical botany and marine biology. (8)
_____ with additional skills, such as ornithology are especially welcome. (9) _____, for the trail work, some geometry and
planning skills are needed, so those with mathematical and logical thinking would greatly (10) _____ the project!

1. A. fond B. capable C. skilful D. good

2. A. conditions B. weather C. abilities D. days

3. A. control B. permission C. limit D. requirement

4. A. methods B. skills C. grades D. proficiencies

5. A. particularly B. hardly C. never D. rarely

6. A. Unless B. If C. When D. Whoever

7. A. suit B. involve C. concern D. appeal

8. A. Someone B. Everyone C. Anyone D. None

9. A. However B. Therefore C. And D. In addition

1. A. affect B. develop C. benefit D. widen

<b>Unit 5: illiteracy</b>

<b>I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others</b>

1. A. province B. pr epare C. peopl es D. provide

2. A. br eeding B. bl eeding C. br other D. breath

3. A. compl ete B. abl e C. admirable D. honourable

4. A. th reat B. th ose C. th ank D. thin

5. A. laugh B. though t C. bough t D. ought

<b>II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed on the second syllable</b>

1. A. illiteracy B. gratitude C. homeless D. voluntary

2. A. primary B. minority C. relevant D. program

3. A. adult B. income C. decreased D. mountainous

4. A. provide B. struggle C. ethnic D. tutor

5. A. village B. various C. benefit D. enforce

<b>III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the</b>
<b>underlined word or phrase</b>

1. Students are willing to participate in a campaign to promote adult ______

A. literacy B. illiteracy C. knowledge D. education

2. All of us think it would be fair to ______ her talent with the Artist Club scholarship.

A. honour B. give C. value D. estimate

3. The government has paid much attention to the programme for illiteracy ______
and intellectual standard among the people.

A. education B. eradication C. destruction D. reduction

4. Young people are ______ to save the area from building development.
A. campaigning B. campaigners C. campaigned D. campaign
5. A(n) ______ is a person from an ethnic minority.

A. hero B. campaigner C. ethnic D. programmer

6. Many students voluntarily spent their summer holidays teaching illiterate people to read and write.
A. people who are deaf B. people who don't know how to read and write

C. people who are too poor to learn D. people who hate learning
7/ The hotel was__________and comfortable.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
8/1 think free-range chickens taste much better than factory-_____________ones.

A. farm B. farmer C. farmed D. farming

9/ I've had_________problems with this car ever since I bought it.

A. continue B. continuing Ccontinuous D. continual

10/ They searched for survivors but it was___________

A. hope B. hopeless C. hopeful D. hopefully

<i>11/ </i>The cab drivers' strike _ _________ last week, and it still _________ on these days.

A. began- is going B. had begun- goes

C. began- goes D. had begun- is going

12/ They________the assignment that they__________assigned to.
A. didn't finish- had been B. don't- are

C. haven't finished- were D. can't finish- could be
13/ Our uncle_________while he___________a motorcycle.

A. didn't smoke-is driving B. hasn't smoked-was driving
C. doesn't smoke-is driving D. hadn't smoked-was driving
14/ By the end of this month, Mid-Autumn Festival___________and________

A. comes-goes B. would come-go

C. will come-go D. will have come-gone

15/ When my mother__________old, she often________of all the things she___ when she young.
A. grew-thought-did-was

B. grows-thinks-does-is

C. has grown-thinks-had done-was
D. grows-thought-had done-is

16/ We _________ his sister since last Saturday, but we _____________ she _ an essay on <i>Romeo and Julie at </i>present.
A. didn't see-believed-wrote

B. haven't seen-believe-is writing
C. don't see-believe-writes

D. haven't seen-have believed-has written

17/ Do you recognize the_________on the envelope?

A. write B. written C. writer D. writing

18/ The radiation leak has had a disastrous ________ on the environment.

A. effect B. effective C. effectively D. effectiveness

19/ They decided not to ________ an existing order for aircraft.

A. honor B. honors C. honorable D. honorably

20. He told me _______.

A. to read it for yourself if you didn't believe what I say
B. to read it for myself if I didn't believe what I said
C. to read it for myself if I didn't believe what he said
D. to read it for yourself if you didn't believe what he said
21. Linda told her husband _________.

A. not to drive too fast or the baby will be sick
B. not to drive too fast or the baby would be sick
C. to drive too fast or the baby will be sick

D. not to drive too fast and the baby would be sick

<b>IV. Identify the underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the sentence to be </b>

1. Father told to his son not to waste his time playing games all day.

2. Mai, my closest friend, invited me not to go to her birthday party on Sunday night .

3. Drivers or passengers are required to wear seat belts while in a moving vehicle.

4. Tom told Mary not to interrupt me while he was talking.
<b>V. Circle the option A, B, C or D that best completes the passage</b>

Illiteracy may be considered more as an abstract concept than (1) _____ .When a famous English writer used the
word over two hundred years ago, he was actually referring to people who could not (2) _____ Greek or Latin.
However, it seems (3) _____ that university examiners had this sort of (4) _____ in mind when they reported on creeping
illiteracy in a report on Jr students' final (5) _____ in 1988.

Over the years, university lecturers have become aware of an increasing tendency to grammatical sloppiness, (6)
_____ spelling and general imprecision in their students' (7) _____ of writing; and sloppy writing is all too often a

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

1. A. condition B. standard C. problem D. trouble

2. A. know B. read C. writing D. spell

3. A. likely B. easily C. clearly D. unlikely

4. A. hurt B. disability C. disease D. injury

5. A. race B. tournament C. interview D. examination

6. A. good B. poor C. difficult D. simple

7. A. abilities B. skills C. ways D. tendencies

8. A. thinking B. studying C. expressing D. inferencing

9. A. that B. this C. which D. what

10. A. with B. without C. for D. on

<i><b>VI. Change the following sentences from direct to reported speech: </b></i>

<i>1/ </i>Phong said, "I want to buy a pocket calculator for my mother."


2/ "The store isn't going to open on New Year's Day," the man informed us.


3/ She said, "I once spent a summer here in this village."


4/ The students said, "We'll be sitting for our exams next Monday."


5/ The nurse said, "The patient in this room did not obey your orders, Doctor."


6/ "The house will seem so empty without you and Thanh," Mrs. Mai said to Trang.


7/ "If she knew the truth, she would be unhappy," Danh told me.


8/ Khoa said to Sang, "I may come when I've finished my work."


9/ "These students speak English very well," the visitors remarked.


10/ Father said, "I think it won't rain tomorrow."


<b>Exercise: </b><i>Complete the following sentences by changing direct speech to indirect speech(reported speech).</i>

1. “Why are you staring out the window, Mary?” said Daisy.

→ ____________________________________________________________
2. “Don’t forget your sandwiches” said his mother.

→ ____________________________________________________________
3. They said, “We have moved into our new flat”

→ ____________________________________________________________
4. Mandy asks, “Have you bought the ticket, Steve?”

→ ____________________________________________________________
5. She asked, “Open your books , please”

→ ____________________________________________________________
6. “Sit down” he said.

→ ____________________________________________________________
7. “Don’t put it on this table” said Tom.

→ ____________________________________________________________
8. “Who did you give the money to?” she asked her son.

→ ____________________________________________________________
9. I’ve made a terrible mistake” said John.

→ ____________________________________________________________
10. “The TV program was very interesting” said her son.

→ ____________________________________________________________
11. Mr. said to Mary, “I didn’t meet your father yesterday”.

→ ____________________________________________________________
12. “Please don’t come back late tonight”, said Mr. Green.

→ ____________________________________________________________
13. “I’m sick today”, said the boy.

→ ____________________________________________________________
14. The teacher said to his pupils, “Bring your books with you tomorrow”.
→ ____________________________________________________________
15. The man said, “I hope it won’t rain tonight”.

→ ____________________________________________________________
16. “When did you leave school?” the interviewer asked me.

The interviewer asked me ________________________________________
17. “Do you like music?” Jane asked Lan.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
→ The policeman asked the little boy _______________________________________
19. “Why didn’t you make an appointment earlier?” the doctor asked.

→ The doctor asked her _________________________________________
1. "Please sit down,” the teacher said to me.

→ The teacher asked me _____________________________ .
2. “ What are you doing?”, she asked me.

→ She wondered _________________________________________________
<b>Unit 6: competitions</b>

<b>I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others</b>

1. A. trouble B. tropical C. trousers D. drawer

2. A. dreadful B. dream C. trunk D. drunk

3. A. enough B. rough C. tough D. though

4. A. cheerful B. scholarship C. chemist D. ache

5. A. father B. healthy C. other D. mother

<b>II. Choose the word whose main stress is on the third syllable</b>

1. A. athletics B. sculpture C. disappoint D. participation

2. A. representation B. competitive C. spirit D. competition

3. A. observe B. competitor C. popularity D. maximum

4. A. organization B. controversal C. patter D. announcement

5. A. television B. altogether C. enjoyment D. spirit

<b>III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined </b>
<b>word or phrase</b>

.1. An ______ is a person who is awarded something such as a prize.

A. awarder B. awardee C. award D. awarder

2. The English Competition is annually organized by our English teachers.
A. once a week B. once a month C.once a year D.once a fornight
3. You have to be highly ______ to do well in sport these days.

A. competed B. competent C. competitive D. competing
4. The animals were conditioned to respond to auditory stimuli.

A. sounds B. laughters C. speech D. echoes

5. A person who decides who has won a competition is called a (n) ______

A. opponent B. contestant C. judge D. examiner

6. My brother has some interseting observations on possible future developments.

A. projects B. plans C. remarks D. suggestions

7. The article can be used to ______ discussion among students.

A. force B. stimulate C. ask D. create

8/ There were signs _____ of fog as soon as we got onto the motorway.

A. warn B. warning C. warned D. to warn

9/ I'd strongly________against making a sudden decision.

A. advise B. to advise C. advising D. advised

10/ Candidates who are successful in the written test _______for an interview.

A. shall be invited B. should be invited

C. will be invited D. would be invited

11/ He's everything you'd ever _____ in a man - bright, funny and attractive.

A. want B. to want C. wanting D. have wanted

12/_______(you) the truth, I didn't understand a word of what he was saying.

A. Tell B. To tell C. Have told D. Tells

13/_______you_________Paul about dinner on Saturday

A. Will / remind B. Could / remind

C. Have / reminded D. Do / remind

14/_______me (that) you_________him.

A. Promise / won't tell B. Promise / wouldn't tell
C. Promising / won't tell D. To promise / wouldn't tell
15/ My father and I _____ about very much.

A. don't agree B. didn't agree C. haven't agreed D. aren't agreeing
16/ She______a question about Welsh history this morning.

A. asks B. asked C. had asked D. has asked

17/I_________bad that I________them any food.

A. felt / don't offer B. felt / didn't offer

C. feel / don't offer D. feel / didn't offer

<i><b>IV. Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences and then correct them:</b></i>

I/ I like (A) the road he just assumes (B) we'll listen to him when he doesn't (C) take in a word (D) anyone else says!
21 His main (A) dislike about (B) work are (C) the noise and dust (D) in the factory.

3/ A good knife is (A) probable one of (B) the most useful things you (C) can have (D) in a kitchen.
4/ "Do you (A) think (that) you (B) could get me (C) some stamps while you're (D) into town?"

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
<b>V. Choose the correct answer - A, B, C or D - to each question</b>

There is no denying the fact that prize call stimulate competitors into full play. One will <i>go all out </i>to seek
his greatest success because of the prize <i>incentive </i>and the sense of superiority over others. Consequently, the highest
achievement will be obtained in a fair play.

However, many competitors cannot overcome,<sub> the temperation of the prize. They see nothing but the</sub>

prize and may try to get it by improper means. As a result, we often hear of scandals insports events.

I believe that the remedy lies in character education of the competitors. This helps them understand that
prize is a means to an end, but not the end itself Meanwhile, we should enforce the law that no one should take
improper actions before or at the competition. 'Then, prize will play a better part in any contest.

1 . It is true to say that ...

A. all competitors take part in the competitions to get prize.
B. prize is considered as a stimulus for play.

C. prize is said to help competitors to get money.
D. prize has affected competitors' attitude.

2. The expression "go all out"' in the 2nd <sub>line means...</sub>

A. spend a lot of time B. practise a lot

C. make a very great effort D. use effective methods
3. The word "incentive" in the 3rd line could be best replaced by...

A. value B. purpose C. standard D. encouragement

<b>Unit 7: world population</b>

<b>I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others</b>

1. A. helpful B. useful C. ulcer D. thankful

2. A. cupboard B. map C. prince D. people

3. A. quick B. queue C. quiet D. quit

4. A. future B. Closure C. furniture D. pure

5. A. claim B. musical C. magical D. calm

<b>II. Choose the word whose main stress is on the second syllable</b>

1. A. double B. decreased C. method D. limit

1. A. control B. research C. figure D. automobile

2. A. density B. industrial C. injured D. petrol

3. A. child-bearing B. access C. responsible D. implement

4. A. population B. decade C. punishment D. insurance

<b>III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the </b>
<b>underlined word or phrase</b>

1. _______ is the number of births every year for every 100 people in the
population of a place.

A. Birth-control B. Birth-rate C. Birth-place D. Birth-right
2. The remote areas are populated largely by wildlife.

A. enjoyed B. immigrated C. formed D. inhabited

3. Nowadays, people tend to _______ the amount of fat they eat.

A. increase B. observe C. decrease D. enjoy

4. It is becoming _______ clear that overpopulation is a serious problem that will not be easily solved.

A. increasingly B. decreasingly C. hardly D. uncertainly

5. Time is our most valuable _______ especially in examinations.

A. property B. resource C. tool D. device

6. A sudden large increase in the number of people in an area is called a _______
A. population increase B. population growth

C. population explosion D. population crisis

7/ Different scientists give different answers to this question.

A. pure B. average C. similar D. whole

8/ Some say that there are enough resources to support 8 billion people.

A. several B. tiny C. some D. deficient

9/ Others say that we must limit population growth because our resources are

A. descent B. drop C. fall D. failure

10/ Only ten percent of the earth's land can be used for farming and another 20 percent for raising animals.

A. lowering B. leveling C. reducing D. destroying

11/ My brother takes a ______ _____interest in his children.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
12/ I'm reading a few ______ books this month.

A. differ B. difference C. different D. differently

13/ That boxer has been_____ criticized in the press.

A. heavy B. heaviness C. heavier D. heavily

14/ Don't forget to ask me again tomorrow. I'll have to give it some ______.

A. think B. thought C. thoughtful D. thoughtless

15/ After that terrible accident she suffered from loss of ______.

A. memory B. memorize C. memorable D. memorably

16/ It's said that diet plays an important part in the ______ of heart disease.

A. manage B. manager C. management D. manageable

17/ Most of her students say it is helpful if teachers__________________ their pronunciation.

A. correct B. correction C. corrective D. correctly

18/ Officially, Mrs. Lan's in charge, but in ______ Mrs. Khoa runs the office.

A. practice B. practise C. practical D. practically

19/ They report that many locals are _______ opposed to the development.

A. strength B. strong C. strengthen D. strongly

20/ It took 1750 years for the world population to reach 625 million.

A. hold back B. come back C. go back D. run back

21/ In 1850, only one hundred years later, the population reached the figure of 1300 million.

A. more alive B. more punctual C. earlier D. older

22/ In 2000, the world's population was about 6.6 billion, and by 2010 it is expected to be over 7 billion.
A. uninterested B. unforeseen C. disliked D. hated

23/ Does the earth have enough resources to support this many people?

A. small B. little C. some D. few

<i><b>IV. Read the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete it:</b></i>

Projections issued in 2000 showed the world population increasing from 6.1 billion in 2000 to 7.9 billion in
2025 and 9.3 billion in 2050. "High" and "low" projections for 2025 are 8.4 billion and 7.5 billion (1) ______ . The
average world birth rate is projected to decline from the 1990 level of 26 per 1,000 to 22 per 1,000 at the end of the
century (2) ______ to 17.6 per 1,000 in 2025 (corresponding to a fall in TFR from 3.3 in 1990 to 2.4 in 2025). (3)
______ the expanding share of the population at high-mortality ages, the average world death rate is expected to decline
only slightly; from 9 (per 1,000) in 1990 to 8.4 in 2025. Average world (4) ______ expectancy, however, is projected to
rise from 65 years in 1990 to 71.3 years in 2025.

Wide variations in population (5) ______ will undoubtedly persist. In the developed world, population growth
will continue to be very low and in some nations will even decline. (6) ______ Europe as a whole is projected to have a
declining population after 2000. U.S. Census Bureau projections, assuming middle fertility and mortality levels, (7)
______ U.S. population increasing from 250 million in 1990 to 349 million in 2025 and 420 million in 2050. (8)
______ growth would be virtually zero.

The UN expects the less-developed countries to have steadily falling (9) ______ of population growth. For
the less-developed world as a whole, the 1990 growth rate of 2.0 percent per year is projected to be cut in half by 2025.
Africa will remain the region with the highest growth rate. In 1990 this rate was 3.1 percent; in 2025 it is projected
to be about 2.0 percent. Africa's population would almost (10) ______ , from 629 million in 1990 to 1.36 billion in
2025, and then continue growing at a rate that would almost double the population size in another 35 years.

1/ A. hopefully B. shortly C. respectively D. totally

2/ A. and B. or C. so D. but

3/ A. In spite of B. Because <i>of</i> <i>C. For </i>example D. So as that

4/ A. life B. living C. live D. alive

5/ A. height B. development C. increase D. growth

6/ A. Northern B. Southern C. Western D. Eastern

7/ A. say B. show C. demand D. state

8/ A. Besides B. Nevertheless C. However D. Thereafter

9/ A. rates B. levels C. numbers D. ranks

10/ A. develop B. jump C. double D. triple

<i><b>V. Supply the correct form of the word in brackets:</b></i>

I / In 1992 the (populate) __________ of Cairo was approximately 6 500 000.
2/ Her (world) __________ success can hardly be denied.

3/ Children with (support) __________ parents often do better at school than those without.
4/ We will have to adopt a more (science) __________approach in the future.

5/ The pay (differ)__________ between workers and management is too great.
6/ Passes are available for one month's (limit) __________ travel within Europe.
7/ What (percent) __________ of women return to work after having a baby?
8/ All her life she had a (child) __________ trust in other people.

9/ You feel so (help) __________ because there's nothing you can do to make the child better.
10/ Thank you for phoning when I was ill - it was very (think) __________ of you.

<b>More Exercises:</b>

1. If he __________ here, he would help you.

A. was B. were C. had been D. A & B are correct

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

A. would B. could C. will D. A & B are correct

3. I __________ you what this word means if I knew Chinese.

A. would tell B. could tell C. told D. A & B are correct

4. They won’t let him in if he__________ late again .

A. will be B. would be C. was D. is

5. There is not enough rain, so we can’t grow rice.

à If _______________________________________________________________
6. Mary was busy. She couldn’t go to the party.

à If _____________________________________________________________
7. We stay at home because it is raining.

A. If it isn’t raining, we will not stay at home.
B. If it wasn’t raining, we wouldn’t stay at home.
C. If it weren’t raining, we wouldn’t stay at home.
D. All are correct.

8. These exercises were difficult. We couldn’t do them.

A. If these exercises hadn’t been difficult, we could have done them.

B. If these exercises had been easy, we could have done them.

C. Unless these exercises had been easy, we couldn’t have done them.
D. All are correct.

<b>Unit 8: celebrations</b>

<b>I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others</b>

1. A. theater B. through C. smooth D. thought

2. A. fry B. friendly C. funny D. pretty

3. A. thread B. three C. thrill D. flew

4. A. throw B. thunder C. them D. thousand

5. A. freshB. flash C. frank D. frighten
<b>II. Choose the word whose main stress is on the third syllable</b>

I. A. longevity B. criteria C. represent D. cauliflower

2. A. envelope B. festival C. valentine D. speciality

3. A. similarity B. decorate C. excitement D. traditional

4. A. agrarian B. Japanese C. comment D. description

5. A. expression 13. enthusiastic C. calendar D. Independence

<b>I I I . C ho os e t he wo r d o r p hr as e - A , B, C or D - t h at b e s t c om pl e t e s t he sentence or substitutes </b>
<b>for the underlined word or phrase</b>

I. We mustn't miss the football match tonight. It's a wonderful _____ to see it.
A. occasion B. opportunity C. time D. period

2. The Spring Festival is the big<sub>gest traditional of the _____people.</sub>

Vietnamese B. Chinese C. Japanese D. British

3. Christmas Day is the biggest festival celebrated in _____ countries of the world.

A. Western B. Asian C. Christian D. Eastern

4. On New Year's Eve, we often make offerings toour _____.
A. ancestors B. relatives C. neighbours D. friends

5. The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated on the night of the fifteenth day of the eighth _____.
A. lunar day B. solar day C. lunar month D. lunar year.

6. On the New Year's Day, friends and relatives pay New Year calls.

A. come to visit B. give a ring

C. visit and exchange New Year wishes D. exchange New Year wishes
7/ It seems_____that you could have walked by without noticing that nice girl.

A. possible B. impossible C. possibly D. impossibly

8/ We know that plant_____, is most noticeable in spring and early summer.

A. grow B. grown C. growing D. growth

9/ Don't you know that this theory is no longer_____accepted?

A. wide B. widen C. widely D. width

10/ It was reported that the _____ of the strike caused a lot of poverty.

A. continue B. continuous C. continuation D. continual

11/ There's_____outside the house. I hear some strange voices.

A. everybody B. anybody C. nobody D. somebody

12/ Jane's been unfaithful to Jim three times, but he still loves her in spite of_____

A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything

13/ Go_____ in the world and you'll find some sort of hamburger restaurant.
A. anywhere B. everywhere C. somewhere D. nowhere
14/ There's _____ sharp in my shoe and I feel hurt.

A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

15/ These young people have _____, (else) to go.

A. somewhere B. nowhere C. anywhere D. everywhere

16/ Would _____ who wishes to attend the dinner let me know by Friday afternoon?

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
17/ You won't find a prettier village_____ in England.

A. nowhere B. somewhere C. everywhere D. anywhere

18/ The score is Yankees three, Red Sox_____.

A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something

19/ He's just some _____trying to get noticed by the press.

A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody

20/ _____ could dress well with all that much money.

A. Anybody B. Somebody C. Everybody D. Nobody

<i><b>IV. Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences and then correct them:</b></i>

1/ She's (A) very unpredictable (B) so there's (C) not knowing how she'll (D) react to the news.

2/ "Is there (A) some butter I could use?" "No, there's (B) some margarine (C) but there isn't (D) some butter."
3/ I (A) don't think I'll need (B) every money but I'll bring (C) some just (D) in case,.

<i><b>V. Read the passage below carefully, and then complete it with the missing prepositions (in, on, at, to, with,...):</b></i>
Mel Gibson is the son (1) __________ Hutton Gibson and Anne Reilly Gibson, who

was born (2) __________ Columcille parish, County Longford, Ireland. His paternal
grandmother was the Australian opera singer, Eva Mylott. Mel was born (3) __________

Peekskill, New York, the sixth (4) __________ eleven children. One (5) __________ Mel's younger brothers, Donal,
is also an actor.

Gibson's first name comes (6) __________ a 5th century Irish saint, Mel, founder of the diocese of Ardagh
containing most (7) __________ his mother's native county, while

his second name, Columcille is also linked (8) __________ an Irish saint. Columcille is

the name (9) __________the parish (10)__________County Longford where Anne Reilly was born and raised.
Although Gibson is a native-born United States citizen, Hutton Gibson relocated his-family (11) __________
Sydney, Australia (12) __________1968, after winning a work related

injury lawsuit (13) __________New York Central. (14) __________ a seven day trial (15) __________ February 14,
1968, the jury awarded him $145,000. The family moved when

Gibson was twelve. This move was (16) __________ protest (17) __________ the Vietnam War (18) __________ which
Gibson's elder brothers risked being drafted. It is also because Gibson's father, a devout Traditionalist Catholic, believed
that the changes (19) __________ American society which took place (20) __________ the 1960s were immoral.
<b> Some close tests</b>

<i><b>The first test</b></i>
<b>A. PHONETIC</b>

<b>I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.</b>

1) A. change B. children C. machine D. church

2) A. guitarist B. passenger C. generous D. village

3) A. other B. long C. possible D. constancy

<b>II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.</b>

4) A. number B. eager C. special D. affair

5) A. feeling B. believe C. ready D. easy

6) A. acquaintance B. interest C. capable D. sympathy


<b>I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.</b>

7) Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of ... aid.
A. together B. unselfish C. mutual D. friend
8) He is too ... to lend me his bicycle.

A. selfish B. enthusiastic C. helpful D. pleasant

9) Suddenly she recognized the ... of the situation that made her laugh.
A. wonder B. pleasure C. understanding D. hunour

10) He is a ...person because he is always friendly with everyone.
A. helpful B. good-natured C. honest D. quick-witted
11) If you want to get a good result in every work, you should have a...
A. loyalty B. sympathy C. constancy D. unselfishness
12) A ... friendship is a precious relation ship.

A. mutual B. sincere C. generous D. successful

13) A good marriage is based on ... .

A. trust B. loyalty C. secret D. A & B

14) The children seem to be totally ... of working quietly by themselves.
A. unable B. impossible C. incapable D. not able

15) They let their children ... up late at weekends.

A. staying B. stay C. to stay D. stayed

16) The children were eager ... their parents.
A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw
17) I’d rather ... at home.

A. to stay B. staying C. stayed D. stay
18) Peter is very funny. He makes me ... a lot

A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughed
19) They noticed him ... the agreement.

A. sign B. to sign C. signing D. signed

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
A. ringing B. ring C. rang D. to ring

21) They would ... go by plane than spend a week traveling by train.

A. like B. rather C. prefer D. better

22) The boss made ... for a meeting after work.

A. us to stay B. us stay C. us staying D. us to staying

<b>II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.</b>
23) I couldn’t make my car to start this morning.

24) There are a lot of work to do here.

25) I’m sure he is incapable in running a mile in four minutes.

26) Good friendship should be basing on mutual understanding.

27) I’m delighted hearing that you have made much progress in your study.

<b>III. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form.</b>
<b> 28) That was a very strange question (ask) ... .</b>
29) It was very kind of you (show)... the way.

30) The teacher let him (stay) ... at home to finish the assignment.
31) It was quite a surprise (see) ... him again.

32) I overheard him (say) ... that he didn’t want to learn Math.
33) She stood there and watched him (drive) ... away.
34) It was very difficult for her (drive)... the motorbike.

35) I could feel the robber (come) ... from the backdoor.

<b>C. READING Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question.</b>

My name’s Mandi. Three months ago, I went to disco where I met a boy called Tom. I guessed he was older than me, but
I liked him and thought it didn’t matter. We danced a couple of times, then we chatted. He said he was 18, then asked how
old I was. I told him I was 16. I thought that if I told him my real age, he wouldn’t want to know me, as I’m only 13.
After the dicso we arranged to meet the following weekend. The next Saturday we went for a burger and had a real
laugh. Afterwards he walked me to my street and kissed me goodnight. Things went really well. We see each other a
couple of times a week, but I’ve had to lie to my parents about where I’m going and who with. I’ve always got on with
them, but I know if they found out how Tom was they’d stop me seeing him.

Now I really don’t know what to do. I can’t go on lying to my parents every time I go out, and Ton keeps asking he
can’t come around to my house. I’m really worried and I need some advice.

36) Why has Mandi written this?

A. to describe her boyfriend B. to prove how clever she is
C. to explain a problem D. to defend her actions
37) Who is she writing to?

A. her boyfriend B. her parents

C. a teenage magazine D. a school friend

38) Why is Mandi worried?

A. She’s been telling lies. B. Tom has been behaving strangely.
C. She’s not allowed to go to disco. D. Her parents are angry with her.

39) Why can’t Tom come to Mandi’s house?
A. She doesn’t want her parents to meet him.
B. Her parents don’t like him.

C. He’s nervous of meeting her parents.
D. She doesn’t want him to see where she lives.
40) Which of these answers did Mandi receive?
A. Tell me what you really feel.

B. You must start by being honest with everyone.
C. Everyone’s unfair to you.

D. Don’t worry. I’m sure Tom will change his mind.
<i><b>The second test:</b></i>

<b>A. PHONETIC</b>

<b>I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.</b>

1) A. hand B. bank C. sand D. band

2) A. money B. month C. monkey D. monitor

3) A. change B. hungry C. stronger D. single
<b>II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.</b>

4) A. experience B. embarrass C. floppy D. embrace

5) A. idol B. video C. birthday D. imagine

6) A. cotton B. happen C. extreme D. quickly


<b>I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.</b>

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

A. picture B. clip C. news D. cartoon

9) She ... shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.

A. looked B. stared C. glanced D. sighted

10) This ... girl was disliked by the rest of the class.

A. helpful B. sneaky C. unselfish D. generous
11) He pulled a(n) ... of 10 pounds notes out of his pocket.

A. sum B. amount C. piece D. wad

12) I’ve never fallen in such a(n) ... situation before.
A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. confused D. confusing
13) The children were ... about opening their presents.

A. interested B. fond C. keen D. excited

14) I know from ... that he’ll arrive late.

A. knowledge B. experience C. understanding D. reality

15) Andrew ... the test before so he... it very easy.

A. did/ had found B. had done/ found

C. was doing/ found D. did/ was founding

16) You ... your new hat when I ... you yesterday.
A. were wearing/ had met B. wore/ had met

C. wore/ was meeting D. were wearing/ met

17) As I ... the glass, it suddenly ... into two pieces.

A. cut/ broke B. was cutting/ broke

C. cut/ was breaking D. was cutting/ had broken

18) A burglar ... into the house while we ... television.

A. broke/ were watching B. broke/ watched

C. had broken/ watched D. broke/ had watched
19) When I ... home, I ... a phone call.

A. got/ received B. was getting/ was receiving

C. got/ had received D. had got/ had received

20) They ... small cups of coffee after they ... dinner.

A. had drunk/ finished B. drank/ finished

C. were drinking/ finished D. drank/ had finished
21) It was midnight. Outside it ... very hard.

A. rains B. rained C. had rained D. was raining
22) When he ... at the station, his train already...
A. arrived/ left B. arrived/ had left

C. had arrived/ left D. had arrived/ left

<b>II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.</b>
23) While I did my homework, I had a good idea.


24) Don’t make so much fusses over the children.

25) John’s friends had celebrated a farewell party for him last Sunday

26) After she bought herself a new motorbike, she sold her bicycle.

27) She did not know where most of the people in the room are from.
<b>III. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct tense.</b>

<b> 28) I suddenly remembered that I (forget) ... my keys.</b>

29) While Diana (watch) ... her favourite TV programme, there (be) ...a power cut.
30) Who (drive) ... the car at the time of the accident?

31) By the time Sheila (get) ... back, Chris (go) ... home.

32) David (eat) ... Japanese food before, so he (know) ... what to order.
33) I (do) ... some shopping yesterday, when I (see) ... your friend.
34) What ... you (do)... when I (come) ... to your office yesterday?
35) Laura (miss) ... the party because no one (tell) ... her about it.
<b>C. READING</b>

<b>Read the passage and choose the best answer for each blank.</b>

<i><b>MARIA S HOMECOMING</b></i>’

When the bus ... (36) ... in a small square, Maria was reading her magazine and didn’t realize that she had arrived at
her destination. “This is Santa Teresa,” Martin said. “You’ve arrived home!” I suppose your cousin will be ... (37) ... for us.
Come on. I’ll carry the bags.” Maria thought, “All those years when I ... (38) ... in New York, I used to dream if this
moment. And now it’s real, I can’t believe it! Here I am, I’m really standing in the square.” Santa Teresa was Maria’s
birthplace, but she often left the town at the age of six. She had some ... (39) ... of the town, and some photos, but did she
belong here still? She didn’t know. Nobody was waiting in the square. Perhaps her cousin Pablo hadn’t received Maria’s
letter. “What are we going to do now?” asked Martin. “There isn’t ... (40) ... a hotel here!”

36) A. reached B. got C. stooped D. came

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

39) A. recall B. memories C. thinking D. remembering

40) A. even B. hardly C. too D. very

<i><b>UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP </b></i>
<b>A. PHONETIC</b>

<b>I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.</b>
1) A. change B. children <b>C. machine</b> D. church

2) A. guitarist B. passenger C. generous D. village
3) A. other B. long C. possible D. constancy

<b>II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.</b>

4) A. number B. eager C. special D. affair

5) A. feeling <b> B. believe C. ready</b> D. easy

<b>I/ Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.</b>

11. It's kind of Long to pay for us when we go out together. He's __________.

A. sociable B. understanding C. calm D. generous

12. Minh is a(n) ___________ man. We can believe what he says.

A. patient B. honest C. tolerant D. pleasant

13. A good friendship should be based on __________ understanding.

A. loyal B. suspicious C. give-and-take D. mutual

14. Many of the stories are based ___________ rumor.

A. at B. in C. on D. under

22. Kim Anh is __________ for her work. She usually tries her best to finish her part of the work.

A. sociable B. self-confident C. responsible D. talkative

28. He is very ________ to us. Though he's our teacher, he treats almost like friends.

A. active B. humorous C. studious D. friendly

29. The local people are very ____________ to strangers.

A. comfortable B. familiar C. hospitable D. enjoyable

7) Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of ... aid.
A. together B. unselfish C. mutual D. friend
8) He is too ... to lend me his bicycle.

<b>A. selfish</b> B. enthusiastic C. helpful D. pleasant
9) Suddenly she recognized the ... of the situation that made her laugh.

A. wonder B. pleasure C. understanding D. hunour
11) If you want to get a good result in every work, you should have a...

A. loyalty B. sympathy C. constancy D. unselfishness
12) A ... friendship is a precious relation ship.

A. mutual <b>B. sincere </b> C. generous D. successful
13) A good marriage is based on ... .

A. trust B. loyalty C. secret D. A & B

14) The children seem to be totally ... of working quietly by themselves.
A. unable B. impossible <b>C. incapable D. not able</b>

15) They let their children ... up late at weekends.

A. staying <b>B. stay </b> C. to stay D. stayed

16) The children were eager ... their parents.
<b>A. to see</b> B. see C. seeing D. saw
17) I’d rather ... at home.

A. to stay B. staying C. stayed <b>D. stay</b>
18) Peter is very funny. He makes me ... a lot

<b>A. laugh</b> B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughed
19) They noticed him ... the agreement.

<b>A. sign</b> B. to sign C. signing D. signed

20) It’s important for her ... the office.

A. ringing B. ring C. rang <b>D. to ring</b>

21) They would ... go by plane than spend a week traveling by train.

A. like <b>B. rather</b> C. prefer D. better

22) The boss made ... for a meeting after work.

A. us to stay <b>B. us stay</b> C. us staying D. us to staying

<b>II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.</b>
23) I couldn’t make my car to start this morning.


25) I’m sure he is incapable in running a mile in four minutes.

26) Good friendship should be basing on mutual understanding.

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

<b>III. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form.</b>

29) It was very kind of you (show)... the way.

30) The teacher let him (stay) ... at home to finish the assignment.
31) It was quite a surprise (see) ... him again.

32) I overheard him (say) ... that he didn’t want to learn Math.

33) She stood there and watched him (drive) ... away.
34) It was very difficult for her (drive)... the motorbike.
35) I could feel the robber (come) ... from the backdoor.
<b>C. WRITING</b>

<b>Arrange these words or groups of words in the correct order.</b>
41) tell/ have/ news/ We/ to/ not/ got/ any/ you

42) to/ 8.00/ for/ It’s/ be/ before/ impossible/ me/ there


To many people, their friends are the most important in their life. Really good friends always (41)______ joys and
sorrows with you and never turn their backs on you. Your best friend may be someone you have known all your life or
someone you have grown (42)______ with.

There are all sorts of things that can (43)________about this special relationship. It may be the result of enjoying the same
activities and sharing experiences. Most of us have met someone that we have immediately felt relaxed with as if we had
known them for ages. However, it really takes you years to get to know someone well (44)_______to consider your best

To the majority of us, this is someone we trust completely and (45)________understands us better than anyone else. It’s
the person you can tell him or her your most intimate secrets .

<b>Read the passage carefully, then mark the letter A,B,C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best word or </b>
<b>phrase to complete each of the following questions.</b>

Question 41: A. share B. give C. spend D. have

Question 42: A. through B. on C. in <b>D. up</b>

Question 43:A. bring B. cause C. result D. provide
Question 44: A. too <b>B. enough </b> C. so D. such
Question 45: A. whom B. which C. who D. whose

Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.

Having a best friend to confide in can bring a positive effect on our emotional health. An evening out with the
closest friend may be the best guarantee of a good time. In fact, our best friend can prevent us from developing serious
psychological problems such as depression and anxiety.

Best friendship evolves with time - we cannot go out and pick our best friend. We become friends with people who
share common interests – at school or through hobbies, for example.

Best friends have usually known each other for years and stuck together through good and bad times. If youhaven't
got <i>one, </i>perhaps youare being too distant from people, or focusing too much on yourwork.

1. A best friend can ________.

a. give us a healthy life b. go out with us in the evening
c. spend much time finding d. share joy and sadness with us
2. Close friends need to ________.

a. study at the same school <b>b. have the same interests</b>
c. pursue the same hobbies d. spend time together
3. According to the passage, ________.

<b>a. it takes a lot of time to make close friendships</b>
b. we can go out and choose a good friend easily
c. best friends have good and bad times

d. It’s very difficult to make lasting friendships

4. The word 'one' in the last paragraph refers to ________.

a. good time b. bad time c. a friendship <b>d. a close friend</b>


<b>I/Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.</b>
2) A. money B. month C. monkey D. monitor

2) A. thankful B. thinking C. clothing D. monthly

<b>II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.</b>
5) A. idol B. video C. birthday D. imagine

5) A. relation B. together C. successful D. celebrate

<b>Choose the one word or phrase- a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentences or substitutes for the underlined </b>
<b>word or phrase.</b>

1. I felt my face burning with ________.

a. confidence b. enthusiasm c. pleasure <b>d. embarrassment</b>

2. I believe that everyone has had ________ experiences in their life.

<b>a. memorable </b> b. observable c. acceptable d. reflexible
21. Yesterday I went to Nam’s house, but the front door was locked. He ________ out.

A. went B. had gone

C. was going D. has gone

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A. begins / ends B. had begun / ended

C. has begun / had ended <b>D. began / ended</b>

23. By the time we got to the theater, the movie ___________________, so we missed the first five minutes.

A. started B. were starting

<b>C. had started</b> D. starts

25. Did you _____________ anywhere interesting last weekend?

<b>A. go</b> B. went

C. was going D. gone

26. My girlfriend _________________ born on the 2nd<sub> of September 1974.</sub>

A. is <b>B. was</b>

C. had been D. had

27. When I came, they ____________ chess.

A. are playing B. was playing

<b>C. were playing</b> D. has played

28. They were planting potatoes in the garden when it suddenly ______________.

A. rain B. rained

C. has rained D. had rained

30. Yesterday when I __________ a bath, the phone _______________.

A. is having / rings B. were having / rang

<b>C. was having / rang</b> D. was having / was ringing

7) A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the ...
A. ideal B. idea <b>C. idol D. fan</b>

12) I’ve never fallen in such a(n) ... situation before.

A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. confused D. confusing
13) The children were ... about opening their presents.

A. interested B. fond C. keen <b>D. excited</b>

<b>READING COMPREHENSION : Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question.</b>

After spending a day at the beach, I stopped to buy a snack on my way home. But when I reached for my wallet, it wasn’t
there. I checked my other pockets, and the car and then headed back to look at the beach. My driver’s license, my ID card
– my mind was racing through all the things I had lost and I felt rotten. A search of the beach and parking lot proved
fruitless, so I headed home. I tried to forget it because there was nothing I could do, but I was mad at myself for losing it.
After dinner when I was watching TV and trying to forget, the phone rang and a voice asked: “Did you lose a wallet? I
found it on the beach”. What a great feeling that gave me – not only for my luck, but also for my faith in all humanity!

31. How much time did the writer spend on the beach?

A. two days B. a day and a half

<b>C. a day</b> D. three days

32. What did he lose?

A. His car <b>B. His wallet</b>

C. His key D. His snack

33. How did he feel when he knew that he lost his driver’s license and I.D card?

A. He felt happy. <b>B. He felt unhappy.</b>

C. He felt angry. D. He felt excited.

34. Where did he go after searching the beach and the parking lot and finding nothing?
A. He went to the police station. B. He went to his office.

<b>C. He went home.</b> D. he went to the grocery store.

35. What did the person who found his wallet do?

<b>A. He called him.</b> B. He came to his house.

C. He called the police. D. He gave his wallet to the police.

<i><b>Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that wouldn t be correct. Then write the correct sentences.</b></i>’
40. I spent most of my time in the train read my favorite book.

(A) (B) (C) (D)
23) While I did my homework, I had a good idea.

25) John’s friends had celebrated a farewell party for him last Sunday

26) After she bought herself a new motorbike, she sold her bicycle.

III. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct tense.

<b> 28) I suddenly remembered that I (forget) ... my keys.</b>

29) While Diana (watch) ... her favourite TV programme, there (be) ...a power cut.
30) Who (drive) ... the car at the time of the accident?

31) By the time Sheila (get) ... back, Chris (go) ... home.

32) David (eat) ... Japanese food before, so he (know) ... what to order.
33) I (do) ... some shopping yesterday, when I (see) ... your friend.
34) What ... you (do)... when I (come) ... to your office yesterday?
<b>D. WRITING</b>

<b>Arrange these words or groups of words in the correct order.</b>
41) to/ play/ five/ He/ piano/ started/ the/ years/ ago

42) he/ was/ not/ hungry/ all/ had/ day/ Tim/ because/ eaten

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<i><b>UNIT 3: A PARTY</b></i>

<b>I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.</b>
2) A. glad <b>B. geography C. glass D. give</b>

3) A. hour B. happy C. husband D. hold

<b>II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.</b>

4) A. candle B. finish C. family <b>D. anniversary</b>

5) A. relation B. together C. successful D. celebrate

<b>I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.</b>
17) Peter ... to go in for the exam.

A. avoided B. let C. advised D. decided
18) I tried ... the bus, but I missed it.

<b>A. to catch</b> B. catching C. to be caught D. being caught
19) The plants want ... daily.

A. to water B. watering <b>C. to be watered D. being water</b>
20) Will you remind me ... this letter at the post office?

<b>A. to post</b> B. posting C. to be posted D. being posted
22) I have expected ... the secret of happiness.

A. to tell B. telling <b>C. to be told D. being told</b>
47. She is always _______ to visistors from abroad.

A. host B. hostess C. hospitable D. hospitability
51. Over 50 _______ were invited to Mr and Mrs Brown’s wedding anniversary party.

A. witness <b>B. guests</b> C. customers D. clients`

52. The first floor of the hotel has been cleaned up for their wedding __________.

A. meeting B. organization C. celebration D. festival
64. On my birthday, before I blew ________ the candles, I had prayed for my future.

A. on <b>B. out</b> C. in D. at

67. We always celebrate our wedding _________ with dinner every year.

A. party B. anniversary C. cake D. ring

75. In the United States, people ________ all ages celebrate birthdays.

A. in B. from C. of D. at

82. They are whispering to avoid ________ by their friends.

<b>A. being heard B. hearing</b> C. to be heard D. being hearing
<b>II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.</b>

23) The thief asked her handing over her money.

24) He was terribly excited to ask to play for Manchester.

III. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form.

<b> 28) I don’t remember (tell) ... of the decision to change the company policy on vacations.</b>
31) Tommy admitted (throw) ... the rock through the window.

33) Anne hoped (invite) ... to join the private club.
34) Most people enjoy (travel) ... to different parts of the world.

35) May I change the TV channel, or do you want (watch) ... more of this programme?
<b>C. READING</b>

<b>Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question.</b>

Giving a dinner party is a wonderful way of entertain people. You can also make new friends and give others the chance
to get to know each other better.

It needs planning, though. First, make a guest list, with different kinds of people and a mixture of women and men.
Don’t invite couples because they aren’t so much fun.

When you know who can come, find out what they like to eat and drink. Note down any who are vegetarians, or who
can’t eat or drink certain things for religious seasons.

Then plan their menu. Include a first course, a choice of main courses and a dessert, plus lots of people’s favourite

The next thing to do is the shopping. Make sure buy more than enough of everything, and that someone can help you
carry it!

On the day, start cooking early. Give people appetizers like Greek mezze or Spanish tapas, so they don’t get hungry if
they have to wait. Serve the delicious meal, sit down with your guests and have a good time – you’ve earned it!

36) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the purpose of giving a dinner party?
A. to entertain people. B. to make new friends.

<b> </b>

<b> C . to get people to know more about their host and hostess.</b>
D. to help people to know each other better.

37) when giving a dinner party, you should NOT invite ... .

A. husbands and wives. B. those who are vegetarians.

C. both women and men. D. those who can’t eat or drink certain things.
38) The menu should include these EXCEPT ...

A. a first course <b>B. a supper</b> C. a dessert D. main courses
39) According to the passage, starters should be served ...
A. because the guests want to have a good time together

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C. because the guests want to eat them while having to wait

D. because the guests may be hungry while having to wait

40) What should you do while the guests are having their evening meal?
A. Stand beside the guests without doing anything.

B. Sit down with the guests and have a good time.
C. Sit down with the guests to show your politeness.
D. Only serve the guests with the food.

<i><b>UNIT 4: VOLUNTEER WORK</b></i>
<b>A. PHONETIC</b>

<b>I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.</b>
1) A. who B. wheel C. whether D. whale

2) A. summer <b>B. educate C. club D. public</b>
3) A. handicapped B. visited C. decided D. wanted

<b>II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.</b>
4) A. volunteer B. nation C. college D. hospital

5) A. orphanage B. participate C. vacation D. remote

<b>I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.</b>

52. How do voluteers help disadvantaged children _________ their difficulties?
A. to get B. to overcome C. to know D. to pass

55. Children in these classes often take part ________ fund raising performances.

A. on B. at C. in D. of

66. These __________ come from a high school near here.

A. volunteer <b>B. volunteers</b> C. voluntarily D. voluntary

67. There are a lot of ________ children living in this area.

A. advantageB. disadvantages <b>C. disadvantaged</b> D. advantages

68. Students go to remote villages to provide education and _______ services for people.

A. medicine B. medicare <b>C. medical</b> D. medicated

73. What is one of the most difficult aspects of ________ volunteer work?

A. doing B. done C. do D. to do

7) To do the work for a humane society is ... .

A. friendly B. mutual C. voluntary D. thoughtless
10) The ... of this society in to provide community education for street children.

A. mission B. work C. job D. duty

12) We should take care of war invalids and family of martyrs.
<b>A. look after</b> B. look into C. look for D. look at
<b>II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.</b>
25) We’re looking forward to see you again.

26) I’d like buying some earrings like yours.

<b>III. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form: (Bare inf, to Inf, Gerund or Present Participle.</b>
<b> 28) It is easy (see) ... animals on the road in daylight.</b>

29) I asked him (explain) ... but he refused (say) ... any thing.
30) It is pleasant (sit) ... by the fire at night.

31) There was no way of (get) ... out of the building except by (climb) ... down a rope.
32) It’s no good (write) ... to him; he never answers letters.

33) Ask him (come) ... in. Don’t keep him (stand) ... at the door.

34) We watched the children (jump) ... from a window and (fall) ... into a blanket held
by people below.

<b>C. READING</b>

<b>Read the passage and choose the best answer for each blank.</b>


More and more young people are ... (36) ... voluntary work abroad. The wild variety of jobs and destinations available
is making it an increasingly attractive option for those who have just left school and have a year free before university.
Many choose to spend these twelve months working in poor countries. There they will earn little ... (37) ... no money. But
they will be doing something useful – and enjoying the experience.

The work may ... (38) ... of helping the local communities, for example by helping to build new road or provide water
supplies to isolated rural villages. Other projects may concentrate more on conservation or environmental protection. ...
(39) ... kind of job it is, it is certain to be ... (40) ... and worthwhile, and an experience that will never be forgotten.

36) A. doing B. making C. taking D. getting

37) A. with B. but C. or D. and

38) A. consist B. include C. contain D. involve

39) A. Any B. What C. However D. Whatever
40) A. challenging B. dangerous C. difficult D. attracted
<b>D. WRITING</b>

<b>Arrange these words or groups of words in the correct order.</b>

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44) participating/ kind/are/ of/ volunteer/ in/ What/ work/ ?/ you/


<i><b>UNIT 5: ILLITERACY</b></i>
<b>A. PHONETIC</b>

<b>I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.</b>
1) A. stay <b>B. manage C. may . D. play </b>

2) A. teachers B. arrives <b>C. textbooks D. combs</b>

<b>II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.</b>
4) A. illiteracy B. province C. primary D. country

5) A. eradicate B. minority C. campaign <b>D. ethnic</b>

<b>I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.</b>

8) The loving-peace people have been working for the ... of World Peace.

A. access B. glory C. success <b>D. promotion</b>

14) The most important thing we should do now is to tackle the problem of widespread ... .

A. illiterate <b>B. illiteracy C. literate</b> D. literacy

15) Someone told us ... sit on the stairs.

A. don’t B. not <b>C. not to</b> D. to not
17) The doctor advised him ... and to take up some sport.

A. stop smoke B. stop smoking

<b>C. to stop smoking</b> D. to stop to smoke
18) ) ... me to phone them before I go out.

<b>A. Remind</b> B. Remember C. Mention D. Make
21) The conductor asked ... in the bus.

A. them to please not to smoke B. that they should not smoke
<b>C. them not to smoke</b> D. them not to smoke
49. The fight _________ illiteracy has been on the way.

A. to B. of C. for D. against

66. In the summer of 2000, we started a ________ for illiteracy eradication.

A. campaign B. battle C. war D. struggle

67. I think it is a / an _______ way to help them to read and write.

A. sufficient <b>B. effective</b> C. honorable D. pleasing

69. Many students take part _________ the campaign for illiteracy eradication.

A. for <b>B. in</b> C. from D. on

72. ________ is the state of not knowing how to read or write.

A. Literacy <b>B. Illiteracy</b> C. Campaign D. Struggle

73. There are 54 _______ minorities in Vietnam.

A. national B. primary <b>C. ethnic</b> D. main

80. The government is spending a lot of money to _________ against illiteracy.

A. decrease B. go down <b>C. fight</b> D. compete

<b>II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.</b>
23) David asked me telling him the time.


24) I warned them not climb the mountain in such bad weather.
III. Write the following sentences in Reported Speech.

<b> 30) “Give me your homework.” à The teacher told us...</b>
31) “Please, don’t smoke in my car.” à He asked us...
32) “I’ll buy you an ice-cream.” à My Dad promised...

33) “Would you like to have a drink with me?” à He invited me...
34) “You should give up smoking.” à The doctor advised me...

35) “Don’t shoot.” à The General ordered us...
<b>C. READING</b>

<b>Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question.</b>

Parents often have dreams for their children’s future. They hope their children will have a better life than they had.
They dream that their children will do things that they couldn’t do. Parents who come to the U.S from foreign countries
hope their children will have better education here. They think their children will have more career choices and more
successful lives. They make many sacrifices so that their children will have more opportunities. They think their children
will remain close to them because of this. Some children understand and appreciate these sacrifices and remain close to
their parents. However, other children feel ashamed that their parents are so different from other Americans.

36) Parents often dream of ...
A. their children’s making a lot of money in the future.
B. one day seeing their children become famous people.

C. one day living on their children’s money.
<b>D. a bright future for their children.</b>

37) Parents who come home from U.S from foreign countries hope that ...
A. their children will have a lot of careers.

B. their children become successful directors.

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D. their children will make a lot of sacrifices.

38) Parents think their children will remain close to them because...

A. they give their children a lot of money.

<b>B. of the sacrifices</b>

C. they know their children will be successful in the future.
D. they are living in a foreign country.

39) The word career in line 5 is closest in meaning to ...

A. education B. travel C. subject <b>D. profession</b>

40) The word close in line 7 is closest in meaning to ...

A. dear B. friendly C. helpful D. kind

<i><b>UNIT 6: COMPETITIONS</b></i>
<b>A. PHONETIC</b>

<b>I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.</b>
1) A. earning B. learning C. searching D. clearing

2) A. fashion B. B. hamburger C. admire D. add
<b>II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.</b>

5) A. performance <b>B. celebration C. remember D. announce</b>
6) A. difficulty B. apologize C. enjoyment D. remember

<b>I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence</b>

11) A person who has been chosen to speak or vote for someone else on behalf of a group.
A. contestant B. competitor C. examinee D. representative

14) They had a really good chance of winning the national ...
A. compete <b>B. competition </b> C. competitor D. competitive
15) Jack admitted ... the money.

A. steal B. to steal <b>C. stealing</b> D. stolen
16) Thank you very much ... lending me your bike.

A. about B. in <b>C. for D. of</b>
17) Don’t ... him to arrive early. He’s always late.

A. think B. judge C. hope D. expect

20) The manager ... the men to turn to work immediately.
A. insisted B. suggested C. demanded D. ordered
21) Her mother prevented her ... going out tonight.

A. against <b>B. from</b> C. about D. at
22) I apologized ... the book at home.

<b>A. for leaving</b> B. to leaving C. leaving D. to leave
52. Everyone was attracted by her graceful __________.

A. perform B. performing <b>C. performance </b> D. performer
54. A. He was ________ because she didn’t arrive at his birthday party.

A. disappoint B. disappointingC. disappointed D. disappointment
55. _________ are the ones to decide who wins a competition.

A. Audience B. Spectators <b>C. Judges</b> D. Competitors

56. The last World Cup was _________ in Germany.

A. broken B. taken place <b>C. held</b> D. happened

57. Everyone congratulated Jim ___________ his success.

A. for B. about C. with <b>D. on</b>

62. To participate __________ the contest, you must be under 25 years old.

A. for B. at <b>C. in</b> D. about

73. In tonight’s quiz, our contestants have come from all over the country.

A. losers B. judges <b>C. competitors</b> D. winners

<b>II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.</b>
23) I’d like to thank your brother for your help.


25) You can congratulate yourself about having done an excellent job.

26) Peter apologized for break the vase.

27) He insisted on seeing the manager tomorrow.

<b>III. Write the following sentences in Reported Speech.</b>
<b> 28) “It was really kind of you to help me.” Mary said to you.</b>

à Mary thanked me...
29) “I’ll drive you to the airport.” John said to Linda..

à John insisted...
30) “You have passed the final exams. Congratulations!” Jim said to you
à Jim congratulated me...

31) “It was nice of you to invite me to the dinner. Thank you”, Miss White said to Peter.
à Miss White thanked...

32) “Don’t play with the matches!” I said to Jack.

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33) “I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier”, Margaret said to you.

à Margaret apologized...
34) “I have always wanted to be a pilot”, Paul said to you.

à Paul has always dreamed of...
35) “You didn’t do what I said”, the mother said to her son.

à The mother accused...

<i><b>UNIT 7: WORLD POPULATION</b></i>
<b>A. PHONETIC</b>

<b>I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.</b>
1) A. probably B. population <b>C. gold</b> D. hospital

2) A. smallest <b>B. best </b> C. longest D. biggest
3) A. mountain B. ground C. blouse D. soup

<b>II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.</b>
4) A. instead <b>B. interesting C. expected</b> D. resources

5) A. figure B. double C. different D. support
6) A. research B. decrease C. available <b>D. government</b>

<b>I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.</b>

9) One third of the world’s ... consumes two thirds of the world resources.
A. people B. men <b>C. population D. human</b>

10) The practice of controlling the number of children a person has, using various methods of contraception is
called ... .

A. family planning B. birth control C. population <b>D. A & B</b>

12) Since the early 1990s Viet Nam has experienced ... growth but the differences between the lives of the rich and the
poor have been greater.

A. population <b>B. economic C. educational D. financial</b>

16) If someone knocked a candle over, it ... a fire.

A. will start B. started <b> C. would start D. would have started</b>
17) If you ... told us about the bad service, we would have eaten there.

<b>A. hadn’t</b> B. don’t C. didn’t D. wouldn’t have
18) What would Tom do if he ... the truth?

A. would know B. knows C. had known <b>D. knew</b>
19) If I ... you were sick. I would have called sooner.

A. knew <b>B. had known </b> C. know D. would have known
21) If I ... you, I’d call and apologise.

A. am <b>B. were</b> C. would be D. was

22) Jack will win the election if he ... harder.

A. will campaign B. would campaign

C. campaigned <b>D. campaigns</b>

<b>II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.</b>
23) If you were here yesterday, you would have seen Jean.


24) We would visit that part of the country if it will be spring.

25) If I will make a difficult decision, I will discuss it with my friends.

<b>III. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form.</b>

<b> 28) If someone (walk)... in here with a gun, I would be very frightened.</b>
29) I’m sure he (understand) ... if you explain the situation to her.
30) If she hadn’t walked to the meeting, she (not be)... late.

31) He always (complain) ... if I’m late.

32) If he spoke more clearly, we (understand) ... him.

33) If the woman (say) ... what she wanted, I wouldn’t have put the phone down.
34) If they arrived in time, they (see) ... the ceremony.

35) If you (ask)... me, I would explain it to you.
<b>C. READING</b>

The population of the world has increased more in modern times than in all other ages of history combined. World
population totaled about 500 million in 1650. It doubled in the period from 1650-1850. Today the population is more than
six million. Estimates based on research by the United Nations indicate that it will increase rapidly in the next twenty_
five years, reaching seven billion in the year 2030.

Câu 21: By 1850, approximately what was the world population?

A. 500 million B. One billion C. Three billion D. Seven billion.
Câu 22: World population doubled in the years between

A. 500 - 1650 B.1650 - 1850 C. 1650 - today D. 1850 - 2030

Câu 23: According to the passage, by the year 2020 the earth’s population should exceed the present figure by
A. 500 million B. one billion C. four billion D. seven billion.

Câu 24: In the text, the word “totaled” most nearly means

A. amounted to B. counted about C. estimated D. guessed
Câu 25: The word “indicate” in the text most nearly means

A. show B. point C. come to D. approximate

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
<b>Arrange these words or groups of words in the correct order.</b>

41) phone number/ call/ her/ I/ if/ you/ me/ her/ give/ will

42) had/ money/ I/ If/ had/ the/ ,/ bought/ new/ would/ suit/ I/ have/ a

<i><b>UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS</b></i>
<b>A. PHONETIC</b>

<b>I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.</b>
1) A. stage B. page C. cake D. tablet

2) A. elephant <b>B. event </b> C. engineer D. let

3) A. listened B. liked C. watched D. stopped

<b>II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.</b>
4) A. decorate <b>B. pagoda </b> C. relative D. calendar
5) A. celebration <b>B. traditional C. entertainment D. preparation</b>

<b>I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.</b>

13) <i>Banh Chung</i> is made ... sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork.
A. of <b>B. from </b> C. with D. by

14) Many people go to the pagoda to ... for a happy year for themselves and their family.
<b>A. pray </b> B. long C. desire D. ask

17) There’s ... waiting outside to see you. She didn’t tell me her name.
A. no one B. anyone <b>C. someone D. everyone</b>
21. Have you told ____________ about the letter?

A. no one B. someone C. everyone <b>D. anyone</b>

23. The boy said that he hadn’t done ________________ wrong.
A. something B. nothing <b>C. anything</b> D. other things
9. ______________ is ready for the party.

<b>A. Everything</b> B. Anything C. Anywhere D. Anyone
<b>II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.</b>
23) There isn’t no one waiting for me, isn’t there?


24) Someone spoke to me, but I can’t remember its name.
25) Anyone stole the money, but we don’t know who.

III. Fill in the blanks with the pronouns: <b> one(s), someone, anyone, no one, or every one .</b>
<b> 28) Nearly ... on the Internet uses e-mail to communicate with each other.</b>
29) ... has left their bag behind.

30) I’ve got some stamps here. Which is the ... you like?
31) Was there ... you knew at the meeting?

32) Goodbye, ... . I’ll see you next week.
33) Does ... else want to come?

34) Would you make a copy for ... in the office .
35) There’s ... at the door.

<b>C. READING</b>

One of the ____________ of Tet is cleaning and decorating houses. Houses are often cleaned and decorated before New
Year’s Eve. The kitchen needs ____________ before the 23rd<sub> night of the last month. Usually, the head of the household </sub>

cleans the dust and ____________ from the ancestral altars. Some people may repaint their house and decorate with
festive items. ____________ new clothes is often the most exciting part of the Vietnamese New Year among children.
Parents usually purchase new clothes and shoes for their children a month prior to the New Year. ____________, children
cannot wear their new clothes until the first day of the New Year and onward. The best outfit is always worn on the first
day of the year.

Câu 26: A. habits B. customs C. symbols D. odds

Câu 27: A. to clean B. clean C. cleaning D. cleaned

Câu 28: A. ashes B. smoke C. fog D. mist

Câu 29: A. Putting B. Taking C. Wearing D. Washing

Câu 30: A. Moreover B. Although C. As D. However

<b>D. WRITING</b>

<b>Use the prompts below to write about Mother s Day</b>’ <b>.</b>
41) the U.S/ Mother’s Day/ celebrate/ second Sunday/ May.


42) this occasion/ mother/ usually/ receive/ greeting card/ gift/ husband and children.



<i><b>UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP </b></i>
<b>A. PHONETIC</b>

<b>I. 1) C. machine</b> 2) A. guitarist 3) A. other

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

<b>I. 7) C. mutual </b> 8) A. selfish 9) D. hunour 10) A. helpful
11) C. constancy 12) B. sincere 13) D. A & B 14) C. incapable

15) B. stay 16) A. to see 17) D. stay 18) A. laugh

19) A. sign 20) D. to ring 21) B. rather 22) B. us stay

<b>II. 23) C. start</b> 24) A. There is 25) B. of 26) B. based 27) B. to hear

<b>III. 28) to ask</b> 29) to show 30) stay 31) to see

32) say 33) drive 34) to drive 35) come

<b>C. READING</b>

36) C. to explain a problem 37) C. a teenage magazine

38) A. She’s been telling lies. 39) A. She doesn’t want her parents to meet him.
40) B. You must start by being honest with everyone.

<b>D. WRITING</b>

41) We have not any news to tell you.

42) It’s impossible for me to be there before 8.00.

43) I saw a man jump through the window 5 minutes ago.
44) They invited me to stay with them in Florida.

45) My friend has an oval face and black hair (black hair and an oval face).
<b>A. PHONETIC</b>

<b>I. 1) B. bank </b> 2) D. monitor 3) C. stronger
<b>II. 4) C. floppy 5) D. imagine</b> 6) C. extreme


<b>I. 1) C. idol</b> 8) B. clip 9) C. glanced 10) B. sneaky
11) D. wad 12) B. embarrassing 13) D. excited 14) B. experience

15) B. had done/ found 16) D. were wearing/ met

17) B. was cutting/ broke 18) A. broke/ were watching
19) C. got/ had received 20) D. drank/ had finished

21) D. was raining 22) B. arrived/ had left

<b>II. 23) A. was doing</b> 24) B. fuss 25) B. celebrated 26) A. had bought 27) D. had been
<b>III. 28) had forgot(ten) </b> 29) was watching/ was

30) was driving 31) got/ had gone

32) had eaten/ knew 33) was doing/ saw

34) were... doing/ came 35) missed/ had told

<b>C. READING</b>

36) stopped 7) B. waiting 38) A. was living 39) B. memories 40) A. even
<b>D. WRITING</b>

41) He started to play the piano five years ago.

42) Tim was hungry because he had not eaten anything all day.
43) While I was opening the letter, the bell rang.

44) It snows quite much in Britain during the winter.
45) They are the poorest people I had ever seen.

<i><b>UNIT 3: A PARTY</b></i>
<b>A. PHONETIC</b>

<b>I. 1) B. any </b> 2) B. geography 3) A. hour
<b>II. 4) D. anniversary</b> 5) D. celebrate 6) D. future

<b>I. 7) D. anniversary</b> 8) D. buffet 9) B. enthusiastic 10) D. relationship
11) C. caring 12) A. dressed 13) A. to meet 14) C. to be updated
15) B. feeling 16) D. being seen 17) D. decided 18) A. to catch
19) C. to be watered 20) A. to post 21) C. to be delivered 22) C. to be told
<b>II. 23) C. to hand</b> 24) C. to be asked 25) C. to attend 26) D. to study 27) B. being talked
<b>III. 28) being told</b> 29) to be consulted 30) applauding 31) throwing

32) being surprised 33) to be invited34) traveling 35) to watch
<b>C. READING</b>

36) C. to get people to know more about their host and hostess.
37) A. husbands and wives. 38) B. a supper

39) D. because the guests may be hungry while having to wait
40) B. Sit down with the guests and have a good time.
<b>D. WRITING</b>

41) I am having a birthday party at my house at 8 p.m on November 19.
42) Most of my relatives and friends are invited to the party.

43) There will be lots of drinks and special foods I am going to cook (am cooking).
44) Of course there will be some games with prizes for the winners.

45) Please phone me to tell if you can come.

<i><b>UNIT 4: VOLUNTEER WORK</b></i>
<b>A. PHONETIC</b>

<b>I. 1) A. who </b> 2) B. educate 3) A. handicapped
<b>II. 4) A. volunteer</b> 5) A. orphanage 6) D. believe

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>
<b>I. 7) C. voluntary</b> 8) C. participate 9) D. handicapped 10) A. mission

11) C. donation 12) A. look after 13) B. take part in 14) C. unable
15) D. Having read 16) A. Knowing 17) D. Having seen 18) D. seeing/ cry

19) C. coming20) C. driving 21) D. having spent 22) B. setting/ having been

<b>II. 23) B. speaking</b> 24) C. voluntarily 25) C. seeing 26) B. to buy 27) D. rising
<b>III. 28) to see</b> 29) to explain/ to refuse 30) to sit

31) getting/ climbing 32) writing 33) to come/ standing

34) jumping/ falling 35) to wake/ beating
<b>C. READING</b>

36) A. doing 37) C. or 8) A. consist 39) D. Whatever 40) A. challenging
<b>D. WRITING</b>

41) I have no objection to hearing your story again.
42) She spends her entire fife caring for other people.
43) He finds talking about his problems very difficult.
44) What kind of volunteer work are you participating in?

45) I would like to express our special thanks to the donation we receive.
<i><b>UNIT 5: ILLITERACY</b></i>
<b>A. PHONETIC</b>

<b>I. 1) A. pretty 2) C. textbooks 3) D. city</b>

<b>II. 4) A. illiteracy</b> 5) D. ethnic 6) D. effective

<b>I. 7) D. universalization 8) D. promotion 9) D. A & B</b> 10) B. ethnic minority
11) D. A & B 12) C. activity 13) B. spending 14) B. illiteracy
15) C. not to 16) B. I reminded David to ring me 17) C. to stop smoking

18) D. to come 19) A. you to call them 20) A. Remind

21) C. them not to smoke 22) D. the previous day

<b>II. 23) B. to tell 24) B. to climb 25) B. teaching</b> 26) B. not to remove 27) C. quiet
<b>III. 28) He urged me to go the doctor.</b> 29) He begged me to lend him some money.

30) The teacher told us to give him our homework. 31) He asked us not to smoke in his car.
32) My Dad promised to buy me an ice-cream. 33) He invited me to have a drink with him.
34) The doctor advised me to give up smoking. 35) The General ordered us not to shoot.
<b>C. READING</b>

36) D. a bright future for their children.

37) C. their children will have more opportunities for good education.
38) B. of the sacrifices 39) D. profession 40) A. dear
<b>D. WRITING</b>

41) John asked Jerry to lend him that pen two days before.
42) John promised to return it to her the next day.

43) I invited Pam to go to the cinema on Saturday.
44) Diana reminded Sue to post the letter for her.

45) Not everyone follow a formal education after they leave school.
<i><b>UNIT 6: COMPETITIONS</b></i>
<b>A. PHONETIC</b>

<b>I. 1) D. clearing</b> 2) C. many 3) A. given
<b>II. 4) A. competition</b> 5) B. celebration 6) B. difficulty

<b>I. 7) B. competition </b> 8) B. judge 9) C. to stimulate 10) C. sponsor
11) D. representative 12) D. award 13) B. tournament 14) B. competition
15) C. stealing 16) C. for 17) D. expect 18) A. dream

19) D. against 20) D. ordered 21) B. from 22) A. for leaving

<b>II. 23) D. his help</b> 24) B. having 25) C. on 26) C. breaking
27) D. the following day/ the day after.

<b>III. 28) Mary thanked me for helping her. 29) John insisted on driving her to the airport.</b>
30) Jim congratulated me on passing the final exams.

31) Miss White thanked Peter for inviting her to the dinner.
32) I warned Jack against playing with matches.

33) Margaret apologized for not phoning me earlier.
34) Paul has always dreamed of being a pilot.

35) The mother accused her son of not doing what she had said.
<b>C. READING</b>

36) A. appeared 37) C. would 38) A. presenter 39) A. value 40) B. took
<b>D. WRITING</b>

41) Thank you for your letter and welcome to the (our) General Knowledge Quiz.
43) The Quiz will be held at 89 Le Loi Street, HCM City on November 30, 2007.
44) The starting time will be at 8:00 p.m, but you must be present an hour earlier.
45)Please contact me by phone at 067.892899 or through e-mail:

<i><b>UNIT 7: WORLD POPULATION</b></i>
<b>A. PHONETIC</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

<b>I. 7) D. limited</b> 8) C. funds 9) C. population 10) D. A & B

11) A. isolated 12) B. economic 13) D. A & C 14) B. population
15) C. had crossed 16) C. would start 17) A. hadn’t 18) D. knew

19) B. had known 20) B. is 21) B. were 22) D. campaigns

<b>II. 23) B. had been</b> 24) D. were 25) A. make 26) A. could have 27) B. had
<b>III. 28) walked 29) will understand</b> 30) wouldn’t have been 31) will complain

32) would understand 33) had said 34) would see 35) asked
<b>C. READING</b>

36) D. The current American family.

37) A. there has always been a wide variety of family arrangements in the U.S
38) B. A single woman in her late sixties

39) A. 7 percent of households
40) A. present

<b>D. WRITING</b>

41) I will call her if you give me her phone number.

42) If I had had the money, I would have bought a new suit.
43) The population of the world had increased in modern times.
44) There are also limits of the amounts of natural recourse.

45) Safe birth-control methods for family planning are available to them.
<i><b>UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS</b></i>
<b>A. PHONETIC</b>

<b>I. 1) D. tablet</b> 2) B. event 3) A. listened

<b>II. 4) B. pagoda </b> 5) B. traditional 6) A. between

<b>I. 7) B. event</b> 8) C. exchange 9) D. all are correct 10) C. positive

11) D. celebration 12) D. France’s Independence Day 13) B. from 14) A. pray
15) A. someone 16) A. ones 17) C. someone 18) A. one

19) C. one 20) B. everyone/ no one 21) D. everyone 22) A. someone
<b>II. 23) A. is</b> 24) D. his/ her 25) A. someone 26) A. No one 27) A. There is

<b>III. 28) everyone</b> 29) someone 30) one 31) anyone

32) everyone 33) anyone 34) everyone/ ones 35) someone
<b>C. READING</b>

36) B. next 37) A. delightful 38) B. guests 39) B. their 40) D. invited
<b>D. WRITING</b>

41) In the U.S Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May.

42)On this occasion mothers usually receive greeting cards and gifts from her husband and children.
43) The best gift of all for an American Mom is a day of leisure.

44) The working mother enjoys the food cooked by the (her) family.

45) The family group gets together for dinner in a restaurant or in one of the (their) homes.

<b> </b>



acquaintance (n) người quen admire (v) ngưỡng mộ
aim (n) mục đích

appearance (n) vẻ bề ngồi attraction (n) sự thu hút be based on (exp) dựa vào

benefit (n) lợi ích calm (a) điềm tĩnh caring (a) chu đáo

change (n,v) (sự) thay đổi changeable (a) có thể thay đổi chilli (n) ớt

close (a) gần gũi, thân thiết concerned (with) (a) quan tâm condition (n) điều kiện

constancy (n) sự kiên định constant (a) kiên định crooked (a) cong

customs officer (n) nhân viên hải quan

delighted (a) vui mừng enthusiasm (n) lịng nhiệt tình

exist (v) tồn tại feature (n) đặc điểm forehead (n) trán

generous (a) rộng rãi, rộng lượng get out of (v) ra khỏi (xe) give-and-take (n) sự nhường nhịn

good-looking (a) dễ nhìn good-natured (a) tốt bụng gossip (v) ngồi lê đơi mách

height (n) chiều cao helpful (a) giúp đỡ, giúp ích honest (a) trung thực

hospitable (a) hiếu khách humorous (a) hài hước in common (exp) chung

incapable (of) (a) không thể influence (v) ảnh hưởng
insist on (v) khăng khăng

jam (n) mứt joke (n,v) (lời) nói đùa journalist (n) phóng viên

joy (n) niềm vui jump (v) nhảy last (v) kéo dài

lasting (a) bền vững lifelong (a) suốt đời like (n) sở thích

loyal (a) trung thành loyalty (n) lòng trung thành medium (a) trung bình

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

mutual (a) lẫn nhau oval (a) có hình trái xoan patient (a) kiên nhẫn

personality (n) tích cách, phẩm chất pleasant (a) vui vẻ pleasure (n) niềm vui thích

principle (n) nguyên tắc pursuit (n) mưu cầu quality (n) phẩm chất

quick-witted (a) nhanh trí relationship (n) mối quan hệ remain (v) vẫn (còn)

Residential Area (n) khu dân cư rumour (n) lời đồn secret (n) bí mật

selfish (a) ích kỷ sense of humour (n) óc hài hước share (v) chia sẻ

sincere (a) thành thật sorrow (n) nỗi buồn studious (a) chăm chỉ

suspicion (n) sự nghi ngờ suspicious (a) nghi ngờ sympathy (n) sự thông cảm

take up (v) đề cập đến trust (n,v) sự tin tưởng uncertain (a) khơng chắc chắn

understanding (a) thấu hiểu unselfishness (n) tính khơng ích kỷ


affect (v) ảnh hưởng appreciate (v) trân trọng attitude (n) thái độ

bake (v) nướng break out (v) xảy ra bất thình lình carry (v) mang

complain (v) phàn nàn complaint (n) lời phàn nàn contain (v) chứa, đựng

cottage (n) nhà tranh destroy (v) phá hủy, tiêu hủy dollar note (n) tiền giấy đôla

embarrassing (a) ngượng ngùng, lúng túng embrace (v) ôm

escape (v) thoát khỏi

experience (n) trải nghiệm fail (v) rớt, hỏng floppy (a) mềm

glance at (v) liếc nhìn grow up (v) lớn lean idol (n) thần tượng

imitate (v) bắt chước make a fuss (v) làm ầm ĩ marriage (n) hôn nhân

memorable (a) đáng nhớ novel (n) tiểu thuyết own (v) sở hữu

package (n) bưu kiện protect (v) bảo vệ purse (n) cái ví

realise (v) nhận ra replace (v) thay thế rescue (v) cứu nguy, cứu hộ

scream (v) la hét set off (v) lên đường shine (v) chiếu sáng

shy (a) mắc cỡ, bẽn lẽn sneaky (a) lén lút terrified (a) kinh hãi

thief (n) tên trộm turn away (v) quay đi, bỏ đi turtle (n) con rùa

unforgetable (a) không thể quean wad (n) nắm tiền wave (v) vẩy tay
<b>UNIT 3: A PARTY</b>


accidentally (adv) tình cờ blow out (v) thổi tắt budget (n) ngân sách

candle (n) đèn cầy, nến celebrate (v) tổ chức, làm lễ kỷ niệm clap (v) vỗ tay

count on (v) trông chờ vào decorate (v) trang trí decoration (n) sự/đồ trang trí

diamond anniversary (n) (= diamond wedding= diamond jubilee) lễ kỷniệm đám cưới kim cương (60 năm) financial (a)

(thuộc) tài chính flight (n) chuyến bay forgive (v) tha thứ

get into trouble (exp) golden anniversary (n) (= golden wedding= golden jubilee) lễ kỷ niệm

đám cưới vàng (50 năm) guest (n) khách helicopter (n) trực thăng

hold (v) tổ chức icing (n) lớp kem phủ trên mặt bánh

jelly (n) thạch (thực phẩm có hương vị trái cây được đong lại)

judge (n) thẩm phán lemonade (n) nước chanh mention (v) đề cập

mess (n) sự bừa bộn milestone (n)sự kiện quan trọng organise (v) tổ chức

refreshments (n) món ăn nhẹ serve (v) phục vụ upset (v) làm bối rối, lo lắng

silver anniversary (n) (= silver wedding= silver jubilee) lễ kỷ niệm đám cưới bạc (25 năm)

slice (n) miếng slip out (v) lỡ miệng tidy up (v) dọn dẹp


(the) aged (n) người già assistance (n) sự giúp đỡ be fired (v) bị phạt

behave (v) cư xử bend (v) uốn cong, cúi xuống care (n) sự chăm sóc

charity (n) tổ chức từ thiện comfort (n) sự an ủi co-operate (v) hợp tác

co-ordinate (v) phối hợp cross (v) băng qua deny (v) từ chối

desert (v) bỏ đi diary (n) nhật ký direct (v) điều khiển

disadvantaged (a) bất hạnh donate (v) tặng donation (n) khoản tặng/đóng góp

donor (n) người cho/tặng fire extinguisher (n) bình chữa cháy fund-raising (a) gây quỹ

gratitude (n) lòng biết ơn handicapped (a) tật nguyền instruction (n) chỉ dẫn, hướng dẫn

intersections (n) giao lộ lawn (n) bãi cỏ martyr (n) liệt sỹ

mountain (n) núi mow (v) cắt natural disaster (n) thiên tai

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

overcome (v) vượt qua park (v) đậu xe participate in (v) tham gia

raise money (v) quyên góp tiền receipt (n) người nhận remote (a) xa xôi, hẻo lánh

retire (v) về hưu rope (n) dây thong snatch up (v) nắm lấy

suffer (v) chị đựng, đau khổ support (v) ủng hộ, hỗ trợ take part in (v) tham gia
tie … to …(v) buộc, cột … vào … toe (n) ngón chân touch (v) chạm

voluntarily (adv) 1 cách tình nguyện voluntary (a) tình nguyện volunteer (n) tình nguyện viên

volunteer (v) tình nguyện, xung phong war invalid (n) thương binh


academic (a) có tính học thuật campaign (n) chiến dịch cheat (v) gian lận

consult (v) hỏi ý kiến decline (v) suy giảm decrease (v) giảm

effective (a) hiệu quả encourage (v) khuyến khích enforce (v) bắt tuân theo

eradicate (v) xóa bỏ ethnic minority (n) dân tộc thiểu số fight (against) (n) cuộc chiến

goal (n) mục highlands (n) cao nguyên honorable (a) vinh dự

illiteracy (n) mù chữ lifeguard (n) người cứu name literate (a) biết đọc, viết

low-income (a) thu nhập thấp maturity (n) sự trưởng thành motivate (v) thúc đẩy
performance (n) sự thể hiện, thành tích promotion (n) khuyến khích rate (n) tỉ lệ

realistic (a) thực tế reduce (v) làm giảm regulation (n) qui định

rise (n) sự gia tăng self-respect (n) lòng tự trọng shore (n) bờ

shortage (n) sự thiếu hụt society (n) hội strategy (n) chiến lược

strength (n) điểm mạnh strict (a) nghiêm khắc survey (n) cuộc khảo sát

tutoring (a) phụ đạo universalisation (n) phổ cập weakness (n) điểm yếu


accuse … (of) (v) buộc tội admit (v) thừa nhận, thú nhận announce (v) công bố

annual (a) hàng name apologise (for) (v) xin lỗi athletic (a) (thuộc) điền kinh

champion (n) nhà vô địch clock (v) đạt, ghi được (thời gian) compete (v) thi đấu
competition (n) cuộc thi đấu congratulate … (on)(v) chúc mừngcongratulations! xin chúc mừng

contest (n) cuộc thi đấu creative (a) sáng tạo detective (n) thám tử

entry procedure (n) thủ tục đăng ký feel like (v) muốn find out (v) tìm ra

general knowledge quiz (n) cuộc thi kiến thức phổ thơng insist (on) (v) khăng khăng địi

judge (n) giám khảo native speaker (n) người bản xứ observe (v) quan sát

participant (n) người tham gia patter (v) rơi lộp độp pay (v) trả tiền
poem (n) bài thơ poetry (n) thơ ca prevent … (from) (v) ngăn ngừa, cản

race (n) cuộc đua recite (v) ngâm, đọc (thơ) representative (n) đại diện

score (v) tính điểm smoothly (adv) sng sẻ spirit (n) tinh thần, khí thế

sponsor (v) tài trơ stimulate (v) khuyến khích thank … (for) (v) cảm ơn

twinkle (n) cái nháy mắt warn … (against) (v) cảnh báo windowpane (n) ơ cửa kính


A.D. (Anno Domini)(n) sau công nguyên awareness (n) ý thức

B.C. (Before Christ)(n) trước công nguyên billionaire (n) nhà tỉ phú

birth-control method (n) phương pháp hạn chế sinh đẻ carry out (v) tiến hành

claim (n,v) (sự) đòi hỏi cranky (a) hay gắt gỏng, quạu creature (n) sinh vật

death rate (n) tỉ lệ tử vong developing country (n) nước đang phát triển exercise (v) sử dụng
expert (n) chuyên gia explosion (n) sự bùng nổ family planning (n) kế hoạch hóa gia đình

fresh water (n) nước ngọt generation (n) thế hệ glean (v) mót, nhặt (lúa)

government (n) chính phủ growth (n) tăng trưởng implement (v) thực hiện

improvement (n) sự cải thiện injury (n) chấn thong insurance (n) sự bảo hiểm

iron (n) sắt journalism (n) báo chí lack (n) sự thiếu hụt

limit (n) giới hạn limit (v) hạn chế limited (a) có giới hạn

living condition (n)điều kện sống living standard (n) mức sống metal (n) kim loại

organisation (n) tổ chức overpopulated (a) quá đông dân petroleum (n) dầu mỏ, dầu hỏa

policy (n) chính sách population (n) dân số punishment (n) phạt

quarrel (n,v) (sự) cãi nhau raise (v) nuôi rank (v) xếp hạng

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

salt water (n) nước mặn silver (n) bạc solution (n) giải pháp

step (v) bước, giậm lean the Third World (n) thế giới thứ ba (những nước nghèo hoặc đang phát

triển ở châu Phi, châu Á, châu Mỹ la tinh) United Nations (n) Liên hiệp quốc


agrarian (a) (thuộc) nghề nông apricot blossom (n) hoa mai cauliflower (n) súp lơ, bông cải

comment (n) lời nhận xét crop (n) mùa vụ depend (on) (v) tùy vào

do a clean up (exp) dọn dẹp sạch sẽ evil spirit (n) quỷ ma fatty pork (n) mỡ (heo)
French fries (n) khoai tây chiên good spirit (n) thần thán kimono (n) áo kimônô (Nhật)
kumquat tree (n) cây quất vàng longevity (n) trường thọ lucky money (n) tiền lì xì
lunar calendar (n) âm lịch mask (n) mặt nạ Mid-Autumn Festival (n) tết trung thu

National Independence Day (n) ngày Quốc khánh overthrow (v) lật đổ

pagoda (n) ngôi chùa parade (v) diễu hành peach blossom (n) hoa đào

pine tree (n) cây thơng positive (a) tích cực pray (for) (v) cầu nguyện

preparation (n) sự chuẩn bị roast turkey (n) gà lôi quay shrine (n) đền thờ
similarity (n) nét tương đồng solar calendar (n) dương lịch

spread (v) kéo dài sticky rice (n) neap Thanksgiving (n) lễ tạ ơn

Valentine’s Day (n) lễ tình nhân ward off (v) né tránh wish (n) lời chúc


<i><b>No</b></i> <i><b>Infinitive</b></i> <i><b>Past Simple</b></i> <i><b>Past Participle</b></i> <i><b>Meaning</b></i>

<b>1</b> <b>be(am/is/are)</b> <b>was/ were</b> <b>been</b> <b>thì, là, ở</b>

<b>2</b> <b>arise</b> <b>arose</b> <b>arisen</b> <b>xuất hiện</b>

<b>3</b> <b>bear</b> <b>bore</b> <b>born</b> <b>sinh ra</b>

<b>4</b> <b>beat</b> <b>beat</b> <b>beaten</b> <b>đánh, đập</b>

<b>5</b> <b>become</b> <b>became</b> <b>become</b> <b>trở nên</b>

<b>6</b> <b>begin</b> <b>began</b> <b>begun</b> <b>bắt đầu</b>

<b>7</b> <b>bend </b> <b>bent</b> <b>bent</b> <b>cúi, gập</b>

<b>8</b> <b>bet</b> <b>bet</b> <b>bet</b> <b>đánh cuộc</b>

<b>9</b> <b>bite</b> <b>bit</b> <b>bitten</b> <b>cắn</b>

<b>10</b> <b>bleed</b> <b>bled</b> <b>bled</b> <b>chảy máu</b>

<b>11</b> <b>blow</b> <b>blew</b> <b>blown</b> <b>thổi</b>

<b>12</b> <b>break</b> <b>broke</b> <b>broken</b> <b>làm vỡ</b>

<b>13</b> <b>breed</b> <b>bred</b> <b>bred</b> <b>nuoâi</b>

<b>14</b> <b>bring</b> <b>brought</b> <b>brought</b> <b>mang</b>

<b>15</b> <b>build</b> <b>built</b> <b>built</b> <b>xây dựng</b>

<b>16</b> <b>burn*</b> <b>burnt</b> <b>burnt</b> <b>đốt cháy</b>

<b>17</b> <b>burst</b> <b>burst</b> <b>burst</b> <b>bừng cháy</b>

<b>18</b> <b>buy</b> <b>bought </b> <b>bought </b> <b>mua</b>

<b>19</b> <b>catch</b> <b>caught</b> <b>caught</b> <b>bắt được</b>

<b>20</b> <b>choose</b> <b>chose</b> <b>chosen</b> <b>chọn lựa</b>

<b>21</b> <b>come</b> <b>came</b> <b>come</b> <b>đến</b>

<b>22</b> <b>cost</b> <b>cost</b> <b>cost</b> <b>trị giá</b>

<b>23</b> <b>creep</b> <b>crept</b> <b>crept</b> <b>bò </b>

<b>24</b> <b>cut</b> <b>cut</b> <b>cut</b> <b>cắt</b>

<b>25</b> <b>dig</b> <b>dug</b> <b>dug</b> <b>đào</b>

<b>26</b> <b>do</b> <b>did</b> <b>done</b> <b>làm</b>

<b>27</b> <b>draw</b> <b>drew</b> <b>drawn</b> <b>vẽ</b>

<b>28</b> <b>dream*</b> <b>dreamt</b> <b>dreamt</b> <b>mơ</b>

<b>29</b> <b>drink</b> <b>drank</b> <b>drunk</b> <b>uống</b>

<b>30</b> <b>drive</b> <b>drove</b> <b>driven</b> <b>lái xe</b>

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

<b>32</b> <b>fall</b> <b>fell</b> <b>fallen</b> <b>té xuống</b>

<b>33</b> <b>feed</b> <b>fed</b> <b>fed</b> <b>cho ăn</b>

<b>34</b> <b>feel</b> <b>felt</b> <b>felt</b> <b>cảm thấy</b>

<b>35</b> <b>fight</b> <b>fought </b> <b>fought </b> <b>đánh nhau</b>

<b>36</b> <b>find</b> <b>found</b> <b>found</b> <b>tìm thaáy</b>

<b>37</b> <b>fit</b> <b>fit</b> <b>fit</b> <b>vừa vặn</b>

<b>38</b> <b>fly</b> <b>flew</b> <b>flown</b> <b>bay</b>

<b>39</b> <b>forecast</b> <b>forecast</b> <b>forecast</b> <b>dự báo</b>

<b>40</b> <b>forget</b> <b>forgot</b> <b>forgot(ten)</b> <b>queân</b>

<b>41</b> <b>forgive</b> <b>forgave</b> <b>forgiven</b> <b>tha thứ</b>

<b>42</b> <b>freeze</b> <b>froze</b> <b>frozen</b> <b>đông lạnh</b>

<b>43</b> <b>get</b> <b>got</b> <b>got(ten)</b> <b>đạt được</b>

<b>44</b> <b>give</b> <b>gave</b> <b>given</b> <b>cho</b>

<b>45</b> <b>go</b> <b>went</b> <b>gone</b> <b>đi</b>

<b>46</b> <b>grind </b> <b>ground</b> <b>ground</b> <b>nghiền</b>

<b>47</b> <b>grow</b> <b>grew</b> <b>grown</b> <b>mọc</b>

<b>48</b> <b>hang</b> <b>hung</b> <b>hung</b> <b>treo</b>

<b>49</b> <b>have</b> <b>had</b> <b>had</b> <b>có, dùng</b>

<b>50</b> <b>hear</b> <b>heard</b> <b>heard</b> <b>nghe</b>

<b>51</b> <b>hide </b> <b>hid</b> <b>hidden </b> <b>che giaáu</b>

<b>52</b> <b>hit</b> <b>hit</b> <b>hit</b> <b>đụng</b>

<b>53</b> <b>hold</b> <b>held</b> <b>held</b> <b>cầm, nắm, tổ chức</b>

<b>54</b> <b>hurt </b> <b>hurt </b> <b>hurt </b> <b>làm đau</b>

<b>55</b> <b>keep</b> <b>kept</b> <b>kept</b> <b>giữ</b>

<b>56</b> <b>know</b> <b>knew</b> <b>known</b> <b>bieát</b>

<b>57</b> <b>lay</b> <b>laid</b> <b>laid</b> <b>đặt, để</b>

<b>58</b> <b>lead</b> <b>led</b> <b>led</b> <b>dẫn dắt</b>

<b>59</b> <b>learn*</b> <b>learnt</b> <b>learnt</b> <b>hoïc</b>

<b>60</b> <b>leave </b> <b>left </b> <b>left </b> <b>rời khỏi</b>

<b>61</b> <b>lend</b> <b>lent</b> <b>lent</b> <b>cho mượn</b>

<b>62</b> <b>let</b> <b>let</b> <b>let</b> <b>để cho</b>

<b>63</b> <b>lose</b> <b>lost</b> <b>lost</b> <b>đánh mất </b>

<b>64</b> <b>make</b> <b>made</b> <b>made</b> <b>làm</b>

<b>65</b> <b>mean</b> <b>meant</b> <b>meant</b> <b>nghóa là</b>

<b>66</b> <b>meet</b> <b>met</b> <b>met</b> <b>gaëp</b>

<b>67</b> <b>overcome</b> <b>overcame</b> <b>overcome</b> <b>vượt qua</b>

<b>68</b> <b>pay</b> <b>paid</b> <b>paid</b> <b>trả tiền</b>

<b>69</b> <b>put</b> <b>put</b> <b>put</b> <b>đặt, để</b>

<b>70</b> <b>quit</b> <b>quit</b> <b>quit</b> <b>thoát ra</b>

<b>71</b> <b>read</b> <b>read</b> <b>read</b> <b>đọc</b>

<b>72</b> <b>ride</b> <b>rode</b> <b>ridden</b> <b>cưỡi, đạp xe</b>

<b>73</b> <b>ring</b> <b>rang</b> <b>rung</b> <b>reo, rung</b>

<b>74</b> <b>rise</b> <b>rose</b> <b>risen</b> <b>nhô,mộc lên</b>

<b>75</b> <b>run</b> <b>ran</b> <b>run</b> <b>chạy</b>

<b>76</b> <b>say</b> <b>said</b> <b>said</b> <b>nói</b>

<b>77</b> <b>see</b> <b>saw</b> <b>seen</b> <b>trông thấy</b>

<b>78</b> <b>seek</b> <b>sought</b> <b>sought</b> <b>tìm kiếm</b>

<b>79</b> <b>sell</b> <b>sold</b> <b>sold</b> <b>bán</b>

<b>90</b> <b>send</b> <b>sent</b> <b>sent</b> <b>gửi đi</b>

<b>81</b> <b>set</b> <b>set</b> <b>set</b> <b>xếp đặt</b>

<b>82</b> <b>shake </b> <b>shook</b> <b>shaken </b> <b>laéc</b>

<b>83</b> <b>shoot</b> <b>shot</b> <b>shot</b> <b>baén</b>

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

<b>85</b> <b>sing</b> <b>sang</b> <b>sung</b> <b>haùt</b>

<b>86</b> <b>sink</b> <b>sank</b> <b>sunk</b> <b>chìm, đắm</b>

<b>87</b> <b>sit</b> <b>sat</b> <b>sat </b> <b>ngồi</b>

<b>88</b> <b>sleep</b> <b>slept</b> <b>slept</b> <b>nguû</b>

<b>89</b> <b>slide</b> <b>slid</b> <b>slid</b> <b>trượt đi</b>

<b>90</b> <b>smell*</b> <b>smelt</b> <b>smelt</b> <b>ngửi</b>

<b>91</b> <b>speak</b> <b>spoke</b> <b>spoken</b> <b>nói</b>

<b>92</b> <b>speed</b> <b>sped</b> <b>sped</b> <b>tăng tốc</b>

<b>93</b> <b>spell</b> <b>spelt</b> <b>spelt</b> <b>đánh vần</b>

<b>94</b> <b>spend</b> <b>spent</b> <b>spent</b> <b>tiêu xài</b>

<b>95</b> <b>spill</b> <b>spilt</b> <b>spilt</b> <b>tràn ra</b>

<b>96</b> <b>spread</b> <b>spread</b> <b>spread</b> <b>lan truyền</b>

<b>97</b> <b>steal</b> <b>stole</b> <b>stolen</b> <b>đánh cắp</b>

<b>98</b> <b>stand</b> <b>stood</b> <b>stood</b> <b>đứng</b>

<b>99</b> <b>sting</b> <b>stung</b> <b>stung</b> <b>chích, đốt</b>

<b>100</b> <b>strike</b> <b>struck</b> <b>struck</b> <b>đánh</b>

<b>101</b> <b>swear</b> <b>swore</b> <b>sworn</b> <b>thề</b>

<b>102</b> <b>sweep</b> <b>swept</b> <b>swept</b> <b>quét</b>

<b>103</b> <b>swim</b> <b>swam</b> <b>swum</b> <b>bơi, lội</b>

<b>104</b> <b>swing</b> <b>swung</b> <b>swung</b> <b>đánh đu</b>

<b>105</b> <b>take</b> <b>took</b> <b>taken</b> <b>cầm, nắm</b>

<b>106</b> <b>teach</b> <b>taught</b> <b>taught</b> <b>dạy</b>

<b>107</b> <b>tear</b> <b>tore</b> <b>torn</b> <b>xé rách</b>

<b>108</b> <b>tell</b> <b>told </b> <b>told </b> <b>bảo, kể</b>

<b>109</b> <b>think</b> <b>thought</b> <b>thought</b> <b>suy nghó</b>

<b>110</b> <b>throw</b> <b>threw</b> <b>thrown</b> <b>ném</b>

<b>111</b> <b>thrust</b> <b>thrust</b> <b>thrust</b> <b>ấn mạnh</b>

<b>112</b> <b>understand</b> <b>understood</b> <b>understood</b> <b>hiểu</b>

<b>113</b> <b>wake</b> <b>woke</b> <b>woken</b> <b>đánh thức</b>

<b>114</b> <b>wear</b> <b>wore</b> <b>worn</b> <b>mặc, đội</b>

<b>115</b> <b>weave</b> <b>wove</b> <b>woven</b> <b>deät</b>

<b>116</b> <b>weep</b> <b>wept</b> <b>wept</b> <b>khoùc</b>

<b>117</b> <b>wet</b> <b>wet</b> <b>wet</b> <b>làm ướt</b>

<b>118</b> <b>win</b> <b>won</b> <b>won</b> <b>thắng</b>

<b>119</b> <b>write</b> <b>wrote</b> <b>written</b> <b>viết</b>

<b>* Có thể thêm “ed” để thành lập V2 hoặc V3.</b>

<b> </b>

<b> </b>

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<i>Revision for the Grade 11of Le Viet Tao High school by Le Dinh Xo</i>

Sở giáo dục và o to thanh hoỏ

<b>trờng thpt lê viết tạo</b>

<b>--- </b>


<b> </b>

<b> </b>

<b> </b>

<b> </b>

<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> Năm học 2010 - 2011</b></i>

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