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<b>Class: 9A</b>

<b>Đề kiểm tra 15 phút</b>

<b>Môn: Tiếng Anh 9</b>


<b>1 Cirle the best answer A,B,C or D (7 points)</b>
1. The weather ……….nice yesterday.

A. is B. was C. will be D. has been
2. Can you tell me what happened………. the end of the film?

A. in B. on C.at D. from
3. Ba has to walk to school, so he wishes he ……a bicycle.

A. has B. will have C. shall have D. had
4.She was………..tired that she couldn't do anything at all.

A. such B. so C. very D. too
5. The children felt tired………they satdown and rested for lunch

A. so B.so that C. because D. because of
6. She doesn't like English …….She has to study the language

A. so B. though C. but D. when
7. My friend said that she ……..learning English with her teacher

A. like B. has liked C. liked D. will like
<b>2. Find the mistake and circle A, B, or C: ( 3 points) </b>

1- If you want to go out, you did this exercise .

2- If she wanted to lose weight, she should eat less.

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<b>Đáp án và biểu điểm</b>

<b>Bài kiểm tra 15 phút</b>

<b>Mã đề:913B</b>
<b>1) Tổng số điểm 7. Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm:</b>

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <b>4</b> <b>5</b> <b>6</b> <b>7</b>


<b>2) Tổng số điểm 3. Mỗi câu đúng 3 điểm:</b>
<b>1- C </b>



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