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<b>I. Aims : Ss will be able To get information about weather from the weather </b>

<b>II. Language contents :</b>

<i><b>1. Vocabulary</b></i> : turn up(v)-expect (v)-thunderstorm (n)-delta
(n) ,just in case (n)trust (v)

<i><b>2. Structure</b></i> :

<i><b>3. Skills</b></i> : - Listening, speaking and reading
<b>III. Teaching aids : - Pictures in the textbook</b>

- Cassette
-sub board
<b>IV. Procedure :</b>


 Matching and chatting

-Show four pictures on page 74 and ask SS to
match them with four words: snowstorm,
earthquake, volcano, typhoon.

-Give SS some questions about the four natural


+ How do you know it is a snowstorm / an
earthquake / a volcano / a typhoon ?

+ Have you ever experienced any of these
natural disasters ? What happened ? How did you

 <b>Presentation</b>

-Ask SS some questions about weather.
+ what’s the weather like today ?
+Do you like hot / cold weather?



Period 56

getting started & listen

and read

a.snowstorm picture 1

b.earthquake  picture 2

c. volcano  picture 3

d.typhoon  picture 4

<b>New words:</b>
-turn up (v)
-expect (v)
-thunderstorm (n)
-delta (n)

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+Have you ever listened to the weather forecast
on the radio or on TV?

+Do you think weather forecast is useful for us?
How is it useful?

<i><b>+ Teach vocabulary</b></i> :

<i><b>+ Checking vocabulary</b></i> : What and where

-Have SS repeat the words chorally then rub out
word by word but leave the circles. Remember to
let SS repeat before and after rubbing out each

-Go on until SS can remember the words.

-Get SS to write the words again in the correct

- Set the scene: Thuy is talking to her
grandmother while they both are watching TV.
-Ask SS: What are they watching?

-SS guess.
<b> * Practice</b>

-Let Ss listen to the tape and repeat twice.
-Ask them to read the dialogue in pairs.
-Call some pairs to practice

-Have SS read the dialogue silently and d ex b)
on page 75.

-Get them to share their answers with their

-Call some Ss to give the answers
-Correct and give the keys


<b>-Ask SS some questions:</b>

+Why does Thuy’s grandmother ask her to turn
up the volumn?

+Which city is hottest today?
+Where is Thuy going?


1.turn up / weather forecast


3. thunderstorm.
4. have temperrature.

5. weather forecast / watching them

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Period 57 .SPEAK

<b>I. Aims : Ss will be able to talk about what they want to buy and do to prepare </b>
for a typhoon.

<b>II. Language contents :</b>

<i><b>1. Vocabulary</b></i> :bucket, leak, tie, latch , ladder, damage

<i><b>2. Structure</b></i> :

<i><b>3</b>. <b>Skills</b> : Listening, speaking, reeading, writing</i>
<b>III. Teaching aids : Textbook, pictures</b>

<b>IV. Procedure :</b>



<b> </b> <b> Warm – up </b>

-Have SS think about what they do to prepare
for a typhoon.

-Have SS to go to the board and write down
EX: buy food

Buy candles
Check the roof


<i>-Ask SS : What happens if there is a typhoon?</i>
<i>* there may be a power cut.</i>

<i>* there may be heavy rain.</i>
<i>* big trees may fall down.</i>
<i>* the market may be closed</i>

<i>-Note down : May/ Must + bare infinitive</i>
<i>+Teach vocabulary</i>

<i>+ Checking vocabulary: What and where</i>

<i>-write the words on the board, put one word in</i>
<i>each circle.</i>

<i>-Have Ss repeat the words in chorus then rub</i>
<i>out word by word but leave the circle.</i>

<i>-Go on until the circles are empty.</i>

<i>-get SS to rewrite the words in their correct</i>

UNIT 9 :


Period 57 .SPEAK

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<i><b>While –speaking</b></i>

<i>-Have SS do ex a) on page 76. the SS have to</i>
<i>check what preparations they think should be</i>
<i>done for a typhoon.</i>

<i>-Give feedback.</i>

<i>-Then ask them some questions: </i>
<i>+ Why do we need to buy food?</i>
<i>+What food do we need to buy?</i>
<i>+ Why do we need to buy candles</i>

<i>- Ask SS to use the expressions on page 77 when</i>
<i>talking to one another.</i>

<i>-Call on some pairs of students to act out.</i>


-Divide the SS into the group of four.

-Have SS talk about what they think they want
to buy and do to prepare for a typhoon, explain

-Move around and help SS

<i><b>a) Check what preparations you think</b></i>
<i><b>should be made for a typhoon.</b></i>

- buying some canned food.
- Buying candles

- Buying matches

- Filling all buckets with water.
- Buying a ladder.

- Fixing the leak in roof.

- Tying the roof to the ground with pegs
and ropes.

- Checking all the windows and the door

<i><b>a) Now work with apartner.</b></i>

Model dialogue.

-I thing we should buy some canned food
before a typhoon.

-Yes I think so too / I agree with you. The
market will be closed and no food will be

-I think we should buy a ladder.
-What for / why?

- Just in case we need to fix the roof.
Because there must be strong wind blowing.
* Homework :

- Asks students :

- write something about what they have to do to
prepare for a typhoon.

- Learn their lessons.

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Period 58 : LISTEN

<b>I. Aims : Students will listen to get some ideal on how to live with earthquakes </b>

by listening.

<b>II. Language contents :</b>

<i><b>1. Vocabulary</b></i> : block, roller, snout, strike, hurricane, cyclone, eruption.

<i><b>2. Structure</b></i> :

<i><b>3</b>. <b>Skills</b> : Listening, speaking, reading, writing</i>
<b>III. Teaching aids : Textbook, pictures and cassette player</b>
<b>IV. Procedure :</b>



* Warm – up

<b>-Ask SS some questions about earthquakes.</b>
+ Have you ever heard of an earthquake?
+ What happens if there is an earthquake?
+In what country do earthquake occur

* Pre – listening :

-Set the scene: An expert is giving a talk on
how to live with earthquakes.

-Have SS look at the box on page 77 and guess

the words in the blanks rom 1 to 9

-Give feedback.

-Teach SS some new words

-Guide the SS to say the new words
* While listening :

-Have SS listen to the tape twice and check
their prediction

-Give feedback.

-Let them listen again and write down the

-Call some SS to write on the board.



Period 58 : LISTEN

<i><b>New words</b></i>:

Block (v) make movement difficult or

- roller (n)

-snout (n)
-strike (v)

- hurricane (n).typhoon in North and South

- cyclone (n) typhoon in australia
- eruption (n)

Answer keys:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

-Correct and give SS the keys.
* Post listening :

-Ask SS listen more times and answer these

+What shoul you do if you live in an

+What is the first thing you should remember?

3.washing machine.

5. a window.
6. inside.

7. under a strong table.
8. doorway.

9. corner of a room.

<i><b>Tape transcript</b></i>.

<i><b>If you live in an earthquake zone, you should</b></i>
<i><b>take some time to look around your house.</b></i>
<i><b>Place heavy books on the bottom shelf of</b></i>
<i><b>your bookshelves. Block the rollers on your</b></i>
<i><b>fridhe and washing machine to prevent</b></i>
<i><b>them from moving. Put hanging potted</b></i>
<i><b>plants in plastic containers. Check the</b></i>
<i><b>mirros in your bathroom and bedroom.</b></i>
<i><b>Make sure they can’t move . Don’t put your</b></i>
<i><b>bed next to window.</b></i>

<i><b>Planning where you are going to be during</b></i>
<i><b>an earthquake is very important. The first</b></i>
<i><b>thing to remember is to stay inside. Then you</b></i>
<i><b>should sit under a strong table</b></i> <i><b>or doorway,</b></i>
<i><b>or stand in the corner of a room.</b></i>

* Homework :
- Asks students :

- Learn their lessons.



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