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ĐỀ THI THỬ Môn thi: Tiếng Anh

Mã đề: 278 Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

<i><b>I. Chọn phương án (A, B, C, hoặc D) ứng với từ/ cụm từ có gạch dưới cần phải sửa để mỗi </b></i>
<i><b>câu sau trở thành chính xác.</b></i>

Câu 1: Mr Brown, that we studied English with, is a very nice teacher.
<b> A</b> B C D

Câu 2: I didn’t feel like to work so I suggested spending the day in the garden.
A <b>B</b> C D

Câu 3: People respected him because he was a honest man.
A B <b>C</b> D

Câu 4: I felt very tiring when I arrived home, so I went to bed at once.

<b>A</b> B C D

Câu 5: The water was not enough warm for children to swim in.
A <b>B</b> C D

<i><b>II. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (ứng với A, B, C, hoặc D) cho mỗi câu từ </b></i>
<i><b>6 đến 10.</b></i>

All of us have to work to earn a living ourselves and to help our family. However, we
work not only for material life but also for many other things. We are working to prove our
ability. We feel self-confident and proud because we are independent. Anyone who works is

regarded as a useful member of society. We’re working, that means we’re contributing to our
country. Working helps us train our minds because we always try our best to do the job. The
better we work, the more money we earn and that encourages us to work harder. Without
working, a man’s life will be empty, purposeless and meaningless and it’s easy for a jobless
person to do wrongs.

Câu 6: Why should we work?

A. Because we have to B. It makes our material life worse
C. It makes us purposeless <b>D. It makes ourselves better</b>
Câu 7: What can we get from work beside money?

<b>A. Many other important things.</b> B. Some salary.
C. Meaningless feeling D. Nothing.
Câu 8: What will happen if we work more?

A. We feel better B. We earn more C. We contribute more <b>D. All are correct</b>
Câu 9: What helps us work harder?

A. good way <b>B. good pay</b> C. good life D. None are correct
Câu 10: Without working, how is one’s life?

A. better B. more confident <b>C. boring</b> D. prouder

<i><b>III. Chọn phương án đúng (ứng với A, B, C, hoặc D) để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau.</b></i>
Câu 11: Soon his parents got fed up ….having to read stories to him continually.

<b>A. with</b> B. for C. of D. to

Câu 12: Be quiet! I ….to listen to some important information.

A. was trying <b>B. am trying</b> C. try D. tried

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Câu 14: This company …in this town a long time ago. Now it is one of the biggest.
<b>A. was founded</b> B. will be founded C. has been founded D. is founnded
Câu 15: “We’re still looking for our handbags.” “Haven’t they …yet?”

A. found B. to find <b>C. been found</b> D. being found
Câu 16: She dances ….than her sister does.

A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. most beautifully <b>D. more beautifully</b>

Câu 17: As we continued traveling north, the weather got … . Eventually, everything we saw
was frozen.

A. cold more B. more cold <b>C. colder and colder</b> D. the colder
Câu 18: If she (be) …here now, she could give us some advice.

A. is <b>B. were</b> C. had been D. will be

Câu 19: I ….the house easily if he had given me the correct address.

A. will find B. would find C. have found <b>D. would have found</b>
Câu 20: …..our poor living conditions, we all feel happy.

A. However B. Although <b>C. Despite</b> D. Because

Câu 21: My cousin and I ….a movie on TV last night when my brother…. .

A. watched/came B. was watching/came

C. watched/was coming <b>D. were watching/came</b>
Câu 22: Some of the people …couldn’t come.

<b>A. that I invited to my party</b> B. that I invited my party to
C. to that I invited my party D. which I invited to my party
Câu 23: You can send letters from Hongkong…by Suez or by Canada.
<b>A. either</b> B. neither C. both D. as well
Câu 24: I spend five hours…my homework last night.

A. do <b>B. doing</b> C. to do D. did

Câu 25: I really must appologize…the way that I behaved during my stay at the hotel.

A. by <b>B. for</b> C. of D. to

Câu 26: …is the natural environment in which plants or animals live.

<b>A. Habitat</b> B. Habitant C. Extinction D. Biodiversity.

Câu 27: The Asian Games is an occasion when friendship and ….are built and deepened.
A. rival B. determination C. admiration <b>D. solidarity</b>

Câu 28: He ….smoke a lot, but after he developed a lung disease, he decided to quit smoking.
A. use to B. was used to <b>C. used to</b> D. uses to

Câu 29: Alison was …..first person to arrive at the party.

A. a <b>B. the</b> C. Ø D. one

Câu 30: My friend Jack, …parents live in Glasgow, invited me to spend Christmas in Scotland.

A. that B. who <b>C. whose</b> D. which

Câu 31: I was made …..when I was at school.

A. study hard <b>B. to study hard</b> C. studying hard D. to studying hard
Câu 32: Don’t touch the cat, he may….you.

A. kick B. tear C. scream <b>D. scratch</b>

Câu 33: I am interested in….books.

<b>A. collecting</b> B. collect C. collected D. to collect
Câu 34: You can’t ….to learn a foreign language in a week.

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A. to B. on C. in <b>D. at</b>

<i><b>IV. Chọn phương án đúng (ứng với A, B, C, hoặc D) để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau.</b></i>
Câu 36: My mother was so tired …… .

A. to be cooking the dinner <b>B. that she could not cook the dinner</b>
C. and the dinner connot cook D. as to cook the dinner.

Câu 37: Your health won’t be improved …… .

A. if these pills are taking B. when taking these tablets
C. when these tablets taking <b>D. unless you take these pill</b>
Câu 38: The more you study, …. .

<b>A. the more knowledge you gain</b> B. the more knowledge do you gain
C. you are the more knowledgeable D. you will gain more knowledge
Câu 39: It usually takes her …… .

A. homework two hours to do B. two hours done her homework
<b>C. two hours to do her homework</b> D. two hours doing homework
Câu 40: John said that no other car could go ….. .

A. faster like his car <b>B. as fast as his car </b>
C. fastest than his car D. so fast like his car

<i><b>V. Chọn từ (ứng với A, B, C, hoặc D) có phần gạch dưới được phát âm khác với những từ </b></i>
<i><b>còn lại trong mỗi câu sau.</b></i>

Câu 41: A. finishes <b>B. lov</b><i><b>es</b></i> C. kisses D. watches

Câu 42: A. mind B. kind <b>C. sp</b><i><b>i</b></i><b>nning</b> D. finding

Câu 43: <b>A. w</b><i><b>ea</b></i><b>lth</b> B. meat C. peaceful D. beaches

Câu 44: A. chemistry B. character C. school <b>D. </b><i><b>ch</b></i><b>ange</b>

Câu 45: A. while B. why <b>C. </b><i><b>wh</b></i><b>o</b> D. where

<i><b>VI. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (ứng với A, B, C, hoặc D) cho mỗi chỗ </b></i>
<i><b>trống từ 46</b><b>đến 50.</b></i>

Language teaching within the education system in Australia has traditionally been
concentrated at the secondary school …..(46). However, may people argue that the …..(47)age
to commence language learning occurs in the early primary years or even in pre-school, when

children are able to ….(48) a language naturally with minimum interference from their mother
tongue. Some suggest that early adolesscence is in fact the worst time to begin to learn a
language, given the psychological and ….(49) problems many high school students face. It
should be remmembered, however, that many studies have shown that there is …..(50) age at
which one cannot learn a language. At 60 years, 70 years or 80 years you can still learn a

Câu 46: A. class B. grade C. level D. education

Câu 47: A. soonest B. best C. worst <b>D. latest</b>

Câu 48: <b>A. acquire</b> B. approach C. agree D. achieve

Câu 49: A. emotions <b>B. emotional</b> C. emotioness D. emotioned

Câu 50: A. no B. any <b>C. not</b> D. some



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