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on tap tieng anh 7

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Review : - The present progressive tense .
- The simple future tense .
- Comparative .

- Asking and answering about distance .
- Exclamation .

- Adverbs of frequency .

- Asking and answering about the price .
- Making suggestions .

- Invitation.
- Asking the way .
A. The present progressive tense :

- Ask Ss to give the form and use of the present progressive tense :
 Form: ( + ) S + am / is / are + V-ing .

( - ) S + am / is / are + not + V- ing .
( ? ) Am / is / are + S + v- ing ?

 Use : diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra tại thời điểm nói.

 Thêng ®i víi các trạng từ chỉ thời gian nh là : now / at the moment / at present .
 DiÔn tả mộ điều chắc chắn sẽ làm trong tơng lai gần.

Sau các câu mệnh lệnh chỉ sự gấp gáp nh lµ: Be quick,hurry up,look,listen.

 Chú ý : Sau từ now hoặc Today đôi khi ngời ta dùng thi hiện tại đơn, đơi khi dùng hiện
tại tiếp diễn.Trong câu có từ TODay dùng thì tiết diễn trong hồn cảnh xảy ra bất chợt

một hành động nào đó trong các hành động thờng xuyên xảy ra VD: Everyday, he
eats égg for breakfast but today he is eating beef.

 Trong câu có now nhng vẫn dùng thì hiện tại hồn thành khi động từ chính trong
trong câu là động từ tri giác hoặc động từ không dùng đợc ở thời tiếp diễn.

VD: He likes his cat now.

Examples: She is listening to music at the moment .
They are playing marbles in the yard now .

- Have Ss make sentences as model .
B. The simple future tense :

- Have Ss give the form and the use in front of the class .
* Form : ( + ) S + Will + V ( without To ) .

( - ) S + Will not + V ( without To )
( ? ) Will + S + V ( without To ) ?

 Use : Diễn ta rmột hành động xảy ra trong tơng lai và thờng đi với các trạng từ chỉ
thời gian : Tomorrow , Next + (danh từ chỉ thời gian): next week / month / year ….
Example: She will go to Ha noi tomorrow .

They will have a party next week .

- DiƠn t¶ lêi mêi.VD: Will you go to the cinema ith me? I’d love to.
- DiÔn tả mọt việc làm bất chợt không theo d kiến.

A; Do you know Ann in hospital? Relly? I’ll visit her to day/

- Ask Ss to make sentences .

C. Comparative :
a) Short adjectives :

- Have Ss give the form :

S1 + Tobe + adj + er + than + S2 .
EX: She is taller than me .

This ruler is longer than that one .

- Have Ss make sentences in front of the class .
b) Long adjectives :

_ Ask Ss to give the form :

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He is more inteligent than his brother .
 Especial cases :

Good / well => better
Bad / ill => Worse
Many / much = > More
Little => Less

Far => Farther / further .
 So sánh danh từ:

A.So sánh hơn:

S1 + V+more + N (s,es) + than + S2
So sánh ít hơn.

A.So sánh danh từ không đếm đợc.
S1 + V + less + N + than + s2

B. So sánh danh từ đếm đợc.
S1 + V + fewer +N + than + S2

D. Asking answering about distances :

- Ask Ss to give the structure about asking and answering the distances :
How far is it from……… ………….to ..?

It’s about ……….km/m

EX: How far is it from your house to school ?
It’s about 2 km .

How far is it from NamDinh to Ha Noi ?
It’s about 90 km .

- Have Ss work in pairs .

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class .
E. Exclamations :

What + a / an + ( adj ) + N !
What + ( adj ) + Ns !
EX : What a nice picture !

What a cold day !
What naughty boys !

- Have Ss make sentences .
F. Adverbs of frequency :

Always / usually / often / sometimes / seldom / rarely / never ….
- Ask Ss to say about the position of adverbs :

Ex : He always gets up at 5:00 in the morning .
I am never late for school .

G. Asking and answering about the price :

How much + is / are + S ? => S + is / are + ……….

How much + does / do + S + cost ? => It/ They + costs / cost + ……..
Ex : How much does this shirt cost ? => It costs 50,000 dong .

How much are these envelopes ? => They are 2,000 dong .
H. Making suggestions :

- Let’s + V .
- Should we + V ?
- How about + V-ing ?
- What about + V-ing ?
- Why don’t we + V ?

 Agreement : OK / I’d love to /That’s a good idea .
 Disagreement : + I’m sorry , I can’t .

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+ Thanks anyway .
EX : Let’s go to Lan’ house .

Should we play table tennis ?
What about going to the movies ?
Why don’t we go to the beach ?

<i><b>I.</b></i> <i><b>Invitation </b></i>
Would you like + N ?
Would you like + to V ?

EX : Would you like to go to the concert with me ?
Would you like to come to my house for lunch ?
 Yes , I’d love to / Yes , please / All right .

 No, thanks / I’d love to but I’m busy .
J. Asking the way :

- Is there ……near here ? / Where is …….?
- Could you tell me how to get there ?
- Could you show me the way to the ……..?
- How can I get there ?

 Go straight ahead / go long this street . Take the first / second street on the left /
right ./ Turn right / left .

EX : Could you show me the way to the post office ?

 Go straight ahead , Take the first street on the right . It is opposite the police

station .

K. Buying things :
I’d like + N

Can I have a/ some + N , please ?

I need to buy an English book , please ?
1. Further practice :

Exercise 1: Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets .

a. Tomorrow ( be ) ………..my birthday , so I would like you to come to my house for
dinner tonight .

b. You shouldn’t make noise when our teacher ( teach ) ………..

c. The next Sunday will be Lan’s birthday so I ( buy ) ………..a gift for
her tonight .

d. Chi ( have ) ……….a lot of English books .
e. Minh never ( go ) ………..to the zoo by bike .
f. Listen ! She ( play ) ………the piano .

g. We usually ( play ) ……….Blindman’s bluff at recess.

h. My father never ( drink ) ……coffee , but at the moment he ( drink ) ………….it
i. I’d like ( buy ) ………some envelopes .

j. The children enjoy ( read ) ………..picture books .

Exercise 2: Rewrite these sentences , beginning with the words given .
a. She doesn’t have as many toys as I .

=> She has ………..

b. There is less coffee in my cup than there is in your cup .

=> There is ………
c. I don’t have so many friends as my sister .

=> I have ……….

d. My friends have more candies than I .

=> I don’t ………
e. My brother drinks more coffee than my sister .

=> My sister drinks ……….

f. She eats more chocolate than I .

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=> He has ……….
h. There are more students in my class than there are in her class .

=> There are ………
i. There is less water in a dessert than there is in a mountain .

=> There isn’t ……….

j. There are fewer singers in a small city than there are in a big city .

=> There aren’t ………..

Exercise 3 : Choose the best anser .

1. Hurry or you’ll be late ……….school .
A. with B. for C. at

2. My homework ………about two hours each day .
A. takes B. has C. gives

3. Our summer vacation starts in june . It ……….almost two months .
A. happens B. takes C. lasts

4. What do you do ………the vacation ?

A. during B. while C. when
5. We have fun ………together on the farm .

A. working B. work C. to work

6. We don’t have classes on Saturday , but we work one hour ………..each day .
A. more B. much C. many

7. Viet namese students have …………vacations than American ones .
A. few B. fewest C. fewer

8. Many women work …….home .

A. at B. in C. on

9. They take …………..of the house and look after the children .
A. care B. homework C. notice

10.My brother always goes to bed early , but he …………..gets up early .
A. not B. never C. ever

Exercise 4: Give the correct form of the adj/ adv in parentheses .

1. This house isn’t very modern . I want a ( modern) ……….one .
2. That building is the ( high ) ………..one in our town .

3. Nam is a good tennis player . I think he is the ( good ) …………in the club .
4. My bag isn’t very heavy . Your bag is ( heavy ) ………..

5. We don’t know many people . You know ( many )………..people than us .
6. It is a very bad film . It’s the ( bad ) ………….film I’ve ever seen .

7. What is the ( long )……….river in the world ?

8. Tuan doesn’t work hard . I work ( hard )………

9. She doesn’t know much . Her sister knows much ( much )……….
10.They have little freetime but we have ( little )……….

Exercise 5 : Rearrange the words or phrases to make meaningfull sentences .
1. To/ take/ often/ Mai /minutes / get/ her/ to /bus/ school /it / ten/ by .

2. House / is / it / Minh’s / far / to / apartment / how / from/ Lien’s ?

3. Younger / more / work / hours / my / sister / I / than .

4. Hotel / show / you / me / way / the / to / Bong Sen / Miss / could / the ?

5. Clerk / would / I / like / fifty/ a / thousand / phone / dong / card .

6. Grow / farmers / some / but / main / their / crop / rice / is / the / vegetables .

7. Please / show / me / you / way / the / to /station / nearest / could/ the / police ?

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8. By / me / it / about / takes / minutes / ten/ to / from / go / my / to / house / my /
factory/ bike / often / father’s .

9. Phone / stamps / would / some / for / Great Britain / a / card / clerk / I / like / and.
10.Loves / theatre / to / Chi/ going / join/ school/ group / she / acting / much/ is / the /

because / very .



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