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De cuong on tap tieng Anh lop 9 Dao Hong Phong

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<b>Môn: Tiếng Anh Lớp 9</b>

<b>A. Theory (Lý thuyết)</b>

1. Vocabulary (Từ vựng): from unit 1 to unit 10

2. Tenses (Thì): present simple, present progressive, present perfect, past simple, …
3. Adjectives and adverbs

4. Connectives and phrasal verbs
5. Suggestions

6. Adverb clauses of result (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ kết quả)
7. Adverb clauses of reason ( Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lí do)

8. Adverb clauses of concession. (Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự nhượng bộ)
9. That clause

10. Conditional sentences : type 1 and type 2
11. Relative clauses

<b>B. Exercises (Bài tập)</b>

<b>I/ Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng nhất trong mỗi câu sau:</b>

1. Ho Chi Minh, _________ was born in Nghe An, is a great leader

A. who B. that C. what D. which

2. _________ she was tired, she helped Tom with his homework.

A. Because B. But C. Although D. When

3. We are going to __________ our National Day

A. celebrate B. take C. participate D. remember
4. He has to go to work ________ it is raining very hard

A. but B. though C. and D. so

5. Lunar New Year is the festival ________ popular in China, too

A. which was B. which are C. in which D. which is
6. Mary wasn't thirty _________ she had drunk some milk

A. although B. while C. because D. and

7. We won't go out __________ it stops raining

A. if B. if not C. unless D. when

8. I suggest _________ to the movies

A. going B. to go C. go D. went

9. Bún, ________ is a kind of vermicelli, is a popular food in Viet Nam

A. of B. which are C. in which D. which is

10. Our parents never allow us ________ cigarettes

A. smoking B. to smoke C. to be smoked D. can smoke
11. If they _________ more cars, the atmosphere will be more polluted

A. use B. using C. to use D. used

12. Mary’s dad is terrific. I'm so proud ________ him

A. of B. in C. on D. at

13. I wish I _________ him but I don't

A. am liking B. like C. liked D. was liking

14. The lady _________ your father is talking to is strict

A. who B. what C. which D. whom

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A. at B. for C. up D. on

16. Tidal waves are the result of an ________ shift in the underwater movement of the earth

A. clear B. sudden C. impressive D. slight

17. A funnel - shaped storms passing overland below a thunderstorm is called a _________
A. typhoon B. tsunami C. tornado D. hurricane

18.How long _________ it _________ you to go to work ?

A. did - take B. does - took C. does- take D. has - taken

19. The chirldren enjoy __________ with their frineds through the Internet
A. to chat B. chat C. chatting D. to be chatting
20. If I won the first prize, I __________ a new car.

A. will buy B. buy C. bought D. would buy
<b>II/ Nói</b>

<b>1/ Hồn thành bài hội thoại sau với những từ còn thiếu</b>

* An see all the ceiling fans are working while there is nobody in the classroom.
An: Shall we (1) ___________________ ?

Ly: Oh. It's not our job. I don't think we have to turn them (2) ______________
An: It's a waste of (3) _________________, you know.

Ly: Now I understand. Let's (4) ___________________ .
* Mai see your friend, Linh use so many plastic bags.
Mai: Why don't you (1) ________________ ?

Linh: I know but plastic bags (2) __________________ (convenient)
Mai: As they don't decay easily, you shouldn't (3) __________________
Linh: Now I understand. I'll (4) _______________ ( use/few )

* Your friend is setting the air conditioner at 20 degrees Celcius. The temperature outside is 22
degree Celcius.

Vi: Why don't we turn (1) ________________ ?

Bi: I feel more comfortable with this (2) __________________

Vi: Let's not do that as this waste (3) ________________ . Besides, it's not very hot today.
Bi: Ok. I'll (4) __________________

<b>2/ Sắp xếp các câu sau thành một bài hội thoại hoàn chỉnh</b>
a/ I'd like to, but I need to go shopping.

b/ Then let's go to Bến Thành market this afternoon.

c/ Ok. Sound good. Here's an idea for tomorrow. Let's take a trip to Cu Chi Tunnels. And when we
come, I suggest having dinner in one of the floating restaurants.

d/ If we do that this afternoon, why not go to the Revolutionary Museum now ?
e/ Ok. Let's do that.

f/ Why don't we go to the Revolutionary Meseum ? I hear it's really exciting
<b>3/ Chọn A, B,C hoặc D để hoàn thành bài hội thoại</b>:<b> </b>

Mai: We have three days off. I don't know what to do?
Nam: (1)___________________________________.
Mai: That's a great idea ! It's so nice. Where should we go?
Nam: How about going to the beach for camping?

Mai: (2)____________________. But my parents won't allow me to go to the beach for three days.
Nam: If so. Let's go to visit my grandparentswith me in the countryside. We'll go sightseeing.
Mai: Lovely!(3)____________________?

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Mai: Ok. Let me ask my parents for permission
Nam: Well. Let me know your answer soon.
Mai: (4)____________________________.

1. A. Why don't we go out for a picnic? B. Oh, you are free.

C. Really? What are you going to do? D. I'm stay at home. What about you?
2. A. I'd love to. B. I don't think so

C. Never do that D. Ok. Let's go.

3. A. Do we go there by bus? B. How will we go there?

C. Do you travel there by bus? C. How do you want to go there by?
4. A. Ok. I am going to call you later. B. Ok. I agree with you.

C. Ok. I'll call you later D. I think so.
<b>III/ Viết lại câu thứ hai bắt đầu bằng từ cho sẵn:</b>

1. The plane took off though the weather was bad.
- In spite of ______________________________.

2. Despite their poverty, the children seemed very happy.
- Although ______________________________.

3. The taxi driver was very friendly. He took me to the airport.
- The taxi driver who ______________________.

4. The weather isn't cool. The banana will spoil.
- If _______________________________.
5. Why don't we go to school by bus ?

- I suggest _______________________________.
6. The man call the police. His wallet was stolen.

- The man whose __________________________.

7. Tokyo and Yokohama were struck by a disastrous earthquake in 1923.
- The cities ___________________________________.

8. The old man is my father. He lives next door.

- The old man who _____________________________.
9. I can't sleep because the weather is hot.

- Because of ___________________________________.
10. Two cars can't pass each other because of the narrow road.
- Because _____________________________________.
11. We must leave now, or we will miss the plane.

- We will miss _________________________________.
12. If she doesn't work harder, she will lose her job.
13. Let's visit the museum next Sunday.

-Why don't we_________________________________?
14. He is too short to reach the top shelf.

- He is not_____________________________________.
15. He often drinks coffee in the morning.

- He is used____________________________________.
<b>IV/Nối mỗi cặp câu sau với từ nối trong ngoặc:</b>

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2. He will fail in his examination to university. His parents are worried (that)
3. Hoa has to study hard. Her examination is coming( because)

4. He tried to finish his homework. He was very tired (even though)

5. This is the story of a man. His life was an adventure. (whose)

6. Have you spoken to the people? They live next door. (who)

7. Auld Lang Syne is a song. Auld Lang Syne is sung on New Year's Eve.( which)
<b>V/ Đọc các đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi sau:</b>

<b>Bài 1:</b>

Christmas is the biggest festival of Britain. Celebrations start properly on 24 December,
Christmas Eve, although there have been several weeks of preparation beforehand. The Christmas
tree and all the presents, food, drink, and decorations have been bought.Christmas cards have
already been sent to friends and relations. About a week before Christmas, people usually put up
their decorations and decorate the Chistmas tree with lights, various colored decorations and an
angel on the top. Family presents are usually put under the tree. Christmas is a family celebration
and many of the customs center on children. When they go to bed on Christmas Eve, children hang
up a pillow case or a sack for their presents.( (Traditionally, it should be a stocking, but a stocking
wouldn't hold enough to satisfy today's kids).

1. What is the biggest festival of the year in most of Britain?

2. When do celebrations start?

3. What do people decorate the Christmas tree with?

4. What do children in Britain do when they go to bed on Christmas Eve?

<b>Bài 2:</b>

Are you looking for a cheap, clean, effective source of power that doesn't cause pollution or
waste natural resources ? Look no further than solar energy from our sun.

At present, most of our electricity comes from the use of coal and gas, oil or nuclear power.
This power could be provided by the sun. One percent of the solar energy that reaches the earth is
enough to provide power for the total population.

Many countries are already using solar energy. Solar panels are placed on the roofs of a
house and the Sun's energy is used to heat water. The energy can be stored for a number of days, so
on cloudy days you can use solar energy, too.

1. Is the solar energy an effective source of power ?
2. Where are the solar panels placed ?

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3. How long can the energy be stored ?

4. Is the solar energy used in Viet Nam now ?
<b>Bài 3:</b>

On December 21, 1968, the United States launched Apollo 8 from the Kennedy Space
Center. The astronauts on board, Frank Borman, James Lovell and William Anders, were the first
humans to travel to the moon. They orbited the moon ten times and sent television pictures of its
surface back to the earth.

On July 16, 1969 Apollo 11 was launched. Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael
Collins went into space with the lunar module, the Eagle, which would land on the moon. Six hours
after a successful landing on the moon. Neil Armstrong was ready to leave the Eagle. He worn the
special space-suit and heavy boots. He placed his foot on the moon’s surface and said “That’s one
small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

launch: cất cánh, hạ thủy

giant leap: cú nhảy vọt, bước tiến vượt bậc

1. When was Apollo 8 from the Kennedy Space Center launched ?
2. Who went into space with the lunar module, the Eagle?

3. Were they successful in landing on the moon?

4. What did Neil Armstrong wear on the moon?

<b>Bài 4:</b>

The second Sunday in May is Mother's Day. It is a public holiday in both Britain and
America. On that day,children send Mother's day cards to their mothers. They give their mothers
flowers, sweets or presents. Father and children do the cooking so that mothers can have a rest.
In the USA, Mother's Day started in 1860s. There was a small town called Pruntytown in the
middle of the USA. People in the town fought against each other during the war. After the war, they
hated each other. Mrs Ann Reeves Janis wanted the people to visit friends with each other again. So
she started "Mother's Friendship Day". On that day, she made all the other mothers in the town and
said, "Let us be friends with each other again".

Her idea succeded, the same thing happened in other parts of the country. After she died, her
daughter carried on her idea. In 1908, " Mother's friendship Day" became " Mother's Day".
1. What do children do on Mother's Day?

- ...
2. Which town was Mother's Day born?

- ...
3.Why did the people in Pruntytown hate each other?

- ...
4. Did Mrs A.R. Janis's idea stop after her death?

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<b>VI/ Viết một bài phát biểu hồn chỉnh sử dụng thơng tin sau: (3 đ)</b>
<b>Bài 1:</b>

1. Good morning,/ I/ Mai/ today/ I/ tell/ you/ how/ save/ money/

2. Most/ us/ use/ too/ much/ energy/ we/ reduce/ amount/:/
3. * Using/ energy -/ save/ bulbs.

* Use/ solar/ energy/ instead/ coal/ gas/ oil.

4. If/ you/ follow/ these/ simple/ rules/ not only/ you/ save/ money/ also/ environment/ will/ cleaner.
Good morning,

<b>Bài 2:</b>

<b>Viết một lá thư để chia sẻ ý kiến về việc nên kỉ niệm ngày của cha hay ngày của mẹ ở Việt </b>

1. I / just / receive / a letter / my Australian penpal / in which / he / tell /me about / Mother's Day.
2. I / think / it /a necessary / celebrate / Mother's Day / Father's Day / Viet Nam.

3. The main reason / be /that children / have /a special day / express /their feelings / memories / love
/their parents.

4. I / believe / my idea / supported / because / everybody / loves/ their parents / wants / them /

Dear Minh,


Best wishes,

<b>Bài 3:</b>

<b>Dựa vào những từ gợi ý viết 1 câu chuyện về bà Lan và chú mèo Tom của bà ấy </b>
1. Mrs Lan/was/watering/plants/the/garden, while/cat, Tom/play/near her.

2. Sudden/, there/big thunderstorm. /Tom/run up/ a/tree.

3. Mrs Lan/call/to Tom, but/he/could/get down, so she/ring/ Fire Brigade.
4. The Fire Brigade/arrive/put up/ladder/and rescue/Tom.

 Yesterday evening,


