Pervasif Networks and
Ambient Device :
« The New WORLD
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D1 - 07/07/2003
Today in the world of the telecoms, the networks are very expensive,
few actors.
The wireless technologies, WiFi, it's possible. It's easy build a network
but the properties are really different : low distance, low cost,
deployment is easy.
The fusion between these micro-networks
Networking .
give a big network Mesh
We can say Internet is a meta-network. It's an interconnection
between public and private networks.
The exchange and the different traffics are inside or outside. It' the
peering .
Now if we merge these two notions we obtain
France Télécom R&D
Macro/Micro/Internet .
La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D
- D2 - 07/07/2003
The networks pervasif
Usually the Internet network is link network. Now if we merge with this
new approach we obtain a new network : Everywhere. You can obtain a
connection inside and outside :
Pervasif Network
The goal : obtain a connection with all the type of links and protocols.
The pervasif network must permit the connection for all the devices, no
The base is distributed computer and electronic. The objects are
independents. The pervasif networks represent the networks continuity
and the communication everywhere.
France Télécom R&D
La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D
- D3 - 07/07/2003
A lot of information
In the past : few information, no
real time. We used the voice or the
post mail.
« One of the effects of
living with electric
information is that we live
The communication start with the
During the 20th century, the radio
the television, the phone and
Internet permit an instantaneous
broadcasting for all the
Now the time get scarce. It's a very
big problem. It's the economy of
the attention and the quiet
technologies .
habitually in a state of
information overload.
There’s always more than
you can cope with. »
Marshall McLuhan, 1967
France Télécom R&D
La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D
- D4 - 07/07/2003
A new intimacy with the object
In the past our ancestors produced the object
with the hand, unit per unit. They lived with this
object during all the live… all the day.
The industrial era and the mass market break
this intimacy. Now we've a lot of same objects,
cheaper and disposable.
In an other side, the numerical technologies
and the developments create a personalize
world : my back screen, my ring in my mobile …
The mass customize in the factories don't
permit the evolution in the time.
France Télécom R&D
La communication de ce document est soumise à autorisation de France Télécom R&D
- D5 - 07/07/2003