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Lesson plans grade 4

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Tập 1 ̶ TIẾNG ANH 4
Lesson Plans
Grade 4

School year 2020 − 2021


Extracted from the Introduction of Tiếng Anh 4 Teacher’s Book, p.7
TIẾNG ANH 4 is the second level of the three-level English textbook series for
Vietnamese primary school pupils learning English as a foreign language (EFL).
The series follows the syllabus approved by the Ministry of Education and
Training in December 2018, and covers a communicative, theme-based and
learner-centred approach to the basic English language skills, with emphasis
on listening and speaking for early levels.
TIẾNG ANH 4, Student’s Book follows a sequence of presentation, practice
and production to develop English at a basic level through four themes,
twenty topic-based units and four review units. The book is richly illustrated
and cross-curricular in format to provide pupils with easy-to-grasp,
memorable lessons and an enjoyable experience of learning English.
Each unit consists of three lessons on a topic related to one of the four
themes: Me and My Friends, Me and My School, Me and My Family and Me
and the World Around, all of which are designed to invoke a sense of
familiarity. The activities in the lessons are organised to facilitate the
development of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Each lesson provides material for two teaching periods (equal to seventy
minutes). The first two lessons focus on two language competences of the

units. The lessons contain a wide range of activities arranged in a logical
progression, helping pupils to develop critical thinking, coordination and the
ability to interact with each other as they learn to understand and use English
in both its spoken and written forms.
A variety of extra activities including singing, chanting, TPR (total physical
response) activities and exciting games. A creative project at the end of each
unit aims to facilitate the pupils' ability to reproduce language in a fun and
engaging way.
The Student’s Book creates a feeling of familiarity through the appearance of
both Vietnamese and foreign characters, such as Mai, Nam, Quan, Phong,
Linda, Peter, Tom and Tony.

Week 01 − Period: 01
Unit 1 – Nice to see you again
I. Objectives
Pupils can greet and respond to the formal greetings.
II. Sentence Patterns
 Good ____.
III. Vocabulary
 Mr Loc, Ms Hien, Mai, Nam, Phong
 Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Good evening.
IV. Teaching aids
 Student’s book, p. 6
 Situational pictures and activity pictures
 CD1, Track 2

V. Procedures:
Teacher (T)’s activities
Introduction (7’)
 Greet Ss. Good morning /
afternoon, class. Nice to see you
again. Then introduce yourself.
 Talk about the series of Tiếng Anh
4, and show the online resources.
 Present Unit 1. Point at the title,
and read it twice for Ss to repeat.
Check comprehension and give

Pupils (Ss)’ activities
 Respond to T’s greeting: Good
morning/afternoon Ms __. /
Mr __. Nice to see you again.
 Look, read and listen to T.
 Look, read, listen, and repeat.
Answer T’s questions.


Input presentation
1. Look, listen and repeat. (8’)
 Present Lesson 1: Point at the
 Look, read, listen and answer T’s
pictures a, b, c, and d respectively

to present the story. Explain what
each character says. Check
comprehension and give
 Play Track 2, Activity 1, pointing at  Look, read, listen and repeat.
each speech bubble for Ss to
listen and repeat the sentence(s)
 Point at each bubble for Ss to read  Read the sentence(s) in each
the sentence(s).
Sentence pattern practice
(full controlled)
2. Point and say. (10’)
 Present the activity. Tell Ss the
meaning of the sentences in
practice. Point at the phrase
under each picture, check
comprehension and give
feedback. Have Ss repeat each
phrase twice.
 Play Track 2, Activity 2 for Ss to
repeat twice.
 Interact with Ss to role play the
greetings in the pictures.
 Get Ss to practise the greetings in
 Invite a few pairs to check their

 Look, read, and listen to, and
answer T’s questions.

 Look, listen, and repeat, pointing
at the corresponding sentence.
 Interact with T.
 Practise the greetings.
 Role play the greetings at T’s


Greet your teachers in the
classroom or at school (10’)
 Get one or two groups to role play  Role play the story.
the story in 1. Look, listen and
 Present the activity. Show Ss how  Follow T’s instructions.
to carry out the task: Ss role play
the greetings as a teacher and a
 Wrap up. (See Teacher’s book,
How to end the lesson, p.15)
 Listen and turn to Page 11 to
 Inform Ss of the project on Page
read the information. Take
11 to make their name card, and
their classmate’s card, then

present them to the class. Check
their understanding and give
feedback. Tell Ss the project
 Good morning is used before noon.
 Good afternoon is used after noon, and before 6 p.m.
 Good evening is used after 6 p.m. and before midnight.
Online resources: />- Thư viện: Phiên bản học sinh: SGK lớp 4, sách mềm tham khảo, v.v.
Phiên bản giáo viên: Bộ thẻ từ lớp 4; Bài giảng mẫu (video), Sách giáo viên
TA4, Sách thiết kế bài giảng mẫu, Phân phối chương trình lớp 4, Đề kiểm tra,
Sách mềm tham khảo, Luyện tập trực tuyến, v.v.
 /> /> />


Week 01 − Period: 02
Unit 1 – Nice to see you again
I. Objectives
Pupils can
 listen and tick the correct pictures.
 read and fill the gapped greetings, using the pictures.
 sing the song Good morning to you.
II. Sentence Patterns

 Revision
III. Vocabulary
 Revision
IV. Teaching aids
 Student’s book p. 7
 Pictures for the activities
 CD1, Tracks 3 & 4
V. Procedures:
Teacher (T)’s activities
Warm up (7’)
 Greet Ss. Then get the class to
play the game Who is this? How
to play the game: Stick six
character cards on the board: Ms
Hien, Mr Loc, Mai, Nam, Akiko,
and Hakim. Point at each picture
and ask the class: Who is this?

Pupils (Ss)’ activities
 Respond to T’s greetings. Play
the game.


Show Ss how to answer: It’s + Ms
Hien. / Mr Loc. / Mai. / etc.
 After the first round, point at each
picture for the class to ask the
question, and T answers.

Listening practice
3. Listen and tick. (8’)
 Present the activity. Tell Ss to look
at the pictures, pay attention to
the clocks showing time, and the
characters in each picture.
 Play Track 3 for Ss to do the task,
and check their answers.
 Check answers as a class.
Key: 1 b 2 a 3 a
Audio script

 Follow T’s instructions.

 Look, read, and listen to T.

 Look, listen, and tick the pictures.
 Check the answers in pairs.

1. Nam: Good afternoon, Miss Hien.
Miss Hien: Hi, Nam. How are you?
Nam: I’m very well, thank you. And
Miss Hien: Fine, thanks.
2. Phong: Good morning, Mr Loc.
Mr Loc: Good morning, Phong.
Phong: It’s nice to see you again.
Mr Loc: Nice to see you, too.
3. Mai: Goodbye, daddy.
Father: Bye, bye. See you soon.

Reading & writing practice
4. Look and write. (5’)
 Present the activity. Tell Ss to read  Look, read, and listen to T.
the gapped greetings, pay
attention to the clocks showing
 Set time for Ss to do the task.
 Look, read and fill the gapped
 Check answers as a class.
 Check the answers in pairs.
 Follow T’s instructions.

 Have the class read the completed
greetings aloud.
Key 1 morning 2 afternoon 3 bye
Song practice
5. Let’s sing. (15’)
 Present the song Good morning to  Look, listen and read the lyrics.
Answer T’s questions.
you. Get Ss to read the lyrics in
silence, check comprehension and
give feedback.
 Play Track 4 for Ss to repeat each  Read, listen and repeat, pointing
at the corresponding line.
line twice.
 Look, listen and imitate T’s

 Show Ss. how to mime the song.
 Practise the song.
 Get Ss. to practise singing and
miming the song.
 Sing and mime the song.
 Invite two groups to perform the
 Wrap up.
 Report their project progress, and
 Check the project progress. Offer
ask for help if necessary.
help if necessary.
Online resources: />- Thư viện: Phiên bản học sinh: SGK lớp 4, sách mềm tham khảo, v.v.
Phiên bản giáo viên: Bộ thẻ từ lớp 4; Bài giảng mẫu (video), Sách giáo viên
TA4, Sách thiết kế bài giảng mẫu, Phân phối chương trình lớp 4, Đề kiểm tra,
Sách mềm tham khảo, Luyện tập trực tuyến, v.v.
 /> /> />


Week 01 − Period: 03
Unit 1 – Nice to see you again
I. Objectives

Pupils can say goodbye to each other.
II. Sentence Patterns
 Goodbye. See you tomorrow. / Goodbye. See you later. / Good night.
III. Vocabulary
 see you tomorrow, see you later, good night
IV. Teaching aids
 Student’s book p. 8
 Situational pictures and activity pictures
 CD1, Tracks 5 & 6
V. Procedures:
Teacher (T)’s activities
Warm up (7’)
 Greet Ss. Then have them sing the
song Good morning to you. /
Invite two groups to sing and
mime the song.

Pupils (Ss)’ activities
 Respond to T’s greetings. Sing
the song. / Sing and mime the

Input presentation
1. Look, listen and repeat. (8’)
 Present Lesson 2. Point at pictures
a, b and c respectively to talk
about the story. Explain what
each character says. Check

 Look, read, listen and answer T’s

comprehension and give
 Play Track 5, pointing at each
speech bubble for Ss to listen and
repeat the sentence(s) twice.
 Point at the bubbles for Ss to say
the sentence(s).
Interacting practice (full controlled)
2. Point and say. (10’)
 Present the sentence in practice.
Point at the sentence(s) under
each picture, check
comprehension, and give
feedback. Have Ss to repeat the
sentence(s) under each picture
 Play Track 6, for Ss to repeat
 Interact with Ss to say goodbye.
 Get Ss to practise saying goodbye
in groups.
 Get one or two pairs to check
their performance.

 Listen, read, and repeat, pointing
at the corresponding bubble.

 Look and read the words in the
 Look, read and listen to T.
Answer T’s questions.

 Listen, repeat, pointing at the
corresponding sentences.
 Interact with T.
 Practise saying goodbye.
 Interact to say goodbye in pairs
at T’s request.

Production (less controlled)
3. Let’s talk. (10’)
 Have one or two pairs to role play
the story in 1. Look, listen and
 Present the activity. Show Ss how
to carry out the task: Ss interact
the greetings in the activity.
 Wrap up. (See Teacher’s book,
How to end the lesson, p. 15)
 Check the project progress. Guide
Ss how to present the project.

 Role play the story.
 Follow T’s instructions.

 Report the project progress.
Learn to present the project.


Language note:
 Nice to meet you is used for first meetings
 Nice to meet you again is used for meeting again.
 Bye is friendlier than goodbye.
 See you later or See you tomorrow often follow the phrase saying
Online resources: />- Thư viện: Phiên bản học sinh: SGK lớp 4, sách mềm tham khảo, v.v.
Phiên bản giáo viên: Bộ thẻ từ lớp 4; Bài giảng mẫu (video), Sách giáo viên
TA4, Sách thiết kế bài giảng mẫu, Phân phối chương trình lớp 4, Đề kiểm tra,
Sách mềm tham khảo, Luyện tập trực tuyến, v.v.
 /> />


Week 01 − Period: 04
Unit 1 – Nice to see you again
I. Objectives
Pupils can
 listen and number the pictures in the correct order.
 read and fill the gapped exchanges, using the pictures.
 play the game Bingo.

II. Sentence Patterns
 Revision
III. Vocabulary
 Revision
IV. Teaching aids
 Student’s book p. 9
 Pictures for the activities
 CD1, Track 7
V. Procedures:
Teacher (T)’s activities
Warm up (7’)
 Greet Ss. Then get the class to
play the game Lip reading (Ref.
Goodbye. See you tomorrow. See
you later. Nice to meet you. Get
the class to read them aloud.
Then have the class look at your
lips and guess which sentence you

Pupils (Ss)’ activities
 Respond to T’s greetings. Play
the game.

are whispering (say the word
without sounds).
Listening practice
4. Listen and number. (8’)

 Present the activity. Tell Ss to look
at the pictures. Pay attention to
the sun, the characters, and
where they are.
 Play Track 7 for Ss to do the task,
and check their answers.
 Check answers as a class.
Key: a 2 b 4 c 1 d 3

 Look and listen to T.

 Listen, and number the pictures.
 Check the answers in pairs.

Audio script
1. Tom: Good morning, Miss Hien.
Miss Hien: Good morning. What’s
your name?
Tom: My name’s Tom. T-O-M, Tom
White. I’m from America.
2. Tom: Hello, I’m Tom. I’m from
Mai: Hello, Tom. I’m Mai. I’m from
Viet Nam.
Tom: Nice to meet you, Mai.
Mai: Nice to meet you, too.
3. Phong: Hi, Tom. How are you?
Tom: Hi, Phong. I’m very well, thank
you. And you?
Phong: I’m fine, thanks.

4. Tom: Goodbye, Mr Loc.
Mr Loc: Bye-bye, Tom. See you

Writing practice
5. Look and write. (5’)
 Present the activity. Tell Ss to read  Look, read, and listen to T.
the gapped exchanges, pay

attention to the word order, the
context (words before and after
each gap), and look at the pictures
for the missing information.
 Set time for Ss to do the task.
 Read, look at the pictures, and fill
the gapped exchanges.
 Check answers as a class.
 Check the answers in pairs.
 Divide the class into two halves to  Follow T’s instructions.
take turns role playing the
Key: 1. Viet Nam, Tom
2. Mr Loc, Good morning /
Hello / Hi
3. Good night, Good night
6. Let’s play. (15’)
 Present the game Bingo: Draw the

Bingo nine-grid frame on the
board, and write a list of nine
words for Ss to fill the grids at will
(Ref. SGV Tiếng Anh 4, p. 16).
 Call nine words at random for Ss
to listen and check until a pupil
calls aloud Bingo!
 When the game is over, get Ss to
make sentences with the words
from the game.
 Wrap up.
 Check the project progress. Guide
Ss the presentation language.


 Look, listen, draw the Bingo
frame, and choose the words on
the board to fill the grids.
 Listen and check the correct
 Follow T’s instructions.

 Report the project progress.
Learn how to present the

Online resources: />- Thư viện: Phiên bản học sinh: SGK lớp 4, sách mềm tham khảo, v.v.

Phiên bản giáo viên: Bộ thẻ từ lớp 4; Bài giảng mẫu (video), Sách giáo viên
TA4, Sách thiết kế bài giảng mẫu, Phân phối chương trình lớp 4, Đề kiểm tra,
Sách mềm tham khảo, Luyện tập trực tuyến, v.v.
 /> />


Week 02 − Period: 05
Unit 1 – Nice to see you again
I. Objectives
Pupils can
 pronounce the letters l in Linda and n in night.
 Listen and circle the correct words filling the gapped sentences.
Then fill the gapped sentences and say them aloud.
 say the chant Hello, friends!
II. Sentence Patterns
 Revision
III. Vocabulary
 Revision
IV. Teaching aids
 Student’s book p. 10
 Word cards for the phonic practice.
 CD1, Tracks 8 & 9
V. Procedures:
Teacher (T)’s activities

Warm up (7’)
 Greet the class. Then get Ss to
play the game Spelling Bee. Say
the words: name, Linda, Nam,
from, England, good, morning,
afternoon, and night.
 Write every correctly guessed
word on the board. Get the class

Pupils (Ss)’ activities
 Respond to T’s greetings. Play
the game.

 Follow T’s instructions.


to make sentences with the words
on the board when the game is
Phonic practice
1. Listen and repeat. (5’)
 Present the activity. Stick the
cards l, Linda, n, night and write
the sentences on the board for Ss
to read.
 Play Track 8, Act 1 for Ss to listen.
 Play it again for Ss to repeat each
letter, word, and sentence twice.

Phonic checking
2. Listen and circle. Then write and
say aloud. (8’)
 Present the activity.
 Play Track 8, Act 2 for Ss to do the
 Check answers as a class.
 Get Ss to read the sentences
Key: 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 a
Audio script

 Look, read, and listen to T.

 Listen and read.
 Listen and repeat, pointing at the
corresponding letter, word, and

 Look, read and listen to T.
 Read, listen, circle the words,
and fill the gapped sentences.
 Check the answers in pairs.
 Read the sentences aloud.

1. Hello. I’m Nam. 2. I’m from England.
3. Hello. My name’s Linda.
4. Good night.

Chant practice

3. Let’s chant. (15’)
 Present the chant Hello, friends.
Check comprehension and give
 Play Track 9 for Ss to listen and
repeat twice.
 Show Ss how to mime the chant.

 Read the chant silently. Answer
T’s questions.
 Read, listen and repeat, pointing
at each sentence.
 Look, listen and imitate T’s

 Get Ss to practise saying and
miming the chant in groups/pairs.
 Get one or two groups to perform
the chant.
 Wrap up.
 Check the project progress.

 Practise the chant.
 Say and mime the chant.
 Report the project progress.

Online resources: />- Thư viện: Phiên bản học sinh: SGK lớp 4, sách mềm tham khảo, v.v.

Phiên bản giáo viên: Bộ thẻ từ lớp 4; Bài giảng mẫu (video), Sách giáo viên
TA4, Sách thiết kế bài giảng mẫu, Phân phối chương trình lớp 4, Đề kiểm tra,
Sách mềm tham khảo, Luyện tập trực tuyến, v.v.
 /> />


Week 02 − Period: 06
Unit 1 – Nice to see you again
I. Objectives
Pupils can
 read the information in the student’s cards, and answer the
 write about themselves, using the writing frame.
 show the name cards, read a classmates’ card and talk about it.
II. Sentence Patterns
 Revision
III. Vocabulary
 Revision
IV. Teaching aids
 Student’s book p. 11
 School things to make name cards
V. Procedures:
Teacher (T)’s activities
Warm up (5’)

 Greet Ss. Have the class say the
chant Hello, friends! / Invite two
groups to say and mime it.

Pupils (Ss)’ activities
 Respond to T’s greeting. Say the
chant. / Say and mime the chant.

4. Read and answer. (7’)
 Present the activity. Tell Ss to read  Look, read, and listen to T.
the questions first, and then use

the information in the student’s
cards for the answers.
 Set time for Ss to do the task.
 Check answers as a class.
 Divide the class into two halves to
take turns asking and answering
the questions.
Key: 1 Her name is Do Thuy Hoa.
2 She’s from Ha Noi, Viet Nam.
3 His name is Tony Jones.
4 He’s from Sydney, Australia.
5. Write about you. (8’)
 Present the activity. Check
comprehension and give

 Set time for Ss to do the task. Tell
them to exchange and read their
 Invite two Ss to read aloud their
The project presentation (15’)
6. Project
 Present the activity and check Ss’
 Set time for Ss to rehearse their
Sample: Hello, class. My name’s
(presenter’s name ̶ holds up
another student’s card, and points
at the relevant information when
speaking). This is my classmate’s
card. His / Her name is (pupil’s
name). He’s / She’s from
(country). The school is (school

 Look, read and write the
 Check the answers in pairs.
 Follow T’s instructions.

 Look, read, listen to, and answer
T’s questions.
 Read and complete the gapped
sentences. Exchange and read

their writings.
 Read the writings at T’s request.

 Look, listen to T, and show the
name cards.
 Rehearse the presentation in

name), and the class is (class
name).That’s the end of my
report. Thank you very much.
 Invite a few Ss to present their
 Present the name card and talk
classmate’s card.
about it at T’s request.
 Get Ss to display the cards, and
 Follow T’s instructions.
then keep them in their portfolios.
 Wrap up.
Online resources: />- Thư viện: Phiên bản học sinh: SGK lớp 4, sách mềm tham khảo, v.v.
Phiên bản giáo viên: Bộ thẻ từ lớp 4; Bài giảng mẫu (video), Sách giáo viên
TA4, Sách thiết kế bài giảng mẫu, Phân phối chương trình lớp 4, Đề kiểm tra,
Sách mềm tham khảo, Luyện tập trực tuyến, v.v.
 /> />


Week 02 − Period: 07
Unit 2 – I’m from Japan
I. Objectives
Pupils can greet, ask and answer questions about where the other
speaker is from.
II. Sentence Patterns
 Hi. I’m ____. Where are you from?
 Hi, ____. I’m____. I’m from ____.
III. Vocabulary
 Akiko, Hakim, Tom, Tony, Linda
 Japan, Malaysia, America, Australia, England
IV. Teaching aids
 Student’s book, p. 12
 Situational pictures and activity pictures
 CD1, Track 10
V. Procedures:
Teacher (T)’s activities
Pupils (Ss)’ activities
Introduction (7’)
 Greet Ss. Then get the class to
 Respond to T’s greeting, sing the
sing the song Good morning to
song, and say the chant.
you, and say the chant Hello,
 Present Unit 2: Point at the title

 Look, read, listen, and repeat.
and read it twice for Ss to repeat.
Answer T’s questions.
Check comprehension and give
Input presentation
1. Look, listen and repeat. (8’)
 Present Lesson 1: Point at the
 Look, read, listen and answer T’s
pictures a, b, c, and d respectively

to present the story. Explain what
each character says. Check
comprehension and give
 Play Track 10, Activity 1, pointing
at each speech bubble for Ss to
listen and repeat the sentence(s)
 Point at each bubble for Ss to read
the sentence(s).
Sentence pattern practice
(full controlled)
2. Point and say. (10’)
 Present the activity. Tell Ss the
meaning of the sentences in
practice. Point at the group of

words under each picture, check
comprehension, and give
feedback. Have Ss repeat each
group twice.
 Play Track 10, Activity 2 for Ss to
repeat twice.
 Interact with Ss to greet, ask and
answer questions about where
the partner is from.
 Get Ss to practise in pairs asking
and answering questions about
where his / her partner is from.
 Invite a few pairs to check their
Work in pairs. Imagine you are
Hakim / Tom / Tony / Linda / Akiko.
Introduce yourself and ask where
your partner is from. (10’)


 Look, read, listen and repeat,
pointing at the corresponding
 Read the sentence(s) in each

 Look, read, listen to, and answer
T’s questions. Repeat the words
under each picture.

 Look, listen, and repeat, pointing
at the corresponding sentence.
 Interact with T. Practise the
questions and the answers.
 Interact to ask and answer
questions about where his / her
partner is from.
 Role play the story.

 Get one or two pairs to role play
the story in 1. Look, listen and
 Present the activity. Show Ss how
to carry out the task: Ss role play,
pretending they are the
characters in the activity, to ask
and answer questions about
where the partner is from.
 Wrap up. (See Teacher’s book,
How to end the lesson, p. 15)
 Inform Ss of the project on p. 17
to make a name card for someone
who is from one of the countries
suggested in the project, and
present it to the class. Check their
understanding and give feedback.
Tell Ss the project deadline.

 Follow T’s instructions.

 Listen and turn to p. 17 to read the
information. Take notes.

- America (the continent) the United States (the country) American
(nationality). America is used in Unit 2 to facilitate the pronunciation of the
young learners.
- The UK (The United Kingdom) consists of England, Scotland, Wales, and
Northern Ireland.
Online resources: />- Thư viện: Phiên bản học sinh: SGK lớp 4, sách mềm tham khảo, v.v.
Phiên bản giáo viên: Bộ thẻ từ lớp 4; Bài giảng mẫu (video), Sách giáo viên
TA4, Sách thiết kế bài giảng mẫu, Phân phối chương trình lớp 4, Đề kiểm tra,
Sách mềm tham khảo, Luyện tập trực tuyến, v.v.
 /> />


Week 02 − Period: 08
Unit 2 – I’m from Japan
I. Objectives
Pupils can
 listen and tick the correct pictures.

 read and fill the gapped sentences, using the pictures.
 sing the song Where are you from?
II. Sentence Patterns
 Revision
III. Vocabulary
 Revision
IV. Teaching aids
 Student’s book p. 13
 Pictures for the activities
 CD Tracks 11 & 12
V. Procedures:
Teacher (T)’s activities
Pupils (Ss)’ activities
Warm up (7’)
 Greet Ss. Then get the class to
 Respond to T’s greetings. Play
play the game Flap the board,
the game.
using the flags: Japan, Australia,
the UK, the USA, Malaysia, and
Viet Nam. Say the names of the
countries at random for Ss to flap
the correct flags.
 When the game is over, point at
 Look at the flag, and say the
each flag for Ss to say the country
country name.

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