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De thi va dap an tuyen sinh vao lop 10 chuyen monTieng AnhHa Tinhnam 20122013

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<b>HÀ TĨNH</b>


<b><sub>NĂM HỌC 2012 - 2013</sub></b>

<b>Mơn: TIẾNG ANH (Cho thí sinh chuyên)</b>

<b>Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút</b>

<i> (Đề thi có 7 trang, gồm 10 phần)</i>

<b>Lưu ý:</b>

<i>Thí sinh khơng sử dụng bất kể tài liệu nào, kể cả từ điển.</i>

<i><b> →</b></i>

<i>Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào <b>Đề thi</b>, ghi câu trả lời vào các ô cho sẵn ở cuối các phần.</i>

<i><b> →</b></i>

<i>Riêng phần trắc nghiệm thí sinh chỉ ghi đáp án A, B, C hoặc D vào ô cho sẵn.</i>

<i><b> →</b></i>

<i>Giám thị khơng giải thích gì thêm.</i>

<b>Điểm của tồn bài thi</b>

<b>Các giám khảo</b>

<b>Số phách</b>

(Bằng số) (Bằng chữ) (Ký và ghi rõ họ tên) (Do Trưởng Ban chấm thi ghi)

<i>Giám khảo 1:</i>

<i>Giám khảo 2:</i>

<b>Part I. Choose the word A, B, C or D whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in </b>
<b>each sentence.</b>

1. <b>A. </b>pleasure <b>B. </b>leisure <b>C. </b>escape <b>D. </b>decision

2. <b>A. </b>ache <b>B. </b>chorus <b>C. </b>chef <b>D. </b>choir

3. <b>A. </b>compliments <b>B. </b>volunteers <b>C. </b>laughs <b>D. </b>tanks

4. <b>A. </b>any <b>B. </b>fat <b>C. </b>add <b>D. </b>habit

5. <b>A. </b>booked <b>B. </b>sacred <b>C. </b>placed <b>D. </b>promised

<b> Choose the word A, B, C or D whose main stress is different from the others in each sentence.</b>

6. <b>A. </b>advertise <b>B. </b>newspaper <b>C. </b>different <b>D. </b>important

7. <b>A. </b>possible <b>B. </b>public <b>C. </b>distance <b>D. </b>prevent

8. <b>A. </b>consume <b>B. </b>garbage <b>C. </b>motorbike <b>D. </b>schoolyard

9. <b>A. </b>continue <b>B. </b>resource <b>C. </b>luxury <b>D. </b>replace

10. <b>A. </b>throughout <b>B. </b>difficulty <b>C. </b>company <b>D. </b>comfortable

<i><b>Your answer:</b></i>

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

<b>Part II. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences.</b>

1. Had we caught the earlier train, we__________ home by now.

<b>A. </b>would have been <b>B. </b>would be <b>C. </b>were <b>D. </b>will be


There was nothing they could do _______ leave the car at the roadside where it had broken down.

<b>A. </b>unless <b>B. </b>instead of <b>C. </b>than <b>D. </b>but

3. He spent the entire night thinking and in the end _________ a brilliant idea.

<b>A. </b>came up to <b>B. </b>put up with <b>C. </b>came up with <b>D. </b>put through to

<i>4. Mary: “Peter failed in the final examination last term.” - Nancy</i>

: “__________”

<b>A. </b> Really? <b>B. </b>Sorry to hear that. <b>C. </b>What’s wrong? <b>D. </b>I can’t believe it.
5. The man who was taken to hospital had been __________ for three hours.

<b>A. </b>insensitive <b>B. </b>unconscious <b>C. </b>unfeeling <b>D. </b>indifferent

6. After each chapter in this book _________ where reference materials

may be included.

<b>A. </b>do the pages find <b>B. </b>are found the pages

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<b>C. </b>are the pages found <b>D. </b>the pages are found


. Every possible means _________ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.

<b>A. </b>is used <b>B. </b>have been used <b>C. </b>are used <b>D. </b>has used


. The waves on the beach on the west coast of Florida are not ________ on the east coast.

<b>A. </b>much high as <b>B. </b>so high as that <b>C. </b>as high as those <b>D. </b>higher than
<i>9. Assistant: “Is there anything I can do for you, sir?” - Customer: “__________.</i>

<b>A. </b>Yes, you’re welcome <b>B. </b>Ok. Your time

<b>C. </b>Not now. Thanks anyway <b>D. </b>Sure. Go ahead, please


. When replying to this advertisement, please __________ a stamped addressed envelope.

<b>A. </b>present <b>B. </b>contain <b>C. </b>enclose <b>D. </b>include

11. Such ________ that we didn’t want to go home.

<b>A. </b>was a beautiful flower display <b>B. </b>beautiful the flower display was
<b>C. </b>a beautiful flower display was <b>D. </b>a beautiful flower display
12. We were very tired last night because we _________ football in the afternoon.

<b>A. </b>played <b>B. </b>had played <b>C. </b>were playing <b>D. </b>have played

13. Nobody understands what the man over there

says, _________?

<b>A. </b>doesn’t he <b>B. </b>does he <b>C. </b>don’t they <b>D. </b>do they

14. We should participate in the movements _________ the natural environment.

<b>A. </b>organizing to conserve <b>B. </b>organized conserving

<b>C. </b>organized to conserve <b>D. </b>which organize to conserve

15. Another ________ will be drawn from the experiment.

<b>A. </b>conclusion <b>B. </b>notice <b>C. </b>contrast <b>D. </b>inference

<i><b>Your answer:</b></i>

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

<b>Part III. </b>

<b>Complete the space in each of the following sentences with a suitable preposition.</b>


Nobody is safe __________ suspicion at the moment.
The police took the burglars __________ surprise.

He had to pick up his welfare cheque __________ person.
400 people a year die of this disease __________ average.
I know her __________ sight, but I don’t know her name.

He says he is ill. Or __________ other words, he doesn’t want to come.

Mr. Knight can not be here, so his wife will accept the prize __________ his behalf.
The surgeon would have operated __________ her if he had felt he could save her life.
The rain will become heavy __________ times in the afternoon.

Why do you persist __________ blaming yourself for what happened?
<i><b>Your answer:</b></i>

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

<b>Part IV. Each of the following sentences contains ONE mistake. Find and correct it. Number 0 has been done</b>
<b>as an example.</b>

0. Placebos look like real drugs, but most consist only in sugar or a salt solution.

1. The spinal cord is the main pathway for messages travelling between the brain for the rest of the body.
2. In 1960, chemists developed synthetic pheromones that were used to controlling insect pests.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

5. There are some scissors in the dark drawer in the bedroom if you need it for cutting paper.

6. We see lightning before we hear the thunder it causes because sound travels more slowly than light is.
7. Bats are able to guide themselves by producing sound waves so high for us to hear.

8. Anyone who has ever tried to pick up spilled mercury agree that this element is hard to handle.
9. That touching toads causes warts are still one of the most widely believed superstitions in America.
10. A balance between cheap production and high quality have been a major concern in the field of crafts.
<i><b>Your answer</b>:</i>

0. consist only in → consist only <b>of</b>

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.

<b>Part V. Read the text and then give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the gaps. </b>
<b>Number (0) has been done as an example. </b>

<b>Kitchen Hygiene</b> <i><b>Your answer</b>:</i>

The next time you go to the supermarket don't forget to buy the (<b>0</b>)
__<b>BIG</b>__ bottle of kitchen cleaner you can to (<b>1</b>) __<b>INFECT</b>__ your work
surfaces. Recent (<b>2</b>)___<b>SCIENCE</b>___ research in America has shown that
the kitchen is often the most (<b>3</b>) ___<b>HYGIENE</b>___ of all the rooms in the
home. The (<b>4</b>)___<b>COMBINE</b>___ of food, heat and dampness means the
kitchen is (<b>5</b>) ___<b>POTENTIAL</b>___ a breeding ground for bacteria that
can cause stomach upsets and vomiting. The study at the University of
Arizona examined 15 homes over 30 weeks. Levels of (<b>6</b>) ___<b>CLEAN</b>___
were certainly not below average yet cutting boards and dishcloths were
found to contain bacteria in far greater number than elsewhere in the
home. Researchers say (<b>7</b>) ___<b>IGNORE</b>___ is the cause of the problem
and point out that (<b>8</b>)___<b>ADEQUATE</b>___ cleaning can lead to serious
food poisoning. The (<b>9</b>) ___<b>SOLVE</b>___? Make sure you clean all work
surfaces (<b>10</b>) ___ <b>DAY</b>___ and keep an eye on that dishcloth!

0. ……..<i><b>biggest</b></i>……….

1. ………..
2. ……….
3. ……….
4. ……….
5. ………..
6. ………..

7. ……….…….……..
8. ………...…….
9. ……….….…….
10. ……….……
<b>Part VI. Read the text and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each space. </b>

<b>No More Classes</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

traditional classroom lessons. But would it ever <b>(9)</b> ___ the classroom? Hopefully not. Surely the need to
relate to real people talking about real issues and generally learning a little more about others will always
lead language learners to <b>(10)</b> _

_ at least a little of their time with real people.

1. <b>A. </b>with <b>B. </b>for <b>C. </b>at <b>D. </b>in

2. <b>A. </b>still <b>B. </b>for <b>C. </b>yet <b>D. </b>already

3. <b>A. </b>place <b>B. </b>put <b>C. </b>set <b>D. </b>get

4. <b>A. </b>take <b>B. </b>do <b>C. </b>catch <b>D. </b>hold

5. <b>A. </b>although <b>B. </b>preferably <b>C. </b>instead <b>D. </b>contrary

6. <b>A. </b>force <b>B. </b>hit <b>C. </b>depress <b>D. </b>push

7. <b>A. </b>so <b>B. </b>such <b>C. </b>like <b>D. </b>alike

8. <b>A. </b>role <b>B. </b>duty <b>C. </b>obligation <b>D. </b>need

9. <b>A. </b>replace <b>B. </b>restore <b>C. </b>succeed <b>D. </b>recover

10. <b>A. </b>spend <b>B. </b>make <b>C. </b>have <b>D. </b>do

<i><b>Your answer:</b></i>

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

<b>Part VII. Read the passage carefully and find the missing word to complete each space.</b>
<b>Exam Tips</b>

When the day comes give yourself plenty of time to do everything: have breakfast but don't drink too
much; go to the toilet; arrive on time, but not too <b>(1)</b> __ or you will find yourself getting more and more
nervous while you wait to start. Try not to talk <b>(2)</b> __ the exam before you go in.

In the exam, calm yourself <b>(3)</b> __ by breathing deeply and thinking positively. Read the exam questions
carefully and underline all of the key instruction words <b>(4)</b> __ indicate how the questions should be <b>(5)</b> __ If
possible start with the ones <b>(6)</b> __ can do easily to give you confidence. Remember what you've learnt from
practising questions and doing mock exams previously and plan your use of time. Don't panic <b>(7)</b> __ everyone
around you seems to start writing furiously straight away and don't be tempted to follow their example.

Finally, after the exam, don't join in a discussion about <b>(8)</b> __ everyone else did, unless you want to
frighten yourself, and drain your self-confidence for the next exam. Above <b>(9)</b> __, remember that exams are

not designed to catch you out, butto find out what you know, what you <b>(10)</b> __ and what you can do.

<i><b>Your answer:</b></i>

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

<b>Part VIII. You are going to read an extract from a writer's journal. For Questions 1-8, choose the correct </b>
<b>answer A, B, C or D.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

diary and of course I forgot all about it. I don’t know if you’ve noticed this but time has a habit of speeding
along faster than a police car chasing a robber and, before I knew it, the day was dawning.

I arrived at the youth centre that morning feeling full of trepidation. There was a gang of 12 helpers
including me and each pair had been allocated a particular age group. Mine was the 10 to 11 year olds. Even
with the planning meeting I had attended the week before, I worried about whether I was up to the task. Why
hadn’t I read through the copious lesson plans we were given beforehand? And wasn’t the average 10-year-old
more interested in the latest Play Station game than making things with paper and glue?

All too quickly the children began arriving. The look of relief on parents’ faces as they handed their
offspring over to us was quite comical. A handful of the children were already members of the club but the
other forty five or so were from the local primary schools. Again I asked myself why I had elected to spend a
day with all these ‘little monsters’ especially when I have two all of my own to contend with!

I needn’t have worried of course as it turned out to be a marvelous day. We watched entertaining DVD
clips, learned ‘action’ songs, made clay pyramids, decorated biscuits, played memory games and spent some time
in quiet reflection. I say ‘we’ because I rediscovered my inner child and joined in all the activities.

The particular highlight for me was the final rendition of “He’s got the whole world in his hands” in the

closing part of the day. The children knew the words and actions off by heart and sang so loudly it was almost
enough to bring the roof down. It’s difficult to explain those moments; only that the body tingles with the
pleasure of having witnessed something so magical.

Of course there were also moments of great poignancy. I found it difficult to stop thinking of one little girl,
who mentioned oh-so-casually that her mum was in hospital and would be there for a long time. It’s easy for us adults
to idealise childhood and forget that some children have their own burden of anxieties and concerns. When I got home
utterly exhausted, still with modelling clay under my fingernails, I reflected on what a privilege it had been.

There was one disappointment for the children and that was that the playscheme was only running for a
day, and not the whole week. As I said farewell to my group, one of the children turned and said “Can we do it
again in the next holiday, Miss?” My response was, “Sure, why not?”

1. When the offer of the job was made the writer____________.

<b>A. </b>felt she had made a mistake to agree <b>B. </b>thought she had appropriate experience for the job

<b>C. </b>believed she shouldn't have been asked <b>D. </b>gave the impression she wasn't sure about accepting the job
2. When the day arrived the writer was surprised _____________.

<b>A. </b>that the day had come round so quickly <b>B. </b>because she witnessed a car chase on the way
<b>C. </b>because she'd forgotten to write down the date <b>D. </b>that she woke up at dawn

3. When the writer arrived to start her job she ____________.
<b>A. </b>put the children into pairs

<b>B. </b>realised she should have done more preparation
<b>C. </b>felt confident she could deal with 10 and 11 year olds

<b>D. </b>saw the children had brought their own electronic games to play with

4. According to the writer, the parents were ____________.

<b>A. </b>happy to stay with their children all day <b>B. </b>glad to leave their children

<b>C. </b>worried about children from the other schools <b>D. </b>nervous that their children might not behave themselves
5. The writer needn't have worried because ____________.

<b>A. </b>the children were quiet during the day <b>B. </b>the children weren't doing messy activities

<b>C. </b>she had fun herself <b>D. </b>the time passed quickly

6. The writer's best moment ______________.

<b>A. </b>occurred in the middle of the day <b>B. </b>took her by surprise

<b>C. </b>was hard to put into words <b>D. </b>was when the day was over
7. According to the writer, adults _______________.

<b>A. </b>think that being a child is a privilege <b>B. </b>are usually exhausted by bringing up their children
<b>C. </b>don't have a stressful life <b>D. </b>sometimes forget that children have worries too
8. What is the writer's attitude by the end of the day?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<i><b>Your answer:</b></i>

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

<b>Part IX. Use the words and phrases given to write a complete letter.</b>
Dear Mary,

1. Thank you / much / letter / arrive / few days ago.
2. It / lovely / hear / you.

3. I / sorry / I / not / write / such / long time / because I / busy / lately.
4. As you know / we / buy / new house / May.

5. It / very bad condition / and / need / a lot / work.
6. We / finish / most / it now / and it / look / very nice.

7. John and I / decide / give / house – warming party / October 2nd<sub>.</sub>
8. You / think / you / able / come?

9. Please give / me / ring / let / know / you / make / it.
10. I / really / look forward / see / you again.

Love, Bob
<i><b>Your answer</b>:</i>

1. ...………...
2. ...………...
3. ...……….………..
4. ...……….……….……….
5. ...……….………..
6. ...……….………..
7. ...……….………..
8. ...……….………..
9. ...……….………..
10. ...……….………..
<b>Part X. Choose one of the following transportation vehicles then write an essay of about 200 words to explain</b>

<b>why you think it is important to people’s lives. </b>

• automobiles
• bicycles
• airplanes

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<b>HÀ TĨNH</b>


<b><sub>NĂM HỌC 2012 - 2013</sub></b>

<b>Môn: TIẾNG ANH (Cho thí sinh chuyên)</b>

<b>Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút</b>

<b> </b>

<b> Tổng: 20 điểm, cụ thể như sau:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B

6. D 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. A

<b>Part II. </b>(3 điểm):<b> </b>

<b>0,2 / câu</b>

1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. B

6. B 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. C

11. A 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. A

<b>Part III</b>

. (1 điểm):

<b>0,1 / câu</b>

1. from 2. by 3. in 4. on 5. by

6. in 7. on 8. on 9. at 10. in

<b>Part IV</b>. (1 điểm):<b> </b>

<b>0,1 / câu</b>

1. <b>for </b>the <b> → and </b>the 2. to <b>controlling → </b>to <b>control</b>

3. <b>greatest </b>deal<b> → greater </b>deal 4. have made <b>→ </b>have <b>been</b> made
5. need<b> it → </b>need <b>them</b> 6. light<b> is → </b>light<b> does</b>

7. so high <b>→ too </b>high 8. <b>agree </b>that<b> → agrees </b>that
9. <b>are </b>still <b> → is </b>still 10. <b>have </b>been <b> → has </b>been
<b>Part V. </b>(2 điểm):<b> </b>

<b>0,2 / câu</b>

1. <b>disinfect</b> 2. <b>unhygienic</b> 3. <b>scientific</b> 4. <b>combination</b> 5. <b>potentially</b>
6. <b>cleanliness</b> 7. <b>ignorance</b> 8. <b>inadequate</b> 9. <b>solution</b> 10. <b>daily</b>
<b> </b>

<b>Part VI. </b>(2 điểm):<b> </b>

<b>0,2 / câu </b>

1. C 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. C

6. D 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. A

<b>Part VII. (2 điểm):</b>

0,2 / câu

1. early 2. about 3. down 4. that/which 5. answered

6. you 7. if/when 8. what 9. all 10. understand

<b>Part VIII. (2 điểm): 0,25 / câu</b>

1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B

5. C 6. C 7. D 8. B

<b>Part IX. </b>(2 điểm):<b> </b>

<b>0,2 / câu</b>

Dear Mary,

1. Thank you very much for your / the letter which arrived / arriving a few days ago.
2. It was lovely to hear from you.

3. I am sorry I haven’t written (<b>to you</b>) for such a long time because I’ve been very busy.
4. As you know, we bought a new house in May.

5. It was in very bad condition and it needed a lot of work.
6. We have finished most of it now and it looks very nice.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

9. Please give me a ring and let me know if / whether you can make it.
10. I am really looking / really look forward to seeing you again.


<b>Part X. </b>(3 điểm):<b> </b>

<b> - </b>

Nội dung (content): 1.5 điểm: đúng yêu cầu của đề, đúng hình thức của một bài luận, ý rõ ràng

- Từ vựng (vocabulary): 0.5 điểm: cách dùng từ chính xác, đa dạng

- Ngữ pháp (grammar): 0.5 điểm: dùng chính xác về cách sử dụng

- Tính mạch lạc và trôi chảy (coherence and cohesion) + độ dài (length): 0.5 điểm

- Sai dưới 4 lỗi không trừ điểm.


