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Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh Phần 1

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(Nguyên GV chuyên Anh, Trường Quốc học Huế)




(Nguyên giáo viên chuyên Anh, Trường Quốc học Huế)



(Tái bản lẩn thứ tư
sửa chữa, b ổ sung theo tinh thẩn thi mới 2015)


* ^ ậ p sách này là bộ sưu tập các bài tập Tiếng Anh được chia thành
12 chủ điểm. Nhằm cung cấp cho các giáo viên Tiếng Anh một nguồn tư
liệu giảng dạy và cho các học sinh một tư liệu luyện tập để củng cố kiến
thức trước các kì thi.

Đe rèn luyện thêm từ vựng, học sinh có thể làm các chưomg từ I đến
V {Muliiple Choice Tests, Lexical Cloze Tests, Open Cỉoze Tests, Word
Pormation và Trios o f Gapped Sentences). Các chưoưg VI {Sentence
Compleíion), VII {Sentence transform ation) và VIII ựỉrror Correction) dùng cho việc rèn luyện kĩ năng nhận biết cấu trúc câu.
Ba chương IX (Prepositions), X (Phrasal Verbs) và XI {Correct Verb
Porms) là những bài tập quan trọng về giới từ, động từ kép và dạng động
từ là những điểm ngữ pháp luôn được hỏi đến trong mọi kì thi tiếng
Chương XII {Reading Comprehemion) là phần khơng thể thiếu trong
mọi giáo trình liếng Anh, cung cấp các bài dọc để ròn luyện kĩ năng hiểu
văn. Câu hỏi đi kèm bài đọc thuộc nhiều dạng khác nhau, trong đó dạng
câu hỏi đa chọn lựa (Multiple Choicc Questions) là thơng dụng nhất
trong các kì thi ờ nước ta.
Ngoại trừ chương I (Multiple Choice Tcsts) và II (Lexical Cloze
Tests) là những câu hỏi trắc nghiệm về lừ vựng quen thuộc, các phần
khác chứa nhưng câu hỏi tự luận yôu cầu người học phải viết câu trả lời.
Mặc dù các kì thi Tú Tài và Đại học khơng cịn sử dụng câu hỏi tự luận
nữa nhưng muốn làm đúng câu hỏi trắc nghiệm, người học phải luyện
tập qua những câu hỏi tự luận này.
Cuối sách là 2 phụ lục về giới từ để học sinh tham khảo khi làm các
bài tập thuộc chương XI và X.
Tập sách này thích họp cho các học sinh đang ơn thi tú tài, cao đẳng
và đại học, và đặc biệt có ích cho các học sinh chuyên ngữ và các học
sinh trong đội tuyển tiếng Anh chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi học sinh giỏi Tiếng
Anh cấp quốc gia, tỉnh hoặc thành phố.
Xin chân thành cảm ơn các tác giả và các nhà xuất bản có tư liệu mà
chúng tơi mạo muội đưa vào tập sách này.
Người sưu tập và tuyến chọn
Vĩnh Bả
Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h - 3

Choose the best altemative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences.


I find the way she keeps playing with her hair rea lly ______ .
A. thrilled
B. irritated
c. thrilling
D. irritating


She w a s ______ to discover that she had won íĩrst prize.
A. excited
B. lucky
c. astonished
D. nervous


You m ust have f e l t ______ w hen all your exam s were over.
A. relieved
B. upset
c. irritated
D. cross


The Silence o f the Lam bs is the m o s t___
íĩlm I’ve ever seen.
A. terrifíed
B. tcrrif3ãng
c. scarod
D. excited


I w a s ______ that Tom could come to the party after all.
A. irritating
B. nervous
c. íurious
D. glad


The m anager really wanted Anna to join the company: he believed she
would be a v a lu a b le______ to his team of sales people.
A. addition
B. accum ulation c. supplem ent
D. appendage


Everything included, the cost o f our new living room came to a ______
total of £10,000.
A. full

B. great
c. gross
D. grand


When the ship docked at Hamburg, they found a _
A. gate-crasher B. stowaway
c . interloper


If you know when you’re Corning back it would be better to huy a
A. ílrst-class
B. single
c. return
D. one-way

_ in the hold.
D. trespasser

10. Cheese and spinach pie is a traditional G reek _____ .
A. cuisine
B. food
c. course
D. dish
11. How long does it usuỄdly take to
A. check in
B. check out

__ for a dom estic ílight?
c. check over
D. check on

12. The brochure stated the hotel was situ a ted ___
A. direct
B. right
c. precise

beside the sea.
D. exact

13. Sheila had butterílies in h e r ______ before the interview.
A. face
B. heart
c . palms
D. stom ach
14. I hadn’t been riding before and could b a rely _
A. get into
B. get out of
c. get on

the horse at íĩrst.
D. get off

Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Oiiốc gici môn TiếníỊ A n h

15. I m isread the tim e on the ticket and w e ______ the plane.

A. caught
II. got on
c. lost
D. m issed
16. Although Vicky looked pretty much the same after all those years, I
n o ticed ______ changes which madc her look even more beautiful than I
c. fair
D. joint
B. sensitive
A. subtle
17. If they had been w e a r in g ____
plane crashed into the sea.
A. cabins
B. seat-belts

they m ight have survived w hen their

c. life-belts

D. yachts

18. If you have a minor illness, it ’s usually better ju st to let nature take its
A. course

B. tim e

19. The scientist wanted to
the failure o f the experim ent.
A. drive

B. space

c. path

him seir from the controversy following

c. distance

20. They’re starting th e ir _____ by ílying to Tokyo.
A. travel
B. voyage
c. journey
21. The shop assistant was m ost _
price on the jar of olives.
A. helpless
B. unhclptul

D. way

D. lengthen
D. trip

w hen I told her that there was no

c. thoughtíul

D. unhelplully

people I’ve
22. He may not be good looking but h e’s one of the m o s t ___

ever met.
A. likely
B. unlikely
c. likeable
D. likeness
23. I don’t know w hy exactly but I suspect him o f b e in g ______ .
A. dishonesty
B. dishonest
c. dishonestly D. honesty
24. He hired a ______ to try to follow her everywhere she w ent.
A. private investigator
B. caretaker
c. litcguard
D. traĩíĩc warden
25. He runs a very
A. proííting

_ business selling spare parts for cars on the Internet.
B. proíltable
c. proíĩt
D. proíítably


___ in our building often falls asleep at the front desk.
A. caretaker
B. stockbroker
c . undertaker

D. bookmaker


He took
A. exception


vinh Bủ

w ith many of the points she made, claim ing they were
B. issuc

c. account

D. trouble


The sink is com pletely blocked so w e’ll have to get a (n )_______ .
A. m iner
B. undertaker
c. surgeon
D. plumber


The o rg a n isers______ how many people would be attending the course
and there were not enough chairs.
A. underestim ated
B. overestim ated
c. overrated
D. estim ated


______ a minute! I can’t íínd my keys.
A. Keep on
B. Hold on
c. Go on

D. Carry on


You ju st never lift a ______ to help me — I have to do everỊdhing myselí!
A. shoulder
B. hand
c. finger
D. wrist


S cientists seem to be trying to push t h e ______ of nature to the limit.
A. laws
B. codes
c. rules

D. regulations


There was a ______ on the door who w ouldn’t let us into the disco.
A. reíeree
B. lifeguard
c. w restler
D. bouncer
I w on’t act in íllm s that are too violent — I ______ the line at that.
A. paint
B. make
c. draw
D. w rite

10. I had lost m y glasses in the w ater and could barely
A. notice
B. recognise
c. remark

the edge o f the
D. distinguish

11. If y o u ______ to Berlin, call my friend Peter and say “hello” from me.
A. will go
B. w on ’t go
c. go
D. going
12. She gets fìfteen per c e n t ______ on every Insurance policy she sells.

A. salary
B. com m ission
c. bonus
D. pension
13. My uncle is thinking of
travelling round the world.
A. retiring
c. being sacked

next yeeir and spending the rest o f his life
B. being made redundant
D. being resigned

14. Before they opened the new factory a lot o f the young people round here
w e r e ______ th e dole.
A. in
B. up
c. at
D. on
15. She h a s _____ a position as general manager.
A. applied
B. applied for
c. solicited
16. I worked all sum m er but I didn’t
A. gain
B. win

D. asked

___ enough to save any money.

c. pay
D. earn

17. In the interview they asked if I had m u c h __
w ith computers.
A. experience
B. experim ent
c. experim ents
D. experiences
Tài liệu óìì thi THPT Oiiốc

U1ƠÌ1 Tiéitỉỉ A n h - 7

18. Many governm ents have tried to b a n ______ .
A. syndicates
B. em ployers
c. trade unions

D. em ployees

19. There is a special section o f the newspaper entirely devoted to j o b __
A. advertisem ents
B. announces
c. propaganda
D. publicity
20. I look forward t o ______ from you and receiving your brochure.
A. heard
B. hearing
c . hear

D. hears
in the area?
21. Are there any sq u a sh __
c. rings
A. greens
B. pitches
22. People som etim es use baseball
A. clubs
B. sticks

_ as weapons.
c. bats

D. courts
D. rackets

is always in
23. It doesn’t m atter which footb£dl team you support t h e______
the wrong.
A. linesm an
B. referee
c. arbitrator
D. um pire
24. I think the
A. net

is a bit too high, don’t you?
B. ring

c. pitch

D. set

, I w ant to explain why the team has not m anaged to get into the
íírst division.
A. At the end
B. In the end
c. Pinally
D. Last

I’d like to huy the radio, but I haven’t got any m oney on m e at the
m om ent. Could y o u ______ for me for a day or two?
A. bring it round
B. lay it in
c. take it in
D. put it on one side

“Were you told to get dinner ready?”
“No, I did it o f my o w n ______ .”
A. desire
B. accord
c . idea

D. will


Mr N ewrich invited his guests to an expensive restaurant. However, he

f e lt ______ at ease.
c . ill
D. unw ell
A. sick
B. painful


Police blamed a sm all hooligan
which occurred.
A. constituent
B. elem ent



in the crowd for the violence

c. division

D. portion

The police arrested the wrong m an m ainly because they ____
nam es they had been given hy the w itness.
A. bewildered B. merged
c. coníused
D. puzzled

Vỉiìh Bá



The police car raced down the Street w ith t h e ______ blaring.
D. alarm
A. siren
c. gong


H is parents died w hen he was very young so he was ______ by an aunt.
D. brought up
A. grown up
B. taken care
c . taken after


I have been eating honey so m y fingers a r e _______.
A. dirty
c. wet


D. yellow

Mrs Proper always tells her child not to talk w ith his m outh _
A. wide
B. open
c. together
D. full

10. I have always
A. taken up

__my older brother for his courage and honesty.
B. taken after
c . looked up to
D. looked after

11. After the guests had left we wero allowed to eat the
A. rem aining
B. left
c. m issed

D. additional

12. D on’t be s o _____ ! He was only joking.
A. sensible
B. senseless
c . sensitive

D. insensitive

13. The conspirators were plotting the _____of the governm ent.
c. dem olition
D. catastrophe
A. overthrow
B. disaster
14. W hen I entered the room, the children w e r e _____ over the last orange.
A. C onsulting
B. d iscu ssin g
c. squabbling D. participating
15. My sister has j u s t _____ sixteen.
A. com pleted
B. turned

c. become

16. A good way o f ______ food is keeping it in a fridge.
A. enduring
B. extending
c. prolonging

D. had
D. preserving

17. Many A sian countries still rely on rice as t h e _____ food.
D. w inning
A. stap le
B. Capital

c. superior
18. The dish had a very in teresting taste as it w a s ____ _ w ith lemon.
D. ílavoured
A. spiced
B. pickled
c. seasoned
19. The sight of so m any sw eets made the children’s m o u th _____
A. drip
B. w ater
c. m oisten
D. w et
20. Ju st think! N ext m onth you ’ll be
you were a baby.
A. in your teens
c. at your teens

and it seem s like only yesterday
B. in your teenage
D. teenager

21. “A nother cup of coffee?” — “No, but th a n k s _____
A. not at all
B. for all
c. all the sam e
22. It was v e r y _
A. generous

D. you for all

of you to lend us your car for the whole week.

B. am bitious
c. m odest
D. thoughtless
Tài ìiệu ơn thi THPT Ouốc ffia mơn Tiénỉỉ A n h

23. W e’ll have to íĩnd som eone to __
A. bring up
B. get on

our plants w hile w e’re away on

c. grow up

D. look after

24. I don’t think you should be so
w ith the children. W atching
television for h alf an hour a day w on’t do them any harm.
A. stubborn
B. strict
c . reliable
D. thoughtful
25. It was very
A. loyal

o f you to eat the last slice of cake vvithout asking.
B. sensitive
c. self-confident D. naughty


Even very active children oíten stop playing sport w hen t h e y _____ .
A. tell o fĩ
B. bring up
c. grow up
D. look up


There is som e controversy over who is responsible for the _____
A. creation
B. discovery
c. invention
D. revolution


I in ferred ______ his remark that Mrs Vegetarian doesn’t eat meat.
A. from
B. o f
c . to
D. with


He said he would sue us, but I don’t think h e ’l l ______ his threat.
A. achieve

B. bring about
c . períorm
D. carry out


How about a glass o f orange juice t o ______ your thirst?
A. quash
B. quench
c. quell
D. quieten


He was arrested for trying to pass
A. camouAaged B. fake


The safe deposit b o x ____a high-pitched sound w hen it w as moved.
A. ejected
B. excluded
c. expelled
D. em itted


Her chain w as made o f ___
gold, unm ixed w ith any other m etal.
A. pure

B. dishonest
c. clean
D. right


I haven’t b e e n ______ P ete lately.
A. getting up to
c. gettin g on with

____ notes at the bank.
c. counterfeit D. fraudulent

B. getting through to
D. getting round to

10 . Although it was o n ly ______ jewellery, it looked real enough.
A. ííctional
B. untrue
c. invented
D. im itation
11 . You £u:e late again - please try to be
A. accurate
B. punctual


in future.
D. reliable

12 . A íter he broke the window, the boy w a s ______ from school.
A. exiled
B. excluded
c. extracted
D. expelled
1 0 - Vììih Bá


13. A child’s íìrst five years are the m ost im portant as far as learning is
A. concerned

B. affected

c. hit

D. touched

____ any more teachers this term
14. I don’t think th ey ’ll be taking
because there aren’t m any students.
D. over
A. up
B. in
c. on
15. Could you speak
A. out

_____a bit? We can’t hear you at the back o f the room.
B. loud
c. over
D. up

next m onth to help my sister
16. Tm going to take a couple of d a y s ___
move house.
D. up
A. over
B. off
c . out
17. The p o lic e______ off the Street where the bomb had gone oíĩ.
A. cordoned
B. battened
c. fastened
D. shuttered
18. We all m ake m istakes; no-one is
A. fallible
B. iníallible
19. Everyone laughed w hen he took
A. over
B. up

c. m istaken

D. unmistaikable

__ the teacher so well.
c. off

D. out

20. He offered me $500 to break my contract. T hat’s ______ .
A. bribery
B. blackmail
c. com pensation D. reward
21. It was such a shock to receive a letter like t h a t ______ .
A. in the red
B. out o f the blue
c . in th e pink
D. over the moon
22. The h o o lig a n ______ the m oney out of my hand and ran away.
A. snatched
B. gripped
c. clutched
D. withdrew
___ of a gun, he was im m ediately a suspect.
23. As he was caught in
B. possession
c. ownership
D. handling
A. control
24. He is doing a S cience______ at the U niversity of Edinburgh.
A. career
B. certiBcate
c . title
D. degree
25. The teacher told us to learn the irregular v e r b s______ heart.
A. to
B. at

c. by
D. in


The con d u ctor______ the boys off for m isbehaving on the bus.
A. told
B. said
c. shouted
D. cried


The íírst th in g he did was to _
A. disconnect
B. m islead

his shoelaces and take his shoes ĩ.
c. undo
D. unpack

Tài liệu ơn thi THPT Quốc gia tuôn Tiéng A n h



After considering the case, th e judge put the young o ffe n d e r ______ for
two years.

A. in charge
B. in control
c. on trial
D. on probation


An IQ test is supposed to m easure t h e ______ o f your intelligence.
A. level
B. extent
c. degree
D. size


She was sent out of the exam ination room because the exam iner caught
h e r ______ .
A. sneaking
B. cheating
c. lying
D. copying


We used to
all sorts of things w hen our parents w ent out.
B. get over
A. get through to
D. get on with
c. get up to


I knew that so m eth in g __
A. huge
B. odd

was going on as soon as I walked into the
c . vast

D. m assive


If I don’t w rite you a note to say you have a doctor’s appointm ent, the
teacher w ill think you are p la y in g______ .
A. truant
B. the fool
c. for tim e
D. hard to get


I’ve got so much spare tim e now Tm thinking of t a k in g ___
hobby like stam p collecting.
A. in
B. off
c. up
D. over

a new

10. You are not very
today, Hugh. W hat’s the matter? I’ve never
known you so quiet.
A. chattering
B. loud
c. speaking
D. talkative
11. Rita is n o t ___
A. fit
12. It should be
A. marked

of doing this work - she should change her class.
B. capable
c. possible
D. suitable
____ that students are expected to attend classes
B. reminded

13. The traíííc policem an let her _
driving way over the speed limit.
A. up
B. off

c. perceived

D. noted

_ with a w arning though she was

c. on

D. out

14. This is an exciting book which ____
_____ new ground in educational
A. breaks
B. reaches
c. scratches
D .tu rn s
15. The tutorial System at Oxford and Cambridge is the _____ of many
A. sorrow
B. jealousy
c. regret
D. envy
12 - Vĩnh Bá

16. W hen the detectives finally trapped him, he had t o ______ to lying.
A. recourse
B. resource
c. resort
D. retort
17. He w as very thrilled w hen he heard he h a d ______ th e exam.

A. passed
B. approved
c. failed
D. won
18. I w ish h e ’d let u s m ake som e o f the decisions instead o f completely
ta k in g ______ all our m eetings.
D. up
B. over
c. off
A. in
19. ______ m y opinion, students shouldn’t have to repeat the year if they fail
their exams.
A. In
B. At
c. On
D. From
20. Prof. Rush was speaking so quickly I couldn’t __
A. accept
B. listen
c. catch

w hat he said.
D. take

21. Jane said she could n o t ______ the inform ation given in the lecture.
A. accum ulate
B. absorb
c. admire
D. listen
22. Mr Wellbred w ent to a school which ______ good m anners and selfdiscipline.

A. blossom ed
B. planted
c. harvested
D. cultivated
23. The sm ell of the burnt cabbage was so ______ that it spread to every
A. pervasive
B. eíĩu sive
c. extensive
D. diíĩuse
24. Suddenly I understood períectly and everything f e ll______ place.
A. down
B. for
c. into
D. out
25. Mr Horrid w as a terrible teacher and obviously n o t ______ for teaching.
A. cut in
B. cut on
c. cut up
D. cut out

were unim pressed by his latest fílm.
B. criticising
c. critics
D. com m ents


Most o f the

A. review s


It was so em barrassing w hen Romeo forgot his
A. paper
B. lines
c. part


I hope the fílm has a h a p p y ______ .
A. finish
B. end

c. finale

___ in the second act.
D. script
D. ending


It’s surprising the pertormance w ent so well after only th r e e _______ .
A. rehearsals
B. auditions
c. applauses
D. directions


High risk sports have really taken
A. up
B. ofĩ

c. in

D. on

Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Oiiốc gia tuôn TiếnỊi A n h




The p erso n ____ the orchestra was a young wom an in her early tw enties.
A. com posing
B. directing
c. conducting D. leading


We’re always pla5ãng tricks on P ete because he takes ages t o ___
A. catch
B. keep
c. pick
D. get


Little Tom did not like his íĩr s t ______ at school at all.
A. course
B. period
c. presence



D. term

There was a (n ) ______ against the College’s new syllabuses.
A. bang
B. outcry
c. scream
D. w hist

10. New students m u s t ______ for classes before term begins.
A. enrol
B. enter
c. join
D. tcach
11. When you listen to a lecture, it is useful t o __
A. clear
B. put down
c. notify

the im portant points.
B. w rite on

12. Prof. Silver was a m ost eíTective speaker and his audience seem ed to
______ on his every word.
B. cling
c. hang
D. hold
A. catch
13. My brother found it diíĩĩcult to learn to w rite because ho i s ______ .
A. left-handed
B. right-handed
c. single-handed
D. two-handed
14. In w riting the account o f his summer adventures, N eville chose not to
his experiences in the order in which they happened.
A. compose
B. classify
c. compare
D. arrange
15. This cheese has g o n e ______ . You’ll have to throw it away.
A. mouldy
B. decayed
c. stale
D. contam inated
16. The steak looked tender, but it was as tough a s _
A. a belt
B. a saddle
c. old boots

D. rubber

17. Dinner will be serv ed ___ but we have tim e for a drink before then.
A. actually
B. currently
c. lately
D. presently
18. Can you help m e w o rk __
A. in
B. out

the answers to these m aths problems?
c. up
D. off

19. I can agree with you to a certain
A. pan
B. level

__ , Professor, but not entirely.
c. extent
D. way

for the
20. The Exam ination Board have recently changed the ___
Diploma in History.
A. brochure
B. syllabus
c. programme
D. compendium

21. Slow down a bit. I can’t __
A. get
B. hold
14 - Vìììh Bá

up with you w hen you walk so fast.
c. keep
D. work

22. The lecturer spoke so fast that I found it hard to t a k e ___
was saying.
A. away
B. up
c. over
D. in

w hat he

23. In th e exam ination you may be asked for com m ents on v a rio u s___
a topic.
A. angles
B. features
c. aspects
D. qualities
24. Failing the final exam was a b ig ______ to my hopes.
A. band
B. kick
c. hit

D. blow

25. Sign your nam e on t h e ______ line.
A. dotted
B. broken

D. spotted

c. drawn


We shall have to use that glass as we are a c u p ______ .
A. few
B. short
c. m inus
D. less


Some language
com m unication.
A. degree



B. grade


a high

c . level


of com petence in
D. mark

U n ĩo rtu n a tely , State schools d on ’t have m uch in th e ______ of sports
facilities com pared to private schools.

A. part

B. case

c. m eans

D. way


Your answors to the exam ination questions m ust ______ cxactly the
instructions given below.
A. accompany
B. follow
c. conform
D. keep


It is very difíĩcult t o ___
the exact m eaning of an idiom in a íoreign
A. convert
B. transter
c. exchange
D. convey


On Sunday, Vivian studied for seven h o u r s____ _ .
A. on end
B. at once
c. in full

D. at length


Tom handcd in the test and awaited the r e s u lts______ .
A. in the sam e breath
B. out of breath
c. w ith bated breath
D. under her breath


D on’t tell m e your name again. It’s _ _ _ _ _ .
A. off my chest
B. in my m outh
c. at my íĩngertips
D. on the tip of my tongue


S h e’s had a
A. sore

in her left shoulder for a week now.
B. ache
c. pain
D. hurt
Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h


10. Do you think parents should
much tim e Online?
A. deny
B. refuse

their children from spending too

c. disqualify

D. prevent

11. He criticised her in the m eeting and Pm afraid sh e’s really taken it to
A. hcỄirt

B. brain

c. mind

D. chest

and Cíirry him
12. He was so badly injured that they had to bring on a ___
off the íootball pitch.
A. bed
B. hammock
c. stretcher
D. bunk
13. In some countries you don’t need a doctor’s ______ to huy antibiotics.
A. recipe
B. prescription
c. receipt
D. no te
14. The nurse took his ______ and checked that he w as comfortable.
B. fever
c . tem perature D. therm al
A. heat
15. Y o u _____ be hungry again. W e’ve just had lunch!
A. m ightn’t
B. can’t
c. may not

16. Jane is s o _
A. intent
17. It suddenly
A. dawned

D. m u stn ’t

in her work that it would be a pity to disturb her.
B. attentive
c. consum ed
D. absorbed
on me w hat he really m eant.
B. came
c. hit

18. You will need a pen and som e paper to ____
dilílcult to do in your head.
A. discover
B. work out
c. realise

D. struck
this problem. It is too
D. find out

19. The little country hotel served them a m eal ílt f o r ______ .
A. a king
B. a lord
c. an emperor D. a queen
20. Let m e ______ th e bill before we leave this restaurant.

A. arrange
B. conclude
c. settle
D. pay up
21. Would you please ______from sm oking while the lecture is in progress?
B. keep you rselí c. avoid
D. stop
A. refrain
22. This c o u r se ______ no previous knowledge of the subject.
A. assem bles
B. assum es
c. assigns
D. assures
23. The students p a id ______ attention to their distinguished prolessor.
A. respectable
B. respected
c. respectlul
D. respective
24. Mr D iscontent w anted to complain to the waiter but was afraid of
maiking a (n ) ______ .
A. act
B. drama
c. play
D. scene
25. Have y o u ______ for any evening classes next term?
A. enrolled
B. engaged
c. inscribed


Vĩnh Bú

D. signed


Can you pass m e a knife? I w ant to _____ these onions.
A. fry
B. roll
c. chop
D. grate


She had to
A. shift


Look at that beautiful brooch! I only paid $3 for it at the sale. It was a
r e a l______ .
D. occasion
A. bargain
B. affair
c . beneíĩt


You’ll b e ______ your m oney if you buy that hat: you will never wear it.
A. giving away
B. w asting
c . saving
D. losing


The cost o f the m aterial is in the
A. included
B. enclosed


If you don’t know how to w ash that sweater, look at t h e __
the collar.
A. badge
B. label
c . notice
D. sign

her dress because she had lost so m uch weight.
B. change
c. loosen
D. alter

___bill for the work.
c. held
D. combined


I don’t think I could eat a n y ______ , but I’d like a coffee.
A. dessert
B. starter
c. m ain course D. second helping

Can y o u ______ the soup while I slice the bread?
A. sprinkle
B. w hisk
c . roll

D. stir

I fínd it really hard to walk in shoes w ith very h ig h ______ .
A. soles
B. heels
c . bottom s
D. supports

10. Could you go down to the baker’s and get me a
couple o f jam doughnuts.
A. loaf
B. piece
c. lump

of bread and a
D. slice

11. He was charged w ith a ( n ) ______ of currency regulations.
A. break
B. disrespect
c . breach
D. observance
12. Our Insurance policy offers im m ediate _
burglary, accident or daimage by íìre.
A. cart
B. security
c. relief

against the risk of
D. cover

13. The m an jum ped out o f the window and co m m itted ______ .
A. suicide
B. hom icide
c . murder
D. death
14. She is alvvays w earing a strange red hat w ith a long
A. hỄŨr
B. fur
c. feather

in it.
D. tail

15. “How would you like your hair cut, sir? - “Ju st a __
A. cut

B. trim
c . shave

_ p lease.”
D. snip

Tài ìiệii ơn thi THPT Quốc íỊÌa mơiì TiéiiỊỊ A n h



16. Corporal Lucky was hit by a bullet but he was o n ly _____ wounded.
A. barely
B. little
c. slightly
D. m erely
17. My sister works on the _____
A. check-through B. check-up

in the local superm arket on Saturday
c . check-in

D. check-out

___ in the post offíce for over ten m inutes.
18. We had to w ait in a

c . queue
D. íĩle
A. row
19. I lost the receipt and the shop Eissistant refused to give m e a _____ .
A. discount
B. refund
c . guarantee
D. exchange
20. They said they could order it for me because they didn’t have m y size in
A. shop

B. hold

c. stock

D. store

21. Our local superm arket charges a lot t o ______ groceries.
D. bear
A. deliver
B. carry
c. bring
22. The accused m an was able to prove h is innocence at the trial and was
A. absolved

B. acquitted

c. forgiven

D. pardoned

23. If the terrorists are not sent to prison, there will be a public
A. attack
B. onslaught
c. recrim ination D. outcry
24. The prisoners had spent alm ost a m onth digging a _____ before the
guEirds discovered it.
A. pipe
B. tunnel
c. subway
D. pass
25. He was throw n into prison and
A. confiscated
B. denied

_of his property.
c. removed
D. deprived


D on’t take that road. T here’s always v e r y ______ traffic along there.
A. heavy
B. strong
c. powerful
D. hard


S he’s s o ______ skinned that nothing offends her.
A. hard
B. thick
c. strong

D. heavy


This tea is t o o ______ for me. Could you bring me som e hot water?
A. strong
B. thick
c. hard
D. heavy


The older children used to
A. get
B. hit


Put the lid back on the tin so that the biscuits
A. stay
B. bring
c . get



l^nh Bá

on him in the playground at lunch time.
c. pick
D. beat
crisp and fresh.
D. becom e


1’m afraid th at the herring we had for supper has given m e ______ .
A. sickness
B. indisposition c. infection
D. indigestion


M iss D iligent did nine hours’ ______ stud3ãng a day for her exam.
A. solid
B. heavy
c. powerful
D. big


It w as during m y stay in India that I ______ taste for very hot curry.

A. gained
B. acquired
c . got
D. received


I suppose I ______ lent the book to Simon, but I’m alm ost sure I didn’t.
A. m ight
B. could
c. m ust have
D. m ight have

10. Y o u ______ that m an our phone number. I didn’t trust him at all.
A. m ust not have gi ven
B. m ight not have gi ven
c. should not have gi ven
D. could not have gi ven
11. The hot w eather has made t h e ______ even worse.
A. fam ine
B. drought
c . Aoods

D. hail

12. Fortunately only three passengers suffered m in o r_____ .
A. hurts
B. pains
c . injuries
D. damages

13. The governm ent have declared a State of
A. crisis
B. em ergency
c. urgency

after yesterday’s
D. danger

14. Scientists are working to find a cure fo r __
like AIDS.
A. ills
B. inílrm ities
c. diseases
D. com plaints
15. Thousands of
A. em igrants

__are Aeeing the war in the north.
B. em ployees
c. escapees

16. This lim e juice n e e d s _____ beíore you can drink it.
A. diluting
B. dissolving
c. soítening
17. Put the orange
A. skin

D. reíugees

D. w atering

___ in the w aste basket, not on the floor
B. find
c. Shell
D. peel

18. People were injured h y __
A. sleet
B. gale

stones the size o f tennis balls.
c. hail
D. snow

19. The food they serve here is excellent because they have a f in e ____.
A. cooker
B. chef
c. headwaiter D. stove
20. I can’t rem ember M£Lry’s number. r il have t o ______ in the phone book.
A. look it up
B. look it
c . look for
D. look it out
21. They arrived so late for the meal, that the food w a s ______ .
A. dried
B. hard
c . spoilt
D. lost
22. D on’t bring those clothes in off the line yet. T hey’re still a b i t ______ .

A. humid
B. mild
c. cool
D. damp
Tài liệu ôn thi TH PT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h


th e Shell o f th e hard-boiled cgg and w as sta rtin g to

23. She had just
peel it.
A. burst

B .cracked

24. A ______ o f wind blew my hat off.
A. puff
B. draft

c. fractured

D. sh attered

c. gust

D. breeze

25. They ha ve closed the centre of the city to traíĩĩc because of

A. overpopulation
B. contam ination
c. fam ine
D. pollution

on a lot less now that I don’t have to pay rent.
B. down
c. by
D. through


I can get
A. ovor


___ ĩurious with Charlotte. How could she forget our wedding
I am
A. absolutely
B. extrem ely
c. very
D. terribly


Her s o le ______ in the hotel kitchen was peeling potatoes.
A. role

B. profession
c. job
D. work


Be careíul not to
A. bend



th e tray too m uch or th e g la sse s w ill slide OÍT.

B. tilt

c. incline

D. tw ist

___ you to another piece of cake?
Can’t I
A. convince
B. persuade
c. pull

D. tem pt

I couldn’t open the w ine as I didn’t have a __

A. corkdriver
B. corkscrew
c. lever

D. screwdriver

__very well together.
c. on
D. by


We’ve got two cats and they get
A. down
B. through


in today’s
I haven’t had a chance to read anything apart from the
D. headlines
A. headings
B. titles
c. captions


How m any tele v isio n ______ do they have in your country?
A. canals

B. channels
c. ways
D. num bers

10. I w ish the papers w eren’t always so full of
B. rumour
c. slander
A. gossip
My íavourite radio
is Radio 3.
A. canal
B. channel
c. station

D. way

his tongue out at me.
B. stuck
c. showed

D .to o k

A rude bov
A. put


about the royal family.
D. chat

\'^nh Bã

13. Do you know w h a t______ Radio 3 is on?
c. dial
A. frequency
B. line
14. The Su n is a newspaper w ith a
A. distribution
B. coverage

D. position

_ of over three ĩxiillion.
c. circulation
D. sales

15. Can you pass m e t h e ___
control? I w ant to see if my favourite soap
has started.
A. far
B. removed
c. distant
D. rem ote
16. He never really g o t ____
A. through
B. by

his relationship w ith Jenny.
c. over

D. up

17. W aiting outside the exam ination room, I trembled w it h ______ .
A. com prehension
B. apprehension
c. expectation
D. tension
18. Fm terribly sorry but we haven’t got any copies o f the book in stock.
They s o ld ______ early this morning.
A. out
B. up
c. through
D. over
19. It is ______ that students will have doubled their vocabulary in three
m onths.
A. worry
B. íoreseen
c. hope
D. anticipated
20. I w ouldn’t eat those gooseberries if I were you, they don’t lo o k ________
to me.
A. ripe
B. ready
c. íormed
D. underdone
21. In a m ultiple-choice exercise it ’s som etim es easier to ______ the wrong
answers before choosing the right one.
A. om it
B. exclude
c. give

D. elim inate
22. That fish sm ells terrible! Throw it in t h e ______ .
A. bin
B. rubbish
c. sink
D. waste-paper basket
23. I couldn’t get
A. over

to Wendy so I left a m essage on her answering
B. through

c. hy

24. I was com p letely___
out after running so far.
A. exhausted
B. run
c. worn

D. up
D .rubbed

25. She is hard-working and efficient. ___
, she has had several years’
experience o f this kind o f work.
A. As w ell as
B. N ot only
c. However

D. Furthermore

Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc ^ ia mơn TỉếtiỊìAiih




Look _
A. up

! That sh elf is about to fall down.
B. out
c . over

D. down


So w hat have you been g e ttin g ______ whilc I’ve been away?
A. down to
B. away w ith
c. up to
D. through to


______ was she very rude to my mother, but she insulted my father too.
A. N ot only
B. As well as
c. In addition to D. Purtherm ore


______ passing all her cxam inations, she won a major tonnis tournam ent
this month.
A. In addition
B. Moreover
c. N ot only
D. As well as


Please give me t w o ______ ofbread.
A. crumbs
B. ílakes


D. lum ps



S h e ______ hcr autom atic cookcr to cook the m eat for scven o’clock.

A. set
B. put
c. arranged
D. tim ed


This knife is terrib ly ____
A. Sharp
B. flat


The apple was so _____ that he put som e sugar on it.
B. juicy
c . ripe
A. bad

D. sour

He rubbed his ílnger round t h e ______ of the glass.
A. ledge
B. lip
c. rim

D. tip


. It w on’t even cut a pieco of checse.

c. blunt
D. thick

10. A food mixer is a very u s e fu l_____ to have in the kitchen
A. tool
B. instrum cnt
c. schem e
D. gadget
11. The refrigerator w a s ______ w ith food.
A. affluent
B. crammed
c. bloatcd

D. full

12. Our new cat is black w ith w h ite ______ .
A. claws
B. hooves
c. wings

D. paws

13. As the elephant walked along he swung h i s ____
A. beak
B. íĩn
c. trunk

from side to side.
D. hump

14. The lio n ______ w hen the keeper tried to make him go back into his cagc.
A. roared
B. neighed
c. moocd
D. barked
and told him you think things should be
15. I think it ’s tim e you
A. killed two birds w ith one stone B. put the cat am ong the pigeons
c. took the bull by the horns
D. got out o f the rat race



Vĩnh Bá

and m ention the party to Roger? It was supposed to
16. Why did you
be a surprise.
B. put the cat am ong th e pigeons
A. let the cat out o f the bag
D. kill two birds w ith one stone
c. have kittens
17. It m ust be true. I heard it straight from t h e _____ m outh.
A. dog’s
B. horse’s
c. cam ers

D. cat’s
18. I know you ’re upset about breaking up w ith Tony but there are plenty
m o r e ______ .
A. horses in the stable
B. cows in th e íleld
c. tigers in the zoo
D. fish in the sea
19. H alf way up the m ountain there was a __
w here climbers could stay
over night.
A. hut
B. bungalow
c . cottage
D. bed-sit
20. It took them over an hour to put up th e ir _____
A. hut
B. ten t
c. caravan

D. bungalow

21. He lives in a t in y ___
up in the m ountains.
A. suburb
B. city
c. village

D. town

22. He likes to spend his holidays lying on a beach and she likes to spend

hers w alking i n ______ .
A. a country
B. the country
c . country
D. som e country
23. Have you seen the exhibition at that n e w ______ in the high Street?
A. stadium
B. theatre
c. cathedral
D. gallery
24. Com petition from goods produced w ith cheaper labour has m eant that
m a n y ______ have closed.
A. m arkets
B. factories
c. stadium s
D. galleries
25. The royal w edding was celebrated in the m agniíĩcent sixteenth-century
A .cathedral

B. theatre

c. m arket

D. gallery


The puppy was
A. sniggering

___ so m uch I nearly dropped him.
B. vvriggling
c. chuckling

D. giggling


We w e r e ______ that the ílight would be delayed for two hours.
A. invited
B. ordered
c. intormed
D. instructed


He m anaged to
the branch of a tree and avoid being swept away
by the flood waters.
A. grasp
B. clutch
c. hug
D. m unch
Tài liệu ôn thi THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng A n h



That m an next to me on the bus m ust have been a
has gone.
A. shoplifter
B. kidnapper
c. hijacker

. My wallet
D. pickpocket


The murder took place in the m ain Street in the middle of the day, but
there were n o ______ .
D. juries
B. prosecutions c . w itnesses
A. judges


He was
A. arrested
c. executed


___ have produced períect copies o f m any o f the world’s
famous paintings.
A. m uggers

B. sm ugglers
c. rapists
D. íorgers


The judge released him on
next week.
A. sentence
B. bail


We made
A. out

w hen he was caught trying to catch a plane to France.
B. put on probation
D. acquitted

but h e ’11 have to appear in court again

c. punishm ent

D. fine

the nearest port w hen we hearđ the storm warning.
B. of
c. up
D. for

10. The judge’s r u lin g _____ a wave of protest cam paigns across the country.
A. instigated
B. launched
c . provoked
D. com m enced
11. Mrs Baker rolled out the pastry and cut it into pretty ______ before
baking it.
A. shapes
B. pictures
c. m easures
D. sizes
12. If you don’t lift that saucepan carelully, it will spill and you m a y ______
A. cut
B. peel
c. skin
D. scald
13. I don’t like m y steak cooked too long. I like it
A. burnt
B. underdone
c. raw

D. well done

14. Frozen food should always b e ______ before it is cooked.
A. defrosted
B. dissolved
c. m elted
D. soítened

15. When you have cracked the eggs, put t h e ______ in the rubbish bin.
A. coverings
B. shells
c. covers
D. skins
16. S h e ______ the tablecloth carefully and put it away in a drawer.
A. bent
B. creased
c. foldcd
D. pleated
17. A fat lady sat on my shopping bag in the bus a n d ______ my tom atoes.
A. squashed
B. crushed
c. broke
D. squeezed
18. There w as a sh£irp______ and the plate broke into two pieces.
A. bang
B. crack
c. crash
D. noise
24 - l in h Dá

19. Can you give m e a teaspoon t o _____ my tea?
A. beat
B. spin
c. turn

D. stir

20. Instead o f telling her where h e’d really been, he made
complicated story.
A. out
B. for
c. up
D. of
21. W e’ll make
A. out

for lost tim e if we keep working for a couple more

c. for

B. up

D. of

22. It’s fífteen years since Tim othy worked in Holland and h is Dutch is
pretty n o w ______ .
A. stale
B. scratchy
c. sloppy
D. rusty
23. The person who ______ an exam ination is supposed to see that nobody
tries to cheat.
A. dom inates
B. governs
c. supervises
D. leads

24. Add the essence
A. drop hy drop

until the teaspooníul is beaten into the mixture.
B. inch hy inch
c . leaf hy leaf
D. spot hy spot

25. Please don’t talk in the _
lecture hall.
A. promenade
B. lane

because there is an exam ination in the

c. corridor

D. way


I know you have a good voice and have am bitions to be an opera singer
but don’t give up your d a y ______ yet!
A. job
B. work
c. situation
D. place


I am in t h e ______ as to where Chris was last night.
A. shade
B. pink
c . dark

D. black

Breaking his leg dealt a ___
A. thum p
B. strike

D. blow



to his chances of becom ing a professional

c. hit

Jane is a S3nnpathetic listener. She lent me a(n)
A. mind
B. ear
c. m outh

__w hen I lost my

D. eye


L et’s m ake a dash for the train now as the rain seem s to b e ______ ofĩ.
A. reducing
B. slow ing
c. easing
D. running


of Computer
Our fírm is so successful because it is at the c u ttin g ___
A. lim it
B. edge
c. verge
D. fringe
Tùi liệu ơn thi THPT Ouốc ítia mơn TiếnỊỊ A nh




He w a s ______ intensively for two vveeks before the ten n is tournam ent.
A. coached

lì. practised
c. learned
D. taught


Our journey was
■ by tho icy roads, which forced us to drive very
A. obstructed
B. impeded
c. barred
D. blocked


___ in safety procedures.
Before the parachute jump he was carefully
B. familiarised
c. presented
D. instructed
A. shown

10. S h e ______ her daughter to the caxe of a babysitter for the evening.
A. confided
B. consigned
c . entrusted
D. resigned
11. The e n g in e e r ______ the m achine with a ham m er and, m iraculously, it
roared back to life.

A. slapped
B. smacked
c . punched
D. whacked
12. Fighting among rebel soldiers _
been imposcd on the city.
A. enhanced
B. intensified

last night and a curfew has now

c. heightened

D. aggravated

13. While other companies collapsed in the economic recession, Cartwright
L td .______ and share prices rose.
c. proílted
D. gained
B. exploited
A .earned
her fiancé across the face during an argum ent and
14. Rebecca
walked out o f the restaurant.
A. slapped
B. sm ashed
c. struck
D. punched
15. The yearly procession to the tem ple in honour o f the local deity was an
im portant relig io u s______ in that city.

A. activity
B. festival
c. fast
D. habit
16. Although she was able to walk w ith the aid of crutches, having a broken
a n k le ______ her m ovem ents considerably.
D. hindered
c. intervened
B. blocked
A. barred
charm and proíessionalism in
17. The Oscar w inning actress sim p ly ___
her acceptance speech.
D. extricated
A. exuded
B. excludcd
c. expunged
18. After buying an expensive new penthouse Marianna was f la t _____ .
A. shattered
B. torn
c. sm ashed
D. broke
19. The new political party came to t h e ______ aíter the general election.
A. fore
B. back
c. side
D. front
20. On the eighth day of the strike the M inister
statem ent.
A. appeared

B. showed
c. lookcd

Vĩtih Bú

fít to make a
D. saw
