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Period: 85 Preparing date:………...
Week: 22 Teaching date:………....

<i>Unit 10 : </i>

<b>( cont )</b>

<i>Lesson 3 : </i> <b>1- 3 </b>

<b>I. Objectives :</b>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the names of some food and drink,
and learn how to use “some” and “any”

<b>II. Language contents :</b>

<b>1. Language skills : listening, speaking, reading and writing.</b>
<i><b>2.Language knowledge :</b></i>

* Vocabulary :

+ Nouns: Fruit, apple, banana, water, rice, milk, meat.
* Grammar :

- Is there any …? - Yes. There is some …
- No. There isn’t any …
- Are there any …? - Yes. There are some …
- No. There aren’t any …
<b>III. Method and teaching - aids :</b>

- Communicative approach .

- Teaching – aids : textbook, colored chalk, poster, cassette, picture.

<b>IV. Time : 45 minutes</b>

<b>V. Procedures :</b>

A. Classroom procedures: (1’)
1. Greetings

2. Checking attendance
B. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’activities Time Contents
 Warm up:

* <i><b>Networks:</b></i>

- puts the word “adjectives”
in a circle and asks Ss to go
to the board and write the
adjectives they have learnt.
- look at the board and gives

 Presentation:

- elicits the vocabulary by
using “example (1), “visual”
(4, 5, 6, 7), “realia” (2, 3)
- reads the words twice.
- asks Ss to repeat.

- writes the words on the
board and asks Ss to copy.
- checks vocabulary by

- listen to the

- go to the board
and write the

- guess the words.

- listen and repeat
- write the words
into the notebooks.



<i>* Networks:</i>

 New words:

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- asks Ss to look at the

pictures and practice with a

- sets the scene.

- lets Ss listen to the cassette

- has them repeat.
- lets Ss practice the
dialogue in pairs.

- introduces the grammar.

 Practice:

- runs through the words.
- asks Ss to practice asking
and answering as the model

- goes around to observe.
- calls on some pairs to
practice in front of class.
- listens and gives feedback.

 Further Practice:
* <i><b>Dictation list:</b></i>
- writes the table on the

- look at the pictures
and practice with a

- listen to the
cassette player.
- repeat, practice in

- listen to the

- look at the word

- practice in pairs in
front of class.

- look at the board.
- take a piece of



6. meat (unc) : thịt
7. milk (unc) : sữa

<i>What would you like?</i>

<i>I’d like an apple. What would you</i>

<i>I’d like some milk.</i>

<i>Phuong: What’s for lunch?</i>
<i>Thu : There is some meat and </i>
<i>some rice</i>

<i>Phuong: Are there any noodles?</i>
<i>Thu : No, there aren’t any </i>

<i>Phuong: Is there any fruit?</i>
<i>Thu : Yes, there is some fruit. </i>
<i>There are </i>

<i> some oranges and some</i>

<i>Phuong: What’s there to drink?</i>
<i>Thu : There is some water.</i>
<i>Phuong: Is there any milk?</i>
<i>Thu : No, there isn’t any milk.</i>

* <i><b>Model sentences:</b></i>

(+) There is some rice.
(-) There isn’t any rice.

(?) Is there any rice?
(+) There are some apples.
(-) There aren’t any apples.
(?) Are there any apples?
* <i><b>Notes:</b></i>

- <b>some</b>: dùng trong câu khẳng

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- asks Ss to take a piece of
paper and copy.

- reads these words twice,
asks Ss to listen and put the
words in the right column a/
<i><b>an/ some. </b></i>

- reads: rice, water, banana,
<i>milk, vegetables, apple, </i>
<i>meat, orange, noodles, hot </i>
<i>drink, cold drink, bread, </i>
<i>apple juice, orange juice, </i>
<i>hot milk</i>

- asks Ss to go to the board
and write

- gives feedback

paper and copy the


- listen and put the
words in the right

- go to the board
and write

<i>a) milk/ Yes</i>
Is there any milk?

Yes. There is some milk.
<i>b) oranges/ No (bananas)</i>
Are there any oranges?

No. There aren’t any oranges.
There are some bananas.
<i>c) meat/ No (rice)</i>

Is there any meat?

No. There isn’t any meat.
There is some rice.

<i>d) apples/ Yes</i>

Are there any apple?
Yes. There is some apple.

<b>a</b> <b>an</b> <b>some</b>

hot drink
hot milk


orange ricewater
apple juice
<b> Home work : (2’)</b>

- Learn by heart new words.
- Prepare Lesson 4 : B4-5


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