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<i><b>Lesson 6: LANGUAGE FOCUS.</b></i>
<b>Aims: To give the students the main structures of the unit. </b>
<b>Objectives: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to using the adverb clauses of reason</b>
and conditional sentences type 1.
<b>Skills: speaking, reading, writing.</b>
<b>Teaching aids: book, cues, poster.</b>
<b>Vocabulary: sea creature, exhaust fume, respiration problem</b>
4’ <i><b>I.</b></i>Extreme good happy sad slow<i><b>WARMER: Pelmanism</b></i>
Extremely well happily sadly slowly
- Controls the game - Play game
<i><b>II.</b></i> <i><b>PRESENTATION:</b></i>
<i><b>1.</b></i> <b>Pre-teach vocabulary :</b>
- sea creature /s<sub></sub> 'kr<sub></sub>/ (n): sinh vật biển
- exhaust fume /ig'z<sub></sub>st fj<sub></sub>m/ (n): khí thải
- respiration problem /<sub></sub>resp<sub></sub>'r<sub></sub>n
'pr<sub></sub>bl<sub></sub>m/ (n): bệnh về đường hô hấp
<b>Rub out the remember :</b>
<i><b>2.</b></i> <b>ADJ and ADV :</b>
<b>a. ADJ :</b>
<b>Ex: Hot day ; big house ; intelligent girl.</b>
<b>Adj + N</b>
- It stands before a noun and modifies for
the noun.
<b>Ex: she is happy.</b>
It seems too late now.
- It’s used after some verbs such as: be,
seem, find, feel…
<b>b.</b> ADV:
<b>Ex: slow – slowly</b>
Careful – carefully
Beautiful – beautifully
<b>Adj + ly Adv of manner</b>
<b>Ex: She drives her car carefully.</b>
He walks slowly into the house.
- It’s used after verbs and modifies the
<i><b>3.</b></i> <b>Adverb clauses of reason :</b>
<b>Model sentences :</b>
- Follows the steps for
presenting vocabulary.
- Gives model sentences
- Explains.
- Gives forms and uses
of the structures.
- Listen and observe
what the teacher does.
- Take notes.
Period: 44
<b>Ex: She got up late this morning, so she was late </b>
<i>for her school.</i>
<b>Form :</b>
main clause, adverb clause of reason
- The adverb clauses of reason usually
begin with: as, so, because
<b>Use : It gives the reason why one </b>
does the action that expresses in the main clause.
<i><b>4.</b></i> <b>That clause :</b>
<b>Ex: She is happy that she gets 10 marks.</b>
I’m disappointed that he acted like that.
<b>Form :</b>
S + to be + adj + “that” clause.
<b>Use : To modify the main clause.</b>
<i><b>5.</b></i> <b>Conditional clauses type 1:</b>
<b>Ex: If it rains this afternoon, I will stay here.</b>
If he comes, please call me.
If you have enough money, you can buy a
new car.
<b>Form :</b>
<b>If clause</b> <b>Main clause</b>
Simple present tense a. Simple present
b. Simple future
c. Bare infinitive
15’ <i><b>III.</b></i> <i><b>PRACTICE:</b></i>
Word cues drill:
<i><b>1.</b></i> <b>Pair-work :</b>
<b>Key: </b>
a. extremely
b. slowly
c. sadly
d. happily
e. well.
<b>Exercise 2:</b>
<b>Key: </b>
a. Ba is tired because he stayed up late
watching TV.
b. Nam has a broken leg as he fell over while I
was playing basketball.
c. Lan is going to be late for school since the
bus is late.
- Asks the students to do
the exercises.
d. Hoa broke the cup because she was careless.
e. Mai wants to go home because she feels
f. Nga is hungry as she hasn’t eaten all day.
<i><b>2.</b></i> <b>Matching :</b>
<b>Exercise 4 page 56</b>
<b>Key: 1 – e ; 2 – a ; 3 – c; 4 – d ; 5 – b </b>
<i><b>3.</b></i> <b>Group-work:</b>
<b>Building sentences:</b>
<b>Exercise 3 page 55 :</b>
a. I’m pleased that you are working hard.
b. I’m excited that I will go to DaLat.
c. I’m sorry that I broke your bicycle.
d. I’m disappointed that you didn’t phone me.
e. I’m amazed that I won the first prize.
<b>Exercise 5 page 56:</b>
a. If the rice paddies are polluted, rice plants
will die.
b. If we go on littering, the environment will
become seriously polluted.
c. If we plant more trees along the streets, we
will have more shade and fresh air to breath.
d. If we use much pesticide on vegetables, the
vegetables will be poisonous and inedible.
e. If we keep our environment clean, we will
live happier and healthier life.
<i><b>IV.</b></i> <i><b>POST-TASK:</b></i>
- Each of the students writes a conditional
- Exchange to one another.
- Asks the students write
sentence - Write sentence and then exchange with
1’ <i><b>V.</b></i>- Learn the lesson carefully.<i><b>HOMEWORK:</b></i>
- Write the exercises into workbook.
- Gives home
assignment - take notes.
<b>Notes :</b>