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Days of week
Days of week

<b> LESSON 1: LISTEN</b>

<b>Aims: To help the students practice their listening skill.</b>

<b>Objectives: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to listen and take notes specific </b>
information, and write a message notes.

<b>Skills: listening, writing</b>

<b>Teaching aids: book, poster, tape, stereo.</b>

 <b>Grammar: simple future tense. “S + will + V1..”.</b>

 <b>Vocabulary: leave a message, make an appointment, be available.</b>



<i><b>I.</b></i> <i><b>WARMER: Brainstorming</b></i>

Moday Tuesday
Wednesday Thursday

Saturday Sunday

- Controls the game - Play game

15’ <i><b>II.</b></i> <i><b>PRE-LISTENING:</b></i>

<i><b>1.</b></i> <b>Pre-teach vocabulary :</b>

- to leave a message /l<sub></sub>v <sub></sub> 'mesid<sub></sub>/: để lại
tin nhắn

- to make an appointment /meik <sub></sub>n

'pintmnt/: hẹn

- to be available /b<sub></sub><sub></sub>'veil<sub></sub>bl/: có mặt
 <b>Rub out and remember :</b>
<i><b>2.</b></i> <b>Set the scene :</b>

The dialogue happens between a woman
and a secretary of the principal. The woman
wants to meet the principal to talk something. But
the principal is out at that moment, so she has to
make an appointment.

<i><b>3.</b></i> <b>Multiple choice :</b>

1. The dialogue happens in the………
a. morning b. afternoon c. evening

2. Mr. Kenvin is…………at the moment.

a. out b. stoud c. down

3. The woman…………want to leave a message.
4. She will be able to meet the principal


- Follows the steps for
presenting vocabulary.

- Gives the common
idea of the lesson.

- Sticks the poster on the
board and run through.

- Listen and observe
what the teacher does.

- Listen

- Take notes.
- Guess
Period: 10

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a. Monday b. Thursday c. Tuesday
5. She can meet the principal at…………
a. 10:30 b. 9:45 c. 10:45

6. Her name is…………

a. Nguyen b. Nguyet c. Ngoan
7. Her address is…………

a. 23, 15th<sub> street b. 23, 51</sub>st<sub> street c. 33, 51</sub>st


<i><b>III.</b></i> <i><b>WHILE- LISTENING:</b></i>

<i><b>1.</b></i> <b>Listen to the tape and check the </b>
<b>multiple choice:</b>


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
<b>b a b c b a b</b>

<i><b>2.</b></i> <b>Listen to the tape carefully again</b>
<b>and fill in the gaps:</b>


Date: Tuesday Time: 9:45
For: Principal

Message: Mrs. Mary Nguyen wanted to see you
<i><b>at 9:45 in the morning.</b></i>

Tel number: 64683720942

- Plays the tape or read.

- Plays the tape again

- Listen and check the
multiple choice.

- Listen and fill in the

5’ <i><b>IV.</b></i> <i><b>POST- LISTENING:</b><b>Recall</b></i>

“Mrs. Mary Nguyen called………..She will….”

- Asks the students to

retell - Come to the front and recall.
1’ <i><b>V.</b></i>- Learn the lesson carefully.<i><b>HOMEWORK:</b></i>

- Prepare for the next lesson.

- Gives home

assignment. - Take note.
 <b>Notes :</b>

<b>Tape transcript:</b>

Secretary: Kingston Junior High School. Good afternoon.

Woman : Good afternoon. Could I talk to the principal, please?

Secretary: I’m afraid Mr. Kenvin is out at the moment. Would you like to leave message?
Woman : Uhm, no. But I’d like to make an appointment to see him.

Secretary: I think he will be available on Tuesday.
Woman : Tuesday’s OK. Can I see him in the morning?
Secretary: Sure, you can. What time would you like to come?
Woman : Is 10:30 OK?

Secretary: I’m sorry. The principal will have a school visit at 10:30. What about 9:45?
Woman : 9:45? Let me see. Yes, it’s alright.

Secretary: What’s your name, please?
Woman : My name’s Mary Nguyen.
Secretary: Is that N-G-U-Y-E-N?

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Woman : Number 23. 51st<sub> Street. My telephone number is 64683720942.</sub>
Secretary: Thank you, Mrs. Nguyen.


