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BAI TAP 11 Theo SGK Unit 10

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<b>I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.</b>

1. A. swallow B. sword C. swing D. swim

2. A. swine B. swift C. swindle D. swill

3. A. lamb B. climb C. thumb D. bulb

4. A. snack B. snaffle C. snake D. snag

5. A. smog B. smoke C. smoky D. smoking

6. A. slide B. slime C. slight D. slim

7. A. slob B. slogan C. slog D. slop

8. A. snatch B. snack C. snazzy D. watch

<b>II. Complete the sentences with the appropriate forms of the words in parentheses.</b>

1. To protect our environment, industrial factories must stop releasing ...into the atmosphere. (pollute)
2. The red squirrel is now virtually...in England. (extinction)
3. The giant panda is an...species. (endanger)
4. When did the world come into...? (exist)
5. Things have been going badly at work... (recent)
6. The rainforests are being systematically... (destroy)
7. He is working for the World Health... (organize)
8...beings are changing the environment in all aspects. (man)
<b>III. Complete each sentence with a pair of verbs from the box with opposite meanings.</b>

<i><b>clean up cut down destroy let plant</b></i>
<i><b>pollute prevent protect recycle throw away</b></i>

1. People should be encouraged to ... the environment, rather than...it.
2. We should try to...disasters happening, not just... them happen.
3. Everyone should try to... beaches, and not... them.

4. It would be a good idea to ... more trees, not to...trees.
5. We can use things again if we... rather than... them.

<b>IV. Choose the most suitable words to complete the following sentences.</b>
1. This is the car for which / that I paid $2,000.

2. This is the person to whom / that I sold my car.

3. This is Jack, with whom /who I stayed during the summer.
4. This is the gun with that /which the murder was committed.
5. Here's the program that / whom I told you about.

6. Is this the person about whom / that you asked me?

7. The bag in which / where the robbers put the money was found later.
8. Margaret is the girl with who /whom I went on holiday.

<b>V. Combine each pair of sentences into one, using a relative clause following a preposition.</b>
1. The old man smiled. I was looking at him.

2. The flat is very dirty. He lives in it.

3. Ms. Tâm Vy is the lady. I've talked to you about her.
4. The music sounds really interesting. You are listening to it.
5. I'm waiting for the bus. I go to work on it.

6. That's the house. I lived in it when I was young.
7. The man is called Anthony. Mum works for him.
8. The boy is very nice. I often talk to him about soccer.

<b>VI. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a</b>
<b>word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (). If a line has a word which should not</b>
<b>be there, write the word.</b>


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9...the world to learn more about endangered species. When people
10...know more, they can fight to protect and save the animals.

<b>VII. Match the words in the box with descriptions taken from a guidebook about San Francisco.</b>

<i><b>architecture historical sites cuisine nightlife customs scenery festivals</b></i>

1. ...The celebration of the Chinese New Year in San Francisco's Chinatown, which includes parades and
fireworks, is one thing that you should not miss.

2. ...San Francisco is a very hilly city that is surrounded by the waters of the San Francisco Bay. The
panoramic views are stunning!

3. ...Victorian-style houses contrast sharply with the modern skyscrapers downtown.

4. ...For those of you who like exotic food, you can find the best from around the world: Brazilian,

Indian, Japanese, Korean, Mexican, Russian, Thai, Chinese, and much more.

5. ...Don't forget to visit a bar or jazz club after a night out at the ballet or symphony.

6. ... You should stop in at one of many coffeehouses or outdoor cafes and enjoy the charming
atmosphere, which is the thing San Franciscans love to do most of all.

7. ...A visit to Mission Dolores, a church built by the Spanish in the eighteenth century, will give you an
idea of what life was like back then.

<b>The End</b>
<b>KEY TO TEST 10</b>

<b>I. </b> 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. D
<b>II. </b>

1. pollutants 2. extinct 3. endangered 4. existence 6. destroyed 5. recently 7. organization 8. Human
<b>III. </b>

1. protect – destroy 2. prevent – let 3. clean up – pollute 4. plant - cut down 5. recycle - throw away
<b>IV. </b>

1. which 2. whom 3. whom 4. which 5. that 6. whom 7. which 8. whom
<b>V. </b>

1. The old man at whom I was looking smiled.
2. The flat in which he lives is very dirty.

3. Ms. Tâm Vy is the lady about whom I've talked to you.

4. The music to which you are listening sounds really interesting.
5. I'm waiting for the bus on which I go to work.

6. That's the house in which I lived when I was young.
7. The man for whom Mum works is called Anthony.
8. The boy to whom I often talk about soccer is very nice.

1...<sub></sub>...Many species of animals, birds and even insects are in danger
2...off...of disappearing from off the Earth. Every day, construction in
3...<sub></sub>...the rainforests destroys the habitats of these creatures. They
4...to...cannot to survive in other environments. They rely on the food
5...being… and shelter being in other own habitats. Each time a habitat is
6. ….have... destroyed, the animals must have search for a new place.
7. ... they... Luckily, there are some people who they are doing something
8. ….for... about this situation. Animal protection societies are helping for
9. ... <sub></sub>... the world to learn more about endangered species. When

10...<sub></sub>... know more, they can fight to protect and save the animals.
<b>VII. </b>

1. festivals 3. architecture 5. nightlife 7. historical sites
2. scenery 4. cuisine 6. customs



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