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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<i><b>00Preparing day: 22/08/2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching date: 23/08/2011</b></i> .

<b>Period 01</b>

<b>Language review</b>


Objectives<sub>. </sub>
<b>1. Language focus: </b>

- Ss review forms and uses of requests, offers, promise, passive, past progressive
tense ....

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss remember knowledges
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book,...</b>

<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>
III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Organization:</b>
<b>2. Checking up: </b>
<b>3. New lesson:</b>

- Repeat the uses and forms:

* We often use: "<i>Will/would you please + </i>

<i>verb .</i>.. ?

With the answers:

Yes, of course / No, I' m afraid ...

*Passive forms with present simple and
future simple:

+ "... (am / is / are) + Past participle (PII)"

+ "... (shall/ will) be + Past participle(PII)"

- Compare active and passive:
Active: I do this exercise.
1 2 3

Passive: This exercise is done by me.
3 2 1

+ Active form: S + V + O

+ Passive form: S + be + P+ by + O

*<b>Past progressive tense</b>:
+ The form:

<b>S + was/were + V-ing + O</b>

Eg: <i>I was watching TV at 7 p.m last night.</i>
Eg: <i>I was watching TV when the phone</i>

Eg: <i>I was doing my homework while my</i>
<i>mother was watching TV</i>.

* <b>Request</b>

- Listen to the T and review.

Make examples:

- Review and copy the forms.

Make example:

+ Act: <i>Nam drank that bottle of milk</i>.
+ Pas: <i>That bottle of milk was drunk (by</i>

- Listen to the T and copy.

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<b>3.1- Modal "Will": Request, offer, promise</b>:

<b>3.2- Passive voice..</b>: <b> </b>

<b>3.3- Past progressive</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<i>Would you mind opening the window / If I </i>
<i>open the window</i> ?

- Ask Ss to retell the changes when they
rewrite the reperted speech.

Ex: <i>Marry said, ‘’I am tired now</i> “

 <i><sub>Marry said (that) she was tired at once.</sub></i>

- Make ex

- Listen to the T , and review
- Work in groups to tell and report
<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ss repeat the basic forms that they' ve reviewed.
<b>5. Homework: </b>

- Prepare the next lesson (Study Unit 1)

<i><b>Preparing day: 22/08/2011</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching date: 27/08/2011</b></i>

Unit 1:

a visit from a pen pal

<b> Period 02: <sub>Getting started & listen and read</sub></b>
I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to introduce to a foreigner a visiting to
Ha Noi.

<b>1. Language focus</b>:

+ Structure: <i>Review simple past with "Wish"</i>

+ Vocabulary: <i>Correspond, be impressed by, friendliness, mosque, pray, wish ..</i>
<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train discussing, asking and answering skills
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher</b>: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player, pictures....
<b>2. Students</b>: Text book, work book, school things, ....

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Organization</b>: class 9a,b
<b>2. Checking up</b>.

(Qs will be given on the new lesson)
<b>3. New lesson</b>.

- Hang the pictures on BB, divide the class
into 2 groups.

- Sum up Ss' answers

- Present some places, that Ss can’t name.
- Introduce the new situation by asking Ss
to imagine that a foreign pen pal is coming
to stay with them. Say what activities

* Ss' answers may be:
<i>Ha Noi Opera House</i>
<i>Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum</i>

a) Hung King Temple
b) Temple of Literature
c) Ben Thanh Market
<b>3.5- Reported speech</b>:

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<b>3.1- Warm-up</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

would you like to do during the visit.

<i>-</i>Give suggested As

- Make some suggested Qs:
<i>+ Do you have avy pen pals ?</i>
<i>+ Where does he come from ?</i>

<i>+ If he visits Ha Noi, what will you</i>
<i>introduce him</i> ?

- Give some statements about the text:
<i>1)</i> <i>Lan's pen pal comes from Malaysia.</i>
<i>2) Kuala Lumpur is a small city.</i>

<i>3) The girls visited Hang Luoc Street on</i>

<i>4) They will write letters to eachother</i>

*New words :

<i>Correspond: liên lạc qua th</i>

<i>Be impressed by:.. bị ấn tợng bởi..</i>
<i>Friendliness: sự thân thiện.</i>

<i>Mosque: nhà thờ Hồi giáo</i>
<i>Pray: cầu nguyện</i>

<i>Wish: ớc muốn , ao ớc..</i>
<i>Keep in touch: giữ liên lạc</i>

<i><b>Used to + V</b> : Trớc đây thờng....</i>

- Ask Ss to read the text then choose the
correct option to complete the sentences.
* <b>Grammar:</b>.

(It expresses a wish in the present)

<b>* "Used to" + V</b>

- Hang the picture on the BB

d) Museum of History
e) Restaurant

f) Opera House

- Answer the T' s Qs.

- Scan the text and decide whether the
statements are True or False.

* Answer key:

1 - T 2 - F 3 - F 4 - T

- Listen to the tape (look at book)

- Copy and read the new words and
phrases in chorus and individually.

* Answer key:
1. C (two weeks)

2. B (Ha Noi people were friendly)
3. D (all the above)

4. B (invite Lan to Kuala Lumpur)

<b>4. Drill</b>.

- Ask the Ss to retell and remember the topic of the text, and structures.
<b>5. Homework</b>.

- Ask Ss to make 5 sentences using "wish" + (that) clause.

- Do exercise 1 ( page 5 - work book ).preparing U1:Speak+Listen
<i><b>Preparing day: 29/08/2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching date: 30/08/2011</b></i>

Unit 1:

a visit from a pen pal

<b>Period 03 : Speak + listen</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will futher practice introducing and making friend,
talking about our country.

<b>1. Language focus</b>:

- Structure: <i>Let me introduce myself, Please to meet you ...</i>
- Vocabulary: <i>Review </i>

<b>2. Language skills</b>:

- Ss train speaking and listening kills.

<b>3.3- Practice</b>.

<b>3.4- Production</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher</b>: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player extra-board, picture...
<b>2. Students</b>: Text book, work book, school things, ....

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Organization</b>: Class 9a,b
<b>2. Checking up</b>:

- T asks Ss to answer the questions:

<i>+ Where did Lan took Maryam to ? </i>
<i>+ What was Maryam impressed by</i>?

<b>3. New lesson</b>:

- Ask Ss to name some famous places in
Hanoi that they know in English.

- Introduce topic of the lesson: (<i>Nga is</i>
<i>talking to Maryam. They are waiting for</i>
<i>Lan outside her school. Put the dialogue</i>
<i>in the correct order to make a complete</i>

- Correct Ss' s mistakes then give the right

- Let Ss practice the dialogue

- Ask Ss to look at the information in the
book and make similar dialogues.

- Ask some pairs to practice in front of the

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to rewrite about
Maryam ‘s friends: Yoko, Paul, and Jane.

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures, then give
the differences between them.

- Play the tape (twice

- Let Ss check their answers eachother.
- Ask Ss give answers.

- Play the tape again and give the right

- Work in groups to discuss –Eg:
<i>- Hoan kiem lake ,NgocSon Temple</i>
<i>- One pillar Pagoda.</i>

- <i>Flag Tower of Ha Noi</i>.
<i>- Temple of Literature.. ...</i>

- Look at book and listen to the T and
then work in groups to put the dialogue
in the correct order.

- Give answers in front of the class.
- Check and copy the right As.
* The right As are:

1  c  5  b  4  d  2
<sub> e </sub><sub> 3 </sub><sub> a </sub><sub> 6 </sub>

- Work in pairs to practice the dialogue.:

EX: <i>Her name is Yoko, she comes from</i>
<i>Tokyo. she likes Vietnamese people. She</i>
<i>loves old city in Vietnam, too....</i>

- Listen to the tape again and complete
the sentences:

Answers key:
<i>1) restaurant.</i>
<i>2) On the grass.</i>
<i>3) Sign. </i>

<i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>
<i><b>T' s activities</b></i>

<b>3.1- Warm up</b>:

<b>3.2.1- Pre-speaking</b>.

<b>3.2.2- While-Speaking</b>.

<b>3.2.3- Post-speaking</b>.

<b>3.3,1- Pre-listening</b>.

<b>3.3.2- While-listening</b>.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

-ask Ss some questions

<i>4) 130</i>

<b>4. Drill</b>.

- Ask Ss to repeat and remember the main contents of the lesson.
<b>5. Home work</b>.

- Ask Ss to reveiw the lesson, ).preparing U1: Read
<i><b>Preparing day: 29/08/2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching date: 03/09/2011</b></i>

Unit 1:

a visit from a pen pal

<b>Period 04 <sub>:</sub><sub> reading</sub></b>

I. Objectives<sub>.</sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be provided the informations about Malaysia, a
member country of ASEAN. And about some other countries in ASEAN.

<b>1. Language focus</b>:
+ Structure: <i>Review</i>

+ Vocabulary: <i>tropical climate, unit of currency, national language, Islam </i>...
<b>2. Language skills</b>:

- Ss train reading comprehension skill
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher</b>: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player, a map of Malaysia...
<b>2. Students</b>: Text book, work book, school things, ....

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Checking up</b>: (4 ms)

- Ask Ss to do exercise 4 in the work book (on BB)
<b>2. New lesson</b>:

- Hold the class to do networks about the
countries in ASEAN.

- Hang the map on the BB.

- Introduce the information about

- Ask Ss to work in groups to complete the
table p10.

*<b>New words and phrases</b>:

<i>ASEAN = Association of South East Asian</i>
<i>Nations: HiƯp héi c¸c qc gia §NA</i>
<i>Comprise: bao gåm</i>

<i>Tropical climate: khí hậu nhiệt đới</i>

- Work in groups to do networks
<i>Thailand Singapore</i>

... ...
* Ss' answers may be:

<i>Malaysia; Indonesia; Laos; Philipine;</i>
<i>Myanmar; Cambodia; Viet Nam ....</i>

- P


Look at the map and listen to the T' s
introduction about Malaysia and its

- Work in groups to discuss and predict

then complete the table

-Listen to the tape

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b><sub>Ss' activities</sub></b></i>

<b>3.1. Warm up</b>.

<b>3.2. Pre-reading.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<i>Unit of currency: đơn vị tiền tệ</i>
<i>Islam: o Hi</i>

<i>Tamil: ngời/tiếng Ta-Min</i>

<i>Primary language: ngôn ngữ chính.</i>

- Ask Ss to read the text and fill in the

- Correct Ss' mistakes.

- Ask Ss to read the text and decide
whether the statements are true or false.
* <b>The right Answers</b>:

1. T

2. F (<i>There are more than 2 religions</i>)
3. F (<i>El, Chinese and Tamil are also widly</i>


4. F (<i>One of the three: Malay, Chinese,</i>

5. F (<i>El is a compulsory second language,</i>
<i>not primary language </i>

<b>-</b>Ask some Ss to read the text aloud in
front of the class.

- Translate the text into Vietnamese

- Copy and read the new words

* Answers keys:

Area : <i>329,758</i>

Population : <i>over 22 million</i>

Climate : <i>tropical climate</i>

Unit of currency : <i>the riggit</i>

Capital city : <i>Kuala Lumpur</i>

Official religion : <i>Islam</i>

National language : <i>Bahasa Malaysia</i>

Compulsory second language : <i>English</i>

- Work invidually to read the text again
and decide <b>true</b> or <b>false</b>.

- Compare answers with parners.
- Give answers in front of the class

<b>4. Drill</b>.

- Ss repeat and remember the main content of the lesson.
<b>5. Home work.</b>

- Ask and explain Ss to do exercises in workbook .Preparing Unit1:Write
<i><b>Preparing day:</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day:</b></i>

Unit 1:

a visit from a pen pal

<b>Period 05</b>

<b> :</b>

<b> </b>

<b> </b>


I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter to their relatives or
friends about their visits to other places.

<b>1. Language focus</b>:

+ Structure: <i>A letter</i>
+ Vocabulary: <i>Review</i>
<b>2. Language skills</b>:
- Ss train writing a letter.
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher</b>: Text book, work book, extra board, e ...
<b>2. Students</b>: Text book, work book, school things, ....
III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Checking up</b>.

- Ask one or two Ss to retell the main information about Malaysia (in their own

<b>2. New lesson</b>:

<b>3.4. Post-reading</b>

<b>3.3. While-reading.</b>

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

- Give some questions (on the

+ Where did you go ?
+ What did you do ?
+ How did you go there ?
+ Which places did you visit

- Ask Ss to look at the outline then ask
and answer.

+ When did you arrive in .... ?
+ Who met you at the bus .... ?
+ Which places did you visit ?

+ Who did you met during the visit ?
+ What kinds of food did you eat ?
+ What did you buy ?

- Ask Ss to write the paragraph. Use the
answers as prompts.

- Give the suggested ideas:
<b>+ First paragraph:</b>

I/ arrive/ Hue railway Station/ at
2pm /Sunday.

My uncle take me home/ taxi.
<b>+ Second paragraph:</b>

- I’ve visited / Imperial city./ Dong Ba
market/ The biggest market in Hue/ eat
beefnoodle /...

<b>+ Third paragraph:</b>

I/ feel so happy/. People are frienly/
nice/ the food/ delicious/ the scenery /

I will leave at.../ on Saturday/ arrive
home at... .Please pick me at the station.

- Ask Ss to read their writing aloud in
front of the class.

- Work in groups to discuss, use the T' s

+ To Ha long.

+ Swim, Sunbathe ,visit the Bay.
+ By car.

+ Bai chay, the Bay, visit the caves ...

Work in pairs look at the outline and ask
-answer about your trip by using the
suggested questions.

* Ss' writing may be:

<i>Dear Mai,</i>

<i> I arrived at Hue Railway station at 2pm</i>
<i>on Sunday. My uncle, Hung took me home</i>

<i>by taxi. </i>

<i>I’ve visited the Imperial City. I was</i>
<i>amazed by the scenery here. I also went to</i>
<i>DongBa market, the biggest market in Hue.</i>
<i>This is the place I bought souvenirs.</i>
<i>Yesterday, My uncle and I went to eat beef</i>
<i>noodle. I enyoyed it verry much.</i>

<i>I will leave Hue at 7am on Saturday. I</i>
<i>am so happy. People in Hue are very nice</i>
<i>and friendly.i miss them verry much.The</i>
<i>train will come to Hanoi at 5pm. Please</i>
<i>pick me at the station.</i>

<i>I am looking forward to meeting you and</i>
<i>telling you about the trip.</i>

<i>See you then.</i>


- Read the letter aloud.
<b>4. Drill.</b>

- T reminds Ss to remember the forms and content of the letter.
<b>5. Home work.</b>

- Write a letter to your frend with the same content.Preparing Unit1: Language


<b>3.2. Pre-writing</b>.

<b>3.3. While-writing</b>.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

<i><b>Preparing day:</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching day:</b></i>

Unit 1:

a visit from a pen pal

<b>Period 06</b>

<b> </b>

<b><sub>Language</sub><sub> focus</sub></b>

I. Objectives.

- Ss will review the past simple tense, and get on with conditional sentence type 2
with "wish".

<b>1. Language focus: </b>

+ Structure: S + V-ed + O.; <b>S + wish + past subjunctive( were)</b>
+ Vocabulary: <i>Review</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss remember knowledges
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, extra-board...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>
III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Checking up.</b>

- Correct Ss' homework.
<b>3. New lesson:</b>

- Ask Ss to work in groups to list
things they did on the weekend.

<i><b> </b></i>

- Ask Ss to retell the forms and the uses
of the simple past tense.

- Explain the aim of the exercise.

- Ask Ss to study the table and make
similar dialogues.

- Ask Ss to give answers and correct
their answers.

- Explain: (<i>The conditional sentence</i>
<i>type 2 is used to express unreal action</i>
<i>or an action doesn't happen at</i>

+ When it is used with "wish":
<i><b>S + wish + S + past simple</b></i>

- Work in groups to to list things ....
* Ss' answers may be:

<i>went camping. played scocer. went fishing.</i>
<i>watched tennis match...</i>

Form: S + V-ed + O.
<b>Exercise 1:</b>

- Work in pairs, study the table and make
similar dialogues about Nga's , Lan's , Nam's
and Hoa's weekend.

<b>Exercise 2:</b>

- Give answers in front of the class.
Ss' answers may be:

<i>1. baked a cake.</i>

<i>2. hung colorful lamps on the wall / in the</i>

<i>3. bought flowers.</i>

<i>4. painted a picture of Ha Noi.</i>
<i>5. went shopping</i>.

- Copy and make example:

T: You are not very fat. (That' s the fact and
you can change)

 <sub> S: </sub><i><sub>I wish I </sub><b><sub>were</sub></b><sub> fatter</sub></i><sub>.</sub>

- Work in pairs to give wishes:
* The right answers are:

<i>b) I wish I <b>were</b> in the swimming pool now.</i>
<i>c) I wish I <b>had</b> a computer</i><b> </b>

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<b>3.1 Warm up</b>.

<b>3.2. Past simple tense</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to give wishes,
use the situations in the book.

<b>Note: In this case "were" is used for all</b>

<i>d)</i> <i>I wish I <b>had </b>a car.</i>
<i>e)</i> <i>I wish I <b>had</b> a sister.</i>
<i>f)I wish I <b>drew</b> well.</i>

<i>g)I wish I <b>had</b> my friend' s phone number.</i>
<i>h)</i> <i>I wish I <b>knew</b> many friends.</i>

<i>i)I wish it <b>rained</b> so oten in my hometown.</i>
<i>j)</i> <i>I wish there <b>were</b> rivers and lakes in my</i>

<b>4. Drill</b>

- Ss repeat the basic forms that they' ve reviewed.
<b>5. Homework: </b>

- Do exercises in the work book.

<i><b>Preparing day:</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: </b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

Unit 2:


<b>Period 07: Getting started & listen and read</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about the traditional
costumes of some countries and Ao dai of Vietnam.

<b>1. Language focus: </b>

+ Structure: <i>The present perfect tense, passive</i>

+ Vocabulary: <i>Long silk tunic, Slit , Loose pants, Designer, Fashionable,</i>
<i>Inspiration, Ethnic minorities , Unique</i>...

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train observering, asking and answering skills
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player, picture...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>
<b>1. Checking up.</b>

- Ask Ss to repeat the uses and forms of the present perfect tense.
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

- Hang the picture on BB.
<i><b>*Suggested answers:</b></i>

<i><b>b) She comes from Viet Nam. She is wearing an</b></i>
<i><b>Ao dai.</b></i>

<i><b>c) He comes from Scoland. He is wearing a Kilt.</b></i>
<i><b>(v¸y cđa ngêi miỊn nói)</b></i>

<i><b>d) She comes from India. She is wearing a Sari.</b></i>
<i><b>(áo quần của phụ nữ </b><b>ấ</b><b>n §é)</b></i>

<i><b>e) He comes from the USA. He is wearing a</b></i>

<i><b>Cowboy. (Trang phôc miỊn T©y M)</b></i>

- Discuss about the content of the
pictures . <i>Japan, Australia, The United</i>
<i>States of America</i> ....

- EX: <i>S1: Where does she come from ?</i>

<i> S2: She comes from Japan.</i>

<i> S1: How do you know ?</i>

<i> S2: I saw her wearing Kimono.</i>

Go on: Picture b, c, d, e, f

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<i><b>f) She comes from (Saudi) Arabia. She is wearing</b></i>
<i><b>a Veil. (mạng che mặt</b></i><b>)</b>

- Introduce the new situation by making
some questions.

<i>+ What do you know about Ao dai ?</i>
<i>+ What material is Ao dai made from ?</i>
<i>+ Who wears Ao dai ?</i> ...

*New words and phrases:

<i>Long silk tunic: áo lụa dài</i>
<i>Slit : đờng xẻ.</i>

<i>Loose pants: quần rộng.</i>
<i>Designer: nhà thiết kế.</i>

<i>Fashionable: hin i, hp thi trang.</i>
<i>Inspiration: cảm hứng, khởi hứng.</i>
<i>Ethnic minorities: dân tộc thiểu số.</i>
<i>Unique: độc ỏo.</i>

<i>Poet: nhà thơ (Poem - bài thơ</i>)

- Let Ss read the text.Complete the

- Hold the class to practice asking and

- Call some pairs to practice in front the

* Ss' answers maybe:

<i><b>1.Traditionally, men and women used to wear the</b></i>
<i><b>Ao dai.</b></i>

<i><b>2. Because it is more convinient.</b></i>

<i><b>3. They have printed lines of poetry on it, or have</b></i>

<i><b>added symbols such as suns, crosses, and stripes</b></i>
<i><b>to the Ao dai.</b></i>

- Hold Ss to read the text again and
translate it into Vietnamese.

- Check the answers.

- Answer the T' s questions (in El or VN)

- Look at the book and listen to the tape
to get information.

- Copy and read the new wordds.

*The right answers

<b>1. poems, novels and songs.</b>

<b>2. a long silk tunic with slit up the sides worn</b>
<b>over loose pants.</b>

<b>3. to wear modern clothing at work.</b>
<b>4. by printing lines of poetry on it.</b>

<b>5. add symbols such as suns , stars, crosses,</b>
<b>and stripes.</b>

- Work in groups to ask and answer the
questions (Part b).

- Practice in front of the class:

- Read the text again and translate it into

<b>4. Drill.</b>

- Ask the Ss to retell and remember the name of some traditional costumes of
some countries and Ao dai of Vietnam.

<b>5. Homework.</b>

- Ask Ss to write a passage about Ao dai of Viet Nam.
<i><b>Preparing day:</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: </b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

Unit 2:


<b>Period 08: Speak+listen</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be have practiced about the casual clothes that
we wear daily.

<b>1. Language focus: </b>
- Structure: <i>Review ...</i>

- Vocabulary: (<i>Words about clothes)</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>
- Ss train speaking kill.
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>3.2. Presentation</b> .

<b>3.3. Practice</b>.<b> </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book,...</b>

<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>
III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>2. Checking up: </b>

- T asks Ss to read their writing (at home) aloud in front of the class.
<b>3. New lesson:</b>

- Hold the class to play "Networks"

- Introduce topic of the lesson: (

- Ask Ss to work in group to match the
phrases to the pictures (P 14 + 15)

<i>+ What type of clothing do you wear on Tet</i>
<i>holiday ?</i>

<i>+ What do you wear when you go to a</i>

<i>party</i> ?

- Ask some groups to report the results of
their survey.

- Call Ss to practice in front of the class.
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures (P.16)
* Explain the clothes:

<i>a) A: floral pants B: blue shorts</i>
<i>C: polka dot skirt.</i>

<i>b) A: long-sleeved white blouse. </i>
<i>B: short-sleeved pink shirt. </i>
<i>C: short-sleeved white shirt.</i>

<i>c) A:sandals B: boots. C:shoeswith flowers</i>.

- Play the tape (3 times)

- Let Ss check their answers eachothers.
- Ask Ss to give answers.

- Ask Ss to retell the main content of the

- Work in groups to do networks
<i><b>Short pants boots.</b></i>

... ...

- Work in group to match the phrases to
the pictures (P 14 + 15)

* The right answer are:

a - 1 b - 5 c - 6 d - 3 e - 8
f - 4 g - 7 h - 2 i -9

- Work in groups to look at the survey
about Ss' wear: casual clothes, favorite
clothes, school uniform and clothes for
special occasions.

- Look at the pictures and then name the
clothes in the pictures.

- Copy and read words

- Listen to the tape and check the correct
picture to show what Mary is wearing.
- Listen to the tape and do exercise.
* The right answers are:

<i>a)</i> <i>B :</i> <i>She is wearing blue shorts.</i>

<i>b) A: She is wearing a long - sleeved</i>

<i>c)</i> <i>C: She is wearing brown shoes.</i>

- Work in groups to Discuss and retell
the main content of the listening

<b>4. Drill: </b>

<i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>
<i><b>T' s activities</b></i>

<b>3.1. Warm up</b>.

<b>3.4. While-speaking</b>:

<b>3.2. Pre-listening</b>:

<b>3.3.While -listening</b>:

<b>3.4. Post-listening</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

- Ask Ss to repeat and remember the clothes that they‘ve learnt.
<b>5. Home work: </b>

- Ask Ss to do exercise 4 (P.15) work-book

<i><b>Preparing day: 19 / 09 / 2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: 20 / 09 / 2011 </b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 2: clothing</b>

<b>Period 09: </b>


I. Objectives<sub>.</sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be provided more information about the brief
history of Jeans and its conveniences ....

<b>1. Language focus: </b>

+ Structure: Review the passive voice of the simple past tense.
+ Vocabulary: <i>named after, embroidered jeans, painted jeans ...</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train reading comprehension skill
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player, extra-board...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>
<b>1. Checking up: </b>

- Ask Ss to tell casual clothes that they wear everday.
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

- Hold the class to list things they know
about Jean.

- Ask Ss to write their list on BB

- Introduce the aim of the lesson by
making some guiding questions:

<i>+ What were jeans made from?</i>
<i>+ When were jeans appearred ?</i>
<i>+ Where were jeans appearred ?</i>

- Give words and its meaning.

1. Material a) kiểu cách
2. Style b) lỗi thêi
3. Embroidered c) thÕ hÖ
4. Label d) chÊt liÖu
5. Out of fashion e) thªu
6. Generation f) nh·n hiƯu


- Ask Ss to read the text in silence

- Ask Ss to work in groups to fill in the
missing date and words.

- Ask the groups to give their answers.
* Ss' answers may be:

- EX: <i>Easy to wear ; fashionable</i> ;


- Listen to the T and answer the

- Look at the words on the board and
do Matching.

* The right answers:

1 - d 2 - a 3 - e
4 - f 5 - b 6 - c

- Criticise the answers eachothers.
* The right answers are:

<i>1. 18 th century: ... jean cloth...</i>
<i>2. 1960s :... students...</i>
<i>3. 1970s:... cheaper...</i>

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<b>3.1. Warm up</b>:

<b>3.2. Pre-reading</b>.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

<i><b>1. The word "jeans" comes from a kind of</b></i>
<i><b>material that was made in Europe.</b></i>

<i><b>2. The 1960s</b><b>’</b><b>fashions were embroidered jeans,</b></i>
<i><b>panted jeans and so on.</b></i>

<i><b>3. Because jeans became cheaper.</b></i>

<i><b>4. Jeans at last became high fashion clothing in</b></i>
<i><b>the 1980s.</b></i>

<i><b>5. The sale of jeans stooped growing because</b></i>
<i><b>the worldwide economic situation got worse in</b></i>
<i><b>the 1990s.</b></i>

- Ask Ss to review the forms of the passive
of the simple past form by finding out
sentences in the reading.

- Call some Ss to read the teaxt aloud in
front of the class

<i>4. 1980s:... fashion...</i>
<i>5. 1990s: ... sale...</i>

<i>- </i>Read the text again to ask and
answer the questions.

- Answer in front of the class

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ss repeat and remember the main dates of developing of jeans
<b>5. Home work: </b>

- Conduct and ask Ss to do exercises 7 (P.18) in workbook.

<i><b>Preparing day: 19 / 09 / 2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: 22 / 09 / 2011 </b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 2: clothing</b>

<b>Period 10: Writing </b>
I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write their opinions about wearing
uniform in scholl.

<b>1. Language focus: </b>
+ Structure: <i>Review</i>

+ Vocabulary: <i>in my opinion, I think, firstly, practical ...</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train argumentative writing skill
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, extra board ...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>
III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Checking up: </b>

- Ask one or two Ss to retell the main dates of developing of jeans.
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

- Do you like wearing uniform <sub>- Give opinion by answering the T's</sub>
<b>3.4. Post-reading</b>:

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

-Why / Why not ?

- Explain the structure of an argumentative
writing. (Use extra-board)

- Ask Ss to look at the outline A (part a) and
the writing.

- Explain some words and phrases:

<i>Bear their school's name</i>: thể hiện hình ảnh
của trờng

<i>Feel equal</i>: cảm thấy công bằng

<i>Practical</i>: thực tế

<i>To be proud of:</i> Tự hào vÒ...

<i>Freedom of choice:</i> tù do lùa chän.

<i>Self confident:</i> tù tin

<i>Feel comfortable:</i> cảm thấy thoải mái.

- Conduct Ss to write a paragraph that
supports the argument that secondary Ss
should wear casual clothes.

- Let Ss check their writings eachothers.
- Collect some writing to correct in front of
the class.

- Ask Ss to read their writings in front of the


- Look at the outline and listen to the T.
- Look at the extra- board and listen to
the T.

- Copy

- Look at the outline A (part a) and the

- Copy and read:

- Use the outline B as the guidelines to
write a paragraph .

- Read writings in front of the class.
* Ss' writing may be:

My opinion is that secondary school Ss
should wear casual clothes.

Firstly, casual clothes make students feel

Secondly, wearing casual clothes gives
students freedom of choice. They have rights
to choose sizes, colors, and fashions of
clothes that they love.

Thirdly, casual clothes make students feel
self-confident when they are in their favorite

Finally, casual clothes make school more
colorful and lively.

In conclusion, secondary school Ss should
wear casual clothes. Wearing casual clothes is
convinient, comfortable, and fun

- Read the writings, listen and criticise

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- T reminds Ss to remember the forms of an argumentative writing
<b>5. Home work: </b>

- Conduct Ss to write an argument (at home) about the topic : <i>The school</i>
<i>students should wear shoes to school ?</i>

<i><b>Preparing day: 26 / 09 / 2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: 27 / 09 / 2011 </b></i>

<b>3.2. Pre-writing</b>.

<b>3.3. While-writing</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

<b>Unit 2:</b>

<b> clothing</b>

<b>Period 11: Language focus 1-3</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- Ss will review the present perfect tense with "since", "for", "yet" and "already", .
<b>1. Language focus: </b>

+ Structure: Present perfect tense;
+ Vocabulary: <i>Review</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss practice making dialogues, change sentences ...
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, extra-board...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Checking up: </b>

(Questions will be given on the new lesson)
<b>2. New lesson</b>

- Hold the class to play "Classification",
use "since" or "for"

<i><b> </b></i>

- Ask Ss to retell the forms and the uses of
the the present perfect tense.

- Ask ss to read the dialogue in the text

- Introduce the exercise’s order.

- Call some pairs practice in front of the

- Give suggested answers on the

* Explain the use of “yet” and “already”
in the present perfect tense:

- “Yet” (for negative and interrogative

sentences ) cha, đã cha.

“Since” (between have/has and verb)
-đã rồi.

- Correct Ss’ mistakes if necessary.

- Work in groups to put the words into
the correct column.

Last month ; three days ; 2005 ;
yesterday ; Monday ; five years ; August;
six months ...

<b>Since</b> <b>For</b>


Three days

Work in groups to retell the forms and
the uses of the the present perfect tense.
Note: The uses os “<i>since</i>” and “<i>for</i>”
- Work in pairs, use the information in
the box and make similar dialogues..
EX:S1: Come and see my photo album.
<i>S2: Lovely. Who is this boy ?</i>

<i>S1: Oh, It is Quang, my brother’s friend.</i>
<i>S2: How long have you known him ?</i>
<i>S1: I ‘ve known him for seven months.</i>
<i>S2: Have you seen him recently ?</i>

<i>S1: No, I haven’t seen him since January</i>
- Look at and read the T’s answers ..
Use the present perfect tense of the verbs
in the box. (Exercise 2)

A: <i>Have you seen Giac Lam Pagoda yet ?</i>

B: <i>Yes, I’ve already seen it.</i>

A: <i>Have you eaten Vietnamese food yet ?</i>

B: <i>No, I haven’t</i>.

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<b>3.1. Warm - up</b>:

<b>3.2. Present perfect tense</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

* Explain the use of “ever” in the present
perfect tense:

<b>Have/Has + S + ever + PII</b> <b>…?</b>


- Do in front of the class.

- Look at exercise 3 (P.20-21). Listen to
the T.

- Work in pairs, with “ever”.
Ss’ answers may be:

A: <i>Have you ever eaten a durian</i> ?
B: <i>No, I haven’t</i>.

A: <i>Have you ever play volleyball</i> ?
B: <i>Yes, I have</i>.

A: <i>When did you last play it</i> ?
B: <i>I played it yesterday</i>. ..

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ss repeat what are the main contents of the lesson, that they’ve already learnt.
<b>5. Homework: </b>

- Do the exercises and copy them into note-book.
<i><b>Preparing day: 26 / 09 / 2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: 29 / 09 / 2011 </b></i>

<b>Unit 2:</b>

<b> clothing</b>

<b>Period 12: Language focus 4-5</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- Ss will review the passive voice.
<b>1. Language focus: </b>

+ Structure: Passive voice
+ Vocabulary: <i>Review</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss practice making dialogues, change sentences ...
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, extra-board...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>
III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Checking up: </b>

(Questions will be given on the new lesson)
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

- Hold the class to play "Classification", use
"since" or "for"

<b>Since</b> <b>For</b>



Three days

- Work in groups to put the words into
the correct column.

Last month ; three days ; 2005 ;
yesterday ; Monday ; five years ; August;
six months ...

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<b>3.1. Warm - up</b>:

<b>3.2. Present perfect tense</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

<i><b> </b></i>
- .

- Explain the passive forms.
- Conduct Ss to do exercise 4.

- Ask Ss to write their sentences on the BB.

- Ask Ss to do exercise 5: Change the
sentences from the active into the passive.
- Ask Ss to give their answers in front of the

<b>Have/Has + S + ever + PII…?</b>


- Review passive forms.

- Read the first sentence and then
complete the second sentence.(exercise 4)
- Write sentences and check the answers

* The right As are:

<i>a) Jean cloth was made completedly from</i>
<i>cotton on the 18th<sub> century. </sub></i>

<i>b) Rice is grown in ….</i>

<i>c)….. will be producted in Fance next ….</i>
<i>d….. Has just been introduced in the</i>

<i>e) ……. Have been built this year</i>.

- Work individually to change the
sentences from the active into the passive.

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ss repeat what are the main contents of the lesson, that they’ve already learnt.
<b>5. Homework: </b>

- Do the exercises and copy them into note-book. Prepare the Test

<i><b>Preparing day: 3 / 10 / 2011</b></i>
<i><b>Teaching day: 4 / 10 / 2011 </b></i>


<b>TEST FOR UNIT 1 & 2</b>

<b>Topics or main </b> <b>Know </b> <b>Understand</b> <b><sub>Use</sub></b> <b><sub>Sum</sub></b>

<b> Low</b> <b>High</b>

<b>1. Wish clause.</b> .


<i>Marks </i> <i><b>2</b><b>0,5</b> </i> <i><b>0,25</b><b>1</b></i> <i><b>1,0</b><b>2</b></i> <i>1,75 5</i>

<b>3.3. Passive voice</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

<b>2 Present perfect</b> .


<i>Marks </i> <i><b>0,5</b><b>2</b></i> <i><b>0,5</b><b>2</b></i> <i><b> </b><b>2</b></i>


<i>1,5 </i>

<b>4. Passive voice</b>

<i>Sentences </i>

<i>Marks </i> <i><b>0,5</b><b>2</b></i> <i><b>0,5</b><b>2</b></i> <i><b>0,5</b><b>1</b></i> <i>1,5 5</i>

<b>5. Reading </b><i>.</i>


<i><b>1,5</b></i> <i><b>1,5</b>3</i>

<b>6. Writing</b>


<i><b>2,5</b></i> <i>2,5 5</i>

<b>7. Listening</b>


<i><b>1,25</b></i> <i>1,25 5</i>


<i><b>Sum up: </b></i>

<i> </i>


<i><b>1,0</b></i> <i><b>1,25</b><b>5</b></i> <i><b> 6 13 </b><b>1 2,0 5,25 </b></i>
<i><b> </b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>


<i><b>Period: 13 </b></i>


<b>A./ objectives</b>:

<b>I. Knowledge: </b>

-helps Ss to examine and evaluate their learning and how well Ss get the

<b>II. Skills</b>: Writing, reading, vocab. and grammar practice.
<b>B./ procedures</b>:

<b>I. Settlement: </b>Greets and checks attendance

<b>II. Control:</b>

- gives out the testing paper.
- controls the class.

<b>III. Collection:</b>

- asks Ss to hand in the tests and evaluates the lesson.

- asks them to revise the knowledge at home for the test correction.

<b> ENGLISH 9</b>
<b> Date: ...</b>

<b>I. Circle the best answer:</b>

Ex: She ………some of her old friends at the party yesterday.

A. meets B. met C. has met D. meeting
1. I wish I ………….. near my school.

A. to live B. live C. lived D. am

2. Hoa wishes her parents …………here with her now.

A. is B. are C. was D. were
<b>Cảnh Hoá Secondary School</b>

<b>Class: ...</b>

<b>Name: ...</b>


<b>Teachers comments:</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

3. I ………… in Ca Mau for almost 3 years.

A. am working B. work C. have worked D. worked
4. They have been pen pals ………last summer.

A. since B. for C. already D. just
5. ………you ………… your lessons carefully last night, Nga?

A. Do/ study B. Did/ study C. Has/ studied D. Have/ studied
6. We ………that movie since we ………….at school.

A. see/ are B. saw/ were C. have seen/ were D. have seen/ are
<b>II. Rewrite the sentences beginning with ‘’ I wish… ’’ </b>

1. Nga is not very good at English.


2. The weather is awful today.

3. What a pity I don’t understand the question.

<b>III. Use the right form or tense (Simple past or Present perfect) to complete the </b>
<b>following sentences:</b>

1. A: What ………last night? (you/do)

B: Well, I ……….(be) very tired, so I ………(go) to bed very early.
2. In the 1980s a lot of people ……..(wear) jeans and jeans ………(become) high
fashion clothing.

3. We …………(move) to Ho Chi Minh City and ……….(live) there for 15 years now.
<b>IV. Turn these sentences into the passive voice:</b>

1. People made jean cloth completely from cotton in the 18th<sub> century.</sub>

2. A lot of musicians have mentioned the Ao dai in their songs for centuries.
V. Read the letter. Then answer the questions.

Dear Mai,

I’m very pleased that we’re going to be pen pals. I’ll tell you a little about
myself, and you can do the same when you write to me.

I live in an area of London called Maida Vale. It’s quite near the center, but
there are parks nearby where I often take my dog, Mickey, for a walk. I live with
my parents and my younger brother, Paul. My father works for the post office and
my mother has a part-time job as a nurse.

I go to the local comprehensive school, where I have a lot of friends. I like
most subjects, but not all of them! In the evening I sometimes visit friends or stay at
home and listen to music, and at the weekends I like going swimming or

At the moment I’m working very hard because I have exams soon, so I’m
spending a lot of time in the library!

I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Write soon!
Best wishes,

<b> </b>

<b> *Questions :</b>

1. What is Mai’s pen pal’s name?

2. Who does she live with?

3. Why does she work very hard at the moment ?


4. What does she do at the weekend?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

VI. Write a side of an argument, using this outline:

Students should review old lessons regularly
Reviewing old lessons regularly:

 helps students be albe to remember a great number of lessons they have
studied for a long time.

 makes students to feel self-confident when they are studying a new
lesson, doing the exercises or taking an exam.

 makes students be better and better in their study.

<b>VII. Listen to the announcement, then fill in the missing words.</b>

<b>III Consolidation</b>:

- comments on the test

<b> IV. Homework:</b>

- asks Ss to revise the language they have just been tested at home

<i><b>Preparing day: 3 / 10 / 2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: 6 / 10 / 2011</b></i>

Period: 14

<b>Test correction</b>

A./ objectives:

- helps Ss to evaluate their results of the test.

- helps Ss to pick out the mistakes and errors they have made and correct

<b>II. Skills</b>: Analysis.

B./ procedures:

<b>I. Settlement: </b>Greets and checks attendance
<b>II. Checking:</b>

<b>III. Content:</b>

<b>Teacher/<sub>s activities</sub></b> <b><sub>Ss</sub>/<sub> activities</sub></b>

<b>1.Act.1: </b><i>Teacher/<sub>s and Ss</sub>/<sub> correction.</sub></i>

- evaluates the result generally.

- raises the main and important mistakes
Ss have made.

- hands out the tests.

- listen to the teacher.

Attention please. Here is a special announcement. A little girl is reported missing. She (1)

……….. last seen 20 minutes ago near the main entrance to the Car Fair. Her name’s Mary
and she is three years old. She (2)……….. short dark hair. She’s wearing shorts – blue
shorts and a long-sleeved white blouse. She’s wearing a (3)……….. of shoes – brown
shoes. She may be carrying a (4)……….. doll.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

- asks Ss to correct each part of the test.
- invites Ss who had the mistakes and
errors to go to the board.

- invites others to correct.
- asks the class to take notes.
<b>2. Act.2: </b><i>Ss/<sub> correction.</sub></i>

- instructs Ss to correct their tests.
- goes round to monitor the class.
- asks Ss to hand in the tests.

- share their tests with their partners

- go to the board and write their work.
- do it and explain to the class.

- note down.

- correct themselves.
- collect the tests.

<b>I. Circle the best answer:</b>
1 C. lived
2. D. were

3.C. have worked
4..A. since
5. B. Did/ study
6.C. have seen/ were

<b>II. Rewrite the sentences beginning with I wish… </b>
1. I wish Nga were good at English.

2. I wish the weather were good/ beautiful/fine today.
3. I wish I understood the question.

<b>III. Use the right form or tense to complete the following sentences:</b>
1. did, was, went

2. wore, became
3. have moved, lived

<b>IV. Turn these sentences into the passive voice:</b>

1. Jean cloth was made completely from cotton in the 18th<sub> century.</sub>

2. The Ao dai has been mentioned in a lot of musicians’ songs for centuries.
<b>V. Read the letter. Then answer the questions.</b>

1. Her name’s Mary.

2. She lives with her parents and a younger brother.
3. Because she has exams soon.

<b>VI. Write a side of an argument, using this outline:</b>

In my opinion, students should review their old lessons every day and regularly.
 Firstly, reviewing old lessons regularly helps students be albe to
remember a great number of lessons they have studied for a long time.

 Secondly, reviewing old lessons regularly makes students to feel
self-confident when they are studying a new lesson, doing the exercises or
taking an exam.

 Finally, reviewing old lessons makes students be better and better
in their study.

Therefore, students should review their old lessons regularly before
preparing for a coming lesson.

<b>VII. Listen to the announcement, then fill in the missing words.</b>
1. was 2.has 3.pair 4.large 5.bring

<b>IV.Consolidation</b>:<b> </b>

- asks Ss to revise the main knowledge they have consolidated.<b> </b>


- asks Ss to revise the language items at home

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

<i><b>Preparing day: 10/10/ 2012 </b></i>
<i><b>Teaching day: 11/10/ 2012 </b></i>

<b> </b>

<b>Unit 3: a trip to the countryside</b>

<b>Period 15</b>

<b> Getting started & listen and read</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get on with activities in the


<b>1. Language focus: </b>

+ Structure: <i>Review ‘’wishe’’</i>

+ Vocabulary: <i>Feeding the pigs and chickens, plowing, wartering the vegetables</i>
<i>Entrance to the village ….</i>.

<b>2. Language skills:</b>
- Ss train discussing skills

II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player,....</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>
<b>1. Checking up: </b>

(Qs will be made during the new lesson)
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

- Make some questions:

<i>+ Do you live in the countryside ?</i>
<i>+ Do you like the countryside ? Why ?</i>
<i>+ Can you tell some activities in the</i>
<i>countryside ?</i>…....

- Ask Ss to look at the picture in the
text book , think of the people and the
things that people in the picture are
doing .

- Discuss and answer the T’s questions.

<i>+ Yes, We do</i>
<i>+ Yes/No…...</i>

- Work in groups to look at the pictures .
* Ss’ answers may be:

<i>1. A girl is watering the vegetables.</i>
<i>2. Three boys are swimming.</i>

<i>3. A girl is feeding the chickens.</i>

<i>4. The farmers are harvesting the crops.</i>
<i>5. A man is feeding the bigs.</i>

<i>6. Plowing in the field.</i>

<i>7. A buffalo boy is flying his kite.</i>
<i>8. Some children are playing football.</i>

- Listen to the tape.

- Work in groups * The answers are:

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<b>3.1. Warm-up </b>:

<b>3.2. Presentation .</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

- Let Ss scan “Listen and read”

- Explain: (The text is about Liz’s trip
to the countryside with Ba’ s family).
- Play the tape (twice)

- Let Ss do True or False exercise (part

- Ask Ss to give As.

- Correct Ss’ answers then give the right

* Explain some new words:

<i>Bamboo forest: bụi , lũy tre</i>
<i>Banyan tree. Cây đa</i>

<i>Entrance to the village: cổng làng</i>
<i>Shrine: lăng mộ </i>

- Ask Ss to read the text again and
answer the questions.

- Ask Ss to read the text aloud in front
of the claas

2. T

3. F (<i>There is a big old banyan tree at the</i>
<i>entrance to the village</i>)

4. F (<i>People had a snack under the banyan tree</i>)
5. T

6. F (<i>People had a picnic on the river bank</i>)
7. T

8. F (<i>Liz took a lot of photos to show the trip to</i>
<i>her parents</i>).

9. T

- Work in pairs to read the text again and
answer the questions.

* The right As are:

<i>1. It’s 60 kms to the north of HN.</i>

<i>2. Ba and his family got to the village by bus.</i>
<i>3. The banyan tree is at the entrance to the</i>

<i>4. they saw the shrine of VN hero on the</i>

<i>5. They had a picnic on the river bank.</i>

<i>6. Liz took a lot of photos to show the trip to her</i>

<i>7. Liz wishes she could visit Ba’s village again</i>.
(Translate the text into Vietnamese if there is
enough time)

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ask Ss to retell and remember activities in the countryside.
<b>5. Homework: </b>

- Ask Ss to learn by heart words about the countryside.
<i><b>Preparing day: 10/10/ 2012 </b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: 13/10/ 2012 </b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 3: a trip to the countryside</b>

<b>Period 16</b>

<b> </b>

<b>Speak + listen</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice talking and listenning about
home village.

<b>1. Language focus: </b>

- Structure: <i>Review How long/How far is it …...?</i>

- Vocabulary: <i>Gas station, pond, highway No 1 …..</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train speaking and listening kills.
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player extra-board ...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>
<b>1. Checking up: </b>

(Qs will be made on the lesson)
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>3.4. Production</b>: <b> </b>

<i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>
<i><b>T' s activities</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

- Hold the class to make a list of words
about countryside

- Hold the class to play “Matching

Key: 1 - c 2 - e 3 - b
4 - a 5 - d

- Conduct Ss to look at book, ask and

- Call Ss to practice in front of the

- Correct Ss’ mistakes

<i>1. airport: sân bay</i>
<i>2. gas station: trạm xăng</i>
<i>3. pond: ao</i>

<i>4. highway No 1: đờng quốc lộ 1</i>
<i>5. banyan tree: cây đa</i>

<i>6. store: cưa hµng</i>

<i>7. bamboo forest: bụi, luỹ tre.</i>
<i>8. Dragon Bridge: Cầu Rồng</i>
<i>9. parking lot: bãi đỗ xe</i>.

-AskSs to predict to match the place on
the bus route with the letters on the

- Play the tape (three times)

- Let Ss check their As eachothers.
- Ask Ss to give As in front of the class
Ask Ss to work in groups to describe
the way from their house to school.

- Work in groups to make a list of words
about countryside.

EX: <i>lake, banyan tree, bamboo tree</i>

- Do matching game.

<b>A</b> <b>B</b>

<i>1. Where is your</i>

<i>school ?</i> <i>a It takes 30minutes.</i>
<i>2. How for is it from</i>

<i>your home ?</i> <i>b. I go there by bus</i>
<i>3. How do you get</i>

<i>to school ?</i> <i>c. It<sub>post pffice.</sub>’s opposite the</i>
<i>4. How long does it</i>

<i>take to get there?</i> <i>d. Yes, I do</i>

<i>5. Do you like it ?</i> <i><sub>e. It</sub><sub>’</sub><sub>s about 4 kms</sub></i>

- Work in pairs to play the role of A &
B. Ask and answer using the information
in the box.

EX: A: <i>Where is your home village</i> ?
B: <i>It’s to the west of the city</i>.
- Practice in front of the class.

Look at the map (P.25) and listen to the T’s


- Read the words

- Listen to the tape again and check As
* The right As:

<i>A: Banyan tree.</i> <i>E: Gas station</i>
<i>B: Air port.</i> <i>F: Store </i>
<i>C: Highway No .1.G:Pond. </i>

<i>D: Dragon Bridge. H;Bamboo forest</i>
<i>E: Gas station. I:Parking lot.</i>


- Work in groups to describe the way from
somewhere to somewhere.

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ask Ss to repeat and remember the words about home village.
<b>5. Home work: </b>

<b>3.2.1. Pre-speaking</b>:

<b>3.2,3. While-speaking</b>:

<b>3.2.1. Pre-listening</b>:

<b>3.2.2. While-listening</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

- Ask Ss to write a short passage about their home village.
<i><b>Preparing day: 17/10/2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: 18/10/2011</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 3: a trip to the countryside</b>

<b>Period 17</b>

<b> </b>


I. Objectives<sub>.</sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about the life on a farm
of American family.

<b>1. Language focus: </b>
+ Structure: <i>Review</i>

+ Vocabulary: <i>Maize, Feed , give food to eat, grocery store..</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train reading comprehension and matching skills.
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player,...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1.Checking up: </b>

- Ask Ss to read their passage, that they wrote at home.
<b>2.New lesson</b>:

- Hold the class to do “Matching

<i>Tree, paddy, bank, home, bamboo,</i>
<i>field, forest, fresh, banyan, air, river,</i>
<i>village</i> …

- Introduce the situation of the reading
by making some Qs:

+ <i>What trees/vegetables do farmers in</i>
<i>America grow</i> ?

+ <i>What animals do they raise</i> ?
+ <i>What do they usually eat</i> ?

- Present some new words and phrases:

<i>Grow maize: trång ng«</i>

<i>Work part time: làm việc bán thời gian</i>
<i>Grocery eggs: cửa hàng tạp hoá</i>

<i>Collect eggs: thu lợm trứng</i>
<i>Hamburger: bánh hăm bơ gơ</i>

<i>Hot dog: xóc xÝc</i>.

- Play the tape of reading (twice)
- Read the text and do exercise a).
(explain words if necessary)
- Ask Ss to give As

- Give the rigt As

- Work in groups to do “Matching”

Key: <i>banyan tree, paddy field, home</i>
<i>village, bamboo forest, fresh air, river</i>

- Listen to the T and answer the Qs.
+ <i>They grow</i> …………

+ <i>They raise</i> ………….
+ <i>They eat</i>……….

- Copy and read the words.

- Read the text and do exercise a).
* The right As:

a) <i>Maize - corn.</i>

<i>Feed - give food to eat.</i>
<i>Grocery store - here people buy </i>

<i>Part-time - horter or less than</i>
<i>Collect -bring things together</i>.

- Read the passage again and complete the
summary (exercise b).

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<b>3.1. Warm up</b>:

<b>3.2. Pre-reading</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

- Conduct Ss to do exercise b)
- Ask Ss to give As

- Give the rigt As

- Ask Ss to answer the questions:
<i>a) Where is the Parker family’s farm?</i>
<i>b) How many children do Mr and Mrs</i>
<i>Parker have ?</i>

<i>c) What does Van do in the afternoon?</i>
<i>d) What do the whole family do on</i>
<i>Saturday afternoons?</i>

- Give As in front of the class
* The right As:

b) <i>1. Ohio ; 2. farmer ; 3. work part-time at</i>

<i>a grocery store; 4. Peter ; </i>5. Sam. <i>6.</i>
<i>after ; 7. farm ; 8. they watch ; 9.</i>
<i>baseball ; 10. member</i>.

- Work in pairs to ask and answer the

* Ss’ answers may be:

<i>a) It’ 100 km out side Columbus, Ohio.</i>
<i>b) They have two children: Peter and Sam.</i>
<i>c) He feeds the chickens and collects the</i>

<i>d) Peter plays baseball, the Perker family</i>
<i>and Van eat humbugers and hot dogs</i>.

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ss repeat and remember the life on a farm of American family.
<b>5. Home work: </b>

- Ask Ss to read the passage again and translate it into Vietnamese (if possible)
<i><b>Preparing day: 17/10/2011 </b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: 20/10/2011</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 3: a trip to the countryside</b>

<b>Period 18</b>

<b> </b>

<b>WriTing + LF 2,3</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a passage entitled “A Country

<b>1. Language focus: </b>
+ Structure: <i>Review</i>

+ Vocabulary: <i>Review</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train narrative writing skill
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, extra board ...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>
III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1.Checking up: </b>

(Qs will be made during the new lesson)
<b>2.New lesson:</b>

- Hold the class to play “Nought and Cross”

Picnic Walk Bus stop

Fly kite Go fishing Song

Part-time Countryside Camping

- Take part in the game.
<b>3.4. Post-reading</b>:

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<b>3.1. Warm - up</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

- Make questions:

<i>+ Have you had a picnic to the countryside</i>

<i>+ What did you do there ?</i>

<i>+ Which tenses do you use to retell the</i>
<i>happened stories ?</i>

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and tell
what the children are doing .

- Explain the meaning of new words .

<i>Lay out</i> : sửa soạn, dọn (đồ ăn).

<i>Blind man’ buff</i>: trò mịt mắt bắt dê.

- Let Ss to do cross checking with partners.
- T gives suggested writing (on the


<i>It was a beautiful day, my friends and I</i>
<i>decided to go on a picnic. We took a bus to</i>
<i>the countryside and then walked about 20</i>
<i>minutes to the picnic site next to the river.</i>
<i>We put down the blanket and laid out the</i>
<i>food. After meal we played the game What</i>
<i>song is it ? and blind man’ buff.</i>

<i>Late in the afternoon, we went fishing. We</i>
<i>enjoyed our picnic. When we looked at the</i>
<i>time, it was nearly 6.30 pm. We hurriedly</i>
<i>gathered our things and ran to the bus stop.</i>
<i>We were lucky to catch the last bus and we</i>
<i>arrived home very late in the evening .</i>

- - Ask Ss to look at Mr.Thanh’s itinerary
for his business trip to Singapore and do
(Exercise 2).

- Let Ss check their As with partners.

- Correct Ss’ mistakes and give the right As.
- Conduct Ss to do exercise 3.

- Process as exercise 2 above

- Work in groups to answer the T’ s

- Look at the pictures to retell what the
children are doing. (in El or Vietnamese)
Ex: <i>fishing, walking</i>….

- Copy and read words

- Work in individual to write a passage to
retell a picnic to the countryside, using
the words given. Begin with: It was a
<i><b>beautifull day </b><b>……</b></i>

<b>Note: Tense of verbs</b>
- Do cross checking.

- Check and correct mistakes.
- Consult the T’s writing.

- Do cross checking.

- Give answerss in front of the class.
* The right As are:

<i>b) on c) between d) till e) after. f) up to</i>

- Complete the sentences with on, at, in
and for. (Exercise 3).

* The right As are:

a<i>) on b) at -in </i> <i> c) in </i>
<i>d) for e) in</i> <i> f) at.</i>

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- T reminds Ss to remember the tenses that they usually use in narrative writing
<b>5. Home work: - Ask Ss to write a passage to retell one of their stories or picnic .</b>
<i><b>Preparing day: 24/10/2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: 25/10/2011</b></i>

<b>Unit 3:</b>

<b> a trip to the countryside</b>

<b>Period 19</b>

<b> </b>

<b>Language focus 1,4 </b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- Ss will review the structures and vocabulary, that they’ ve learnt in Unit 3.

<b>3.3. While-writing</b>:

<b>3.4. Post-writing</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

<b>1. Language focus: </b>

+ Structure: Review conditional sentences type 2, adverb clauses of result and use
“could “ with “wish”.

+ Vocabulary: <i>Review</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss practice doing many kinds of exercise ...
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book,...</b>

<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>
III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1.Checking up: </b>

(Qs will be given on the new lesson)
<b>2.New lesson:</b>

- Hold the class to review the use of “wish”
(The same Language focus U.2)

<i><b> </b></i>

- Conduct Ss to look at the pictures and
suggestions. Discuss what the people wish.
Complete the wishes.

- Ask Ss to practice in front of the class.
- T corrects Ss’ answers, then give the right

- Explain adverb clauses of result by giving
some examples.

<i>+ I woke up late , <b>so </b>I missed the bus.</i>
<i>+ It rained, <b>so</b> I stayed home yesterday</i>

- Ask Ss to do exercise 4 (P.31)
- Ask Ss to give their As.

- Correct Ss’ mistakes

- Give the right As on the extra-board

- Ask Ss to make more examples about

EX: Lan wishes she could have a new
car. (<i>This is Lan’ wish because she doesnt</i>
<i>have a new car now</i>).

- Look at the pictures and suggestions.
* Ss’ answers may be:

<i>b) Hoa wishes she could visit her</i>

<i>c) I wish I passed the exam</i>.

<i>d) We wish it didn’t rain.</i>
<i>e) He wishes he could fly.</i>

- Look at the T’ s examples and copy.
- Work in groups to analyse the use of
“so” between 2 clauses.

(So <i>vì vậy, nên</i>)

- Give As in front of the class
* The right As are:

1 -e 2 -a 3 -d
4 -b

5 -c

Work in groups to make more examples

<i>-I don’t have a bike , so I walk to school.</i>
<i>-My pen was broken, so I bought a new</i>

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ss repeat what are the main contents of the lesson, that they’ve already learnt.
<b>5. Homework: </b>

- Ss make 10 sentences, use adverb clauses of result “so”
- Do exercise 8 on page 24 (workbook)

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<b>3.1- Conditional Ss type 2 with wish</b>.

S + wish (es) + S + could + V

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

<i><b>Preparing day: 24/10/2011 </b></i>
<i><b>Teaching day: 27/10/2011</b></i>

<b><sub>Unit 4:</sub></b>

<b><sub> learning a foreign language</sub></b>

<b>Period 20 Getting started & listen and read</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand more about ways of
learning English well and will understand the conversation between Paola and Lan.

<b>1. Language focus: </b>
+ Structure: <i>Review</i>

+ Vocabulary: <i>Royal English College, stage one, oral examination, examiner,</i>
<i>aspect of learning El, written axamination, …...</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train oral examination skill.
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player, extra-board....</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>
<b>1. Checking up: </b>

(Qs will be given on the new lesson)
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

- Make some questions:

+ <i>How do you do to improve your</i>
<i>English ?</i>

<i>+ Do you often learning El by singing a</i>
<i>song ?</i>

<i>+ Do you like reading short stories in</i>

- Ask Ss to look at “Getting started” to
compare with their list

- Ask Ss to make sentences, use adverbs of
prequency to talk about the ways of
learning El.

- Work in groups to discuss and answer
the T’s questions.

Ss’ As maybe:

<i>+ Learn new words, do home work, read</i>

<i>the text, sing English songs, read</i>
<i>newspapers and magazines, watch</i>
<i>English news, talk with friends in</i>

- Work in groups to make sentences E.g:

<i>+ We often watch English TV programs.</i>
<i>+ We always on grammar exercises</i>….

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

- Ask Ss to look at the Listen and Read.
- Play the tape “Listen and Read” (twice)
* Newwords and phrases.

<i>Examiner: giám khảo</i>

<i>Aspect of learning El: lĩnh vực học T.A</i>
<i>Written axamination: kú thi viÕt</i>

<i>Oral examination: kú thi nãi</i>

- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and
find what the examiner asked Lan.

- Ask Ss to look at the list of questions and
check the boxes.

- Give the right As on the extra-board.

<i>1. What is your name ?</i>

<i>2. Where do you come from ?</i>
<i>6. Why are you learning English ?</i>
<i>7. Do you speak any other languages ?</i>
<i>8. How did you learn English in your</i>
<i>country ?</i>

<i>9. How will you use English in the future?</i>
<i>10. What aspect of learning E do you find</i>
<i>the most difficult ?</i>

<i>14. Read the passage</i>.

- Conduct Ss to practice making Oral

- Listen to the tape conversation between
Paola and Lan about the oral
examinations she had.

- Copy and read the words

E.g: <i>+ She asked me what my name was,</i>
<i>and where I came from.</i>

<i>+ She asked me if I spoke any other</i>

- Look at the list of questions and check
() the boxes.

- Compare As with partners.
- Give As in front of the class

- Look at the board and check the As


Eg:A: <i>When did you begin studying El ?</i>

B: <i>I began studying El in 2005.</i>

A: <i>…………...</i>

B: ………
<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ask Ss to retell and remember the ways of learning El.

<b>5. Homework: - Ask Ss to learn by heart the ways of learning El.</b>
<i><b>Preparing day: 31/10/2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: 1/11/2011</b></i>

<b>Unit 4:</b>

<b> learning a foreign language</b>

<b>Period21 Speak p.34-35</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to express their own idea and persuade
somebody to do something by .

<b>1. Language focus: </b>

- Structure: <i>Review </i>: I think, Why don’t we...?, We should..., Let’s...
- Vocabulary: Dormitory, on campus, reputation, approximately…....
<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train speaking and listening kills.
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, extra-board ...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>

<b>3.2- Presentation</b>.

<b>3.3- Practice</b>: <b> </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>
<b>1. Checking up: </b>

Ask Ss to retell the ways of learning El.
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

- Hold the class to do matching:

<b>A</b> <b>B</b>

a)What are you studying ?
b) Why do you think most
people learn El ?

c)Do you like learning
El ? d) When did you
start learning El ?

e) How did you learn El
well ?

f)Where do you studying ?
g) Why do you choose it ?

1. At New Star English center
2. English

3. Two years ago.

4. Very often it’s to get a
better job

5. Yes, I do. I love it.
6. I practice speaking alot.
7. It’s one of the best center in

- Introduce the topic of speaking.
**New words:

<i>dormitory</i>:ký túc xá

<i>On campus</i><b>: trong khuôn viên.</b>

<i>Reputation:</i> danh tiếng

<i>Approximately:</i> xấp xØ

- Conduct Ss to practice speaking.

- Call some groups to practice in front of the

- Give suggested As (on extra-board)

<b>Kim:</b> Which school are you going to attend ? I think
we should go to brisbane Institute of English in

<b>Tam:</b> I disagree because we have to live with an
Australian family. It’s not comfortable.

<b>Thu:</b> Why don’t we go to the Brighton language Center
in the UK? If we go there , we can live in a dormitory
on campus.

<b>Kim:</b> But the course is too expensive. It costs US $

<b>Tam:</b> What do you think about the Seattle School of
English in the USA ?

<b>Thu:</b> The price is suitable, and we can stay with
Vietnamese friends, so we feel less home sick.

<b>Kim:</b> That is a good idea !

- Conduct Ss to use the dialogue above to make
a short talk about the school they want to attend

- Work in groups to do matching.

A - 2, b - 4 , c - 5 , d - 3 ,
e - 6 , f - 1 , g - 7

- Look at “Speak” and listen to
the T

- Copy and read the new words.

- Work in groups of three, play
the role of Thu, Tam and Kim and
persuade partner to attend the
school would like to study. Use
the expressions in the box as

- Practice in front of the class.
-Consult the T’s answers, and

<b>4. Drill: </b>

<i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>
<i><b>T' s activities</b></i>

<b>3.1- Warm up</b>:

<b>3.2- Pre-speaking</b>:

<b>3.3- While-speaking</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

- Ask Ss to repeat and remember the way to express the idea and persuade (sb) to
do (sth)

<b>5. Home work: </b>

- Ask Ss to do exercise 2 on page 28 (work book)
<i><b>Preparing day: 31/10/2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: 3/11/2011</b></i>

<b><sub>Unit 4:</sub></b>

<b><sub> learning a foreign language </sub></b>

<b>Period22 listen + LF 1</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to know some difficulties in learning El
by listening to the conversation between Nga and Kate.

<b>1. Language focus: </b>
- Structure: <i>Review </i>

- Vocabulary: <i>National Bank, improve, excellent….</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train listening comprehension kill.
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player,...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>
<b>1. Checking up: </b>

(Qs will be made during the new lesson)
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

- Hold the class to play “Find someone

- Introduce situation. (<i>A conversation</i>
<i>between Nga and Kate about Nga’s</i>
<i>studying El</i>).

- Predict which statement is T or F.
- New words:

<i>National bank: ngân hàng nhà nớc.</i>
<i>Improve: cải thiện.</i>

<i>Excellent: xuÊt s¾c</i>.
- Play the tape (3 times)

- Let Ss check their answers with the

<b>Do you ……. ?</b> <b>Who </b>

do a lot of grammar exercise ?
learn to sing El songs ?

watch English TV programs ?
have difficulty in listening/
reading ...?

like learning El abroad ?

- Listen to the T

- Read the statements in the book to get
some information about Nga, and predict
which statement is T or F.

- Copy and read the words.

- Listen to the tape, check () the box
and correct the false ones.

- Listen to the tape again and check
<i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<i><b>T' s activities</b></i>

<b>3.1- Warm up</b>:

<b>3.2- Pre-listening</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

- Play the tape again, and correct Ss’

- Introduce the uses of modal verbs with

- Ask Ss to do exercise 1. (P.38)

Ex: <i>If you want to get good marks, you</i>
<i>must study harder</i>

- Correct Ss’ mistakes, and give the right


* The right As are:

<i>a) True.</i>
<i>b) True.</i>

<i>c) False. ( She works for an</i>
<i>international bank in Hanoi.).</i>

<i>d) True.</i>

<i>e) False.( Her listening is terrible).</i>
<i>f) True.</i>

<b>If + present simple tense, S + modals + V</b>

* The right As are:

<i>a) you must study hard.</i>

<i>b) You have to go to university</i>
<i>c) you should do a lot of exercise.</i>
<i>d) he might miss the train.</i>

<i>e) you ought to stay in bed.</i>
<i>f) You must do your homework</i>

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ask Ss to repeat and remember the main content of the lesson and how to
improve English.

<b>5. Home work: </b>

- Ask Ss to do exercise 3 on page 28 (work book)
<i><b>Preparing day: 7/11/2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: 8/11/2011</b></i>

<i><b> </b></i>

<b>Unit 4:</b>

<b> learning a foreign language </b>

<b>Period 23</b>

<b> reading</b>

I. Objectives<sub>.</sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will know kinds of language in advertisement about
English courses.

<b>1. Language focus: </b>
+ Structure: <i>Review</i>

+ Vocabulary: <i>beginner. Intermediate classes, well-qualified teachers…..</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train reading comprehension skills.
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, extra-board,...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>
III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Checking up: </b>

- (Qs will be made on the new lesson)
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

- Divide the class into 4 groups, then -Work in groups to play “Chain Game”

<b>3.4- post </b>:

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

hold them to play “Chain Game” about
foreign language.

-<i> Do you go to an evening English class</i>

<i>+ Have you read any advertisements</i>
<i>about English courses ?</i>

<i>+ What kind of information do you see</i>
<i>in these advertisements ?...</i>

* New words and phrases.

<i>Beginner</i>: líp s¬ cÊp

<i>Intermediate</i>: líp trung cÊp

<i>Advances class: </i>líp cao cÊp

<i>Well- qualified teachers</i>: Những gv có
trình độ cao.

- Conducts Ss to prepare to listen.

- Ask Ss to read the advertisements, and
do exercise part a).

- Hang the extra-board about a) on the

<b>School</b> <b>(Mor/After/EveClass time</b>
<b>Time to</b>
<i>Academy of</i>
<i>Foreign </i>
<i>Lang </i>
<i>New El </i>

- Correct Ss’ mistakes .

- Conduct Ss to do exercise part b)
- T can make some questions.

<i>+ What class time is Mr.Lam looking</i>
<i>for ?</i>

<i>+ What level is he ?</i>

<i>+ When does he want to start the</i>
<i>course</i> ?

- Ask Ss to read the advertisements
aloud. Correct Ss’ pronunciation.

<i>We can speak El.</i>

<i>We can speak El and Russian</i>

- Work in groups to discuss about the T’s questions.

- Scan the advertisements on page 36.
- Read the words.

-Prepare to read 3 advertisements about the
- El courses offered by 3 language schools:
Foreign Language Couuncil, Tuition
and academy of Language.

-Read the advertisements and note down

about the El classes from the advertisements.
- Come up and write information on the board.
* The right As are:

<b>School</b> <b>(Mor/After/EveClass time</b>



<b>Time to start</b>


advanced First week of


Mor and Eve Beginnner/
intermediate 3

rd<sub> Nov</sub>

New El

Institue After / Eve /weekend beginner (today)
- Read the notes made by Mr Lam to know
his requirements for an El course.

- Use the T’ s questions

<i>+ (early morning)</i>
<i>+ (intermidiate level)</i>

<i>+ (late October/ early Nov</i>)

 <i><sub>With the above information. Foreign Language</sub></i>

<i> Council is the most suitable school for Mr.Lam</i>
<i> because it meets all the requirements set on</i>.

- Read the advertisements aloud in front of the class.
<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ss repeat and remember the main information of an advertisement.
<b>5. Home work: </b>

- Ask Ss write one advertisement about the El course.

<i><b>Preparing day: 7/11/2011</b></i>

<i><b>Teaching day: 10/11/2011</b></i>

<b> </b>

<b>Unit 4:</b>

<b> learning a foreign language </b>

<b>3.2- Pre-reading</b>:

<b>3.3- While-reading</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

<b> writing</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a formal letter of inquiry to be
given information.

<b>1. Language focus: </b>

+ Structure: <i>Kind of formal letters.</i>

+ Vocabulary: <i>Review</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train writing a formal letter.
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, extra board ...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Checking up: </b>

(Qs will be made on the new lesson)
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

- Hold the class to do matching about the
form of a letter.

- Explain a letter of requiry:

- Introduce the formal letters format (on
the extra-board).

- Give suggested letter on the sub-board.

- Match the parts of a letter.

<i><b>Heading</b></i> <i>- Writer’s adress.</i>
<i>- Dear..</i>

<i> (conclusion.)</i>
<i>- Your friend</i>
<i> - Date.</i>

<i><b>Body of the letter</b></i>

- Listen to the T

- Copy the form into note book
- Read John Robinson’ s letter.

- Read the advertisements in “5.Read”
again. Choose one of the schools to
improve El. Write a letter of inquiry to the
institution requesting for more
information about the courses and fees,
use the outline on page 37.

- Compare writing with partners.

- Read the T’ s letter, then compare with
your own letter.

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<b>3.1- Warm - up</b>:

<b>3.2- Pre-writing</b>:

<b>3.3- While-writing</b>:

Dong Tho
November 20 th , 2008.
Dear sir,

I saw your Institute’s advertisement on today ‘s program. I
am interested in learning English and I would like some more

information about your institute. I can speak a little English,
but I read it very slowly and my writing is bad. So I want to
improve my reading and my writing.

Could you please provide more information about the
length of the the course and fees for the beginer ? I can
supply my record of English study if necessary.

I look forward to hearingfrom you soon.
Yours faithfully.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

- Collect the answer. <sub>- Ss retell the a formal letter </sub>
<b>4. Drill.</b>

- T reminds Ss to remember the a formal letter of inquiry.
<b>5. Home work.</b>

- Ask Ss to rewrite the letter above.

<i><b>Preparing day: </b></i>
<i><b>Teaching day: </b></i>

<b> </b>

<b>Unit 4:</b>

<b> learning a foreign language </b>

<b>Period 25</b>

<b> </b>

<b>Language focus</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- Ss will review the structures and vocabulary, that they’ ve learnt in Unit 4.
<b>1. Language focus: </b>

+ Structure: Review modal verbs with “if”; Direct and reported speech (“here” and
“now” words in reported speech, reported questions)

+ Vocabulary: <i>Review</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train completing dialogues ...
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, extra-board...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>
III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Checking up: </b>

(Qs will be made on the new lesson)
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

- Ask Ss to retell the changes of the
sentences from the direct speech into
indirected speech.

- Conduct Ss to do exercise 2.

- Complete the table (exercise 2)






simple Past simple this that
these those

progressive Past pro… here There

simple Would + V now then
Can/may Could/might today That day
Must Had to tomorrow The

<b>3.4- Post-writing</b>:

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

- Conduct Ss to do exercise 3.

- Ask Ss to read their indirect speechs

in front of the class.

- Explain the forms of reported

* Change Yes/No questions into
reported Qs.

<b>S + asked + (O) + if/wether + S +</b>

* Change Wh- questions into reported

<b>S + asked + (O) + Q word + S + V</b>
- Conduct Ss to do exercise 4.

(process as exercise 3 above)


- Read the indirect sentences in front of the

* The right As are:

<i>a) Uncle Hung said that birthday cake was</i>

<i>b) Miss Nga said she loved those roses.</i>

<i>c) Cousin Mai said she was having a</i>
<i>wonderful time there.</i>

<i>d) Mr Chi said he would go to hue the next</i>

<i>e) Mrs Hoa said she might have a new job.</i>
<i>f) Mr. Quang said he had to live then</i>.

- Listen to the T and copy.

- Report the questions wich the interviewer
asked Nga as the example.

* The right As:

<i>a) She asked me how old I was.</i>

<i>b) She asked me if my school was near there.</i>
<i>c) She asked me what the name of my chool</i>

<i>d) She asked me if I went to school by bike.</i>
<i>e) She asked me which grade I was in .</i>
<i>f) She asked me if I could use a computer.</i>
<i>g) She asked me why I wanted that job.</i>

<i>h) She asked me when I my school vacation</i>

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ss repeat and remember modal verbs with “if”; Direct and reported speech
(“here” and “now” words in reported speech, reported questions)

<b>5. Homework: </b>

- Ask Ss to do the exercises again and copy them into note book.
- Do exercise 8 on page 24 (workbook)

<i><b>Preparing day: </b></i>
<i><b>Teaching day: </b></i>

<b>The 2</b>


<b> Written Test </b>

<b>Time: 45 minutes</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the test students will<b> be able to </b>review main contents from Unit 3 to
Unit 4.

<b>1. Language focus: </b>

Reported speech, coditional sentences "wish", adverb clause of result, gerund,
"used to", prepositions , topics of language.

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Pay attention to listening, reading and writing skills.
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Teaching plan, matrix, papers of questions ....</b>
<b>2. Students: School things,....</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>
<b>1. Checking up: </b>
<b>2. New lesson:</b>




<b>Realize</b> <b>Grasp thoroughly</b> <b>Apply</b>

<b>Object</b> <b>Subject</b> <b>Object</b> <b>Subject</b> <b>Object</b> <b>Subject</b>

Listening 6 <i><sub>(1,5)</sub></i> <b>6</b>


Reading 8 <i><sub>(2)</sub></i> <b>8</b> <i><b><sub>(2)</sub></b></i>

Voca... 6 <i><sub>(1,5)</sub></i> <b>6</b> <i><b><sub>(1,5)</sub></b></i>

Grammar 8 <i><sub>(2)</sub></i> <b>8</b> <i><b><sub>(2)</sub></b></i>

Writing 6 <i><sub>(3)</sub></i> <b>6</b> <i><b><sub>(3)</sub></b></i>

<b>Total</b> <b>14</b> <i><b><sub>(3,5)</sub></b></i> <b>14</b> <i><b><sub>(3,5)</sub></b></i> <b>6</b> <i><b><sub>(3)</sub></b></i> <b>34</b> <i><b><sub>(10)</sub></b></i>


<b>I- Listen to the conversation and tick T (true) or F (false) for the satements.</b>

<i><b>(1,5 points)</b></i>

... 1. Mary is learning French.

... 2. Learning English is easy to get job.
... 3. She likes lerning English.

... 4. She is going to visit Britain next summer.
... 5. She started learning English 5 years ago.
... 6. Her parents speak English a lot at home.

<b>II- Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences. </b><i><b>(2 points)</b></i>
1. Mary ……. write to me last year.

a. uses to b. used to c. is used to d. was used to
2. I wish you …….. here tomorrow.

a. come b. came c. will come d. would come

3. He used to …….. Full time, but now he is a part time worker.

a. work b. working c. worked d. works

4. Let' s ……… somewhere for a drink !

a. go b. do c. going d. doing

5. They ……….... in that house for 6 months.

a. live b. lived c. have lived d. are living

6. It is raining heavily, ………... we can't go to the movie.

a. and b. but c. because d. so

7. What aspect of …………. English do you find difficult ?

a. study b. studied c. learn d. learning

8 It is difficult for me ……….. abroad.

a. go b. to go c. went d. gone

<b>III- Choose the correct preposition to complete each sentence. (</b><i><b>1,5 points)</b></i>
1. My village is about 100 kilometers ……….. the south of Ha Noi.

a. in b. at c. to d. for

2. They will come here ……….... 11.30 AM.

a. in b. at c. on d. to

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

a. of b. for c. to d. with
4. There is a meeting …………... 9 AM and 2 PM.

a. on b. between c. till d. at

5. She has come here ………….. yesterday.

a. in b. since c. for d. on

6. We have lived in Tuyen Quang ………. 10 years.

a. in b. since c. for d. at

<i><b>IV- Fill in each blank with the most suitable word from the box. </b><b>(2 points)</b></i>

of walk from peaceful grow fresh fell colors
My village is about 95 kilometers (1)……….. the city center. It is a very beautiful
and (2)…….. place where people (3)………... vegetables and flowers only. It's very
famous for its pretty roses and picturesque scenes . The air is quite (4)……...;
however, the smell of the roses makes people (5)…….... cool. In spring, my village
looks like a carpet with plenty of (6) ……... . Tourists come to visit it so often.
Nowadays, with electricity, it doesn't take the villagers much time to water the roses.
And even at night, people can (7) ……... along the path and enjoy the fresh smell (8)

……….. the flowers.

(1) ……... (2) ………. (3) …………. (4) ………….

(5) ………. (6) …………. (7) …………. (8) ………….

<b>V- Rewrite the following sentences so that the second sentence means exactly</b>
<b>the same as the sentences before it. </b><i><b>(3 points</b></i><b>)</b>

1. Nam smoked a lot last year, but now he doesn't smoke any more.

<sub> Nam used </sub><sub>………</sub><sub>...</sub>

2. He can't pass the exam.

<sub> He wishes </sub><sub>………</sub>

3. He said to me, "I can't do this test".

<sub> He said to me that he </sub><sub>………</sub><sub>...</sub>
4. He finished his exercises on time.

<sub> His exercises were </sub><sub>………</sub><sub>...</sub>

5. This boy broke my window yesterday.

<sub> My window was </sub><sub>………</sub><sub>...</sub>

6. I' m sorry, I can't help you.

<sub> I wish I </sub><sub>………</sub><sub>..</sub>

The end

<i><b>Date of testing</b></i><b>: Class 9A: ...Dec 2008.</b>
Class 9B: ... Dec 2008.
Class 9C: ... Dec 2008.

<b>Period 27</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

<b>Time: 45 minutes</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- Help Ss check their result of the test. By the end of the lesson Ss will know what
they need to improve in the future.

<b>1. Language focus: </b>

Reported speech, coditional sentences "wish", adverb clause of result, gerund,
"used to", prepositions …, topics of language.

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss check their skills on listening, reading and writing by doing exercises.

II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Teaching plan, questions and answers....</b>
<b>2. Students: School things,....</b>

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Organization:</b>

Class 9A 9B 9C
Total 37 37 35

<b>2. Checking up: </b>

- T ask Ss to give their opinions on the 2nd<sub> test.</sub>

<b>3. New lesson:</b>

C. Answers.

<b>I- Listen to the conversation and tick T (true) or F (false) for the satements.</b>
<i><b>(1,5 points)</b></i>

<b>John: What are you studying ?</b>
<b>Mary: I' m learning English</b>

<b>John: Why do you think most people learn English ?</b>
<b>Mary: It' s easy to get job.</b>

<b>John: Do you like learning English ?</b>
<b>Mary: Yes, I do.</b>

<b>John: Are you going to visit Britain ?</b>
<b>Mary: Yes, I am. Probably next year.</b>

<b>John: When did you start learning English ?</b>

<b>Mary: Two years ago</b>

<b>John: How did you learn to speak English so well ?</b>
<b>Mary: My parents speak English a lot at home.</b>
<b>John: Who else is in your English class ?</b>
<b>Mary: Anna, Peter and Daisy.</b>

<b>John: Are they learning English for their studies ?</b>

<b>Mary: Yes, they have to read some science books in English.</b>
1 - F ; 2 - T ; 3 - T ; 4 - T 5 - F ; 6 - T ;

<b>II- Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences. </b><i><b>(2 points)</b></i>

1- b 2- d 3- a 4- a

5- c 6- d 7- d 8- b

<b>III- Choose the correct preposition to complete each sentnce. (</b><i><b>1,5 points)</b></i>

1- c 2- b 3- c 4- b 5- b 6- c

<b>IV- Fill in each blank with the most suitable word from the box. </b><i><b>(2 points)</b></i>

(1) from (2) peaceful (3) grow (4) fresh

(5) feel (6) color (7) walk (8) of

<b>V- Rewrite the following sentences so that the second sentence means exactly</b>
<b>the same as the sentences before it. </b><i><b>(3 points</b></i><b>)</b>

1. Nam used to smoke last year.
2. He wishes could pass the exam.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

4. His exercises were finished on time.
5. My window was broken yesterday.
6. I wish I could help wou.

<b>3. Consolidation: </b>
T collects Ss' tests.
<b>4. Homework: </b>

Ask Ss to do preparations for the next lesson.
- Give paper of the test to Ss (if the T has
finished marking)

- Read the dialogue (three times).
- Ask Ss to give their As

- Correct Ss' As and then give the right As.

- Ask Ss to give their As.

- Explain structures that Ss don't

- Do as above

- Conduct Ss to fill the words ans translate
the passage into Vietnamese.

<b>I- Listen and decide True or False</b>
<b>sentences. </b><i><b>(1,5 pts)</b></i>

- Listen to the T and tick T or F.
- Give answers.

- Check and copy the right As:

1- T 2- T 3- T 4- T
5- F 6- T

<b>II- Choose the correct answers </b> <b>to</b>
<b>complete the sentences. </b><i><b>(2 pts)</b></i>

- Give answers in front of the class.
Answer key:

<b>Sen..</b> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
<b>Ans..</b> b d a a c d d b
<b>III. Choose the correct preposition to</b>
<b>complete each sentence. </b><i><b>(1,5 pts)</b></i>

- Process as exercise II above.

1. c 2. b 3. c
4. b 5. b 6. c

<b>IV. Fill in each blank with most</b>

<b>suitable words. </b><i><b>(2 pts)</b></i>


(1) from ; (2) peaceful ; (3) grow
(4) fresh ; (5) feel ; (6) color
(7) walk ; (8) of

<b>V- Rewrite the sentences so that the</b>
<b>second sentence means exactly the</b>
<b>same as the sentences ... </b><i><b>(3 pnts</b></i><b>)</b>

1. Nam used to smoke last year.
2. He wishes could pass the exam.

3. He said to me that he couldn't do that

4. His exercises were finished on time.
5. My window was broken yesterday.
6. I wish I could help wou.

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- T ask Ss to repeat some grammar structures that are used in the test.
<b>5. Homework: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

<i><b>Teaching date: Class 9A: ... Dec 2008.</b></i>
Class 9B: ... Dec 2008.
Class 9C: ... Dec 2008.

<b>Period 28</b>

Unit 5:

the media

<b>Getting started & listen and read</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get acquainted with a new topic: The
media, that has become very popular in our life.

<b>1. Language focus: </b>

+ Structure: <i>Review gerund</i>

+ Vocabulary: <i>A vriety of</i>, r<i>emote control</i>, g<i>ame show<b> , b</b>enifit, ….</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train group discussion, matching skils.
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player, picture, extra-board....</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>
<b>1. Organization: </b>

Class 9A 9B 9C

Total 37 37 35

<b>2. Checking up: </b>

(Qs will be given on the new lesson)
<b>3. New lesson:</b>

- Hang the picture on BB

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and ask
them to work in pairs to practice asking
and answering about their favorite
activities in their free time and the time
they spend on each activities.

- Call some pairs to practice before the

- Introduction the new topic (Media), and

- Work in pairs to look at the pictures and
practice asking and answering about
partner’s favorite activities in his/her free
time and the time he/she spends on each


<i>S1: Which of these is your favorite</i>
<i>activity ?</i>

<i>S2: Watching TV.</i>

<i>S1: How many hours aweek do you</i>
<i>spend watching TV ?</i>

<i>S2: About 5 or 6 hours , I guess.</i>

- Listen to the T’s introduction.
- Answer the T’ s questions.

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<b>3.1- Getting started</b>.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

make questions:

+ <i>What kind of media is most familiar to</i>
<i>your family ?</i>

<i>+ Which one is popular in Vietnam ?</i>

- Play the tape “Listen and read” (twice)
- Explain new words and phrases:

- Ask sts to read the passage and do
exercice a) P.41. ( paper sheats)

- Ask Ss to give answers.
- Correct Ss’ mistakes

- Ask Ss to read the text again and answer
the questions.

- Give the right As on the extra-board

- Ask Ss to work groups to discuss the
question b) 4 + 5 .

- Suggest some main words:

+ <i>Short story, sport column, comics,</i>
<i>documetary, discovery, music game,....</i>

- Look at book and listen to the tape.
- Copy and read:

<i>Crier (n): ngêi rao hàng vawt/ đa tin.</i>
<i>A variety of = lots of :</i>

<i>Enterative : tơng tác</i>

<i>Benefit (n) : kênh truyền hình</i>
<i>Remote control (n) : (real object</i>)

<i>Interactive TV</i>:truyền hình tơng tác

- Complete the table with the passage

letters in which these fact or events are

- Give answers in front of the class.
- Check and copy the right answers.
1 - D ; 2 - B ; 3 - B ; 4 - C ; 5 - A; 6 - D
- Read the passage again to answer the
questions ( exercise b – P.42)

- Practice in front of the class.
- Check and copy the right aswers.

<i>1. A town crier was a person whose job</i>
<i>was to go through city streets ringing a</i>
<i>bell to shout the latest news as he was</i>

<i>2.The Kien thuc ngay nay is one of the</i>
<i>most popular maganizes and is widely</i>
<i>read by both teenagers and adults.</i>

<i>3. People can get the latest information</i>
<i>and enjoy interesting and inexpensive</i>
<i>local and international programs in</i>
<i>convient way.</i>

<i>3, 4 (Ss answers)</i>’

- Work groups to discuss the question b)
4 + 5 . Use the T’s suggestions

- Practice before the class.

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ask Ss to answer: - What kinds of magazines and newspapers do you read ?
- What is your favorite type of media ? Why ?

<b>5. Homework: </b>

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the new words, do exercise 1,2 – P.35,36/ workbook.
<b>3.3- Practice</b>: <b> </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44></div>
<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>





<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

Preparing date: 25.11.2011.
Teaching date: 28.11.2011.
<b>Week 15</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

Unit 5:

the media

<b> Speak & listen</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the programs they like or

dislike on TV. And listen for specific information; know about developments of some

<b>1. Language focus: </b>

- Structure: <i>Review tag questions, gerunds</i>

- Vocabulary: <i>major force , journalism , AD , BC , assignment</i>…..
<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train speaking and listening kills.
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, tape and cassette, extra-board ...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>
<b>1. Checking up: </b>
(No question)
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

- Hold the class to play “Network” about
TV programes

<b>3.2.1- Pre-speaking: </b>

- Sum up the networks, and give some TV
programs on today.

- Explain tag questions.

<b>3.2.2- While-speaking:</b>

- Work in groups to do matching.

<i>football</i> <i>weather forecast news</i>

…….. …….
- Copy

<i>Folk Music<b>. : Nh¹c cổ truyền.</b></i>

<i>Literature and art</i>. văn học nghệ thuật

<i>Safe trafic news</i>. an toàn giao thông.

<i>Wheel of fortune<b>. chiếc nón kỳ diệu</b></i>

<i>The price is right</i>: Hóy chn giỏ ỳng

<i>Catch phrase</i>: đuổi hình bắt chữ.

<i>The road to the Olympia peak</i>.: Đờng
lên đỉnh Olympia.

- Listen to the T and copy.
<b>Statement, tag ?</b>

<b> Affirmative statement, negative tag ? </b>
<b>Negative statement, affirmative tag ?</b>


+ <i>It is a nice day, isn t it ?</i>’

<i>+ I am late, aren t I ?</i>’

<i>+ She hasn t got a new car, has got she?</i>’

<i>+ He didn t talk to the teacher</i>’

<i>yesterday, did he ?</i>

<i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>
<i><b>T' s activities</b></i>

<b>3.1- Warm up</b>:

<b>3.2- Speaking</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

- Ask ss to work in pairs to read the
dialogue between Lien and Trung.

- Ask ss to work in pairs to practice.
- Check the mistakes if necessary.

- Give the suggested dialogue and ask Ss
to make similar dialogue. (extra-board)
- Call some pairs to practice before the

<b>3.2.3- Post-speaking: </b>
- Review grund.

<b>3.3.1- Pre-listening: </b>

- Ask Ss to play True/ False prediction.

- Give the meaning of new words:

- Introduce the topic of the listening
<b>3.3.2- While-listening: </b>

- Ask ss to look at the text and listen to
the tape to get information then complete
the table.

- Play the tape (three times)
- Let Ss check their predictions
- Ask Ss to give their As.

- Play the tape again and ive the right As

- Work in pairs to read the dialogue.
- Work in pairs to make similar

S<i>1: You like watching films, don t you ?</i>’

S<i>2: Not really, some films are boring</i>

<i>and some are violent.I don t like</i>’

<i>watching them. I prefer music programa</i>
<i>aspecially: The Songs I love .</i>” ”

S<i>1: I m opposite. I love watching films.</i>’

<i>They are wonderful. Music programs</i>
<i>semm quite boring to me.</i>

S2:<i> But you watch Wildlife world ,</i>“ ”
<i>don t you ?</i>’

S1<i>: yes, everyday.It is very interesting to</i>
<i>know about animals and faraway</i>

S<i>2: I enjoy it too. You don t like dramar,</i>’

<i>do you ?</i>
<i>S2: No, I don t</i>’

- Listen copy down:
* Gerund: V + ing = N

<i>Advoid , enjoy , finish , like , suggest ,</i>
<i>mind , hate , can t help , mention , stop ,</i>’

<i>can t stand , practice , watch</i>’ ….
* Gerund following prepositions:

Ex: …..<i>give up smoking</i>

<i> ……interested in speaking English</i>
<i> ……afraid of listening her voice</i>.
- Look at the table (P.43) and do True/
False prediction.

- Work in pairs to discuss and guess
about the media that will mentioned in
the listening.

- Read and copy

<i>Printed newspaper</i>:báo in.

<i>Telegraph</i>: điện tín.

<i>Radio and newsreels</i>:i , phim ti liệu
- Listen to the T and prepare to listen.
- Listen to the tape and complete the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

<b>3.3.3- Post-listening: </b>

- Hold the class to play True/ False

- Listen to the tape and do exercise
- Compare result with the predictions
- Give answers in front of the class.

- Listen to the tape again and check the

- Copy the As:

a. <i>the late 19th<sub> century</sub></i>

b. <i>radio and newscreels</i>

c. <i>in the 1950s</i>

d. <i>the internet</i>

* Whole class.

a. <i>printed newspaper appeared in Laos</i>

b.<i>The internet became a major force in</i>
<i>the journalism in 1990.</i>

c. <i>Telegraph was invented in the 20th</i>


d. <i>Radio and newscreels appeared in the</i>
<i>early 20th<sub> century</sub></i><sub>.</sub>

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ask Ss to repeat and remember tag questions, gerunds.

<b>5. Home work: </b>

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the time and the inventions of the media.
Preparing date: 25.11.2011.

Teaching date: 29.11.2011

<b>Period 30</b>

Unit 5:

the media

<b> read</b>

I. Objectives<sub>.</sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will know about one of the modern media and its
effects to our life <i>Internet</i>.

<b>1. Language focus: </b>
+ Structure: <i>Review</i>

+ Vocabulary: <i>surf the web, e-mail, chatting, forum, get access, time</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train reading comprehension, skills.
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, tape and cassette, picture, extra-board,...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>
<b>1. Checking up: </b>

- T asks Ss to complete the following question tags.

<i>1) Mai is not having dinner</i>, …….?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

<i>3) Your mother enjoys watching The price is right</i>…….?

<i>4) Nam prefers films to news</i>……?
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

- Show a picture of a computer and some
questions about it.

<i>+ What is this ? Can you use computer ?</i>
<i>+ What subjects help you to use computer?</i>
<i>+ Have you ever used Internet ?</i>

<i>+ Do you find the internet useful ?</i>
<i>+ What do you use the internet for ?</i>


-Forum (n): diễn đàn (translation)

-(to) get access: truy cËp (to find thing on

-time-comusing (adj): tèn thêi gian (waste

-(to) wander(v): lang thang (to access with
no purpose)

-(to) surf the web(v): lít qua trang web

- junk mail ( mail for advertisement )
* Checking: Matching

- Introduce the reading and give some
new words by giving the matching.

 Answer key:
1 – e 5 - c
2 – a 6 - d
3 – f 7 - h
4 – b 8 - g

<b>2. True / False statements</b>

- Hold the class to do True / False
statements. (<i>extra-board</i>)

a. <i>Internet is a wonderful invention of</i>
<i>modern life.</i>

b. <i>The internet is available not only in</i>

<i>cities but also in the countryside</i>.

c. <i>People use the internet for 2 purposes:</i>
<i>education and entertainment</i>.

d. <i>Bad program is one of the limitations</i>
<i>of the internet</i>.

e. <i>You should be alert when using the </i>

- Work in groups to look at the picture
and answer the questions.

<i>+ It s ’ ….</i>
<i>+ English</i>…


Listen to T's elitciting to find out the

Do “matching”

<b>A</b> <b>B</b>

<i>1. Surf the web </i>
<i>2. forum </i>

<i>3.E-mail </i>
<i>4.benefit </i>
<i>5.get access </i>
<i>6. wander </i>
<i>7. time consuming</i>
<i>8.junk mail </i>

<i>a. diễn đàn </i>
<i>b.lợi ích</i>
<i>c.truy cập </i>
<i>d.lang thang</i>
<i>e.lt qua web f.th </i>
<i>in t</i>

<i>g.th quảng cáo</i>
<i> h. tốn thêi gian</i>

True / False prediction.

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<b>3.1- Warm up</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

- Play the tape of Reading (twice)
- Ask Ss to give their answers.

Ask Ss to read the text again and answer
the questions.

- Call some pairs to practice in front of the


Lucky Numbers ( Class 9A)

- Ask Ss to read the text again .

- Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss the
question 6 +7 .

- Listen to the tape to get information.
- Read the text and check predictions.
- Give answers.

* Key:

a -T ; b - F ; c - F ; d - T ; e - T

- Read the text again and work in pairs to
answer the questions.

- Practice in front of the class.
* The right As are:

<i>1. Sandra uses the internet to get</i>
<i>information and to communicate with</i>
<i>her friends and relatives.</i>

<i>2.Because she lives in the countryside</i>
<i>where the internet is not available.</i>
<i>3. People use the internet foreducatuion,</i>
<i>communication, entertainment ,and</i>

<i>4. The benifits of internet are : getting</i>
<i>information fast, communicating easily, </i>
<i>Enjoying entertaiment, doing bussiness</i>

<i>5. Yes, There are some disadvantages. It</i>
<i>is tinme </i>–<i>comsuming, costly, dangerous</i>
<i>because of virus and bad programs.</i>

<b>For class 9C</b>

- Read the text aloud
<b>Class 9A, 9B</b>

- Discuss the question 6 +7 ..

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ss repeat and remember the main information of the text.
<b>5. Home work: </b>

- Ask Ss to do exercise 3 – P.38 (workbook)

<b>3.3- While-reading</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

<b>Week 16</b>

Preparing date: 3.12.2011.
Teaching date: 05.12.2011.

<b>Period 31</b>

Unit 5:

the media

<b> write</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a passage about the benefits of
the internet

<b>1. Language focus: </b>
+ Structure: <i>Review</i>

+ Vocabulary: <i>online</i>…

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train writing a passage.
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, extra board ...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>
III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Checking up: </b>

(Qs will be made on the new lesson)
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

- Ask Ss to list the benefits of the internet. - Work in groups to list the benefits of
the internet.

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

- Call Ss to write on the BB.

- Explain form of writing a passage.

- Ask Ss to read the text in 5. Read. And
note the benifits of internet.

- Ask Ss to write the passage about the
advantages of Internet.

<b>* For class 9c: give more words to Ss</b>
<b>ang guide Sss to write</b>

- Ask Ss to peer correction.

- Give suggested passage (extra-board)

The internet has widely developed recently and it has three
mains benifits.

Firstly, the Internet is a plentiful and reliable source of
information. We can get information such as : news
articles, and weather forecasts very fast and conveniently.
Secondly, the Internet is a very good way to entertain. We
can listen to music, watch videos, play games
online.Biside, we can chat with friends and relatives who
live far away.it is a very cheap means of communication.
Lastly, The internet provides a rich sources of educational
materials and convenient way to study.We can do online
exercises and take on-line test. We don’t need to go to
school but we still can complete the educational

Inconclusion the internet brings us a lots of benifits which
make our life more modern and convenient.

- Hold the class to give the disadvantages
of the internet.

<i>+ Entertaiment.</i>

<i>+ Means of education.</i>
<i>+ Source of information</i>.


- Listen to the T and copy.

<b>+ The topic sentence:</b>

- <i>Supporting sentence 1.</i>
<i>- Sub-supporting sentences.</i>
<i>- Supporting sentence 2</i>

- <i>Sub-supporting sentences</i>.

<b>+ Concluding sentence:</b>

<i>Note how to use connector:</i>

<i>Firstly, secondly, not only ... but</i>
<i>also...., lastly / finally...</i>

<b>+ Conclusion.</b>

- Read the text in 5. Read. And note the
benifits of internet.

<i>+ Internet for getting information, </i>
<i>+ For education.</i>

<i>+ For communication and entertaintment</i>

- Work individually to write the passage
about the advantages of Internet.

- Peer correction.

- Read the T’ s passage, and check.

- Work in groups to give disadvantages
of the internet.

Ex: <i>+ time - consuming</i>
<i> + costly</i>

<i> + viruses</i>

<i> + bad programs</i>

<i> + spam/ electronic junk mail</i>
<i> + personal information leaking</i>

<b>3.2- Pre-writing</b>:

<b>3.3- While-writing</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

<b>4. Drill.</b>

- T reminds Ss to remember the advantages and disadvantages of using the internet.
<b>5. Home work.</b>

- Ask Ss to exercise 6 on page 40 (workbook)
Preparing date: 3.12.2011.

Teaching date: 06.12.2011.

<b>Period 32</b>

Unit 5:

the media

<b> Language focus</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- Ss will review the structures and vocabulary, that they’ ve learnt in Unit 5.
<b>1. Language focus: </b>

+ Structure: <i>Tag questions, gerunds</i>

+ Vocabulary: <i>Review</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train doing exercises skill ...
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, </b>extra-board...

<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>
III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Checking up: </b>

(Qs will be made on the new lesson)
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

retell the form of tag questions.

- Conduct Ss to do the exercises 1.
- Ask Ss to do in front of the class.

<b>I-Warm up</b>
Word square

Have Ss work in 2 teams

-Get them look at the word square, go
to the board and circle the meaningful
words to win the games.

-Give feed back correct.
 love, enjoy, miss, practise
 deny, mind

 suggest, finish

 like, consider, finish, avoid


- Work in groups review and retell

- Make some examples:

<i>+ I am late, </i>aren’t <i>I ?</i>

<i>+ Someone is cleaning the floor, </i>aren’t
they<i> ?</i>

<i>+ Nobody stays at home</i>, do they<i>?</i>
<i>+ Let s go to the zoo, </i>’ shall we<i> ?</i>
<i>+ Don t stay up late, </i>’ will you<i> ?</i>

- Work in pairs to complete the
dialogues with the correct tag.

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>











<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

- Conduct Ss to do the exercises 2.
- Ask Ss to do in front of the class.

- Ask Ss to retell the uses of gerunds and
give some verbs that are followed by

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to do exercise 3.
- Write the answers

Ex 3; <i>S1: Do you like playing soccer ?</i>
<i>S2: No , I hate it.</i>

<i>S3: Do you enjoy fishing ?</i>
<i>S4: Yes, I do .</i>

- Ask Ss to work in individual to do
exercise 4.

- Call somes Ss to read their writings.

Exercise 1: (The right As)

<i>a) haven t you ? </i>’

<i>b) didn t he ? </i>’

<i>c) wasn t it ?</i>’

<i>d) do you ? </i>
<i>e) Aren t you ?</i>’

- Work in pairs to ask and answer
questions about TV programes. Use
tag questions.

Exercise 2:

S1: <i>Hanh likes music, doesn t she ?</i>’

S2: <i>Yes, she does.</i>

S1: <i>Mai dislikes news, doesn t she ?</i>’

S2: <i>Yes, she does.</i>

S1: <i>Anh and Tuan don t like music, do</i>’
<i>they ?</i>

S2: <i>No, they don t</i>’ .

- Retell the uses of gerunds and give
some verbs that followed by gerunds.

<i><b>+ as a subject.</b></i>
<i><b>+ as a complement.</b></i>
<i><b>+ as a object.</b></i>

+ Some verb: <i>Like , love, enjoy, can t</i>’

<i>stand, dislike, hate, avoid, can t help,</i>’

<i>feel like</i>...

- Work in pairs to practice ask and

- Do in front of the class

Ex : <i>S1: Do you like playing soccer ?</i>

<i>S2: No , I hate it.</i>

<i>S3: Do you enjoy fishing ?</i>

<i>S4: Yes, I do .</i>

- Work in individual to do exercise 4.
( Wrtie true sentences about parents,
relatives, friends...

- Read writing aloud
* Ss’ answer maybe:

<i>My mother loves watching TV but my</i>
<i>father doesn t. He likes listening to</i>’

<i>the radio.</i>

<i> My sister dislikes writing letter and</i>
<i>my brother does too. He hates writing</i>

<b>4. Drill: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

<b>5. Homework: </b>

- Ask Ss to make 5 sentences for each structures

Preparing date: 10.12.2011.
Teaching date: 12.12.2011.

<b>Period 33</b>

<b> </b>

<b>Consolidation (1)</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson students will be able to review their knowlegde from unit
1 - 5

<b>1. Language focus: </b>

+ Structure: Past simple tense, present perfect tense, structure with “Wish”

+ Vocabulary: <i>Review</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train listening, reading and writing skills ...
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book,</b>...

<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>
III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Checking up: </b>

(Qs will be made on the new lesson)
<b>2. New lesson:</b>

<b>2.1. Past simple tense </b>

- Ask students to retell the usage of this

- Ask them to give four formation of the

P: S + V-ed

N: S + did not + V
I: Did + S + V?

Wh-question: Wh- + did + S + V?
<b>2.2. The structure with Wish</b>“ ”
- Do the same stage with activity 2.
- Ask students to work in groups of 4.
- Ask them to give the result in front of
the class.

- Check up and give the keys.
<b>2.3. Present perfect tense</b>

- Do the same stage with activity 2.

- Ask students to work in groups of 4

- Ask them to give the result in front of
the class.

* Work individually

- Retell the usage of this tense.

- Give the formation of the sentences

- Make sentences

* Work in group of four

- Retell the headline request, read the
reading in the test again.

- Give the result in front of the class

- Give the result in front of the class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

- Checks up and give the keys.

- Explains the gammar, structures and the
usage of the vocabulary.

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ss repeat and remember the basic grammars of the lesson.
<b>5. Homework: </b>

- Ask Ss to practice to make sentences, use the above structures

Preparing date: 10.12.2011.
Teaching date: 13.12.2011.

<b>Period 34</b>

<b> </b>

<b>Consolidation (2)</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson students will be able to review their knowlegde from unit
1 - 5

<b>1. Language focus: </b>

+ Structure: The passive, direct and reported speech, modal verbs with <i>if</i> , tag

+ Vocabulary: <i>Review</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train listening, reading and writing skills ...
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, extra-board...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>
III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Checking up: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

<b>2.1. The passive</b>

- Ask students to retell the headline
request, then asks them to listen again.
- Call on some students to give their result
in front of the class.

- Give the feed back.

<b>2.2. Direct and reported speech</b>
- Do the same stage with activity 2.
- Ask students to work in groups of 4.
- Ask them to give the result in front of
the class.

- Check up and give the keys.
- Give exercise on the extra-board

<b>Exercise : Change these sentences into</b>
<i><b>reported speech </b></i>

<i>1. If you want to learn English , I can help</i>“
<i>you , John said .</i>”

<i>2. Where are you studying ? Mr Bruce</i>“ ”
<i>said .</i>

<i>3. Please call me at 6 a.m tomorrow</i>“
<i>morning , said Mai .</i>”

<i>4. Are you interested in this Language</i>“
<i>Center ? asked Lan .</i>“

<i>5. Do you live here ? Liz asked .</i>“ “

<i>6. Where does your son want to go now ? </i>“ “
<i>asked Mr Hai .</i>

<i>7 . You must come today , Hoa said .</i>“ ”
<i>8. What are they doing now ? ? the</i>“ “
<i>teacher asked </i>

<i>9. I do not understand what you are</i>“
<i>saying , Tom told us .</i>”

<i>10 . There is not any information about</i>“
<i>these colleges , Nam said .</i>”

<b>2.3. Modal verbs with if</b>

- Do the same stage with activity 2.

- Ask students to work in groups of 4

- Ask them to give the result in front of
the class.

- Check up and give the keys.

- Explain the gammar, structures and the
usage of the vocabulary.

<b>2.4. Tag questions</b>

- Ask students to work in groups: Rewrite
the sentences.

- Call on some groups to give their result
in front of the class.

- Correct mistakes

* Work individually

- Retell the headline request, listen again.
- Give the result in front of the class
* Work in group of four

- Retell the headline request, read the
reading in the test again.

- Give the result in front of the class
- Give the result in front of the class
* Work in groups of four

- Rewrite

- Look at the board and do exercise

- Some give their result in front of the

<b>4. Drill: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

- Ss repeat and remember the basic grammars of the lesson.
<b>5. Homework: </b>

- Ask Ss to practice to make sentences, use the above structures
<b>Week 18</b>

Preparing date: 18.12.2011.
Teaching date: 19.12.2011

<b>Period 35</b>

<b> </b>

<b>Consolidation (3)</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson students will be able to review their knowlegde from unit
1 - 5

<b>1. Language focus: </b>

+ Structure: Prepositions of time, gerunds, exercise about vocabulary.
+ Vocabulary: <i>Review</i>

<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train listening, reading and writing skills ...
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book,...</b>

<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>
III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Organization: </b>

Class 9A 9B 9C

Total 37 37 35


<b>2. Checking up: </b>

(Qs will be made on the new lesson)
<b>3. New lesson:</b>

<b>3.1. Prepositions of time</b>

- Ask students to retell the headline
request, then asks them to listen again.
- Call on some students to give their result
in front of the class.

- Give the feed back.

<b>3.2. Gerunds</b>

- Do the same stage with activity 2.
- Ask students to work in groups of 4.
- Ask them to give the result in front of
the class.

- Check up and give the keys.
<b>3.3. Exercises about vocabulary.</b>
- Do the same stage with activity 2.

* Work individually

- Retell the headline request, listen again.
- Give the result in front of the class
* Work in group of four

- Retell the headline request, read the
reading in the test again.

- Give the result in front of the class
- Retell the headline request, do exercise
about grammar and vocabulary in the test

- Give the result in front of the class
* Work in groups of four

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

- Ask students to work in groups of 4

- Ask them to give the result in front of
the class.

- Check up and give the keys.

- Explain the gammar, structures and the
usage of the vocabulary.

- Rewrite

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ss repeat and remember the basic grammars of the lesson.
<b>5. Homework: </b>

- Ask Ss to practice to make sentences, use the above structures
Preparing date: .12.2011.

Teaching date: .12.2011

<b>Period 36</b>

<b>The test of first semester </b>

<i><b>Teaching date</b></i><b>: </b>Class 9A: ... Dec 2008.
Class 9B: ... Dec 2008.
Class 9C: ... Dec 2008.

<b>Period 37</b>

Unit 6:

the environment

<b>Getting started & listen and read</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get acquainted with environment
problems. Read the text for general and specific information through Matching
exercises and answering Qs.

<b>1. Language focus</b>:
+ Structure: <i>Review</i>

+ Vocabulary: <i>Divide, shore, rock, spoil, disappointed, conservationist…</i>
<b>2. Language skills:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>

<b>1. Teacher</b>: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player, pictures....
<b>2. Students</b>: Text book, work book, school things, ....

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Organization</b>:

Class 9A 9B 9C

Total 37 37 35

<b>2. Checking up</b>:

(Qs will be made during the new lesson)
<b>3. New lesson</b>:

- Hang the picture on BB, then hold the
class to discuss about enviromental

- Ask ss to work in pairs to match the
pictures with the enviromental problems


- Explain meaning of the words.

- Ask Ss to scan the reading to note some
new words.

<i>Divide</i>: chia
<i>Shore</i>: bờ biển
<i>Rock</i>: đá

<i>Spoil</i>: lµm háng

<i>Disappointed</i>: thÊt väng

<i>Conservationist</i>: Ngêi g×n giữ,ngời bảo

- Play the tape (twice)

- Ask Ss to work in groups to match the
names in column A with the tasks in
column B.

- Call on some Ss to read their sentences

- Work in groups to discuss and make a
list of people's activities that destroy the
environment, and how to prevent
enviroment from pollution. (in English or


<i>+ Cut down trees</i>
<i>+ Throw garbage</i>…

- Work in pairs to match the pictures with
the enviromental problems given.

- Give answers in front of the class.
- Give the correct answers.

<i>a) Air pollution.</i>
<i>b) Spraying pesicides.</i>
<i>c) Garbage dump.</i>
<i>d) Water pollution.</i>
<i>e) Deforestation.</i>
<i>f) Dynamite fishing </i>

- Write the meaning of new words:
- Read new words

- Listen to the tape.

- Work in groups to match the names in
column A with the tasks in column B.
* The right As are:

1. Group 1: f) <i>Walk along the shore</i>.
2. Group 2: e) <i>check the sand</i>.

3. Group 3: b) <i>check among the rock</i>.

<i><b>Teacher's activities</b></i> <i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>

<b>3.1. Warm-up</b>:<b> </b>

<b>3.2. Presentation .</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

- Let Ss read the text again and answer
the questions.

- As Ss to ask and answer in front of the

- Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss
questions 6 & 7 in the book.

4. Mr. Jones: a) <i>collect all the bags and</i>
<i>take them to the garbage dump.</i>

5. Mrs Smith: c) <i>Provide a pinic lunch</i>
<i>for everyone.</i>

6. Mr Brown : d) <i>Give out the bag</i>.
- Work in pairs to read the text again and
answer the questions.

- Correct As with partners.
* The right As are:

<i>1. The speaker is Mr.Brown.</i>

<i>2. The listeners are members of</i>
<i>volunteer conservationists.</i>

<i>3. they are on the beach.</i>

<i>4. If they work hard, they will make the</i>
<i>beach clean and beautiful again soon</i>.

- Work in groups to discuss questions 6
& 7 in the book.

- Some Ss answer the Qs loud in front of
the class.

<b>4. Drill</b>:

- Ask Ss to retell the activities that the students do to clean the environment.
<b>5. Homework</b>:

- Ask Ss to do exercise in the work book.

<i><b>Teaching date: Class 9A: ... No 2008.</b></i>
Class 9B: ... No 2008.
Class 9C: ... No 2008.

<b>Period 38</b>

Unit 6:

the environment


<b>Speak + listen</b>

I. Objectives<sub>. </sub>

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to persuade somebody to do somethings
by using the structures: <i>I think you should.../ It would be better if you...</i>. And
know some reasons that cause the environmetal pollutions especially pollute the

<b>1. Language focus: </b>
- Structure: <i>Persuade</i>...

- Vocabulary: <i>Dissolve</i>, t<i>rash</i>, t<i>o do harm</i>, <i>energ<b>y , </b>exhaust fume</i>…..
<b>2. Language skills:</b>

- Ss train speaking and listening kills.
II. Teaching aids<sub>.</sub>

<b>1. Teacher: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player, picture,...</b>
<b>2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....</b>

III. Procedures<sub>.</sub>
<b>1. Organization: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

Class 9A 9B 9C

Total 37 37 35

<b>2. Checking up: </b>

Ask Ss to retell the ways of learning El.
<b>3. New lesson:</b>

- Ask Ss to work in groups to think of the
things they often do at school and at
home to clean and protect the

- Write Ss' answers on the BB.

<b>3.2.1- Pre-speaking:</b>

- Introduce the topic of speaking, then
present some new words:

<i>Dissolve</i>: <i>hịa tan , làm biến đi.</i>
<i>Trash: đồ khơng cịn tỏc dng.</i>
<i>To do harm: lm hi.</i>

<i>Energ<b>y</b>: năng lợng.</i>
<i>Exhaust fume: th¶i khãi</i>.
<b>3.2.2- While-speaking:</b>

- Ask Ss to read the persuading
expressions in the text book carefully.
- Conduct Ss to practice

- Ask Ss to give their answers in front of
the class

<b>3.2.3- Post-speaking: </b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to find the
answers for the questionaire by using the
ideas given in the text.

- Call some Ss to the BB to write the

- Work in groups to think of the things
that can protect the environment.


<i>- Clean the house.</i>

<i>- Clean the neighborhood.</i>

<i>- Recycle the paper and the cans, bottles.</i>
<i>- Put the garbage in the garbage bins.</i>
<i>- Use tree leaves to wrap things</i>

- Copy and read the new words:

- Read the persuading expressions in the
text book carefully.

- Work in pairs to persuade parners to do
things to protect the environment.


S1: <i>I think you should reuse and</i>
<i>recycle bottles and cans.</i>

S2<i>: Why ? and How come?</i>

S1<i>: Because we can reduce garbage</i>
<i>and save the natural resources . That is</i>
<i>how we save the environment.</i>

- Work in pairs to find the answers for
the questionaire by using the ideas given
in the text.

- Give answers:

+ <i>Save the plastic bags, clean and reuse</i>
<i>them. Use tree leaves to wrap things.</i>

+ <i>Don t throw waste and garbage into</i>’
<i>streams, lakes, rivers</i>.

+ <i>Discard/ throw garbage in waste bins.</i>
+ <i>Use fewer private vehicles and don t</i>’
<i>release pollutians into the air.</i>

<i><b>Ss' activities</b></i>
<i><b>T' s activities</b></i>

<b>3.1- Warm up</b>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

- Call some pairs to give the remarks and
give more ideas.

<b>3.3.1- Pre-listening: </b>

- Hang the picture on BB. Ask Ss to listen
to the introduction of the listening: The
reasons that cause the pollution of the

- Ask Ss to predict the causes that lead to
the oceans polluted after looking at the
picture and reading the information given.
- Give the meaning of new words:

<i>Raw sewage</i>: nớc thải cha đợc xử lý

<i>Pump</i>: bơm ra, tuôn ra.

<i>Spill<b>s: trn ra, ra.</b></i>

<i>Marine life</i>: ng vt di nc.

<i>Deliberate</i>: cân nhắc kỹ, thảo luận kỹ.
<b>3.3.2- While-listening: </b>

- Set the scene of the listening.
- Play the tape 3 times.

- Call on Ss to read aloud their answers.
- Play the tape again (once), and give the
correct answers.

<b>3.3.3- Post-listening: </b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to give the
reasons that cause the oceans polluted.

+ <i>Try to reuse and recycle things.</i>

- Give the remarks and give more ideas.

<i>S1: I think we should burn trash to</i>

<i>reduce the amount of garbage we</i>
<i>produce to protect the environment.</i>
<i>S2: I think we shouldn t do that. Burning</i>’

<i>trash will pullute the air.The best way is</i>
<i>to reduce and recycle things.</i>

- Look at the picture and discuss the
reasons that cause the pollution of the

- Predict the causes that lead to the
oceans polluted after looking at the

picture and reading the information

- Read and copy new words:

- Listen to the tape and complete the

- Compare answers with partners.
- Give answers.

How the ocean is polluted

Firstly: rau sewage is pumped directly into the

Secondly: Garbage is dropped into the sea.
Thirdly: Oil spills come from ships at sea.
Next: Waste materials come from factories.
Finally: Oil is washed from the land.

- Work in pairs to give the reasons that
cause the oceans polluted.

<b>4. Drill: </b>

- Ask ss to retell the main content of the lesson: The reasons that cause the oceans

<b>5. Home work: </b>

- Ask Ss to do exercises in the work book.
- Prepare new lesson: Read.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65></div>


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