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<b>Use the correct verb form</b>

1. He’<sub>s expecting ( make ) a trip to Ha Long Bay .</sub>

2. Students stopped ( make ) noise when the teacher came in .
3. Ann likes ( cook ) but hates ( wash ) up .

4. I enjoy ( listen ) to classical music .

5. He’<sub>ll try ( not make ) the same mistake again .</sub>

6. Would you mind ( buy ) me a newspaper ?

7. Does the city government intend ( do ) anything about pollution ?
8. I hope ( not do ) that tiring work again .

9. He always avoids ( meet ) me in the streets .

10. My parents decided ( take ) a taxi because it was late .
11. Do you agree ( lend ) me some money ?

12. The passenger asked her how ( get ) to the station ?
13. My friends arranged ( get ) to the airport in time .
14. He continued ( work ) after his illness

15. Have you ever watched people ( try ) ( catch ) fish ?
16. We should ( avoid ) ( hurt ) other people’<sub>s feeling ?</sub>

17. That shit makes you ( look ) younger .
18. He spent hours ( try ) ( repair ) his car .
19. You’<sub>d better ( say ) what you think .</sub>

20. Tom is interested in ( jog )

21. They advise me ( wear ) a rain coat .
22. Thank you for ( send ) me a present
23. The clown made them ( laugh ) a lot .

24. There are people who can’<sub>t help ( laugh ) when they see some one ( slip ) on a banana skin .</sub>

25. I’<sub>m sorry ( disappoint ) you .</sub>

26. Could I ( see ) Mr. Pike , please ?

27. ( look ) at me and ( answer ) my question .

28. Oh ! I can feel something ( crawl ) up my leg . It must be an insect .
29. Is there anything here worth ( buy )?

30. He is too ill ( eat ) anything .

31. I prefer ( drive ) a car to ( ride ) a bike .
32. She doesn’<sub>t enjoy ( go ) to the dentist</sub>’<sub>s .</sub>

33. He wouldn’<sub>t let mu baby ( play ) with his gold watch .</sub>

34. Try ( avoid ) ( make ) him angry .
35. I’<sub>ve never heard Tom ( swear ) .</sub>

36. You ( seem ) know this area very well . Yes , I used ( live ) there .
37. We are looking forward to ( read ) your new book .

38. Will you help me ( move ) the bookcase ?

39. He is thinking of ( leave ) his job and ( go ) to America .

40. I heard the door ( open ) and saw a shadow ( move ) across the floor .
41. After ( read ) this article , you will ( give ) up ( smoke ) .

42. I advised you ( start ) ( look ) for an apartment at once .
43. I’<sub>m not used to ( drive ) on the left .</sub>

44. I used to ( go ) to school on foot .
45. I hate ( see ) a child ( cry ).

46. Did you ( advise ) him ( go ) to the police ?
47. Most people prefer ( spend ) money to ( earn ) it .

48. Why doesn’<sub>t he ( play ) games ? _ His mother doesn</sub>’<sub>t ( want ) him ( play ) games .</sub>

49. I tried ( persuade ) him ( agree ) with your proposal .
50. We are fond of ( listen ) to pop music .

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52. I’<sub>d like him ( go ) to a university , but I can</sub>’<sub>t ( make ) him ( go ) .</sub>

53. Sad movies always make him cry .
54. He gave up ( gamble )

55. I let him ( go ) early because he wanted ( meet ) his wife .
56. The boys like ( play ) games but hate ( do ) exercises .
57. He ( make ) us wait for hours .

58. ( lie ) on the beach is much more pleasant than ( sit ) in the office .
59. I’<sub>d like him ( go ) to a university but I can</sub>’<sub>t ( make ) him ( go ) .</sub>

60. By ( work ) day and night , he ( succeed ) in finish the job in time .
61. I arranged ( meet ) him here .

62. He tried ( make ) me ( believe ) that he was my step brother .
63. I wish ( see ) the manager .

64. Are you afraid of ( go ) out after dark ?

65. We are bored with ( do ) the same thing everyday .

66. I saw the driver ( often ) his window and ( throw ) the box .
67. His doctor advised him ( jog )

68. Please go on ( write ) . I don’<sub>t mind ( wait )</sub>

69. He heard the cock ( crow ) in a neighboring village .
70. I can’<sub>t help ( laugh ) at him .</sub>

71. Why did you ( move ) your car ? The policeman told me ( move ) it .
72. We can’<sub>t decide what ( do ) .</sub>

73. Try ( forget ) it , it isn’<sub>t worth ( worry ) about .</sub>

74. It is no use ( try ) ( interrupt ) him . You’<sub>ll have ( wait ) till he stops ( talk ) .</sub>

75. They spoke about ( study ) English .

76. You should ( avoid ) ( smoke ) after meals .
77. She was please ( receive ) such a nice gift .
78. We noticed the thief ( run ) out .

79. Please help me ( carry ) this heavy box .
80. They are good at ( study ) science .

81. My father gets used to 9 get 0 up early in the morning .
82. I can’<sub> t help ( consider ) his opinion .</sub>

83. You should ( try ) ( wear ) any shirts you want ( buy ) .
84. He used to ( fall ) asleep without ( take ) his shoes off.

85. She stop ( talk ) about her illness and went on ( tell ) us about all her other problems .
86. I’<sub>d love ( have ) a coat like that .</sub>

87. I intend ( tell ) her what I think .
88. He is thinking of ( leave ) his job .
89. Try ( avoid ) ( make ) him angry .
90. I hate ( see ) a child ( cry )

91. Gravity makes water ( run ) downhill .

92. It is difficult ( get ) used to ( eat ) with chopsticks .
93. Stop ( argue ) and start ( work ) .

94. I used ( smoke ) 40 cigarettes a day .
95. She is looking forward to ( see ) you .
96. They are fond of ( read ) books .



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