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English 6 Tiet 3 Unit 1 B1 2 3 4

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<b> Week: 1</b> <b>Date of preparation: 28/ 08/ 2012</b>

<b> Period: 3</b> <b>Date of teaching: 30/ 08/ 2012</b>


<b> </b> <b> Lesson 2: A5 – 6 – 7</b>

Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask how people are, say thank you.
<b>II.</b> <b>PREPARATIONS: Book, cassette tape</b>


<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>1. Warm - up: (5’)</b>
- Ask Ss to greet their classmate:
+ What is your name?
+ How are you?

<b>2. Presentation: (15’)</b>
- Introduce some new words:

<b>+ Vocabulary:</b>
1. Fine (adj):
2. Thanks:
3. Miss :
4. Mr:

- Ask Ss to practice the new words.

- Ask Ss to listen and and answer question:
+ Who are they?

+ What does Ba ask? And Lan?
- Call some Ss to read the answer.
- Give structure:

<i><b>- How are you? </b></i>

<i><b> - I’m fine. Thanks/ Thank you.</b></i>

<b>3. Practice: (15’)</b>
- Get Ss to repeat the dialogue.

- Call some Ss to practice the dialogue.

- Call out the underlined words to be changed in the

Miss Hoa: Hello, Mr. Hung.
Mr. Hung: Hello, Miss Hoa.
Miss Hoa: How are you?

Mr. Hung: I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Miss Hoa: Fine, thanks.

- Practice.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Repeat after the teacher.
- Answer.

- Read the answer.
- Listen and write.

- Listen and repeat.

- Practice.

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- Call some Ss to make similar dialogue.

- Listen to them and correct their mistakes If they
don’t pronounce correctly.

<b>4. Production: (8’)</b>

- Ask Ss to write a dialogue to say hello with friends
and ask how they are.

Hoa: Hello, …….
How …………?
Nga: Hi, I’m ………

- Call some Ss to read the answer.
- Correct the answer.

<b>5. Homework: (2’)</b>

Ask Ss to learn by heart how to ask how people are,
say thank you.

- Prepare next lesson Unit 1: B1, 2, 3, 4/p.14, 15

- Pair works.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Pair works.

- Practice.

- Listen to the teacher.

Take note.

<b>IV.</b> <b>COMMENTS:</b>


