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giao an tieng anh Lets learn Lop 3

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>TuÇn 1: Period 1:. Monday September 8 - 2009. Unit 1: Hello. Section: A1, 2, 3. I .Objectives.. By the end of the lesson. Ss will be able to know greetings and introduce yourselves , do exercises. Practise skills :listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: textbooks, photos, teaching plan. III. Teaching process.. 1. Class organization. 3A……., 3B………, 3C……. 2.Warm up. 3. New lesson. T’s activities Ss’ activities - Introduces the books and how to - listen. learn English. *A1. Look, listen and repeat. - Encourages Ss to say the content of - say the content of the picture. the picture. - Guides Ss how to say greetings by - listen and repeat. activities and photos. - Reads the dialouges. - listen. - Explains some new words: Hello : xin chµo - listen and read. Hi: xin chµo I: t«i am: lµ - practise in pairs. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - Calls some pairs to practise. - Checks. *A2.Look and say. - say the names of the Ss . - Asks Ss to say the names of Ss. - practise in pairs. - Guides Ss to practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss. - others listen and remark. - Calls on some pairs to practise. Hello. I’m…….. - Checks. Hi. I’m……….. Hello. ………….. Hi,…... …………. *A3. Let’s talk. - Asks Ss to observes the picture, and - observes the picture and practise . practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - Goes around the class to help Ss. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - do Ex 1.( P.6 ) - Checks. - discuss in pairs. -Then guides Ss to do Ex1 - others listen and remark. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. 1. Mai 2. Hello 3. I 4. Hi - Calls on some Ss to give the Ex 2 ( P.7 ) answers. 1.d 2. a 3. b 4. c - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 2. 4. Consolidation. -T summerises the main points of the lesson. -Asks Ss to say the greetings and introduce yourselves. -Asks Ss to prerare the next period..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> *************************. Wednessday September 10th 2009.. Unit 1: HELLO. Period 2:. Section A4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen to the dialogues to choose the suitable pictures, practise pronunciation, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, photos, aid boards,teaching plan. Vocab, Grammar: Hello, I'm……….. Hi,…..I'm………… III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. 2. Warm - up..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - T calls on some Ss to say the greetings and introduce youselves. - Others listen and remark. - T give marks. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *A4. Listen and check. *Pre - listening. - Asks Ss to observe the pictures to - observe the pictures to know the know the content. content. *While - listening. - Reads the dialogues.(once, twice) - listen and check. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. *Post - listening. - Reads the dialogues again. - listen and check youselves. - Calls on some good Ss to say again. - others listen and remark. - Checks. 1.b 2.a *A5. Say it right. - Asks Ss to observe the color of the - observe the color of the letters to letters to know how to read. (h , i ) know how to read.( h , i ) - Reads the first. - listen. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise. - Calls on some Ss to read. - others listen and remark. - Checks. *A5. Say it right. - Guides Ss to write. - listen. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write in the notebooks, two Ss to write on the aid boards. - write. - Goes around the class to help bad Ss. - Hangs aid boards on the board. - Calls on some Ss to remark. - Checks. *A6. Let's write. - Guides Ss to play game by drawing and saying. - do model. - Asks Ss to play game. - Calls on some Ss to play game. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 3.. - change their notebooks to check together and remark. - others listen and check. 1. I'm……………… 2. Hello.I'm…………… - listen. - draw and say. - play game. - others listen and remark. - do Ex 3.( P.8 ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers . - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 4.. - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. a.2 b.4 c.3 d.1 - do Ex 4.( P.8 ) 1. Hello. I'm Mai. 2. Hi, Mai. I'm Alan.. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the greetings and introduce youselves. - Ask Ss to prepare the next period. ************************. Monday Septemer 15th -2009. Unit one: HELLO. Section B1, 2, 3.. TuÇn 2 Period 3:. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss wil be able to listen to and speak the greetings when they meet together, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: textbooks, aid boards, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. 2. Warm - up. - Guides Ss to play game "what and where " - Which groups play well , they are winners. hello Alan. hi I. am LiLi.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *B1. Listen and repeat. - Encourages Ss to say the content of the - say the content of the picture. picture in Vietnamese. - listen. - Reads the dialogue. - guess the meaning. - Asks Ss to guess the meaning. - listen and read. - Explains : meet: gÆp nice: tèt you: b¹n, anh…( ®ang nãi trùc tiÕp ) - play game to remember the new too: cñng - Guides Ss to play game to remember the words. new words. - practise in pairs. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - Calls on some pairs to read. - Checks. - Calls on some Ss to say the new model. - others listen remark Nice to meet you, LiLi. - Checks. Nice to meet you, Nam. *B2. Let's talk - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs the situation - discuss in pairs . in the picture. - practise in pairs. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - Checks. *B3. Listen and number. *Pre - listening. - discuss about the pictures. - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and discuss in pairs. *While - listening. - listen and write the numbers. - Reads the dialogues.( once or twice ) - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. *Post - listening. - listen and check youselves. - Reads again. a.3 b.1 c.2 - do Ex 5(P.9) - Then guide Ss to do Ex 5. - discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. - Calls on some Ss to give the anwers. 1.Nam 2.Hi 3.you 4.Nice 5.meet - Checks. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the greetings when they meet together. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> ***************************. September 17th -2009. Period 4:. Unit one: HELLO. Section B4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss wil be able to practise the greetings , read the dialogues to match with the suitable pictures, write the greetings and introduce youselses, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C………. 2. Warm - up. - T calls on some Ss to say the greetings and introduce youselves. - Others listen and remark. - T give marks. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *B4. Read and match. - Guides Ss to do. - Asks Ss to read the dialogues to match - read and match in pairs. with the suitable pictures, can discuss in pairs ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to give the answers and why. - Checks. - Then calls on some pairs to read the dialogues again. - Checks. *B5. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - Asks Ss to dicuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write. - Hangs aid boards on the board. - Calls on some Ss to remark. - Checks. *B6.Let's play. - Guides Ss to play game. - Asks Ss to play game in groups. - Calls on some groups to play. - Checks and gives marks. *B7. Summary. - Asks Ss to look at the summary to say the content of the models. - Calls on some Ss to say.( good Ss ) - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 6. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks.. - others listen and remark. 1.b 2.a. - say the request. - discuss in pairs. - write, two Ss to write on the aid boards - change the notebooks to check together. - others listen and remark 1.Hello. I'm…………… 2. Nice………………… - listen. - play game in groups. - others listen and remark. - look at the summary to say the content of the models. - others listen remark.. - do Ex 6. (P.9) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. Hi. I am Mai. 2. Hello, Mai. I am Nam. 3. Nice to meet you. 4. Nice to meet you too. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 7,8,9. Ex 7. 1. I am LiLi. - Checks. 2. Nice to meet you. Ex 8,9. do youselves. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the models again. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ***********************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Week 3 Period 5:. September 22th -2009. Unit two: THANK YOU Section A1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss wil be able to listen to the dialogues and ask ,answer about the health, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: textbooks, teaching plan. - Vocabulary, Grammar: How are you ? I'm fine, thank you. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. 2. Warm - up. - T guides Ss to play game "Telephone game" - T says to S1 says to S2…….. , play in groups 4 or 6. 1. Hello. I am Mai. 2. Hi, Mai. I am Nam. 3. Nice to meet you. 4. Nice to meet you too. - Which groups play well, they are winners. - T give marks. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *A1. Look, listen and repeat. - Encourages Ss to describe the picture - describe the picture in Vietnamese. in Vietnamese..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> - Reads the dialogue. - Explains: you - are. fine: tèt, khoÎ thank: c¶m ¬n and: vµ - Reads and asks Ss to repeat. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - Checks. *A2. Look and say. - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss.. - listen.. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - Checks.. - others listen and remark.. - listen and repeat. - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - observe the picture and practise in pairs. How are you, LiLi ? ……….., thank you. ………..., Alan ? Fine, thanks.. *A3. Let's talk. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs the situation - discuss in pairs . in the picture. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise in pairs. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - others listen and remark. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - do Ex 1. (P.12) - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. - Checks. 1. Mai 2. thanks 3. how 4. and - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 2. Ex 2. - Checks. 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.a 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the models again. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. **********************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Period 6:. Septemer 24th -2009. Unit two: THANK YOU Section A4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen to the dialogues to choose the suitable pictures, practise pronunciation, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: - textbooks, aid boards, teaching plan. - - Vocabulary, Grammar: How are you ? I'm fine, thank you III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. Warm - up meet nice hello fine thanks you how - Which groups play well, they are winners. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *A4. Listen and check. *Pre - listening. - Asks Ss to observe the pictures to - observe the pictures to know the know the content. content. *While - listening. - Reads the dialogues.(once, twice) - listen and check. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> *Post - listening. - Reads the dialogues again. - Calls on some good Ss to say again. - Checks. *A5. Say it right. - Asks Ss to observe the color of the letters to know how to read. ( ee, l, ee ea ) - Reads the first. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to read. - Checks. *A6. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - Guides Ss to write. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write in the notebooks, two Ss to write on the aid boards. - Goes around the class to help bad Ss. - Hangs aid boards on the board.( good Ss ) - Calls on some Ss to remark. - Checks. *A7.Read aloud. - Asks Ss to read the sentences in right way. - Calls on some Ss to read the sentences - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 3. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers . - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 4, 5.. - listen and check youselves. - others listen and remark. 1.b 2.a - observe the color of the letters to know how to read.( ee, l, ee - ea ) - listen. - practise. - others listen and remark.. - say the request. - listen. - discuss in pairs. - write. - change their notebooks to check together and remark. - others listen and check. A: How………………….? B: I'm………., ………..you. - read individually. - others listen and remark. - do Ex 3.( P.14 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1.b 2.c 3.a 4.d - do Ex 4, 5 ( P.14 ) 1. Hi, I'm LiLi. 2. Hello, Mai. I'm Alan. 3. Nice to meet you. - do Ex 5.( P.15 ) 1. how 2. fine 3. thanks 4. hello. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the models again. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> **********************. Week 4 Period 7:. Monday September 29th -2009. Unit two: THANK YOU Section B1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss wil be able to ask and answer about the health, say and respond when someone says goodbye, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, teaching plan. Vocab, Grammar : Goodbye,…….. Bye. See you later. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. 2. Warm - up. - Guides Ss to play game "Telephone game " T says S1 say to S2……. - How are you ? - I am fine, thank you. - And you ? - Fine, thanks. - Nice to meet you. - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T's activities - Introduces the new lesson. *B1. Listen and repeat. - Encourages Ss to say the content of the picture in Vietnamese. - Reads the dialogue. - Asks Ss to guess the meaning. - Explains : Goodbye: chµo t¹m biÖt Bye: chµo t¹m biÖt See you later: hÑn gÆp l¹i - Guides Ss to play game to remember the new words.. Ss' activities - listen. - say the content of the picture. - listen. - guess the meaning. - listen and read.. - play game to remember the new words..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise in pairs. - Calls on some pairs to read. - others listen and remark. - Checks. - Calls on some Ss to say the new model. - others listen remark - Checks. Goodbye. Bye. See you later. *B2. Let's talk - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs the situation - discuss in pairs . in the picture. - practise in pairs. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - Calls on some pairs to practise. Goodbye. - Checks. Bye. See you later. *B3. Listen and number. *Pre - listening. - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and discuss in pairs. *While - listening. - Reads the dialogues.( once or twice ) - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. *Post - listening. - Reads again. - Then guide Ss to do Ex 6. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the anwers. - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 7.. - discuss about the pictures. - listen and write the numbers. - others listen and remark. - listen and check youselves. a.2 b.1 c.3 - do Ex 6.(P.9) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1.How 2.Hi 3.fine 4. you 5. thanks - do Ex 7. (P.16 ) 1. Hi,……. 2. Hello,……….. 3. I'm fine, thank you. And you ? 4. I'm fine. Thanks. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say goodbye. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ***************************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 1/10 - 2009. Unit two: THANK YOU Section B4, 5, 6, 7.. Period 8: I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss wil be able to practise reading the sentences to match with the others , write the question and answer about the health, saying goodbye, practise reading the English Alphabet, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: textbooks, aid boards, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C………. 2. Warm - up. - Guides Ss to play game " What and where" fine. goodbye. thank you are. bye. later. how. see. - Which groups play well, they are winners. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *B4. Read and match - Guides Ss to do. - listen. - Asks Ss to read the sentences to match - read and match in pairs. with the others, can discuss in pairs . - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. - Checks. 1.c 2.d 3.e 4.a 5.b - Then calls on some pairs to read the sentences again. - Checks. *B5. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - say the request. - Asks Ss to dicuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write. - write, two Ss to write on the aid boards - Hangs aid boards on the board. - change the notebooks to check together..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> - Calls on some Ss to remark. - Checks.. - others listen and remark 1.A: How ………………?. B:.I'm fine,……………… 2.A: Goodbye. B: ………………... *B6.Let's play. - Asks Ss to look at the alphabet say the difference (alphabet: b¶ng ch÷ c¸i ) - Asks Ss to show each letter and read following T. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to read. - Checks and gives marks. *B7. Summary. - Asks Ss to look at the summary to say the content of the models. - Calls on some Ss to say. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 8. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks.. - listen. - show them and read following T. - practise in pairs - others listen and remark. - look at the summary to say the content of the models. - others listen remark. - do Ex 8. (P.17) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1.c 2.a 3.b. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 9, 10 - do Ex 9.( P. 18 ) 1. Hello - Hi - Checks. 2. How are you ? - I'm fine, thank you. 3. Nice to meet you - Nice to meet you too. 4. Goodbye. - Bye. See you later. Ex 10. do yourselves 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to ask and answer about the health, say goodbye. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Week 5 Period 9:. I. Objectives:. October 6 th -2009. Unit three: OUR NAMES Section A1, 2, 3.. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss wil be able to listen to the dialogues and ask ,answer about someone's name, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, teaching plan. - photos of Ss. - Vocabulary, Grammar: What's your name ? My name's ……… III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. 2. Warm - up. - T guides Ss to play game "Telephone game" - T says to S1 says to S2…….. , play in groups 4 or 6. 1. Goodbye 2. Bye. See you later. 3. Nice to meet you. 4. How are you ? 5. I'm fine, thank you. - Which groups play well, they are winners. - T give marks. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *A1. Look, listen and repeat. - Encourages Ss to describe the picture - describe the picture in Vietnamese. in Vietnamese. - listen. - Uses the photos to introduce the names - Reads the dialogue. - Explains: what:g×, c¸i g× - listen and repeat. - play game "Rub out and remember" name: tªn your: cña b¹n, cña anh,….(TT) - practise in pairs. my: cña t«i - Reads and asks Ss to repeat. - others listen and remark. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - listen - Checks. *A2. Look and say. - Explains: What's = What is name's = name is - observe the picture and practise in - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> practise in pairs. pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss. S1: What's your name ? - Calls on some pairs to practise. S2: My name's ……… - Checks. - others listen and remark. *A3. Let's talk. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs the situation - discuss in pairs . in the picture. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise in pairs. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - others listen and remark. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - do Ex 1. (P.19) - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. - Checks. 1. fine 2. you 3. meet 4. name - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 2. Ex 2. a.4 b.3 c.2 d.1 - Checks. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the models again and give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. **********************. Period :10 I. Objectives:. October 8th -2009. Unit three: Our names Section A4, 5, 6, 7..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen to the alphabet to choose the suitable alphabet, practise pronunciation, complet the question and answer about the name, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: - books, aid boards, teaching plan. - - Vocabulary, Grammar: What's your name ? My name's ……… III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. Warm - up name how what my is your you are - Which groups play well, they are winners. - T gives marks 3.New lesson T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *A4. Listen and check. *Pre - listening. - observe the alphabet to listen - Asks Ss to observe the alphabet to listen *While - listening. - listen and check. - Reads the alphabet (once, twice) - others listen and remark. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. *Post - listening. - listen and check youselves. - Reads the alphabet again. - others listen and remark. - Calls on some good Ss to say again. 1.b 2.a - Checks. *A5. Say it right. - Asks Ss to observe the color of the - observe the color of the letters to letters to know how to read. ( er, n, t ) know how to read( er, n, t ) - Reads the first. - listen. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise. - Calls on some Ss to read. - others listen and remark. - Checks. *A6. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - say the request. - Guides Ss to write. - listen. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write in the notebooks, two Ss to write on the aid boards. - write..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> - Goes around the class to help bad Ss. - change their notebooks to check - Hangs aid boards on the board. together and remark. - others listen and check. - Calls on some Ss to remark. A: What's your name ? - Checks. B: My name's ……… *A7.Read aloud. - Asks Ss to read the sentences in right - read individually. way. - Calls on some Ss to read the alphabet - others listen and remark. - Checks. - do Ex 3.( P.20 ) - Then guides Ss to do Ex 3. - discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers . 1. My name is Pete r. - Checks. 2. A: Goodbye, Pete r. B: Se e you late r. - do Ex 4. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 4, 5. 1. What's…….. Ex 5: 1. Nam 2. name 3. My 2. My name……. 4. Nice 5. meet 3. My name's Alan. 4. Nice…………, Alan. 5. Nice………….., Peter. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the models again. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. **********************. Week 6 Period 11:. October 13 th -2009. Unit three: OUR NAMES Section B1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson, Ss wil be able to ask and answer about the names and spell them, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, teaching plan, photos.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> Vocab, Grammar : What's your name ? My name's ……… That's …………... III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C……… 2. Warm - up. - Guides Ss to play game "Telephone game " T says S1 say to S2……. - How are you ? - I am fine, thank you. - What's your name ? - My name's Hoa. - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *B1. Listen and repeat. - Encourages Ss to say the content of the - say the content of the picture. picture in Vietnamese. - listen. - Reads the dialogue. - listen and read. - Explains : That's = That is L-I-N-D-A - practise in pairs. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - Calls on some pairs to read. - Checks. - others listen remark - Calls on some Ss to say the new model. - Checks. My name's Linda. *B2. Let's talk That's L - I - N - D - A - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs the situation - discuss in pairs . in the picture. - practise in pairs. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - Calls on some pairs to practise. A: What's your name ? - Checks. B: My name's ………… That's……………… *B3. Listen and number. *Pre - listening. - observe and discuss about the - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and pictures. discuss in pairs. *While - listening. - Reads the dialogues.( once or twice ) - listen and write the numbers. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. *Post - listening. - Reads again. - listen and check youselves..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> * Tape a.2 b.1 c.3 1. A: What’s your name ? B: My name’s Nam. That’s N- A- M. And what’s your name ? A: My name’s Peter. That’s P- E- T- E- R 2. A: Hello. I’m Mai. That’s M- A- I. B: Hi. My name’s Linda. That’s L-I-ND- A. 3.A: Hello. I’m Alan. That’s A- L- A- N What’s your name? B: My name’s Linda. That’s L-I-N- D- A. A: Nice to meet you, Linda. B: Nice to meet you, Alan. - Then guide Ss to do Ex 6. - do Ex 6.( P.22 ) - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the anwers. - others listen and remark. - Checks. 1.THAT 2.WHAT - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 7. 3.NAME 4. YOUR - do Ex 7. ( P.22 ) a. 2 b.1 c.4 d.3 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again, give examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ***************************. Period 12:. Thursday October 15th -2009. Unit three: OUR NAMES Section B4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson, Ss wil be able to practise reading the dialogues to match with the suitable pictures, write the question and answer about the name and spell it, practise singing the Alphabet song, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> 2. Warm - up. - Guides Ss to play game " Slap the board" F L Y R Q W M G. J Z. - Which groups play well, they are winners. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *B4. Read and match - Guides Ss to do. - listen. - Asks Ss to read the dialogues to match with the suitable pictures, can discuss in - read and match in pairs. pairs . - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. - Checks. 1.b 2.a - Then calls on some pairs to read the dialogues again. - Checks. *B5. Let's write. - say the request. - Asks Ss to say the request. - discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to dicuss in pairs. - write, two Ss to write on the aid boards - Asks Ss to write. - change the notebooks to check - Hangs aid boards on the board. together. - others listen and remark - Calls on some Ss to remark. 1.A: What's………………?. - Checks. B: My name's……………… *B6.Let's sing. That's……………… - Asks Ss to read the song first. - read - Asks Ss to show each letter and read - listen and read following T. - Sings the song . - Guides Ss to sing - listen and sing - Asks Ss to practise in groups - practise in groups - Calls on some groups to sing. - others listen and remark. - Checks and gives marks. *B7. Summary. - Asks Ss to look at the summary to say - look at the summary to say the content the content of the models. of the models..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> - Calls on some Ss to say about them. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 8. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks.. - others listen remark.. - do Ex 8. (P.23) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. My name is Phong. 2. What is your name ? - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 9, 10 - Ex 9.( P. 23 ) do yourselves - Checks. - Ex 10.( P. 24 ) do yourselves 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to give the question and answer about the name and spell it. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************. October 20th -2009.. Week 7 Period 13:. SELF - CHECK ONE Language focus. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able review the model that they learnt in Unit one and Unit two A , practise the model in pairs, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. Grammar : Hello, I'm…………… Hi,…… I'm ………… Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too How are you ? I'm fine, thank you / Fine, thanks III. Teaching process:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. 2. Warm - up. - T guides Ss to play game "Telephone game " - T says S1 says to S2……. - Hello, I'm Mai. - Nice to meet you. - How are you ? - I am fine, thank you. - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T’s activities Ss’s activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. * Unit one: - Asks Ss to listen and give the - listen and give the answers answers (responses) - Hello, I'm ……… - Hi, I'm…………. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you too. - How are you ? - I'm fine, thank you / Fine, thanks. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - others listen and remark. - Checks - Writes the model on the board. - copy. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - do Ex 1. *Pre - listening. - Asks Ss to read the sentences. - read the sentences. *While - listening. - Reads the sentences. (once - twice ). - listen and tick - Calls on some Ss to give the - listen, compare and remark answers. *Post - listening. - Reads again. - listen and check youselves. - Checks. - Tape: 1. Hi 2. fine 3. meet 4. your 5. later - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 2.3 - do Ex 2. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs . - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to give the - others listen and remark. answers. 1. What's your name ? - Checks. 2. My name's Alan. 3. Nice to meet you. 4. How are you ? 5. I'm fine..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> - Ex 3. ( aid board ) 1. My name's Pete r. 2. How are you ? 3. Nice to me et you. 4. Thank you. 5. Go odbye. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again, give examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. *************************. Period 14:. October 22st- 2009. SELF - CHECK ONE Language focus. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able review the model that they learnt in Unit two B and Unit three , practise the model in pairs, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, photos, teaching plan. Grammar : Goodbye. Bye. See you later. What's your name ? My name's………. That's …………… III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C…… 2. Warm - up. - T guides Ss to play game " What and where " what Bye later name.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> see. that. your. goodbye - Which groups play well, they are winners. 3.New lesson. T’s activities Ss’s activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. * Unit two B: - Asks Ss to listen and give the - listen and give the answers answers (responses) - Goodbye. - Bye. See you later. - What's your name ? - My name's ……… - That's ……………. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - others listen and remark. - Checks - Writes the model on the board. - copy - Asks Ss to read the alphabet by heart - others listen and remark. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 4. - do Ex 4. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs to know - discuss in pairs. their names and write - write - Hangs some photos on the board, - change the books and check together. asks Ss to go to the board and write. - Calls on some Ss to spell the names - listen and remark - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 5, 6 - do Ex 5 ( aid board ) - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs - discuss in pairs . - Calls on a S to go to the board to do - do individually. - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to remark and give - others listen and remark. the answers. 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C - Checks. - Ex 6. 1. My name's Mai 2. I'm fine, thank you / Fine, thanks. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again, give examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ************************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> Week 8 Tuesday October 27th -2009. THEME TWO: MY SCHOOL. Period 15:. Unit four: MY FRIENDS Section A1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and practise introducing others, do excercises - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, photos, teaching plan. - Vocabulary, Grammar: Who is she / he ? She is Mai. She is my friend He is Nam. He is my friend III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C…… 2. Warm - up. - T asks Ss to ask and answer ( introduce the name, ask and answer about the name, the health,…..) - Others listen and remark - T checks and give marks 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> - Introduces the new lesson. *A1. Look, listen and repeat. - Encourages Ss to describe the picture in Vietnamese. - Reads the dialogue. - Explains: who: ai she: c« Êy, chÞ Êy, b¹n Êy… he: anh Êy, cËu Êy, b¹n Êy… friend: b¹n - Reads and asks Ss to repeat. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - Checks. - Explains: Who’s = Who is she's = she is *A2. Look and say. - Gives the photos, does the model - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - Checks. *A3. Let's talk. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs ( the situation in the picture.) - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 2. - Checks.. - listen. - describe the picture in Vietnamese. - listen. - listen and repeat. - play game "Rub out and remember" - read in chorus - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - listen - listen. - observe the picture and practise in pairs. S1: She’s Mai. She’s my friend - others listen and remark. - discuss in pairs . - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - do Ex 1. (P.26) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. my 2. goodbye 3. too 4. friends Ex 2. 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the models again and give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. **********************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> Period :16. Thursday October 29 -2009. Unit four: MY FRIENDS Section A4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and identify the people in the pictures to choose the suitable pictures, practise pronunciation, complet the sentences to introduce one’s friends, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: - books, aid boards, teaching plan. - - Vocabulary, Grammar: He’s / She’s……..He’s / She’s my friend. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C….. Warm - up - T guides Ss to play game “ Jumble words”. hwo - how hes - she rienfd - friend mena - name niec - nice - Which groups play well, they are winners. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *A4. Listen and check..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> *Pre - listening. - Asks Ss to say the content of the pictures *While - listening. - Reads the the sentences (once, twice) - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. *Post - listening. - Reads again. - Calls on some good Ss to say again. - Checks. * Tapescript. 1. Hi, Alan. This is Linda. She’s my friend. 2. LiLi: Hello. My name’s LiLi Alan: Hi, LiLi. I’m Alan. Nice to meet you. *A5. Say it right. - Asks Ss to observe the color of the letters to know how to read. ( a and ie, e and e, y and i ) - Reads the first. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to read. - Checks. *A6. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - Guides Ss to write. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write in the notebooks, two Ss to write on the aid boards. - Goes around the class to help bad Ss - Hangs aid boards on the board. - Calls on some Ss to remark. - Checks. *A7.Let’s play - Guides Ss to play the game in groups - Says “ friend” and shows a S in a group and that S has to say “ friend”( twice) and other group has to say “friend” three times………. - Calls on some groups to play. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 3. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs.. - say the content of the pictures - listen and check. - others listen and remark. - listen and check youselves. - others listen and remark. 1.a 2.b. - observe the color of the letters to know how to read ( e and ie, e and e, y and i ) - listen. - practise. - others listen and remark. - say the request. - listen. - discuss in pairs. - write. - change their notebooks to check together and remark. - others listen and check. 1. He’s………………….. 2. She’s…………………. - listen S1: friend S2: friend, friend - play in groups - others listen and remark. - do Ex 3.( P.20 ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> - Calls on some Ss to give the answers . - discuss in pairs. - Checks. - others listen and remark. 1. He is Peter. 2. She is my friend - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 4. 3. She is Mai - do Ex 4. 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. TuÇn 9 Period 17:. November 3 -2009. Unit four: MY FRIENDS Section B1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen and know the commands in the class, greetings in a day, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocab, Grammar : Stand up, please Sit down, please II. Materials: books, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C…… 2. Warm - up. - Guides Ss to play game "Telephone game " T says S1 say to S2……. - Who’s she ? - She is Mai. She is my friend. - Who’s he ? - He is Nam. He is my friend. - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *B1. Listen and repeat. - Encourages Ss to say the content of the - say the content of the picture. picture in Vietnamese. - listen. - Reads the dialogue. - listen and read. - Explains : Good morning: xin chµo Everyone: c¸c em, mäi ngêi Sit down: ngåi xuèng.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> Miss Chi: - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help bad Ss - Calls on some pairs to read. - Checks. - Calls on some Ss to say the new model. - Checks. *B2. Let's talk - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs the situation in the picture. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - Checks. *B3. Listen and number. *Pre - listening. - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and discuss in pairs. *While - listening. - Reads the commands.( once or twice ) - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. *Post - listening. - Reads again. - Then guide Ss to do Ex 5. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the anwers. - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 6.. - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - others listen remark Sit down, please - discuss in pairs . - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. S1: Sit down, please. S2: Stand up, please. - observe and discuss about the pictures. - listen and write the numbers. - others listen and remark. - listen and check youselves. a.2 c.1 b.3 - do Ex 5.( P.29 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1.c 2.b 3. a - do Ex 6. ( P.29 ) 2. Good morning, Nam 3. Miss Chi…… 4. Nice to meet you, LiLi 5. Nice to meet you too.. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again, give examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ***************************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> Period 18:. 5/11 -2009. Unit four: MY FRIENDS Section B4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss wil be able to practise reading the sentences to match with the suitable pictures , write about your friend, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocabulary, Grammar: the commands, She / He is…..She / He is my friend. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C…….. 2. Warm - up - Calls on some Ss to introduce their friends. - Others listen and remark. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *B4. Read and match - Guides Ss to do. - listen. - Asks Ss to read the sentences to match with the suitable pictures, can discuss in - read and match in pairs. pairs . - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. - Checks. 1.c 2.a 3.b - Then calls on some pairs to read the - listen. sentences again. - Checks. *B5. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - say the request. - Asks Ss to dicuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write. - write, two Ss to write on the aid.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> - Hangs aid boards on the board. - Calls on some Ss to remark. - Checks. * B6.Let’s play. - Guides Ss to play the game in pairs - Calls on some Ss to give the names of Ss . - Checks. *B7. Summary. - - Asks Ss to look at the summary to say the content of the models. - Calls on some Ss to say about them. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 7. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks.. boards - change the notebooks to check together. - others listen and remark She is ……She is my friend He is …….He is my friend - listen - do in pairs - others listen and remark - look at the summary to say the content of the models. - others listen remark.. - do Ex 7. (P.30) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. My 2.What’s 3. name’s 4. friend 5. Hello 6. Hi - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 8, 9, 10 Ex 8: 1. She is Mai - Checks. 2. He is my friend. 3. LiLi is my friend. 4. Linda is my friend too. Ex 9: 1. He’s Alan 3. He’s Peter 2. She’s LiLi 4. She’s Linda. Ex 10: do yourselves. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to give the question and answer about the name and spell it. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> Week 10 Period 19:. 10 / 11 -2009. Unit five: MY SCHOOL Section A1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss wil be able to listen and practise introducing the names of the rooms and their school ,do excercises - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, teaching plan. - Vocabulary, Grammar: This is ………………… III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….3C…… 2. Warm - up. - T asks Ss to ask and answer about someone in the class. S1: Who is she ? S2: She is Hoa. She is my friend. - Others listen and remark - T checks and give marks 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *A1. Look, listen and repeat. - Encourages Ss to describe the picture - describe the picture in Vietnamese. in Vietnamese. - Reads the dialogue. - listen. - Explains: this : ®©y ( translation ) - listen and repeat. - school: trêng häc ( realia) - play game "Rub out and remember" classroom: phßng hä (realia) - library: th viÖn (realia) - listen - Reads the dialogue slowly. - read in chorus - Reads and asks Ss to repeat. - practise in pairs. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss. - others listen and remark. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - Checks. *A2. Look and say. - observe the picture and practise in - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and pairs. practise in pairs. S1: This is my school..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> - Goes around the class to help Ss. ( imperfection S ). S2: This is my classroom. - others listen and remark.. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - Checks. *A3. Let's talk. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs ( the content of the picture.) - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 2. - Checks.. - discuss in pairs . - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - do Ex 1. (P.32) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. friend 2. it 3. school 4. how Ex 2. 1. a 2. c 3. d 4. b. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the models again and give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. **********************. ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> 12/11/2009 Period :20. Unit five: MY SCHOOL Section A4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen and identify the people in the pictures to choose the suitable pictures, practise pronunciation, complet the sentences , do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: - books, aid boards, teaching plan. - - Vocabulary, Grammar: This is ………………. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C………. Warm - up - T guides Ss to play game “ Jumbled words”. ( two groups ) colsoh =school ribrayl = library loramsocs = classroom - Which groups finish the first and right, they are winners. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *Pre - listening. *A4. Listen and check. - Asks Ss to say the content of the pictures - say the content of the picture and and predict the right ones predict the right ones *While - listening. - Reads the the sentences (once, twice) - listen and check. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. *Post - listening. - Reads again. - listen and check youselves. - Calls on some good Ss to say again. - others listen and remark. - Checks. 1.b 2.b * Tapescript. 1. Hi, my name’s Nam.I am from Thang Long School. This is my classroom. 2. Look . This is Alan. And this is LiLi. They are from my school. They are my friends. *A5. Say it right. - Asks Ss to observe the color of the letters - observe the color of the letters to to know how to read. ( oo , m, ea and ee ) know how to read (oo, m, ea and ee ) - Reads the first. - listen..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> - Reads again - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to read. - Checks. *A6. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - Guides Ss to write. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write in the notebooks, two Ss to write on the aid boards. - Goes around the class to help bad Ss ( imperfection S ) - Hangs aid boards on the board. - Calls on some Ss to remark. - Checks. *A7.Let’s play - Guides Ss to play the game in groups - Calls on some groups to play. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 3. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers . - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 4,5. - listen and repeat. - practise. - others listen and remark. - say the request. - listen. - discuss in pairs to find the missing words and fill in the gaps. - write. - change their notebooks to check together and remark. - others listen and check. 1. ………………, please 2. This is my…………………. - listen - play in groups - others listen and remark. - do Ex 3.( P.20 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. This is my school 2. This is my classroom. 3. This is my school library. - do Ex 4. 1. This is my scho ol. It’s Sao Mai Scho ol. 2. This is my scho ol library. It’s small. Ex 5: 1. This is Nam. 2. He is my friend. 3. This is my school 4. It’s small.. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************** TuÂn 11 17/11 -2009. Unit five: MY SCHOOL Period 21: Section B1, 2, 3. I. Objectives:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and know how to ask and answer about the school’s name and describe it, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocab, Grammar : What is its name ? It’s ………. It’s big / small. II. Materials: books, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C…….. 2. Warm - up. - Guides Ss to play game "Telephone game " T says S1 say to S2……. - This is Mai. She is my friend. - This is my classroom. - This is my school. - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *B1. Listen and repeat. - Encourages Ss to say the content of the - say the content of the picture. picture in Vietnamese. - listen. - Reads the dialogue. - listen and read. - Explains : its : cña nã Big >< small: to >< nhá - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. ( imperfection S ) - Calls on some pairs to read. - others listen remark - Checks. - Calls on some Ss to say the new model. Sit down, please - Checks. *B2. Let's talk - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs the situation - discuss in pairs . - practise in pairs. in the picture. - others listen and remark. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - This is my school - Calls on some pairs to practise. - It’s Quang Nghiep School. - Checks. - It’s big *B3. Listen and number. *Pre - listening. - observe and discuss about the pictures. - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and discuss in pairs. *While - listening..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> - Reads the commands.( once or twice ) - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. *Post - listening. - Reads again. * Tapescript 1. This is my school. It’s big. 2. That’s my classroom. It’s small. 3. This is my friend, Mai. - Then guide Ss to do Ex 6. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the anwers. - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 7.. - listen and write the numbers. - others listen and remark. - listen and check youselves. a.2 c.1 b.3. - do Ex 6.( P.36 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. My 2. school 3. name - Ex 7: 1. This is …….. 2. What’s ……..? 3. It’s…………. 4. Oh, it’s big.. 4. big. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again, give examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ***************************. 19 / 11/ 2009 Period 22:. . Unit five: MY SCHOOL Section B4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss wil be able to practise reading the sentences to match with the suitable pictures , write about your school, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocabulary, Grammar: This is my…………….It’s ……...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. III. Teaching process:. 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C……… 2. Warm - up - Calls on some Ss to introduce their friends and school. - Others listen and remark. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson. T's activities - Introduces the new lesson. *B4. Read and match - Guides Ss to do. - Asks Ss to read the sentences to match with the suitable pictures, can discuss in pairs . - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks. - Then calls on some pairs to read the sentences again. - Checks. *B5. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - Asks Ss to dicuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write. - Hangs aid boards on the board. - Calls on some Ss to remark. - Checks.. * B6.Let’s sing. - Guides Ss to sing ( explains : go, the way ) - Sings the first, teaches Ss to sing each sentence. - Asks Ss to sing in groups - Calls on some groups to sing. - Checks. *B7. Summary. - Asks Ss to look at the summary to say. Ss' activities - listen. - listen. - read and match in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1.c 2.a 3.b - listen.. - say the request. - discuss in pairs. - write, two Ss to write on the aid boards - change the notebooks to check together. - others listen and remark This is my school. It’s Quang Nghiep School. It is big.( ………) - listen - listen and repeat. - listen and sing. Practise in groups. - others listen and remark - look at the summary to say the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> the content of the models. - Calls on some Ss to say about them. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 8. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks.. content of the models. - others listen remark. - do Ex 8. (P.37) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. d 2. c 3. b 4.a Ex 9: This is my school Its name is Quang Nghiep School.. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 9, 10 - Checks. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period.. ********************. Week 12. 24/11 - 2009.. Period 23: Unit six : MY CLASSROOM Section A1, 2, 3. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson, Ss wil be able to listen and practise describing school objects ,do excercises - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, objects, teaching plan. Vocabulary, Grammar: Is your ……………..? Yes, it is / No, it isn’t. It is ……...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> III. Teaching process:. 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C…………….. 2. Warm - up. - T asks Ss to ask and answer about the knowledge. S1: What is your name ? S2: My name is …….. S1: Who is she ? S2: She is Hoa. She is my friend. - Others listen and remark - T checks and give marks 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *A1. Look, listen and repeat. - Encourages Ss to describe the picture - describe the picture in Vietnamese. in Vietnamese. - listen. - Reads the dialogue. - listen and repeat. - Explains: new >< big : ( realia ) - listen - Reads the dialogue slowly. - read in chorus - Reads and asks Ss to repeat. - practise in pairs. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss. ( imperfection S ) - Calls on some pairs to practise. - others listen and remark. - Checks. - listen. *A2. Look and say. - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and - observe the picture and guess the guess the meaning ( uses objects ) meaning. - Explains: - a book, a pen, a ruler ( realia) - listen and repeat. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs - practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss. S1: Is your pen new ? ( imperfection S ) S2: Yes, it is / No, it isn’t. It is …… - Calls on some pairs to practise - others listen and remark. - Checks. *A3. Let's talk. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs ( the - discuss in pairs . content of the picture.) - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - others listen and remark. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - do Ex 1. (P.39) - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. - Checks. 1. name 2. it’s 3. that 4. ruler - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 2. Ex 2. 2. Yes, it……… - Checks. 3. Is it big ? 4. No, ……… 5. Your……….. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the models again and give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. **********************. Period :24. . Unit six : MY CLASSROOM Section A4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen and identify the objects in the pictures to choose the suitable pictures, practise pronunciation, complete the sentences , do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: - books, aid boards, teaching plan. Vocabulary, Grammar: This is ………It is ………… Is your book…………..? Yes, it is / No, it isn’t. It is ………… III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C…….. Warm - up - T guides Ss to play game “ Jumbled words”. ( two groups ) colsoh =school, igb = big, mslla = small, ewn = new, ldo = old - Which groups finish the first and right, they are winners..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> - T gives marks. 3.New lesson T's activities - Introduces the new lesson. *A4. Listen and check. *Pre - listening. - Asks Ss to say the content of the pictures and predict the right ones *While - listening. - Reads the the sentences (once, twice) - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. *Post - listening. - Reads again. - Calls on some good Ss to say again. - Checks. * Tapescript. 1. A: Look, This is my pen B: Is it big ? A: No, it isn’t. It is small. 2. A: Look, This is my ruler. B: Is it big ? A: Yes, it is . *A5. Say it right. - Asks Ss to observe the color of the letters to know how to read. ( l, ll, b, th ) - Reads the first. - Reads again - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to read. - Checks. *A6. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - Guides Ss to write. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write in the notebooks, two Ss to write on the aid boards. - Goes around the class to help bad Ss ( imperfection S ) - Hangs aid boards on the board. - Calls on some Ss to remark. - Checks. *A7. Read aloud - Reads the fist - Explains: now: b©y giê. Ss' activities - listen. - say the content of the picture and predict the right ones - listen and check. - others listen and remark. - listen and check youselves. - others listen and remark. 1.b 2.b. - observe the color of the letters to know how to read (l, ll, b, th) - listen. - listen and repeat. - practise. - others listen and remark. - say the request. - listen. - discuss in pairs to find the missing words and fill in the gaps. - write. - change their notebooks to check together and remark. - others listen and check. 1.This is ………It is ……… 2.A: Is your book…………..? B: Yes, it is . - listen - listen and repeat.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> open your book: më s¸ch close your book: gÊp s¸ch read: đọc then: sau đó look at me : nh×n t«i let sing a song: h·y h¸t 1 bµi h¸t - Asks Ss to read individually - Calls on some Ss to read. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 3. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers . - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 4,5. - read - others listen and remark. - do Ex 3 - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. class 2. eraser 3. school - do Ex 4. 1. This is my school. 2. That is my book 3. My book is small Ex 5: 1. school 2. name 3. It’s 4. big 5. No. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. Week 13 Period 25:. December 1h -2009. Unit six : MY CLASSROOM Section B1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen and know how to say the commands and ask the teacher to go out and come in , do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocab, Grammar : open your book, please close your book, please May I go out ? / May I come in ? Sure II. Materials: books, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C…….. 2. Warm - up. - Guides Ss to play game "Telephone game " T says S1 say to S2……. - sit down, please - stand up, please - This is my pen. It is new..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> - Is your ruler old ? Yes, it is./ No, it itn’t - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *B1. Listen and repeat. - Encourages Ss to say the content of the - say the content of the picture. picture in Vietnamese. - listen. - Reads the commands, and a dialogue. - listen and read. - Explains : May I go out? Sure May I come in ? - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss - practise in pairs. ( imperfection S ) - others listen and remark. - Calls on some pairs to read. - Checks. - others listen remark - Calls on some Ss to say the new model. - Checks. Sit down, please *B2. Let's talk - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs the situation - discuss in pairs . in the picture. - practise in pairs. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - open your book, please. - Checks. - close your book, please A: May I go out ? / May I come in ? B: Sure *B3. Listen and number. *Pre - listening. - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and discuss - observe and discuss about the pictures. in pairs. *While - listening. - Reads the commands.( once or twice ) - listen and write the numbers. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. *Post - listening. - Reads again. - listen and check youselves. * Tapescript: a. 2 b.1 c. 3 d. 4 1. Open your book. - do Ex 6 ( P. 42 ) 2. Close your book. - discuss in pairs. 3. Stand up. - others listen and remark. 4. Sit down. 1.c 2. d 3. a 4. b - Then guide Ss to do Ex 6. - Ex 7: - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. 1. May I go out ? - Calls on some Ss to give the anwers. 2. May I come in ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 7. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again, give examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************. Period 26:. Unit six: MY CLASSROOM Section B4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to practise reading the sentences to match with the suitable pictures , write about your school objects, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocabulary, Grammar: This is my…………….It’s …….. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C………. 2. Warm - up - Calls on some Ss to ask and answer about school objects. Is your pen new ? Yes, it is / No, it isn’t …………………… - Others listen and remark. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson. T's activities - Introduces the new lesson. *B4. Read and match - Guides Ss to do.. Ss' activities - listen. - listen..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> - Asks Ss to read the sentences to match with the suitable pictures, can discuss in pairs . - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks. - Then calls on some pairs to read the sentences again. - Checks. *B5. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - Asks Ss to dicuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write. - Hangs aid boards on the board. - Calls on some Ss to remark. - Checks. * B6.Let’s play. - Guides Ss to play game. - Asks Ss to play in pairs - Calls on some Ss to give answers. - Checks. *B7. Summary. - Asks Ss to look at the summary to say the content of the models. - Calls on some Ss to say about them. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 8. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 9, 10 - Checks.. - read and match in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1.c 2.a 3.b - listen.. - say the request. - discuss in pairs. - write, two Ss to write on the aid boards - change the notebooks to check together. - others listen and remark This is my pen. It is new ……………………….. - listen - play in pairs - others listen and remark. 1. book 2. big 3. classroom 4. library 5. school - others listen and remark - look at the summary to say the content of the models. - others listen remark. - do Ex 8. ( P. 43 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. c 2. b 3. a Ex 9: This is my school. Its name is Sao Mai.It is big. This is my classroom. It is big My bag is small. My book is big. Ex 10. do yourselves.. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> ********************. 8/12t – 2009.. Week 14 Period 27:. REVIEW. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able review the model that they learnt in Unit one, practise the model in pairs, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. Grammar : Who is he / she ? He / She is…….He / She is my friend. Stand up, please / Sit down, please. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C…….. 2. Warm - up - Calls on some Ss to ask and answer about school objects. Is your pen new ? Yes, it is / No, it isn’t …………………… - Others listen and remark. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson. T’s activities Ss’s activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. - Asks Ss to listen and give the answers (responses) - listen and give the answers - Hello, I'm ……… - Nice to meet you. - Hi, I'm…………. - How are you ? - Nice to meet you too..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - I'm fine, thank you / Fine, - Calls on some Ss to practise. thanks. - Checks - practise in pairs. - Writes the model on the board. - others listen and remark. - Reads again. - copy. - Give some exercises - read the sentences. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Do Ex . - Goes around the class to help Ss . - discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. I/ Select and tick the letter A, B or C: - listen and remark. 1. Stand _______, please. A. down B. not C. up 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 2. ________ I go out? A. My B. Mai C. May 3. What’s ________ name? A. its B. it C. is 4. Sit down, ______ . A. thanks B. please C. yes 5. That’s Linda. _________ is my friend. A. He B. It C.She II/ Reoder the sentences to make a 1. What's your name ? dialogue. 2. My name's Alan. I'm fine. 3. Nice to meet you. My name's Alan. 4. How are you ? Nice to meet you. 5. I'm fine. What's your name ? How are you ? I'm fine. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. *************************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> Period 28:. SELF - CHECK TWO Language focus. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able review the model that they learnt in Units, practise the model in pairs, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. Grammar : Goodbye. Bye. See you later. What's your name ? My name's………. That's …………… III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….3C………... 2. Warm - up. - T guides Ss to play game " What and where " what Bye. later. name. see. that. your. goodbye - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T’s activities Ss’s activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. - Asks Ss to listen and give the - listen and give the answers answers (responses) - Goodbye. - Bye. See you later. - What's your name ? - My name's ……….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - Checks - Writes the model on the board. - Asks Ss to read the alphabet by heart - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs to know the words to liten - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 2, 3 - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs - Read. - Calls on a S to give the answers - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to remark and give the answers. - Checks.. - That's ……………. - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - copy - others listen and remark. - do Ex 1. - read - listen - listen and remark 1. he 2. nice 3. school 4. big 5. small - do Ex 2 - discuss in pairs . - listen and do individually. - others listen and remark. 1. She is Mai 2. This is my school 3. May I come in ? 4. Open your book, please. 5. It isn’t small. - Ex 3.( aid boards ). 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ******************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> Week 15. December 15 - 2009.. Period 29:. SELF - CHECK TWO Language focus. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able review the model that they learnt in Units, practise the model in pairs, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, photos, teaching plan. Grammar : - open your book, please close your book, please - May I go out ? / May I come in ? Sure - This is my…………….It’s …….. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C……….. 2. Warm - up. - T guides Ss to play game " What and where " what that. later. name. this. book. library. school - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T’s activities Ss’s activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. - Asks Ss to listen and give the - listen and give the answers answers (responses) - Goodbye. - Bye. See you later. - What's your name ? - My name's ……… - That's ……………..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - Checks - Writes the model on the board. - Asks Ss to read the alphabet by heart - Then guides Ss to do Ex 4. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs to know their names and write - Hangs some photos on the board, asks Ss to go to the board and write. - Calls on some Ss to spell the names - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 5, 6 - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs - Calls on a S to go to the board to do - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to remark and give the answers. - Checks. - Then gives Ss exercises *Complete the sentences: 1. Sit do_n, please. 2. Sh_ is Mai. She i_ my _ _iend. 3. G_ _d morni_g. 4. St_nd up, please. * Circle the odd one out: 1. Miss school library classroom 2. open close sit book 3. Linda Alan friend Li Li 4. please he she I 5. may its your my 6. pen ruler book classroom. - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - copy - others listen and remark. - do Ex 4. - discuss in pairs. - write - change the books and check together. - listen and remark 1. book 2. Linda 3. classroom 4. school 5. school libarary. - do Ex 5 ( aid board ) - discuss in pairs . - do individually. - others listen and remark. 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A - Ex 6. 1. It’s Sao Mai School 2. Yes, it is / No, it isn’t.. 5.B. 1. Sit down, please. 2. She is Mai. She is my friend. 3. Good morning. 4. Stand up, please. 1. Miss 2. book 3. friend 4. please 5. may 6. classroom. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ******************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> . Period 30:. review. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able review the model that they learnt in Units, practise the model in pairs, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, photos, teaching plan. Grammar : in Unit 1- 6 III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C………… 2. Warm - up. I. Warm up: Slap the board friend school classroom. big. small. library. book ruler. pen eraser. - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T’s activities Ss’s activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. - Then guides Ss to do exercises. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs to do Ex - practise in pairs. - Hangs some photos on the board, asks Ss to go to the board and write. I.Complete the sentences: - others listen and remark. 1.Th_t is my cl_ssr_ _m. 2. Thi_ is my _ chool. - copy 3. _ _at’s its n_me? I. 4. Th_s is my f_iend, Lin_a. 1.That is my classroom. 2. This is my school. - Goes around the class to help Ss . 3. What’s its name? - Calls on some Ss to give their 4. This is my friend, Linda. answers - Checks..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> II. Rearrange the words to make II. sentences: ( str. ss) 1.May I come in ? 1. I/ in/ come/ may? 2. Open your book, please 2. please/ your/ open/ book. 3. isn’t/ it/ small. 3. It isn’t small 4. my/ that/ schoolbag/ is. 4. That is my schoolbag. 5. is/ school/ this/ my. 5. That is my school library. 6. my/ is/ school library/ that. III. Select and tick the letter A, B or C: III. 1. Stand _______, please. 1. C A. down B. not C. up 2. ________ I go out? 2. C A. My B. Mai C. May 3. A 3. What’s ________ name? 4. B A. its B. it C. is 5. C 4. Sit down, ______ . A. thanks B. please C. yes 5. That’s Linda. _________ is my friend. A. He B. It C. She 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ******************. Week 16 Period 31: I. Objectives:. 22/10 - 2009 Review.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able review the model that they learnt in Units, practise the model in pairs, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3B………… 2. Warm - up. - T guides Ss to play game " What and where " what that. later. name. this. pen. library. who - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T’s activities Ss’s activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. - Asks Ss to listen and give the - listen and give the answers answers (responses) - Then guides Ss to do exercises - do Ex . I. Choose the best answer. 1. …………is my friend. A. It B. I C. She 2. What is ………..name? My name is Van 1.C A. you B. your C. its 2. B 3. …………your book, please. 3. A A. Close B. Sit C. Stand 4. B 4. Stand…………, please. A. down B. up C. out 5. A 5. ………..are you? A. How B. What C. Who II.Cirle the odd one out 1. Hi Mai Hello 2. sit up down 3. Alan Nam Hi 4. open please close 1. Mai 5. you nice fine 2. 2. up 6. it its my 7. Goodbye Hi Bye 3. Hi 8. she he your 4. please 9. are am I 5. you 10. he my she 6. it - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs 7. hi - Hangs aid boards on the board, asks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> Ss to go to the board and write. - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to remark and give the answers. - Checks. 8. your 9. I 10.my - discuss in pairs. - write - change the books and check together. - listen and remark. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ******************. . Period 32:. REVIEW. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able review the model that they learnt in Units, practise the model in pairs, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C…….. 2. Warm - up - Calls on some Ss to ask and answer about school objects..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> Is your pen new ? Yes, it is / No, it isn’t …………………… - Others listen and remark. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson. T’s activities - Introduces the new lesson. - Asks Ss to listen and give the answers (responses) - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - Checks - Give some exercises - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. I. Choose the best answer. 1. That ……… L - I – L – I A. am B. are C. is 2. What is ……..name ? It is Thanh Binh School. A. its B. your C. my 3. Is your ruler new ? No, it isn’t . It is ………… A. big B. old C. small 4. Who is ………..? He is Hung . He is my friend. A. she B. it C. he He is Hung . He is my friend. 5. …….I go out ? A. My B. May C. Who II/ Reoder the words sentences to make a sentences 1. my / classroom / that / is. 2. library / my / is / school / that. 3. name / its / is / what ? 4. is / Quang Trung School / it. 5. is / big / it. 6. is / that / my / book / . new / is / it. 7. your / pen / old / is ? 8. small / your / is / book ? 9. please / open / book / your . 10. your / please / close / book.. 4. Consolidation.. Ss’s activities - listen. - listen and give the answers - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. . - Do Ex . - discuss in pairs. - listen and remark. 1.C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B. 1.That is my classroom 2. That is my school library 3. What is its name? 4. It is Quang Trung School. 5. It is big 6. That is my book. It is new 7. Is your pen old? 8. Is your book small? 9. Open your book, please 10. Close your book, please.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. *************************. Week 17 (29/12/2009) Period 33: 1. to / meet / you / nice 2. are / how / you ? 3. she / who / is? 4. is / Mai / she . is / friend / she / my 5. is / what / name / your ? 6. is / my / Thu / name 7. please / down / sit. 8. up / please / stand. 9. my / Nam / friend / is. 10. school / my / this / is. 11. my / classroom / that / is. 12. library / my / is / school / that. 13. name / its / is / what ? 14. is / Quang Trung School / it. 15. is / big / it. 16. is / that / my / book / . new / is / it. 17. your / pen / old / is ? 18. small / your / is / book ? 19. please / open / book / your . 20. your / please / close / book. 21. out / go / may / I? 1. …………is my friend. A. It B. I C. She 2. What is ………..name? My name is Van. English 1..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> A. you B. your C. its 3. …………your book, please. A. Close B. Sit C. Stand 4. Stand…………, please. A. down B. up C. out 5. ………..are you? A. How B. What C. Who 6. That ……… L - I – L – I A. am B. are C. is 7. What is ……..name ? It is Thanh Binh School. A. its B. your C. my 8. Is your ruler new ? No, it isn’t . It is ………… A. big B. old C. small 9. Who is ………..? He is Hung . He is my friend. A. she B. it C. he He is Hung . He is my friend. 10. …….I go out ? A. My B. May C. Who 1. Hi Mai 2. Alan Nam 3. you nice 4. Goodbye Hi 5. are am 6. that what 7. who this 8. you your 9. meet she 10. meet sit 21. book old 1. Nice to meet you 2. How are you ? 3. Goodbye 4. Who is he? 5. What is your name? 6. May I go out? 7 What is its name? 8. Is your pen old? 9. Is your school big? 10. Who is she? 1. Nice to meet you 2. How are you ? 3. Goodbye 4. Who is he? 5. What is your name? 6. May I go out? 7 What is its name? 8. Is your pen old? 9. Is your school big? 10. Who is she?. Hello Hi fine Bye I how what my you down pen. 11. sit up 12. open please 13. it its 14. she he 15. he my 16. its it 17. see meet 18. library school 19. is this 20. big new 22. ruler eraser a. Sure b. She is thu . She is my friend c. Yes, it is d. Nice to meet you too e. I am fine, thank you. f. No, it isn’t . It is small g. My name is Nam h. He is Hung . He is my friend i. Bye. See you later J. It is Quang Nghiep School. a. Sure b. She is thu . She is my friend c. Yes, it is d. Nice to meet you too e. I am fine, thank you. f. No, it isn’t . It is small g. My name is Nam h. He is Hung . He is my friend i. Bye. See you later J. It is Quang Nghiep School.. down close my your she I too classroom that small school.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> 1. Nice to meet you 2. How are you ? 3. Goodbye 4. Who is he? 5. What is your name? 6. May I go out? 7 What is its name? 8. Is your pen old? 9. Is your school big? 10. Who is she?. a. Sure b. She is thu . She is my friend c. Yes, it is d. Nice to meet you too e. I am fine, thank you. f. No, it isn’t . It is small g. My name is Nam h. He is Hung . He is my friend i. Bye. See you later J. It is Quang Nghiep School.. 1. Nice to meet you 2. How are you ? 3. Goodbye 4. Who is he? 5. What is your name? 6. May I go out? 7 What is its name? 8. Is your pen old? 9. Is your school big? 10. Who is she?. a. Sure b. She is thu . She is my friend c. Yes, it is d. Nice to meet you too e. I am fine, thank you. f. No, it isn’t . It is small g. My name is Nam h. He is Hung . He is my friend i. Bye. See you later J. It is Quang Nghiep School.. 1. Pronunciation: - ask ss to review the sounds they’ve learnt ( ai, e, i:, u:, m, l, b, th…) - call on some ss to read aloud. 2. Vocabulary: - ask ss to read the vocab again. - notice ss their meaning, their use… - if necessary, have ss write some vocab on the board and make sentences with them. 3. Grammar: - get ss to retell the structures they’ve learnt in 3 Units. - ask them to practice aloud. *Complete the sentences: 1. Sit do_n, please. 2. Sh_ is Mai. She i_ my _ _iend. 3. G_ _d morni_g. 4. St_nd up, please. get Ss to retell the structures “ He’s [Nam]. He’s my friend.” and the commands. - ask them to practice aloud. - call on 4 ss to make sentences with them. ( stronger ss) *. Summary: - guide ss to do the rest exercises in the work book. - prepare self- check Two. ************************ Week 18 (5/1/2010) 5/1 - 2010..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> revision I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able review the model that they learnt in Units, practise the model in pairs, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, photos, teaching plan. Grammar : in Unit 1- 6 III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C 2. Warm - up. I. Warm up: Chinese Whisper (2’) * suggested words: 1. She’s my friend. 2. He’s my friend too. 1. Pronunciation: - ask ss to read the dialogues and Model sentences again. - call on some ss to read aloud.( 3- 4 ss) 2. Vocabulary: - ask ss to read the vocab again. - notice ss their meaning, their use… - have ss write the vocab on the board.( 4ss – weak ss) *Complete the sentences: 1.Th_t is my cl_ssr_ _m. 2. Thi_ is my _ chool. 3. _ _at’s its n_me? 4. Th_s is my f_iend, Lin_a. 3. Grammar: - get ss to retell the structures “ This is my ... ” and “ It’s ... school. It’s [ big ].” - ask them to practice aloud. * reorder the words to make sentences 1. is/ school/ this/ my. 2. my/ is/ school library/ that. - ask 2 ss to write them on the board, others speak aloud. *. Summary: (3’) - guide Ss to play Guessing Game. Period 35, 36. ************************ the first semestes test __________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> Period 32. revision. A- Objective: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to understand the vocabulary & structures they’ve learnt in Units 5 completely. B- Materials: text book, T’s book. C- Procedure: I. Warm up: Free talk (3’) - ask ss to talk about their friends. II. Revision: (30’) 1. Pronunciation: - ask ss to read the dialogues and Model sentences again. - call on some ss to read aloud.( 3- 4 ss) 2. Vocabulary: - ask ss to read the vocab again. - notice ss their meaning, their use… - have ss write the vocab on the board.( 4ss – weak ss) *Complete the sentences: 1.Th_t is my cl_ssr_ _m. 2. Thi_ is my _ chool. 3. _ _at’s its n_me? 4. Th_s is my f_iend, Lin_a. 3. Grammar: - get ss to retell the structures “ This is my ... ” and “ It’s ... school. It’s [ big ].” - ask them to practice aloud. * reorder the words to make sentences 1. is/ school/ this/ my. 2. my/ is/ school library/ that. - ask 2 ss to write them on the board, others speak aloud. III. Summary: (3’) - guide ss to play Guessing Game. _____________________________________. Period 33. Week 17 ( From 31/12/07 to 04/ 01/ 2008 ) revision. A- Objective: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to understand the vocabulary & structures they’ve learnt in Units 6 completely. B- Materials: text book, T’s book. C- Procedure: I. Warm up: Simon says (2’) - give instructions. - guide ss to play the game. II. Revision: (30’) 1. Pronunciation: - ask ss to read the dialogues and Model sentences again. - call on some ss to read aloud.( 3- 4 ss) 2. Vocabulary: - ask ss to read the vocab again. - notice ss their meaning, their use… - have ss write the vocab on the board.( 4ss – weak ss) 3. Grammar:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> - get ss to retell the structures “ Is your ... big? ” & “ Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t”, the commands and the permissions in class. * Noughts and crosses schoolbag Ruler Pencil. Pen Notebook Desk. Book Eraser classroom. - ask them to practice aloud. - call on 4 ss to make sentences with them. ( stronger ss) III. Summary: (3’) - guide ss to play Bingo Game. _____________________________________ Period 34. revision. A- Objective: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to understand the vocabulary & structures they’ve learnt in 6 Units completely. B- Materials: text book, T’s book. C- Procedure: I. Warm up: Brainstorm (3’) school II. Revision: (30’) 1/ Circle the odd one out: 1. Miss school library classroom 2. open close sit book 3. Linda Alan friend Li Li 4. please he she I 5. may its your my 6. pen ruler book classroom - ss work individually on the board. 2/ Select and tick the letter A, B or C: 1. Stand _______, please. A. down B. not C. up 2. ________ I go out? A. My B. Mai C. May 3. What’s ________ name? A. its B. it C. is 4. Sit down, ______ . A. thanks B. please C. yes 5. That’s Linda. _________ is my friend. A. He B. It C. She - work individually, then compare with the partner. - do on the board, one by one. 3/ Complete the passages: 1. A: (1) _________ is Li Li. She’s my (2) ___________. B: Hi, Li Li. I’m Alan. How are (3) ________ ? C: Fine, (4) _________ . Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you too. 2. That’s my school. It’s Kim Lien school. It’s (5) ________. - work in pairs. ________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> Week 18 ( From 07 to 11/ 01/ 2008 ) Period 35 revision A- Objective: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to understand the vocabulary & structures they’ve learnt in 6 Units completely. B- Materials: text book, T’s book. C- Procedure: I. Warm up: ( 3’) Guessing Game - give instructions. - guide ss to play the game. II. Revision: (30’) 1/ Matching: ( weaker ss) A B Library më Friend vë Classroom ®i ra ngoµi Open t¹m biÖt Notebook côc tÈy Small đứng lên Stand up phßng häc Eraser nhá Go out b¹n Goodbye th viÖn - ss do matching individually, then compare with the partner. - call on a st to do on the board. 2/ Rearrange the words to make sentences: ( str. ss) 1. I/ in/ come/ may? 2. please/ your/ open/ book. 3. isn’t/ it/ small. 4. my/ that/ schoolbag/ is. - work in groups of 4, then do on the board one by one. 3/ Answer the questions: (strong ss) 1. What’s your name? 2. Is your school small? 3. What’s its name? - read aloud. ________________________________ Period 35, 36. the first semestes test __________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> 1/ Circle the odd one out: 1. Miss school library 2. open close sit 3. Linda Alan friend 4. please he she 5. may its your 6. pen ruler book - ss work individually on the board. 2/ Select and tick the letter A, B or C: 1. Stand _______, please. A. down B. not C. up 2. ________ I go out? A. My B. Mai C. May 3. What’s ________ name? A. its B. it C. is 4. Sit down, ______ . A. thanks B. please C. yes 5. That’s Linda. _________ is my friend. A. He B. It C. She - work individually, then compare with the partner.. classroom book Li Li I my classroom. ( w. ss) ( str.ss).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> - do on the board, one by one. 3/ Complete the passages: 1. A: (1) _________ is Li Li. She’s my (2) ___________. B: Hi, Li Li. I’m Alan. How are (3) ________ ? C: Fine, (4) _________ . Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you too. 2. That’s my school. It’s Kim Lien school. It’s (5) ________. - work in pairs. ________________________________ Week 18 ( From 07 to 11/ 01/ 2008 ) Period 35 revision A- Objective: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to understand the vocabulary & structures they’ve learnt in 6 Units completely. B- Materials: text book, T’s book. C- Procedure: I. Warm up: ( 3’) Guessing Game - give instructions. - guide ss to play the game. II. Revision: (30’) 1/ Matching: ( weaker ss) A B Library më Friend vë Classroom ®i ra ngoµi Open t¹m biÖt Notebook côc tÈy Small đứng lên Stand up phßng häc Eraser nhá Go out b¹n Goodbye th viÖn - ss do matching individually, then compare with the partner. - call on a st to do on the board. 2/ Rearrange the words to make sentences: ( str. ss) 1. I/ in/ come/ may? 2. please/ your/ open/ book. 3. isn’t/ it/ small. 4. my/ that/ schoolbag/ is. - work in groups of 4, then do on the board one by one. 3/ Answer the questions: (strong ss) 4. What’s your name? 5. Is your school small? 6. What’s its name? - read aloud. ________________________________ Period 36. the first semestes test __________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> Week 19 Period 37:. The second semester January 19 Unit seven : FAMILY MEMBERS Section A1, 2, 3.. th. -2010.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen and practise asking and answering to identify family members, do excercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, pictures, teaching plan. Vocabulary, Grammar: Who’s that ? That’s my mother /…… III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C…….. 2. Warm - up. - T asks Ss to ask and answer about the knowledge. S1: What is your name ? S1: How are you ? S2: My name is …….. S2: I’m fine, thank you. S1: Who is she ? S2: She is Hoa. She is my friend. - Others listen and remark - T checks and give marks 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *A1. Look, listen and repeat. - Encourages Ss to describe the picture - describe the picture in Vietnamese. in Vietnamese. - listen. - Reads the dialogue slowly. - Explains: - listen and repeat. Excuse me : Xin lçi m×nh muèn hái - listen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> (translation) - read in chorus brother : anh, em trai (picture) Rub out and Remember sister : chÞ, em g¸i (picture) mother : mÑ (picture) - read in chorus father : bè (picture) - practise in pairs. - Reads and asks Ss to repeat. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss. - others listen and remark. ( imperfection S ) - find out the new model. - Calls on some pairs to practise. Who is that? - Asks Ss to find out the new model. That is my brother. - Checks. *A2. Look and say. - observe the picture and practise in - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and pairs. practise in pairs. S1: Who’s that ? - Goes around the class to help Ss. S2: That’s my mother. ( imperfection S ) - others listen and remark. - Calls on some pairs to practise - Checks. *A3. Let's talk. - discuss in pairs . - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs ( the content of the picture.) - practise in pairs. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - do Ex 1. (P.46) - Checks. - discuss in pairs. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - others listen and remark. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. 4. that - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. 1. family 2. this 3. I Ex 2. 1.d 2.a 3.b 4.c - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 2. - Checks. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the models again and give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. **********************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> Period 38:. Unit seven : FAMILY MEMBERS. Section A4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and identify family members in the pictures to choose the suitable pictures, practise pronunciation, complete the sentences , do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: - books, aid boards, teaching plan. Vocabulary, Grammar: Who’s that ? That’s my………. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C…………. 2- Warm - up - T guides Ss to play game “ Jumbled words”. ( two groups ) thomer = mother hertfa = father tbhrore = brother tessier = sister - Which groups finish the first and right, they are winners. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *A4. Listen and check. *Pre - listening. - Asks Ss to say the content of the pictures - say the content of the picture and and predict the right ones predict the right ones *While - listening. - Reads the the sentences (once, twice) - listen and check. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. *Post - listening. - Reads again. - listen and check youselves. - Calls on some good Ss to say again. - others listen and remark. - Checks. 1.b 2.b.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> * Tapescript. 1. A: Who’s that ? B: That’s my father. 2. A: Who’s that ? B: That’s my sister. *A5. Say it right. - Asks Ss to observe the color of the letters to know how to read. (f, o, o,) - Reads the first. - Reads again - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to read. - Checks. *A6. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - Guides Ss to write. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write in the notebooks, two Ss to write on the aid boards. - Goes around the class to help bad Ss - Hangs aid boards on the board. - Calls on some Ss to remark. - Checks. *A7. Read aloud - Reads the first - Explains: we’re together. ( we are … ) - Asks Ss to read individually - Calls on some Ss to read. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 3. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers . - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 4,5. 4. Consolidation.. - observe the color of the letters to know how to read (f, o, o,) - listen. - listen and repeat. - practise. - others listen and remark. - say the request. - listen. - discuss in pairs to find the missing words and fill in the gaps. - write. - change their notebooks to check together and remark. - others listen and check. 1.This is my mother/……… 2.That is father/ ……….. - listen - listen and repeat - read - others listen and remark. - do Ex 3 ( P.47 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. brother 2. sister 3. father 4. mother - do Ex 4. 1. This is my family. 2. A: Who is that ? B: That is my brothe r Ex 5: 1.This is my family. 2.Who is that ? 3. That is Mai. 4. My name is Phong..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************** Week 20 Period 39:. January 26 th -2010. Unit seven : FAMILY MEMBERS Section B1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen and know how to ask and answer the name of family members, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocab, Grammar : What is his / her name ? His/ Her name is…….. II. Materials: books, photos. teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C…….. 2. Warm - up. - Guides Ss to play game "Telephone game " T says S1 say to S2……. - Who’s that ? - That’s my mother. - This is my father. - That’s my sister. - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *B1. Listen and repeat. - Encourages Ss to say the content of the - say the content of the picture. picture in Vietnamese. - listen. - Reads dialogue slowly. - listen and read. - Explains : his : cña anh Êy, cña «ng Êy... (translation) her : cña c« Êy, cña chÞ Êy... - practise in pairs. (translation) - others listen and remark. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss - others listen remark - Calls on some pairs to read. - Checks. - Calls on some Ss to say the new model. Her/ His name is…….. - Checks. *B2. Let's talk.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs the situation in the picture. - Explains : What is her name ? Her name is……. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - Checks. *B3. Listen and number. *Pre - listening. - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and discuss in pairs. *While - listening. - Reads the sentences.( once or twice ) - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. *Post - listening. - Reads again. * Tapescript: 1. This is my mother. Her name’s Huong 2. This is my fathe. His name’s Son. 3. A: Who’s that ? B: That’s my sister. Her name’s Nga. - Then guide Ss to do Ex 6. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the anwers. - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 7.. - discuss in pairs . - listen - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. S1: What is his/ her name ? S2: His / Her name is ……. - observe and discuss about the pictures. - listen and write the numbers. - others listen and remark. - listen and check youselves. a. 2 b.1 c. 3. - do Ex 6 ( P. 49 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 2. That….. 3. What is …? 4. Her name….. - Ex 7: 1. my 2. mother 3. is 4. this 5. name 6. her.. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again, give examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> Period 40:. Unit seven: FAMILY MEMBERS Section B4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to practise reading the sentences to match with the suitable pictures , write about your family members, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocabulary, Grammar: This is my…….His / Her name is ……… II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C………….. 2. Warm - up - Calls on some Ss to ask and answer about family members. S1: What is her name ? S2: Her name is………. …………………………. - Others listen and remark. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *B4. Read and match - Guides Ss to do. - listen. - Asks Ss to read the sentences to match - read and match in pairs. with the suitable pictures, can discuss in pairs . - Goes around the class to help Ss . - others listen and remark. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. 1.b 2.a - Checks. - Then calls on some pairs to read the - listen. sentences again. - Checks. *B5. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - say the request. - Asks Ss to dicuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write. - write, two Ss to write on the aid boards - Hangs aid boards on the board. - change the notebooks to check together. - others listen and remark - Calls on some Ss to remark. This is my mother. Her name is…….. - Checks. This is my father. His name is ……… ……………………….. * B6.Let’s play. - Guides Ss to play game. - listen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> - Asks Ss to play in pairs - Calls on some Ss to give answers. - Checks. *B7. Summary. - Asks Ss to look at the summary to say the content of the models. - Calls on some Ss to say about them. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 8. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks.. - play in pairs - others listen and remark. 1. mother 2. sister 3. father 4. brother - look at the summary to say the content of the models. - others listen remark.. - do Ex 8. ( P. 50 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. d Ex 9: 1 My name is …….. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 9, 10, 1. His name is Alan. 11. 2. Her name is LiLi. - Checks. Ex 10: 1….father 2…. Son . …mother. ….Huong …sister. …..Nga Ex 11. do yourselves. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************. Week 21. February 2/2 -2010. Unit eight : AGES.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span> Period 41:. Section A1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen and practise counting the numbers from one to ten and can ask and answer about ages of family members, do excercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, numbers, teaching plan. Vocabulary, Grammar: How old are you ? I am eight years old. / …… III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C……… 2. Warm - up. - T asks Ss to ask and answer about the name’s sb S1: What is his / her name ? S2: His / Her name is …….. …………………………….. - Others listen and remark - T checks and give marks 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *A1. Look, listen and repeat. - Encourages Ss to describe the picture - describe the picture in Vietnamese. in Vietnamese. - listen. - Reads the dialogue slowly. - Explains: How old : hái vÒ tuæi. - listen and repeat. (translation) - read in chorus - eight : 8 ( the number 8 ) - practise in pairs. - Reads and asks Ss to repeat. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss - others listen and remark. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - find out the new model. - Asks Ss to find out the new model. How old are you ? - Checks. I am eight. *A2. Look and say. - observe the picture and practise in - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and count the numbers in English ( T read pairs. - read. then “Rub out and remember” and Ss to repeat ) . - Writes the numbers on the board, asks - practise. One , two, three, four, five, six, seven, Ss to read. eight, nine, ten. - Goes around the class to help Ss. - others listen and remark. - Calls on some Ss to practise - Checks..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> *A3. Let's talk. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs ( the content of the picture.) - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - Checks.. - discuss in pairs . - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. How old are you ? I am ………….( note : face to face ) - do Ex 1. (P.54) - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. 1. you 2. ten 3. his 4. too - Checks. Ex 2. do youselves - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 2. - Checks. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the models again and give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. **********************. Period 42: I. Objectives:. Unit eight : AGES Section A4, 5, 6, 7..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span> - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen about the numbers in the pictures to choose the suitable pictures, practise pronunciation, complete the sentences, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: - books, aid boards, teaching plan. Vocabulary, Grammar: My name is …………… I am ………………years old. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C…… Warm - up - T guides Ss to play game “ Jumbled words”. ( two groups ) oen = one owt = two hreet = three veesn = seven ienn = nine xis = six hgeit = eight net = ten oufr = four veif = five - Which groups finish the first and right, they are winners. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *A4. Listen and check. *Pre - listening. - Asks Ss to say the content of the pictures - say the content of the picture and and predict the right ones predict the right ones *While - listening. - Reads the the sentences (once, twice) - listen and check. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. *Post - listening. - Reads again. - listen and check youselves. - Calls on some good Ss to say again. - others listen and remark. - Checks. 1.b 2.a * Tapescript. 1. eight 2. nine *A5. Say it right. - Asks Ss to observe the color of the letters - observe the color of the letters to to know how to read. (ow, th, ow and ou,) know how to read (ow, th, ow and ou). - Reads the first. - listen. - Reads again - listen and repeat. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise. - Calls on some Ss to read. - others listen and remark..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span> - Checks. *A6. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - Guides Ss to write. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write in the notebooks, two Ss to write on the aid boards. - Goes around the class to help bad Ss - Hangs aid boards on the board. - Calls on some Ss to remark. - Checks. *A7 Read aloud - Reads the first - Explains: once I caught a fish alive. Then I let it go again. - Asks Ss to read individually - Calls on some Ss to read. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 3. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers . - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 4,. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. Week 22 Period 43:. - say the request. - listen. - discuss in pairs to find the missing words and fill in the gaps. - write. - change their notebooks to check together and remark. - others listen and check. 1. My name is……… 2. I am ……….. - listen - listen and repeat - read - others listen and remark. - do Ex 3 ( P.56 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. A: Who is t hat ? B: That is my brot her. A: Ho w old is he ? B: He is nine years old. - do Ex 4. 1. How old are you ? 2. I am nine. 3. What is your name ? 4. Nice to meet you. Ex 5: 2.That’s…. 3. What’s …? 4. His name’s….. 5. How old…..? 6. He’s …... 9/2 -2010. Unit eight : AGES Section B1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen and know how to ask and answer about the age of sb, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocab, Grammar : How old is he / she ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span> He / She is ……….. II. Materials: books, photos, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….3C……….. 2. Warm - up. - Guides Ss to play game "Telephone game " T says S1 say to S2……. - Who’s that ? - That’s my mother. - How old are you ? - I am ten years old. - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *B1. Listen and repeat. - Encourages Ss to say the content of the - say the content of the picture. picture in Vietnamese. - listen. - Reads dialogue slowly. - listen and repeat. - Reads, asks Ss to listen and repeat. - practise in pairs. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss - Calls on some pairs to read. - others listen and remark. - Checks. - Calls on some Ss to say the new model. - others listen remark - Checks. A: How old is she ? *B2. Let's talk B: She is three. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs the situation - discuss in pairs . in the picture. - listen - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise in pairs. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - others listen and remark. - Checks. S1: How old is he / she ? - Gives some photos, asks Ss to the S2: He / She is……….. questions and answers about the age. *B3. Listen and number. *Pre - listening. - observe and discuss about the pictures. - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and - listen and write the numbers. discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. *While - listening. - Reads the sentences.( once or twice ) - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - listen and check youselves. *Post - listening. - Reads again..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span> * Tapescript: 1.A: How old are you, Peter ? B: I’m ten. And how old are you, Linda?. A: I’m ten 2.A:How old is LiLi? B: She’s nine. A:How old is Alan? B: He’s ten. 3.This is Nam. He is ten. This is Mai. She is nine. - Then guide Ss to do Ex 5. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the anwers. - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 6.. a. 3. b.1. c. 2. - do Ex 5 ( P. 57 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 2.That’s…. 3. What’s …? 4. His name’s….. 5. How old…..? 6. He’s ….. - Ex 6: 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.c. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again, give examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************. Period 44:. Unit eight: AGES Section B4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to practise reading the sentences to match with the suitable pictures , write about your friend (his / her name, age), do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocabulary, Grammar: His / Her name is…..He /She is …….. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C……….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span> 2. Warm - up - Calls on some Ss to ask and answer about a friend ( his/ her name,age ). S1: What is her name ? S2: Her name is………. …………………………. - Others listen and remark. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *B4. Read and match - Guides Ss to do. - listen. - Asks Ss to read the sentences to match with the suitable pictures, can discuss in - read and match in pairs. pairs . - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. - Checks. 1.b 2.a - Then calls on some pairs to read the - listen. sentences again. - Checks. *B5. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - say the request. - Asks Ss to dicuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write. - write, two Ss to write on the aid boards - Hangs aid boards on the board. - change the notebooks to check together. - Calls on some Ss to remark. - others listen and remark - Checks. This is my friend. Her name is……..She is ………years old. * B6.Let’s play. - Guides Ss to play game. - listen - Asks Ss to play in pairs - play in pairs - Calls on some Ss to give answers. - others listen and remark. - Checks. One, two, three, four , five, six, *B7. Summary. seven,eight, nine, ten. - Asks Ss to look at the summary to say - look at the summary to say the content the content of the models. of the models. - Calls on some Ss to say about them. - others listen remark. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 7. - do Ex 7. ( P. 59 ) - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. - Checks. 1. I am ……..years old..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span> - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 8, 9. - Checks.. 2. My father/He is ………years old. 3. My mother/She is …….years old. 4. My brother/sister/He/She is …..…… years old - do Ex 8. 2. four 3. five 4. ten 5. seven 6. six 7. nine 8. eight. Ex 9. do yourselves.. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************. Week 23 Period 45:. February 23 -2010. Unit nine : MY HOUSE Section A1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen and practise about introducing the rooms in the house, do excercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, pictures, teaching plan. Vocabulary, Grammar: This is my living room / bedroom……… III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….3C…….. 2. Warm - up. - T asks Ss to ask and answer about the ages of sb S1: How old is Mai ? S2 : She is nine years old. ……………………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span> - Others listen and remark - T checks and give marks 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *A1. Look, listen and repeat. - describe the picture in Vietnamese. - Encourages Ss to describe the picture - listen. in Vietnamese. - Reads the dialogue slowly. - listen and repeat. “ Rub out and……” - Explains: house :nhµ (picture) living room: phßng kh¸ch (picture) - read in chorus - practise in pairs. bedroom: phßng ngñ (picture) - Reads and asks Ss to repeat. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - Goes around the class to help Ss - find out the new model. - Calls on some pairs to practise. This / That is the living room. - Asks Ss to find out the new model. - Checks. *A2. Look and say. - observe the picture and practise in - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and guessing the meaning ( T read and Ss to pairs. - read. repeat ) . - practise. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs This is the kitchen/….. - Goes around the class to help Ss - Calls on some Ss to practise - others listen and remark. - Checks. *A3. Let's talk. - discuss in pairs . - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs ( the content of the picture.) - practise in pairs. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - Checks. - do Ex 1. (P.61) - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. 1. house 2. old 3. library 4. ten - Checks. Ex 2. do youselves - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 2. 1. c 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. a - Checks. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the models again and give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. **********************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span> . Period 46:. Unit nine : MY HOUSE Section A4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen about the rooms in the pictures to choose the suitable pictures, practise pronunciation, complete the sentences , do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: - books, aid boards, teaching plan. Vocabulary, Grammar: This / That is my……….It is ………... III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….3C…... Warm - up - T guides Ss to play game “ Jumbled words”. ( two groups ) Vilingrmoo = livingroom Chenkti = kitchen Rmoobed = bedroom Thrmooba = bathroom. - Which groups finish the first and right, they are winners. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson T's activities Ss' activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span> - Introduces the new lesson. *A4. Listen and check. *Pre - listening. - Asks Ss to say the content of the pictures and predict the right ones *While - listening. - Reads the the sentences (once, twice) - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. *Post - listening. - Reads again. - Calls on some good Ss to say again. - Checks. * Tapescript. 1.This is my house. There’s a bedroom. It’s small. 2.This is the kitchen. It’s big *A5. Say it right. - Asks Ss to observe the color of the letters to know how to read. (i, thr, pl) - Reads the first. - Reads again - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to read. - Checks. *A6. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - Guides Ss to write. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write in the notebooks, two Ss to write on the aid boards. - Goes around the class to help bad Ss - Hangs aid boards on the board. - Calls on some Ss to remark. - Checks. *A7 Let’s play. - Guides Ss to play game. - Asks Ss to play individually - Who play well, they are winners. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 3. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers . - Checks.. - listen. - say the content of the picture and predict the right ones - listen and check. - others listen and remark. - listen and check youselves. - others listen and remark. 1.b 2.a. - observe the color of the letters to know how to read (i, thr, pl) - listen. - listen and repeat. - practise. - others listen and remark. - say the request. - listen. - discuss in pairs to find the missing words and fill in the gaps. - write. - change their notebooks to check together and remark. - others listen and check. 1. This is my………..It is ………. 2. That is ………….It is ……… - listen - play game. - others listen and remark. - do Ex 3 ( P.63 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. bathroom 2. kitchen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span> - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 4,. 3. bedroom 4. livingroom - do Ex 4. 1. This is the bathroom 2. This is the kitchen. Ex 5: 1. This is my house 2. It is large 3. This is my room 4. It is large too. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************** Week 24 Period 47:. March 2 - 2010. Unit nine : MY HOUSE Section B1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen and know how to say the things in the house, using “ There is / There are”, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocab, Grammar : There is a/ an ……… There are ………….. II. Materials: books, objects, picture, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C………. 2. Warm - up. - Guides Ss to play game "Telephone game " T says S1 say to S2……. - This is the living room - That is the bathroom - This is my bedroom. - That is the kitchen. - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *B1. Listen and repeat. - Encourages Ss to say the content of the - say the content of the picture. picture in Vietnamese. - listen..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span> - Reads dialogue slowly. - Explains : bed, a chair, in There is a/ an……….. There are two……….. - Reads, asks Ss to listen and repeat. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss - Calls on some pairs to read. - Checks. - Calls on some Ss to say the new model. - Checks. *B2. Let's talk - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs the situation in the picture.( gives objects , pictures ) - Explains : TV, table. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - Checks. - Gives some photos, asks Ss to the questions and answers about the age. *Pre - listening. - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and discuss in pairs. *While - listening. - Reads the sentences.( once or twice ) - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. *Post - listening. - Reads again. * Tapescript: 1. This is my house. It’s not large. 2. There’s one living room. It’s small. 3. This is my bedroom. It’s large. - Then guide Ss to do Ex 6. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the anwers. - Checks.. - listen and repeat. - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - others listen remark There is …../ There are…… - discuss in pairs . - listen - listen and repeat. - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. There is a / an……. There are …….. *B3. Listen and number. - observe and discuss about the pictures. - listen and write the numbers. - others listen and remark. - listen and check youselves.. 1.b 2. a 3.c - do Ex 6 ( P. 64 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. kitchen / bathroom 2. bathroom / kitchen 3. bedrooms.. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again, give examples using “ there is / there are” - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span> Period 48:. Unit nine: MY HOUSE Section B4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to practise reading the sentences to match with the suitable pictures , write about your house, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocabulary, Grammar: There is a/ an ……… There are ………….. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. 2. Warm - up - Calls on some Ss to introduce their house , the rooms in the ir house or objects in the rooms. S1: There is a bed in my bedroom. S2: There are two pens on the table. …………………………. - Others listen and remark. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *B4. Read and match - Guides Ss to do. - listen. - Asks Ss to read the sentences to match with the suitable pictures, can discuss in - read and match in pairs. pairs . - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. - Checks. 1.b 2.a - Then calls on some pairs to read the - listen..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span> sentences again. - Checks. *B5. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - Asks Ss to dicuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write. - Hangs aid boards on the board. - Calls on some Ss to remark. - Checks. * B6.Let’s play. - Guides Ss to play game. - Asks Ss to play in pairs - Calls on some Ss to give answers. - Checks. *B7. Summary. - Asks Ss to look at the summary to say the content of the models. - Calls on some Ss to say about them. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 7. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks.. - say the request. - discuss in pairs. - write, two Ss to write on the aid boards - change the notebooks to check together. - others listen and remark This is my house. There are four rooms. There is a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom. In the living room, there is a TV,…… - listen - play in pairs - others listen and remark. One, two, three........ - look at the summary to say the content of the models. - others listen remark. - do Ex 7. ( P. 65 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. a 2. b - do Ex 8. 1. There are two bathrooms in the house. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 8, 9, 10 2. The living room is big. - Checks. 3. The bedrooms are small. Ex 9, 10 do yourselves. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span> Week 25 Period 49:. March 9. th. -2010.. SELF - CHECK THREE Language focus. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able review the model that they learnt in Unit seven and Unit eight A , practise the model in pairs, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. Grammar : - Who’s that? That is my ……… - What’s his / her name ? His / Her name is ……….. - How old are you ? I’m ………years old. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. 2. Warm - up. - T guides Ss to play game "Telephone game " - T says S1 says to S2……. 1. That’s my mother. 2. This is my father. 3. Her name is Mai. 4. I am ten years old. - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T’s activities Ss’s activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. * Unit seven: - Asks Ss to listen and give the - listen and give the answers answers (responses) - Who’s that ? That is my friend /……. - What’s her name ? Her name is Thu.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span> - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - Checks - Writes the model on the board. - The same way, * Unit eight A: - How old are you ? - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. *Pre - listening. - Asks Ss to read the sentences. *While - listening. - Reads the sentences. (once - twice ). - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. *Post - listening. - Reads again. - Checks. * Tapescrip: 1. three 2. how 3. down 4. father 5. mother. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 2. * Tapescrip: 1. Who’s that? 2. How old is she ? 3. There’s a bedroom. 4. There are two chairs. 5. They’re big. - Then askS Ss to do Ex 3. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks.. - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - copy. - I’m ………years old. - do Ex 1.Listen and number - read the sentences. - listen and write the numbers. - listen, compare and remark - listen and check youselves.. - do Ex 2. Listen and check - discuss in pairs . - others listen and remark. 1. Who’s that? 2. How old is she ? 3. There’s a bedroom. 4. There are two chairs. 5. They’re big. - Ex 3. ( aid board ) 1. Who’s that? 2. This is my family. 3. Ho w old is she ? 4. They’re in t he kitchen. 5. There are two bat h rooms in my house.. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again, give examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. *************************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span> Period 50:. Wednesday March 10 th - 2010. SELF - CHECK THREE Language focus. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able review the model that they learnt in Unit eight B and Unit nine , practise the model in pairs, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, photos, teaching plan. Grammar : - How old is she / he ? She / He is ………..years old. - This / That is my/ the living room/ ……..It’s ……… - There is a/ an …………/ There are ……….. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. 2. Warm - up. - T guides Ss to play game " What and where " desk old bedroom kitchen that. table. living room. house - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T’s activities Ss’s activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. * Unit eight B: - Asks Ss to listen and give the - listen and give the answers answers (responses , look at the - look at the pictures and say. pictures on the board). - This is the bedtoom.?It’s big/ small... - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - That is the living room.It’s …… - Calls on some Ss to practise. - practise in pairs. - Checks - others listen and remark. - Writes the model on the board. - The same way, ask Ss to practise - copy with “ There is…./ There are….” in - others listen and remark..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span> Unit nine. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 4. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs to know their names and write - Hangs some photos on the board, asks Ss to go to the board and write. - Calls on some Ss to spell the names - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 5, 6 - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs - Calls on a S to go to the board to do - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to remark and give the answers. - Checks.. - do Ex 4. - discuss in pairs. - write - change the books and check together. - listen and remark 1. Huong 2. father 3. Hung 4. mother 5. brother. - do Ex 5 ( aid board ) - discuss in pairs . - do individually. - others listen and remark. 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B - Ex 6. 1. seven 2. a/ one 3. a/ one 4. three 5. two. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again, give examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ************************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span> March 16 th -2009.. Week26 Period 51:. TEST. ( Thêi gian: 40 phót ). I. Objectives: - To check their knowledge after learning in theme three.. - To know Ss' results after learning in theme three. - Ss to do the test 40' II. Materials: teaching plan, test paper III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….3C. 2. Warm - up. 3.New lesson I. Cirle the odd one out ( 2 points ) 1. house living room bedroom 2. mother family brother 3. nine that this 4. her his he II. Tick (√ ) the correct sentences ( 2 points ). 1.Who’s that ? 2. How old are you ? A. He’s Nam A. He’s ten years old B. That’s my mother B. She’s eight years old C. It’s Thu C. I am nine years old 3. What’s her name ? 4. How old is LiLi ? A. Her name’s Hoa A. I am ten years old B. His name’s Peter B. She’s nine years old C. My name’s Mai. C. He’s eight years old. III. Select and tick ( √ ) the letter A, B, or C ( 2 points ). 3. What is ……..name ? A. you B. my C. his 2. That……. the living room A. am B. is C. are 3. Who………..that ? A.is B. am C . are 4. How ……. are you ? A.nice B. old C.many IV. Reorder the sentences to make a dialogue ( 2 points ) How old is she ? Her name’s Thu 1 Who’s that ? What’s her name ? That’s my sister She’s ten years old..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span> V. Reorder the words to make sentences ( 2 points ) 1. the / this / bathroom / is / . ……………………………………………................. 2. her / Hoa / is / name. ………………………………………………………. I. 1. house 2. family II. 1. B 2. C III. 1. C 2. B IV. 1. Who’s that ? 2. That’s my sister 3. What’s her name ? 4. Her name’s Thu 5. How old is she ? 6. She is ten years old. V.1. This is the bathroom. 2. Her name is Hoa. KEY 3. nine 3. A 3.A. 4. he 4.B 4.B. 4. Consolidation. - T collects the test paper and remarks. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ***************************. Period 52:. REVIEW. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able review the model that they learnt in Unit five, practise the model in pairs, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span> II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan.. Grammar : This is / That is……………….. What is its name ? It is …………School It is big / small. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C…….. 2. Warm - up. - T guides Ss to play game "jumble words ". - cholos – school - mena – name - bgi – big - mlals – small - morosclas – classroom - libyrar – library - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T’s activities Ss’s activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. * Unit five: - Asks Ss to listen and give the answers (responses) - listen - Uses the pictures : - This is my school S1: This is my book - That is my classroom S2: That is my pen - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - others listen and remark. - Checks - Writes the model on the board. - copy. - the same way, asks Ss to practise. - This is my school. S1: What is its name ? - It is Thi Tran School. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - do Ex 1. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs . - Goes around the class to help Ss . - others listen and remark. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks. - Ex 1: Reorder the words to make the sentences 1. is/ this/ school library/ my. 2. is/ that/ my/ classroom. 1. This is my school library. 3. its/ is/ what/ name ? 2. That is my classroom. 4. Thi Tran/ it/ School/ is. 3. What is its name ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span> 5. big/ is/ it. - Ex 2 : Choose a word to fill in the bracket. ( aid boards ) 1. This …..my school. A. are B. is C. am 2. What is ……name ? A. is B. it C. its 3. ……Thi Tran School. A. It B. Its C. Is 4. …..is small. A. Is B. Its C. It 5. …..is my classroom. A. What B. That C. Who Ex 3: Cirle the odd one out. 1. you your my 2. I it its 3. she he my 4. that who what 5. this that how. 4. It is Thi Tran School. 5. It is big. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B. 1. you 2. its 3. my 4. that 5. how. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again, give examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. *************************. TuÇn 27. 23/3/2010. Unit ten : THE WEATHER Period 53:. Section A1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen and practise about the weather, do excercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, pictures, teaching plan. Vocabulary, Grammar: How’s the weather today ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span> It is sunny/ rainy/ … III. Teaching process:. 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C 2. Warm - up. - T asks Ss to ask and answer about the ages of sb S1: How old is Mai ? S2 : She is nine years old. …………………………….. - Others listen and remark - T checks and give marks 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. - Encourages Ss to describe the picture *A1. Look, listen and repeat. in Vietnamese. - describe the picture in Vietnamese. - Reads the dialogue slowly. - listen. - Explains: weather (picture) Sunny: (picture) - listen and repeat. “ Rub out and……” Rainy: (picture) - Reads and asks Ss to repeat. - read in chorus - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss. ( imperfection S ) - Calls on some pairs to practise. - others listen and remark. - Asks Ss to find out the new model. - find out the new model. - Checks. How’s the weather today ? It’s sunny. - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and *A2. Look and say. guessing the meaning ( T read and Ss to - observe the picture and practise in repeat ) . cloudy, windy. pairs. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs - read. - Goes around the class to help Ss. - practise. ( imperfection S ) How’s the weather today ? - Calls on some Ss to practise It’s ……….. - Checks. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs ( the - others listen and remark. content of the picture.) *A3. Let's talk. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - discuss in pairs . - Calls on some Ss to practise. - Checks. - practise in pairs. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - others listen and remark. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - do Ex 1. (P.70).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span> - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 2. - Checks.. - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. go 2. the 3. weather 4. large Ex 2. do youselves 1. rainy 2. sunny 3. windy 4. cloudy. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the models again and give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. **********************. Unit ten : THE WEATHER Period 54:. Section A4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen about the weather in the pictures to choose the suitable pictures, practise pronunciation, complete the sentences , do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: - books, aid boards, teaching plan. Vocabulary, Grammar: How is the weather today ? It is ……………. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C Warm - up - T guides Ss to play game “ Jumbled words”. ( two groups ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span> - therwea = weather - nnyus = sunny - nyair = rainy - dycluo = cloudy - Which groups finish the first and right, they are winners. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *Pre - listening. *A4. Listen and check. - Asks Ss to say the content of the pictures - say the content of the picture and and predict the right ones predict the right ones *While - listening. - Reads the the sentences (once, twice) - listen and check. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. *Post - listening. - Reads again. - listen and check youselves. - Calls on some good Ss to say again. - others listen and remark. - Checks. 1.a 2.b * Tapescript. 1. Good evening. And this is the weather today. It’s sunny in Ha Noi. 2. How’s the weather today in Ho Chi Minh City ? It’s rainy. *A5. Say it right. - Asks Ss to observe the color of the letters - observe the color of the letters to know to know how to read. (cl, u and o, ea and ie) how to read (cl, u and o, ea and ie). - Reads the first. - listen. - Reads again - listen and repeat. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise. - Calls on some Ss to read. - others listen and remark. - Checks. *A6. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - say the request. - Guides Ss to write. - listen. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs to find the missing - Asks Ss to write in the notebooks, two words and fill in the gaps. Ss to write on the aid boards. - write. - Goes around the class to help bad Ss - change their notebooks to check ( imperfection S ) together and remark. - Hangs aid boards on the board. - others listen and check. - Calls on some Ss to remark. A: Hi, Mai. How’s the……………? - Checks. B: It’s……………………….. *A7 Let’s play. - Guides Ss to play game. - listen - Asks Ss to play individually - play game.( draw the pictures about the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span> - Who play well, they are winners. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 3. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers . - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 4,. weather) - others listen and remark. - do Ex 3 ( P.72 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b - do Ex 4. 1. The we ather is c loudy today. 2. It’s sunny in Da Nang. 3. It’s sunny in Ha Noi too. Ex 5: 1. Hi, Nam. I’m in Ho Chi Minh City.How are you? 2. Hi, LiLi. I’m fine, thanks. How’s the weather in Ho Chi Minh City ? 3. Well, It’s sunny How’s the weather in Ha Noi ? 4. Oh, It’s rainy today.. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. **********************. TuÇn 28 Period 55:. 6/4/2010 Unit ten : THE WEATHER Section B1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen and know to ask and answer with “ How many …”, “ There is / There are”, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocab, Grammar : How many …….are there ? There is a/ an ……… There are ………….. II. Materials: books, objects, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C 2. Warm - up. - Guides Ss to play game "Telephone game " T says S1 say to S2……. - There is a table in the living room..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span> - There are two books on the desk. - How’s the weather today ? - It’s rainy - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. - Encourages Ss to say the content of the *B1. Listen and repeat. picture in Vietnamese. - say the content of the picture. - Reads dialogue slowly. - listen. - Explains : let’s play: chóng ta - listen and repeat. count: đếm cloud : đám mây over there: ở đằng kia - practise in pairs. - Reads, asks Ss to listen and repeat. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss ( imperfection S ) others listen and remark. - Calls on some pairs to read. - Checks. - Calls on some Ss to say the new model. - others listen remark How many……..are there ? - Checks. There is / are …………. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs the situation *B2. Let's talk in the picture.( gives objects , pictures ) - discuss in pairs . - listen - Explains : TV, table. - listen and repeat. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise in pairs. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - others listen and remark. - Checks. - Gives some objects, asks Ss to give the How many…….? There is / are …….. questions and answers with “ How many….” *B3. Listen and number. *Pre - listening. - observe and discuss about the - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and pictures. discuss in pairs. *While - listening. - listen and write the numbers. - Reads the sentences.( once or twice ) - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. *Post - listening. - listen and check youselves. - Reads again. * Tapescript: 1. It’s not rainy in Ho Chi Minh City. It’s sunny. 2. It’s not sunny in Ha Noi.It’s rainy..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span> 3. It’s not sunny in Hue. It’s cloudy. - Then guide Ss to do Ex 6. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the anwers. - Checks.. 1.c 2. b 3.a - do Ex 6 ( P. 64 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1.d 2. c 3.a 4. b. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again, give examples . - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************. Period : 56. Unit ten : THE WEATHER Section B4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to practise reading the sentences to match with the suitable pictures , write about the weather today, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocabulary, Grammar: How’s the weather today ? It’s ……………………. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C 2. Warm - up - Calls on some Ss to say about the weather today. S1: It’s sunny S2: …………………… - Others listen and remark. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *B4. Read and match.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span> - Guides Ss to do. - Asks Ss to read the sentences to match with the suitable pictures, can discuss in pairs . - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks. - Then calls on some pairs to read the sentences again. - Checks. - Asks Ss to say the request. - Asks Ss to dicuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write. - Hangs aid boards on the board.. - listen. - read and match in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1.C 2.D 3. B 4. A - listen.. *B5. Let's write. - say the request. - discuss in pairs. - write, two Ss to write on the aid boards - change the notebooks to check together. - Calls on some Ss to remark. - others listen and remark - Checks. It’s………….today. * B6.Let’s play. - Guides Ss to play game. - listen - Asks Ss to play in pairs - play in pairs - Calls on some Ss to give answers. - others listen and remark. - Checks. Which pairs give the answer Rainy, cloudy, windy, sunny, quickly, they are winners. *B7. Summary. - Asks Ss to look at the summary to say - look at the summary to say the content the content of the models. of the models. - Calls on some Ss to say about them. - others listen remark. - Checks. - do Ex 7. ( P. 75 ) - Then guides Ss to do Ex 7. - discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. Hanoi – sunny, Hue – cloudy , - Checks. Da Nang – windy , Ho Chi Minh City – rainy - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 8, 9, 10 - do Ex 8. - Checks. 1. How’s the weather today ? 2. How many clouds are there ? Ex 9: Hue – It is cloudy Da Nang – It is rainy Ho Chi Minh City – It is windy. Ex 10: do yourselves. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span> ********************. Week 29 Period 57:. April 6 - 2009 Unit eleven: OUR PETS Section A1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and practise about naming and identifying pets, do excercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, pictures, teaching plan. Vocabulary, Grammar: Do you have …..? Yes. I have……….. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….3C. 2. Warm - up. - T asks Ss to ask and answer about the weather. S1: How’s the weather today ? S2 : It’s ……….. ………………… - Others listen and remark - T checks and give marks 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. - Encourages Ss to describe the picture *A1. Look, listen and repeat. in Vietnamese. - describe the picture in Vietnamese. - Reads the dialogue slowly. - listen. - Explains: many,do, have pet, cat, dog - listen and repeat. “ Rub out and……”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span> What about you ? = And you ? - Reads and asks Ss to repeat. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss. ( imperfection S ) - Calls on some pairs to practise. - Asks Ss to find out the new model. - Checks. - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and guessing the meaning ( T read and Ss to repeat ) . a bird, a fish. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs - Goes around the class to help Ss. ( imperfection S ) - Calls on some Ss to practise - Checks. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs ( the content of the picture.) - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 2. - Checks.. - read in chorus - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - find out the new model. Do you have pets ? Yes. I have a cat. *A2. Look and say. - observe the pictures and practise in pairs. - read. - practise. I have a bird. - others listen and remark. *A3. Let's talk. - discuss in pairs . - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - do Ex 1. (P.78) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. pet 2. they 3. fish 4. have 5. many Ex 2. 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the models again and give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. **********************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span> Unit eleven : OUR PETS Section A4, 5, 6, 7.. Period 58: I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen about the pets in the pictures to choose the suitable pictures, practise pronunciation, complete the sentences , do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: - books, aid boards, teaching plan. Vocabulary, Grammar: How many ………….do you have ? I have …………………… III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….3C. Warm - up - T guides Ss to play game “ Jumbled words”. ( two groups ) have cat shop fish dog. many. - Which groups finish the first and right, they are winners. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *Pre - listening. *A4. Listen and check. - Asks Ss to say the content of the pictures and - say the content of the picture and predict the right ones predict the right ones *While - listening. - Reads the the sentences (once, twice) - listen and check. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. *Post - listening. - Reads again. - listen and check youselves..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span> - Calls on some good Ss to say again. - Checks. * Tapescript. Mai: Hi. My name’s Mai. I have a pet. It’s a cat. LiLi: My name’s LiLi.I have no cats. I have a fish. What about you, Nam ? Nam: Well, I have no fish. I have a bird. And you, Alan ? Alan: I have no birds. I have a dog. - Asks Ss to observe the color of the letters to know how to read. (a, t, e) - Reads the first. - Reads again - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to read. - Checks. - Asks Ss to say the request. - Guides Ss to write. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write in the notebooks, two Ss to write on the aid boards. - Goes around the class to help bad Ss ( imperfection S) - Hangs aid boards on the board. - Calls on some Ss to remark. - Checks. - Reads the first - Explains: tree, like, me. - Asks Ss to read individually - Calls on some Ss to read. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 3. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers . - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 4, 5. - others listen and remark. Mai: cat LiLi: fish Nam: bird Alan: dog. *A5. Say it right. - observe the color of the letters to know how to read (cl, u and o, ea and ie). - listen. - listen and repeat. - practise. - others listen and remark. *A6. Let's write. - say the request. - listen. - discuss in pairs to find the missing words and fill in the gaps. - write. - change their notebooks to check together and remark. - others listen and check. A: How many……….do you have ? B: I have …………………… *A7 Read aloud. - listen - listen and read. - others listen and remark. - do Ex 3 ( P.80 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. pet 2. fish, bird 3. dogs - do Ex 4. 1. A: How many cats do you have ? B: I have two cats. 2. A: Do you have pets ? B: Yes. I have ten pets. Ex 5: 2. Yes, …. 3. How many …?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span> 4. I have two cats… 5. I have a fish…. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. April 13 th -2010.. Week 30 Period 59:. Unit eleven : OUR PETS Section B1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen and know to ask and answer with “ How many …”, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocab, Grammar : How many………………..do you have ? I have ……………….. II. Materials: books, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C 2. Warm - up. - Guides Ss to play game "Telephone game " T says S1 say to S2……. - I have a cat - I have no birds - How many pets do you have ? - I have a dog and a fish. - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. - Encourages Ss to say the content of the *B1. Listen and repeat. picture in Vietnamese. - say the content of the picture. - Reads dialogue slowly. - listen. - Reads, asks Ss to listen and repeat. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - listen and repeat. - Goes around the class to help Ss ( imperfection S ) - Calls on some pairs to read. - practise in pairs. - Checks. - Calls on some Ss to say the new model. - others listen and remark. - Checks. *B2. Let's talk - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs the situation - discuss in pairs ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span> in the picture.( gives objects , pictures ) - Explains : TV, table. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - Checks. - Gives some objects, asks Ss to give the questions and answers with “ How many….” *Pre - listening. - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and discuss about the content of them . *While - listening. - Reads the sentences.( once or twice ) - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. *Post - listening. - Reads again. * Tapescript: 1. How many pets do you have ? I have two dogs and a cat. 2. Hi. I’m Mai. I have a dogs and a cat. 3. I’m Nam. I have two cats and a birds. - Then guide Ss to do Ex 6. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the anwers. - Checks.. - listen - listen and repeat. - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. A: How many dogs do you have ? B: I have ………..What about you ? A: I have …………………… *B3. Listen and number. - observe and discuss about the pictures. - listen and write the numbers. - others listen and remark. - listen and check youselves. 1.c. 2. b 3.a. - do Ex 6 ( P. 82 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. Nam: a dog and a cat LiLi: a fish and a bird Alan: a bird and two cats.. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again, give examples using “ How many…..” - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span> . Period 60:. Unit eleven: OUR PETS Section B4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to practise reading the sentences to match with the suitable pictures , write about your pets, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocabulary, Grammar: I have……..It’s ………../ They are……….. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C 2. Warm - up - Calls on some Ss to introduce their pets , S1: I have a dog. It is big S2: I have two cats. They are small. …………………………. - Others listen and remark. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. *B4. Read and match - Guides Ss to do. - listen. - Asks Ss to read the sentences to match with the suitable pictures, can discuss in - read and match in pairs. pairs . - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. - Checks. 1.b 2.a - Then calls on some pairs to read the - listen. sentences again. - Checks. *B5. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - say the request. - Asks Ss to dicuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write. - write, two Ss to write on the aid boards - Hangs aid boards on the board. - change the notebooks to check together. - Calls on some Ss to remark. - others listen and remark - Checks. I have ………….It’s…../ They are …… * B6.Let’s play. - Guides Ss to play game “ colour to find - listen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span> the pets” - Asks Ss to play in pairs - Calls on some Ss to give answers. - Checks.. - play in pairs - others listen and remark.. *B7. Summary. - Asks Ss to look at the summary to say - look at the summary to say the content of the models. the content of the models. - others listen remark. - Calls on some Ss to say about them. - do Ex 7. ( P. 83 ) - Checks. - discuss in pairs. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 7. - others listen and remark. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. 1. How many pets do you have ? 2. I have two pets. - Checks. 3. What about Alan ? - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 8, 9, 10 4. He has a dog and a cat. - do Ex 8. - Checks. 1. I have…………… 2. I have…………… Ex 9. 1…. a dog and a cat 2...have two birds and a fish. 3. I have two cats. 4. I have five birds. Ex 10: do yourselves. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************. Week 31. Wednesday April 15 th - 2009 Unit twelve: OUR TOYS.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span> Period 60:. Section A1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and practise about quantity of pets and toys that someone has, using “have” and “has” do excercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, objects, teaching plan. Vocabulary, Grammar: I have ……….. She / He has………… III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. 2. Warm - up. - T asks Ss to ask and answer about pets that someone has, using “ how many..”. S1: How many dogs do you have ? S2: I have……………………… S3: I have …………………….. ………………… - Others listen and remark - T checks and give marks 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. - Encourages Ss to describe the picture *A1. Look, listen and repeat. in Vietnamese. - describe the picture in Vietnamese. - Reads the dialogue slowly. - listen. - Explains: robot: ngêi m¸y - listen and repeat. doll: con bóp bª. - read in chorus - Reads and asks Ss to repeat. - practise in pairs. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss. ( imperfection S ) - others listen and remark. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - find out the new model. - Asks Ss to find out the new model. My sister has two new dolls - Checks. *A2. Look and say. - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and - observe the pictures and practise in guessing the meaning ( T uses some objects for Ss to guess the meaning, read pairs. - read. and Ss to repeat ). - practise. - Explains: ball: qu¶ bãng Alan has five balls. ship: tµu thuû. LiLi has three dolls - Asks Ss to practise in pairs - Goes around the class to help Ss. ( imperfection S ) - others listen and remark. - Calls on some Ss to practise.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span> - Checks. *A3. Let's talk. - discuss in pairs .. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs ( the content of the picture.) - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - others listen and remark. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - do Ex 1. (P.86) - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - others listen and remark. - Checks. 1. pet 2. ship 3. it 4. toy - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 2. Ex 2. - Checks. 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the models again and give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************** Thursday April 16 th -2009. Unit twelve : OUR TOYS Section A4, 5, 6, 7.. Period 61: I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen about the pets in the pictures to choose the suitable pictures, practise pronunciation, complete the sentences , do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: - books, aid boards, teaching plan. Vocabulary, Grammar: I have …………. She / He has ………. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. Warm - up - T guides Ss to play game “ Jumbled words”. ( two groups ) have. robot. ship. doll. has. toys - Which groups finish the first and right, they are winners. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span> T's activities - Introduces the new lesson. *Pre - listening. - Asks Ss to say the content of the pictures and predict the right ones *While - listening. - Reads the the sentences (once, twice) - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. *Post - listening. - Reads again. - Calls on some good Ss to say again. - Checks. * Tapescript. a. Do you have toys, Mai ? - Yes. I have two robots. b. What about LiLi ? - She has a doll. c. And Nam ? – He has five balls d. What about Alan ? – He has three ships.. Ss' activities - listen. *A4. Listen and check. - say the content of the picture and predict the right ones - listen and check. - others listen and remark. - listen and check youselves. - others listen and remark.. Mai : two robots LiLi: a doll. Nam: five balls Alan : three ships. *A5. Say it right. - observe the colour of the letters to - Asks Ss to observe the colour of the letters know how to read (s, sh). Note after to know ( p, k, t, f ) – we read / s / and others how to read. (s, sh) we read / z / - listen. - Reads the first. - listen and repeat. - practise. - Reads again - others listen and remark. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. *A6. Let's write. - Calls on some Ss to read. - say the request. - Checks. - listen. - Asks Ss to say the request. - discuss in pairs to find the missing - Guides Ss to write. words and fill in the gaps. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - write. - Asks Ss to write in the notebooks, two - change their notebooks to check Ss to write on the aid boards. together and remark. - Goes around the class to help bad Ss - others listen and check. ( imperfection S ) 1. I have…………. - Hangs aid boards on the board. 2. She has …………. - Calls on some Ss to remark. 3. He has …………... - Checks. *A7 Let’s play. - listen - play individually. - Guides Ss to play game “ Kim’s Game” - others listen and remark. - Asks Ss to play individually - Calls on some Ss to give answers. - do Ex 3 ( P.88 ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span> - Who give the answers quikly, they are get marks. - Checks. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 3. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers . - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 4, 5. - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 2. Yes, I have … 3. What toys…? 4. I have…. 5. Whay about ..? 6. No. I…….. - do Ex 4. A: How many toys do you have ? B: I have three balls and two robots. Ex 5: 1. How many toys do you have ? 2. I have many toys. 3. He has two ships and a ball. 4. Alan has many dolls and robots.. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. **********************. Week 32 Period 62:. Wednesday April 22 nd -2009. Unit twelve : OUR TOYS. Section B1, 2, 3.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to listen and know about specifying location of pets and toys, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocab, Grammar : Where is the………..? It is ………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span> Where are the ………..? They are………….. II. Materials: books, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. 2. Warm - up. - Guides Ss to play game "Telephone game " T says S1 say to S2……. - I have a robot - I have three balls. - How many ships do you have ? - I have two ships. - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. - Encourages Ss to say the content of the *B1. Listen and repeat. picture in Vietnamese. - say the content of the picture. - Reads dialogue slowly. - listen. - Explains : Where : ë ®©u - listen and repeat. Here: ë ®©y Let’s play football:chóng m×nh ®i ch¬i bóng đá đi. - Reads, asks Ss to listen and repeat. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss ( imperfection S ) - Calls on some pairs to read. - others listen and remark. - Checks. - Calls on some Ss to say the new model. - Checks. *B2. Let's talk - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs the situation - discuss in pairs . in the picture.( use some objects put - listen somewhere ) - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise in pairs. - Calls on some pairs to practise. - others listen and remark. - Checks. A: Where is the………..? - Gives some objects and put anywhere , B: It is ………………… asks Ss to give the questions and answers . C: Where are the ………..? *Pre - listening. D: They are………….. *B3. Listen and number. - Asks Ss to observe the pictures and - observe and discuss about the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span> discuss about the content of them . *While - listening. - Reads the sentences.( once or twice ) - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. *Post - listening. - Reads again. * Tapescript: 1. Do you have toys, Alan ? – Yes. I have three robots and four balls. 2. How many robots do you have ? – Two. 3. LiLi has three dolls and two ships. - Then guide Ss to do Ex 6. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to give the anwers. - Checks.. pictures. - listen and write the numbers. - others listen and remark. - listen and check youselves. 1.c. 2. a 3. b. - do Ex 6 ( P. 90 ) - discuss in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1. c 2. a 3. b. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again, give examples using “ Where …….…..” - Asks Ss to prepare the next period.. Period 63:. ******************** Thursday April 23 rd -2009. Unit twelve: OUR TOYS Section B4, 5, 6, 7.. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to practise reading the sentences to match with the suitable pictures , write about your toys, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. - Vocabulary, Grammar: I have……….. She / He has………….. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. 2. Warm - up - Calls on some Ss to introduce their toys , S1: I have a robot. It is new S2: I have two ships. They are nice. …………………………. - Others listen and remark. - T gives marks. 3.New lesson. T's activities Ss' activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span> - Introduces the new lesson. - Guides Ss to do. - Asks Ss to read the sentences to match with the suitable pictures, can discuss in pairs . - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks. - Then calls on some pairs to read the sentences again. - Checks.. - listen. *B4. Read and match - listen. - read and match in pairs. - others listen and remark. 1.b 2.a - listen.. *B5. Let's write. - Asks Ss to say the request. - say the request. - Asks Ss to dicuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs. - Asks Ss to write. - write, two Ss to write on the aid boards - Hangs aid boards on the board. - change the notebooks to check together. - Calls on some Ss to remark. - others listen and remark - Checks. I have ………….It’s…../ They are …… * B6.Let’s play. - Guides Ss to play game “ Count the pets - listen and toys” - Asks Ss to play in pairs ( read and - play in pairs complete the sentences. - others listen and remark. - Calls on some Ss to give answers. *B7. Summary. - Checks. - Asks Ss to look at the summary to say - look at the summary to say the content of the models. the content of the models. - others listen remark. - Calls on some Ss to say about them. - do Ex 7. ( P. 91 ) - Checks. - discuss in pairs. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 7. - others listen and remark. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. 2. cats 3. three balls - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. 1. dolls , 4. two robots 5. dogs. - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 8, 9, 10 - do Ex 8. 1. ship 2. robot 3. doll 4. cat - Checks. 5. bird 6. fish 7. ball 8. dog Ex 9. 1.How many toys do you have ? 2. what toys do you have ? 3. What about your sister ? Ex 10: do yourselves..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span> 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to give the examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ********************** Wednesday April 29 th – 2009 SELF - CHECK TWO Language focus. Period 64: I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able review the model that they learnt in Units, practise the model in pairs, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. Grammar in units. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. 2. Warm - up. - T guides Ss to play game " What and where " what Bye. later. name. see. that. your. goodbye - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T’s activities Ss’s activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. - Asks Ss to listen and give the - listen and give the answers answers (responses) - How is the weather today ? - It’s ………….. - How many pets do you have ? - I have……………. …………………………. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - others listen and remark. - Checks - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - copy 1. cloud 2. rainy - others listen and remark. 3. has 3. balls 4. beds. - do Ex 1..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span> - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs to know the words to liten - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 2, 3 - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs - Read. - Calls on a S to give the answers - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to remark and give the answers. - Checks.. - read - listen - listen and remark 1. he 2. nice 3. school 4. big 5. small - do Ex 2 - discuss in pairs . - listen and do individually. - others listen and remark. 1. It’s cloudy today. 2. It’s windy dy today 3. I have five pets 4. I have no pets 5. I have five - Ex 3.( aid boards ). 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ****************** TuÇn 33 Ngµy 20 th¸ng 4 n¨m 2011. Period 65:. SELF - CHECK TWO Language focus. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able review the model that they learnt in Units, practise the model in pairs, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, photos, teaching plan. Grammar : I have ……………….. She / He has………………. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. 2. Warm - up. - T guides Ss to play game “ Telephone game” 1. I have two ships. 2. Nam has three robots. 3. She has five dolls. - Which groups play well , they are winners..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span> 3.New lesson. T’s activities - Introduces the new lesson. - Asks Ss to listen and give the answers (responses) - How many toys do you have ? - Where is the ball ? - Where are the robots ? ……………….. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - Checks - Writes the model on the board. - Asks Ss to read the alphabet by heart - Then guides Ss to do Ex 4. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs to know their names and write - Hangs some photos on the board, asks Ss to go to the board and write. - Calls on some Ss to spell the names - Checks. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 5, 6 - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs - Calls on a S to go to the board to do - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to remark and give the answers. - Checks.. Ss’s activities - listen. - listen and give the answers - I have ……….. - It’s here / over there/… - They are here/ ….. …………………. - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - copy - others listen and remark. - do Ex 4. - discuss in pairs. - write - change the books and check together. - listen and remark 1. sunny 2. clouds 3. a ball 4. a dog and a cat 5. a ball, a doll and a robot. - do Ex 5 ( aid board ) - discuss in pairs . - do individually. - others listen and remark. 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B - Ex 6. 1. How’s the weather today ? 2. How many toys do you have ?. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. ******************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span> Wednesday May 13 th - 2009. Period 66:. revision. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able review the model that they learnt in Units, practise the model in pairs, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, photos, teaching plan. Grammar : in Units III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. 2. Warm - up. I. Warm up: Slap the board friend school classroom. big. small. library. book. - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T’s activities. Ss’s activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span> - Introduces the new lesson. - Asks Ss to listen and give the answers (responses) - How many desks are there ? - How many pets do you have ? - Where is the ball ? - Where are the robots ? ……………….. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - Checks - Writes the model on the board. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs - Hangs some photos on the board, asks Ss to go to the board and write. - Checks. Complete the sentences. 1. _ _ o's that? 2. _ _ at's her name? 3. H _ _ old is she? 4. _ _ ere are two ba _ _ _ ooms in my house. 5. _ _ ey are l_ _ ge. - The same way, asks Ss to do Ex 2. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs - Calls on a S to go to the board to do - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to remark and give the answers. - Checks. Circle the odd one out. 1.father mother sister family 2.house bedroom bathroom kitchen 3. chair bed room table 4. six it two ten 5. how who on what Complete the dialogue. A: (1) ___________ is that? B: That's my sister. A: What's her (2) ________ ? B: Her name is Lien. A: How (3) _______ is she? B: She is six. A: And (4) _________ old are you?. - listen. - listen and give the answers - There is / are…….. - I have ……….. - It’s here / over there/… - They are here/ ….. …………………. - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - copy - others listen and remark. - do Ex 1. - discuss in pairs. - write - change the books and check together. - listen and remark - do yourselves. - do Ex 2 ( aid board ) - discuss in pairs . - do individually. - others listen and remark.. 1. family 2.house 3. room 4. it 5. on 1. Who 2. name 3. old 4. How 5. years..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span> B: I am ten (5) ____________ old. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to prepare the test. ******************. 3/ Complete the sentences. 1. _ _ o's that? 2. _ _ at's her name? 3. H _ _ old is she? 4. _ _ ere are two ba _ _ _ ooms in my house. 5. _ _ ey are l_ _ ge. 4/ Circle the odd one out. 1. father mother sister family 2. house bedroom bathroom kitchen 3. chair bed room table 4. six it two ten 5. how who on what 5/ Complete the dialogue. A: (1) ___________ is that? B: That's my sister. A: What's her (2) ________ ? B: Her name is Lien. A: How (3) _______ is she? B: She is six. A: And (4) _________ old are you? B: I am ten (5) ____________ old. 6/ Read and complete the table. Her house is in the town. There are six rooms in her house. There are two bedrooms and two bathrooms in the house. There is one living room in the house. It is large. There is one kitchen in the house. It is small. Her house is nice. Rooms in the house living room(s) bedroom(s) bathroom(s) kitchen(s). Number (1) ____________ (2) ____________ (3) ____________ (4) ____________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span> Total:. (5) ____________ _____________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span> Wednesday October 29th -2008.. Name:……………………... Class: 3….. TEST ( Thêi gian: 40 phót ) I. Cirle the odd one out ( 2 points ). Name:……………………... Class: 3….. TEST.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span> ( Thêi gian: 40 phót ) I. Cirle the odd one out ( 2 points ) 1. Hello Hi name 2. you my your 3. meet bye goodbye 4. nice fine I II. Tick (√ ) the correct sentences ( 2 points ). 1.Hi, I am Mai 2. How are you ? A. I’m fine, thank you. A. See you later. B. Goodbye. B. Fine, thanks C. Hello, I’m Nam C. I am Peter 2. What’s your name ? 4. Goodbye. A. Nice to meet you. A. Bye. See you later. B. My name’s Alan B. Nice to meet you. C. See you later. C. Hello, I am LiLi III. Select and tick ( √ ) the letter A, B, or C ( 2 points ). 4. What is ……..name ? A. you B. my C. your 2. That……. A – L – A – N A. am B. is C. are 3. Nice ……. meet you. A.to B. too C . are 4. How ……. you ? A. are B. is C. am IV. Reorder the sentences to make a dialogue ( 2 points ) Nice to meet you, Nam My name’s Mai. What’s your name ? 1 What’s your name ? My name’s Nam. Nice to meet you, Mai V. Reorder the words to make sentences ( 2 points ) 1. your / is / what / name ? ……………………………… 2. my / Hoa / is / name. ………………………………. - THE END -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span> -. Monday October 27th -2009.. Week 8 Period 15:. TEST. ( Thêi gian: 40 phót ). I. Objectives: - To check their knowledge after learning in theme one..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span> - To know Ss' results after learning in theme one. - Ss to do the test 40' II. Materials: teaching plan, test paper III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B……….. 2. Warm - up. 3.New lesson I. Cirle the odd one out ( 2 points ) 1. Hello Hi name 2. you my your 3. meet bye goodbye 4. nice fine I II. Tick (√ ) the correct sentences ( 2 points ). 3. Hi, I am Mai 3. How are you ? A. I’m fine, thank you. A. See you later. B. Goodbye. B. Fine, thanks C. Hello, I’m Nam C. I am Peter 4. What’s your name ? 4. Goodbye. B. Nice to meet you. A. Bye. See you later. C. My name’s Alan B. Nice to meet you. D. See you later. C. Hello, I am LiLi III. Select and tick ( √ ) the letter A, B, or C ( 2 points ). 5. What is ……..name ? A. you B. my C. your 2. That……. A – L – A – N A. am B. is C. are 3. Nice ……. meet you. A.to B. too C . are 4. How ……. you ? A. are B. is C. am IV. Reorder the sentences to make a dialogue ( 2 points ) Nice to meet you, Nam My name’s Mai. What’s your name ? 1 What’s your name ? My name’s Nam. Nice to meet you, Mai V. Reorder the words to make sentences ( 2 points ) 1. your / is / what / name ? ……………………………………………................. 2. my / Hoa / is / name. ………………………………………………………. I. 1. name II. 1. C. 2. you 2. B. KEY 3. meet 3. B. 4. I 4.A.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span> III. 1. C 2. B 3.A 4.A IV. 1. What’s your name ? 2. My name’s Mai. What’s your name ? 3. My name’s Nam. 4. Nice to meet you, Nam 5. Nice to meet you, Mai V.1. What is your name ? 2. My name is Hoa 4. Consolidation. - T collects the test paper and remarks. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. **********************. Week 12 Period 24:. 24/11 - 2009. REVIEW. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able review the model that they learnt in Unit four, practise the model in pairs, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. Grammar : Who is he / she ? He / She is…….He / She is my friend. Stand up, please / Sit down, please. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C…….. 2. Warm - up. - T guides Ss to play game "Telephone game " - T says S1 says to S2……. - Who is she ? - She is Mai. She is my friend. - Sit down, please..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span> - This is my friend. - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T’s activities Ss’s activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. * Unit four: - Asks Ss to listen and give the answers - listen and give the answers (responses) - Uses the pictures : Who is she ? S1: She is ……She is my friend Who is he ? S2: He is ……..He is my friend . - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - others listen and remark. - Checks - Writes the model on the board. - copy. - the same way, asks Ss to practise. - Stand up, please / Sit down, please. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - do Ex 1. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - discuss in pairs . - Goes around the class to help Ss . - others listen and remark. - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. 1. Who is she ? - Checks. 2. Lan is my friend. 1. she / is / who ? 3. He is Nam. He is my friend. 2. is / Lan / friend / my. 4. Sit down, please. 3. Nam / he / is . my / he / friend / is . 5. Stand up, please. 4. sit / please / down. 5. please / stand / up. Ex 2. 1. ……is my friend . Ex 2: A. she B. My C. I 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 2. What is …..name ? A. you B. my C. your 3. Who…..he ? A. is B. are C. am 4. Stand….., please. A. down B. to C. up 5. …..is Peter. He is my friend. A. I B. He C. She Ex 3. Ex 3.Circle the odd one out. 1. classroom 1. open close classroom 2. Goodbye 2. Hi Goodbye Hello 3. school 3. school classroom library 4. new 4. big new small 5. its 5. she it its 6. your 6. you your I 7. my.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span> 7. he 8. please. I stand. my sit. 8. please. 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson. - Asks Ss to say the model again, give examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. *************************. Period 52:. REVIEW. I. Objectives:. - By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able review the model that they learnt in Unit five, practise the model in pairs, do exercises. - Practise skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Materials: books, aid boards, teaching plan. Grammar : This is / That is……………….. What is its name ? It is …………School It is big / small. III. Teaching process: 1. Class organization. 3A………. 3B………..3C…….. 2. Warm - up. - T guides Ss to play game "jumble words ". - cholos – school - mena – name - bgi – big - mlals – small - morosclas – classroom - libyrar – library - Which groups play well , they are winners. 3.New lesson. T’s activities Ss’s activities - Introduces the new lesson. - listen. * Unit five: - Asks Ss to listen and give the answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span> (responses) - Uses the pictures : - This is my school - That is my classroom - Asks Ss to practise in pairs. - Calls on some Ss to practise. - Checks - Writes the model on the board. - the same way, asks Ss to practise. - This is my school. - It is Thi Tran School. - Then guides Ss to do Ex 1. - Asks Ss to discuss in pairs. - Goes around the class to help Ss . - Calls on some Ss to give the answers. - Checks. - Ex 1: Reorder the words to make the sentences 1. is/ this/ school library/ my. 2. is/ that/ my/ classroom. 3. its/ is/ what/ name ? 4. Thi Tran/ it/ School/ is. 5. big/ is/ it. - Ex 2 : Choose a word to fill in the bracket. ( aid boards ) 1. This …..my school. A. are B. is C. am 2. What is ……name ? A. is B. it C. its 3. ……Thi Tran School. A. It B. Its C. Is 4. …..is small. A. Is B. Its C. It 5. …..is my classroom. A. What B. That C. Who Ex 3: Cirle the odd one out. 1. you your my 2. I it its 3. she he my 4. that who what 5. this that how 4. Consolidation. - T summerizes the main points of the lesson.. - listen S1: This is my book S2: That is my pen - practise in pairs. - others listen and remark. - copy. S1: What is its name ? - do Ex 1. - discuss in pairs . - others listen and remark.. 1. This is my school library. 2. That is my classroom. 3. What is its name ? 4. It is Thi Tran School. 5. It is big. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B. 1. you 2. its 3. my 4. that 5. how.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span> - Asks Ss to say the model again, give examples. - Asks Ss to prepare the next period. *************************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span>
