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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>UNIT12: AN OVER CROWDED WORLD Lesson4:COMMUNICATION Task 1. Look at the pictures and discuss. 1. what places they are. 2. how they are different Make a list of your ideas and share them with your class. Picture 1. Picture 2. What places they are.. How they are different.. Task 2. Match the words below with the places in 1. poor healthcare high living standards clean water densely populated. good education crime malnutrition hunger. - Big city: high living Standard, clean water, densely-populated, good education, crime. - Desert: poor healthcare, crime, malnutrition, hunger. Task 3. Read the information about the two places. Mauritania, the desert nation in Africa Area: 1,030,700 km2 Population: over three million Density: three/km2 Economy: mainly agriculture.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Healthcare: poor, high infant death rate Problems: three quarters desert, slavery, child labour, hunger Unusual fact: obese women are considered beautiful Hong Kong Area: 1,104 km2 Population: over seven million Density: over six thousand/km2 Economy: mainly service industry and tourism Healthcare: one of the best healthcare systems in the world Problems: overcrowded, crime Unusual fact: most skyscrapers in the world …………………………………………………………………………………….. UNIT12: AN OVER CROWDED WORLD Lesson5:SKILLS1 *VOCABULARY - article (n): bài báo - population growth: sự gia tăng dân số - standard of living: tiêu chuẩn sống - megacity (n): siêu thành phố (to lớn) - explosion (n): sự bùng nổ Task 1. Look at the list of cities below. Which do you think has the largest population? Share your ideas with your partner. London Jakarta Tokyo Shanghai Manila Example: A: I think London is number one, isn't it? B: I don't think so. I think Shanghai is the biggest. Task 2. Read the passage below and check your answer. The rise of megacities! 1.______________ Chances are, you are reading this article in a big city. Population growth is far faster than ever before and that is especially true in cities like Tokyo and Shanghai. 2.______________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> People from the countryside move to cities to find work and a better standard of living. These cities are so large they have been named megacities. The largest is Tokyo, followed by Shanghai, Jakarta, and Manila. Some way behind is London, with a relatively small 15 million people. 3.______________ However, life in cities is not always better. Homelessness is a big problem. When people do have homes, they are often in slums where disease and poor healthcare are problems. 4.______________ Problems affect richer people too. Traffic blocks roads for hours in cities like Bangkok and Mexico City. Air pollution is so bad in some cities that people do not want to go out. Task 3. Read the passage again. Choose the correct heading for each paragraph. A. Issues for everyone B. Population explosion C. Problems for the poor D. Which are the biggest? The rise of megacities! 1.______________ Chances are, you are reading this article in a big city. Population growth is far faster than ever before and that is especially true in cities like Tokyo and Shanghai. 2.______________ People from the countryside move to cities to find work and a better standard of living. These cities are so large they have been named megacities. The largest is Tokyo, followed by Shanghai, Jakarta, and Manila. Some way behind is London, with a relatively small 15 million people. 3.______________ However, life in cities is not always better. Homelessness is a big problem. When people do have homes, they are often in slums where disease and poor healthcare are problems. 4.______________ Problems affect richer people too. Traffic blocks roads for hours in cities like Bangkok and Mexico City. Air pollution is so bad in some cities that people do not want to go out. Task 4. Read the passage again and choose the best: answer A, B, or C. 1. The world's population is________________..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> A. growing slowly B. staying the same C. growing quickly 2. Tokyo has_________people. A. below 15 million B. around 15 million C. much more than 15 million 3. Problems in big cities affect_______________. A. poor people B. people who live in slums C. everyone 4. Some problem that poor people face in cities include______________. A. traffic and air pollution B. healthy problems and stress C. having no home or living in slums 5. When air pollution is bad, people______________. A. only go out at night B. don't go out C. move to smaller cities Task 5.Discuss some possible disadvantages that people using them may have. 1. an overcrowded school 2. an overcrowded bus 3. an overcrowded block of flats Share your ideas with the class. These verbs and expressions can help. One disadvantage of... is... It's difficult to ... It will be....

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> UNIT12: AN OVER CROWDED WORLD Lesson6:SKILLS2 Task 1. Look at the film poster below. What do you think the film is about? (Textbook- p 65) Task 2. Listen to the film review and check your ideas. 44-track-44_2.mp3. Task 3. Listen again and answer the questions. 1. What is the film based on? 2. Who is the main character in the film? 3. What unusual thing happens to the young man? 4. Why do the producers think he isn't smart? 5. What does the reviewer think of the film? Task 4. Read the passage about the slum featured in 'Slumdog Millionaire'. Underline the words/ phrases to describe Dharavi slum and to show the changes in its population.. Dharavi slum is in India. It is one of the largest slums in the world. Today, the population of Dharavi is over one million. That is much bigger than in 1890. Then Dharavi was a fishing village with a population of a few thousand people. In 1950 the population was around one hundred thousand people. Since then, Dharavi has grown and grown!.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Task 5. Look at the chart below. It shows the population change in Ho Chi Minh City over the past 30 years. Write a short paragraph describing the change. Use the passage in 4 to help you.. Ho Chi Minh city is in the South of Vietnam. It’s the biggest city of Vietnam.Today, the population is over 7 million people. It is bigger than in 1979. The population is just about 3 million people in 1979. It increases double.. ……………………………………………………………………………………. UNIT12: AN OVER CROWDED WORLD Lesson7:LOOKING BACK 1.Match the words with their definitions. 1. busy. a. too many people. 2. poor. b. to have very little money. 3. peaceful. c. calm and quiet. 4. spacious. d. a large area where it is easy to move. 5. overcrowded. e. a lot of things happening. 2. Write a sentence for each of the following words. Example: Crime is a problem in big cities..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> crime. healthcare. disease. poverty education. 1.________________ 2.________________ 3.________________ 4.________________ 5.________________. 3. Put an appropriate tag question at the end of each sentence. Then match the questions to their answers. Questions 1. We have more tourists this year,_________? 2. You got stuck in a traffic jam on the way home,__________,Mum? 3. There will be a solution to this shortage of clean water,_________? 4. We should do something to reduce poverty, ___________? 5. Big cities suffer more from air pollution,__________ ?. Answers a. No, there are fewer than last year! b. Yes, they do, particularly big cities in China. c. I hope there will. d. Yes, we should. But how? e. Yes, as always, dear.. 4. Look at the situation and complete the effects with more, fewer or less. Situation. A new factory will be built in my neighborhood. 1. The factory will bring_________ jobs to local people. 2. _________ people will move here to work in the factory. 3. These people will need_________ water and electricity. 4. There will be_________ space for children to play. 5. Look at the situations and talk about their possible effects. Example: Situation: A cousin is moving in to share your room for two months. Effects: I will lose my privacy. - I can have more fun. - I will have less space of my own. Situation 1. The karaoke next to your house is attracting more and more young people coming..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Situation 2. A flea market has been established in your neighbourhood Lời giải chi tiết: 1. A: Oh, there is a karaoke near your house. It’s so crowded B: Yeah, but I don’t like it. A: Why? B: It’s is too noisy at night, because many people come there. However, it’s good entertainment for young people like us. 2. A: What are you doing tomorrow? B: Oh, I will go to the flea market in my neighborhood. A: Great! I will go with you. Do you like it? B: Yes, I do. There are many great things I can find there, the atmosphere is so exciting. We can choose many beautiful clothes.. ……………………………………………………………………………………. REVIEW4 Task 2. Form a suitable word from the word stem to fill the sentences. (Hình thành một từ phù hợp với từ gốc để điền vào câu) 1. Have you found a __________to that math problem? (solve) 2. Natural sources cannot provide enough energy to support this __________world. (crowd) 3. Do you know that we have __________cars? They don't need a driver. (drive) 4. Of all the__________in the world, which one do you like best? (invent) 5. Playing outside is__________than staying inside. (health) 1. solution (n): biện pháp Giải thích: sau a là danh từ 2. crowded (adj): đông đúc Giải thích: trước danh từ world cần 1 tính từ 3. driverless (adj): không người lái Giải thích: trước danh từ cars ta cần 1 tính từ và dựa vào câu trả lời ở sau ta chọn từ cần điền là driveless 4. inventions (n): phát minh Giải thích: sau the là danh từ.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 5. healthier (adj): mạnh khỏe hơn Task 3. Choose A, B, or C to complete sentences. 1. In Mongolia, dung is a kind of_____________. People use it for cooking and heating. A. energy source B. footprint C. accommodation 2. To save money, we learn to_____________ some daily products like coca cola bottles. A. keep B. reuse C. produce 3. In the green future, vehicles will be powered by___________. A. solar energy B. coal C. gas 4. I am dreaming of a____________, which can take me to another place in seconds in any weather. A. three-wheel bicycle B. teleporter C. sport car 5. Clean water which is___________ through pipes is called piped water. A. supplied B. given C. run 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A 4. Use the verbs in brackets in the future simple active (will do) or the future simple passive (will be done) to complete the sentences. 1. Children_________ to school in a jet pack. (fly) 2. Solar panels_________ to produce energy. (use) 3. All the slums in this area _________ for new multi-storey buildings. (demolish).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> 4. We _________ robots to help us with some our housework. (have) 5. I hope someone_________ a machine to do homework for me. (invent) 5. Put the sentences in the right order to form a conversation. a. On a tree?. 1. b. Maybe. But that's my DREAM.. c. Phong, tell me your dream.. d. Slow but you can save energy. And my house is not far from school.. e. And... Will you still go to school?. f. Sure. But not on a crowded bus. I'll pedal to school on a monowheel.. g. I will have a small wooden house on a tree.. h. A monowheel is slow.. i. Yes, where I can be away from noise and I can hear birds singing.. j. You sound unrealistic.. *READING Task 2. Read the text and choose the best answer for each question HUNGER.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Hunger has become a serious problem in many parts of the world. The first cause of hunger is the fast growth of population. The Earth is no longer able to feed its more than seven billion people. There is not enough land for growing food. The change of climate also brings to the Earth more weather-related disasters such as storms and droughts ... They heavily destroy crops. Wars are still happening. People are fighting, or running away from home. There's nobody to work on the field or in the factory to produce food. Technology is working hard to help solve part of this problem. In the future, we will have warning systems to reduce the loss from natural disasters. Low-cost means of transport will also be used to carry food to area-in-need. 1. Drought is an example of__________. A. weather-related disasters B. a human activities C. climate 2. One possible consequence of a war is that____________. A. people will buy food from other countries B. people cannot work to produce food C. more disasters will happen 3. The problem of hunger can be solved with the help of A. expensive means of transport B. technology C. wars Task 5. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. 47-track-47_1.mp3. 1. What word is Phong searching for? 2. Does this word have only one meaning? 3. Does Phong explain the meaning of this word to Nam? 4. What happens if we take care of the trees around us?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> Task 6. Imagine an ideal means of transport for YOUR area. Write a short description of it. In your writing, you should mention: • the name you give to it • what it is like • what kind of energy it uses • why it is good for your area I wish I had a flying car. It is like a car but I can fly. The car will use solar energy. It catches the sunlight from the roof solar panel and generate power. It is good for the environment and saves energy..

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