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unit 4 Whats your name

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of teaching : Tuesday,October 1st 2012 THEME ONE : ME AND MY FRIENDS Unit 4:What’s your name? Lesson 2 : 1- 2- 3-4 . I. Aims and objectives: - Pupils will be able to introduce someone , using this is + name I. Languages focus: - Vocabulary: this, Tom - Patterns: This is Linda How do you spell your name? L-I-N-D-A III. Preparation: - Student’s book, recording, cards, puppet, pictures. VI. Procedure: `week 7 Period 11. Steps - Time 1. Warm up: 3’. II. New lesson: 1. Listen and repeat (10’). Teacher’s activities - Greet in the class. Student’s activities - Greeting teacher.. - Walk around the class to greet some specific pupils and ask their name, using the previously learnt language in lesson 1. - Ask Ss open the book on page 26 - Ask pupils to talk about the characters in the picture. Tell them are going to learn how to produce the sound of the letters th and t. Produce the sounds th and t a few times, and ask pupils to say what they think about when they hear these sounds. - Put the large piece of paper with the chant written on it on the board. Teach the new words and phrases with this and that. - Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen and read the text. Mine the dialogues. - Play the recording again for pupils to repeat each line of the. - Answer the questions. - The whole class open the book. And repeat the focused sounds a few times.. - Look at the board. - repeat the dialogue many times..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 2. Listen tick( 10’ ). dialogue a few times to Reinforce their pronunciation. - Call on a group of six to the front of the class. Have three pupils repeat each line of the chant and the other three clap the focused sounds. - Group work: Have pupils practise saying the chant. - Call on some groups to recite the chant and clap the focused sounds. - Ask some questions about the chant to ensure pupils’ comprehension. - Have the whole class chant again to reinforce their pronunciation. and - Have Ss open the book on page 26. - Ask them identify the characters in the pictures.Tell pupils that they are going to listen the recording and match the information they hear to the correct picture and tick the box in the correct picture. - Pupils should look closely at the pictures they listen to recording . - Play the recording all the way through. Have pupils listen and look at the pictures. - Play the recording again. Pupils perform the task. - Choose one or two pupils to share their answer with their classmates. - Play the recording again. Pupils perform the task. - Play the recording for pupils to check the answer. Have pupils trade their answers in pairs or groups for correction.. - Repeat the chant before class. - Identify the characters and say their names. - Repeat the chant. - Answer the questions. - Repeat the chant to reinforce.. - Identify the characters and listen the recording and match the information.. - listen and look at the pictures. - Trade their answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 3. Read match and ( 10’). 4. Let’s play ( 2’ ). - Ask some questions to make sure that pupils understand what they have listened. Transcrip: 1. girl: Hi, Nam. This is Peter Boy: Peter ? How do you spell that? Girl: P-E-T-E-R 2. Boy: Hi, Linda. This is Mai Girl: Mai? How do you spell that? Boy: M-A-I 1.b, 2.a - Turn on gage 27. Have pupils look at picture a and b. Tell them that they are going to read the text and use the information to match each text to the correct picture. - Ask pupils to identify the characters and the details in each picture to find out the differences between these two pictures. - Pupils read the text individually and do the task. Move around the class to help pupils with the activity. Pairwork: Have pupils trade their answers in pair for correction. - Call on one pupil to report the answer. - Ask some questions to check pupils’ comprehension. - Have the whole class repeat each line of the text to reinforce their pronunciation. - Keys: 1.b, 2.a Game : stand up when you hear - Explain how the game is played.. - The whole class.. - Open the book on page 27.. - Find out the differences between these two pictures. - Do the task individually.. - Report the answer other give comments.. - Play the game.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 3. Homelink 2’. - Pupils recite the rhyme what is - Recite the rhyme at home. your name ? on page 25 at home - Copy in the notebook. Date of teaching : Thursday, October 4th 2012 THEME ONE : ME AND MY FRIENDS Unit 4: What’s your name ? Lesson 3 : 1- 2- 3-4 . I. Aims and objectives: - Pupils can spell about someone’s name , using how do you spell your name? II. Languages focus: - Vocabulary: meet my friends, play with my friends - Patterns: How do you spell your name ? week 7 Period 12.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> III. Preparation: - Student’s book, recording, cards, puppet, pictures. I. Procedure: Steps - Time 1. Warm up: 3’ II. New lesson: 1. Listen and repeat(10’). 2. Look and say( 10). Teacher’s activities - Greet Ss - Walk around and ask the name some specific pupils. Then let Ss sing a song on page 23. - Ask Ss open the book on page 28. Student’s activities - Reply - Answer and sing a song on page 23.. - The whole class open the book. - Ask pupils identify the characters - Listen carefully. in this part and guess what the characters are saying. Tell them that they are going to learn how to spell someone’s name and say the - look at carefully alphabet letters. Teach pupils to spell some –specific names and sing the Alphabet song. - Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen as they - Listen carefully the recording read the dialogue. and repeat. - Play the recording again for pupils to repeat each line of the text a few times. Ensure their correct pronunciation. - Have the pupils look at the pictures on page 28 and ask them - Look at the picture and spell to identify characters and spell names in the pictures. names in each picture. Recall the sentence pattern that they have learnt how do you spell your name? - Model: Tell pupils to presend to be Mary. Point to the picture a. - Pupils practise asking and Ask how do you spell your name? answering Have pupils repeat the answer MA-R-Y. Then tell them to repeat the question and answer.Repeat - The rest class observe and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 3. Write( 10). 4. Let’s chant ( 2). the step with the other names. - Pairwork: Monitor the activity and offer help. Pairwork: Pupils practise asking and answering in pairs. Monitor activity and help. - Call on a pair to demonstrate at the front of the class. The rest of the class observe and comment. - Ask some pupils a few questions to check comprehension of the language. - Have the whole class repeat all the questions and answers to reinforce their pronunciation. - Have Ss look at the picture on page 29. Ask them identify character. Tell them that they are going to choose the right word from the frame to complete the missing words. - pupils read individually and do task. - Pairwork: - Ask some pupils to read the complete sentences aloud to the class. - Ask some questions to reinforce pupils’ comprehension of the text. - Have the whole class read the complete sentences aloud to reinforce their pronunciation. - Put the large sheet of paper with the chant from page 29 written on it on the board. Tell pupils that they are going to chant. Have pupils repeat the names of the characters in the chant and spell them. Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen as. comment.. - Answer the asking of the teacher - Practise asking and answering - Look at the pictures and identify the characters.. - Pupils trade the answers in pairs for correction. - Answer the questions - The whole class. - The whole class and the teacher..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 3. Homelink: 2’. they read the chant. Point to each line and mine. - Teach the new phrases meet my friends and play with my friends. - Play the recording again for pupils to listen and repeat each line. Correct typical pronunciation, assimilation of sounds, and intonation when necessary. - Group work: Have pupils read the chant several times. - Call on some volunteers to recite the chant. - Ask some questions about the chant to ensure pupils’ comprehension of the chant. - Have the whole class say the chant in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation. - Pupils practise singing the rhyme what is your name? at home. - Read the chant several times.. - Answer the questions - The whole class. - sing a song at home..

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