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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>UNIT ONE: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL I. Aims of unit: Helping students: - Make and respond to introductions. - Scan for specific information. - Write a personal letter. II. Language focus. + The simple past. + The simple past with “with”. + Vocabulary. III. Teaching aids: textbooks, reference books, posters, pictures. IV. Time: 5 periods. Date of making: Monday, August 21st , 2012 Date of teaching: Wednesday, August 23rd , 2012 Period 2. UNIT ONE: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED + LISTEN AND READ I. Aims of lesson: Reading the text for details. II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know about some places Lan went to with a foreign friend and some activities they tool part in together III. Teaching aids: textbook, poster, pictures IV. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greets and checks the total of the class. B. New lesson. Activities Work arrangement Date of making: Sunday, August 26th, 2012 Date of teaching: Monday, August 27th , 2012 Period 3. UNIT ONE. A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL LESSON 2. SPEAK- LISTEN I. Aims of lesson: Make and respond to introduction. Listen for specific information. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to specific information to select the correct pictures II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make an introduction, listen to specific information to select the correct pictures III. Teaching aids: textbook, pictures, pictures (p9) , cassette and tape. IV. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greets and checks the total of the class. B. Checking up..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - Calls Ss to go to the board and write vocabulary. C. New lesson. Activities I. Warm-up: * Pelmanism. - Have students talk about the cities and the countries. Tokyo Liverpool Bombay Hoi An Paris England India Vietnam French Japan II. Speak 1. Brainstorming. name age class/grade Introduce yourself hobbies country. Work arrangement Teamwork. Teacher – class. 2. Making & responding introductions. Making introductions Responding to the introductions. - Hello. I’m Hoa. – Nice to meet you - Let me introduce myself. I’m Hoa. - I’m 14 years old. ...... – Really ? Me, too. 3. Matching. - Teacher introduces the situation: Nga is talking to Maryam. They are waiting for Lan outside her school. - Asks students to work in pairs to do exercise a on page 8 to put the sentences in the correct order to make a complete dialogue. * Answer key: 1 + c => 5 +b => 4 + d => 2 + e => 3 + a => 6 Pair work * Ask some questions to check Ss’ understanding about the dialogue. a/ Have Nga and Maryam met each other before? No. b/ Is Maryam enjoying her stay in Hanoi? Yes. c/ Why does she like in Vietnam? Vietnamese people are very friendly and Ha Noi is a very interesting city. -Gets students to practice speaking the dialogue in pairs. * Role play: Set the scene: “You are talking to Maryam’s friends, introduce yourself.” - Asks students to take turn to be one of Maryam’s friends and practice: * Dialogue 1: A: Hello, you must be Yoko. B: That’s right. I am A: Are you enjoying your staying in Hue? B: Oh, yes, very much. I like Vietnamese people and I love old.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> city in Vietnam. A: Do you live in that city too? B: Yes. I live in Tokyo. Have you been there? A: No, what’s it like? B: It’s a busy capital city. It’s very different from Hue. A: I see. * Dialogue 2: A: Hello, you must be Paul. B: That’s right. I am. Pair work A: Pleased to meet you. Let me introduce myself. I am Le. B: Pleased to meet you, Le A: Are you enjoying your stay in Vietnam? B: Yes, very much. I love the people, the food, and the beaches in Vietnam. A: Do you live in a city too? B: Yes. I live in Liverpool in England. Have you been there? A: No, what is it like? B: It’s an industrial city in the North of England. A: I see. * Dialogue 3: A: Hello. You must be Jane. B: That’s right. I am A: Pleased to meet you. Let me introduce myself. I am Ha. B: Pleased to meet you, Ha. Pair work A: Are you enjoying your stay in Vietnam? B: Oh, yes. Very much. I love the temples and churches in Vietnam and I love Ao Dai A: What about the food? B: I love Vietnamese food, especially Nem. A: Do you live in a city? B: No, I live in Perth in Australia. Have you been there? Individual A: I’m afraid not. What’s it like? work B: It’s a quiet small town. - Asks students to work in pairs to practice the dialogue. -First asks some pairs to present their dialogues then ask students to practice with their partner. - Teacher monitors the class and makes correction. II. Listen - Set the scene: “Tim’s Jones’s Mexican pen pal, Carol is visiting the USA,,. - Asks Ss to look at the pictures and tell the class what there is in Individual each one, where the place is, what the people are doing. work 1. Open-predictions - Tells Ss that Tim is taking Carols to visit some places. Asks them to think of three things that Tim and Carols are doing. * Possible answer: - They are going to the park. - They are taking a bus..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - They are going to the restaurant. -Asks Ss to listen to the tape to check their guesses. 1. Have Ss listen to the tape to check predictions. Asks them to work with a partner and gives feedback. 2. Choose the correct picture. - Asks Ss to listen to the tape to do exercise. * Keys: a. 1 b. 2 c. 2 V. Homework: -Learn by heart a dialogue they like. - Do exercise 2 (page 6-workbook) Date of making: Monday, August 27th , 2012 Date of teaching: Thursday, August 30th , 2012 Period 4. UNIT 1. A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL LESSON 3. READ (PAGE 9-10) I. Aims of lesson: Reading the text for detail. II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to have some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the countries of the ASEAN III. Teaching aids: textbook, pictures, map of countries of the ASEAN IV. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greets and checks the total of the class. B. Checking up. - Asks Ss to go to the board to make the dialogue again. C. New lesson. Activities Work arrangement I. Warm-up:* Discussion: Teacher –class - Question: How many countries are there in Asean ? ( Association of South-East Asian Nations: Hiep hoi cac quoc gia Dong Nam A ) => Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, VN, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philipines,and Bruney.> - Asks some more questions about Asean. II. Pre-reading. 1. Pre-teach. - A region: vùng, miền (area) - (to) comprise : bao gåm, gåm cã. (translation) Individual - (to) divide (in to) : chia, chia ra. work - Unit of currency : đơn vị tiền tệ - climate (n) : khí hậu - Official(a) : chính thức. - Islam (n) : §¹o Håi. * Checking vocabulary. ROR. - Asks Ss what they know about Malaysia..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> e.g. a/ Where is it? b/ What is the capital of Malaysia c/ What is the population? d/ How big is Malaysia? e/ What language is spoken in this country? 2. Guessing information. - Asks Ss to work in groups to guess some information about Malaysia. If they don’t know , just discuss with group members and have a guess. MALAYSIA 1. Area: 2. Population: 3. Climate: 4. Unit of currency: 5. Capital city: 6. Official religion: 7. National language: 8. Compulsory second language: III. While-reading - Asks Ss to read the text to find out the answers to their questions. - Teacher gives feedback to the class. - Gets Ss to read the text the second time to correct and complete the information in the chart in exercise a, page 10 * Keys: 1: 329, 758 4. The ringgit (consisting of 100 cent) 2. over 22 million 5. Kuala Lumpur 3. Tropical climate 6. Islam 7. Bahasa Malaysia 8. English * True / False statements. - Have students read the text to do the true or false statements. - Asks Ss to correct the false statements. * Keys: 1. T 2. F. There are more than two regions 3. F. English, Chinese, and Tamil are also widely spoken. 4. F. One of the three Malay, Chinese, Tamil. 5. F. English is a compulsory second language, not primary language of instruction. - Gets Ss to answer the questions in front of the class. - Teacher gives feedback to the whole class. IV. Post-reading: * Interview (or Matching : the capitals with the countries) - Have students work in pair to interview - Teacher gives Ss the task * You are going to visit Malaysia this summer vacation. Prepare. Individual work. Pair work. Pair work. Pair work. Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> some questions to ask Maryam about her country. e.g: A: Hi Maryam. I am going to visit Malaysia on my summer holiday. I’d like to know something about your country. Can you help me ? B: Yes, certainly A: What language is spoken in your country? B: Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese and Tamil are also widely spoken. A: Yes, English is a compulsory second language in secondary school. B: Ah, yes, I see. What about the people. What are they like? A: I think they are friendly. V. Homework: Do ex 3 in workbook and write about Vietnam country( where,/famous for/population/how big/language/capital/...). Individually. .. Date of making: Thursday, September 10, 2009 Period 5. UNIT 1. A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL LESSON 4. - LISTEN - LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Aims of lesson: Practice the simple past with’’ wish ‘’ page 12 II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, use simple past with “wish “to practice III. Teaching aids: textbooks IV. Procedure. A.. Organization - Greets and checks the total of the class. B. Checking up. C. New lesson. Activities I. Warm up: * Kim’s game - Have Ss look at the words of ex 2 on page 12 for 20 minutes then rewrite on the board. II. LANGUAGE FOCUS 1 THE PAST SIMPLE 1. Set the scene: This is the conversation between Tan and Phong. They are talking about what Ba did on the weekend. - Gets Ss to read the dialogue then find what tense is in the dialogue. * Simple past:. Work arrangement Team work. Teacher –class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> - Form:. Verb + ed/ V(cot 2) didn’t + V(inf). Did ......+ V(inf) ? - Meaning: §·. - Use: Diễn tả một hành động đã xảy ra ở quá khứ. e.g. We played soccer yesterday. He went to school yesterday. 2. Make the dialogue: - Asks Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer questions about what Ba, Nga, Lan, Nam and Hoa did on the weekend. Exercise 1.( page 11). - Tells them that the activities happened in definite time in the past. * Possible conversations: 1. A: What did Nga do on the weekend? B: She went to the concert performed by Ha Noi singers. A: When did she go? B: She went there on Saturday at 8 pm 2. A: What did Lan do on the weekend? B: She went camping held by Y & Y. A: When did she go? B: She went camping all the weekend. She went on Saturday morning. - Have Ss role play the dialogues. III. Presentation: 1. Exercise 2. - Have Ss do Ex 2 on page 12 with their partner then read aloud in front of the class * Keys :1 .Hoa baked a cake 2 .Hai hung colorful lamps on the wall in the room 3 .Hanh bought flowers 4 .Tan painted a picture of Ha noi 5 .Nga and My went shopping - Asks Ss to remind the simple past * .The simple past with” wish’’ I wish I were Minh taller - Asks Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions - Is he tall? No. / - Is he happy with it ?No - What does he have in his mind? I wish I were taller. -What tense was used in the clause after “ wish ,, ?Past tense * “WISH ,, is used when we want really to be different and exactly opposite of the truth of expresses wishes in the present.. Pair work. Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> * Form :. S. + wish + S. + Simple past + were (all subjects). IV. Practice : - Asks Ss to look at the real situations and make “wish “ - Asks them to work in pairs. *Keys :b .I wish I were in the swimming pool now c. I wish I had a computer now d .I wish I lived to school e . I wish I had a sister f .I wish I drew well g.,I wish I had my friend’s phone number h .I wish I had many friends i. I wish It rained so far j.I wish there were river. V. Production. - Asks Ss to make three wishes of their own and read aloud in front of the class. VI. Homework . Ex 6 , 7 pages 9 & 10 in exercise book. Teacher –class. Pair work. Individually Teacher- class Individually. Individually. Date of making: Thursday, September 10, 2009 Period 6 UNIT 1. A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL LESSON 5 WRITE I. Aims of lesson: Write a personal letter II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a personal letter III. Teaching aids: textbook, pictures of famous places IV. Procedure. A. Organization..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> - Greets and checks the total of the class. B. Checking up. - Calls Ss to go to the board and do ex 3 in workbook. C. New lesson.[ Activities Work arrangement [[[I. Warm-up: * Chatting. Teacher –class - Asks Ss to answer some questions 1. Have you ever visited any other places in Vietnam? 2. When did you go? 3. How did you get there? 4. Did you visit any places of interest? 5. Did you buy anything? 6. When you are away from home? Do you keep in touch? How ? II. Pre-writing: * Set the scene: - Imagine you are visiting your relatives or friends in other part of Vietnam or a different country - Asks Ss to answer these questions. 1. Where are you now? How did you get there? 2. Who did you meet? 3. What have you done? + What places have you visited? + Who have you met? + What kinds of food have you tried? + What souvenirs have you bought? 4. How do you feel now? 5. What do you think interest you most? 6. When are you returning home? Teacher –class - Asks two or three students to tell the class about their visit - Gets Ss to work in pairs to talk o each other about their visit - Reminds Ss about the format of a personal letter by asking the questions. Pair work + What are the parts of a personal letter? * Answer: A: heading: writer’s address and the date B: Opening: Dear C: Body of the letter D: Closing – your friend/ regard/ love. III. While-writing - Asks Ss to write a letter to their family, telling them about their visit - Asks Ss to look at the outline on page 11 and asks them what part of the letter they are going to write (body of the letter) - Have them follow the outline to write their own letter..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> * Suggested ideas: - First paragraph: I arrived at Da nang train station at 2 p.m late in the afternoon on Tuesday. Uncle Tan met me at train station then he took me home by taxi. - Second paragraph: I have visited many places like the beaches, the Cham Museum, Marble mountains, Teacher –class supermarkets, the water park…I have tried different foods, seafood. I’ll visit Hoi An and My Son on Saturday - Third paragraph: I feel so happy and enjoy myself so much. The people here are so nice and friendly. The food is so delicious, and the sights are so beautiful. I’ll leave Da Nang at 2 am next Sunday and I’ll arrive home at 11 pm. Please pick me up at train station. IV. Post-writing: - Gets them to swap their letter to correct mistake (if they can) - Chooses some letters to correct in front of the class V. Homework : - Asks Ss to use suggested words to complete and write their Individual work letter on their notebooks. Comment: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................... Date of making: Sunday, October 2nd, 2011 Date of teaching: Monday, October 3rd, 2011 Period 11. UNIT TWO.. CLOTHING. LESSON 5. Language focus 1,2,3 I. Aims of lesson : and further practice on the present perfect with for /since/already/ yet/ ever. II. Objective : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to and know how use the present perfect III. Teaching aids :Textbook, tape . IV. Procedure. A. Checking up. - Asks Ss some questions about clothing. Activities Work arrangement I. Warm up. * Pelmannism do visited went drank tell Team work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> go told did visit drink II. Presentation: LANGUAGE FOCUS 1,2,3 The present perfect tense I have studied English for 5 years. She has lived here since 2000 She has already seen this movie. a. Form: (+) S + have/ has + PP (-) S + have/ has + not + PP (?) Have/ has + S + PP? III .Practice. 1. Word cues drill: Cues: See/ elephant x Read/ comic . Be/ HCM city. x. Eat/ durian. x. Use / computer  Go / the movies  Example exchange: 1. Have you ever seen an elephant? Yes, I have ever seen an elephant. ( No, I have never an elephant) Example exchange: 2. She hasn’t seen an elephant yet. I have already read a comic. - Use steps of word cues drill. - Give feedback and correct 2. Write it up: - Ask Ss to use the cues and write down. Example exchange: 1. Have you ever seen an elephant? No, I have never an elephant Have you ever been to HCM city? Yes, I have ever been there Example exchange: 2. She hasn’t seen an elephant yet. I have already read a comic. - Ask SS go to the board and write down. - Give feedback and correct. III. Production: IV. Homework. - Do exercise 2,4 page 13,15 Work book - prepare Language focus 4,5. Teacher –class. Teacher –class. Teacher –class. Teacher – class dividually.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> Pair work. Individually. Individually. Date of making: Monday, October 3rd, 2011 Date of teaching: Wednesday, October 5th , 2011 Period 12. UNIT TWO.. CLOTHING. LESSON 6 LANGUAGE FOCUS 4-5 I. Aims of lesson: .Review the past voice of the present perfect , simple present, simple past ,and simple future, practice past passive modal auxiliaries II. Objective: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use passive modal auxiliaries III. Teaching aids: Textbook, cards. IV. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. Checking up. C. New lesson Activities Work arrangement I. Warm up. II. Presentation 1.The passive form of Simple present ,simple past &simple future : BE + P P a. Example: They sell Jeans all over the word. Jeans are sold all over the word. Teacher –class b. Form: The simple present: S + am/ is/ are + PP + (by O) The simple past: S + was/ were + PP + (by O) The simple future: S + will/shall + be + PP + (by O) The present perfect: S + has/ have + been + PP + (by O) c. Practice :Asks Ss to do exercise 4 page 21 teacher help them . * Answer keys: a .Jeans cloth was made completely from cotton in the 18th century. b .Rice is grown in tropical countries. c .Five million bottle of champagne will be produced in France.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> next year. d. A new style of jeans has just been introduced in the USA. e. Two department stores have been built this year. - Give feedback and correct. 2. The passive voice of modal verbs : HAVE TO /BE GOING TO * Elicit from Ss the modal verbs : must /can /should /might /have to /would / could/ will/ shall/may a. Example: - He should help his mother. His mother should be helped. - She is going to buy these books These books are going to be bought by her b. Form : Modal verbs + be + pp Have to /be going to +be + pp c. Practice: Asks Ss to do ex 5 (page 21 ) * Keys : a. The problem can be solved . b. Experiment on animals should be stopped . c. Life might be found on another planet. d. All the schools have to be improved in the city. e. A new bridge is going to be built in the area. - Give feedback and correct. III. Further practice: Rewrite the following sentences so that the second sentence means nearly exactly the same as the first one - Explain how to do this exercise. - Ask Ss to do it. - Give feedback and correct. IV. Homework. - Do exercise 6,7 page 17,18 Work book - Review unit 1, 2 to do a 45 –minute test. Individually. Teacher –class. Teacher –class. Pair work. Individual. Comment: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Date of making: Sunday, October 9th , 2011 Date of teaching: Monday, October 10th , 2011 Period: 13. WRITTEN TEST NO 1 I. Mục tiêu : - Kiểm tra kiến thức của học sinh từ bài 1,2 Học sinh cần đạt được:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> - Kiến thức ngôn ngữ: Chọn đáp án đúng, biến đổi từ loại ,viết lại câu về kiến thức ngữ pháp và từ vựng đã học ở Unit 1,2. - Đọc hiểu: Đọc hiểu đoạn văn về Perter và trả lời một số câu hỏi. - Viết: Sử dụng out line đê viết đoạn văn về áo dài. II. Ma trận: Chủ đề Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Tổng KQ TL KQ TL KQ TL Phonetics 2 2 0,5 0,5 Language 8 2 4 14 focus 2,0 0,5 2,0 4,5 Reading 5 5 2,5 2,5 IV. Writing 4 4 2,5 2,5 Tổng 10 7 8 25 2,5 3,0 4,5 10 Chữ số phía trên bên trái trong mỗi ô là số lượng câu hỏi, chữ số ở góc phải phía dưới là tổng số điểm cho các câu ở ô đó. III. Nội dung: TEST A I. Phonetics. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others.(0,5pt) 1. A. poem B. mosque C. notice D. clothing 2. A. played B. opened C. enjoyed D. worked II. Language focus. A. Choose the best answer: (2,0 pts) 1. The Ao dai is the ..................... dress of Vietnamese women. A. beautiful. B. traditional. C. casual. D. baggy. 2. Nguyen Du is considered a famous Vietnamese .................. A. poetic B. poem C. poetry D. poet 3. Maryam .................. write to Lan last year. A. used to B. is used to C. uses to D. was used to 4. Hoa .................. with her aunt in Ha Noi since 2001. A. lived B. living C. has lived D. live 5. Wearing uniforms helps students .................. equal in many ways. A. fell B. felt C. feel D. fall 6. Vietnamese women prefer to wear modern clothing .................. work. A. with B. to C. in D. at 7. I wish they. .......................here tomorrow.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> A. will come B. would come C. came D. come 8. I wish Nam......... harder for his examination. A. will work B. worked C. has worked D. works B. Supply the correct word form: (0,5 pt) 1. Hanoi is not ………………………… from Kuala Lumpur. ( difference) 2. The tourists are impressed by the .......................... of Dong Hoi people. ( friend) C. Rewrite the sentences using the beginning. (2,0 points) 1. Hoa can’t pass this examination. She wishes.................................................................................................................... .2. When did you know Nga? -How long.................................................................................................................... 3. My father smoked a lot a year ago, but now he doesn’t smoke any more. -My father used to......................................................................................................... 4. My father bought a new house last week. - A new house................................................................................................................ IV. Reading. Read the passage and answer the questions : 2.5 pts Peter was born in London but his father is not English. He came from Italy. He worked In London as a businessman and met his mother there. In 1998 his family moved to Australia. When they arrived in Melbourne He did not know anybody. He felt lonely. In London he used to have a lot of friends ,but now he does not have anyone to talk to. So he decided to look for friends on the Internet. He was lucky to know me and to be one of my friends. He wishes we lived in the same neighborhood so that we could meet and talk every day. Questions: 1/Where was Peter born ?. 2/Where did his father work ? 3/ When did his family move to Australia? 4/ Why did he feel lonely ? 5/What does Peter wish ? IV. Writing. Write a paragraph to support the argument that Vietnamese women should wear the Ao dai at work. The following out line may help you. (2,5 pts) Wearing Ao dai : Ÿ encourages them feelvà proud of the Đáp án hướng dẩntraditions chấm . and customs. Ÿ makes them more beautiful, charming. Ÿ is practical. No need to think of what to wear at work every day..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> TEST B I. Phonetics. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others.(0,5pt) 1. A. watched B. impressed C. decided D. worked 2. A. poem B. mosque C. notice D. clothing II. Language focus. A. Choose the best answer: (2,0 pts) 1.I wish Nam......... harder for his examination. A. will work B. worked C. has worked D. works 2. Nguyen Du is considered a famous Vietnamese .................. A. poetic B. poem C. poetry D. poet 3. The Ao dai is the ..................... dress of Vietnamese women. A. beautiful. B. baggy. C. casual. D. traditional. 4. Vietnamese women prefer to wear modern clothing .................. work. A. with B. at C. in D. to 5. Wearing uniforms helps students .................. equal in many ways. A. fell B. felt C. feel D. fall 6. Hoa .................. with her aunt in Ha Noi for 4 years. A. has lived B. living C. lived D. live 7. I wish they. .......................here tomorrow A. will come B. would come C. came D. come 8. Maryam didn’t .............. write to Lan last year. A. used to B. is used to C. use to D. was used to B. Supply the correct word form: (0,5 pt) 1. Dong Hoi people are very ……………………….. and hospitable. (friend) 2. Hanoi is not ………………………… from Kuala Lumpur. (difference) C. Rewrite the sentences using the beginning. (2,0 points) 1. Hoa can’t play soccer. ->She wishes..................................................................................................................... 2. When did he know her ? -> How long.......................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> 3. My brother walked to school a year ago, but now he goes to school by bike. -> My brother used to....................................................................................................... 4. They grow rice in tropical countries. -> Rice ............................................................................................................................. IV. Reading. Read the passage and answer the questions : 2.5 pts Peter was born in London but his father is not English. He came from Italy. He worked In London as a businessman and met his mother there. In 1998 his family moved to Australia. When they arrived in Melbourne He did not know anybody. He felt lonely. In London he used to have a lot of friends ,but now he does not have anyone to talk to .So he decided to look for friends on the Internet. He was lucky to know me and to be one of my friends. He wishes we lived in the same neighborhood so that we could meet and talk every day. Questions: : 1/Where was Peter born ? 2/ Where did his father come ?. 3/ When did his family move to Australia ? 4/ Why did he feel lonely ? 5/What did he look for friends ? IV. Writing. Write a paragraph to support the argument that Vietnamese women should wear the Ao dai at work. The following out line may help you. (2,5 pts) Wearing Ao dai : Ÿ encourages them feel proud of the traditions and customs. th te of making:ŸMonday, October , 2011 charming. makes them more10 beautiful, th Date of teaching: Wednesday Ÿ is practical. NoOctober need to 12 think, 2011 of what to wear at work Period: 14 every day.. CORRECTION OF THE TEST ONE I. Aims of lesson. - Help Ss to correct some mistakes of the test one and help them to understand what they have learnt more clearly..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> - Hand out the test with the marks given. II. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. New lesson. 1. Warm up.. * Play with words.. - Help Ss to review some words that they have learnt and they have met in the test. 2. Correction. - Finds out the usual mistakes/errors in Ss’ writing tests. + Spelling: The ways to read the tag “ED” after regular verbs in the simple past tense. + Grammar and vocabulary: - The ways to change active voice into passive voice. - How to use the sentences with “WISH”. - Some Ss don’t understand the main ideas of the text that they have learnt in unit 1 and 2 so they have a lot of wrong answers. 3. Hand out the tests. - Gives the test for Ss . Answer key:  Test A I. Phonetics.(0,5pts). Mổi câu đúng 0,25 điểm. 1. B 2. D II. Language focus. A. Choose the best answer. (2.0pts). Mổi câu đúng 0,25 điểm. 1. B. traditional. 2. D. poet 3. A. used to 4. C. has lived 5. C. feel 6. D. at 7.B. would come 8. B. worked B. Supply the correct word form: (0,5 pt). Mổi câu đúng 0,25 điểm. 1. different. 2. friendliness C. Rewrite the sentences using the beginning. (2,0 points). Mổi câu đúng 0,5 ®iÓm. 1. She wishes she could pass this examination. 2. How long have you known Nga ? 3. My father used to smoke last year./ a year ago..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> 4. A new house was bought by my father last week. IV. Reading. Read the passage and do the task below: (2,5 pts). Mổi câu đúng 0,5 điểm. 1. Peter was born in London. 2. His father worked in London. 3. His family moved to Australia in 1998. 4. He felt lonely because he does not have anyone to talk to. 5. Peter wishes we lived in the same neighborhood so that we could meet and talk Every day. VI. Writing:(2,5 pts) ( Tùy vào bài học sinh để chấm) My opinion is that Vietnamese women should wear the Ao dai at work. Firstly, the Ao dai encourages Vietnamese women to feel proud of the traditions and customs of the country. Secondly, wearing the Ao dai makes them more beautiful and charming. We know that the beauty of Vietnamese women in the Ao dai has been mentioned a lot in poems, stories and song for centuries. Thirdly, wearing the Ao dai is very practical. When they go to work, they don't think of what to wear every day. In conclusion, when going to work, Vietnamese women should wear the Ao dai. Test B I. Phonetics.(0,5pts). Mổi câu đúng 0,25 điểm. 1. C 2. B II. Language focus. A. Choose the best answer. (2.0pts). Mổi câu đúng 0,25 điểm. 1. B. worked 2. D. poet 3. D. traditional. 4. B. at 5. C. feel 6. A. has lived 7.B. would come 8. C. use to B. Supply the correct word form: (0,5 pt). Mổi câu đúng 0,25 điểm. 1. friendly 2. different C. Rewrite the sentences using the beginning. (2,0 points). Mổi câu đúng 0,5 ®iÓm. 1. -> She wishes could play soccer. 2. -> How long has he he known her ? 3.-> My brother used to walk to school a year ago. 4. -> Rice is grown in tropical countries. IV. Reading. Read the passage and do the task below: (2,5 pts). Mổi câu đúng 0,5 điểm. 1. Peter was born in London. 2. His father came from Italy..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> 3. His family moved to Australia in 1998. 4. He felt lonely because he does not have anyone to talk to 5. He looked for friends on the internet. VI. Writing:(2,5 pts) ( Tùy vào bài học sinh để chấm) My opinion is that Vietnamese women should wear the Ao dai at work. Firstly, the Ao dai encourages Vietnamese women to feel proud of the traditions and customs of the country. Secondly, wearing the Ao dai makes them more beautiful and charming. We know that the beauty of Vietnamese women in the Ao dai has been mentioned a lot in poems, stories and song for centuries. Thirdly, wearing the Ao dai is very practical. When they go to work, they don't think of what to wear every day. In conclusion, when going to work, Vietnamese women should wear the Ao dai. E. Homework. - Prepare next lesson: Unit 3. Getting started + Listen and read. Comment: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................... UNIT THREE A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE I. Aims of unit: - Helping the students : To ask for and give information To complete the summary To write a passage II. Language focus. 1. Preposition of time. 2. Adverbs clauses of result. 3. The Past simple with WISH (review) III. Teaching aids :Text book ,reference book ,posters .cards IV. Time : 5 periods.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> Date of making: Sunday, October 16th , 2011 Date of teaching: Monday, October 17th , 2011 Period: 15. UNIT THREE:. A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE LESSON 1. GETTING STARTED + LISTEN & READ I. Aims of lesson : Introduce life and activities in the countryside II. Objective :By the end of the lesson ,Students will be able to talk about life and activities in the countryside III. Teaching aids :Textbook ,pictures IV. Procedure. A. Organization.(2’) - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. New lesson Activities. Work arrangement. I. Warm up (2’) .. * Chatting. - Teacher asks Ss some questions .. Teacher –class. - Have you ever been to the countryside ? - How often do you go there ? - Where is it ? - Have you got any relatives there ? - Are you used to the country life and activities ? II. Pre –reading (10’): 1 .Pre-teach vocabulary - Asks Ss to look at he pictures and describe what they are doing in the picture - home village :. quê nhà. (explantation). - a bamboo forest :. rừng tre. (picture ). - a banyan tree :. cây đa. (example ). Teacher –class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> - a shrine : - a river bank :. miếu thờ (picture ) bờ sông. (picture ). * Checking vocabulary. (what and where) 2. Pre-questions/Guiding questions. - Asks Ss to work in pairs, guess and answer the questions.. Individual work. a. What did Ba, Liz and his family do on their journey to his home village ? b. What did Liz think of the trip ? III. While –reading. (25’). Pair work. - Asks Ss to read the text and check their answers. - Gives feedback. a. They visited Ba’s uncle, walked up the mountain to visit a shrine, went boating in the river and had a picnic on the riverbank. b. Liz enjoyed the trip very much, she took a lot of photos. 1. True /false prediction - Asks Ss to read the text again and decide which statements is true and which is false. Then correct the false statements.. T- whole class. *Key . 1.F (Ba and his family had a day trip to their home village) 2. T 3 .F (There is a big old banyan tree at the end entrance to the village). 4.F (People had a snack under the banyan tree) 5T 6 F (People had a picnic on the riverbank ) 7T 8 F (Liz has a lot of photos to show her parents) 9T 2. Comprehension questions - Have Ss play Lucky Number to play the game to answer the. Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> questions. * Key: 1) It’s 60 kms to the north of Ha Noi. 2) They got to the village by bus. 3) It’s at the entrance to the village.. T- whole class. 4) They saw the shrine of Vietnamese hero on the mountain. 5) They had a picnic on the riverbank. 6) Liz took a lot of photos to show her parents. 7) Liz wishes she could visit Ba’s village again. IV. Post –reading. (4’) * Speaking - Asks Ss to talk about the activities on their way to their home village. V. Homework. (2’). Grop work. - Asks Ss to answer the questions again . Comment: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Date of making: Monday, October 17th , 2011 Date of teaching: Wednesday, October 19th , 2011 Period: 16 . UNIT THREE:. A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE. LESSON 3. SPEAK + LISTEN I. Aims of lesson: Practice asking for and giving information and listen to the text for specific information. . II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able ask for and give information about their own village. III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, picture. IV. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. Checking up..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> - Calls Ss to talk about the activities on their ways to their home village. C. New lesson Activities I. Warm-up.. * Networks. Work arrangement Group work. Activities in the countryside II. Pre-Speaking .. * Pre-questions.. -Teacher asks Ss some questions. 1. Where is your home village?. Teacher- class. 2 .What can you see on the way to your village? 3 .What some activities in the countryside? 4 .When do you often go to your village? 5. How far is it from the city? 6 .Is there a village gate? 7. Which of places would you like to show us? III. While-speaking. 1. Role play 1. - Have Ss read the questions a on page 24 .Ask and answer about their partner’s home village ,using the information in the box * Eg .A: Where is your home village? B. It‘s to the west of the city. A How far is it from the city? B .It ‘s about 15 km from the city A. How can you get there? B. We can get there by bus. A .How long does it take you to get there? B .It takes an hour A. What do people do for a living in your village? B. They plant rice and raise cattle A. Does your village have a river B. There aren’t any rivers but there is a big lake. Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> -Have some pairs role play in front of the class Teacher helps Ss to practice speaking fluently. 2. Role play 2.. Individual work. - Asks Ss to ask and answer about their real home village using guiding information. + to the East of Dong Hoi city + plant rice/ - maize/manioc/sweet potatoes.. Pair work. + raise cows/ buffaloes/animals (cattle) + the air /fresh/ - roads/quiet. + life/ peaceful/ change + people / friendly / generous / kind. ..... * Retell. - Asks Ss to retell about their village . E.g. .My village is about 30 Km to the North of Dong Hoi. Individually. .The village lie near …….We can get there by motorbike . There is an old banyan at the entrance to the village. IV. Post-speaking.. * Listening.. a. Vocabulary - a route : (explanation). tuyến đường, lộ trình. ( a way from one place to another) - a pond : (picture):. Teacher – class. ao. - parking lot = car park: ( picture) :khu vực để xe ô tô - (to) pick someone up : (Vietnamese) : đón ai b. Matching. - Have students listen to the tape to match the places on the bus route with the letter on the map ( p. 25 ). - Gives feedback * Keys: A: banyan tree. Individually F: store. B: airport. G: pond. C. highway No1. H: bamboo forest. D: dragon bridge. I: parking lot.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> E: gas station V. Homework :1 .Write about their home village.. Individually. 2 prepare write. Comment: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................... Date of making: Sunday, October 23rd , 2011 Date of teaching: Monday, October 24th , 2011 Period: 17. UNIT THREE:. A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE LESSON 3.. READ. I. Aims of lesson: To read the text for details and complete the summary. II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the text details III. Teaching aids: textbooks, poster. IV. Procedure. A. Organization. (1’) - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. Checking up. (11’) C. New lesson Activities I. Warm-up. (2’) * Checking up. Work arrangement Team work. 1. What do the farmers in USA do? 2. What do they grow? 3. Which animal do they raise? 4. What do they do on the weekend? - Ask Ss to answer the questions. - Give feedback and correct. II. Pre-reading. (3’) - Tells students what “exchange students” means. - Introduces the text which is about Van-an exchange. Teacher –class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> students: He is from HCM city. He is now studying in the USA. He’s living with the parker family on a farm outside Columbus Ohio. - Asks students to tell the class what they know about life in. Group work. the country, on the farm. What do people do? How do they relax? III. While-reading: (21’)1. Comprehension questions - Asks students to read the text to answer the questions - Gets them to play lucky number in group A/B * Questions: 1. Where is the parker family’s farm? It’s 100 kilometer out side Columbus, Ohio. 2. What do Mr and Mrs Parker do? Mr Parker is a farmer, and Mrs Parker works part-time at a grocery store. 3. How many children do they have? They have two children. 4. What does Van do after finishing his homework? He feeds the chicken and collects their eggs. 5. How does the Parker family spend their weekend?. Pair work. They eat hamburger or hot dog while they watch Peter plays. 2. Matching - Asks Ss to work in pairs, read the text and match the words in column A with the explanation in column B. - Asks some students (two ss), go to the board and match * Keys: -maize. + corn. - feed. + give food to eat. - grocery. + where people buy food and small things. - part time. + shorter or less then standard time. - collect. + bring things together. Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> 3. Completing the summary - Asks students to read the summary and then read the text, complete the summary, using the information from the passage. - Asks one student to read the completed summary in front of the class. * Keys: 1. Ohio. 6. after. 2. farmer. 7. the farm. Pair work. 3. works park time at a grocery store. 8. they watch. 4. Peter. 9. baseball. 5. Sam. 10. member. V. Post-reading. (5’). * Role play. - Asks ss to work in pairs. One is Van who has just come back from the USA and has answers the questions. The others play the role of a student who is going to the USA as an exchange student. The interview can begin like the following. S1: Hi, Van. I’m going to the USA next month as an exchange student. I want to know what I should do when being there.. Individually. Can you help me? Van: Sure. Where are you going to stay? S1: I’m going to stay with the Brown family. They live in a suburb, 80 km from…………. V. Homework (2’) Have students write the summary into their notebook. Comment: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Date of making: Monday, October 24th , 2011 Date of teaching: Wednesday, October 26th , 2011.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> Period: 18. UNIT THREE:. A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE. LESSON 4: WRITE + LANGUAGE FOCUS 2,3 I. Aims of lesson: Practice writing a passage II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a short paragraph describing a story happened in the past – a picnic in the countryside III. Teaching aids: textbooks, picture. IV. Procedure. A. Organization. (1’) - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. Checking up. (10’) - Asks students to rewrite these sentences using “ wish...”. 1. I can’t drive a car. 2. She won’t come there tomorrow. 3. He has a lot of work to do. 4. I am very short - Give feedback and give marks C. New lesson. Activities Work arrangement I. Warm-up. (2’) * Chatting Teacher –class - Asks Ss some questions about going on a picnic. - Have you ever gone on a picnic? - When did you go? - Where did you go? - How did you get there? - What did you do? - When did you come back home? - Did you enjoy it? II. Pre-writing: (5’) 1. Vocabulary Teacher -class - a blanket (picture) : chăn, mền - (to) lay out ( mime) : trải, dọn - (to) gather (translation) : thu lượm, tập hợp (collect) - site (translation) : địa điểm * Checking vocabulary. ( What and where ) 2. Describing. Individual work - Asks Ss to look at the pictures one by one & read the cues - Have students describe the picture to their partners. - Asks Ss to talk to the class about what they can see in each picture. - Goes on doing the same steps for the rest of the pictures. III. While-writing. (17’) - Gets students to write a passage entitled “A country picnic” Teacher- Ss - Teacher writes the starting sentence on the board and then asks Ss to write individually. - Eg: It was a beautiful day; my friends and I decided to go on a picnic..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> - Asks Ss some questions to make sure they understand their task. a. Who went on a picnic? b. When did you go? c. What do you do now? - Asks Ss to use the pictures and cues to write the passage. * Suggested writing. It was a beautiful day, my friend and I decided to go on a picnic. We took a bus to the countryside and then walked about Individual 20 minutes to the picnic site next to a river. We put down the blanket and laid out the food. After meal we played the games “what song is it” and blind man’s buff. Late in the evening/ afternoon we went fishing. We enjoyed our picnic. When we looked at the time, it was nearly 6.30 p.m. We hurriedly gathered our things and ran to the bus stop. We were lucky to catch the last bus and we arrived home very late in the evening. IV. Language focus 2,3. (8’) * Prepositions of time + In: Dùng trước tháng, năm, mùa, buổi chính trong ngày, thập kỷ (decade), thế kỷ, thiên niên kỷ (millenium), quảng thời gian(in two months, in a year). + On: ngày, ngày tháng, ngày tháng năm, các danh từ hoặc cụm từ có tận cùng có chữ “day”. + At: điểm thời gian cụ thể, giờ, 2 buổi phụ trong ngày (at noon, at night), các kì lễ hội. Note: at night. At the end of.. at Christmas, at the moment, at Pair work the breakfast…. * Không dùng in,on,at trước every, each, any, last, next, this, tomorrow. Yesterday. Teacher -class a. Asks Ss to use prepositions in the box to do exercises 2p.30. * Key: a .at, b. on, c. between, d. at /till, e .at/after, f. till//up to. Pair work b. Asks Ss to finish exercise 3- p.30. * Key: a .on, b. at- in , c. in, d. for, e. in, f. at. -Gives feedback and corrects. V. Homework. (2’) - Asks Ss to write their passage into notebooks and do exercise Individual 5 on work book. Comment: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Date of making: Sunday, October 30th , 2011 Date of teaching: Monday, October 31st , 2011.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> Period: 19. UNIT THREE:. A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE LESSON 5 LANGUAGE FOCUS 1,4. I. Aims of lesson: Further practice in the past simple with “wish “ .Practice in prepositions of time and adverbs clause of result. II. Objective: By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to use the past simple with “wish”, and adverbs clauses of result . III. Teaching aids :Textbook ,pictures. IV. Procedure. A. Organization. (1’) - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. Checking up. (10’) C. New lesson. Activities I. Warm up(4’) OR: Matching. ( Divides class into 2 teams, asks Ss to write down 2 sentences on two different pieces of paper. Each sentence begin with: I am ..............( real situation ) I wish .................................. Collects these pieces and put them into 2 different bags, asks Ss to pick up the paper one at a time, read it loudly to the whole class. Those who have the funniest matching will be the winner.) II. Activity 1 : (15’) 1.Pre-teach vocabulary. - (to) pass the exam >< (to) fail the exam : thi đỗ. - (to) win the contest (translation) : thắng cuộc. - itinerary (picture) : lịch trình. - (to) depart (explanation: to leave a place ,usually at the beginning of a journey) : khởi hành * Checking vocabulary. (ROR) What do these people wish ? 2. Revision : Teacher rewrites one sentence from the game . -I am hungry I wish I were at home and had lunch - Elicit from Ss :-WISH :expresses wishes about the present / future 1. Ước cho tương lai thay đổi Form: could S1 + wish + S2+ should + V-inf Would EX: I wish he would study hard. 2. Ước trái với sự thật ở hiện tại:. Work arrangement Team work. Teacher -class. Teacher -class. Teacher -class. Teacher -class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> Simple past Form: S1 + wish + S2 + past sub be - were EX:. I wish I were taller I wish I had a new bike.. Pair work. 3. Practice. - Asks Ss to look at the pictures study in the real situation by angering the questions a. Where is Hoa now ? c. What is the boy doing ? Pair work b .How does she feel ? d .what does he have in his mind? - Asks Ss to do exercise 1 on page 28 /29 in pairs. * Keys : a. Ba wishes he could have a new bike b. Hoa wishes she could visit her parents c. I wish I could pass the exam d. We wish it didn’t rain e .He wishes he could fly. f. They wish they stayed in Hue. III. Activity 2 : (13’)Adverb clause of result. 1. Use with” so” * Match the half- sentences - Asks Ss to look at the sentence. “ Everyone felt tired ,so they sat down under the tree and had Pair work a snack ,, - Asks Ss to elicit the answer + What did everyone do when they felt tired ? They felt tired so they sat down under the tree and had a snack . - SO => Use: to express the result of the statement before . => Meaning: “do đó Form: Main clause + So + adverb clause of result. * Practice: - Have Ss match the half sentences. * Key :1.-e , 2.-a ,3 .d , 4 .b ,5 . c 2. Use with “so ....... that” * Set the scene: 1. He was very kind. Every body liked him. => He was so kind that every body liked him. 2. It is very dark. I can’t see any thing. Meaning: So.... that: quá ..........nên/ đến nổi ......... Form: S + Adj/ Adv + that + clause. Use: diễn tả kết quả của câu trước. Pair work IV. Homework. (2’) - Have Ss copy the itinerary in their notebook.. Idividually.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> Comment: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................... UNIT FOUR.. LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. I. Aims of unit : Helping students : - Seek information - Express opinions - Scan for specific information - Write a letter of inquiry - Review direct and indirect speech II. Teaching aids :Textbook ,.referent book ,tape , post III. Time: 6 periods Date of making: Monday, October 31st , 2011 Date of teaching: Wednesday, November 2nd , 2011 Period: 20. UNIT FOUR.. LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. LESSON ONE. GETTING STARTED LISTEN & READ I. Aims of lesson: Reading a dialogue for details about the questions in our exam. II. Objective: By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to produce the questions for an oral examination. III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, posters. IV. Procedure. A. Organization . - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. Checking up. ( 11 m) C. New lesson. Activities I. Warm up. ( 1m) * Chatting - Asks Ss some questions to warm up 1 .What’s your name ? / Where do you live ?/ How old are you ?/When did you start learning English ? / Do you like learning English ? / What are your hobbies ? ( OR : Lucky numbers- in lesson plan ) II. Getting started. (3). Work arrangement Teacher –class. Teacher –class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> * Brainstorming. -Asks Ss to think about the ways they learn & improve their English. How you learn English: - learn by heart vocabulary. - watch English movies. - write diary in English. - ..................... - Asks Ss some questions about the ways they learn English. - Do you usually watch English TV programs ? - Can you sing English songs ? - How often do you use dictionaries ? - Do you have a foreign pen pal ? How often do you write to him/her ? III. Pre-reading : ( 10m) 1. New words - aspect (n) lĩnh vực (translation ) - examiner (n ) giám khảo.(definition: a person who ask questions to find out how much a person know) an examinee: thi sinh an examination: sự kiểm tra (to) examine: kiểm tra - coming (adj ) sắp đến (translation ) - college ( n ) trường cao đẳng ( example ) - candidate ( n ) thí sinh (definition: one who takes part in an exam) - written /oral examination : thi viết ,nói (explanation ). - Reads and helps Ss to repeat. * Checking vocabulary: Slap the board 2. Pre-questions. - Sets the scene: Lan is talking to Paola, a foreign student, about the oral examination that she has just taken. - Gives 2 questions: a. Were the questions in oral exam difficult or easy ? b. How many questions did the examiner ask Lan ? - Asks Ss to work in pairs and answer. IV. While-reading. ( 14m) 1. Reading and checking. - Asks Ss to read the dialogue on page 32-33 and check their guess again. * Answers: a. They are difficult (according to Lan) b. About over 7 questions. Besides, she was asked to read a passage. 2. True-False statements. -. Asks Ss to work in pairs, read the questions for the oral examination of Riyal English college, then asks them to read the dialogue and decide the questions that the examiner asked. Pair work. T- Whole class. Pair work. T- Ss. Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> Lan. * Key : 1 ,2 ,6, 7, 8, 9 ,.10, 14, - Asks Ss to change those speech into indirect ,then compare with their partners Eg : 1) What is your name ? = she asked me What my name was. * Key: 2) She asked me where I came from. 3) She asked me if I spoke any other languages. 4) She asked me why I was learning English. 5) She asked me how I learned English in my country. 6) She asked me how I would use English in the future. Pair work 7) She asked me what aspect of learning English I found most difficult. 8) She asked me to read that passage. V. Post –reading : ( 4 m)* Role play - Asks Ss to work in pairs to practice asking and answering one is Lan & one is an examiner VI. Homework ( 2m) . - Asks Ss to do exercises 1 ,2 in the workbook Comment: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Date of making: Sunday, November 6th , 2011 Date of teaching: Monday, November 7th , 2011 Period: 21. UNIT FOUR.. LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. LESSON 2. SPEAK I. Aims of lesson: Practice speaking to persuade someone to do something ,present and practice conditional sentences type 1, II. Objective: By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to persuade friend to attend the school they like III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, cards. IV. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. Checking up. ( 10 m) C. New lesson. Activities I. Warm up. ( 3m). * Pelmanism. Work arrangement Team A/B.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> England Australia the USA China New Zealand Canberra Beijing London Washington DC Wellington II. Pre- speaking: ( 15m) 1. Pre –teach vocabulary - scholarship ( n): học bổng (definition: a payment of money to a clever student to enable him to continue his studies ) - abroad (adv): ở nước ngoài (example ) - (to) persuade: thuyết phục (translation) - dormitory (n): ký túc xá (explanation) - campus (n): khu trường học (explanation: the grounds of a school ,college or university ) - reputation ( n): danh tiếng (translation) - native speaker (n): người bản xứ (explanation) (a person who speaks his mother tongue ) - Reads and helps Ss to repeat. * Checking vocabulary: ROR 2. Setting the scene : “Tomorrow is Sunday, Lan and her friends want to go somewhere .Lan enjoys going to the seaside .what does she say to persuade her friends to go with him to the seaside “ Eg :I think we should go to the seaside ? Why don’t we go to the seaside ? If we go to the seaside, we can swim and sunbathe - Reminds Ss of the expression that they can use to persuade some one to do something. + I think +Why don’t we /you + What do you think …..? +I need …….,we can … + I agree /disagree because ……+We should + I don’t understand …. +Let’s 3. Matching: - Ask Ss to match the school: The Brighton Language center UK, Seattle school of English – USA. Brisbane Institute of English –Australia with these sentences Sentences: 1. Can stay with Vietnamese friends. 2. Can spend summer break at home because it’s quite close to Vietnam. 3. The course is the cheapest. 4. The school there has excellent reputation. 5. Can enjoy beautiful scenery. 6. Can live in the dormitory on campus. 7. Can understand more clearly about Western culture. Answer key: The Brighton Language center UK: 4,6 Seattle school of English – USA: 1,7 Brisbane Institute of English –Australia : 2,3,5. Teacher –class. Individual work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> III. While – speaking: ( 10m) - Asks Ss to work in groups of four to play the roles of Thu ,Tam and Kim .They are awarded a school ship of $ 2000 to Groupwork attend an English language summer course abroad .Each person tries to persuade his or her friends to attend the school s/he likes to go - Have Ss read the 3 advertisements to get information Eg :Thu :The Brighton Language center UK - I think we should go to the Brighton Language Centre in the U K .Because the school there has excellent reputation and Groupwork we can live in the dormitory on campus. Tam : Seattle school of English – USA. Why don’t we go to the Seattle school of English in the USA ? You can stay with Vietnamese friends .They will help us a lot . - Kim: Brisbane Institute of English .Australia Teacher – students What do you think about the Brisbane institute of English in Australia ? It is quite close to Vietnam and the course is the cheapest. - Calls on some groups to demonstrate before the class. -Let’s Ss work in groups, practice persuading their partner using the expressions in the box on page 34 and the information in the three advertisements. IV. Post – speaking: ( 5m) - Ask Ss to discuss about this topic” What will you do on Tet holiday” Some of your friends want to go to the Spring fair, Pair work others want to spend their holiday with their grand parents in the countryside... - Get Ss to work in groups of 3, persuading others to do that he/she prefers. V. Homework. ( 2m) - Asks Ss to write a short paragraph about the reasons why they learn English . Individually Comment: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Date of making: Monday, November 7th , 2011 Date of teaching: Wednesday, November 9th , 2011 Period: 22. UNIT FOUR.. LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. LESSON 3. LISTEN - Language focus 1 I. Aims of lesson: Listening for detail and further practice in modal verbs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be identify the correct information by listening and to use in model with if III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, posters. IV. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. Checking up. ( 10 m) C. New lesson. Activities Work arrangement I. Warm up. ( 2m) Chatting: - How often do you have English? What aspects ò learning English do you want to improve? Teacher –class - Which skill are you good at? - What can you do to improve you listening/ speaking? II. Pre- Listening: ( 3m) 1. T/F statements prediction : Teacher –class Set the scene: “Nga is talking to Kate about her studying English”. - Ask Students to read the statements on page 35. - Have students work in pairs to predict which statements is true and which is false. Sentences: (on text book on page 35. - Give feedback III. While – Listening: ( 10m) 1. Checking T/F statements - Let Ss listen to the tape twice and check their prediction. - Give feedback and correct. Individual work Ask Ss to correct false statements Answer key: a: T b. T c. F ( International bank) d. T e. F( terrible) f. T Teacher – students IV. Post – Listening: ( 18m) 1. Revision of modals verbs - Asks Ss to name some modal verbs with their meanings must phải. might có lẽ. Should have to may Ought to nên Eg: I must stay at home Teacher –class You should practice listening => Form: S + modal verb + base inf 2. Conditional sentences type 1. Eg: If you want to improve your English, I can help you If you want to get good marks, you must study hard. => Form: Teacher –class If + S + Inf /v(s/es), S + Will + V.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> present of modal verbs + V => Usage: We can use a modal verbs in a main clause. The modal verb gives more information about the outcome relating to ability, certainty, permission, obligation or necessity. ( Dùng để diển tả một điều kiện có thật, có thể xẩy ra ở hiện tại hoÆc t¬ng lai) - Have students do exercise 1 page 38: - Lets Ss work in pairs to complete the conditional sentences. * Keys: a. must study hard c. should do exercise regularly b. have to go to university d. might miss the train Group work e. Ought to stay in bed f. must do your homework - Calls on some pairs to practice the dialogues before class - Asks Ss to practice the dialogues V. Homework. ( 2m) - Asks Ss to do exercise 7 on Exercise Book. Individually Comment: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................... Date of making: Sunday, November 13th, 2011 Date of teaching: Monday, November 14th , 2011 Period: 23. UNIT FOUR.. LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. LESSON 4. READ I. Aims of lesson: Reading the advertisements to get information. II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to get the information about the English classes from the advertisements. III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, posters. IV. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. Checking up. ( 10 m) - Asks Ss to use the correct form of the verbs. C. New lesson. Activities I. Warm up. ( 5 m) * Kim’s game. Institute of English, language center, native speaker,. Work arrangement Team work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> scholarship, beginner, advertisement, abroad, aspect, foreign language. - Asks Ss to work in two groups A/B. II. Pre-reading. ( 10 m) 1 .New vocabulary. - intermediate (adj): trung cấp (vidual ) intermediate beginner advanced - advanced (adj): đạt trình độ cao (vidual) - well –qualified (adj): chất lượng cao (translation) - tuition (n ) = teaching : sự dạy kèm (synonym) - academy (n): trường chuyên (explanation) (a school for some special purpose ) - council (n): hội đồng (translation) * Checking vocabulary: ROR 2. T/ F statements prediction. - Sets the scene: Mr Lam wants to attend a foreign language course. Guess what he needs for his class. a .Mr Lam needs to learn French. b .He want to learn English in the morning . c .New English institute is at 108 Trang Tien street d we can study English ,French of Chinese ,Japanese in the Foreign language council. e .Academy of language school has well-qualified teachers. III. While-reading. ( 13 m) 1.Reading and checking prediction. - Have Ss read the advertisements to check T/F * Keys :a .F (he needs to learn to learn English ) b.F (he wants to learn English in early evening) c.F (It is at 108 Trang Thi street d.F (We can study English, French, Chinese) e.T 2. Filling the form. - Gets Ss to do the exercise 5a on page 36 - Lets Ss work in pairs to note down information about the. Teacher-class. Pair work. Individual work. English lasses from advertisements.. School Academy of Language. Class time Language level morning afternoon advanced. Time to start First week of. Pairwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> Foreign language Council New English Institute. evening morning and evening afternoon evening weekend. November beginner/ Intermediat e. November 3. beginner. (today). 3. Exercise 5b. Teacher-Ss - Gets Ss to read the note again then look at the advertisements and choose a suitable language school for him then compare with their partners Questions: 1. What class time is Mr Lam looking for? ( early morning) 2. What level is he? ( intermediate level) 3. When does he want to start the course? ( late october/ early November) * Keys: * English class * Foreign Language Council G/F, - early evening 12 Nam Trang Street - intermediate level - Study English, French or Chinese Groupwork - starting late October/ in the morning & evening early November. - Places available in beginner/ Intermediate classes. Courses start on November 3 * Foreign language council is the most suitable school for Mr Lam because it meets all the requirements set out. - Asks Ss to give reasons for their choice. IV. Post –reading. ( 5 m) * Survey - Have Ss work in group of 4/5 to ask their friends about their English course and fill in the table . Eg: Class Language level Time to start Name time Nam evening beginners early time Eg : 1 .What time can you go to your English class ? 2 .Which level do you choose ? 3 .When do you want to start learning ? V. Homework. ( 2 m) - Asks Ss to write a short paragraph about the result of the survey. Comment: .......................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Date of making: Monday, November 14th , 2011 Date of teaching: Wednesday, November 16th , 2011 Period: 24. UNIT FOUR.. LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. LESSON 4. WRITE I. Aims of lesson: Writing a letter of inquiry II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter of inquiry to the institution requesting for more information about the courses and fees. III. Teaching aids: Textbooks. IV. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. Checking up. ( 10 m) C. New lesson Activities. Work arrangement. I. Warm up: ( 3 m) * Jumbled words 1. Swne => news Team work 2. restetni => interest 3. atmorfioinn => information 4. eef => fee 5. sasecenry => necessary 6. versetimadnet => advertisement - Divides the class into two teams to play game. II. Pre - writing. ( 15 m) 1. Vocabulary. - (to) request (v/n) = ask for: đòi hỏi (syn) - Detail (n) : chi tiết (explanation) ( a small part of a whole, particular fact) Teacher –class - (to) look forward to + V_ing: trông mong, trông chờ (example) = expect… - (to) express: bày tỏ, biểu lộ (definition: show or make know a meaning, idea or feeling) - Exactly (adv) một cách chính xác (translation) - Edition (n) ấn bản ( translation) * Check vocabulary: Slap the board 2. Reading comprehension. - Have Ss read the letter on page 37 then asks them to work in (group) pairs to answer the questions about the letter * Questions: Group/Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> a. Where did Robinson see the school’s advertisement? b. What language does he want to learn? c. What aspect of Vietnamese does he want to improve? d. What does Robinson want to know? * Answer: a. He saw the school’s advertisement in today’s edition of Vietnamese news b. He wants to learn Vietnamese c. He wants to learn to read and write Vietnamese d. He wants to know some details of the courses and fees 3. Matching. - Gives Ss four parts of a letter of inquiry then asks them to match a. Introduction b. Request c. Further information d. Conclusion * Key: a. Introduction: I saw ………. Vietnamese news b. Request: I am interested……….your school c. Further information: I speak ………….necessary d. Conclusion: I look forward…………….from you III. While – writing. ( 10 m) * Write a letter: - Have Ss read again the three advertisements on page 36 and choose one of the schools they want to attend to improve their English - Gets Ss to write a letter of inquiry to the institution requesting for more information about the courses and fees. IV. Post – writing. ( 5 m) - After finishing the letter, Ss compare with their partners and make some correction. - Choose three letters which were written to 3 schools. - Asks Ss to read aloud the letters. - Teacher gives feedback and corrects * Suggested letter: Dear Sir; I saw your institute’s advertisement on today’s TV program . I am very interested in learning English and I would like some more information about your institute I can speak a little English, but I read it very slowly and my writing is bad. So I want to improve my reading and writing. Could you please provide more information about the length of the course and fees for beginners? I can supply my record of English study if necessary. I look forward to hearing from you soon Your faithfully. Teacher-Ss. Individual. Individual work. Teacher-whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> Lan V. Homework. ( 2 m) - Asks Ss to write the letter in their notebook Comment: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Date of making: Sunday, November 20th , 2011 Date of teaching: Monday, November 21st , 2011 Period: 25. UNIT FOUR.. LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. LESSON 5. Language focus 2,3, I. Aims of lesson: Further practice and reported speech in the questions. II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to report what they hear. III. Teaching aids: Textbooks, cassette, tape. IV. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. Checking up. ( 10 m) C. New lesson. Activities I. Warm up. (1m) Greeting II. Presentation: ( 5 m) Revision of direct and reported speech. a. Change in tense. Have Ss work in group A/B * Keys: Vs/es => V(p) Am/is/are + V_ing => was/were + V_ing Will + V => would + V Can/may => could/might Must => had to b. Adverbs and articles: This - that / here - there These- those / today - that day Now - then / tomorrow - the following day III. Statements in reported speech ( 10 m) - Have Ss work in pairs to do LF 3 (p.39) - Set the scene : “ Lan ‘s father held a party to celebrate. Work arrangement Team work. Pair work. Individual work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> his mother birthday. Unfortunately, Mrs.n Thu ,her grandmother, has hearing problem and she couldn’t hear what people were saying. After the party, Lan reported everything to her grandmother.” Example: a. Uncle Hung said that birthday cake was delicious. - Call on some pairs to call out their sentences. - Give feedback and correct. * Keys: b. Miss Nga said she loved those roses c. Cousin Mai said she was having a wonderful time there d. Mr Chi said he would go to Hue the following day. e. Mrs Hoa said she might have a new job f. Mr Quang said he had to leave then IV. Yes/no question in reported speech: ( 7 m) + We use the reported verbs : ask/ want to know. + In reported questions , we don’t use do/does/did Eg: Do you want to go to the sea? => I asked If she wanted. to go to sea. + We use ‘ If , or ‘ whether, to introduce a reported question. + In reported questions, the word order is the same as in statements ( eg : they were doing, my brother was ) and we do not use a question mark.. V. Wh - question in reported speech: ( 7 m) + We use the reported verbs : ask/ want to know. + In reported questions , we don’t use do/does/did Eg: What do you want ? => I asked what she want. + Put the what, where, why after the reported clause. + In reported questions, the word order is the same as in statements ( eg : they were doing, my brother was ) and we do not use a question mark.. Eg : How is your brother ? => She asked how my brother was. * Reported questions. - Have Ss do LF 4 (p.39) - Asks Ss to work in pairs to do exercise - Teacher elicits : « This morning Nga had an interview for a summer job. When she arrived home. She told her mother about the interview ,, * Keys: a. She asked me how old I was b. She asked me if / whether my school was near there c. She asked me what the name of my school was d. She asked me if/ whether I could use a computer e. She asked me why I wanted that job. Pair work. Teacher –class. Teacher – Ss. Whole class Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> f. She asked me when my school vacation started - Calls some pairs to do practice before the class. - Teacher gives feedback and corrects. V. Homework: ( 2 m) - Do exercises 2 on Work Book. Comment: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Date of making: Monday, November 21st , 2011 Date of teaching: Wednesday, November 23rd t , 2011 Period: 26. WRITTEN TEST NO 2 I. Mục tiêu : - Kiểm tra kiến thức của học sinh từ bài 3,4 Học sinh cần đạt được: - Kiến thức ngôn ngữ: Chọn đáp án đúng, biến đổi từ loại ,viết lại câu về kiến thức ngữ pháp và từ vựng đã học ở Unit 3,4 - Đọc hiểu: Đọc hiểu đoạn văn về học Tiếng Anh và trả lời một số câu hỏi. - Viết: Sử dụng từ gợi ý đê viết một bức thư. II. Ma trận: Chủ đề Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Tổng KQ TL KQ TL KQ TL I. Phonetics 2 2 0,5 0,5 II. Language 8 5 13 focus 2,0 2,5 4,5 III. Reading 5 5 2,5 2,5 IV. Writing 8 8 2,5 2,5 Tổng 10 10 8 28 2.5 5,0 2,5 10,0 Chữ số phía trên bên trái trong mỗi ô là số lượng câu hỏi, chữ số ở góc phải phía dưới là tổng số điểm cho các câu ở ô đó. Test A I. Phonetics. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others.(0,5pt) 1. A. prayed B. ordered C. passed D.studied 2. A. invite B. shrine C. village D. primary II. Language focus. A. Choose the best answer: (2,0 pts).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> 1. She felt tired,............... she went to bed early. A. because B. in order to C.so D. since 2. If he doesn’t come soon , he ....... be late for the bus . A.has to B. should C.ought to D.might 3. He will stay with his grandparents in the countryside.......Tuesday.....Saturday. A. from/ on B. and/ from C. from / before D. from / to 4. My penpal asked me if I........ to visit her the following day. A. will come B. came C.had come D.would come 5. The student told me that they..........a test the following day A. are having B. were having C.are going to have D.would have 6. If you want to get good grades, you...........to study harder. A. ought B. should C.must D.can 7. He wishes he...............the next exam. A. will pass B. passed C. would pass D.can pass 8. This school has excellent ............. A. reputation B. reputed C .reputer D. reputable B. Rewrite the sentences using the beginning. (2,5 points) 1. "Why do you learn English ?" (Chuyển sang gián tiếp) - The teacher asked me.............................................................................................. 2. Nga failed her exam because she didn't study hard.( Viết lại câu dùng "so") 3. I can’t pass the exam. (Viết lại câu dùng "wish") 4. He said to me “ I can’t do this test ” .(Chuyển sang gián tiếp) - He said to me .......................................................................................................... 5. They asked him “ Do you like to do this work ? ”(Chuyển sang gián tiếp) - They asked him........................................................................................................ III. Reading. Read the passage and answer the questions : 2.5 pts People of all ages in the world learn English. Some learn at school, others learn in evening classes. A few people learn English by themselves or by listening to the language on TV., radio or among their friends. Most people must work hard to learn English. Why do these people want to learn English? It’s not difficult to answer that question. Young children learn English at school because it is one of their compulsory subjects. Many adults learn English because it is useful for their job. Teenagers learn English for their higher studies, because some of their books are in English at college or university. Other people learn English because they want to read magazines or newspapers in English. Questions: 1. Who learns English? 2. How do a few people learn English?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> 3. Why do teenagers learn English? 4. Is English compulsory for school children? 5. Why do other people learn English? IV. Writing: Complete a letter of inquiry.(2,5 pts) Dear sir, 1. I/ your Institute's advertisement / Today's TV. program. 2. I/ interested/ learn/ English. 3. I/ like/ know/ more information/ Institute. 4. I can/ speak/ little English/ but/ read slowly/ and / writing/ bad 5. I / want / improve/ reading/ writing. 6. Could you/ provide me the length of courses/ fees. 7. I can supply you my record of English study / necessary. 8. I look forward/ hear/ you / soon. Yours sincerely. ( your name) Test B I. Phonetics. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others.(0,5pt) 1. A. photos B. fields C. weekends D. forests 2. A. correct B. improve C. polite D. favorite II. Language focus. A. Choose the best answer: (2,0 pts) 1. She went to bed early.............. she felt tired. A.because B. in order to C.so D.since 2. He .......his exam If he doesn’t study harder. A.has to fail B. might fail C.ought to fail D.should fail 3. I will be free..............eleven o'clock .............1pm. this afternoon. A. between/ and B.and/ from C.from / before D.from / and 4. My penpal asked me if I........ to visit her the following day. A. will come B.came C.had come D.would come 5. The student told me that they..........a test the following day A.are having B.were having C.are going to have D. would have 6. If you want to get better soon,you...........to take this medicine. A.ought B. should C.must D. can 7. He wishes he...............the next exam. A.will pass B.passed C.would pass D.can pass 8. Our school has many ............teachers. A.well-qualified B.well-qualify C.well-qualifiyng D.good qualified.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> B. Rewrite the sentences using the beginning. (2,5 points) 1. "How do you go to school ?" -> Chuyển sang gián tiếp My teacher asked me.............................................................................................. 2. Many people want to learn English. English is very useful and important. (Nối câudùng"so) 3. She sings very badly. (Viết lại câu dùng "wish") 4. They asked him “ Do you like to play this game ? ”Chuyển sang gián tiếp They asked him ...................................................................................................... 5. They said to him “ we are learning English now .”Chuyển sang gián tiếp They said to him ...................................................................................................... III. Reading. Read the passage and answer the questions : 2.5 pts People of all ages in the world learn English. Some learn at school, others learn in evening classes. A few people learn English by themselves or by listening to the language on T.V., radio or among their friends. Most people must work hard to learn English. Why do these people want to learn English? It’s not difficult to answer that question.Young children learn English at school because it is one of their compulsory subjects. Many adults learn English because it is useful for their job. Teenagers learn English for their higher studies, because some of their books are in English at college or university. Other people learn English because they want to read magazines or newspapers in English. Questions: 1. Why do other people learn English? 2. Must most people work hard to learn English? 3. Why do young children learn English at school? 4. How do a few people learn English? 5. Who learns English? IV. Writing: Complete a letter of inquiry.(2,5 pts) Dear sir, 1. I/ your Institute's advertisement / Today's morning newspaper. 2. I/ interested/ learn/ English. 3. I/ like/ know/ more information/ Institute. 4. I can/ speak/ little English/ but/ read slowly/ and / writing/ bad 5. I / want / improve/ reading/ writing. 6. Could you/ provide me the length of courses/ fees. 7. I can supply you my record of English study / necessary. 8. I look forward/ hear/ you / soon. Yours sincerely. ( your name).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> Date of making: Sunday, November 27th , 2011 Date of teaching: Monday, November 28th , 2011 Period: 27. CORRECTION OF THE TEST TWO I. Aims of lesson. - Help Ss to correct some mistakes of the test one and help them to understand what they have learnt more clearly. - Hand out the test with the marks given. II. Teaching aids: paper tests III. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. New lesson. 1. Warm up. * Play with words. - Help Ss to review some words that they have learnt and they have met in the test. 2. Correction. - Finds out the usual mistakes/errors in Ss’ writing tests. + Spelling: The ways to read the tag “ S ,ES” and “ED” after regular verbs in the simple past tense. + Grammar and vocabulary: - The ways to change reposted speech. - How to use the sentences with “WISH”. - Some Ss don’t understand the main ideas of the text that they have learnt in unit 3 and 4 so they have a lot of wrong answers. 3. Hand out the tests. - Gives the test for Ss . Answer key:  Test A I. Phonetics.(0,5pts). Mổi câu đúng 0,25 điểm. 1. C. passed 2.C. village II. Language focus. A. Choose the best answer. (2.0pts). Mổi câu đúng 0,25 điểm. 1. C. so 5. D. would have 2. D. might 6. A. ought 3. D. from / to 7. C. would pass 4. D. would come 8. A. reputation B. Rewrite the sentences using the beginning. (2,0 points). Mổi câu đúng 0,5 điểm. 1. The teacher asked me why I learned English. 2. Nga didn't study hard, so she failed her exam. 3. I wish I could pass the exam. 4. He said to me that he couldn’t do that test . 5. They asked him if he liked to do that work III. Reading. Read the passage and do the task below: (2,5 pts). Mổi câu đúng 0,5 điểm. 1. People of all ages in the world learn English..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> 2. A few people learn English by themselves or by listening to the language on TV, radio or among their friends. 3. Because some of their books are in English at college or university. 4. Yes, it is 5. Because they want to read magazines or newspapers in English. IV. Writing:(2,5 pts) ( Tuỳ vào bài học sinh để chấm) Dear sir, 1. I saw your Institute's advertisement on Today's TV. program. 2. I am interested in learning English. 3. I would like to know some more information about your Institute. 4. I can speak a little English but I read slowly and my writing is bad 5. I want to improve my reading and writing. 6. Could you please provide me the length of courses and fees. 7. I can supply you my record of English study if necessary. 8. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely Test B I. Phonetics.(0,5pts). Mổi câu đúng 0,25 điểm. 1. D. forests 2. B. improve II. Language focus. A. Choose the best answer. (2.0pts). Mổi câu đúng 0,25 điểm. 1. A. because 5. D. would have 2. B. might fail 6. A. ought 3. A. between/ and 7. C. would pass 4. D. would come 8.A .well-qualified B. Rewrite the sentences using the beginning. (2,0 points). Mổi câu đúng 0,5 điểm. 1. My teacher asked me how I went to school 2. English is very useful and important, so many people want to learn English 3. She wishes she sang well. 4. They asked him if he liked to play that game . 5. They said to him .they were learning English then III. Reading. Read the passage and do the task below: (2,5 pts). Mổi câu đúng 0,5 điểm. 1. Because they want to read magazines or newspapers in English. 2. Yes, they must 3. Because it is one of their compulsory subjects. 4. A few people learn English by themselves or by listening to the language on TV., radio or among their friends. 5. People of all ages in the world learn English. IV. Writing:(2,5 pts) ( Tuỳ vào bài học sinh để chấm) Dear sir, 1. I saw your Institute's advertisement in Today's morning newspaper. 2. I am interested in learning English. 3. I would like to know some more information about your Institute. 4. I can speak a little English but I read slowly and my writing is bad 5. I want to improve my reading and writing..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> 6. Could you please provide me the length of courses and fees. 7. I can supply you my record of English study if necessary. 8. I look forward to hearing from you soon. C. Homework: - Prepare Unit 5 : Getting started + Listen & read. Comment: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................... UNIT FIVE.. THE MEDIA. I. Aims of unit: Helping students: - To ask for and give opinions. - To agree and disagree about something. - To complete a questionnaire. - To write a passage. II. Language focus. - Tag questions. - Gerund after some verbs. III. Teaching aids : Textbook, workbook, posters, cards. IV. Time : 5 periods.. Date of making: Monday, November 28th , 2011 Date of teaching: Wednesday, November 30th , 2011. UNIT FIVE.. THE MEDIA. LESSON 1: - GETTING STARTED - LISTEN AND READ I. Aims of lesson: - Reading a text for details about the media. - Learning to the text and completing the table II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will know more about the media. III. Teaching aids : Poster, textbook. IV. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B . New lesson..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> Activities I. Warm up. ( 10 m) * chating.  Favorite activities in free time. - Listening to music. - Playing sports. - Listening to the radio. - Reading newspapers/ magazines.... - Watching TV. - using the Internet .............................. - Favorite activities & how much time they spend on each activity . * Possible answers. - Reading newspapers/ magazines. - Listening to the radio/ music. - Playing sports games( soccer, badminton, tennis ). - Watching T.V. - Chatting with friends. ................................... II. Pre reading. ( 13 m) 1. New words. - Channel (n) kênh (truyền hình) (explaination) - Crier (n) : người rao hàng, người rao tin trên phố (example) - Interactive (adj) (translation) : tương tác - A remote control: (realia) :điều khiển từ xa - benefit (n) lợi ích, phúc lợi ( synonym : profit, improvement) * Checking new words: « what and where » 2. Ordering statements prediction. - Gives the poster of statements on the board. - Gets Ss to work in pairs to put the statements in correct order. a. Television is a cheap and convenient entertainment. b. Vietnamese enjoy reading « kiến thức ngày nay », one of the most popular magazines. c. Long time ago, crier had to shout the latest news as they were walking in the street. d. Interactive is the development of T.V III. While – reading. ( 15 m) 1. Reading and checking. - Gets Ss to read the text about the Media and checks their guess. - Gives feedback and corrects. * Keys: 1_c, 2_b, 3_a, 4_d 2. Completing the table. - Have Ss complete the table with the passage letters in which these facts or events are mentioned - Asks Ss to work individually then share with their partners. Work arrangement Team work. Teacher –class. Pairwork. Pairwork. Whole class. Pair work. Teamwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> * Keys : 1. D 4. C 2. B 5. A 3. B 6. D 3. Comprehension questions. - Have Ss work in pairs to answer the question 2.b (p.42) then ask them to play lucky number. * Keys: 1. A town crier was a person whose job was to go through city streets ringing a bell to shout the latest news as he was walking. 2. The Kien thuc ngay nay is one of the most popular magazines and is widely read by both teenagers and adults 3. People can get the latest information and enjoy interesting and inexpensive local and international programs in a convenient way 4/5 (student’s answer) IV. Post – reading. ( 5 m) V. Homework. ( 2 m) 1. Asks Ss to write about their favorite type of Media and the reason why ? 2. Do exercises in workbook.. Individual work. Teacher-class Pair work Individual. Comment: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Date of making: Sunday, December 4th , 2011 Date of teaching: Monday, December 5th , 2011 Period: 29. UNIT FIVE.. THE MEDIA. LESSON 2 : LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Aims of lesson: Practice in tag questions and further practice on using gerunds after some words. II. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use tag questions and talk to their friends about their likes or dislikes. III. Teaching aids:Textbooks, posters. IV. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. Checking up. (5 m) - Asks a student to talk about the benifits of the internet. C. New lesson. Activities Work arrangement I. Warm up. ( 5 m) * Jumbled words. Teamwork Liek = like sims = miss.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> Shinif = finish nedy = deny Dovai = avoid nimd = mind Velo = love ticparec = practice - Have Ss play in groups A/B then read and give the meaning of words. II. Presentation: ( 15 m) 1. Pre-teach vocabulary. - website (n) : trang web (translation ) - (to) publish : ấn hành (translation ) - Cable T.V : truyền hình cáp (translation ) - Quiz ( n) : đố ( translation ) * Checking new words: R.O.R. 2.Tag questions. Eg : a .I don’t speak Chinese, do I ? b .You are a doctor, aren’t you ? STATEMENTS TAG QUESTION V-khẳng định => V- phủ định. V- phủ định => V- khẳng định. c. He can swim, can’t he ? d. Nam didn’t drink wine, did he ? e. They will come here, won’t they ? f. Let’s sing for peace, shall we ? g. I am a good student, aren’t I ? h. Open your book, will you ? i .Don’t talk in class, will you ? III. Practice: (15 m) 1. Language focus 1. (a) Drill. a. You like reading magazines, don’t you ? Yes, Ido. b. You don’t watch T .V, do you ? No, I don’t . c. She like films ,doesn’t she ? Yes, she does. d. She doesn’t like films, does she ? No, she doesn’t. (b).Complete the dialogue. - Have Ss do the language focus 1 on page 45 - Asks Ss to complete the dialogues individually using tag questions - Gets Ss to practice in pairs. * Keys : a. haven’t you ? b. didn’t he ? c. wasn’t it ? d .do you ? e.aren’t we ? 2. Language focus 2. - Have Ss look at the table on page 45. - Gets them to ask and anwer questions about T.V programs these people like and dislike. Using tag questions. Eg : S1: Tuan like news, doesn’t he ? S2: Yes, he does. - Asks Ss to practise in pairs.. Pairwork. Teacher –class. Pairwork. individualwork. Pairwork. Pairwork..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> 3. Language focus 3. (a) Dialogue build. - Set the scene: Hoa and Lan are talking about their favorite activities in their free time. - Shows the open dialogue and asks Ss to build a complete dialogue. Lan : .....(1)....you .....(2) .....,...(3)...soccer ? Hoa: No ,I..(4)...it . Lan: ....(5)...,..(6)....enjoy ....(7).....TV ? Hoa:Yes,I....(8)...it . Lan: ....(9)..you ...(10)...fishing ? Hoa: I don’t know .I ‘ve ....(11)...tried....(12).. * Keys: 1.do, 2. like, 3.playing, 4.hate, 5.do, 6. you, 7. watching, 8. love, 9. do, 10. enjoy, 11. never, 12. it. (b) Revision of gerunds after some verbs. Form: like, love, enjoy, dislike, hate, ... + V-ing - Teacher can remind some other verbs. Mind /finish / suggest /consider /deny /keep on /miss /can’t help /practice /stand (bear). - Gets Ss to do exercise 3 on page 46. Eg: soccer  A: Do you like playing soccer ? B: Yes, I do. A: Do you enjoy fishing ? B: No, I hate it. IV. Production. ( 3 m) * Writing. ( Language focus 4) - Asks Ss to look at the words in the three boxes on page 46 and use them as cues to write true sentences about their friends, their family members and themselves . Eg: My father likes watching sports but my mother doesn’t. She loves listening to music. V. Homework. ( 2 m) - Asks Ss to do exercises 2,3 on Work Book.. Teacher-Whole class. T- Ss. Pairwork. Individual work. Individual work Comment: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Date of making: Monday, December 5th , 2011 Date of teaching: Monday, December 7th , 2011 Period: 30. UNIT FIVE.. THE MEDIA. LESSON 3. SPEAK + LISTEN I. Aim of lesson: Practice speaking about the program on TV. and listen for detail..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> II. Objective: By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to talk about their friends about the programs that they like or dislike. III. Teaching aids: Textbooks. IV. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. New lesson. Activities Work arrangement I. Warm up. ( 3 m) * Information transmitting Team work - Divides the class into two teams. - Chooses 5 volunteers from each team. - Gets the volunteers to stand in two lines. - Teacher shows the first student in each line a sentence then he /she whispers to the next person in his/her line and so on . - The last student shouts out the sentence then writes it on the board, if it is the same as the sentence teacher shows, that team Teacher –class wins the game. II. Pre-speaking. ( 10 m) 1. New words - violent (adj) : (definition :Showing greet physical force ) : bạo lực. - documentary (n) : (definition:Something written or printed that gives information) : tài liệu, phim tài liệu. - informative (adj) : ( translation) : giàu thông tin. Pair work * Checking new words: R.O.R 2. Revision of tag questions. - Asks Ss to complete the dialogue between Lien and Trung ( asks them to keep their books closed) Lien : You like watching sports, ..............(1).............. ? Teacher- Whole Trung : Not really. Some sports are so violent, and I don’t ... class (2) ....watching them. I prefer documentaries. Lien : I’m the opposite. I love ...(3).... sports and .....(4)..... seem quite boring to me. Trung : But you ....(5).... the news, ....(6)..... ? Lien : Yes, everyday. It’s very ....(7)..... . Trung : I enjoy it ....(8).... . You don’t like foreign films .... (9).... Lien : No, ......(10)...... . * Keys : (1) don’t you. (5) watch (8) too. (2) like/love. (6) don’t you . (9) do you. (3) watching. (7) information (10) I don’t. (4) documentaries. III. While –speaking. ( 13 m) - Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs before class. Pair work - Checks their pronunciation/intonation of tag questions. - Lets Ss work in pairs to practice the dialogue..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> - Have Ss pick out sentences showing agreement and disagreement and asks them to practice. *Agree: -I prefer documentaries. -I love watching sport -I enjoy it too *Disagree : - Not really. - I don’t like watching sports. - I’m the opposite. - Documentaries seem quite boring to me. * Brainstorming: PROGRAMS * Possible answer : - Learning English. - sports. Health for everyone. - news. - Children’s corner. - weather forecast - Safe traffic News. - songs I love. - Literature and Art - wildlife world. - Drama. - documentary. -Have Ss talk to each other about the T.V programs they like or dislike .Making similar dialogues. * Samples : A : You like watching cartoon, don’t you ? B : Not really. Some cartoons are so boring and I don’t like watching them. I like watching sports and films always make me sleepy. A : Yes, but not often. B : I enjoy news because it is very informative. A : You don’t like drama, do you ? B : No, I don’t. IV. Post-speaking. ( 7 m) * Listening - Set the scene: Chau is doing an assignment about the media, she wants to ask her father some information to do the assignment - Have Ss fill in the table on page 43. They have to guess before listening - Give feedback: * Keys: a. The late 19th century b. Radio and newsreel (phim thời sự) c. In the 1950s d. The internet V. Homework. ( 2 m) - Asks Ss to write the dialogue they made in their notebook. T- Ss. Pair work. Teacher- Whole class. Pairwork. T- Ss. Comment: ...................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> ......................................................................................................................................... Date of making: Sunday, December 11th , 2011 Date of teaching: Monday, December 12th , 2011 Period: 31. UNIT FIVE.. THE MEDIA. LESSON 4. READ I. Aim of lesson: Reading a text about internet. II. Objective: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to get some knowledge about internet. III. Teaching aids: Textbook , poster. IV. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. New lesson. Activities Work arrangement I. Warm up. ( 2 m) * Chatting. - Shows a picture of a computer and asks Ss about it . Teacher –class 1 .What’s this ? 2. Can you use computers ? 3. What subjects help you to use computers ? 4 .Have you ever used internet ? 5 .Do you find the internet useful ? 6. What do you use the internet for ? II. Pre-reading. ( 10 m) 1. Vocabulary. - forum (n ) (translation ) : diển đàn. - (to) surf (translation ) : lướt mạng. - ( to ) deny = ( to) refuse (synonym ): từ chối. - ( to ) get access to ( translation) : tiếp cận. - Spam ( n) ( translation ) : thư rác. Teacher -class - (to ) wander ( explanation : Move or go around without any purpose) : đi lang thang * Checking vocabulary: What and Where 2. T / F statements prediction. a. Internet is a wonderful invention of modern life . b. The internet is available not only in cities but also in the Pair work countryside. c. People use the internet for two purposes :education and entertainment . d. Bad program is one of the limitations of the internet e .You should be alert when using the internet . Teacher –class - Asks Ss to work in pairs and guess which statements are true or false. III. While-reading. ( 13 m).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> - Have Ss read the text on page 43 ,44 and check their predictions. * Keys. a .T b. F (the internet is available only in cities c .F (people use the internet for many purposes :education .information .communication .commerce .entertainment ) dT e .T 1. Guessing meaning of the words . a .increase + 3. 1 khám phá. b. explore + 1. 2 .sự rủi ro mạo hiểm. c. risk + 2. 3 tăng lên. d. electronic junk mail + 4. 4 .thư rác điện tử. e. time-consuming + 5. 5. mất nhiều thỡ gian. 2. Comprehension questions . - Have Ss play lucky numbers * Key : 1. Sandra uses the internet to get information and to communicate with friends and relatives 2 .Because she lives in the countryside where the internet is unavailable 3 .People use the internet for education .communication .entertainment and commerce 4 .Benefits : - fast and convenient way to get information. - communication. - education. - entertainment. -commerce. 5 .Yes ,there are some disadvantages : - time –consuming - costly - dangerous because of viruses and bad programs - spam / electronic junk mail - personal information leaking IV. Post–reading. ( 3 m) * Discussion. - Have Ss work in groups of 4 to discuss. Do you agree or disagree with the responses ? What is your response to this forum ? V. Homework: ( 2 m) - Copy their responses to their notebooks. Pair work. Whole class. Group work. Groupwork. Comment: ...................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> .......................................................................................................................................... Date of making: Monday, December 12th , 2011 Date of teaching: Tuesday, December 14th , 2011 Period: 32. UNIT FIVE.. THE MEDIA. LESSON 5: WRITE I. Aim of lesson. Writing a passage about the benefits of the internet . II. Objective. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a passage about the benefits of the internet. III. Teaching aids. Textbook, posters. IV. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. New lesson. Activities Work arrangement .I. Warm up. (3 m) * Brainstorm.  Favourite activities in free time. Individual - Listening to music. - Playing sports. - Listening to the radio. - Reading newspapers/ magazines.... - Watching T.V. - using the Iternet .............................. * How much time do you spend on this activity . * Possible answers. - Reading newspapers/ magazines. - Listening to the radio/ music. - Playing sports games( soccer, badminton, tennis ). Teacher- Whole class - Watching T.V. - Chatting with friends. - Ask SS to answer the questions : II. Pre-writing. ( 7 m) 1. Reading and discussing. - Have Ss read the text on page 43-44 again - Asks Ss to answer the questions 4 ‘‘Make the list of Individual benefits of the internet,, again. - Asks Ss to discuss the benefits of the Internet. - Gets Ss to use the cues on page 44. * Possible answers: ( on page 44- textbook ) Pairwork - Easy to get information..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> - Communicate with friends/ relatives ...( email, chatting,webcam ) - Order tickets, goods, trips, hotels, .............. III. While –writing. (20 m) - Have Ss use the ideas they’ve just discussed to write a Individual passage about the benefits of the internet. - Teacher monitors and helps Ss with words or structures while they are writing. - After Ss finish, calls on some Ss to read their passages aloud bef ore the class. - Gives feedback and corrects. Modal passage : The Internet has increasingly developed and become part of our everyday life. And no one can deny the benefits of the Individual Internet. The Internet is a source of information. It is really a very fast and covenient way to get information. You can get the latest local or global new easily. You can check weather Groupwork conditions before before you go some where eg : go camping, fishing, outdoors...... You can find a timetable and maps of the busesyou want to take. You can book your ticket for the next concert or soccer match, trip, hotel... Internet is fast and cheap way to communicate with your friend or relatives by means of email, chatting, webcam. Besides, The Internet is a source of entertainment, you Individual work can listen to all kind s of music, the radio, watch video. We use the Internet not only to play games but olso to read novels, or do virtual sight seeing. The Internet is also a rich source of education materials cources. We can learn English through many interesting programs. We can look up a dictionary, take learning courseon the Internet. The Internet is a wonderful invention of modern life. And it makes our world a small village. IV. Post-wrting. ( 3 m) * Discussion. - Asks Ss to discuss the disadvantages of the internet. - Gets them to discuss in groups and choose a speaker. - After discussing, the speaker from groups have to present their idias before the class. * Suggested ideas. - time –consuming. - costly. - virus. - bad programs..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> - electronic junk mail. - personal information leaking. - ............................................... V. Homework. ( 2 m) - Asks Ss to write about the disadvantages of the internet and do exercises. Comment: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................... Date of making: Sunday, December 18th , 2011 Date of teaching: Monday, December 19th , 2011 Period: 33,34,35,36 REVISION FOR THE FIRST TERM TEST (1) I. Aims and objective. - Help Ss to review the grammar points, vocabulary from unit 1 to unit 5. - By the end of lesson, Ss will be able to remember all grammar structures and vocabulary to do the first term test well. II. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. New lesson. 1. Warm up. - Chatting. 2. Revision. - Helps Ss to review the grammar points: (a) The passive voice: Form: Active: S + V + O (adv of manner(M), adv of place(P), adv of time (T) )  Passive: S + BE + (M) + V (pp) + (P) + ( by + O ) + (T) Eg: Hoa bought the novels in the shop yesterday. => The novel was bought in the shop by Hoa yesterday. - They have built that house carefully for 3 months. => That house have been carefully built for 3 months. (b) The present perfect tense. Form: S + have / has + V(pp) . Since + mèc thêi gian. For + kho¶ng thêi gian. Eg: I have learnt English for 8 years. She has lived in Hue since 2001. (c) The simple past tense. Form: BE: was/were. (+) S + V(p). (-) S + didnot + V(infi). (?) ( WH) + Did + S + V (infi) ? Eg: She was tired this morning. Hai cleaned the floor yesterday. Hai didn’t clean the floor yesterday..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> Did Hai clean the floor yesterday ? What did Hai clean yesterday ? (d) Gerund: V – ING. Eg: Reading books is very useful => It is very useful to read books. Listening to music makes me pleased. => It is pleased for me to listen to music. (e) WISH sentences: - DiÔn t¶ 1 mong íc kh«ng cã thËt ë hiÖn t¹i hay t¬ng lai. S + wish/wishes + S + V(p). were ( all S). could + V(infi). would + V(infi). Eg: I wish I were a good doctor. I wish she did her homework. My friend wishes she remembered Hoa’ address. He wishes his sister gave him a new bike. They wish they would go to Hue tomorrow. She wishes she could swim. 3. Homework. - Asks Ss to make sentences with the grammar points that they have reviewed. REVISION FOR THE FIRST TERM TEST (2) I. Aims and objective. - Help Ss to review the grammar points, vocabulary from unit 1 to unit 5. - By the end of lesson, Ss will be able to remember all grammar structures and vocabulary to do the first term test well. II. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. New lesson. 1. Warm up. - Chatting. Reported speech ( 10 m) 1. “I’ll come with you, Tom said to her. Tom said ……………………………………………………… 2. “I must go now,” the father said to us. The father said ………………………………………………… 3. “ Who puts the salt in my cup of coffee?”, asked Peter. Peter asked …………………………………………………… 4. “ Why do you come here later?”, she asked me. She asked ..…………………………………………………… 5. “Can you play the piano?”, he asked the girl. He asked the girl ……………………………………………… 6. “I’m having a good time here”, said Maryam. Maryam said ………………………………………………… 7. “Do you like pop music?” Hoa told Maryam. Hoa asked Maryam …………………………………………… 8. He said to me, “ I can’t do this test”  He said to me ………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> 9. They said to him, “We are learning English now”  They told him ………………………………………………… 10. She said to me, “I will go to China next week”  She said to me ………………………………………………… 11. They asked him, “ Do you like to play this game?”  They asked him ………………………………………………… 12. He said to me, “ I must finish these works on time”  He told me ……………………………………………………… 13. She asked me, “Why do you have to do this work?”  She asked me …………………………………………………… 14. They asked him, “ Shall we go to the stadium tomorrow?”  They invited me ………………………………………………… 15. The teacher said to them, “Don’t make noise in class!”  The teacher told them …………………………………………… 16. . I asked her “ Is there a garden in the house ?” I asked her .......................................................................................................... *). Change in tense. Have Ss work in group A/B * Keys: Vs/es => V(p) Am/is/are + V_ing => was/were + V_ing Will + V => would + V Can/may => could/might Must => had to *). Adverbs and articles: This - that / here - there These- those / today - that day Now - then / tomorrow - the following day/ ..................... *). Reported questions : + In reported questions , we don’t use do/does/did Eg: What do you want ? => I asked what she want. + When there is no question word (what,where,why ...) we use ‘ If , or ‘ whether, to introduce a reported question. + In reported questions, the word order is the same as in statements ( eg : they were doing, my brother was ) and we do not use a question mark.. Eg : How is your brother ? => She asked how my brother was. (b) Conditional sentences type 1. Eg: If you want to improve your English, I can help you If you want to get good marks, you must study hard. I will stay at home if I feel tired. => Form: If + S + V(s/es), S + present of modal verbs + V Will + V => Usage: We can use a modal verbs in a main clause. The modal verb gives more information about the outcome relating to ability, certainty, permission, obligation or necessity. (c) Tag questions..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> Form: Auxilary verb + personal pronoun. * Note: - We put a negative question tags with a positive statment and a positive question tag with a negative statement. * Intonation: if we are asking a real question we use a rising information. If we are sure about the answer. We use a falling information. Eg : I don’t speak Chinese, do I ? You are a doctor, aren’t you ? He can swim, can’t he ? Nam didn’t drink wine, did he ? They will come here, won’t they ? Let’s sing for peace, shall we ? I am a good student, aren’t I ? Open your book, will you ? Don’t talk in class, will you ? (d) Adverb clauses of result. * SO / BECAUSE. Eg: They didn’t go fishing because the weather was very cold. The weather was very cold so they didn’t go fishing. (e) Preposition of time. in / on / at / from...to / between.....and / before / after / up to /until / till / for. 3. Homework. - Asks Ss to make sentences with the grammar points that they have reviewed. REVISION FOR THE FIRST TERM TEST (3) I. Aims and objective. - Help Ss to review the grammar points, vocabulary from unit 1 to unit 5 to do exercises. - By the end of lesson, Ss will be able to remember all grammar structures and vocabulary to do the exercises then prepare to do the first term test well. II. Procedure. A. Organization. - Greeting and checking the total of the class. B. New lesson. 1. Warm up. Chatting. 2. Exercises. (1) Choose the best answer. 1. If you ............. to get well soon, you must take this medicine. a. want. b. will want. c. wanted. d. would want. 2. Our traditional dress ................... by some designers recently. a. are modernized. b. has modernized.c. has been modernized. d. modernized. 3. In the past people got the ..... news from town criers. a. latest. b. newest. c. newer. d recent. 4. I took o lot of photos to show the trip .......... you. a. for. b. to. c. with. d. at..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> 5. He told me that he was going abroad.................... . a. the following . b. next year. c. the next year. d. now. 6. Nam wishes he ............ good at Math. a. is. b. was being. c. will be. d. were. 7. Listen carefully, .......................? a. will you. b. won’t you. c. are you. d. don’t you. 8. Van is .................. student in the USA. a. a change. b. an exchange. c. boarding. d. good. 9. Internet is a very fast and convenient way for us to get....................... . a. communication. b. invention. c. situation. d. information. 10. Maryam is Lan’s pen pal and they .................. at least once a week. a. talk. b. correspondent. c. correspond. d. keep. * Key: 1a,2c,3a,4b,5c,6d,7b,8b,9d,10c. (2) Do as directed. 1. “We are having a wonderful time here” They said. => They told me ( they was having a wonderful time there.) 2. Have you fixed the washing machine ? => Has ( the washing machine been fixed ? ) 3. Liz was tired. She went to bed early. => Liz was so ( tired that she went to bed early ) 4. My sister won’t come home at Christmas. => I wish ( my sister would come home at Christmas.) 5. You forgot to lock the door before going to work, didn’t you ? => You didn’t ( lock the door before going to work, did you ? ) 6. “Do you run every morning ?” Hia asked me. => Hai wanted to know ( if I ran every morning ) 7. Work hard or you will fail the exam. => Unless ( you work hard, you will fail the exam.) 8. The film was very boring. She fell asleep. => It was ( such a boring film that she fell asleep ) 9. Reading newspaper is my favorite hobby. => I enjoy ( reading newspaper ) 3. Homework. - AsksSs to work hard to prepare for the term test..

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