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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Preparing’s day: August 18th, 2011 Teaching’s day : August 24th, 2011. Week: 1 Period: 1. INTRODUCTION: LÀM QUEN VỚI MÔN HỌC VÀ CÁCH HỌC I/ Objectives: - Teacher introduces for students a new subject. It will make for students feel exciting - Introduce for students: Students’ book, workbook and cassette tape and ask students to prepare these things - To help students develop four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing - To help students know how to learn and practice English II/ Some classroom language: 1/ Greeting: Good morning/Good afternoon/..... Good bye How are you? 2/ Commands, organizing: Sit down, please! Stand up! Listen to me, please! Keep silent! Right/Wrong III/ Checking attendance: 1/ What day is it? 2/ Who’s absent, today? IV/ The way to learn this subject: V/ Homework: - Prepare A1-4. Week:1 2008 Period: 1 2008. Preparing’s date: …………….., Teaching’s date: ..……………..,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Introducing of English 6 and some methods of leaning english I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to be easier to study English; know some fluent ways of study it. 1. Vocabulary: 2. Structures: III. Techniques: – Pairworks, groupwork. IV. Teachings aids: - English 6 book, workbook, dictionary.. V. Teaching Procedures: Teacher’s and Students’ activities 1.Warm up: - T greets Ss. - T asks questions. 2. Introducing textbook: - T show Ss the book and have Ss observe it . - Have Ss give remark. - Ss: individual work.. 3. Giving some ways of studying T give Ss how to study English fluently Have Ss copy.. Contents 1. Do you study English before ? 1.Do you have English 6 book ? 2. What do you think of this subject ? English 6 - English 6 is the first book in 4 books from grade 6 to 9. The topics are real, suitable to Ss. Through this book you Ss can practice 4 skills at simple level. These are: listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill and writing skill. - It consits of 16 units. Each unit has from 2 to 3 sections ( A, B, C ). - In each section of a unit there are beautiful pictures. They help Ss to eager to study and interesting in it. Method of studying English 1. Studing vocabularyulary by heart by read and write them at the same time. 2. Studying grammar by doing many exercises as possible. 3. Not afraid of making mistakes when speaking or writing. 4. Saving time to remember studied issues.. 4. Giving ways of looking up vocabulary. 5. Having Ss discuss pictures in the book and give opinion. VI. Homework:. * Use dictionary or glossary at the end of the book. Ex: - hello (v): chµo b¹n. - Pen (n) c©y bót, c©y viÕt. - Prepare: Unit 1 (A 1, 2, 3, 4) Look up these words: hello, hi, my name..., I, I am.. VII. Remark: ……………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Week : 1 Period: 2. Preparing’s day: August 18th, 2011 Teaching’s day : August 24th, 2011 Unit 1: GREETINGS A/ Hello (A1,2,3,4). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to greet, tell name II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: I am......../ My name is........ 2/ Vocabulary: hi, hello, name III/ Techniques: communicative approach IV/ Teaching aids: pictures, subordinate board V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up:6’ T: shows the pictures and asks sts some questions by Vietnamese language 1/ What do people say when they meet together? 2/ What do students say and introduce in this picture? 3/ What do people say when they make friends and get acquainted ? Sts: look at the picture and feedback * Greeting: 2/ Presentation:10’ Hi = Hello: T: gives the pictures in book and explains Name (n): Sts: listen and copy down I am = I’m ex: I am Lan = I’m Lan T: reads My name ex: My name is Lan Sts: repeat and read individually = My name’s Lan 3/ Practice:25’ T: gives the pictures of Lan and Nga, Ba and Nam a/ Lan: Hi. I’m (Lan) T: reads the conversation between Lan and Nga: Hi. I’m (Nga) Nga at the same time writing cues on the b/ Ba: Hello. My name’s (Ba) board Nam: Hello. My name’s (Nam) Sts: complete dialogue in the notebook a/ I am....... 4/ Consolidation:2’ b/ My name is...... T: has sts tell the name Sts: tell 5/ Homework: 2’ - Do exercise A1,2 in workbook - Prepare A5-8 6/ Remarks: Week: 1. Preparing’s day: August 24th, 2011.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Period: 3. Teaching’s day : August 26th, 2011 Unit 1: GREETINGS A/ Hello (A5,6,7). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer about health II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: How are you?I’m fine, thanks. 2/ Vocabulary: Miss, Mrs, Mr, how, fine, thanks III/ Techniques: communicative approach IV/ Teaching aids: pictures, subordinate board V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up:5’ T: asks sts to role play greeting and introduce their names Sts: sayHello, I am..... Hi, my name’s..... 2/ Presentation:15’ T: gives the pictures to elicit vocabulary and *Vocabulary: leads sts to read -Miss (n): cô Sts: repeat/ read individually -Mrs (n): bà T: poins at picture to elicit the target -Mr (n): ông language from sts by asking some -how: thế nào questions+Who is this? -fine (adj): khỏe +What does she/he say? -thanks (v): cảm ơn Sts: look at and answer 3/ Practice:20’ T: asks sts to listen the tape Sts: listen and repeat T: has sts role play Sts: work in pairs and practise 4/ Consolidation:3’ T:has sts practise A6 depend on the pictures about Miss Hoa, Mr Hung/ Nam,Nga 5/ Homework: 2’ - Do exercise A4, A5 page 5 in workbook - Prepare B1-B5 6/ Remarks:. Week: 2 Period: 4. Preparing’s day: August 29th, 2011 Teaching’s day : August 31st, 2011.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Unit 1: GREETINGS B/ Good morning (B1,2,3,4) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to greet people and say goodbye II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: Expressions used to greet people and say goodbye 2/ Vocabulary: Good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night/bye III/ Techniques: Pair/ group work IV/ Teaching aids: pictures, subordinate board V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities 1/ Warm –up: T:has sts greet and ask-answer about health Sts: ask-answer 2/ Presentation: T: gives the pictures to elicit vocabulary Sts: look at them and guess the meaning T: reads words Sts: read in chorus and read individually T: points at the pictures and asks sts to read vocab Sts: review them T: shows the pictures B3 and asks sts some questions Who’s this? What does Miss Hoa say? What do children say? What does mother say? What does Lan say? Sts: can answer in Vietnamese T: introduces the content of dialogue 3/ Practice: T: reads, asks sts to listen and repeat Sts: repeat T: has sts role play T: has sts complete dialogue about Nga/Lan Sts: work in pairs T: has sts write on the board 4/ Consolidation: T: has sts greet and say goodbye with their classmates. Contents. B1 *Vocabulary: -good morning -afternoon -evening -night -bye B2 B3. B4 Lan: Good afternoon, Nga Nga: ........................., Lan ........................................... 5/ Homework: Prepare C1,2 6/ Remarks: ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ Week: 2 Preparing’s day: August 29th, 2011 Period: 5 Teaching’s day : August 31st, 2011.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Unit 1: GREETINGS C/ How old are you? (C1,2) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to count numbers from one to twenty II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: 2/ Vocabulary: count numbers from one to twenty III/ Techniques: Individual work IV/ Teaching aids: pictures, subordinate board V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: T: has sts greet formally follow time in the day Sts: say greeting 2/ Presentation: T: asks sts in Vietnamese -How old are you? How old are you? Bạn bao nhiêu tuổi? Sts: answer One T: introduces about numbers, writes on the Two board and reads Three Sts: listen and repeatread individually Four 3/ Practice: Five T: asks sts count from one to twenty with their Six partners ..... Sts: count together ..... T: has sts count Twenty Sts: count before the class 4/ Consolidation: T: asks sts to write any numbers by words 2 11 5 16 gives pictures to elicit vocab two 5/ Homework: - Learn numbers by heard - Prepare C3,C4 6/ Remarks: ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................. Week : 2 Period: 6. 20. Preparing’s day: August 29th, 2011 Teaching’s day: September 1st, 2011 Unit 1: GREETINGS.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> (C3,4,5) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer about age and introduce other’s name II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: - How old are you? - I’m +............... 2/ Vocabulary: This is....., years old III/ Techniques: communicative approach IV/ Teaching aids: pictures, subordinate board V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities. Contents. 1/ Warm-up: T: asks sts to write numbers in English Sts: write them 2/Presentation: T: shows pictures and asks questions 1/Who’s this? 2/ What does she say? 3/ What does he say? Sts: answer T: elicits vocab and leads sts to read - This is.....:Đây là..... Sts: repeat and then read individually Ex: This is Thao 3/ Practice: - How old : bao nhiêu tuổi T: asks sts to discuss about their age, then gives - Years old: tuổi sts to listen to the tape Ex: How old are you? Sts: listen and repeat I’m 12 years old T: has sts role play Sts: work in groups and role play 4/ Consolidation: How old are you? T: has sts ask and answer about the age I’m....................... 5/ Homework: - Do exercise in workbook - Prepare Unit 2: A1-A2-A3 6/ Remarks: ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................. Week: 3 Period:7. Preparing’s day: August 30th, 2011 Teaching’s day: September 7th, 2011 Unit 2: AT SCHOOL.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> A/ COME IN (A1,2,3) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to learn how to use simple commands in the class II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: Use the sentences in class 2/ Vocabulary: come in, sit down, open/close, stand up III/ Techniques: communicative approach IV/ Teaching aids: pictures, subordinate board V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities 1/ Warm-up: Game: Nought and Crosses T: uses the game to warm-up 9-5 20-7 10+2 17+1 6+5 8+4 3-3 6-3 5+3 2/ Presentation: a/ Pre-teaching vocabulary: -Eliciting -Techniques: mime, antonym -Checking vocabulary (Slap the board) +T says English words +Sts slap the board b/ Presentation text: T: uses A1 to introduce target language 3/ Practice: a/ Matching: T explains and gives model pictures Sts read silent and match Sts write answer into the notebook Sts read aloud T corrects if it’s neccessary b/ Mime drill: T mimes Sts say c/ Simon Says: If there is enough time T instructs sts to play a game “Simon says’’. 4/ Further practice: *Mapped Dialogue: T: Good morning! Sts: Good morning, Miss Thoa! T: How are you?. Contents. *Vocabulary: - come in: đi vào - sit down: ngồi xuống - stand up: đứng lên - open your book: mở sách - close your book: gấp sách A1.Listen and repeat. A2.Match and write a/ Open your book b/ Sit down c/ Come in d/ Close your book e/ Stand up (open your book)open your book (stand up, come in)stand up! come in! etc....... A3. Play Simon Says. Miss Thoa. Children.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Sts: We’re fine. How are you? T: Fine, thanks. Sit down! Sts: Yes, Miss! T: And open your books Sts: Yes, Miss!. .....morning! How..... ....morning, Miss Thoa We’re...How....?. Fine....Sit. Yes, Miss!. And open.... Yes, Miss!. 5/ Homework: - Learn vocab by heart - Prepare B1-B2 6/ Remarks: ................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Week: 3 Period:8. Preparing’s day: August 30th, 2011 Teaching’s day : September 7th, 2011.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Unit 2: AT SCHOOL B/ Where do you live ? (B1,2) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talkl about places you live II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The questions with: Where, What 2/ Vocabulary: live, house, street, city III/ Techniques: communicative approach IV/ Teaching aids: pictures, subordinate board V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities 1/ Warm-up: T: reads imperative sentences Sts: do if it begins with ‘’Simon says’’ Sts don’t do if there is no “Simon says’’ 2/ Presentation: a/ Pre-teaching vocab: T elicits Techniques: visuals, pictures, examples Checking vocab: match b/ Presentation dialogue: T: introduces situation of picture in the textbook Sts: listen and repeat dialogue work in pairs Present simple tense: Where do/does + S + V ? S + V + on/in + location Note: American English - live on Cau Giay Street British English - live in Cau Giay Street 3/ Practice: Technique: word cue drill T prepares word cue (6-8) T models Sts practice 4/ Production: Technique: survey T: gives question on the board Sts: work in pair and take notes information of. Contents * Game: Simon Says T: Simon says: stand up!Sts stand up Simon says: sit down!Sts sit down Open your book!  (not do) *Vocabulary: live (v): sống house (n): nhà street (n): đường phố city (n): thành phố B1 Lan: What’s your name? Nam: My name’s Nam Lan: Where do you live? .................................... * Model sentences: A: Where do you live? B: I live on Tran Phu Street in a house a city Hanoi, HCMC, Hung Vuong Street Le Loi Street...... Where do you live? I live on (Le Loi Street) in (HCM city) Where do you live ? I live............. Name Street. City.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> partner After sts interview already T request sts to report again in front of class T: corrects (if there is enough time) 5/ Homework: - Learn vocab by heart, model sentences - Prepare B3-B4-B5 6/ Remarks: ................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Week: 3 Period:9. Preparing’s day: August 30th, 2011 Teaching’s day : September 8th, 2011 Unit 2: AT SCHOOL B/ Where do you live ? (B3,4,5).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to spell the alphabet and to ask, answer about name II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: Use the question: How do you spell......? 2/ Vocabulary: the alphabets, spell III/ Techniques: communicative approach IV/ Teaching aids: pictures, subordinate board V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities. Contents * Game: Write-it-up - I live on Chau Long Street in Hanoi - Hoang lives on Nguyen Thuy in Quang Nam * Vocabulary: a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m, n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z. 1/ Warm-up: (see again survey from B1,2) Sts write again information of surveywork in groups 2/ Presentation: a/ Pre-teaching vocabulary: T: elicits and reads Sts: repeatread individually b/ Dialogue: B4. T: gives a short dialogue Hoa: What’s................? T: reads-Sts repeat Lan: My name’s............ T: erases one/s by one sentence Hoa: How......................? T : reads-erasers Lan: L-A-N,........... Sts repeat until T erasers all (D) T or Sts write (D) again and then introduce * Model sentences: model sentences - What’s your name ? 3/ Practice: - How do you spell it ? Technique: Word Cue Drill Sts write their own names on cards to make exercises Ex: St1: What’s your name ? Tuấn/Hải/Hà St2: My name’s Tuan St1:How do you spell it ? St2: T-U-A-N 4/ Consolidation: B5 T has sts answer the questions in B5 Sts answer and write on their notebook 5/ Homework: - Learn vocab – alphabet by heart, ask and answer about name at home. - Prepare part C 6/ Remarks: Week: 4 Preparing’s day: Sep 10th, 2011 Period:10 Teaching’s day : Sep 14th, 2011 Unit 2: AT SCHOOL C/ My school (C1).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify places, people and objects II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: This is / That is....... 2/ Vocabulary: student, teacher, school, class, desk III/ Techniques: communicative approach IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: * Jumbled Words: T: calls a student to write words - veeingn=evening St: writes them - treest=street 2/ Presentation: - ndsta pu=stand up T: introduces vocabulary (realia, visuals) and reads Sts: guess the meaning and repeatread individually * Vocabulary: - student (n): học sinh T: gives the pictures and leads in model sentence: - teacher (n): giáo viên - This is my desk - school (n): trường học - That is my school - class (n): lớp học - Is this your class ? - desk (n): cái bàn học - Is that your teacher ?Yes, it is / No, it isn’t Sts: listen 3/ Practice: T: uses the pictures from page 26-27 Sts: practise pairs St1: Is this your (school) ? St2: No, it isn’t 4/ Consolidation: T: points to real things in and around the classroom Sts: work in pairs and say before class 5/ Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart, model sentences - Prepare C2,3 6/ Remarks: ................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................... Week: 4 Period:11. Preparing’s day: Sep 10th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Sep 14th, 2011 Unit 2: AT SCHOOL C/ My school (C2,3). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know vocabulary about classroom II/ Language contents:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 1/ Grammar: The questtions with:What’s this / that ? 2/ Vocabulary: door, window, board, clock, waste basket, school bag, pencil, pen, ruler, eraser III/ Techniques: communicative approach IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: Brainstorm T: calls a student to write words with the things about school St: writes them 2/ Presentation: * Vocabulary: T: elicits, uses dialogue build - door (n): cửa lớn T: points the pictures (page 28) - window (n): cửa sổ Sts: answer - board (n): bảng T: What’s this / that ? - clock (n): đồng hồ Sts: It’s a door - waste basket (n): giỏ đựng rác T: How do you spell it ? - school bag (n): cặp sách Sts: D-O-O-R - pencil (n): bút chì T: introduces vocabulary and reads - pen (n): bút máy Sts: repeatread individually - ruler (n): thước kẻ Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember - eraser (n): cục tẩy 3/ Practice: * Word square: ↑ window, board  pen (s), ruler W P E N S C E X x  pencil, (pen), desk, door, school, clock, O E D D C L R D x eraser D N E O H O A R x 4/ Further practice: Lucky number N C S O O C S A x 1/ How do you spell ‘’DESK’’? I I K R O K E O x 2/ How do you spell ‘’CLASSROOM’’? W L R U L E R B x 3/ LUCKY NUMBER 4/ How do you spell ‘’CLOCK’’? 5/ How do you spell ‘’PENCIL’’? 6/ How do you spell ‘’RULER’’ ? 7/ LUCKY NUMBER 8/ How do you spell ‘’ERASER” ? 9/ LUCKY NUMBER 10/ How do you spell ‘’WINDOW’’ ? 5/ Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart - Prepare Unit 3 (A1,2) 6/ Remarks: .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Week: 4 Period:12. Preparing’s day: Sep 10th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Sep 15th, 2011 Unit 3: AT HOME A/ My home (A1, 2). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know vocabulary and practise about the name of things II/ Language contents:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> 1/ Grammar: The questtions with: - What’s this / that ? - What are these / those ? 2/ Vocabulary: lamps, bookshelf, chair, couch, armchair, table, telephone, television, stereo III/ Techniques: communicative approach IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures, real things V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities 1/ Warm-up: 2/ Presentation: T: elicits words using pictures, real things Sts: guess the meaning T: reads the words Sts: repeatread individually T: shows the pictures and says the model sentence again 3/ Practice: T: models Sts: work in pairs to ask the things in the class and pictures St1 – St2 St3 – St4.......... 4/ Consolidation: Remind the vocabulary, model sentences. Contents * Jumbled words Doro = door lerru = ruler Radob = board cinlip = pencil * Vocabulary: - lamps (n): - bookshelf (n): - couch (n): - armchair (n): - table (n): - telephone (n): - television (n): - stereo (n): * What’s this / that ? It’s a / an ....... * What are these / those ? They are...(chairs). 5/ Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart - Prepare Unit 3 (A3,4) 6/ Remarks: ................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. Week: 5 Period:13. Preparing’s day: Sep 19th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Sep 21st, 2011 Unit 3: AT HOME A/ My home(A3,4). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practise about personal information as name, age of members in family II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The questtions with:Who’s this / that ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> How many.............. ? 2/ Vocabulary: III/ Techniques: communicative approach IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures, real things V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities 1/ Warm-up: Noughts and Crosses T: draws nine picturesand asks sts to play the game Two teams A & B One is Xs - Other is Os This is.......... 2/ Presentation: T: elicits words using pictures, real things Sts: guess the meaning T: reads the words Sts: repeat read individually T: checks: Rub out and remember Sts: read the text and fill information in the table individually, then compare with partner Sts: go to the board and fill them. T: corrects 3/ Practice: T: models Sts: work in pairs to ask 4/ Consolidation: Sts: describes and draw, practice in pairs (the questions above). Contents. * Vocabulary: - my - his family / father / mother / - her brother / sister - your Tên Quan hệ Tuổi Ba twelve Nga mother Ha Lan. Nghề teacher. 1/ Who’s that ? That is his mother / father / sister 2/ What’s his / her name ? His / Her name............ 5/ Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart - Prepare Unit 3 (B1,2) 6/ Remarks: ................................................................................................................................ Week: 5 Preparing’s day: Sep 10th, 2011 Period:14 Teaching’s day : Sep 15th, 2011 Unit 3: AT HOME B/ Numbers (B1,2) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - know form of plural nouns, pronunciation of plural nouns; - practice questions and answers about quantity things in the classroom. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: How many........? ; The plural nouns.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> 2/ Vocabulary: (numbers) III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures, real things V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: Brainstorm T: draws a circle Sts: write the related words 2/ Presentation: T: reads and writes the words of numbers B1 Sts: copy down - ten : 10 - sixty: 60 T: reads the words - twenty: 20 - seventy: 70 Sts: repeatread individually - thirty : 30 -eighty: 80 T: checks: What and Where - forty : 40 - ninety: 90 3/ Practice: (Snakes and Ladders) (B1) - fifty : 50 - one hundred: 100 * Realia Drill: B2 B2 T: reads and explains the plural nouns - a benchbenches Sts: read individually - a deskdesks T: gives the examples - a chairchairs There’s (one) desk There are (twenty-two) desks Sts: listen and the examples 4/ Consolidation: T: reads Sts: write 5/ Homework:. - Learn numbers by heart - Prepare Unit 3 (B3,4,5). 6/ Remarks:. Week: 5 Period:15. Preparing’s day: Sep 10th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Sep 15th, 2011 Unit 3: AT HOME B/ Numbers (B3,4,5). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - know form of plural nouns, pronunciation of plural nouns; - practice questions and answers about quantity things in the classroom. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: How many........? ; The plural nouns 2/ Vocabulary: (numbers).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> III/ Techniques: Individually, pair/ group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures, real things V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: Brainstorm T: draws a circle Sts: write the related words 2/ Presentation: T: ask Ss to write the words of numbers: 10, * Ss’ w 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100. - ten : 10 - sixty: 60 Sts: write down - twenty: 20 - seventy: 70 T reviews the ways to change a singular noun - thirty : 30 -eighty: 80 to a plural noun. Asks Ss to give example. - forty : 40 - ninety: 90 3/ Practice: - fifty : 50 - one hundred: 100 T: takes note the examples of Ss above. - a benchbenches Sts: listen and look at the examples - a desk desks - a chair chairs * T: introduces, gives model sentences and *How many doors are there? reads. Sts: repeat *How many desks are there? There’s one/ There are (two) 4/ Consolidation: Dictation Lists /s/ /z/ /iz/ T: reads desks rulers benches Sts: write students tables couches books doors houses lamps windows clocks 5/ Homework: - Learn numbers by heart - Prepare Unit 3 (C1,2) 6/ Remarks:. ................................................................................................................................ Week: 6 Preparing’s day: Sep 20th, 2011 Period:16 Teaching’s day : Sep 26th, 2011 Unit 3: AT HOME C/Families (C1,2) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to comprehension reading, answer the questions II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: 2/ Vocabulary: engineer, doctor, nurse III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities 1/ Warm-up: T: divides the class into 4 groups-the leather of each group report back to class orally if there isn’t enough time to write it 2/ Pre-reading: T: introduces vocabulary and reads Sts: repeat T: reads the text Sts: repeat T: writes the table Sts: guess information Sts: write prediction into the table. Contents. Write it up G1: There are three people in Nam’s family G2:There is five people in Ba’s family Etc...... * Vocabulary: - engineer (n): kỹ sư - doctor (n): bác sĩ - nurse (n): y tá Lan’s family How What does he do? old.......? Father Mother 3/ While-reading: Brother Sts: reads the text and check their prediction Lan T: has sts answer the questions ah and Noughts and Crosses: questions i: How many books are there in a g c Lan’s living room? h b e T: divides the class into 2 teams A&B i f d Sts: play noughts (o) and crosses (x) 4/ Post-reading: T: uses the pictures, C2. Practice with a partner: models and reads Sts: repeat in chorus and individuals 5/ Homework: - Transform the sentences in C1 with the information in C2 to write about Song’s family. - Prepare Unit 3 – Grammar Practice. 6/ Remarks: .................................................................................................................................................. Preparing’s day: Sep 27th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Oct 1st, 2011. Week: 6 Period:17. GRAMMAR PRACTICE I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use grammar notes, vocabulary in the real life, to communicate with other people follow primary knowledge. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: Tobe, Imperative, Question words 2/ Vocabulary: (Review) III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures, real things V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities. Contents.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> 1/ Warm-up: Simon says T: says Simons says’’Stand up’’ Sit down! Open your book! Simon says’’Goodbye,ect..... Sts: do 2/ Activity 1,2,3: T: reviews the grammar Sts: Listen and write down. * Nought and crosses T: divides the class into 2 teams A and B Sts: complete ‘’Be’’ with cues T: gives models Sts: do After playing a game, T gives Sts some sentences and sts fill the right form of to be in the blank 3/ Activity 4: T: has sts fill these sentences in the text book Sts: do 4/ Activity 5: * Answer the questions. Pairwork Lan .....is your name?. Nam My name....... ......do you live? I......in Hanoi .......is that? That.....my brother ......does he do? He......a student 5/ Activity 6: * Bingo: T : writes 9 numbers Sts: choose 9 numbers from 10 to 100 T: reads one by one if sts have numbers T reads linking, sts will wins, stand up and says ‘Bingo’. I am She is He is It is We are You are They are They/teachers We/students He/an I/a student engineer You/ 12 We/brothers. She/a nurse They/sisters She/adoctor. Ex: They are teachers He is an engineer, ect....... 1/ I.........a student 2/ She......my friends 3/ We..........in the yard 4/ My mother and father.........in the house 2/ Imperatives: a/ in b/ down c/ your d/ your e/ up 3/ Question words: a/ How many + DTSN are there? There is one There are ....... b/ Gap – fill: Mapped Dialogue: S1: What is your name? S2: My name is Nam S1: Where do you live? S2: I live in Hanoi S1: Who is that? S2: That is my brother S1: What does he do? S2: He is a student 4/ Numbers: 10 60 90 5/ Greeting: Thanh: Hello Chi: Hi. 11 15 17. 70 19 12.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> 6/ Activity 7: T: has sts do in pairs Sts: work in pairs and fill T: corrects 7/ Activity 8: T: uses pictures to elicit Sts: use ‘this’ and ‘’that’’ to fill in the blank T: corrects T: guides and has sts writes words Sts: write them T: corrects. Thanh:......are you? Chi: I’m......., thank you How are........? Thanh: Fine,....... 6/ Picture quiz. 8/ Homework: - Learn model sentences by heart - Prepare Unit 4 (A1,2) 9/Remarks: .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................... Week: 6 Period: 18. Preparing’s day: Sep 20th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Sep 29th, 2011 TEST 1 – 45 MINUTES. I/ Objectives: To check Sts’ knowledge from Unit 1 to Unit 3 about vocabulary and grammar. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The main grammar from Unit 1 to Unit 3. 2/ Vocabulary: III/ Techniques: Individually check in writing. IV/ Teaching aids:. Test 1 V/ Procedures: 1. Checking Sts’absent. 2. Gives Sts the test, asks them to do in 45 minutes. A.TRẮC NGHIỆM: Hãy chọn một đáp án đúng nhất (3 điểm) 1. Ba : What are these ? - Nam :…………………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> 1.Mr Tan and Miss Lien (be) …………….. teachers . 2. I (live) ....................... in Ha Noi. 3. That ( be) .......................... my classroom. 4. I (be) .................... a student. II/ Sắp xếp trật tự các từ thành câu có nghĩa (2 điểm) 1. students / many / are / How/ there? ……………………………………………………… 2. /is / he / teacher / a . ………………………………………......................... III/ Đọc đoạn văn .Sau đó trả lời câu hỏi:( 2 điểm) My name’s Ba. I’m a student. .This is my family. There are four people in my family: my father, my mother , my sister and me. My father is fifty years old .He’s a doctor. My mother is forty-six .She’s a nurse. My sister is a student. Câu hỏi : 1.What’s his name ? ………………………………………………………………… 2. How old is his father? ………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> 3. Collect the test. 4. Homework: - Prepare Unit 4(A1,2) 5. Remarks: .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................... Preparing’s day: Sep 28th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Oct 3rd, 2011. Week: 7 Period: 19. Unit 4: BIG OR SMALL? A/ Where is your school? (A1,2) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice reading comprehension shortly and answer the questions with Yes - No II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The question and answer with Yes/No 2/ Vocabulary: big, small, in the countryside, in the city III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> T & Ss’ Activities 1/ Warm-up: Pelmanism T: guides sts to play ‘’pelmanism’’ and divides sts into two teams Sts: play 2/ Presentation: T: introduces vocabulary (antonym, visuals, realia...)reads words Sts: repeatread individually T: calls 2 students match correctly or not correctly Sts: close the book and match T: doesn’t correct Sts: open the book and correct their predictions 3/ Practice: T: reads the text Sts: repeat T: has sts practise T: has sts read the text again and answer the questions T: explains Yes/no questions Example Exchange: T – St, St – T, St – St Is Phong’s school big? No, it isn’t Is Phong’s school small? Yes, it is. 4/ Consolidation: T: collects real objects from students: erasers, pens, pencils, books, bags, rulers and holds them up. Contents I. Thu. He. You. She. His My Your Her Thu’s * Vocabulary: - big (adj): to, lớn - small (adj): nhỏ, bé - in the city: ở thành phố - in the coutry: ở nông thôn Big Phong’s school small In the country Thu’s school In the city. - Is Phong’s school small? Yes, it is. - Is Thu’s school small? No, it isn’t. * Yes / No questions Answer drill Phong’s school big/small Phong’s school in the city/ in the country * Kim’s Game / Realia Drill / Chain Game 1/ Mai’s eraser 2/ Mai’s eraser and Hai’s book 3/ Mai’s eraser and Hai’s book Hung’s ruler,..... 5/ Homework: - Learn vocab by heart - Prepare Unit 4 (A3,4,5) 6/ Remarks: ...................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................... Week : 7 Period: 20. Preparing’s day: Oct 10th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Oct 12th, 2011 Unit 4: BIG OR SMALL? A/ Where is your school? (A3,4,5). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice reading and answer the question II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The question and answer with: - How many.........? - There is........../ There are............. 2/ Vocabulary: (Review) III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: Bingo T: elicits and gives lists on the board: 6,8,10 1 100 12,20,52,100,200,32,41,400,17,25,600,900 2 32 Sts: choose 5 numbers from the board.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> 2/ Pre-reading: Sts: guess what these numbers are about to do with schools T: sets up situation and introduces the topic of the text T: writes numbers on the board Sts: guess things in the school-do alone-share the partner T or sts write them on the board Sts: open the book and read to check prediction 3/ While-reading: T: writes some answers on the board Sts: read the text and make questions * Answer key: 1/ Where’s Phong’s school? 2/ How many classrooms are there in Phong’s school? 3/ How many students are there in Phong’s school? 4/ Where’s Thu’s school? 5/ Is it small? 6/ How many classrooms are there in Thu’s school? 7/ How many students are there in Thu’s school? 4/ Post-reading: Depending on whether sts live in the city or the country, sts rewrite it according to their own school.. 3 4 5. 25 10 600. * Answers: 1/ in the country 2/ 8 3/ 400 4/ in the city 5/ No, it isn’t. It’s big 6/ 20 7/ 900. 5/ Homework: - Learn the text by heart - Prepare Unit 4 (B1,2,3) 6/ Remarks: ...................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> Week: 7 Period: 21. Preparing’s day: Oct 4th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Oct 6th, 2011 Unit 4: BIG OR SMALL? B/ My class (B1,2,3). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the details, practice listening II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The question and answer with ‘’Which grade are you in? I’m in grade 6 Which class are you in? I’m in class.......’’ 2/ Vocabulary: (Review) III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: Activities 1/ Pre-teaching vocabulary: T: asks Ss to review the ordinal number Sts: remind.. Contents.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> 2/ Pre-listening: T: asks sts to look at their books Sts: look at their books and then closing the books T: gives the predict dialogue and asks sts to fill in the blank Sts: fill them 3/ While-listening: T: reads the dialogue Sts: check their predictions T: corrects. B1/ Listen and repeat.......... B2/ Complete information of grid: Grade. Class. Thu 7 Phong Sts: listen dialogue and complete the You table Example Exchange: 4/ Post-listening: S1: Which grade/class is Thu in? Board Drill: S2: She’s in grade 6/class 6A Using information about grade, class, S1: Where’s her classroom? classroom’s floor of B2 S2: It’s on the first floor. Classroom’s floor 2nd. 5/ Homework: - Learn the vocabulary by heart - Prepare Unit 4 (B4,5) 6/ Remark: ................................................................................................................................ Week: 8 Preparing’s day: Oct 8th, 2011 Period: 22 Teaching’s day : Oct 10th, 2011 Unit 4: BIG OR SMALL? B/ My class (B4,5) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the details, practice listening II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The question and answer with: Which grade are you in? I’m in grade 6. Which class are you in? I’m in class.......’’ 2/ Vocabulary: (Review) III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Pre-teaching vocabulary: * Vocabulary: T: gives the words and reads - and Sts: repeat them and read individually - the (first) floor - the seventh = 7th - the (six) grade - the eighth = 8th - the second = 2nd - the ninth = 9th.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> - the third = 3rd - the tenth = 10th - the fourth = 4th - the fifth = 5th 2/ Pre-listening: * Predict dialogue: T: asks sts to look at their books Thu: Hello. Which grade are you in? Sts: look at their books and then closing the Phong: I’m in grade (a) books Thu: And which class are you in? T: gives the predict dialogue and asks sts to fill Phong: (b).......What about you? in the blank Thu: I’m in grade(c)...... class (d)....... Sts: fill them How many floors does your school have? / While-listening: Phong: (e).......It’s a small school T: reads the dialogue Thu: My school has (f).....floors and my Sts: check their predictions classroom is on the (g).....floor T: corrects Where’s your classroom? Sts: listen dialogue and complete the table Phong: It’s on the (h).......floor 4/ Post-listening: Example Exchange: Board Drill: (Use Post-Listening P. 21): 5/ Homework: - Learn the vocabulary by heart - Prepare Unit 4 (C1,2,3) 6/ Remarks: ................................................................................................................................ Week : 8 Preparing’s day: Oct 10th, 2011 Period: 23 Teaching’s day : Oct 13 th, 2011 Unit 4: BIG OR SMALL? C/ Getting ready to school (C1,2,3) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand simple present tense, using vocabulary of routines to communicate II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: I +V (Inf) She/ He + Vs/es 2/ Vocabulary: (Review) III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities 1/ Warm-up: Write it up Sts: write again some sentences about information: grade, class, classroom’s floor I am in grade 6 I am in class 6A5 2/ Presentation:. Contents. * Vocabulary:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> T: uses the pictures and introduces vocabulary and read Sts: repeat them and read individually Checking vocab: Slap the board T: introduces the model sentences. - get up : thức dậy - get dressed : thay quần áo - brush your teeth : đánh răng - wash your face : rữa mặt - go to school: đi đến trường What do you do every morning? I get up.... I brush my teeth I have breakfast .....up .....dressed. 3/ Practice: T: gives example exchange S1: What do you do every morning? S2: I get up S1: What do you do then? .....teeth .....face S2:.....etc...... 4/ Further-practice: Chain game S1: I get up S2: I get up and I brush my teeth S3: I get up, I brush my teeth and I get dressed S4: etc........ 5/ Homework: - Learn the vocabulary by heart - Prepare Unit 4 (C4-7) 6/ Remarks: ................................................................................................................................................. Week : 8 Preparing’s day: Oct 10th, 2011 Period: 24 Teaching’s day : Oct 13th, 2011 Unit 4: BIG OR SMALL? C/ Getting ready to school (C4 - 7) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer about the time and communicate with others in real life II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: - What time.......? It’s......... - The simple present tense 2/ Vocabulary: time, o’clock, half, be late for III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: Number dictation One ten=1.10, four thirty=4.30, T: reads the numbers Twelve thirty-five=12.35 Sts: write on the board (two students) 2/ Presentation: * Vocabulary: T: introduces vocabulary and reads - time (n): thời gian Sts: guess the meaning and repeat wordsread - o’clock: giờ đúng individually - half: 30 phút T: checks’’What and Where’’ - be late for: bị trễ.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> T: shows the picture (C4) and gives the model sentence and reads Sts: repeatread individually 3/ Practice: T: draws the clocks on the board and has sts work in pairs Sts: ask and answer together and practise them T: has sts read about Ba Sts: read it * Word Cue Drill: S1: What time do you get up? S2: I get up at ( six o’clock) 4/ Production: T: has sts ask and answer about the time Sts: two groups play’’Noughts and Crosses’’. * What time is it? It’s eight o’clock ten fifteen half past ten ex: 2:10; 1:30; 9:45; 6:00; 5:15; 7:30; 10:00; 8:25; C 6.Read C 7.Answer get up go to school go home. have breakfast * Noughts and Crosses 6:10 6:30 7:00 11:00 3:15 4:20. 6:45 11:30 5:30. 5/ Homework: 6/ Remarks: ........................................................... Week: 9 Period: 25. Preparing’s day: Oct 14th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Oct 17th, 2011 REMARK THE TEST 1. I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, T wants to feed back test 1 of Ss. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: Take notes some main structure. 2/ Vocabulary: Take notes some main word. III/ Techniques: IV/ Teaching aids:. V/ Procedures: 3. Checking Sts’absent. 4. Gives back the test for each Student, then correct. ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ KIỂM TRA MỘT TIẾT SỐ 1 - Tiếng Anh 6 1. PHẦN CHO ĐIỂM: A/ TRẮC NGHIỆM: Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm * 12 câu = 3 điểm B/ TỰ LUẬN: I / Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm * 4 câu = 2 điểm II / Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm * 2 câu = 2 điểm III / Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm * 4 câu = 2 điểm IV/ Mỗi câu đúng 1 điểm * 1 câu = 1 điểm ( Đối với lớp D1,2,3,4 mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm * 2 câu = 1 điểm).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> 2. ĐÁP ÁN PHẦN. TRẢ LỜI. A/ TRẮC NGHIỆM: 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.D 11. A 12.A B / TỰ LUẬN I 1.are 2.live 3. is 4. am II 1. How many students are there ? 2. He is a teacher. III 1. His name is Ba. 2. He / His father is fifty years old. 3. She / His mother is forty-six years old. 4. She’s a nurse. IV 1.What’s your name ? 2. How do you spell your name / it? 5/ Homework: - Prepare Unit 5 (A1,2) 6/ Remarks: ........................................................... Week : 9 Preparing’s day: Oct 15th, 2011 Period: 26 Teaching’s day : Oct 20th, 2011 Unit 5: THINGS I DO A/ MY DAY (A1,2) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practise simple present tense and use it in real communication II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: - The simple present tense 2/ Vocabulary: do your homework, play games III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: Guessing games T: writes the time Sts: give the questions Ex: S1: Is it half past eight? * Vocabulary: S2: No, it isn’t - do your homework: làm bài tập S1: Is it half past six? - play games: chơi ( trò chơi).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> S2: Yes, it is. 2/ Presentation: T: shows the picture, introduces vocabulary and reads Sts: guess the meaning and repeat wordsread individually T: reads the text about Nga Sts: repeatread individually T: gives the model sentence. Everyday, I go to school She goes. 3/ Practice: T: has sts practise Sts: ask and answer together T: practises speak to a student T: Everyday, I get up at six Sts: Everyday, Nga gets up at six ................................................... Sts practise with sts. 4/ Production: Survey T: has sts ask and answer with their partners Sts: practise V/ Procedures:. Name. Get up. Vien Mai Lan. 5:30. Have breakfast 6:15. Do your homework 7:00. 5/ Homework: Learn vocabulary, model sentence by heart Prepare unit 5: A3,4 6/ Remarks: ........................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> Week : 9 Period: 27. Preparing’s day: Oct 15th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Oct 20th, 2011 Unit 5: THINGS I DO A/ MY DAY (A3,4). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use perfectly the simple present, communicate with other in real life about daily routines II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: - The simple present tense 2/ Vocabulary: listen to music, watch TV, do the housework, read III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures. V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: Ex: Every morning, I get up at 5.30. I have breakfast at 6.30.... 2/ Presentation: T: shows the picture, introduces * Vocabulary: vocabulary and reads - (to) listen to music : nghe nhạc Sts: guess the meaning and - (to) watch TV : xem tivi repeat wordsread individually - (to) do the housework: làm việc nhà T: reads the sentences about Ba, - (to) read : đọc Lan, Nam and Thu Sts: repeatread individually T: gives the model sentences 3/ Practice:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> T: has sts practice Sts: ask and answer together 4/ Production: T: has sts play a game Ex: What does Ba do every morning? He gets dressed Sts: practice. * Model sentences: What does Ba do after school? He watches television St1: What does Ba / Lan / Nam Thu do after school? St2: He watches TV She does the housework Noughts and Crossess: He/play games She/brush her Lan/ do the teeth housework Ba/get dressed Nam/go to school Thu/do her homework She/wash her He/have breakfast Mai/listen to face music. 5/ Homework: Learn vocabulary, model sentence by heart Prepare unit 5: A5,6,7 6/ Remarks: .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. Week : 10 Preparing’s day: Oct 20th, 2011 Period: 28 Teaching’s day : Oct 24th, 2011 Unit 5: THINGS I DO A/ MY DAY (A5,6,7) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practise yes-no questions and communicate in real life about daily routines II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: - The simple present tense 2/ Vocabulary: play volleyball, play football, play sports, girl III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: school homework T: prepares 8 cards with words in English go to do T: sticks cards on the board T: writes numbers on the front of side listen to music watch TV (1,2,3..) Sts: work in groups-choose to complete the right phrases Ex: listen to music 2/ Presentation: a/ Pre-teaching vocabulary: T: shows the picture, introduces vocabulary and reads * Vocabulary: Sts: guess the meaning and repeat - (to) play volleyball: chơi bóng chuyền.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> wordsread individually T: checks vocabulary’’Rub out and Remember’’ b/ Presentation dialogue: T: uses dialogue in the book to introduce target term T: leads in sentences which contain target language T: checks again by asking question Which subjects come after do and does in Yes / No questions How do you answer with Yes? No?. - (to) play football : chơi bóng đá - (to) play sports : chơi thể thao - girl (n) : con gái A5. Listen and repeat.Then practice: Model sentences: a/ Do You / they play volleyball Does He / she b/ Yes, I / We / They do She / He does. T: draws grid on the board. Sts draw it in No, I / We / They the notebook She / He Sts: read the text and find information to complete grid Sts: work individuallyshare your partnergo to the board and fill in them 3/ Practice: A6,7. T: gives models Say Yes, I do or No, I don’t T: asksSt: answer Ex: Do you (play sports)? St1: asksSt2: answers Yes, I do. / No, I don’t 4/ Production: T: use grid to do drill’’Find someone who’’ Find someone who...... Sts: work in groups(each of you take part in ...watches television asking and answering together and fill ...plays football information in the table ...does the housework Sts: fill full name first, will win. ...plays volleyball ...listens to music ...reads. Don’t Doesn’t. Name Lan Mai ....... 5/ Homework: Learn vocabulary, model sentence by heart Prepare unit 5: B1,2,3 6/ Remarks: .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> Week : 10 Period: 29. Preparing’s day: Oct 20th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Oct 24th, 2011 Unit 5: THINGS I DO B/ My routine(B1,2,3). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice reading comprehension skill II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: - The simple present tense 2/ Vocabulary: take a shower, eat, start, finish, have lunch, go to bed III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: Jumbled Words T: writes 6 words mixed on the board okhweowsr = housework Sts: order the right position tislen = listen ader = read cthaw = watch ypal = play 2/ Presentation: moheowkr = homework a/ Pre-teaching vocabulary: * Vocabulary: T: shows the picture, introduces - (to) take a shower: tắm vocabulary and reads - (to) eat : ăn Sts: guess the meaning and repeat - (to) start : bắt đầu wordsread individually - (to) finish : hoàn thành T: checks vocabulary ‘Rub out and - (to) have lunch : ăn trưa Remember’. - (to) go to bed : đi ngủ.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> b/ Open prediction: B2. T: requests sts to fill information (predict) Action Time Sts: predict – the book is closed Ba Me Sts: do individually, then share your Get up 6.00 partner Go to school 6.45 T: writes prediction of sts on the board Classes start 7.00 3/ While-reading: Classes finish 11.15 Sts: open the book to check prediction and Have lunch 11.30 complete the grid B2 again Go home 5.00 4/ Post-reading: Survey Go to bed 22.00 Sts: complete the last column in the B2 table and then do B3 a and b with a a/ What time does Ba get up / go to bed....? b/ What time do you get up / go to bed....? partner. 5/ Homework: Learn vocabulary, model sentence by heart Prepare unit 5: C1 6/ Remark: .................................................................................................................................................. Week : 10 Preparing’s day: Oct 20th, 2011 Period: 30 Teaching’s day : Oct 26th, 2011 Unit 5: THINGS I DO C/Classes (C1) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use perfectly simple present tense with have/don’t have and communicate about the school timetable II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: - The simple present tense 2/ Vocabulary: timetable, English, Math, Literature, History, Geography, Monday III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: T: asks some questions What time do you get up/go to school? Sts: answer 2/ Presentation: a/ Pre-teaching vocabulary: * Vocabulary: T: shows the picture, introduces vocabulary - timetable(n): thời khoá biểu and reads - English : Tiếng Anh Sts: guess the meaning and repeat - Math : Toán wordsread individually - Literature : Ngữ văn T: checks vocabulary “What and Where’’ - History : Lịch sử - Geography : Địa lý b/ Prediction text: - Monday : thứ hai T: introduces model sentences through the * Model sentences:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> text Sts: write it in 3 forms 3/ Practice: Word cue drill T: models(2 cards) Sts: repeat in choral T: asks- Ss: answer Sts: asks-T: answers Group workpair work(openclosed) * Example exchange: St1: What do we have today? St2: We have (English) St1: What time does it start? St2: (seven o’clock) IV/ Further-practice: St1: What do we have today? St2: We have history St1: What time does it start? St2: At seven fifty St1: Do we have literature at eight forty? St2: No, we don’t. We have English Ect...... ? What do we have today? + We have English - I don’t have my timetable English/7.00 Literature/8.40 Geography/10.15. Math/7.50 History/9.35. * Mapped Dialogue: What.....today? What time...start? Do we...literature 8.40? What time...finish? What...at 9.35? Do we...math?. History 7.50 No...English 9.25 Geography Yes....10.15. 5/ Homework: Learn vocabulary, model sentence by heart Prepare unit 5: C2-3 6/ Remarks: .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> Week : 11 Period: 31. Preparing’s day: October 28th, 2011 Teaching’s day : November 2nd, 2011 Unit 5: THINGS I DO C/ Classes (C2,3). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use has/doesn’t have fluently and practice to communicate about days of the week concerned with weekly timetable. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The question and answer with: When do we have history? => We have it on.................. 2/ Vocabulary: subjects III/ Techniques: Individually, pair/ group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: Brainstorm T: divides the class into 2 teams The leather of each team writes words which mention about subjects Team has more words, with win the game To count 1 20 “stop” 2/ Presentation: T: introduces the words and reads them a/ Pre-teach: Sts: repeat and read individually * Vocabulary: Checking: Matching - Monday : thứ hai - Tuesday : thứ ba - Wednesday: thứ tư - Thurday : thứ năm - Friday : thứ sáu.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> T: writes dialogue on the board with missing words Sts: predict information Then teacher allows sts to open the books and correct T: corrects Sts: practice (choral, pair work) 3/ Practice: T: uses the board drill T: models Sts: repeat in chorus T: asks-Sts: answer St1: ask-St2: answer T: sticks the table on the board Sts: work in pairs Sts: read again, T guides intonation 4/ Production: Sts: fill in their real timetable(only 5 subjects they have learnt in English in C2) Sts: practice in pairs Write it up.. - Saturday : thứ bảy - Sunday : chủ nhật b/ Predict dialogue: Nga: When do we have.....? Ba : We have it on.... and..... Nga: When do we have......? Ba : We have it on.....,.......and...... Nga: Does Lan have math on.......? Ba :........................ Thứ 2 Toán Toán Sử. Thứ 3 Văn Văn Anh văn. Thứ 4 Toán Toán Địa. Thứ 7 Toán Địa Văn. * Example Exchange: When do we have math? On Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Monday: English, Literature, Math Wednesday: Literature, Math. 5/ Homework: - Learn vocabulary, dialogue by heart - Prepare Grammar practice 6/ Remarks: ................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> Week : 11 Period: 32. Preparing’s day: Oct 31st, 2011 Teaching’s day : Nov 2nd, 2011. GRAMMAR PRACTICE I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get knowledge about simple present tense, time, school subjects, ect.... II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The simple present tense 2/ Vocabulary: (review) III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: What time is it? 7.00 It’s seven o’clock 8.30 It’s half past eight 2/ Activity 1: 1/ Time: T: asks sts to tell the time af Sts: work in pairs and practice T: corrects Sts dictation: one forty-five, five fifty, twelve o’clock, six twenty ... 3/ Activity 2:Nought and Crosses 2/ Question words: af Where do you live? How many floors does your school Le Loi street Two floors have? Literature 5.30 How do you spell your name? Tuesday & 7.00 What do we have today? Thursday What time do you get up?. N-G-A Grade 6 I play football.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> 4/ Activity 3:Word cue drill Example Exchange S1: Is your house (big)? S2: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 5/ Activity 4: Find someone who Group work Share with a partner. 3/ Adjectives with’’Be’’ house school city. Country. family. Living room. 4/ Present simple tense: Find someone who.... Name .......get up at 5 ......goes to bed at 10 .....eats a big breakfast every morning ......has lunch at 12.30 ......plays volleyball after school ......does the housework. 1/ What do you have on Monday? We have Math and English 2/ Do you have geography on Monday? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t Grammar practice 1 page 60 and 5-7 page 61. Work cue drill Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. 5/ Homework: - Write the exercises in students’ book - Prepare Unit 6(A1,2) 6/ Remarks: .......................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> Week : 11 Period: 33. Preparing’s day: Oct 31st, 2011 Teaching’s day : Nov 4th, 2011 Unit 6: PLACES A/ Our house(A1-2). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe places where one’s lives, surroundings II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The simple present tense 2/ Vocabulary: lake(n), river(n), tree(n), flower(n), rice paddy(n), park(n) III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: T: asks sts some questions a/ Where do you live? b/ How old are you? c/ Which class are you in? Sts: answer A1 2/ Pre-reading: a/ Pre-teach: T: introduces the words and reads them * Vocabulary: Sts: repeat and read individually - lake(n) : hồ Checking: Matching - river(n) : sông - tree(n) : cây - flower(n) : hoa - rice paddy(n): cánh đồng - park(n) : công viên T: introduces the topic of the text b/ Open dialogue: Sts: predict information which sts will What’s near Thuy’s house? learn(individualspairworkgroupwork to compare) Sts: write 3 things in their books and write.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> them on the board 3/ While-reading:A1 T: has sts open the books and check their predictions Sts: read the text again, guess the meaning of these words from context and match The order of the questions should be a, c, e, b, d, f(ask / answer) T-Sts What’s that? It’s a(river) What are these? They’re(trees) S-S What’s this? It’s a river What are these? They’re(trees). * Match: Near : xinh đẹp A yard : khách sạn Beautiful: gần A hotel : sân * Comprehension questions: A1(af) * Picture drill:A2. 5/ Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart - Prepare A3,4,5,6 6/ Remarks: .......................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> Preparing’s day: Nov 5th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Nov 9th, 2011. Week : 12 Period: 34. Unit 6: PLACES A/ Our house(A3,4,5,6) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe places where we lives II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The simple present tense 2/ Vocabulary: III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities 1/ Warm-up: T: divides the class into 2 groups Sts: order the right words 2/ Presentation: T: gives the picture and introduces the words Checking vocabulary: rub out and remember Bingo: T: reads: a house, a town, a city, a school, trees, a river, a rice paddy, a park, a street, ect 3/ Practice: T: models pictures 1,2 Sts: repeat(choral/individual) Sts:do (pictures3,4,5,6)(openclosed) 4/ Further-practice: T: divides the class into 6 groups Sts: sit faces to faces St1 repeats the sentence of T St2 repeats the sentence of St1 and adds information, St3 ect.. Contents Jumpled words Rewflo=flower Tolhe=hotel Revir=river Kale=lake * Vocabulary: - A town: - A village:. A3. Write. Complete the sentence Our house has a yard. It’s near a rice paddy...... A4,5. Listen A6. Which of these are near your house?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> 5/ Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart - Prepare B1,2,3,4 6/ Remarks:. Preparing’s day: Nov 5th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Nov 9th, 2011. Week : 12 Period: 35. Unit 6: PLACES B/ In the city (B1,2,3,4) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe where you live; understand prepositions of place. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The simple present tense 2/ Vocabulary: III/ Techniques: Individually, pair /group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities 1/ Warm-up: Rub out and Remember T: writes (D) and reads Sts: repeat T: reads-erasers-points Sts: repeat T: erasers all (D) Sts: remember in their mind and complete again 2/ Pre-reading: T: gives the picture and introduces the words Sts: read them Checking vocabulary: rub out and remember T: reads the text Sts: read individually T: gives True or False 3/ While-reading: T: has sts practice B1 af B2 ae T asks Sts to close the books and predict. - Individuals. Contents. * Vocabulary: - bookstore(n): hiệu sách - restaurant(n): nhà hàng - temple(n) : ngôi đền, đình - hospital(n) : bệnh viện - factory(n) : nhá máy - musium(n) : viện bảo tàng - stadium(n) : sân vận động * True or False: Near Minh’s house... a/ There’s a restaurant b/ There’s a lake c/ There’s a hospital * Predict:(D) I live in a.....on a...., in a...near.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> -. Corrects. 4/ Futher practice: Sts use the same sentences as the drill - Work in group. a......where friends meet to..... * Matching: village. city. town. stadium. hospital. temple. Rice paddy. lake. river. Ex: Where do you live? I live in (a village) etc… I live near/next to (a lake) * Nought and Crosses: Village Stadium Rice paddy. City Hospital lake. Town Temple river. 5/ Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart - Prepare C1,2. 6/Remarks: ................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> Week : 12 Period: 36. Preparing’s day: Nov 5th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Nov 10th, 2011 Unit 6: PLACES C/ Around the house (C1,2). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice to communicate places with some prepositions of place II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The simple present tense 2/ Vocabulary: III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: T & Ss’ Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: Greetings 2/ Presentation: a/ Pre-teach: * Vocabulary: T: gives the picture and introduces the - in front of: words - behind: Checking vocabulary: rub out and - to the left/right of: remember b/ Presentation text:C1 Sts guess meaning of a well & mountains from the picture Sts work in group-pair 3/ Practice: T: has sts ask and answer * Answer the questions:af Sts: work in pairs and practice them T: hangs pictures C2 on the board and C2. Listen reads Sts: listen and answer 4/ Futher-practice: * Nought and crosses T: divides the class into 6 groups a lake a hotel a yard Sts: practice trees a street a park a rice a river flowers paddy Near Thuy’s house there’s........

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> 5/ Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart - Prepare C3,4,5 6/ Remark: ...................................................................................................................................... Preparing’s day: Nov 12th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Nov 16th, 2011. Week : 13 Period: 37. Unit 6: PLACES C/ Around the house (C3,4,5) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to communicate with friends about places II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The simple present tense 2/ Vocabulary: III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: Activities 1/ Warm-up: Greetings 2/ Presentation: a/ Pre-teach: T: gives the picture and introduces the words Checking vocabulary: rub out and remember b/ Presentation text:C3 Guiding sts the text and get target language 3/ Practice: Picture Drill Picture in the textbook-draw them on the cards 4/ Consolidation: Pyramid T: gives the topic: country Sts: do individualshare with a partner group work The leader of each group writes them on the board St1: What’s (in front of) your house? St2: (a rice paddy) - T asks Sts to work impairs to answer the part C5. - Sts work impairs. a, b, c, d. 5/ Homework:. Contents * Vocabulary: - a drugstore: hiệu thuốc tây - a toystore: cửa hàng đồ chơi - movie theater: rạp chiếu phim - police station: đồn công an - bakery: tiệm bánh mì - between: giữa - opposite: đối diện C4.. * Survey: Name. Lan. C5.. In front of. Behind. ...?. trees. Opposite.. ..?. Near …?. To the left of....?. To the right of...?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> - Learn vocabulary by heart. - Prepare: Review from Unit 4 to Unit 6: Vocabulary & Grammar. 6/ Remark: ...................................................................................................................................... Week : 13 Period: 38. Preparing’s day: Nov 12th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Nov 16th, 2011 ÔN TẬP Unit 4, 5, 6. I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use grammar notes, vocabulary in the real life, to communicate with other people follow primary knowledge. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: Cardinal verbs, Question words 2/ Vocabulary: (Review) III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, handout (Exercises). V/ Procedures: 1. Checking attendance. 2. Giving handout (Exercises). HANDOUT I/ Choose the best answers for these sentences (Chọn đáp án đúng nhất). 1.………do you have Geography? I have it on Tuesday. A. When B. Which C. Which class D. What 2. She ……..Literature and History today. A.to have B. wash C. haves D. has 3. I ………a shower everyday. A. do B. wash C. take D. does 4. There is a house ……….the park. A. in front B. near C. next D. oposite 5. ………..does your father work? A. Where B. Are C. What D. Is 6. My father is a doctor. He works in a………………….. A. museum B. hospital C. restaurant D. factory II/ Put the correct form of these verbs (Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc). 1. He (do) his homework every morning. …………… 2. Hoa and Lan (play) game after school. …………… 3. She (eat) her lunch in the factory. …………… 4. The doctors (work) in the hospital. …………… III/ Which one is different? (Chọn 1 từ khác với nhóm từ còn lại). 1. restaurant bookstore temple bench 2. factory museum stadium restaurant 3. country city town hospital.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> 4. hotel country factory family IV/ Read the passage and answer the questions. (Đọc đoạn văn sau rồi trả lời câu hỏi) Hello. My name’s Mai. I am eleven years old. I’m a student. I live in a house in the country. There are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my brother and me. Near my house, there is a small river. To the left of the river, there is a rice paddy. • Questions. 1. How old is Mai? …………………………………………………… 2. Where does she live? ………………………………………………. 3. How many people are there in her family? …………………………. 4. Where is the rice paddy?..................................................................... 5. What is near her house? 6. Is there a lake near her house? V/ Choose the best word. 1 They play soccer in a ( stadium / hospital / restaurant ) 2 ( Which / how many / What ) brothers does she have ? 3 There is a movie theatre ( in / between / on ) a factory and a restaurant . 4 There is a house ( in front / next / opposite ) the stadium. VI/ Write questions for the underline . (§Æt c©u hái cho nh÷ng c©u tr¶ lêi sau) 1 My school is on Le Loi street . 2 Mai gets up at 6.00 every morning . 3 There is a lake near our house . 4 Our class has four floors . * The man in the car is our new teacher . * There are two lamps on the wall. * Yes, our new teacher is young . * Two lamps are on the wall. 3. Collecting the handout. 4. Correcting the exercises. 5. Homework: - Learn vocabulary, Structure from Unit 4 to Unit 6 by heart. - Prepare for Test 2..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> Preparing’s day: Nov 12th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Nov 16th, 2011. Week : 13 Period: 39. TEST 2 – 45 MINUTES I/ Objectives: To check Sts’ knowledge from Unit 4 to Unit 6 about vocabulary and grammar. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The main grammar from Unit 4 to Unit 6. 2/ Vocabulary: III/ Techniques: Individually check in writing. IV/ Teaching aids:. Test 2 (Test is in an other paper). V/ Procedures: 1. Checking Sts’ absent. 2. Gives Sts the test, asks them to do in 45 minutes. 3. Collect the paper of test. 4. Homework: + Prepare next lesson: Unit 7-A1, 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> Week : 14 Period: 40. Preparing’s day: Nov 18th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Nov 23rd, 2011 Unit 7: YOUR HOUSE A/ Is your house big?(A1,2). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use question and answer with is there..../are there.....? to describe the town. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The simple present tense 2/ Vocabulary: garden, vegetable, photo III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: Guessing game T: asks Yes-No question and Answers 2/ Pre-listening: Yes No  T/F prediction ........big?  T: gives grid .........small?  Sts: predict and tick Yes or No .........a yard?  Sts: close the book ..........a well?  3/ While-listening: A1 ..........flowers?  Sts open the book and check their ...........trees? predictions Sts use the grid to talk about Hoa * Vocabulary: 4/ Pre-reading: - garden(n): a/ Pre-teach: - vegetable(n): Techiques: pictures, realia - photo(n): Checking vocab: rub out and * T/F prediction: remember a/ The house is in the country. b/ T/F prediction: b/ There’s a river near the house. Answer key: a/ T b/ F c/ F D/ T c/ There are trees to the left of the house. 5/ While-reading:A2 d/ There are two gardens. Individualpairwork Comprehension questions (Matching) My house 6/ Post-reading: There’s a flower garden in front of the Transformation writing from the main house. There’s a vegetable garden behind the text of the letter Sts change the house. To the left of the house, there’s a lake. underlined information to describe To the right of the house, there are tall trees. their own house and draw a picture of Here is a photo. it as a photo..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> 5/ Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart. - Prepare A3-6 6/ Remark: Week : 14 Period: 41. Preparing’s day: Nov 18th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Nov 23rd, 2011. Unit 7: YOUR HOUSE A/ Is your house big?(A3,4,5,6) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use question and answer with is there..../are there.....? to describe the town. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The simple present tense 2/ Vocabulary: III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: Sing a song 2/ Presentation: a/ Pre-teach: T: gives the picture and introduces the * Vocabulary: words - bank(n): ngân hàng Checking vocabulary: Slap the board - clinic(n): phòng khám - post office(n): bưu điện b/ Presentation dialogue: A1 - supermarket(n): siêu thị T gives the model sentences - shop(n): cửa hiệu * Model sentences: - Is there a yard/well? 3/ Practice: Yes, there is./No, there isn’t Picture Drill - Are there any flowers/trees? - Is there (a hotel) near your house? Yes, there are./ No there aren’t Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t A3. 4/ Further practice: 8 pictures in the book Matching Individuallyshare with a partner. A4, 5, 6. 5/ Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart - Prepare B 6/ Remark: .................................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> Week: 14 Period: 42. Preparing’s day: Nov 19th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Nov 24th, 2011 Unit 7: YOUR HOUSE B/ Town or country (B1,2,3). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to compare town with country II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The simple present tense 2/ Vocabulary: III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: Hangman T: draws (-) on the board and has sts _ _ _ _ _ _ (stores) guess them _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (supermarket) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (flowers) _ _ _ _ (bank) 2/ Pre- reading: * Vocabulary: a/ Pre-teach: - noisy ≠ quite: ồn ào ≠ yên tỉnh eliciting/ modeling/ repetition - apartment(n): căn hộ Checking meaning/stress - market(n): chợ Checking vocab: Rub out and - zoo(n): sở thú remember - paddy field(n): cánh đồng lúa b/ Kim’s Game: B1 picture P. 76’’There’s a zoo, post office.....’’ Sts work in groups B1 picture P.77’’there’s a lake, a river,...’’ 3/ While-reading: Transformation writing: B2 T reads the text about Ba and Chi Ba lives in an apartment in town. Near his Sts listen then read apartment...... Sts work in pairs * Listening:B3 * Comprehension questions (Match) a f * Brainstorm: 4/ Post-reading: Brainstorm - In town: .....It’s noisy. T divides the class into 2 teams: write .....we live in apartment. as much as possible. Team writes more .....there’s a zoo; … than other team, will win. -In the country: .....it’s quite. ....ect.... 5/ Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart and grammar. - Prepare C1, 3. 6/ Remark: .......................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> Preparing’s day: Nov 27th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Nov 30th, 2011. Week : 15 Period: 43 Unit 7: YOUR HOUSE C/ On the move (C1,3). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer about transportation and apply them in real life. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The simple present tense 2/ Vocabulary: III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: * Guessing Game Sts: choose a place in town (factory, I’m going to the......... museum, post office, stadium, ect) and Ex: Are you going to the bank? complete the sentence strip. No, I’m not. Are you going to the clinic? 2/ Presentation: Yes, I am. * Pre-teach: * Vocabulary: T uses the pictures on P.78-79 - by bike: bằng xe đạp Eliciting - by motorbike: bằng xe máy Models - by bus: bằng xe buýt Repetition(choral-individuals) - by car: bằng xe hơi Checking vocab: What and Where - by train:bằng tàu lửa 3/ Practice: - by plane: bằng máy bay * C1, C3: * Model sentences: T guides Ss to read and gives some - How do you go to school? model. Asks Ss to practice. I travel/go by bike. Ss listen and take notes. - How does he travel to work? He travels/goes by car. S1: How does(Lien)go to school? S2: She goes by(bike). S1: How does(Mr Hai) travel to work? 4/ Production: S2: He travels by(train). T divides 2 teams. Guides Ss to play * Noughts and crosses the games: Noughts and crosses Mrs Dung Mrs Lien Mr Hai Ss: Play the games. Lien Thu Tuan T encourages Ss to play. Gives a gift Mr Ba Mr Kim Miss Hoa for the winner. 5/ Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart and grammar.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> - Prepare C4,5,6 6/ Remark: Week : 15 Period: 44. Preparing’s day: Nov 27th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Nov 30th, 2011 Unit 7: YOUR HOUSE C/ On the move (C4,5,6). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the content of a text and apply to communicate. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The simple present tense 2/ Vocabulary: III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: subordinate board, pictures V/ Procedures: Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: T calls some pairs to practice as model. - Ss practice. S1: Do you get up at 5.30? S2: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 2/ Pre-reading: Open prediction C4. Listening: Sts predict what time Hoang does the What time? following things He gets up He leaves the house School starts School ends He has lunch C5, 6. * Survey: 3/ While-reading: What time? Sts read and check their predictions Name... Name... Lucky Numbers (a-f in book P.80) Get up g/ What time do you get up? Go to school h/ How do you go to school? Classes start Classes end Go home Have lunch 4/ Post-reading: 5/ Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart. - Prepare Unit 8 - A1,2, 3. 6/ Remark: .................................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> Week : 15 Period: 45. Preparing’s day: Teaching’s day REMARK THE TEST 2. I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, T wants to feed back test 2 of Ss. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: Take notes some main structure. 2/ Vocabulary: Take notes some main word. III/ Techniques: IV/ Teaching aids:. V/ Procedures: 5. Checking Sts’ absent. 6. Gives back the test for each Student, then correct. ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ KIỂM TRA MỘT TIẾT SỐ 2 - Tiếng Anh 6 1. PHẦN CHO ĐIỂM: A/ TRẮC NGHIỆM: Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm * 12 câu = 3 điểm B/ TỰ LUẬN: 2. ĐÁP ÁN PHẦN. TRẢ LỜI. 5/ Homework: - Prepare Unit 8 (A1, 2, 3 ) 6/ Remarks: ............................................................ , 2011 , 2011.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> Week : 16 Period: 46. Preparing’s day: Dec 3th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Dec 6th, 2011 Unit 8: OUT AND ABOUT A/ What are you doing ? A1,2,3. I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to present simple sentence with present progressive to talk about actions happening now in classroom, in school. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The present progressive tense 2/ Vocabulary: play video games, ride a bike, drive, wait for III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: pictures V/ Procedures: Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: sing a song 2/ Presentation: 1. Vocabulary: - play video games: chơi trò chơi điện tử - ride a bike: cởi (xe đạp, xe máy) - drive: lái xe(xe ô tô) - wait for: chờ đợi Top 3 pictures only 2. Text: A1 * Model sentences: I am(‘m) playing games He/She Is (‘s) riding a bike 3/ Practice: Picture Drill - Model - Work individuals Ex: I’m walking to school He’s/She’s waiting for a bus 4/ Production: Noughts and Crosses Noughts and Crosses: Walk to Drive a bus Travel by bus school I’m walking to school Wait for a Ride a bike Play a game Two teams A&B train Go by plane Drive a car Ride a motorbike 5/ Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart. - Prepare A4,5,6 6/ Remark: .................................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> Preparing’s day: Dec 4th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Dec 6th, 2011. Week : 16 Period: 47. Unit 8: OUT AND ABOUT A/ What are you doing ? (A4,5,6) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand present progressive with all subjects and practice with a partner. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The present progressive tense 2/ Vocabulary: play video games, ride a bike, drive, wait for III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: pictures V/ Procedures: Activities Contents 1/ Warm-up: What and Where Group work. 2/ Presentation: Giving model sentences 3/ Practice: Picture Drill S1: I’m(walking to school) S1: She’s(playing video games) S1: They’re(waiting for a bus) 4/ Production: Wordsquare Ss find and circle the words then put the word into a present progressive statement and write it on the board up, travel, go, drive, wait watch, ride, play, get walk, go get TV. 1/ Text 3 pictures 2/ Model sentences: I ‘m(am) She/He ‘s(is) We/You/They ‘re(are) * Picture Drill. Ex: They’re going to school. W U P D O A K L A W T R A V E C I Y G O H D R I V Q E W A I. 5/ Homework: - Write five sentences to talk about actions happening.. walking waiting playing. X T L G E T.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> - Prepare B1 6/ Remark: Week : 16 Period: 48. Preparing’s day: Dec 12th, 2009 Teaching’s day : Dec 14th, 2009 Unit 8: OUT AND ABOUT B/ A truck driver (B1). I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a short story and tell it. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The present progressive tense 2/ Vocabulary: III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: pictures V/ Procedures: Activities Contents 1/Pre-reading: 1/ Pre-teach:Matching Teaching vocabulary a truck driver quày bán thực phẩm Checking vocabulary a farmer tài xế xe tải (to) load dở hàng xuống (to) unload chất hàng lên A food stall đến (to) arrive at nông dân I think I read 2/ Ordering statements: 1. going to Hanoi a 3 2. meeting the farmer b ect 3. having breakfast c 4. going to a farm d 5. loading vegetables in the truck e 6. unloading the truck f a4,b2,c5,d1,e6,f3 B1. A truck driver 2/ While-reading: Sts check their predictions and fill * Comprehension questions in the I read column. * Lucky Numbers 3/ Post-reading: 1. Lucky Number! 2. What are they doing on page 10? 3. What are the students doing on page 21, picture a? 4. What are they doing on page 22? 5. What are they doing on page 37? 6. Lucky Number! 7. What’s he doing on page 57? 8. What are they doing on page 67? 9. What are Thu and Lien doing on page 78? 10. Lucky number! 5/ Homework:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> - Prepare C1-2 6/ Remark: .................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................... Week : 18 Period: 52,53. Preparing’s day: Jan Teaching’s day : Jan. th th. , 2006 , 2006. GRAMMAR PRACTICE I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review and exercises about present simple and progressive tense. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The simple present tense, present progressive tense. 2/ Vocabulary: (revision) III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: pictures V/ Procedures: Activities 1/ Activity1: T reminds some form about two tense. Sts gives the examples. 2/ Activity 2: Sts remember some structures and some questions Sts give example. Sts talk about prepositions and. Contents 1/ Present simple tense: ‘’Tobe” + S + am/is/are - S + am/is/are + not.... ? Am/Is?Are + S +.....? “Ordinary verb’’ + S + V (s/es) - S + does/do(not) + V(inf)... ? Is/Am/Are + S + V-ing.....? 2/ Present progressive tense: + S + am/is/are + V-ing... - S + am/is/are + not + V-ing.... ? Am/Is?Are + S + V-ing.....? 3/ Structures and ‘’Wh questions’’ - There is.../There are.... - Is there../ Are there...? * Where? * Who? * What?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> give example about them. 4/ Prepositions: To the lefl, to the right of, between, in, in front of,... 5/ Grammar practice: (17). 3/ Activity 3:. 5/ Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart - Prepare C3-4 6/ Remark: ................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................... Preparing’s day: Jan 14th, 2011 Teaching’s day : Jan 16th, 2011. Week : 19 Period: 55. Unit 9: THE BODY A/ Parts of the body (A1-2) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe parts of the body through nouns learnt. II/ Language contents: 1/ Grammar: The present simple tense 2/ Vocabulary: III/ Techniques: Individually, pair / group work IV/ Teaching aids: pictures V/ Procedures: Activities 1/Warm-up: sing a song 2/ Presentation: Visuals Checking vocab: Rub out and remember. T labels the BB picture as T pre-teach. Rub out and remember the labels. Get ss to re-label the picture.. 3/ Practice: Simon says. Contents 1/ Pre-teach: - head(n): - chest(n): - shoulder(n): - arm(n): - hand(n): - leg(n): - feet(a foot): - finger(n): - toe(n): * Simon says:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> T instructs Sts do (groupwork/ class). Picture Drill: A1 A2 Pairwork. Simon says touch your head Simon says touch your chest Simon says touch your feet Touch your shoulders! Simon says touch your shoulders Simon says touch your right foot A: What’s that? B: That’s his(head) A: What are these? B: Those are his (shoulders). 5/ Homework: - Prepare A3-5 6/ Remark: .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. ...........................................................................................................................................

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