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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>CHECK THE TEST I). Phần trắc nghiệm (3 points) Chọn ý đúng: 1) I was tired because I stayed up late last night. A. If I had stayed up late last night, I would have been tired. B. I hadn’t been tired if I wouldn’t have stayed up late last night. C. If I hadn’t stayed up late last night, I wouldn’t have been tired. D. I wouldn’t be tired if I didn’t stay up late last night. 2). The starfish live on or depend ……………….. the bottom. A. upon B. for C. on D. A and C 3). Henry ……………… a rich man if he had been more careful in the past. A. was B. would be C. will be D. would have been 4). Is English _____________ at the club by the students? A. speak B. be spoken C. spoken D. speaks 5). I think you ............ apologize for your behavior. A. may B. have C. should D. ought 6) Dangerous driving causes many accidents. (passive) A. Many are caused accidents by dangerous driving. B. Accidents are caused by many dangerous driving. C. Many accidents are caused by dangerous driving. D. Causes many accidents are being driven by dangerous. 7). Sperm whales and sharks are carnivores. A. animals that live in the sea B. animals that only eat plants C. fish that aren't born from eggs D. animals that eat meat 8). If Mr. Black weren’t late, he wouldn’t have lost his job. A B C D 9). If I don’t go to the party tomorrow, I ………… go fishing. A. don’t B. didn’t C. will D. would 10). Chọn từ có dấu nhấn khác với các từ còn lại: A. farmer B. planet C. destroy D. forest Tìm một từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với những từ còn lại: 11) A. parked B. played C. stayed D. loved 12) A. clear B. dear C. hear D. wear II). Phần tự luận (7 points) Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi: (4 points) Sperm whales are the biggest animals on Earth that have teeth. They are carnivores, which mean they eat meat. Although sperm whales can be found in all oceans, they prefer the waters with high squid populations, which are their main diet. A sperm whale can eat up to 1,500 kg of food each day. Sperm whales are big animals. The males can grow up to 18 meters long and weigh up to 54,000 kg while the females are a bit smaller with a length of 12 meters and a weigh of 17,000kg. A female sperm whale gives birth to one calf every five to seven years after a gestation period of fourteen to nineteen months. The life span of sperm whales can be up to sixty or seventy years. It is interesting to know that they also have the largest brain of any mammals. Sperm whale populations are at risk due to hunting and their accidental entrapment in fishing nets. 1). Why are sperm whales called carnivores?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Because they eat meat 2). Do sperm whales have the largest brain of any mammals? Yes, they do 3). Where can sperm whales be found? Sperm whales can be found in all oceans. 4). How much can a sperm whale eat a day? A sperm whale can eat up to 1,500 kg of food each day. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc: (1 point) 1). If you had seen the film “Wild Wild West”, you (enjoy) __would have enjoyed__ it. 2). You will miss the train if you (not, take) __don’t take__ the bus. Rewrite the following sentences: (2 points) 1). The students are doing an English test now. (passive) An English test is being done by the students now. 2). Carol didn’t answer the phone because she was studying. If Carol hadn’t been studying, she would have answered the phone. 3). Information Technology has changed human life. Human life has been changed by Information Technology. 4). We came late because there were no taxis.. If there had been taxis, we wouldn’t have come late..

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