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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of preparing: 8/10/2012. Date of teaching: 9/10/2012 (class 9D) 10/10/2012 (class 9A). Week: 8 Period: 15. 10/10/2012 (class 9C) 11/10/2012 (class 9B). UNIT 3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE Lesson 1: Getting started; Listen and read Ä & Ã 1. The aims: a. Kiến thức: - Học sinh có thể miêu tả về miền quê và những hoạt động ở đó - Học sinh nhớ lại mẫu câu lời ước với “wish” * Vocabulary : + (to) join + (to) reach + (to) lie + bamboo + banyan + the shrine... * Structures : - Adverb clause of result - Wish (could) - Prepositions b. Kĩ năng:. + the journey. - Học sinh nâng cao kĩ năng đọc và nói - Học sinh biết cách làm bài tập T/F và trả lời các câu hỏi c. Thái độ: - Học sinh hăng say, hứng thú với môn học và say mê tìm hiểu về những chủ đề về miền quê 2. Preparation: a. Teacher: Book, lesson plan, tape, cassette, picture….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> b. Students: Books, pens, revision… 3. Proceduces:. a. Organization: (1’) - T checks the number of Ss in class b. New lesson: * Warm - up: (3’) - T makes some questions to students. Do you live in the country or in the city ? Do you like the country ? Why (not) ? What can you do in the country ? - T asks Ss to look at the pictures on page 22 and tell me. What are the pictures about ? *Activities in countryside What activities can you see in the pictures ? + watering the vegetables + going swimming + feeding the chickens + harvesting the rice + feeding the pigs + plowing the field + flying the kite + playing soccer - T asks Ss to make questions and answer with these. What is he/she doing ? What are they doing ? Countryside is a place where we were born and grew up. It gave us many memories when we were childhood and today you will know about the trip to the countryside of Ba and his family..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> * Contents: - T introduces the lesson. Teacher's activities. Students' activities. Contents 1. Presentation (6’):. T asks questions. some - Ss answer a. Where are you going to go this summer vacation ? b. What are you going to do there ? c. What are they doing ?. - T checks and explains the pictures in the book. What do you see in the picture 1, 2, 3 ? What are they doing ? Where are they ? * Phrase words:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - T gives newwords by - Ss write asking some questions. 1, watering the vegetables: tưới rau 2, swimming: bơi 3, feeding the chicken: cho gà ăn 4, havesting: vụ mùa, gặt 5, feeding the pigs: cho lợn ăn 6, plowing in the field: cày ruộng 7, A buffalo boy is flying his kite 8, Some childen are playing football. T asks questions. some - Ss answer. ? If you are in the country, What do you like activities ? (- I like …………..) 2. Presentation:. - T asks Ss some - Ss answer questions. - Do you like the side of the countryside ? -What activities do you like best ? * Present vocabulary: (4’) + home village: làng quê. - T introduces some newwords - Ss write and read. + entrance to the village: cổng làng + bamboo forest: rừng tre + banyan tree: cây đa.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> + shrine: miếu… + river bank: bờ, triền sông Game: - T guides Ss to play - Ss play game: What game: What and and Where Where. What and Where bamboo forest entrance banyan tree. - Ss listen. ........................ ....... - T introduces a Ba’s trip to the countryside - T plays tape for Ss to listen (twice) - T demands Ss to read - Ss do, share and * Answer a: (9’) and do ex T/F in the compare 1. F - Ba and his family had a day book trip to their home village - T calls Ss to answer - Ss do and check 2. T and checks 3. F - There is a big old banyan tree at the entrance to the village 4. F - People had a snack under the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> banyan tree - Ss write. 5. T 6. F - People had a picnic on the river bank 7. T 8. F - Liz took a lot of photos to show the trip to her parents 9. T. * Answer b: (13’) - Then, T guides Ss to - Ss read and answer 1, It’s 60 kms to the north of HN do part b, questions 2, Ba and his family got to the village - T calls Ss to answer - Ss check and write by bus and checks 3, The banyan tree is at the entrance to the village 4, They saw the shrine of a Viet Namese hero on the mountain 5, They had a picnic on the river bank 6, Liz took a lot of photos to show the trip to her parents 7, Liz wishes she could visit Ba’s village again.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> (1- 3- 5: answer on the board 2- 4- 6- 7: work in pairs) *Structure: (2’) - Modal could with “wish” - T can guide Ss to do. - Ss listen and write. - The past simple with wish (câu ước không có thật ở hiện tại). - Then, T structures. repeats. Eg: I wish I could fly I wish I had a bike I could have a bike - Use the preposition: After, at, on, in, of + time 3. Production: (6’) Now you meet Liz. make a dlg between you and Liz, ask and answer about the trip using the information you have learnt.. - T asks some pairs talk aloud.. You and Liz. Y: Did you have a trip to the countryside ? L: Yes. I went there with Ba and his family. Y: Where is Ba’s village ? L: It is 60 km to the north of HaNoi. Y: How did you go there ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> L: We got there by bus. Y:What can you see on the way to the village ? L: I can see many green paddy fields, a small bamboo forest and a big banyan tree at the entrance to the v. Y: How long did you get there ? L: It took two hours to get there. Y: Were you tired ? L: Yes. We were very tired and hungry, so we sat down the banyan tree and had a snack. Y: What did you do there ? L: We walked up the …..went boating…. Y: Did you take any Photos ? L: Yes. I will show them to my parents. I wish I could visit Ba’s… Y: I would go there with you the next. c. Consolidation: (2’) - T asks: What do you do When they. you come to the countryside ? they. and summarizes knowledge of the lesson. d. Home work: (1’).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> - T demands Ss to: Learn by heart newwords Practice structure Do exercise 1, 2 page 20. Prepare new lesson. 4, Result of lesson: * Kiến thức:.................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................... .. * Phương pháp:......................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................... * Thời gian:.................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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