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SKKN some experiences help 6th graders practice writing a passage oran e mail on the topic learned in english 6 program effectivelly

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The main purpose of teaching a foreign language is to develop
communication skills in the foreign language. In order to have a comprehensive
communication, in addition to the need to speak a foreign language fluently, express
themselves fluently and suit their own opinions, learners must also write correctly,
coherently and effectively in the foreign language. there.
Writing skills are one of two extremely important productive skills for
learning any language, and English is no exception. Writing is a delicate combination
of teaching other language skills, it can be an engaging, enjoyable and inspiring
activity for young English learners.
For the 6th graders, they are eager to learn and think positively, they learn
through communication with their peers, and with their teachers during lessons. Wellplanned collaborative English writing exercises that will help exploit all of these
elements in your child. However, through direct teaching, attending hours, and
exchanging experiences with a number of colleagues, I have noticed the organization
of teaching and implementation of teacher activities in special writing skills. is the
practice of writing short paragraphs, e-mail on lesson topics for 6th graders still has
many limitations. Through paper-based tests, most students' writing results are still
low. Students are also passive, less interested and less confident when participating in
writing, leading to boredom and lack of depth in each lesson.
Realizing the importance of writing skills, I boldly chose to research this topic
to help myself understand more deeply about the purpose, requirements as well as the
methods and skills of teaching to improve effectiveness and subject teaching results.
For the above reasons, I chose the topic “ Some experiences help 6th graders
practice writing a passage or an e-mail on the topic learned in English 6 program
I hope the reality of my work will help Ss to be more active in learning,
accumulated knowledge, skills and create a lively atmosphere in the school, improve
learning outcomes subjects. I look forward to sharing, commenting and contributing
ideas to my Experience Initiative excellently from my friends, my colleagues, the
readers and my friends.

The study, using innovative approaches to teaching transplant program details.
Write a short paragraph or an e-mail in English 6 pilot program to:
+ Help teachers design and organize a lesson, how to practice writing effectively.
+ Help the student's mind smoothing, comfortable, with passion, excitement with
every lesson.
+ Find out the methodology of guiding students to train optimally applied to each
class, each form of instruction to improve student self-learning in particular improve
the quality of students' learning in general for English subject.
+ Help teachers factual basis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of his/ her
self-improvement training activities, striving to continuously improve the quality
and effectiveness of teaching.

Thereby, the exchange of experiences with colleagues, and finding better
methods for teaching "write a short paragraph or an e-mail ".
1.3. Researched participants:
- In this topic, I study the basic solutions after basic application for students in grade
6, Quang Long Secondary school, the medium students - the majority of subjects.
- The use of effective tricks in teaching writing skill.
- Create maximum written opportunities for students.
1.4. Ways to conduct the theme:
- Methods of theoretical research.
- Investigation method: Investigate, learn the reality of writing skills students at
Quang Long secondary school.
- Methods of observation: Timekeeping, visiting class, observing the activities of
teacher and student.
- Experimental method: teaching some lessons in grade 6.

2.1. The theoretical problem of size
I have researched and learned from my experience to build the approach to improve the 6th
grade students' English writing a paragraph or e-mail skills the following rationale:

- Based on the characteristics of English Secondary School Program.
- Based on the principles and nature of teaching, the characteristics of the set method
subjects and steps in teaching writing skills.
- Based on the school's physical conditions.
- Based on the mind and physiology of the 6th grade students and the cognitive
processes of this age.
- Based on the results of the investigation.
From the basis of the above properties, the following points are drawn:
+ Teaching writing is in combination with other skills. When students know how to
choose words such as types of words, word combinations, verb periods, prepositions,
they already know how to synthesize knowledge such as grammar, vocabulary,
information while reading, listening and speaking to express what they want to say in
written language.
+ Writing skills help students have the conditions to practice their thinking ability,
creatively express their personal thoughts and implement the principles in each
foreign language lesson, namely: Old revision - New practice -> help to learn
Students have new post sensations, new knowledge is nothing difficult, and scary.
+ Students in grades 6, aged 11-12, are still weak with all 4 skills (Listening Speaking - Reading - Writing) due to many different psychological reasons such as
embarrassment, hesitation, due to a small number of students having conditional
writing practice will overcome the above limitations and through writing, students
often show their strengths and weaknesses so the teacher can firmly grasp the level of
each object.
+ Through writing practice, students develop the ability to express an idea, a thought
in many different ways to ensure all students in the class are participating in learning
activities in the same class. For a certain time -> to help students have a more serious

sense of learning, pay attention to listening to lectures in class and actively practice at
home more: must memorize and write correctly new words, must memorize structures
New sentence structure, new pattern.
Here, the question arises: Why do we need to give students the opportunity to
practice English writing? The answer is because writing tends to be forgotten in the
classroom at times, but it is an essential part of language development.
2. 2.The state of research issues:
2.2.1. General situation of teaching and learning writing skills
The goal of teaching and learning foreign languages is to provide learners with media
or in other words, improve communication capacity for learners. To acquire the ability
to communicate, four language skills (reading, speaking, listening and writing) are
routinely taught in schools, of which writing is important as it is a skill to reinforce.
The grammar structures and vocabulary that students learned in the previous lessons
of the topic. Besides, students need to make efforts to express their ideas through
practice and practice. They recognize themselves a real need for using and finding the
right words and the right sentences. The close relationship between writing and
thought makes writing a valuable part of any language "(Raimes, 1938: 3). Forging
skills of writing short paragraphs, emails for students in grade 6 according to the
requirement of each unit, takes place regularly after each topic.
2.2.2. Difficulties writing a short paragraph or an e-mail.
In fact, middle school students in general, especially 6th grade students in Quang
Long High School in particular are very weak in writing short paragraphs or e-mail on
+ Firstly, most of them lack vocabulary and sentence structure. When writing,
students make many mistakes in words, grammar, organization, and expression of
+ Secondly, each student has their own difficulties, but the limitation of vocabulary
and grammar, difficulty in expressing ideas and using linking words are their most

fundamental difficulties. Grade 6 students.
+ Weakness in expressing ideas is also a big problem for the 6th graders. They are
familiar with the Vietnamese way of thinking, so their ideas appear indirect and long.
They do not focus on the main point of the problem, some write a lot but the
sentences are not connected, so the writing is ambiguous and unreasonable.
+ Learners often see writing as a risky challenge with predictable results. Learners
'fear stems from correcting mistakes and forcing themselves to please their teachers or
to satisfy classmates' expectations, leading to them being afraid to learn and improve
their writing skills.
2.2.3. Specific investigations:
Right from the beginning of the school year, I was driven to my plan and specific
methods to actively investigate the situation of my students’learning to teach. I have
set up surveys with content and I will present the results later.
* Survey of interest in learning: The fact that through the survey and exploration of
the attitudes of students to writing classes and excitement of learning 6A and 6B grade
students beginning the first semester of the academic year 2020-2021 before

applying themes :
QUESTIONNAIRE ( face to face in communication and observation)
1. Are the topics close to you?
2. What topics are boring with you?
3. Are activities appropriate to your level?
4. Are you sefl- confident to learn writing skill?
5. Do you have any difficulties practicing writing skill?
6. Do you discuss to find ideas for the article before writing
7. Do you enjoy free writing or guided writing?
8. Are they allotted time to complete the lesson?
Some suggestions / requests: ........................

* Results of the survey
I with colleagues in the investigation group, We explored objectively,
interviewed 80 students directly and also collected the following results:
+ Some topics are not close to the level and the knowledge of the children: 65%
+ The good news with question 2 is that 80 interviewed children are very interested in
the topics of the lessons.
+ Activities are not appropriate to their level: 44%
+ 70% have difficulties in searching and organizing ideas.
+ Writing under time pressure in class also received a pretty positive response.
+ Regarding the commenting and commenting activity of the teacher for the student's
draft, normally, students can not detect all the errors in the essay when they correct
each other, but the teacher, with the ability Higher qualifications can point out
mistakes for them, so the corrections from teachers are always appreciated. This is the
idea preparation phase that helps students select the best ideas and eliminate These
ideas are not really useful for my articles. Moreover, when students share and discuss
ideas with each other, they will learn more from teachers and classmates.
+ Students are afraid of making mistakes in the writing process: 77,5%
+ Students may not understand what to do in the writing activities: 43,8%
Morever, through observing students'participating in practicing writing English in the
lessons, only a few students voluntarily focus on the task.
In addition, certain limitations in the application of methods and skills to teach classes
in specific lessons in a long-term also affect the ability of students. This
misconception of teachers and students needs to be changed. Through the analysis
above we see that most children with the love of the subject, preferring to dominate
the knowledge and desire to express their own language in written language, but the
capital they need to be led cleverly, scientificly from teachers.
* Learning Outcomes
Quality survey results at the beginning of the school year before applying, it reflects
problems in the situation of students, with assessment and its own specialized

professional group. Thus, not only in quality but almost every lesson overall quality is
not high. Specifically:
6A( 40 ss)

Well - Good
Numbers (%)



Numbers (%)

In summary, the survey of two contents in order to determine the factors that hinder the
ability to communicate in written language, ability to grasp the language of students,
redefine the original reason I summarize some hard following main problems:

About students:
- Some lessons have distinct language training contents.
- Many activities are incompatible with the specific qualifications of students.
- Students have the habit of relieving, not willing to brainstorm the knowledge they
have learned.
- Students fear of making mistakes in the procedures.
- Students may not understand what to do in these activities “ write”.
Other difficulties: There are topics given by the teacher not really appeal to students,
vocabulary is not enough to provide for students to express their opinions out.

Furthermore, students who have not really had an English environment on a
regular basis to help them practice and reinforce their skills.
The biggest obstacle hindering the development of student skills in English are
situated in the main learning styles. Too many theoretical courses led to passive
students in learning, they gradually become less dynamic and creative. That habit of
learning has led to a lack of confidence in writing English.
2.3.1. The Importance of Developing English Writing Skills for Grade 6 Students
"Writing" is one of four important skills in teaching English so that students
are able to practice fast and written communication effectively.
Writing skills help students to have more training in a lesson. Guiding the
principle in every hour learning foreign languages: old - new training. All new
knowledge is gradually elicited from the knowledge learned in the previous lesson
which makes students not afraid of new lessons.
While learning English, students can learn from each other, correct each other

without being afraid of the teacher. On the basis of the theory, the scientific basis of
the subject and the actual quality of students’ learning in my school. I did the
research, and used it to draw some lessons to be applied in the lessons effectively.
2.3.2. Some activities have been applied
For Grade 6 English, most short paragraphs or e-mail exercises are in controlled form.
So teachers' instructions can be detailed or simple depending on the student's level. To
make an article of this type, the teacher needs to perform the following steps: Pre - writing
In general, writing articles usually start with an outline, a sample article or suggested
words or phrases. Teachers introduce vocabulary or situations through pictures or
reading comprehension activities, students grasp how to present an essay according to
a certain purpose or requirement. Then, students will work on writing as required,
with specific instructions and suggestions for weak, average students or creative free
extension writing for good and good students. This is a seemingly simple period, but it
is an important part of an hour of successful writing instruction. Through the fact that
I went to class visit, my colleagues noticed that in this part, teachers have not really
invested in ideas, information as well as grammar structure and necessary vocabulary
to attract the attention of the student content of the lesson. The teacher only guided

through the textbook. This causes some difficulties for students when writing because
students often lack vocabulary, lack of ideas when expressing sentences. So I searched
and offers some activities in the Pre - writing section of my lessons.
a. Guided questions or questionaire
Through the topic of the essay or a sample essay, the teacher gives a number of
suggestive questions related to the topic of the essay to guide students into the main
content of the essay.
b. Brainstorming

In this activity, the teacher asks students to practice in groups, listing ideas
related to the topic being discussed. Then the teacher sums up ideas on the board or
asks representatives of the groups to present.Teachers have students recall language
knowledge learned in previous unit classes.
The above activities are simple for the teachers but it creates a vibrant
learning environment for the children. Children are drawn to the content of the lessons
from the preparation, so the quality of teaching and learning hours increases each day. While - writing
Once there is an outline for students to write. While students are writing, the
teacher needs to observe and support their work. Students can discuss with their
partner or group. Teachers can also assist with vocabulary and grammar structures if
needed. If students write individually, ask each child to have a small handout. If it is
writing in groups, tell them to send their group leader to write in the handout.
Teachers come in groups to make sure everyone is working.
When they finish writing, they exchange their papers for each other's Comments
and comments. In this stage, with the existing outlines but the underperforming
students still have many difficulties in completing their writing according to the
requirements and the content of the lesson. So I have given some activities below to
help students understand and complete writing as required.
a. Question - answer writing
In this activity, the teacher asks questions related to the topic to be written, and
students answer questions. Students then rearrange answers and use sentence
matching strategies to write coherent text.
b. Writing based on a text
+ Students read through a sample writing using a modified outline to write a complete
text similar to the sample writing.
+ The above activities I have applied to our school's underperforming students.
Although this form of exercise has not brought creativity to students, it also partly
helps students practice writing skills. After writing (Post- writing)

After they have finished writing or run out of time allotted, teachers check their work
using a variety of formats. Traditionally, I record and read and correct all the students
in the class. There are many ways to correct them, but it is best to suggest students to
recognize their mistakes and correct themselves. Teachers can only underline errors
for students to correct themselves, and can write edge types of errors (using wrong tense, using wrong prepositions - pre, misspellings - spells ...) for students to find out

the mistakes themselves and fix. Another way is to have students read their own
writing or that of their friends' writing (articles are written in the handout to hold).
Read or stick it on the board). The whole class commented, discovered and corrected
the article. However, at this step, the teacher needs to give criteria on all aspects of the
article such as content accuracy, language, clear and convincing style. This is also the
perfect step in the writing lesson, so the teacher should pay attention and not be
ignored to help students improve and self-improve their knowledge.
* Activities have been applied
In each writing period, I often give points to each aspect of the writing to help
students evaluate their own writing first.
- The criteria to pay attention to when editing the article:
+ Content: Enough, missing or redundant?
+ Language accuracy: Have words, phrases or sentences been used right or wrong,
appropriate or not?
+ Expression: Clear? Layout? Logical?
I will then apply students' writing activities towards creating a learner-centered
classroom environment through students correcting each other's writing.
a. Sharing and utilize
In this activity I ask two students not to sit side by side to exchange their writing and
correct each other. With this activity, students can detect mistakes and correct them,
compare ideas with their friends to enrich their writing.
b. Exhibition

+ Students write their drafts on a supplementary board or flipchart and hang them in
front of the class. Students read aloud texts to each other, exchange and compare their
own writing. Teacher commented, added at the end.
+ Using process-based literacy allows students to interact with each other and with
their writing. After they finish the pre-writing process with the draft in hand, they can
re-edit (correct) each other by exchanging the articles and correcting their friend's
writing. Finally, the teacher lets the children move on to the assessment of the quality
of their writing.
Here are some specific examples when preparing the content of implementation: Examples to write an email to your friend
For this type of exercise I give 2 specific examples with the 2 topics below:
Topic 1: How to write an email to your friend to describe your house .( Unit 2: At
home (Skills 2 – Writing)
+ The purpose of this section is that the students can write an email to their friend
to describe their house.
+ To help students practice writing effectively, I help them shape what language they
need to use:
1. What is an e-mail?
To write an e-mail, students first need to know what e-mail is?
(E-mail is the abbreviation of Electronic Mail in English, meaning email, used to
send and receive mail over the Internet.)

2. How to write e-mail to a friend on given subjects:
Ex: How to write an email to your friend to describe your house.
3. Home description
Ask students to look at Lan's e-mail to a friend describing Lan's house and analyze
how to write an e-mail to her friends to describe it.

Instruct students to take the following steps:
- After opening the compose window, follow these steps:
1. Enter the recipient's address - To
In this section, teachers instruct students to enter e-mail addresses of their friends
that they want to send e-mails to.
For example: or
2. Enter a subject - Subject
Subject is useful to generalize the main body of the message. The subject should be
clear, concise and concise so that the recipient can clearly understand the purpose of
the e-mail that the student wants to write.
Ex: for an email that says a description of your house, the title could be: My House
3 .Write the text of the e-mail in the space below the Subject line
This section is structured like an ordinary letter. Specifically, includes the following:
Greetings - Greetings
Since this is an e-mail to a friend, children can use informal greetings such as:
Hi / Hello / Dear + name,
Note: Add an "," after the name
For example: Hi Phuong, / Hello Linh, / Dear Jessica,
Content - Body
The body of an e-mail usually includes the following main contents:
a. Inquire about health, study, thank e-mail in advance or write the reason for writing e-mail

- Ask students to recall the content learned in the lessons in unit 2 to come up with

sentence patterns.
- Teacher suggests some common sentence patterns:
+ How are you?

+ How is your study at school?
+ It was very kind of you to write to me.
+ I'm writing to tell you about …
b. The main content the writer wants to convey
+ In this part, teachers guide students to write the main content of the email they are
sending to their friends.
+ For an e-mail sent to you for the purpose of a home description, in this section you
might suggest the following:
+ Describe where to live or with whom
Ex:I live in a town house with my parents and my younger brother.
* Ask the students to give them some vocabulary indicating the type of house they
could use:
Type of house:

a country house
a town house
a stilt house
an apartment
a villa

* Describe specific address where you live (house number, street name / district,
district / city / province ...)
For example: + My house is on Cau Giay Street.
+ I live in Ocean Hill, New York City.
* General description of the house:
+ what does it look like?
+ How many rooms? + What are the rooms? ...
Ex: My house is (really) big. There are six rooms: a living room, two bedrooms
two bathrooms and a kitchen.
* Some adjectives they can use to describe their house: small, large , spacious ,

beautiful/pretty , ugly, old, modern, chilly (lạnh lẽo),..............
* Describe location of rooms
Ex: My bedroom is next to the kitchen.
* Some prepositions indicate positions they can use when describing houses: in,on ,
behind, in front of, under, between, above, next to/by/beside , near/close to ,..
*Describe objects in the room
Ex: + One of the lamps is on the desk next to the bed.
+ The other lamp is in front of the bookcase.
*Express your feelings about certain houses / rooms in the house
Ex: I really love my bedroom so I decorate it with a lot of football stickers and coins
that I have collected.
c. End the e-mail
*You can end your e-mail in the following ways:
+ Schedule recipients to respond to their e-mails
+ How about you? Write me soon and tell me about your house.
* Say goodbye
+ I have to say goodbye now.
+ Must go now.
*Send wishes

+ Best regards,
+ Best wishes to your family,
*Signature - Signature
After guiding students to grasp the steps above. To increase their vocabulary,
structures, and ideas, the teacher could give them a number of exercises:

Practice: Write an e-mail to a friend describing your home. (This exercise can be
done at home or during revision periods).
* Suggestions: You can refer to the following questions when writing:
1. Where do you live?
2. Who do you live with?
3. Which kind of house do you live in? (a country house/ a town house/ a stilt house/ etc.)

4. How many rooms are there in your house? What are they?
5. What do you have in each room? 6. Which room is your favourite? Why?
7. What do you like most about your house?
8. Do you like your house? Why or Why not?
They can also re-read the sample introduction at the beginning of lesson to do thisexercise.

In conclusion, Follow the steps so as to avoid lessons discrete. Students are not too
dependent on textbooks, to gain time for practice, no downtime. Especially, all
students are practiced the language effectively.
Topic 2: Write an e-mail to a friend about your Tet holiday. Include what you will and
won't do. Also include things people should and shouldn't do. (Unit 6- Skills 2)

In this lesson, students will learn how to write the content of an e-mail to a friend with
the topic of Tet holiday. First, ask students to look at the problem paper to find out
what the letter is supposed to be (2 main contents).
- The first content, students will write about what they plan to do or not to do on Tet
- The second content is what everyone should and should not do during Tet.
To give students an overview of an e-mail, similar to the implementation of topic 1
above. (Since the frequency of writing an e-mail is not much in the 6th grade, I want
my students to master this approach so that they will not be surprised). I let the
students look at Lan's e-mail to Phuong to write about Tet and analyze the content of
the letter.

Subject: Tet Holiday
Dear Phuong,
I feel very excited because our Tet holiday is coming. This year I will learn how to make banh
chung from my parents. It must be very interesting. I will also receive a special gift from my parents
since I have got a lot of good marks in my final examination. I can't wait. This New Year's Eve I won't
go out because it will be very cold.
You know, at Tet, people should give children lucky money in red envelopes. In addition, people
shouldn't break things because it may bring bad luck, especially on the first day of the New Year
I will write again soon to tell you more!


- Ask students to tell us how the content of the e-mail follows the layout?
1. Introduction
+ After the greeting (Dear…,), the opening of the letter will be the part to raise the
feeling of Tet.
+ To talk about their feelings, they could use structure:
"Subject + feel / to be + adjectives showing feelings ..."
Ex: I feel very excited because our Tet holiday is coming.
2. Write about what they will and won't do during Tet.
Appropriate tenses can be used when you are making a simple future tense. When
writing about what they plan to do, they can use: “S + will + V ( inf)…”
Ex: This year I will learn how to make banh chung from my parents.
“S + won't/will not + V(inf)…”
Ex: This New Year's Eve I won't go out because it will be very cold.
Alternatively, they could write one or two statements about how they feel about the

plan to make the letter more engaging. As in the e-mail above when I wrote about the
intention to learn how to make banh chung from my parents. Lan gave her comments
about the intention: It must be very interesting.
3. Write about what everyone should and should not do on Tet.
When writing about what everyone should do, they could use: S + should + V(inf)..
Ex: You know, at Tet, people should give children lucky money in red envelopes.
When you write about what people shouldn't do, you can use:
“S + shouldn't/should not + V(inf)...”
Ex: In addition, people shouldn't break things because it may bring bad luck,
especially on the first day of the New Year.
4. Conclusion
They can write one or more questions to ask their friend to answer the letter, send
their greetings, say goodbye to them, and sign their name.
Ex: + I will write again soon to tell you more!
+ Write soon,
* Some notes when writing:
+ In e-mails written to friends, children can use informal language. They can also use
abbreviations: can't, won't, shouldn't, …
+ Use words or phrases that connect ideas.
As in the letter above, Lan used words / phrases: also (cũng), since (bởi
vì), because (bởi vì), You know (Như cậu biết), In addition (Ngoài ra).
+ Also they can use other words / phrases like: so (vì vậy), therefore (vì vậy), but (tuy
nhiên), however (tuy nhiên), although (mặc dù), Besides (Ngoài ra),...
Practice: Write an e-mail to a friend about your Tet holiday. Include what you
will and won't do. Also include things people should and shouldn't do.
Suggestions: You can refer to the following questions when writing:

- How do you feel when Tet holiday is coming?
- What will you do during Tet this year?
- What won't you do on Tet holiday?
- What should people do at Tet?
- What shouldn't people do during Tet holiday? How to write a short paragraph – Study skills
To have a good writing, I guide students to practice writing using the following
method: Research - Draft - Check
+ Research - Research: Form ideas and write them down (Review the theory to
understand possible structures and vocabulary)
+ Draft - Write a draft: Write the first draft of the article
+ Check - Check: Check the written draft: spelling, grammar, vocabulary, article
layout. Change the article with your friend to cross-check, give a fix for the article and then
rewrite. With this format, I let students practice through exercises the following topics of
units. Writing Practice
Topic 1: Describe your friends' shapes and personalities and do activities with them.

Request: Students write about their plans this weekend with their friends
Before I introduce the steps of this type of exercise, I refer students to a sample
writing and analyze how to write about my weekend plans and my friends' writing.
My name is Linh. I'm in class 6C. I have black hair. I am not so clever but I am really hardworking and confident. This weekend, on Saturday morning I am helping my mom make
some cakes. Then, I am tidying up my bedroom and reading my favourite novel.
After lunch, I am meeting Bao and Thu in the park to talk about the school trip. Bao and Thu
are my best friends in class. Bao is quite tall and thin. He has short straight hair and black
eyes. He is popular in our class because he is really kind and helpful. Thu is a pretty girl.
She has a beautiful face and big brown eyes. She is quite active and independent. On

Sunday, Bao, Thu and I are going on a school trip with other classmates. We are going to
Thu Le Park to see a lot of animals. We are riding boats in the lake and playing some games
with suprising gifts. At noon, we are eating lunch at a restaurant near the park and going
home at 3 pm.

To write about plans for the weekend for you and your friends, you can use the
following suggestions:
1. Introduce yourself and your friends
+ Students will start writing with a brief introduction about themselves.
Ex: My name is Linh. I'm in class 6C./ I am in grade 6.
+ Next, students describe their looks / personalities and their peers.
Structures you can use: S + to be + adjective
S + have/ has + (a/an) + adjective + part of body
+ Allow students to recall some of the adjectives describing the appearance they
learned in previous classes: long/ tall/ short/ thin/ chubby/ pretty/handsome/ cute............

+ Some adjectives describe the personality they can use:

+ Some common descriptive phrases they could use: long hair/a round face/short
black/hair/curly hair/big brown eyes
For examples: I have black hair.
He is pretty popular in our class because he is really kind and helpful.
2. Describe your and your friends' weekend plans
Weekend plans are organized future plans so we can use the present continuous
tense to describe. Structures: S + to be + V-ing
Some weekend activity words / phrases they could use:
eat out/go out/see a movie/watch a TV show/stay at home/do homework/get together with friends

Ex: On Sunday, Bao, Thu and I are going on a school trip with other classmates.
Practice:Write about your plans this weekend with your friends.
You can refer to the following questions when writing:
1. What's your name?
2. Which class/ grade are you in?
3. What do you look like?
4. What is your personality?
5. Who are your friends?
6.What do your friends look like?
7.What are your friends' personalities? 8.What are you doing this weekend?
9. What are you and your friends doing this weekend?

You can also re-read the sample introduction at the beginning of lesson.
Topic 2: Write about your likes and dislikes where you live ( unit 4 : skills 2)
How to write a paragraph about your neighbourhood saying what you like or dislike
about living there.

I live in the suburbs of Nha Trang city. There are many good things about living in my
neighbourhood. First, it has beautiful parks, sandy beaches, and sunny weather all year. So,
it's very good for outdoor activities and events. Second, the traffic here is also great because
the roads are wide and people follow the traffic lights very well. Also, my neighbours are
incredibly friendly and helpful. You can make friends with them and ask them for help
easily. However, there is one thing I don't like about living here. It's quite inconvenient
because if you want to hear some live music or watch a movie at the cinema, you have to
catch a bus to the city centre. Despite that, I still love living here
Here we analyze the above article to better understand how to write a paragraph about what
we like and dislike in our place. The sample paragraph above has the following layout:

1. Open the paragraph
- The paragraph begins with 2 sentences introducing where you live, and the topic of
the paragraph you are writing.
+ I live in the suburbs of Nha Trang city. There are many good things about living in
my neighbourhood.
- They could also write the opening paragraph in a sentence as follows:
+ I'd like to write about what I like and dislike about living here, in the suburbs of
Nha Trang city.
2. Write about what you like about where you live
The above paragraph listed the good points of the living area using phrases like:
beautiful parks ,sandy beaches , sunny weather.

In addition to using phrases, the paragraph also uses flexible writing with descriptive
sentences such as:
+ “the traffic here is also great ....” (giao thông ở đây cũng rất tuyệt ...)
+ “my neighbours are incredibly friendly and helpful.”
In order to have a clearer and more coherent layout, the writer has used linking words
such as: First (Đầu tiên), Second (Thứ hai là), Also (Ngoài ra).
3. Write about what you don't like about where you live

Paragraph shifts from talking about good to bad as much as from linking:However
Then talk about what you don't like and explain to it:“it's so inconvenient because...”
If you want to list many bad points, you can use the spelling using phrases,
descriptors, and linking words as in item 2 above. Some phrases that can be used for
this part include: narrow/crowded/busy streets , unfriendly people, expensive fruit
and vegetables , v.v.
+ Phrase transition example :narrow and crowded streets - The streets are narrow and

4. End
+ The paragraph ends with affirming the writer's feelings for where he lives:
“Despite that, I still love living here.”
+ If you don't like where you live and want to move, you can write:"I really dislike
living here and I would like to move to another neighbourhood one day."
PRACTICE: Write a paragraph about your neighbourhood saying what you like
or dislike about living there.
- The paragraph should have a clear and coherent layout thanks to the linking words
- The passage fully answers the questions:
+ What do you like about living in your neighbourhood? Why?
+ What do you dislike about living in your neighbourhood? Why?
They can also re-read the sample passage at the beginning of lesson.
Topic 3: Write a travel guide about a place you know.
Invite the students to watch the sample passage below:
This travel guide is for people who want to visit Ha Long Bay, one of the seven natural
wonders in the world. Ha Long Bay is located in Quang Ninh province which is in the north
of Vietnam. It is nearly 200km from Hanoi. So it takes you about 4 hours by car. You can
also travel there in a coach or even in a helicopter on Saturday. The best season to visit Ha
Long is in summer when the weather is warm and sunny. Ha Long Bay has many beautiful
caves and islands; therefore, you must take a boat trip to enjoy the view here. You certainly
must take pictures to remember the trip better, too. If you are an active person, you must do
the water sports here like swimming, sailing, and windsurfing. One more thing, you must try
the seafood here because it is incredibly fresh and delicious. With this travel guide, I hope
that you will have a wonderful time here in the number one natural wonder of Vietnam

Here we analyze the above article to better understand how to write a travel guide
for a landscape. The sample paragraph above has the following layout:
1. Open the paragraph
The passage begins with the introduction of the names of the sights that will be

described in the tourist guide: This travel guide is for people who want to visit Ha Long
Bay, one of the seven natural wonders in the world.

Please change the name of the scenic spot to suit your article.
2. Introduction to the geographical location and transportation to the scenic spot.

- The geographical location of Ha Long Bay is described in two sentences:
Ha Long Bay is located in Quang Ninh province which is in the north of Vietnam. It is
nearly 200km from Hanoi.
- Likewise, they can write about the geographic locations of other landmarks using the
structure: + It is located in .... (Nó nằm ở ...)
+ It is ....km from .... (Nó cách .... ....km.)

- In the next two sentences, the author writes about the means of transportation that
can travel to Ha Long Bay: So it takes you about 4 hours by car. You can also travel
there in a coach or even in a helicopter on Saturday.
- Thus, the author used the phrases by car, in a coach, in a helicopter to write about
means of transport that can reach Ha Long Bay.
- Depending on the location you choose, you can use more transport phrases such as
by ship, by plane, by train.
- In addition, the author also introduces more about the best time of the year to visit
here: The best season to visit Ha Long is in summer when the weather is warm and sunny.
3. Describe the special features of the landscape as well as activities to do when visiting

In the next 4 sentences, the author describes the specialties of Ha Long, and activities
that tourists must do when visiting: Ha Long Bay has many beautiful caves and islands;
therefore, you must take a boat trip to enjoy the view here. You certainly must take pictures
to remember the trip better, too. If you are an active person, you must do the water sports

here like swimming, sailing, and windsurfing. One more thing, you must try the seafood here
because it is incredibly fresh and delicious.

We see special features of Ha Long described by the following structures:
S + has + …: Ha Long Bay has many beautiful caves and islands.
S + is + adj ... ... :it is incredibly fresh and delicious.
And the activities visitors need to do upon arrival are presented with the structure:
You + must + V … ... :you must take a boat trip to enjoy the view here.
4. End: The author ends the paragraph by emphasizing the effect of the travel guide
just written. With this travel guide, I hope that you will have a wonderful time here in
the number one natural wonder of Vietnam.
PRACTICE: Write a travel guide about a place you know.
The passage fully answers the questions:
• What's the name of the place?
• Where is it?
• How far is it?
• How can you get there?
• What's it like?
• What is special about it?
• What can you do there?
A. Theory: Students can build ideas for their writing based on the following questions:

1. How many hours a day do you watch TV?
To answer the above question, use the structure: “spend + time + V-ing”.
Ex: I often spend from two to three hours a day watching TV.
Or say specifically how much time they usually spend watching television.

Ex: I only watch TV in the evening from 7 to 8.
2. How do you compare the time you spend watching TV to the time you spend on
outdoor activities?

When comparing TV time with the time spent in outdoor activities, comparison
structures such as: more ... than (hơn) , less ... than (kém), the same as (bằng),…

I spend less time doing outdoor activities than watching TV.

The time for watching TV is the same as that for doing outdoor activities.
3. Do you watch TV when you are eating/ entertaining/ reading …?

You can use present continuous tense (to be + V-ing) and list activities you usually
do while watching TV to answer this question.
Ex: I often watch TV when I am eating or doing the housework.
I watch TV whenever I have free time and even when I am eating.
4. What kind of programme do you watch most?
Structure: I like.../ I usually watch... + tên chương trình u thích...
Ex:I usually watch cartoons and some game shows.
After listing the type of show they watch, they can also say specifically the name of
the program or the reason why they like ...
Ex: The game show I like most is “Who wants to be a millionaire?”. I have learnt a
lot of interesting things from this programme.
5. Do you leave your TV on when you are not watching it?
Structure: I often leave the TV on.../ turn off the TV...
Ex: I always turn off the TV when I am not watching it.
I never leave the TV on when I am not watching it.
6. How do you think about your TV watching habits?
The paragraph ends with a comment about whether your TV habits are good or bad,

and you can use a sample sentence:
In my opinion/ I think, I have good/ bad TV watching habits...
EX: I think I have good TV watching habits.
In my opinion, I have bad TV watching habits.
Now invite them to read the short passage Nam wrote about his TV viewing habits.
Read it carefully and see how she deployed the questions above.
I enjoy watching TV a lot. (1) I often spend from two to three hours a day watching TV. (2)
Therefore, I spend less time doing outdoor activities than watching TV. (3) I watch TV
whenever I have free time and even when I am eating. (4) I usually watch cartoons and some
game shows. The game show I like most is “Who wants to be a millionaire?”. I have learnt a
lot of interesting things from this programme. (5) I always turn off the TV when I
am not watching it. (6) I think I have good TV watching habits.

As you can see, Nam has done quite well the six questions above. Before he began to
answer the questions, however, Nam had a brief sentence to lead to that song,“I enjoy
watching TV a lot”.This sentence has the effect of suggesting the reader about the
content to be deployed next.
* Some notes when writing:
+ Use frequency adverbs when writing about habits such as: always,usually, often,
sometimes , seldom, never,...
+ Use words or phrases that connect ideas.

+ As in the above paragraph, you Nam can use words / phrases: therefore , and.
+ In addition, they can use other words / phrases such as: so, but, however,although

B. PRACTICE: Write a short description of your TV watching habits.
Suggestions: You can refer to the following questions when writing:

1. Do you like watching TV?
2. How many hours a day do you watch TV?
3. How do you compare the time you spend watching TV to the time you spend on outdoor

4.Do you watch TV when you are eating/ entertaining/ reading …?
5. What kind of programme do you watch most?
6. Do you leave your TV on when you are not watching it?
7.How do you think about your TV-watching habits?
A. Theory: In this module, we will learn to write about our favorite sport / game
together. They can build ideas for their writing based on the following questions:
1. What is the name of the sport/ game? (Tên của mơn thể thao/ trị chơi là gì?)
At the beginning of the paragraph, introduce the name of their favorite sport / game.
To answer the above question, you can use the structure:
I like/ love/ enjoy playing + tên mơn thể thao/ trị chơi…
My favourite sport/game is + tên mơn thể thao/ trị chơi …
Some sports or games: football,volleyball, tennis, badminton, basketball, chess,....
Ex: I enjoy playing basketball.
My favourite sport is football.
2. Is it a team or an individual sport/ game?
Depending on the number of people participating in the sport / game you will write
whether it is a team sport (multiplayer) or individual (only one player).
Ex: To talk about soccer you might write: It is a team sport.
To talk about bicycle racing they could write: It is an individual game.
3. How many players are there?
There is/are + số người chơi...
Ex: There are two teams and each team has eleven players in a football match.
There are two teams of six players which are separated by a net in a volleyball
match. Alternatively, they could write a few more sentences about the rules of the

game in this section.
EX: To talk about soccer you might write: They try to keep the ball with their feet,
pass and kick it to the goal of the other team to get scores.
4. How long does it last?
When saying how long the sport / game will last, you can use structure: S + last + time...

Ex: A football match often lasts ninety minutes with two halves and each half is fortyfive minutes. There is a fifteen-minute break between two halves.
They could write one or several answers to the question above.
5. Does it need any equipment?
Next, they will talk about equipment for the sport / game. Sample sentences can be

used: It needs + tên các thiết bị… (Nó cần…)
I/ We + can play+tên mơn thể thao/ trị chơi + with/by + tên các thiết bị…
Ex: It needs only a ball.
I can play football everywhere with a ball and my trainers.
6. Why do you like it?
At the end, students can state their feelings, explain why they like the sport or the
benefits it brings.
Ex: I love football because it is exciting. It is also a good way for me to get exercise
and have a lot of fun.
Now please read the passage that Phong wrote about his favorite sport. Read it
carefully and see how she deployed the questions above.
(1) My favourite sport is football. (2) It is a team game. (3) There are two teams and each team has
eleven players in a football match. They try to keep the ball with their feet, pass and kick it to the
goal of the other team to get scores. (4) A football match often lasts ninety minutes with two halves
and each half is forty-five minutes. There is a fifteen-minute break between two halves. (5) It does
not need special equipment. I can play football everywhere with a ball and my trainers. (6) I love
football because it is exciting. It is also a good way for me to get exercise and have a lot of fun.

As you can see, Phong has implemented quite well the above six questions. The
answers are numbered 1-6 corresponding to the 6 questions posed.
*Attention when writing:
+ Use words or phrases that connect ideas.
+ Like the above paragraph, Phong used words / phrases: and,because, also.
+ Also, you can use other words / phrases like: therefore, so, but, however,
B . Practice
Write a paragraph about a sport/ game you like.
- What is the name of the sport/ game? - Is it a team or an individual sport/game?
- How many players are there?
- How long does it last?
- Does it need any equipment?
- Why do you like it?
A. Theory: What is your future home? In this session, we will learn how to write about our
future house. Read the information about Lan's future house and her description below.
As you read, pay attention to how you develop the information in the passage.

- Type of house: a large villa
- Location: near the coast
- Number of rooms: 16 rooms
- Surroundings: coconut trees and blue sea
- Appliances in the room: smart clock, modern fridge, automatic dishwasher,
automatic washing machine, super smart TV.....
My dream house is a large villa. It is near the coast, surrounded by rows of coconut trees
and the blue sea. There are sixteen rooms in my house and half of them for relaxation and
entertainment. It has a big garage so that I can store my super cars there. My house has
wind power or solar energy. I use hi-tech and automatic machines such as a smart clock,

modern fridge, automatic dishwasher and washing machine. They can be controlled by voice
and help me tell the time, forecast weather, preserve food and wash dishes and clothes.
There is a super smart TV in my house. I might surf the internet, watch my favourite TV

programmes from space or contact friends on other planets by this fantastic TV. I might also
join online classes on TV and not have to go to school

Analyzing the above paragraph, it can be seen that to describe the dream home, we
need to answer some of the following questions:
1. What type of house is it?
At the beginning of the paragraph, please introduce what kind of house of their
dreams they belong to. The sample questions are:
My dream house/ home is + type of house...
Or: Type of house + is my dream house/ home.
Some types of houses you can write about are: villa, apartment , cottage , floating
house , motorhome , skyscraper, palace, houseboat ..............
Ex:My dream house is a large villa.
A luxury apartment is my dream home.
2. Where is it located?
Next, they will introduce the location of the house. The places they can write to
describe are: in the countryside,in the city,in the mountains, in space,on the Moon, on
the ocean, under the ground,near the coast,....
Structure: It is + giới từ + nơi chốn...
Ex: It is near the coast.
3. What surrounds it?
Structure: It + is surrounded by...
Children could describe the surroundings of their home
as:mountain (núi), garden (vườn), swimming pool, old tree, blue sea, tall building ,...

Ex: It is near the coast, surrounded by rows of coconut trees and the blue sea.
4. What does it look like?
They will describe what their house looks like. A possible sentence pattern is:
There is/are + ...
It has + ....
Or: It is + tính từ miêu tả
Ex: + There are sixteen rooms in my house and half of them for relaxation and
+ It has a big garage so that I can store my super cars there.
+ It is very large with ten rooms and a big garage.
+ They can also specify what the room is for.
5. What appilances does it have?
When writing about home appliances, list some of the devices and what they do.
You can refer to the table below:
1. robot
2. automatic washing
3. super smart TV
4. super car
5. smart clock

do the housework (clean our houses, wash our clothes, water the
flowers, mow the grass, feed the pets,...), look after the children
or old people,...
wash and dry clothes,...
help us watch TV programmes from space, surf the internet, send
and receive e-mails, order food from the supermarket,...
drive automatically, help us watch TV, listen to music,...
play music, tell the time, forecast weather,...

6. automatic dishwasher

wash and dry dishes,...

7. modern fridge

preserve and refresh food,...

-I use hi-tech and automatic machines such as a smart clock, modern fridge, and
automatic dishwasher and washing machine.
-They can be controlled by voice and help me tell the time, forecast weather, preserve
food and wash dishes and clothes.
When writing about the functions or the things that devices can do, use imperfect
verbs such as: can (có thể), might (có thể),...
Ex: I might also join online classes on TV and not have to go to school.
In addition to the information above, you can also add some more descriptive
sentences about your dream home, such as a power source or a vehicle.
Ex: My house has wind power or solar energy.
There is a submarine so that I can go to school.
Task 2: Write about your dream house.
- What type of house is it?
- Where is it located?
- What are its surroundings?
- What does it look like?

- What appilances does it have?
In conclusion, Follow the steps so as to avoid lessons discrete. Students are not too
dependent on textbooks, to gain time for practice, no downtime. Especially, all
students are practiced the language effectively.
2.4. Achievements and proposed recommendations
With some of my experiences in the application of specific lessons, after a while the
quality of students’ learning improved remarkably. The most evident is the hour of
classroom teaching: students learning exciting, the number of students participating in
lessons and positively increases, more clearly the questionnaire survey and the survey
was first quality end of the first semester of 2020-2021 academic year low attendance
rates fell more than 1st survey.
2.4.1. Excitement learning
Along with fellow teachers in one group investigated the questionnaire as 1st, emits
80 votes to 80 votes for and obtained the following results:
+ Some topics are not close to the level and the knowledge of the children: 17,5%
+ 100% interviewed children are very interested in the topics of the lessons.
+ Activities are not appropriate to their level: 17,5%
+ 22,5% have difficulties writing in English .
+ Students are afraid of making mistakes in the writing process: 18,6%
+ Students may not understand what to do in the writing activities: 13,8%
2.4.2. Learning Outcomes
This is also the reason for the relatively positive results compared to the beginning
of the school year by checking the subjects and students’ products.
1. Write an e- mail to your friend about your favourite room in the house.

2. Write a paragraph of 100 – 120 words about your neighborhood.
3. Students’answers after each topic.

* Post-written test results applied:
1. Write an e- mail to your friend about your favourite room in the house.
Well - Good
Numbers (%)
Numbers Numbers (%)
6A(40 ss)
2. Write a short paragraph of 120 words about your neighborhood.
Well - Good
Numbers (%)
Numbers Numbers (%)

6A(40 ss)

The initiative to apply this experience I myself have achieved some positive results.
First of all these experiences are consistent with the program, new textbooks; Students
interested in learning more, proactive and creative in order to expand the
understanding, while also very flexible in the perceived knowledge and skill
development. The air is heated gently learning, students have the opportunity to assert
themselves, do not worry confused when entering school. This is going to cause
relatively positive results of the last period and I survey the excitement of learning.
Especially, the students in grade 6 th, who have experience my theme, performed a
paragraph writing skill very excenlent in the knowledge exchange period of the
district-level English club on March 30 with 5 second prizes at high scores ( 16 -17,2).
My students used written language confidently.
3.1. Conclusion:
After nearly a year of application of the subject, I found the class atmosphere

really lively, the attitude of the children in learning English self-discipline and more
active, they no longer thought only learn to cope. Furthermore, the learning outcomes
of students have also been improved significantly. It is also the driving force that
helps teachers’enthusiasm in the teaching lessons. In addition, helping teachers adjust
their teaching process in accordance with the level of knowledge, awareness of
students. We should take measures to stimulate, motivate Ss, inspire in their
confidence, excitement and learning to overcome difficulties to progress. Do not
create tension, no words and attitudes forward children with severing language
Although the 6th graders, they also have to be taught moderately and calmly.
Teaching methods of student-centered, promote creativity, active students, especially
in the preparation of new posts require explicit contents. Need to create a classroom
atmosphere is friendly and cooperative taken "motivate, encourage" make weight.
Create new unexpected elements in each class. Having a positive attitude towards
language errors of students, helping students to learn from the errors of their
classmates. Creating language learning environment in schools and classrooms for
students with many opportunities to practice using the written language in the school,
organizing for ss working in individuals, in pairs and in groups reasonably and

effectively. However, to apply these improvements effectively, it requires very careful
preparation of teachers. Teachers must redesign the Exercises, the Tasks in textbooks
and additional forms of exercises close to the level of the students.
It can be summarized as lessons learned for myself as follows:
- Teachers must always create an environment in school foreign language and to use
English as the main language for communication. Depending on the grade and subject
the student, the teacher can use the English sentences short, simple, easy to
understand, easy to remember, easy to.
- Teachers should not be paying attention to the fault of the students while writng.

Never force the students to stop writing while the student is trying to express his
thoughts in English;
- Teachers need to attract, attracting students in the form of activities, teaching
techniques appropriately.
- In the period after writing exercises, the teacher should make the appropriate
exercises, which features highly realistic communication.
Through practical teaching and performing this subject I would like to propose a
number of the following:
- The school should pay more attention to creating exciting learning the foreign
language to students through extra-curricular activities, aimed at creating an
environment for students to practice and raise awareness of learning.
- Regularly organize activities for teachers together to discuss and learn from
experience in the teaching process as planned, the size of the district and cluster
so teachers can learn from each other.
- Initiatives or so widespread to the school.
I sincerely thank you!
The headmaster’s
Quang Xuong, April 10th 2021
I am sure that I myself have written this
experiential initiative.
This document is not someone else’s copy.

Vương Huy Dưỡng

Lê Thị Hạnh




1.1. The reasons of choosing the topic.
1.2. purpose of the study
1.3.Researched participants
1.4. Ways to conduct the theme
2. Research Contents
2.1. The theoretical problem of size
2.2. The state of research issues:
2.3. The state of teaching "writing skill" in an English
class 6 in Quang Long Junior High School
3. The solutions
3.1. The Importance of Developing English Writing Skills
for Grade 6 Students
3.2. Some activities have been applied
3.4. Examples


4.Achievements and purposed recommendations

19 -20

[1].Communicative Language Teaching (The Communicative Approach)

[2]. - English language teaching in upper secondary schools for Methodology (Thanh
Hoa Department of Education and Training).
- Trần Bá Hoành, Dạy học lấy người học làm trung tâm, Thông tin khoa học giáo
dục số 96, 2003.
[3]. Documents innovative teaching methods (Ministry of Education and Training).
[4]. Tâm lý học lứa tuổi và tâm lý học sư phạm-Phan Trọng Ngọ, NXB Đại học sư
phạm Hà Nội.
[5]. Teach English- A teacher- training coure for Cambridge.
[6]. - Design Lectures English 8- Publisher education.
- Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo, tài liệu Phương pháp và kĩ thuật tổ chức hoạt động
học theo nhóm và hướng dẫn học sinh tự học, 2016 (Vụ Giáo dục Trung học)
[7]. The sources of information from the Internet
- Nguồn: Tienganh123.com.vn
- Nguồn:
[8]. Các phuương pháp dạy học, kỹ thuật dạy học tích cực sử dụng trong nhà
trường THCS.( Nguồn: )
Mẫu 1 (2)


Họ và tên tác giả: Lê Thị Hạnh
Chức vụ và đơn vị công tác: Giáo viên- Trường THCS Quảng Long








Tên đề tài SKKN

Cấp đánh giá xếp
(Ngành GD cấp
huyện/tỉnh; Tỉnh...)

Kết quả
đánh giá xếp
(A, B, hoặc C)

Kinh nghiệm giúp học sinh
lớp 9 học phần Post- listening Sở giáo dục &
có hứng thú và đạt hiệu quả
đào tạo .
Kinh nghiệm khai thác một
số loại hình bài tập áp dụng
Sở giáo dục &
cho dạy thực hành nói ở một đào tạo .
số tiết học cụ thể trong
chương trình TIẾNG ANH
6,7 .
Kinh nghiệm khai thác và tổ
chức cho học sinh lớp 6 rèn
Phòng giáo dục
luyện kĩ năng thực hành viết và đào tạo .
đạt hiệu quả .
Kinh nghiệm nâng cao chất
lượng môn TIẾNG ANH lớp Sở giáo dục &
9 qua việc đổi mới cách kiểm đào tạo .
tra bài cũ
Kinh nghiệm dạy ghép 2 kỹ
năng nghe - nói trong cùng
Sở giáo dục &
một tiết học có hiệu quả ở

đào tạo .
một số tiết cụ thể trong
chương trình TIẾNG ANH
lớp 8
Experiences in guiding
graders 8th participate in
Sở giáo dục &
practicing speaking skill
đào tạo .
according to the specific topic
in English 8 pilot program
semester 1st actively and

Năm học
đánh giá xếp

2005 2006
2007 2008

2009 2010
2011 2012
2014 –





1. Write an e-mail to your friend about your favourite room in the house.

