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practice for 2nd term test

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>2011-2012. PRACTICE EXERCISES FOR THE SECOND TERM TEST – GRADE 9. A. Complete the sentences with the correct connectives: BECAUSE, SO, HOWEVER, THEREFORE, ALTHOUGH. 1. Nam got wet__________ he forgot the umbrella. 2. It’s raining __________ we can’t go to the beach. 3. ____________ he can speak English fluently, he can’t write it well. 4. Hoa passed the entrance exam to the high school. __________, her parents were so happy. 5. Nga is very tired. ___________, she has to finish her homework before she goes to bed. 6. Ba stayed up late watching TV last night __________ he is tired. 7. Mrs. Thoa helped Tuan with his homework ___________ she was busy. 8. They arrived on time ____________ the traffic was bad. 9. Hoa didn’t study hard; _____________, she failed the test. 10. Plastic bags can cause pollution ___________ they are hard to dissolve. 11. Water in the lake is polluted ____________ no fish can live there. 12. I don’t feel tired _____________ I have been working hard all day.  Remember: - BECAUSE, SINCE and AS are replaceable. - ALTHOUGH, THOUGH and EVEN THOUGH are replaceable. B. Complete the type 1 conditional sentences.  Remember: - If clause: Present Simple Tense - Main clause: will + infinitive 1. If we pollute the water, we ____________ no fresh water to use. (have ) 2. If people _____________ trees in the forest, there will be big floods every year. ( cut down ) 3. We will have more shade and fresh air if we ___________ more trees. ( plant ) 4. We will meet with natural disasters if the climate ___________ . ( change ) 5. If they _____________ dynamite for fishing, a lot of sea creatures will die. ( use ) 6. They _____________dynamite for fishing if they are heavily fined. ( not use ) 7. If we ________________ the pollution, it will be too late. ( not control) 8. If you travel by bike, you ______________ energy. ( save ) C. Complete the sentences using ADJECTIVES or ADVERBS.  Remember: - An adjective : . tells us more about a noun or pronoun. . usually goes before the noun or after some verbs: be, feel, look, sound, taste, smell, seem - An adverb of manner: . tell us more about a verb. . usually goes after the verb 1. Tuan smiled ___________ when he heard that he passed the exam. ( happy / happily ) 2. Why are you ___________? I haven’t done anything wrong. ( angry / angrily ) 3. Bill drives ____________. He is a _________ driver. ( careful / carefully ) 4. These apples look ____________. Can I have one? ( nice / nicely ) 5. He looked at the flowers ___________ then he drew them. ( careful / carefully ) 6. Please be ___________. I’m reading. ( quiet / quietly ) 7. Where is Mary? – She was here, but she left __________. ( sudden /suddenly ) 8. Mr. Smith is a __________ teacher. He teaches English __________. ( good / well ) 9. Don’t eat your meal so __________. It’s not good for you. ( quick / quickly )  Don’t forget: . fast, hard, late, early are adjectives and adverbs. E.g.: - Ostriches are fast runners. They run very fast..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> D. Complete each sentence with a suitable relative pronoun: WHO or WHICH. 1. The postman ___________works in this village is very old. 2. The egg ____________is in the nest is brown. 3. The cowboy _____________is wearing the red shirt is very funny. 4. The radio ___________ is old suddenly stopped working. 5. The students ________ study hard will pass the exam easily. 6. Brazil is the country___________ will host the 2014 World Cup. 7. The man ___________ first walked on the moon is Neil Armstrong. 8. The ASEAN country ___________ is divided into two regions by the sea is Malaysia.  Remember: - Relative pronoun THAT can replace WHO or WHICH in defining clauses. ( in these above sentences ) - Relative pronoun THAT must go after: . people and things, ( in a group) . the superlative ( so sánh nhất ) . all, everything/one, something/one, nothing/one, the only, the first, the last, little, few,much E.g.: a. The girl and the tigers that were on the show last night come from Thailand b. This is the best film that has been made about the students and their everyday life. c. A tornado can suck up anything that is in it path.. E. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verbs.  Remember. :- turn on: mở turn off: tắt turn up: vặn to turn down: vặn nhỏ - look after : chăm sóc look for : tìm kiếm look up : tra từ điển, sách tham khảo,… - go on : tiếp tục go off : make a loud noise 1. You can’t __________ throwing trash like this. We all should keep our school green, clean and nice. 2. I was dreaming of my classmates when the alarm clock ____________; and then I woke up. 3. Remember to ____________ the faucet after use. 4. Can you ____________ the volume? I’m doing my homework. 5. It was hot, so he ____________ the fan. 6. I can’t hear the world news. Can you _____________ the volume, please? 7. You can _____________ the meaning of a word in a dictionary. 8. I’ve _____________ my pen everywhere but I can’t find it. 9. ___________yourselves, please. The exam is coming. F. Choose the correct verb form. Listen! Someone____________ on the front door. A. knocks B. knocked C. is knocking 2. Yesterday when you phoned me, I ____________in my garden. A. am working B. was working C. work 3. These students _____________English since they was six. A. learn B. learned C. has learned 4. Neil Armstrong first ______________ on the moon in 1969. A. walked B. walks C. has walked 5. _________you ___________ One – pillar Pagoda when you were in Hanoi? A. Do /visit B. Did / visit C. Did / visited 6. We cannot swim in this part of the river because the water ________________ . A. pollutes B. is polluted C. are polluted 7. I wish I ___________ in the country. It’s so noisy in the city. A. lived B. live C. am living 8. A new bridge ______________ next year. A. will build B. will be build C. will be built 9. All buildings in this country _____________by solar energy in 2015. A. were heated B. heated C. will heat 1.. D. are knocking D. worked D. have learned D. was walking D. Have / visited D. pollute D. have lived D. was built D. will be heated.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 10. If the climate ____________, we ____________ with natural disasters. A. change / will meet B. changes / will meet C. will change / meet D. will change / meets 11. I suggest ____________ garbage bins around the schoolyard. A. to put B. should put C. putting D. put 12. My 4-year-old son enjoys _______________ advertisements on TV. A. watching B. watches C. watch D. to watch 13. I look forward to____________ from you and__________ good response from your company. A. hear / see B. to hear / to see C. hearing / see D. hearing / seeing 14. I suggest that we should ____________ solar energy instead of other kinds of energy if possible. A. using B. use C. to use D. uses. G. Fill in each blank with a suitable word.. 1. _____________ are unidentified flying objects. 2. We call a man who repairs water pipes and faucets for a living a _______________. 3. _______________ means big wind in Chinese. 4. A tropical storm is called a ________________ in Australia, a _______________ in Asia, and a _____________ in North and South America. 5. A ______________ can suck up anything that is in its path. 6. We can usually predict when a volcano will ____________ . 7. The Pacific Rim is called the “Ring of Fire” because 90% of ______________ occur around this area. 8. Tsunami is another word for __________ __________. 9. Don’t waste water or you will get an enormous _________ _________ by the end of the month. 10. Don’t forget to _______ _______ the lights and the fan when you leave the classroom. 11. We should use _______________ bulbs instead of ordinary bulbs to spend less on lighting. 12. The ___________ is a special meal which is eaten on the first and second nights of Passover. 13. What I like best about my uncle is his ____________ of humor. 14. Using ___________ transport is a good way to reduce traffic jams and air pollution. H. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others? ( From the recent 2nd - term tests ) 1. A. celebrate B. compose C. carry D. congratulate 2. A. bulb B. plumber C. label D. waste basket 3. A. reduce B. pollute C. dump D. sewage 4. A. slavery B. battery C. damage D. flashlight 5. A. killed B. called C. traveled D. erupted 6. A.forest B. storm C. pollute D. foreign 7. A. slavery B. Passover C. parade D. holiday 8. A. outside B. ring C. predict D. scientist I. Choose the best answer. ( From the recent second- term tests ) 1. This watch is a gift _________ was given to me by my mother on my 15 th birthday. A. that B. who C. whom D. whose 2. They went out with their friends ___________ it rained heavily. A. since B. but C. although D. therefore 3. I sent a card to congratulate Hoa _________ winning the first prize in the English speaking contest. A. at B. on C. in D. with 4. ___________ are the result of an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the earth. A. Tornadoes B. Volcanoes C. Tidal waves D. Earthquakes 5. Father’s Day ____________ a national day in American since 1972. A. has been B. was C. is D will be.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 6. Nha Trang will ___________ temperatures between 270C and 350C. A. have B. be C. experience D. A and C are correct 7. What will you do if you ___________ the exam? A. passes B.pass C. will pass D. passed 8. Everyone must take part in _____________ deforestation. A. prevent B. to prevent C. preventing D. prevented 9.I’m ____________ that you are working hard. A. pleased B. pleasing C. please D. to please 10. Mrs. Ha suggested ______________ showers to save water. A. to take B. take C. taken D. taking 11. It’s too cold. Don’t turn __________ the fan, please. A. up B, down C. on D. off 12. Mount Pinatubo, ________ is a volcano in the Philippines, erupted in 1991. A. which B. who C. that D. it 13. In Australia, a tropical storm is called a___________. A. typhoon B. hurricane C. cyclone D. thunderstorm 14. Environmental _____________ is a serious problem facing mankind today. A. polluting B. pollution C. pollute D. polluted 15. ___________ are funnel-shaped storms which pass overland below a thunderstorm. A. volcanoes B. tornadoes C. typhoons D. earthquakes 16. We should use public transport __________ of motorbikes to avoid traffic jams and save money. A. because B. besides C. except D. instead 17. I’m really __________ that the people in my neighborhood litter garbage everywhere. A. disappointing B. disappointed C. disappoint D. disappointment 18. In Asia, a tropical storm is called a ____________. A. cyclone B. hurricane C. typhoon D. tornado 19. The car __________ she has just bought is very modern. A. who B. whom C. that D. whose 20. Lan suggested ____________ to the cinema tonight. A. will go B. go C. went D. going 21. We are saving money ___________ we want to buy a new house. A. but B. or C. because D. so 22. Where are the photos _________ were taken at the Christmas party? A. whose B. whom C. which D. who 23. He is the man _________ helped me yesterday. A. whose B. which C. who D.whom 24. Scientists are thinking of how to use the rise and fall of the __________ to produce electricity. A. tide B. water C. sun D. moon 25. Our teacher didn’t come late_________ the traffic was terrible. A. however B. so C. though D. because 26. Ba is tired ___________ he stayed up late watching TV. A. because B. since C. as D. A,B and C are correct. 27. You should get a plumber ___________ the pipes in your bathroom. A. to check B. check C. checking D. checks 28. If there is a mechanical problem, we suggest _____________ the manufacturer directly. A. contact B. contacting C. to contact D. will contact 29. Tet is a festival _________ occurs in late January or early February. A. it B. which C. who D. when.

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