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English 7

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of preparation: ………………….. Period 8 Unit 2 : PERSONAL INFORMATION Lesson 2: A4-5 (P. 21) A.Aims: 1.Knowledge By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to use the “Will” Future possitive statements and WH- questions to talk about sure events in the future. 2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing 3.Attitudes: Students love works B. Language contents: * Grammar : - Future tense : S + will + V * Vocabulary: will, (to) call, telephone number. C. Techniques : Pairwork, groupwork. D. Teaching aids : Textbook, lesson plan, cards, cue words. E. Procedures: I. Organization: (1m) Class Date of teaching Absent students 7B1 ……………….. ……………….. 7B2 ………………. ………………. 7B3 ………………. ……………….. Teacher & ss’ activities II. Warm up: (5m) Jumbled words T: give ss some cards with inorder letters on them. Ss : try to remember and reorder the letters into a right word. T: correct and ask Ss to read again. III. New lesson *Presentation - T elicits some words.. Contents ese trast vomei. = see = start = movie. rehatte romtorow tale. = theater = tomorrow = late. 1. Pre- teach vocab: (5m) meet (v): free (a): will (v): call (v): + checking vocab: Rubout and remember.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - Show the picture and ask some questions ? Who are they? ? What are they talking about? - T read the dialouge first. - Ss listen then practice the dialouge in pairs. - Ask ss to run through the questions (one by one). - Let ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. - Ask ss to give the answers.(short answers only). - T corrects if they have mistakes.. 2. Presentation dialouge: (5m) A4 (p. 21). 3. Comprehension questions:(6m) A4(p.21). Answer key: a. Phong and Tam. b. see a movie. c. at 6.45 d. in front of the movie theater.. - T elicits the model sentences by asking question: ? When Tam wants Phong to go to the movie with her. What question does Phong ask Tam to know the place they will meet and how does Tam answer. - Ss find down in their book to give answer. * Model sentences - Where will we meet? We’ll meet in front of the movie theater. + We will = We’ll + Check form, meaning, use S + will +V (inf) Meaning: Sẽ Use: Diễn tả một hành động sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai. *Practice: T: say the model sentences then replace by using other personal pronoun or WHquestions.. 1. Substitution Drill: (5m) T says: Ss say: - Where will we meet? Where will we meet? - You Where will you meet? - What time What time will you meet?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Ss: read aloud the sentences.. - go - How - What/ see. - T: give Ss some word cues.. 2. Word cue drill: (8m) Example exchange: S1: Where will we meet? S2: [We’ll] meet in the street.. Where/ meet? in the street What/ see? a film. What time/ meet? at 7:00. What time will you go? How will you go? What will you see?. How/ go? by bike. - Ss: Look at the cues and run through them. - T: model the first cue. - Let ss practice: T- WC, half- half, open pairs then closed pairs. * Further practice: - T: read the text. - Ss: Listen and write the answers.. * Listen then write the answers. A5 (p.21) Nga: Hello. This is 8 545 545. Lan : Hello. Is this Nga? Nga: Yes . Who is calling, please? Lan :It’s Lan. Do you want to go to see a movie? Nga : Sure. Where will we meet? Lan : At my house. Nga : How will we get there? Lan : We can take a bus. Nga : Ok, fine. Bye. Lan : Bye.. Keys: a, Telephone number: 8 545 545 b, They will see: A movie c, They will meet at: Lan’s house d, They will go by: Bus IV. Summary: (2m) - Have ss remind the main content of the leson. V. Home work: - Learn by heart the vocab and structure. - Do exercises A2,3 (p.8-9) in workbook. VI. Evaluation:.

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