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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week :8 Period: 22. Date of P: 13/10/2012 Date of T :15/10/2012. UNIT 4: OUR PAST Lesson 2: Speak I/ OBJECTIVES. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Use structure “used to” to talk about the difference between life at present and life in the past, develop speaking skill. II/ PREPARATIONS. Textbook, pictures III/ PROCEDURES. Teacher's activities. Students’ activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 1/ Warm – up. (5’) * Brainstorming - Ask students to talk about the things that didn’t - Individual works (answer the teacher’s belong to the past. (picture) questions ). - Ask students to talk about what Nga’s Grandma - Individual used to do in the past. questions). works. (Answer. the. 2/ Pre – speaking. (10’). * Activity 1 - Ask students to name the things they see in each - Take notes of the new vocabulary and picture. the structures. Picture 1 (Ask questions). + small houses / small thatched houses. + people work in the paddy fields. + children play at home. + dirty lane / path / muddy road + stacks / heaps of straw. + people walk to somewhere. + children stay at home / do not go to school. + people work hard / do not have time for entertainment. * Activity 2 - Ask students to name the things they see in picture 2 Picture 2 (Ask questions).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> + big houses and buildings. + car , motorbike, … + shop. + TV. + electricity + traffic lights. + children go to school. + clean street. - Elicit vocabulary and the structures “There used to be …”&“ There didn’t use to be. - Listen and take notes. - Look at the pictures and compare the differences between them.. 3/ While-speaking. (18’) * Activity 1 - Ask students to compare the differences of the two pictures on the board, using “used to to talk about the activities in the past. * Activity 2 - Elicit some ideas so that students can talk about them. (handouts) Suggested questions 1. Did they use to live in big houses / apartments? And now? 2. How did they travel? And now? 3. What about the electricity? 4. How about people’s life ? 5. Did children go to school ? 6. What’s about children’s entertainment?. - Listen and do. - Group works. - Give feedback => 1. People used to live in small thatched houses. Now they live in the big houses and buildings. => 2. People used to walk to everywhere. Now they can go by car or motorbike. => 3. There used to be no electricity in the home. Now there is electricity everywhere. => 4. People used to work hard all the time. Now they have a lot of time for entertainment. => 5. Most children used to stay at home. Now they all go to school. => 6. They used to play some traditional game such as hide and seek, skip rope, blind man’s bluff, play catch, play marbles, … outdoors. Now they have a lot of modern games, video games indoors. => 7.There didn’t use to be shops/stores. Now there are a lot of shops/stores of all kind. => 8. People used to wear old traditional clothes. Now they wear the most.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 7. What about shops/stores.. expensive, beautiful and fashionable clothes. => 9. People didn’t use to go shopping. 8. Did they use to wear modern clothes? Now they usually go shopping whenever they like, especially the rich people. =>10.People didn’t use to have televisions, radios, newspaper, 9. Did they use to go shopping at big markets / magazines, or telephones. Now most of supermarkets? them have all of them. 10. What about the communications and the media (television / radio / newspapers / magazines - Work in pairs / … )? - Call on the students to give feedback.. 4/ Post – speaking. (10’). - Present in front of class - Have Ss work in pairs to talk about the things - Correct they used to do last year EX: Last year I used to get up late. Now, I get up - Write homework early and do morning exercises. - Call Ss present in front of class - Correct if necessary. 5/ Homework. (2’). - Write 5 things they used to do in the past - Do exercise 4 / 28 – 29 (workbook) - Prepare read and listen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> IV/ COMMENTS. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Week: 8 Date of P: 15/10/2012 Period: 23 Date of T: 17/10/2012. UNIT 4: OUR PAST Lesson 3: Read & Listen I/ OBJECTIVES. 1/ Educational aim. Students understand the moral lesson from the story “The lost shoe” 2/ Teaching aim. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Understand the story “The Lost Shoe” - Listen and understand the main information of the story.. II/ PREPARATIONS. Textbook, cassette, tape, chalk III/ PROCEDURES. Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 1/ Warm – up.(5’) - Whole class. * Chat with students 1. Do you like to read stories? 2. What kinds of stories do you like to read? 2. Can you tell me some folktales you like to best? - Have students name some characters usually - Brainstorm. appearing in most of the folktales: * Suggested answers: 1. king 2. queen 3. prince 4. princess 5. fairy 6. Buddha 7. poor farmers 8.orphans 9.rich and cruel landowner 10. magician / witch 11. the poor 12. the rich 13. the good 14. the bad. 2/ Pre – reading. (12’) * Activity 1 - Introduce the lesson. - Ask students to listen to the tape to answer the - Listen to the teacher. following questions: - Whole class. 1. How many leading characters are there in the story? => Six (a poor farmer, Little Pea, her new mother, Stout Nut, the Prince, a 2. Who lost the shoe, Stout Nut or Little Pea? Fairy) 3. On what season did the Prince want to => Little Pea. choose his wife from the village? => In the fall. 4. Did the Prince marry Stout Nut? - Get feedback. => No. He married Little Pea. * Activity 2 - Give feedback - Pre-teach vocabulary: + marry (v): - Listen and write. + cruel (a): + upset (a): + died of broken heart (v) + hold (v) + a harvest festival (n): + magical (a) =>magically (adv) + rags (n) = old, worn or torn clothes. + fall in love with (v) + foolish (adj) + greedy (adj) + excitedly (adv) + amazement (n) - Have Ss listen and repeat. - Listen and repeat.. 3/ While – reading. (16’). * Activity 1 - Have students read the story and check their listening answers - Whole class - Have students do the gap-filling exercise in pairs. - Pair works. - Call some Ss to give answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> - Make corrections a. Little Pea’s father was a farmer. b. Little Pea’s mother died when she was young. c. Little Pea had/used to do housework all day after her father got married again. d. The Prince wanted to marry/choose a girl from Little Pea’s village. e. stout Nut’s mother did not make new clothes for Little Pea. f. The Prince found Little Pea’s lost shoe. * Activity 2 - Ask students to work in groups to answer the questions. - Tell students to give feedback a. She was a poor farmer’s daughter. b. She made her do the chores all day. c. Before the festival, a fairy appeared and magically changed her rags into beautiful clothes. d. He decided to marry Little Pea because the shoe (which the Prince was keeping) fitted her. e. No, it isn’t. Because there isn’t a fairy in real life. - Ask students to practice asking and answering the questions.. - Give answers - Take notes. - Group works - Give feedback. - Pair works.. 4/ Post – reading. (10’) - Have Ss the letter of the most suitable moral lesson - Get feedback - Have ss listen to the tape twice and check the answers - Make corrections b. Don’t be foolish and greedy. 5/ Homework. (2’). - Individual work - Give answers - Listen to the tape and check - Take notes. - Learn by heart new words, reread the story - Write homework IV/ COMMENTS. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. *******************************************.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Week: 8 Period: 24. Date of P: 16/10/2012 Date of T: 18/10/2012. TEST CORRECTION NO 1 I/ OBJECTIVES. Help Ss realize the misteakes they had when doing the test Teacher can consolidate the knowledge for Ss II/ GENERAL ASSESSMENT. - Học sinh làm bài tương đối tốt, khoảng 80 % học sinh đạt điểm từ trung bình trở lên, khoảng 40 % học sinh đạt điểm khá giỏi. - Đề kiểm tra phù hợp với lực học của học sinh, đề ra bám sát chuẩn kiến thức kĩ năng. - Qua bài kiểm tra bản thân nhận thấy đã truyền đạt những kiến thức trọng tâm đến học sinh, đa số các em nắm được trọng tâm của bài, tuy nhiên một số em chưa làm tốt phần viết lại câu, có thể do giáo viên chưa có nhiều thời gian cho các em thực hành dạng bài tập này. - Giáo viên cần dành nhiều thời gian cho học sinh thực hành phần viết lại câu . III/ STEPS. - Teacher takes out the test - Ss revise the test. - Ss discuss with their friends. - Teacher corrects the test and comments. IV/ EVALUATION OF RESULT. Class 8a1 8a2 8a5. Total 32 32 23. Mark ≥6.5 19 15 05. Mark≥5 07 07 07. Mark<5 04 06 08. Mark<3.5 01 04 03.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> IV/ HOMEWORK. - Prepare Unit 4, lesson 4 .Write V/ COMMENTS. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ***********************************************. Week: 8 Period: 23. Date of P: 30/09/2010 Date of T: 02/10/2010. TEST CORRECTION I/ Objectives. + Theme: Personal information + Topics: - Friends - House and Home + Speaking: - Introduce people and respond to introductions - Describe people’s appearance - Make arrangements through the telephone - Talk about intentions - Ask for and give reasons - Talk about the position of each item - Talk about past events + Listening: - Listen to monologues/ dialogues within 80 – 100 words for general or detailed information + Reading: - Read dialogues/ passages within 110 – 140 words for general or detailed information + Writing: - Write about oneself / others / a massage/ a description of a room in the house within 70 – 80 words using word cues / pictures + Language focus: - Present simple, past simple - Future with be going to - Reflexive pronouns: yourself, myself, themselves - Modal verbs: must, have to, ought to - Adverbs of place: here. There, upstairs, downstairs, outside, inside… - Adjective + too / enough + to_infinitive.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> - Prepositions of time - Let’s + Why – Because II/ Answer keys. I/ 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T II/ 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. A 11. C 12. B III/ 1. A/ 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T B/ 1. Chi is kind, sociable and has a good sense of humor 2. Yes, she is 2. 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. D IV/ 1. 1. This is Minh’s bedroom 2. There is a desk on the left of the room 3. On the right of the desk, there is a bookself and a lot of books 4. Above the bookself, there is a picture 5. There is a bed next to the desk 6. There is a wardrobe beside the window and opposite the bookself 2. 1. He ought to eat more vegetables and fruit 2. She has long black hair III/ Evaluation of result 1/ Comments. - Most of students still week about writing skill 2/ Quality. Class Total Mark≥5 Mark<5 8A3 30 25 05.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Week: 7 Period: 19. Date of P: 19/09/2010 Date of T: 21/09/2010. FORTY FIVE MINUTE TEST Test number 1 Unit: from unit 1 to unit 3 I/ Objectives. + Theme: Personal information + Topics: - Friends - House and Home + Speaking: - Introduce people and respond to introductions - Describe people’s appearance - Make arrangements through the telephone - Talk about intentions - Ask for and give reasons - Talk about the position of each item - Talk about past events + Listening: - Listen to monologues/ dialogues within 80 – 100 words for general or detailed information + Reading: - Read dialogues/ passages within 110 – 140 words for general or detailed information + Writing: - Write about oneself / others / a massage/ a description of a room in the house within 70 – 80 words using word cues / pictures + Language focus: - Present simple, past simple - Future with be going to - Reflexive pronouns: yourself, myself, themselves - Modal verbs: must, have to, ought to - Adverbs of place: here. There, upstairs, downstairs, outside, inside… - Adjective + too / enough + to_infinitive - Prepositions of time - Let’s + Why – Because.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> II/ Test specification. Language Topic focus / skill Listening Friend Grammar and vocabulary. Reading. Writing. Simple present,be going to, modal verbs, reflexive pronouns, adverbs of place, prepositions of time, enough to Word form mistakes - Making arrangement - Friends - Write a description - Rewrite sentences. Input. Test type. No.of Items. Weighting. 0.5 mark / 4 items. 20%. 0.25mark / 8 items. 20%. 0.25 mark / 4 items 0.25 mark / 4 items 0.25mark / 6 items. 10%. 0.25 mark / 6 items 0.5 mark / 2 Transformation items. 15 %. A passage (80 True - false – 100 words) Gapped sentences Multiple choice items. sentences - Dialogue. MC Cloze. - factual texts of 120 words. - True – false - Full answer. cues. - full sentence. cues. 10 % 15 %. 10 %.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Week: 13 Period: 37. Date of P: 30/10/2010 Date of T: 01/11/2010. FORTY FIVE MINUTE TEST Test number 2 Unit: from unit 4 to unit 6 I/ Objectives. + Theme: Education + Topics: - Our past - School life and study habits + Speaking: - offer and respond to assistance + Listening: - Listen to dialogue about 80 words about study habits + Reading: - Read a passage within 40 – 60 words abot our past, and a passage within 100 – 120 words about study habits + Writing: - Write about a future plan using suggested guidelines + Language focus: - Modal verb: should - Adverbs of manner: fast - used to - prepositions of time: on - Gerunds - reported speech: requests II/ Test specification. Language Topic Input Test type No.of Items Weighting focus / skill Listening Study habits A passage (80 True - false 0.5 mark / 4 20% – 100 words) items Grammar Modal verb, Gapped and adverbs of sentences vocabulary manner, used to, Multiple 0.25mark / 8 20% prepositions of choice items items time, gerunds, reported speech Word form Word meaning. sentences. 0.25 mark /. 10%.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> Reading. Writing. - Our past - Study habits. - Write about a future plan using suggested guidelines - Rewrite sentences. 4 items 0.25 mark / 4 items 0.25mark / 6 items. - a passage of 50 words - factual texts of 120 words. - MC Cloze. cues. - full sentence. 0.125 mark / 12 items. 15 %. 10 %. cues. 0.5 mark / 2 Transformation items. - True – false - Full answer. 10 % 15 %.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Week: 25 Period: 70. Date of P: 16/02/2011 Date of T: 18/02/2011. FORTY FIVE MINUTE TEST Test number 3 Unit: from unit 9 to unit 11 I/ Objectives. + Theme: Health, Recreation + Topics: - first aid - healthy environment - Holidays and vacations + Speaking: - Make and respond to formal requests + Listening: - Listen a dialogue about 80 words + Reading: - Read a passage within 40 – 60 words about holiday and vacation, and a passage within 100 – 120 words about first aid + Writing: - Rewrite the sentences, write a thank you + Language focus: - future simple - past participle - adjectives followed by an infinitive - Do you mind / Would you mind + V_ing - Would you ming if I / Do you ming if I + V(past) - passive forms: present and future II/ Test specification. Language Topic Input Test type No.of Items Weighting focus / skill Listening Holiday and A dialogue Gaps fill 0.5 mark / 4 20% vacation (80 words) items Grammar - future simple and - past participle vocabulary - adjectives followed by an infinitive Gapped Multiple 0.25mark / 30% - Do you mind / sentences choice items 12 items Would you mind + V_ing - Would you ming if I / Do you ming if I + V(past) - passive forms: present and future Reading. - holiday and vacation - fird aid. - a passage of 40 - 60 words. - MC Cloze - True – false. 0.25 mark / 4 items 0.25mark / 6. 10 % 15 %.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> - factual texts of 100 - 120 words Writing. - Rewrite the sentences - Write a thank note. cues. - Full answer. items. Transformation 0,25 mark / 4 items cues questions Full sentences. 10 % 15 %.

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> Week: 7 Period: 21. Date of P: 09/10/2012 Date of T: 11/10/2012. UNIT 4: OUR PAST Lesson 1: Getting started +listen & read I/ OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Tell the activities people used to do in the past. - Distinguish between facts and opinions. II/ PREPARATIONS. Textbook, pictures, cassette, tape III/ PROCEDURES. Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> 1/ Warm up. (5’) * Activity 1 - Ask Ss some questions - Answer the questions. Do you have a TV at home? Do you have a mobile phone? Do you have school uniforms? ……… * Activity 2 - Ask students to look at the picture /p.38 and write the names of things that do not belong to the - Whole class past.. - Give feedback. * Answer: the TV , the radio , the mobile phone , the light fixture , modern clothing / school uniforms.. 2/ Pre –reading. (15’) * Activity 1 - Introduce the persons in the picture. - Listen to T. - Ask Ss some questions Who are they? => They are Nga and her Grandma. - Answer the questions What are they doing? => They are talking to each other. - Play the tape for students to answer the questions 1. Where did Grandma live when she was a girl? (on a farm) - Listen to the tape and answer the 2. Did she go to school? (No, she didn’t) questions 3. Why? (stay home, help her mom, look after younger brothers and sisters) * Activity 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> - Present some new words + look after (v): + equipment (n): + a folktale (n): + traditional (a): + Great-grandma (n) + Light – lit – lit (v) + sound (v) - Have Ss read in chorus - Call Ss to read individually - Check vocabulary (Rub out and remember) * Activity 3 - Have students predict true/false sentences a. Nga used to live on the farm. b. Nga’s grandma didn’t go to school. c. She had an easy and happy life when she was young. d. There wasn’t any modern equipment at her time. e. “The lost shoe” is a short story. - Elicit the grammar notes and structures. I used to look after my younger brothers and sisters  USED TO + V_ INF (past habit) I had to stay home and help my mom. What was life like then? - Play the tape for students. - Listen and write. - Whole class - Individual work - Play game - Guess.. - Listen and write.. 3/ While-reading. (15’) * Activity 1 - Ask students to read the dialogue to check the prediction. - Ask students to correct the false statements. - Ask students to give feedback - Make corrections a. F b. T c. F d. T e. T * Acticity 2 - Ask students to answer the questions in pairs/ 39 - Call some pairs to practice in front of class - Make corrections a. She used to live on the farm b. Because she had to stay at home and help her mom to look after her younger brothers and sisters. c. She used to cook meals, clean the house and wash the clothes. d. Her great-grandma used to lit the lamp and her. - Listen to the tape. - Whole class. - Take notes. - Pair works. - Practice - Take notes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> great-father used to tell them stories. e. She asked her grandma to tell her the tale ”The lost shoe” - Have students read the statements in section 3 on the page 39 and decide which is a fact and which is an opinion. * Activity 3 - Distinguish between the two words ”Fact” and - Pair works. “Opinion” to students. - Give examples Fact: This flower is red Opinion: It is the most beautiful flower I’ve seen. - Listen to the teacher. - Ask students to give feedback a. Fact b. Fact c. Fact d. Fact e. Opinion f. Opinion.. 4/ Post –reading. (8’) - Have students say something they used to do in - Read the answers. the past. Eg: I used to get up late last year. - Give feedback 5/ Homework. (2’) - Whole class. - Learn by heart new words - Do the exercises 1 , 2/p.27 (workbook) . - Give feedback. ] - Write homework.

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