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Tài liệu Toeic test 2009 part 1 doc

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[󲈳󱮣󰽣󱹟󱐴] 2009 5󱎓 󰂘󱋀 󰷟󰶜 󱋇󰶀󰟷󱓛
http:/ / w w w .Hackers.co.kr
101. The Templeton Community Council is a -----
group of about 50 individuals.
(A) diverse
(B) diversity
(C) diversely
(D) diverseness

102. At his previous company, Mr. Montgomery was in
charge of ------- the projects for several departments.
(A) collaborating
(B) intending
(C) pending
(D) coordinating

103. The recent security measures have ------- to
longer waits at several airports.
(A) contributions
(B) contributed
(C) contribute
(D) contributor

104. Unique and ------- priced French cuisine attracts
customers from across the city.

(A) virtually
(B) gratefully
(C) thoroughly
(D) reasonably

105. Neither the managing director ------- the
shareholders will be at the presentation.
(A) or
(B) nor
(C) yet
(D) but

106. Resort guests ------- ask for the "Daily Special"
will be given the choice of two side dishes with the
main course.
(A) who
(B) whose
(C) when
(D) what

107. Dorsey's overseas recruiting office has been
under the ------- of Alex Hardy for the last couple of
(A) attendance
(B) supervision
(C) sight
(D) provision

108. The report was finished by the deadline despite
the fact that ------- guidelines changed several times.
(A) every
(B) this
(C) each
(D) its

109. ------- entry to the park is free of charge, there is
an admission fee for the museum.
(A) In spite of
(B) Except
(C) While
(D) Equally

110. All chemical plant employees should follow the
standard ------- if they are using dangerous chemicals.
(A) procedures
(B) developments
(C) categories
(D) qualifications

111. To improve ------- among faculty across the
university, the dean started a conference with
members from different departments.
(A) interact
(B) interaction
(C) interactive
(D) interacting

112. Fortunately, the clothes were mailed ------ the
right address.
(A) until
(B) upon
(C) among
(D) to

113. Mr. Kendall grabbed Mr. Scott’s wallet because he
mistakenly thought it was -------.
(A) him
(B) himself
(C) his
(D) he

114. The final fulfillment of the popular mystery series
------- due to arrive in stores last Friday, but
unexpected shipping problems caused delays.
(A) is
(B) to be
(C) was
(D) were

115. Poski Industries’ newest product pamphlet had to
be proofread to fix a few -------- errors.
(A) overdue
(B) minor

(C) reliable
(D) rapid

116. Despite the failure to finalize the deal, the
relations between GBC Incorporated and F&R ---------
(A) reach
(B) result
(C) remain
(D) reveal

[󲈳󱮣󰽣󱹟󱐴] 2009 5󱎓 󰂘󱋀 󰷟󰶜 󱋇󰶀󰟷󱓛

117. To be --------- for the job, an applicant must be a
college graduate.
(A) eligible
(B) considerate
(C) regarded
(D) liable

118. Executives are required to ------- professional
(A) wore
(B) wearing
(C) worn

(D) wear

119. Mr. Han should hire IT support staff that are
-------- available for any possible technical issues.
(A) accurately
(B) precisely
(C) readily
(D) softly

120. Mr. Karish was accepted to the Management-
Training Program, ------- were some other employees
from the sales department.
(A) as
(B) also
(C) too
(D) thus

121. They have around 150 employees who design,
build, and ------ our product line.
(A) markets
(B) market
(C) marketing
(D) marketed

122. The marketing division has ------- sent out their
monthly report this afternoon.
(A) ever

(B) soon
(C) lately
(D) just

123. On July 12, Mr. Jones will introduce ---------
methods to promote our product.
(A) addition
(B) additional
(C) additionally
(D) additions

124. Employee satisfaction has improved among
workers -------- performancebased incentives.
(A) given
(B) were given
(C) have given
(D) gave

125. Verixon Telecom does not distribute private
information such as mailing addresses or cell-phone
numbers -------- the customer’s written consent.
(A) within
(B) between
(C) without
(D) except

126. All of the people at the environmental conference
were asked to fill out the evaluation -------.

(A) form
(B) receipt
(C) bill
(D) claim

127. Luckily, the investors --------- agree with the
suggestions made by the consulting firm.
(A) strong
(B) stronger
(C) strongest
(D) strongly

128. I am writing ---------- behalf of Mr. Thomas to
update you about the itinerary change for our
approaching conference in London.
(A) at
(B) on
(C) for
(D) to

129. ------- the five charity programs share much in
common, unmistakable differences still exist in their
funding method.
(A) Although
(B) Unlikely
(C) Meanwhile
(D) Even

130. The former director of the organization, Kevin

Briggs, will give a keynote --------- on internet security
for the first hour of the convention.
(A) addressing
(B) address
(C) addresses
(D) addressed

131. Management is responsible for ensuring that
pertinent safety notices are -------- posted throughout
the facility.
(A) hourly
(B) easily
(C) necessarily
(D) clearly

132. Mr. Dane wants his managers to take more -------
and build relationships with potential customers.
(A) initiative
(B) initiated
(C) initiation
(D) initiating

[󲈳󱮣󰽣󱹟󱐴] 2009 5󱎓 󰂘󱋀 󰷟󰶜 󱋇󰶀󰟷󱓛

133. They anticipate that there will be --------- 120

professionals at the seminar.
(A) approximate
(B) approximately
(C) approximation
(D) approximated

134. The quality control manager at the factory agrees
with the assertion that --------- inspections of the
machinery will result in less defective products.
(A) frequent
(B) frequency
(C) frequents
(D) frequently

135. A group of four government agencies has been
brought together to ------- a plan to improve the
nation’s education system.
(A) notice
(B) situate
(C) develop
(D) raise

136. All of the products on sale should ------- near the
front of the department store so that customers will
see them when they enter the store.
(A) have displayed
(B) displays
(C) displaying
(D) be displayed

137. Strong sales is not necessarily ------- of a
successful branding strategy.
(A) decisive
(B) reminiscent
(C) protective
(D) indicative

138. The last page of the consulting report should
------- the critical points from the introduction.
(A) summarize
(B) convince
(C) delegate
(D) budget

139. We apologize for the scheduling issues and
promise you that any more changes will be handled
(A) randomly
(B) promptly
(C) relatively
(D) ultimately

140. Mr. Chaplin is a famous golfer who likes to spend
his leisure time ------- music.
(A) composes
(B) composed
(C) composing

(D) composer

Questions 141-143 refer to the following letter.

June 19
Global Audio
2230 42nd Street
Los Angeles, CA 90245

Dear Sir or Madame:

I received a bill from your company, which states that
I have a ------- of $500 on my account.
141. (A) surplus
(B) charge
(C) budget
(D) loan

According to the warranty, if there are any problems
with the product I can return it within ninety days of
the purchase date. I ordered the stereo system in May
and I ------- it from your company in the mail at the
142. (A) receive
(B) will have received
(C) received
(D) receiving
beginning of June.
However, I soon realized that the speakers did not
produce any sound at all.
Because of this -------, I promptly called the customer

143. (A) alteration
(B) urgency
(C) charge
(D) defect
service center and spoke to a representative that told
me to ship the entire stereo system back to the
company. I am writing to confirm whether the stereo
system was received or not and also when I can
expect to receive a replacement.


Jonathan Macklin

[󲈳󱮣󰽣󱹟󱐴] 2009 5󱎓 󰂘󱋀 󰷟󰶜 󱋇󰶀󰟷󱓛

Questions 144-146 refer to the following email.
To: “Sally Johnson” <
Subject: Office furniture
From: “Ronald Mackenzie” <
Date: Wednesday July 13th

Dear Ms. Johnson,
It was a pleasure meeting you today. After seeing your
office space, I am sure -------- Landmark Products can
144. (A) as (B) that
(C) if (D) so
provide you with desks and chairs that meet the space
limitations of your office and help --------- neck and back
145. (A) eliminating (B) that
(C) eliminate (D) has

pain among your staff. As I said before, our chairs and
desks are ergonomically designed and are made from
only the finest materials. As a preferred corporate client,
we can offer a discount of 10% on orders of $1000 or
more. You stated that you wanted to buy ten desk and
chair sets, which cost $600 per set. The normal bill would
come to $6000. However, after the 10% discount, the
price would come to $5,400. The chairs you chose are the
most popular item we sell. We should have enough in
stock for your current order, but I cannot promise that
the price will not change in the near future. With
increasing transportation costs, the prices fluctuate.
---------, I highly suggest you place your order soon.
146. (A) Therefore (B) Because
(C) However (D) Whenever

R. Mackenzie
Corporate Sales Director
Landmark Products

Questions 147-149 refer to the following
Summer Internship

Dynabol Corporation offers internships to talented,
college engineering students -------- wish to work in
147. (A) whose
(B) in which

(C) that
(D) what
challenging multi-cultural environments. Our internship
program has a variety of activities from writing a research
paper to practical experience on an engineering team.

Dynabol Corporation wants to provide opportunities to not
only develop professionally but also expand your cultural
perspective. We are seeking applicants with passion,
energy, and a desire to make a ----------. Apply now for
148.(A) profit
(B) choice
(C) donation
(D) difference
an opportunity to change your perspective and ---------
149. (A) gain
(B) gaining
(D) gains
(C) gained
practical work experience.

Questions 150-152 refer to the following article.

The Bahati Company submitted a report showing a
------- in sales for the fourth quarter. Bahati CEO Ron
150. (A) push
(B) fall
(C) stall
(D) boost

Bouchard says that the increase demonstrates the
effectiveness of the sales training workshops provided
by the company over the last two months. The
increase shows the vitality and resilience of our

This is the positive result of the changes we ---------.

151. (A) are making
(B) have been making
(C) would have been
(D) will be made
Production costs for Bahati Company have also
decreased. The increased profit margin further
illustrates the ------- of the company.
152. (A) strongly
(B) strength
(C) strengthen
(D) stronger
