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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Unit 10: STAYING HEALTHY Period 60: Section A. How do you feel? (1,2). Week: 20. I. Objective By the end of this lesson, all the students can talk about feelings. II. Language contents 1. Vocabulary Feel, hungry, thirsty, full, hot, cold, tired, orange juice, noodles, drink 2. Grammar Adjectives, would like III. Techniques - Method: communicative approach - Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing IV. Teaching aids Lesson plan, textbook, board, chalk, overhead projector V. Procedures Method Content 1. Warm-up a. đói b. khát c. no d. nóng Ss: guess how people in part A.1 feel. e. laïnh f. meät 2. Presentation A. How do you feel? Ss: look at the books and listen to the tape part A.1 1. listen and repeat. Ss: listen to the tape more and repeat sentence by sentence. New words Ss: give the meanings of adjectives. - feel (v) : caûm thaáy T: present the new words on the board - hungry (adj) : đói Ss: repeat the new words. (choral and - thirsty (adj) : khaùt individuals) - full (adj) : no - hot (adj) : noùng - cold (adj) : laïnh - tired (adj) : meät moûi Ss: listen to the tape and repeat once more. Ss: read the sentences in silence. Ss: some read loudly in front of the class. Ss: work in pair. Ask and answer the 2. Work with a partner. questions in part A.2 basing on the - How does he/she feel? He/She is… pictures in A.1 - How do they feel? – They are….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 4. Comprehension check Ss: ask and answer the same questions in front of class.. …. 2 222222222222222222222222222222222222 22222222. 5. Summary - Students read the dialog again. Homework - Students study new words and practice sentences more with their friends. - Prepare: Unit 10. A3,4. Unit 10: STAYING HEALTHY Period 61: Section A. How do you feel? (3,4,5,6). Week: 21. I. Objective By the end of this lesson, all the students can talk about feelings. II. Language contents 1. Vocabulary.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Feel, hungry, thirsty, full, hot, cold, tired, orange juice, noodles, drink 2. Grammar Adjectives, would like III. Techniques - Method: communicative approach - Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing IV. Teaching aids Lesson plan, textbook, board, chalk, overhead projector V. Procedures Method Content 1. Warm-up Matching: Hungry no Cold khat Full đói Thirsty lạnh 2. Presentation Ss: listen to the tape part A.3 twice and then repeat. T: explain some new words and structure. 3. Practice Ss: work in group of three. Play roles. Ss: some groups play roles in front of the class. Ss: work in pair. Ask and answer the questions in part A.4. 3. Listen and repeat. - orange juice (n) : nước cam - noodles (n) : mì, bún, phở… - drink (n) : đồ uống Would like = ‘d like. 4. Ask and answer. - How does Nam feel? – He feels… - What would he like? – He’d like… - How does Lan feel? – She feels… - What would she like? – She’d like… - How does Ba feel? – He feels… - What would he like? – He‘d like… - How do you feel? – I feel… - What would you like? – I’d like…. 4. Comprehension check Ss: ask and answer the same q Ss: look at the pictures in part A.5 and. A.5. Listen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> guess how they feel and what they would like. Ss: listen to the tape and match the names to the pictures. Ss: listen to the tape part A.6 and repeat. T: help students understand structure. T: ask the same question basing on the pictures in part A.5. Ss: look at the pictures and answer the questions. Ss: work in pair ask and answer the same questions. 3. Practice Ss: work in pair. Make the same dialog, using the cues. Ss: some pairs practice in front of the class. 4. Comprehension check T: ask questions. Ss: answer the questions to make new dialogs. uestions in front of class.. A.6 Listen and repeat. What’s the matter? I am …… - want (v) : caàn, muoán What’s the matter with her/him? He/She is… What does he/she want? He/She wants…… a. hot/cold drink b. hungry/noodles c. thirsty/a drink. What’s the matter? - I am …… What do you want? - I want ……. 4 444444444444444444444444444444444444 44444444. 5. Summary - Students read the dialog again. Homework - Students study new words and practice sentences more with their friends. - Prepare: Unit 10. A.5,6,7..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Unit 10: STAYING HEALTHY Period …: Section B. Food and drink (1,2,3). Week: 23. I. Objective By the end of this lesson, all the students can identify food and drink. II. Language contents 1. Vocabulary Apple, banana, water, rice, milk, meat, vegetables, fruit 2. Grammar III. Techniques : Jumble words, Brainstorming, Guessing game, Ask and answer drill. IV. Teaching aids Pictures about food, drink and fruit. V. Procedures 1. Warm-up Ss: play the game “Jumble words”. Some, any 2. Presentation Ss: look at the pictures in part B.1 and name the food and drink. Ss: listen to the tape and repeat once. T: present the words on the board. Ss: listen and repeat after the teacher twice and then they read themselves. (choral and individuals). Ss: work in pair. Ask and answer about those food and drink. Ss: listen to the tape part B.2 and repeat. Ss: work in pair. Play roles of Phuong and Thu. Ss: some pairs play roles in front of the class. T: ask students to tell the differences between Some and Any. 3. Practice. metatr, nooldes, nughyr, hisrtyt, fele. B.1. Listen and repeat. - apple (n) : traùi taùo - banana (n) : traùi chuoái - water (n) : nước - rice (n) : côm, gaïo - milk (n) : sữa - meat (n) : thòt - vegetables (n) : rau - fruit (n) : traùi caây What would you like? - I’d like……What would you like? I’d like…… B.2. Listen and read.. Some: is used in affirmative form. Any: is used in Negative and Interrogative forms..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Ss: work in pair. Ask and answer the questions basing on the dialog in part B.2 B.3 Ask and answer. Ss: some pairs practice loudly in front of - Is there any………? the class. Yes. There is some… No. There isn’t any… - Are there any……? Yes. There are some… No. There aren’t any… 4. Production: Ss: make new questions and answers Is there any meat? using the words in part B.1 Are there any apples?  Complete the sentences with “ a,an, some, any” a.There isn’t _________ milk in the Keys: jar. a. any b.She’d like __________ orange. c.There are ___________ apples and b. an c. some bananas. d.Is there _____________ meat ? d. any e My sister wants___________ new e. a bike. f. I don’t have …….. bananas but I have f. any/ some 6 ……….oranges. 5. Homework Learn voc: food, drink, fruit Ask and answer: How do you feel? What would you like? Is there any …….? Are there any……? - Prepare: B4,5: What would Nhan, Tuan, Huong, and Mai like?. 666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Unit 10: STAYING HEALTHY Period …………: Section B. Food and drink (4,5,6) Week: 23 I. Objective By the end of this lesson, all the students can identify more food and drink. II. Language contents 1. Vocabulary Chicken, fish, bread, menu 2. Grammar Review III. Techniques : Brainstorming, Guessing game, Ask and answer drill. IV. Teaching aids: Pictures about food, drink and fruit. V. Procedures 1. Warm-up Ss: give some examples using “some” and “any” 2. Presentation Ss: point to the menu in the book and introduce. Then ask a question. Ss: answer in Vietnamese. T: present the words on the board. Ss: listen and repeat after the teacher twice and then they read themselves. (choral and individuals) Ss: listen to the tape and repeat the conversation. Ss: some pairs read the conversation again. Ss: listen to the tape part B.5 and match the name of the people with what they would like.. 3. Practice Ss: work in pair. Make new conversations like the one in part B.4 by using the cues. Ss: some pairs practice in front of the class.. - There are some bananas. - There isn’t any milk. - Are there any oranges? B.4 Listen and repeat. This is a menu. What are there in the menu? - menu (n) : thực đơn - chicken (n) : gaø, thòt gaø - fish (n) : caù - bread (n) : baùnh mì. B.5. Listen Nhaân: chicken, rice Tuan: meat, vegetables Huong: fruit, milk Mai: fish, orange juice A. I/hot I/like/cold drink B. I/ not hot I/hungry.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> I/bread 4. Production T: give a menu of food and drink. Ss: make new questions and answers using the menu.. Homework - Students study new words. - Prepare: Unit 10. C.1,2,3,4.. What would you like? I’d like… Would you like…? Yes/No. 8 888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888. Unit 10: STAYING HEALTHY Period…….: Section C. My favorite food (1,2,3,4). Week: 23.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> I. Objective By the end of this lesson, all the students can express possession. II. Language contents 1. Vocabulary Favorite, carrot, tomato, lettuce, potato, bean, pea, cabbage, onion, lemonade, iced tea, coffee 2. Grammar - What’s your favorite food/drink? - I like……………… III. Techniques - Method: communicative approach - Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing IV. Teaching aids: V. Procedures. 1. Warm-up Ss: play the game “slap the board” 2. Presentation Ss: listen to the tape part C.1 once then repeat. T: present the words on the board. Ss: listen and repeat after the teacher twice and then they read themselves. (choral and individuals). Ss: work in pair, ask and answer about the food. Ss: listen to the tape part C.2 and repeat the dialog. T: help the students understand the structure and present on the board. Ss: read the dialog again. Ss: listen to the tape and repeat part C.3.. Bread / banana / orange / chicken / milk / rice / fish C.1 New words - favorite (adj) : öa thích - carrot (n) : caø roát - tomato (n) : caø chua - lettuce (n) : rau dieáp - potato (n) : khoai taây - bean (n) : đậu, đỗ - pea (n) : đậu (hạt tròn) - cabbage (n) : baép caûi - onion (n) : haønh What are these? - They are… What are those?. 9 999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999. What’s your favorite food/drink? - I like…………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> 3. Practice Ss: work in pair. Ask and answer bout food and drink. Feedback: some pairs practice loudly. 4. Production: T: ask the same questions. Ss: answer the questions. 5. Homework - Students study new words. - Prepare: Unit 11. A.1.. - lemonade (n) : nước chanh - iced tea (n) : trà đá - coffee (n) : caø pheâ - What’s your favorite food/drink? - Do you like…………?.

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