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english 7 UNIT 7

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>UNIT 7: THE WORLD OF WORK Division of lessons 1. A 1 2. A 2, 3 3. A 4 4. B 1 5. B 2, 3 Week: 14 Date: 16/11/2012 Period: 42. UNIT 7: A. A STUDENT’S WORK LESSON 1: A 1 I. Aim: Through this period, students can read comprehensive about Hoa’s work Sts can talk about work myself II. Language contents: 1. Grammar: The simple present tense, the future tense Take time to do For how many hours a day……… 2. Vocabulary: to last, almost, school year, during III. Techniques: Role-play; question and answer; pair work and group work IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, cassette V. Procedures:. Teacher’s and students’ activity Teacher sticks some pictures of routine on the board. Students put them in the best positions ( beginning to ending) Teacher remarks and gives students marks.. Then teacher uses the context to introduce students the new lesson by asking : - Who are they? - What are they doing? Teacher says the words. Students repeat chorally/ individually, and then say the meaning.. Teacher by the way presents the models to. Contents 1/ Warm up: * (10)Marks: 1-come back home 2- get up 3- do homework 4- go to school 5- watch TV / read book 6- eat breakfast 2/ Presentation: * New words: To work (v) làm việc Worker (n) công nhân Quite (adv) = fairly tương đối, khá To last (v) kéo dài Almost (adv) hầu như, gần như During (prep) trong suốt School year (n) năm học * Model sentences: -For how many hours a day does Hoa do her homework?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> students. Students repeat. Students close the book and complete the chart of Hoa. Teacher lets students listen to the tape twice, and then they work in pairs. Some pairs practice in front class. Teacher corrects. Next, students practice answering in pairs, the others writes on the board. T correct. Students complete the chart about themselves. Then they practice speaking. T corrects and can give marks to encourage Ss Students do the exercises to remember the adverbs. T corrects and can give marks to encourage Ss. Comment: Attendance:. Class 7A 1: Class 7A 2:. Hoa does her homework 2 hours a day Chart ( about Hoa) Time Hoa’s work 6.30 eat breakfast 7.00 start classes 11.15 2 hours/ a day In June 3/ Practice: the dialogue A 1( in textbook) * Answer key: a/ Hoa’s classes start at 7 o’clock. b/ They finish at a quarter past eleven. c/ Hoa does her homework 2 hours a day. d/ She will visit her parents on their farm during their vacation. e; f; g * Chart (about You). Ex: Time your work a day 5 a.m get up 6.00 have breakfast 6.45 …………….. …………………………. Ex: I get up at 5 a.m 4/ Consolidation: * Put the verbs in correct form. a/ Lan (go) to school six days a week b/ Now, Nam (watch) TV c/ Lan ( go) to the post office tomorrow d/ What she (learn) in the Geography class? Answer a. goes b. is watching c. will go to d. What does she learn 5/ Homework: -Learn the new words/ the model sentences. - Practice the conversation again - Answer question agian -Prepare unit 7 A 2-A 3 +find the new words + get the content of the letter + answer the questions + listen and write the name of the holiday in picture.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> -Ưu điểm: +Nội dung:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Phương pháp:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Đddh :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Khuyết điểm: + Nội dung:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Phương pháp:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Đddh: :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hướng khắc phục: + Nội dung:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Phương pháp:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Đddh: :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Week: 15 Date: 22/11/2011 Period: 43. UNIT 7 LESSON 2: A 2- A 3 I. Aims - Talking about the public holidays. - Developing listening skill and reading about holidays in America. - Introduce comparative sentence II. Language contents 1. Grammar: The simple present.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 2. Vocabulary: to celebrate, to spend time with, public holiday, turkey, firework display Vacation: Easter, 4th of July, thanksgiving, Christmas III. Techniques: Questions and answer, listening. IV. Teaching aids: Cassette, pictures V. Procedures:. Teacher’s and students’ activity T guides Ss to play a game “What and where” to remind the words T corrects and gives marks .. Teacher puts students in the lesson. Teacher introduces some new words. Students repeat and say the meaning.. Students copy.. Teacher introduces students the model sentences.. T lets students do true- false.. Contents 1.Warm up: Marks:(10) What and where early. nurse. more last letter. 2. Presentation: New words: To celebrate (v) ăn mừng To spend time with: giành thời gian với Public holiday (n) ngày lễ Easter(n) lễ phục sinh 4th of July(n) ngày quốc khánh ( Mỹ) thanksgiving(n) lễ tạ ơn Christmas(n) lễ giáng sinh turkey(n) gà tây firework display: (v) trình diễn pháo hoa * Model sentences More/ fewer vacation than……….. The longest vacation………….. * True-false: a/ Tim is Hoa’s American pen pal ( T) b/Tim has fewer vacations than Hoa ( F) c/ Both Tim and Hoa have Tet holiday.( F) d/ One of the most important vacations in America is 4th of July ( T) 3.Practice: (the letter in textbook.). Teacher reads the letter. Students listen and then they read it silently. Two students are called to read loudly ( individually). * Answer key: a/ Summer vacation is the longest in America. b/ During his vacation, Tim spends time with his family. c/ Vietnamese students have fewer vacations.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> After that, students practice speaking in pairs. Teacher controls.. than American ones. 4/ Production: A 3/ listen and write the names of the public holidays in the pictures.. Teacher has students work in groups of 4, guessing the names of these public holidays. Then students listen to the tape and name the pictures. Students hand their result. Teacher gives the key. Teacher reminds students the tasks and explains how to do the exercises.. Comment: Attendance:. * Key: - thanksgiving ( 2) - independence day ( 3) - new year’s eve( 4) - Christmas ( 1) 4/ Homework: - Learn the words/ the sentences. - Do the exercises in workbook. - Prepare A 4. +Find the new words +read the text to get the content of the text + answer the questions. Class 7A 1: Class 7A 2:. -Ưu điểm: +Nội dung:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Phương pháp:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Đddh :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Khuyết điểm: + Nội dung:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Phương pháp:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Đddh: :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hướng khắc phục:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> + Nội dung:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Phương pháp:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Đddh: :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week: 15 Date: 22/11/2011 Period: 44. UNIT 7 LESSON 3: A 4 I. Aims: Read Hoa’s paragraph and answer questions (a, b, c, d) Comparative about time with Hoa II. Language contents: 1. Grammar: The simple present more…than / fewer…than. 2. Vocabulary: Easy life, hard, typical, keen, to review, definitely, lazy Take a look at III. Techniques: Rub out and remember, asking and answering. IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, tape V. Procedures:. Teacher’s and students’ activity Teacher asks students some questions. Students answer. Teacher gives students marks.. Teacher makes scene to present the new words. Teacher says. Students repeat chorally/ individually. Students say the meaning of the words. T checks the Sts words by “ rub out and. Contents 1/ Warm-up * Marks:(10) How many subjects do you learn in grade 7? How many classes do you study a day? How many days a week do you have to work? *Keys: . I learn about 10 subjects at school . I study 5 classes a day . I go to school 6 days a week 2. Presentation: - Typical adj) tiêu biểu - keen (adj) = good: năng nổ - definitely= certainly (adv) chắc chắn - Lazy (adj) lười biếng - Review(v) ôn tập - Easy life (n) cuộc sống dễ chịu - Hard (adj) chăm chỉ - Take a look at (v) = have a look at: nhìn vào, xem vào.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> remember” T presents the sentences and has Ss complete in the gap in pairs Ss guessing S1 + V + less + N + than + S2 S1 +reads V + the fewer Ns + than + S2 Teacher text+ twice. S1 +listen V + more + Nsit +inthan + S2 Students and read silence. Teacher calls some students to read it loudly. Teacher corrects. Next, teacher controls students to practice asking and answering in pairs. The others write. Correct. Rub out and remember. (The words just learnt) Model sentence: He drinks less tea than my father. They have fewer holidays than you Nam works more hours a day than you *Gap fill: a. Hoa goes to school…………………….days a week b. She has ………………periods a day c. She works……………………….hours a week d. She has about ………….hours of doing homework a week e. Before test ,She works………..hours a week 3. Practice: (The text in textbook) *Keys: a.6 b. 5 c. 20 d. 12. Teacher has students work in groups, making a list of activities that typical students in class often do at school or at home ( on the cardboard or the board). Teacher asks some students to summarize Hoa’s activities. Teacher encourages students to speak before class. Students use set of words to make sentences about themselves T corrects and can give marks to encourage. e.45. * Answer key: a/ People think students have an easy life because they only work a few hours a day and have long vacations. b/ Hoa works 20 hours a week. It’s fewer than most workers work. c/ (Students answer) d/ No. The writer doesn’t Teacher think students are lazy. 4/ Post reading: * Summarize Hoa’s activities:. * Make complete sentences: I’m An .I go to school 6 days a week…… 5/ Homework: - Learn the words. - Review comparatives. - Do the exercises 1, 2 in workbook. - Prepare lesson B1/ page 76 - Find new words - Read B1/ page 76 - Answer the question/ page 77.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Comment: Attendance:. Class 7A 1: Class 7A 2:. -Ưu điểm: +Nội dung:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Phương pháp:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Đddh :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Khuyết điểm: + Nội dung:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Phương pháp:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Đddh: :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hướng khắc phục: + Nội dung:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Phương pháp:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Đddh: :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Week: 15 Date: 23/11/2011 Period: 45. UNIT 7: LESSON 4 THE WORKER B1 I. Aims: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to know life worker in America Sts to know the new words with topic: work, vacation of family American Practice asking and answering the present simple tense II. Language contents: 1. Grammar: The simple present tense To construct of the letter 2. Vocabulary Shift work, part-time, homeless, mechanic, to prefer, day off, golf.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Take care of, I’m pleased that, a photo of, to work part-time, three-week summer vacation III. Techniques: Gap fill, ask answer the question, slap the board IV. Teaching aids: Tape, cassette V. Procedures:. Teacher’s and students’ activity Teacher asks student to write the new words And answer the questions. Student answer. Teacher gives student marks.. Teacher sets the scenes to present the new words. Students repeat and say the meaning.. Teacher supplies the model sentences.. T has Ss guess the statements true or false Ss do in individually. Teacher lets student listen to the tape. Student then read the text silently first, and loudly ( individually) Next student practice the questions in pairs. (speaking and writing) The others write.. Contents 1/ Warm up:  Marks:(10) điển hình : typical xuất sắc : keen How many hours a week do you work? ( I work 40 hours a week ) Is this fewer than most workers? (Yes, It is fewer than most workers 2/ Presentation: homeless (adj) không có nhà mechanic(n) thợ máy machine(n)máy móc shilf work(n) ca làm việc take care of(v)chăm sóc work part time(v) làm việc bán thời gian Golf (n) môn bóng gôn To prefer (v) thích hơn Day off (n) ngày nghỉ A photo of: hình của I am pleased that: tôi rất hài long, mừng A three month summee vacation: kỳ nghĩ kéo dài 3 tháng * Model sentences: He has fewer days off than my Mom. Say statements true or false 1.There are four people in Tim’s family 2.Sannnon is Hoa’ friend 3.Tim’s father is an engineer 4. He works in a factory 5 His mother is a housewife 6. She has fewer days off than her husband 3/ Practice *Keys: 1.T 2T 3F 4T 5T 6F (the text page 76) * Answer key: a/ Mrs Jone works at home. But three mornings a week she works part time at a local super market. b/ She cooks lunch for homeless people once a week. c/ Mr Jone is a mechanic. He repairs machines.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> in a factory. d/ He works about 40 hours a week. Teacher corrects. e/ The Jones family always goes to Florida on vacation. They have a great time there. 4/ Production: * Fill in the blank: Student discuss in groups in order to fill in the five, two, forty, three, once,… blanks. a/ Tim’s father works ---days a week. Teacher controls. b/ Tim’s mother works --- at a super market. c/ Tim’s father gets about --- public holidays. d/ Tim’s mother cooks luch for homeless people--- a week. 5/ Homework:2m - Learn the words/ the sentences. - Answer the questions again - Read the letter to get the content - Do exercises 1 -2 in workbook. - Prepare lesson 5 B 2, B 3/ page 77 + Find new words + Read the text/ p 77 + Reread Tim’s letter, complete B3/ p 77 Comment: Attendance: Class 7A 1: Class 7A 2: -Ưu điểm: +Nội dung:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Phương pháp:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Đddh :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Khuyết điểm: + Nội dung:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Phương pháp:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Đddh: :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hướng khắc phục: + Nội dung:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Phương pháp:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> + Đddh: :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: 29/11/2011 Period: 46. UNIT 7: LESSON 5 B2 - B3 I. Aims Talking about a typical working day of Vietnamese farmers and different between working time in Viet Nam and the one in America. II. Language contents: 1. Grammar: The comparatives 2. Vocabulary: Start work, feed, rest, take a day off, buffalo, main crop, chicken coop, real, be on duty, shop assistant, annual III. Techniques: True/ false; ask and answer; matching IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, sub-board V. Procedures:. Teacher’s and students’ activity Teacher asks student the questions about the previous lesson. Students answer. Teacher corrects and gives student marks.. Teacher makes context to teach the new words. Students repeat and say the meaning. Students copy.. T checks Ss’ words by “slap the board”. Contents 1/ Warm up: * Marks(10) 1. How many hours does Mr. Jones work in week? 2. How many days off does he have? 3. Does he have any summer vacation? *Keys: 1. He works about 40 hours a week. 2. He has 7 days off 3. Yes , he has 2.Presentation: New words: Start work: bắt đầu làm việc feed(v) cho ăn rest(v) nghỉ ngoi take a day off(v) nghỉ ngơi buffalo – buffalo shed (n) con trâu, chuồng trâu chicken coop (n) chuồng gà main crop(n) vụ mùa chin annual (adj) tính cho cả năm, xảy ra hàng năm be on duty (v) làm nhiệm vụ shop assistant (n) nhân viên bán hàng real (adj) thực sự * Slap the board: Model sentence: Fewer….than Ex: This school has fewer students than may.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> school More……...than Ex: I work more hours than him Less……..than Ex: Nam has less homework than me B 2. * Questions: Students look at the book and listen to 1/ What does Hoa’s father do? teacher reading. 2/ What time does he usually start his work? Then student read the text in silence, then 3/ How long does his work last? loudly. 4/Who does he work with? Teacher asks student to answer some 5/Is their main crop vegetables or rice? questions about the content. 6/ Does a farmer have vacations? Teacher can give student marks in this part. 3. Practice: Text ( p 77) *Keys: 1.He is a farmer 2. He usually starts his work in the morning T has Ss give the keys 3.It lasts about 12 hours T gives feedback .and corrects their mistakes 4.He works with his brother 5. Their main crop is vegetables 6. No. he doesn’t have real vacations B3 Name Teacher shows the chart, explaining the way to do it. Asking student to revise Tim’s letter and the passage about Mr. Tuan. Then student fill in the chart the needed information. Teacher checks.. T has Ss write the sentences about the people above S write in groups T corrects if they’re wrong. T has Sts do exercises T give marks if Sts do well. Mr. Joes Mr. Tuan. Hours per week 40. Days off. Vacation time. Two. 84. 4 or 5 times a year. A three week summer Vacation no real. * Key: - Mr. Jones works about 40 hours a week. He gets 2 days off every week. He also has a three-week summer vacation. - Mr. Tuan works 84 hours per week. He gets one day off, 4 or 5 times a year. - He has no real vacation. 4 Production: Make comparatives, using fewer or less in your sentence 1. We/have/vacations/them 2. There are/ tourists/in our city/ in Hoi An 3. I/ have/free/you 4. She/earn/money/him 5. He/drinks/beer/his friends.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Keys: 1. We have fewer vacations than them 2. There are fewer tourists in our city than in Hoi An 3. T have less free time than you 4. She earns less money than him 5. He drinks less beer than his friends 5. Homework : - Learn the words. - Read the text to get the content of the text - Write a paragraph about you - Do exercises in workbook. - Prepare Unit 8 A1-A 2./79-81 + Names of some places + Telling the ways Comments: Attendance:. Class 7A 1: Class 7A 2:. -Ưu điểm: +Nội dung:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Phương pháp:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Đddh :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Khuyết điểm: + Nội dung:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Phương pháp:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Đddh: :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hướng khắc phục: + Nội dung:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Phương pháp:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Đddh: :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

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