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Database trigger Record or column of table The body of the trigger is coded in PL/
SQL. While the trigger has a name, the
PL/SQL code itself is unnamed, hence
Script SQL*Plus and SQL*DBA Ad hoc programs and batch processing
scripts written in SQL*Plus are always
anonymous blocks (which may then
call procedures or functions).
Embedded PL/SQL programs Pro* embedded languages Embed PL/SQL blocks to execute
statements inside the database server.
Whenever you attach PL/SQL code to a trigger or field in a tool, that code forms an anonymous PL/
SQL block. When you write this code you can enter a fully specified PL/SQL block (declaration,
execution, and exception sections), or you can enter only the executable section.
15.3.4 Nested Blocks
PL/SQL allows you to nest or embed anonymous blocks within another PL/SQL block. You can also
nest anonymous blocks within anonymous blocks for more than one level, as shown in
Figure 15.6.
Figure 15.6: Anonymous blocks nested three levels deep Nested block terminology
A PL/SQL block nested within another PL/SQL block may be called by any of the following: nested
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block, enclosed block, child block or sub-block.
A PL/SQL block that calls another PL/SQL block (anonymous or named) may be referred to as either
the enclosing block or the parent block. Nested blocks provide scope
The general advantage of a nested block is that you create a scope for all the declared objects and
executable statements in that block. You can use this scope to improve your control over activity in
your program. For a discussion, see
Section 15.3.5, "Scope and Visibility" later in this chapter.
Consider the following procedure, in which the president and vice-president of the specified company
request their salaries be cut in half if their current salaries are more than ten times the average salary

in the company. It's the sort of incentive plan that would encourage executives to "share the wealth."
PROCEDURE update_management
(company_id_in IN NUMBER, avgsal_in IN NUMBER)
-- The vice-president shows his generosity...
SELECT salary INTO v_sal
FROM employee
WHERE company_id = company_id_in
IF v_sal > avgsal_in * 10
UPDATE employee SET salary := salary * .50
WHERE company_id = company_id_in
-- The president shows her generosity...
SELECT salary INTO v_sal
FROM employee
WHERE company_id = company_id_in
AND title = 'PRESIDENT';
IF v_sal > avgsal_in * 10

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UPDATE employee SET salary := salary * .50
WHERE company_id = company_id_in
AND title = `PRESIDENT';
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('The Prez is a pal!');
Each of the two SELECT-UPDATE combinations is embedded in its own anonymous PL/SQL block.
Each block has its own exception section. Why go to all this trouble? Why couldn't the programmer
just create a little script that will update the salary for a specified title? The following statement,
saved to the updemp.sql file, would "do the trick" (&N is the syntax used to supply arguments to a
SQL*Plus script):
UPDATE employee SET salary := salary * .50
WHERE company_id = &1
AND title = '&2'
AND salary > &3 * 10;
and then execute the SQL script in SQL*Plus using the START command:
SQL> start updemp 1100 VICE-PRESIDENT
SQL> start updemp 1100 PRESIDENT
The programmer who was assigned this task took several things into account:

The executives might decide they will want to take such actions repeatedly in the coming
years; better to package the steps into a reusable chunk of code like a procedure than simply
execute a series of SELECT-UPDATEs in SQL*Plus.

Executives come and go frequently at the company. There is no guarantee that there will be a

person in the employee table with a title of `PRESIDENT' or `VICE-PRESIDENT' at any
given time. The first assumption argues for the encapsulation of these two SELECT-UPDATE
steps into a procedure. This second assumption results in the need for embedded PL/SQL
blocks around each UPDATE statement. Suppose that the procedure update_management did
not make use of the embedded blocks. The code would then look like this:
PROCEDURE update_management
(company_id_in IN NUMBER, avgsal_in IN NUMBER)
SELECT salary INTO v_sal
FROM employee
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WHERE company_id = company_id_in
IF v_sal > avgsal_in * 10
UPDATE employee SET salary := salary * .50
WHERE company_id = company_id_in
SELECT salary INTO v_sal
FROM employee
WHERE company_id = company_id_in
AND title = 'PRESIDENT';
IF v_sal > avgsal_in * 10
UPDATE employee SET salary := salary * .50
WHERE company_id = company_id_in

AND title = 'PRESIDENT';
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('The Prez is a pal!');
If there is a record in the employee table with the title of "VICE-PRESIDENT" (for the appropriate
company_id) and if there is a record in the employee table with the title of "PRESIDENT," then this
procedure works just fine. But what if there is no record with a title of "VICE-PRESIDENT"? What
if the Vice-President did not want to take a 50% cut in pay and instead quit in disgust?
When the WHERE clause of an implict SELECT statement does not identify any records, PL/SQL
raises the NO_DATA_FOUND exception (for more details on this phenomenon see
Chapter 6,
Database Interaction and Cursors, and pay particular attention to the sections concerning implicit
cursors). There is no exception handler section in this procedure. As a result, when there is no Vice-
President in sight, the procedure will immediately complete (well, abort, actually) and transfer
control to the calling block's exception section to see if the NO_DATA_FOUND exception is
handled there. The SELECT-UPDATE for the President's salary is therefore not executed at all.
NOTE: You don't actually need a BEGIN-END block around the second SELECT-
UPDATE. This is the last statement, and if it fails nothing will be skipped. It is good
practice, however, to include an exception statement for the procedure as a whole to
trap errors and handle them gracefully.
Our programmer would hate to see an executive's wish go unfulfilled, so we need a mechanism to
trap the failure of the first SELECT and allow PL/SQL procedure execution to continue on to the next
SELECT-UPDATE. The embedded anonymous block offers this protection. By placing the first
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SELECT within a BEGIN-END envelope, you can also define an exception section just for the
SELECT. Then, when the SELECT fails, control is passed to the exception handler for that specific
block, not to the exception handler for the procedure as a whole (see
Figure 15.7). If you then code an
exception to handle NO_DATA_FOUND which allows for continued processing, the next SELECT-

UPDATE will be executed.
Figure 15.7: An anonymous block "catches" the exception Named modules offer scoping effect of nested block
You can also restructure the update_management procedure to avoid the problems addressed in the
previous section, and also the redundancy in the code for that procedure. The following version of
update_management uses an explicit cursor to avoid the problem of the NO_DATA_FOUND
exception being raised. It also encapsulates the repetitive logic into a local or nested procedure.
PROCEDURE update_management
(company_id_in IN NUMBER, avgsal_in IN NUMBER, decr_in
CURSOR salcur (title_in IN VARCHAR2)
SELECT salary
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FROM employee
WHERE company_id = company_id_in
AND title = title_in
AND salary > avgsal_in * 10;
PROCEDURE update_exec (title_in IN VARCHAR2)
salrec salcur%ROWTYPE;
OPEN salcur (title_in);
FETCH salcur INTO salrec;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('The ' || title_in || ' is

UPDATE employee SET salary := salary * decr_in
WHERE company_id = company_id_in
AND title = title_in;
CLOSE salcur;
update_exec ('VICE-PRESIDENT');
update_exec ('PRESIDENT');
This final version also offers the advantage of consolidating the two SELECTs into a single explicit
cursor, and the two UPDATEs into a single statement, thereby reducing the amount of code one
would have to test and maintain. Whether you go with named or anonymous blocks, the basic
concept of program (and therefore exception) scope remains the same. Use the scoping and visibility
rules to your advantage by isolating areas of code and cleaning up the program flow.
15.3.5 Scope and Visibility
Two of the most important concepts related to a PL/SQL block are those of the scope and visibility of
identifiers. An identifier is the name of a PL/SQL object, which could be anything from a variable to
a program name. In order to manipulate a PL/SQL identifier (assign a value to it, pass it as a
parameter, or call it in a module), you have to be able to reference that identifier in such a way that
the code will compile.
The scope of an identifier is the part of a program in which you can make a reference to the identifier
and have that reference resolved by the compiler. An identifier is visible in a program when it can be
referenced using an unqualified name.
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A qualifier for an identifier can be a package name, module name (procedure or function), or loop
label. You qualify the name of an identifer with dot notation, the same way you would qualify a
column name with the name of its table.
The names of the following identifiers are qualified:

A global variable in Oracle Forms
A subtype declared in a package
The scope of an identifier is generally the block in which that identifier is declared. The following
anonymous block declares and then references two local variables:
first_day DATE;
last_day DATE;
first_day := SYSDATE;
last_day := ADD_MONTHS (first_day, 6);
Both the first_day and last_day variables are visible in this block. When I reference the variables in
the assignment statements, I do not need to qualify their names. Also, the scope of the two variables
is precisely this anonymous block.
I cannot make reference to either of those variables in a second anonymous block or in a procedure.
Any attempt to do so will result in a compile failure, because the reference to those variables cannot
be resolved.
If an identifier is declared or defined outside of the current PL/SQL block, it is visible (can be
referenced without a qualifier) only under the following conditions:

The identifier is the name of a standalone procedure or function on which you have
EXECUTE privilege. You can then include a call to this module in your block.

The identifier is declared in a block which encloses the current block. Scope and nested blocks
Let's take a closer look at nested blocks and the impact on scope and visibility. When you declare a
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variable in a PL/SQL block, then that variable is local to that block, but is visible in or global to any

blocks defined within the first, enclosing block. For example, in the following anonymous block, the
variable last_date can be referenced anywhere inside the block:
/* The enclosing or outer anonymous block. */
last_date DATE;
last_date := LAST_DAY (SYSDATE);
/* The inner anonymous block. */
IF last_date > :employee.hire_date
Even though last_date is not defined in the inner block, it can still be referenced there without
qualification because the inner block is defined inside the outer block. The last_date variable is
therefore considered a global variable in the inner block.
Figure 15.8 shows additional examples illustrating the concept of scope in PL/SQL blocks.
Figure 15.8: Scope of identifiers in PL/SQL blocks Qualifying identifier names with module names
When necessary, PL/SQL offers many ways to qualify an identifier so that a reference to the
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identifier can be resolved. Suppose I create a package called company_pkg and declare a variable
named last_company_id in that package's specification, as follows:
PACKAGE company_pkg
last_company_id NUMBER;

END company_pkg;
Then, when I reference that variable outside of the package, I must preface the identifer name with
the package name:
IF new_company_id = company_pkg.last_company_id THEN ...
Because a variable declared in a package specification is global in your session, the last_company_id
variable can be referenced in any program, but it is not visible unless it is qualified.
I can also qualify the name of an identifier with the module in which it is defined:
PROCEDURE calc_totals
salary NUMBER;
salary NUMBER;
salary := calc_totals.salary;
The first declaration of salary creates an identifier whose scope is the entire procedure. Inside the
inner anonymous block, however, I declare another identifer with the same name. So when I
reference the variable "salary" inside the inner block, it will always be resolved first against the
declaration in the inner block, where that variable is visible without any qualification. If I wish to
make reference to the procedure-wide salary variable inside the inner block, I must qualify that
variable name with the name of the procedure.
PL/SQL goes to a lot of trouble and has established many rules for determining how to resolve such
naming conflicts. While it is good to be aware of such issues, you would be much better off never
having to rely on these guidelines. Use unique names for your identifiers in different blocks so that
you can avoid naming conflicts altogether. Cursor scope

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To use a cursor, you must declare it. But you cannot refer to that cursor -- whether to OPEN, CLOSE,
or FETCH from it -- unless that cursor is accessible in your current PL/SQL block. The scope of a
cursor is that part of a PL/SQL program in which you can refer to the cursor.
You can refer to a cursor in the code block in which it was declared and in all blocks defined within
that declaring block. You cannot refer to the cursor outside of the declaring block unless the cursor is
declared in a package (see
Chapter 16, Packages, for more information on global variables and
cursors). For example, if a cursor is declared in the get_employees procedure (see below) and within
get_employees a second PL/SQL block is defined to calculate total compensation for each employee,
the cursor and its attributes may still be referenced in that calculation block:
PROCEDURE get_employees
CURSOR emp_cur IS
SELECT employee_id, sal + bonus FROM employee;
OPEN emp_cur;
empid NUMBER;
total_comp NUMBER;
FETCH emp_cur INTO empid, total_comp;
IF total_comp < 5000
MESSAGE (' I need a raise!');
If, on the other hand, the cursor is declared within an inner block, then that cursor cannot be
referenced in an outer block. In the next procedure, the outer block declares the variables that receive

the data fetched from the cursor. The inner block declares the cursor. While the inner block can open
the cursor without error, the FETCH statement is outside the scope of the cursor-declaring block and
will therefore fail:
PROCEDURE get_employees IS
empid NUMBER;
total_comp NUMBER;
CURSOR emp_cur IS
SELECT employee_id, sal + bonus FROM employee;
OPEN emp_cur;
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/* This fetch will not be able to identify the cursor.
FETCH emp_cur INTO empid, total_comp; -- INVALID!
IF total_comp < 5000
MESSAGE (' I need a raise!');
The rules for cursor scope are, therefore, the same as those for all other identifiers.
15.3.6 Block Labels
Anonymous blocks don't have names under which they can be stored in the database. By using block
labels, however, you can give a name to your block for the duration of its execution. A block label is
a PL/SQL label which is placed directly in front of the first line of the block (either the DECLARE or
the BEGIN keyword). You might use block labels for either of these reasons:

Improve the readability of your code. When you give something a name, you self-document

that code. You also clarify your own thinking about what that code is supposed to do,
sometimes ferreting out errors in the process.

Qualify the names of elements declared in the block to distinguish between references to
elements with a different scope, but the same name.
A PL/SQL label has this format:
where identifier is a valid PL/SQL identifier (up to 30 characters in length, starting with a letter; see
Section 2.2, "Identifiers" in Chapter 2 in Chapter 2, PL/SQL Language Fundamentals, for a complete
list of rules).
Let's look at a couple of examples of applying block labels. In the first example, I place a label in
front of my block simply to give it a name and document its purpose:
v_senator VARCHAR2(100) := 'THURMOND, JESSE';
IF total_contributions (v_senator, 'TOBACCO') > 25000
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('We''re smokin''!');
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In the next example, I use my block labels to allow me to reference all variables declared in my outer
and inner blocks:
v_senator VARCHAR2(100) := 'THURMOND, JESSE';
IF total_contributions (v_senator, 'TOBACCO') > 25000

v_senator VARCHAR2(100) := 'WHATEVERIT, TAKES';
IF tobacco_dependency.v_senator =
('Maximizing profits - the American way of
I have used my block labels in this case to distinguish between the two different v_senator variables.
Without the use of block labels, there would be no way for me to reference the v_senator of the outer
block within the inner block. Of course, I could simply give these variables different names, the
much-preferred approach.
Previous: 15.2 Review of
PL/SQL Block Structure
Oracle PL/SQL
Programming, 2nd Edition
Next: 15.4 Procedures
15.2 Review of PL/SQL
Block Structure
Book Index
15.4 Procedures
The Oracle Library

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Anonymous PL/SQL Block
Chapter 15
Procedures and Functions
Next: 15.5 Functions

15.4 Procedures
A procedure is a module performing one or more actions. Because a procedure is a standalone
executable statement in PL/SQL, a PL/SQL block could consist of nothing more than a single call to
a procedure. Procedures are key building blocks of modular code, allowing you to both consolidate
and reuse your program logic.
The general format of a PL/SQL procedure is as follows:
PROCEDURE name [ ( parameter [, parameter ... ] ) ]
[declaration statements]
exception handler statements]
END [ name ];
where each component is used in the following ways:
The name of the procedure comes directly after the keyword PROCEDURE.
An optional list of parameters that you define to both pass information into the procedure and
send information out of the procedure, back to the calling program.
declaration statements
The declarations of local identifiers for that procedure. If you do not have any declarations,

then there will not be any statements between the IS and BEGIN statements.
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executable statements
The statements that the procedure executes when it is called. You must have at least one
executable statement after the BEGIN and before the END or EXCEPTION keywords.
exception handler statements
The optional exception handlers for the procedure. If you do not explicitly handle any
exceptions, then you can leave out the EXCEPTION keyword and simply terminate the
execution section with the END keyword.
Figure 15.9 shows the apply_discount procedure, which contains all four sections of the named PL/
SQL block, as well as a parameter list.
Figure 15.9: The apply_discount procedure
15.4.1 Calling a Procedure
A procedure is called as an executable PL/SQL statement. In other words, a call to a procedure must
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end with a semicolon (;) and be executed before and after other SQL or PL/SQL statements.
The following executable statement runs the apply_discount procedure:
apply_discount( new_company_id, 0.15 ); -- 15% discount
If the procedure does not have any parameters, then you must call the procedure without any
15.4.2 Procedure Header
The portion of the procedure definition that comes before the IS keyword is called the procedure
header. The header provides all the information a programmer needs to call that procedure, namely:

The procedure name

The parameter list, if any
A programmer does not need to know about the inside of the procedure in order to be able to call it
properly from another program.

The header for the apply_discount procedure discussed above is:
PROCEDURE apply_discount
(company_id_in IN company.company_id%TYPE,
discount_in IN NUMBER)
It consists of the module type, the name, and a list of two parameters.
15.4.3 Procedure Body
The body of the procedure is the code required to implement the procedure. It consists of the
declaration, execution, and exception sections of the function. Everything after the IS keyword in the
procedure makes up that procedure's body.
Once again, the declaration and exception sections are optional. If you have no exception handlers,
you will leave off the EXCEPTION keyword and simply enter the END statement to terminate the
If you do not have any declarations, the BEGIN statement simply follows immediately after the IS
keyword (see the do_nothing procedure below for an example of this structure.).
You must supply at least one executable statement in a procedure. Here is my candidate for the
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procedure in PL/SQL with the smallest possible body:
PROCEDURE do_nothing IS
Does the do_nothing procedure seem silly? A procedure that doesn't do anything can, in fact, be very
useful when you are creating stubs for modules in a top-down design effort. I have also used this kind
of procedure when building templates. My do_nothing procedure acts initially as a placeholder in my
code, but then also provides a mechanism for customization of the templates.
15.4.4 The END Label
You can append the name of the procedure directly after the END keyword when you complete your
procedure, as shown below:
PROCEDURE display_stores (region_in IN VARCHAR2) IS

END display_stores;
This name serves as a label that explicitly links up the end of the program with its beginning. You
should as a matter of habit use an END label. It is especially important to do so when you have a
procedure that spans more than a single page, or is one in a series of procedures and functions in a
package body.
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Anonymous PL/SQL Block
Oracle PL/SQL
Programming, 2nd Edition
Next: 15.5 Functions
15.3 The Anonymous PL/
SQL Block
Book Index
15.5 Functions
The Oracle Library

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Chapter 15
Procedures and Functions
Next: 15.6 Parameters

15.5 Functions
A function is a module that returns a value. Unlike a procedure, which is a standalone executable
statement, a call to a function can only be part of an executable statement.
Because a function returns a value, it can be said to have a datatype. A function can be used in place
of an expression in a PL/SQL statement having the same datatype as the function.

Appendix C, Built-In Packages, describes the built-in functions that PL/SQL provides to help you
write your programs. You can also write your own functions -- numeric functions, VARCHAR2
functions, and even functions that return a PL/SQL table or record. The programmer-defined
function, a powerful addition to your toolchest, will aid greatly in making your code more flexible
and easier to understand.
15.5.1 Structure of a Function
The structure of a function is the same as that of a procedure, except that the function also has a
RETURN clause. The general format of a function follows:
FUNCTION name [ ( parameter [, parameter ... ] ) ]
RETURN return_datatype
[ declaration statements ]
executable statements
exception handler statements ]
END [ name ];
where each component is used in the following ways:
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The name of the procedure comes directly after the keyword FUNCTION.
An optional list of parameters that you define to both pass information into the procedure and
send information out of the procedure, back to the calling program.
The datatype of the value returned by the function. This is required in the function header and
is explained in more detail in the next section.
declaration statements
The declarations of local identifiers for that function. If you do not have any declarations, then
there will not be any statements between the IS and BEGIN statements.

executable statements
The statements the function executes when it is called. You must have at least one executable
statement after the BEGIN and before the END or EXCEPTION keywords.
exception handler statements
The optional exception handlers for the function. If you do not explicitly handle any
exceptions, then you can leave out the EXCEPTION keyword and simply terminate the
execution section with the END keyword.
Figure 15.10 illustrates the PL/SQL function and its different sections. Notice that the tot_sales
function does not have an exception section.
Figure 15.10: The tot_sales function
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15.5.2 The RETURN Datatype
The return_datatype is the datatype of the value returned by the function. This datatype can be any
datatype (and many complex structures) supported by PL/SQL, including scalars like these:




Functions can also return complex and composite datatypes, such as:

PL/SQL table (Oracle7)

Nested table or variable array (VARRAY) (PL/SQL8)
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PL/SQL record

Object type (PL/SQL8)

Large objects (LOBs) such as BFILEs and CLOBs (PL/SQL8)
The datatype of a function cannot be either of the following:
Named exception
Once you declare an exception, you can reference that exception only in a RAISE statement
and in the exception handler itself.
Cursor name
You cannot return a cursor from a function. (Note that PL/SQL Release 2.2 and beyond
provides a REF CURSOR TYPE declaration that will allow you to return a cursor and even
declare a parameter as a cursor.)
15.5.3 The END Label
You can append the name of the function directly after the END keyword when you complete your
function, as shown below:
END tot_sales;
This name serves as a label that explicitly links up the end of the program with its beginning. You
should as a matter of habit use an END label. It is especially important to do so when you have a
function that spans more than a single page, or is one in a series of functions and procedures in a
package body.
15.5.4 Calling a Function
A function is called as part of an executable PL/SQL statement, wherever an expression can be used.
The following examples illustrate the different ways that the tot_sales function demonstrated in
Figure 15.10 might be called:

Call tot_sales to assign a value to a local PL/SQL variable:

sales_for_1995 := tot_sales (1504, 'C');

Use a call to tot_sales to set a default value for a variable:
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