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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week: 08 Date: 6/10/2012 Period: 24. UNIT 4: A. SCHEDULES LESSON 3 A 6 I/ Aims: By the end of the lesson, Sts can o Reading comprehension about school in USA o To know the difference between school in Viet Nam and the one in the U.S .A. II/ language contents: 1. Grammar: none 2. Vocabulary: (n) Uniform, a 20-minute break, cafeteria, snack, baseball, football, sell, wear (adj) popular, unpopular III/Techniques: - Rub out and remember - Ask and answer the questions. IV/ Teaching aids: Pictures, sub-boards. V/ Procedures:. Teacher’s and students’ activity T makes suggested questions. Ps answer. T corrects and gives marks to Sts. T sets the scene to teach the new words. T reads. Ps repeat chorally, individually and say the meaning.. Contents 1/ Warm up Marks(10) a/ What time do you get up? b/ Do you go to school? c/ what time do classes start/ end?  Keys: a. I get up at …………………….. b. Yes, I do /No, I don’t c. They start at ………… and end at ……………. What about schools in USA? Are they the same in VN? 2.Presentation: - uniform( n) đồng phục - a 20 minute break: giải lao 20 phút - cafeteria (n) quán ăn tự phục vụ - snack (n) món ăn nhẹ - to sell( v) bán - baseball (n) bóng chày - football (n) = soccer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - popular >< un popular - to wear (v) mặc Then T introduces A 6 to Sts. T hangs extra board .Asks St to check these information T reads it once. T lets Ss read it silently first, then loudly. (in series). T corrects the pronunciation.. Activities School uniform Classes start Classes end There are lesson on Sat Sts have lunch at school. In USA x 8.30 2.304.00. In VN v 7.00 11.00 v. x x v. Ps practice in groups / pairs, doing True, False. Ps say the task. T corrects at last.. T has Sts to correct the false sentences T corrects and can give marks to encourage Sts. T asks Ss some questions, Sts answer. T gives Ss marks.. 3. Practice: A6 *Key: a/ T b/ F c/ F d/ T e/ F f/ F *Correct the false sentences: b. There are no lesson on Sat c. One break is in the morning .the other is in the afternoon e. the school cafeteria is open at lunch time and also at break f. Basketball is one of the most popular after school activities 4. Production: *Marks: Do you go to school at 8 everyday? Do student in USA go to school 6 days a week? What do students buy in the school cafeteria? 5.Homework: - Learn by heart new words. - Read A6 again - Write a short essay about Sts school. - Prepare lesson 5 B 1- B 2 – B5 + Find the words + Read the dial to get the content + Answer the questions/48.

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