Midterm: Opinion Essay
Topic : Many people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order
to travel to a foreign country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Class: AV003
Many people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to
travel to a foreign country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In recent years, a foreign language has become essential not only for studying abroad but
also for other personal purposes. Therefore, I partly disagree with the idea that learning a
foreign language only for traveling to a foreign country.
It can be denied that many people learn other languages in order to travel to a foreign
country. In the era of cultural integration, people have more opportunities to go abroad to
study, work for getting a good life in the future or higher-paying jobs, and so on. Due to
these reasons, people need to learn a foreign language if they want to travel to overseas
countries. For example, it is necessary when coming to the USA, that person must speak
fluent in English and at least have scored 5.5 or higher in IELTS to be able to study
abroad at university level.
In contrast, some people might study another languages for personal reasons such as
enrich knowledge or enhance job opportunities. Thanks to the development of the
Internet, many users nowadays have chances to access in many different cultures, which
arouse their interest and curiosity towards foreign cultures. Consequently, learning an
additional language helps them to acquire a lot of foreign documents, books, and
information to satisfy their self-interest. In fact, I can relate myself in this situation. I
really loved reading Japanese manga when I was young, and the problem was that not all
manga books are translated into Vietnamese. At that time, I had to improve English
vocabulary just to read my favorite manga. In other case, if a person's language
proficiency meets a certain standard, they can use it to support their works or do
language-related jobs such as teachers, translators, interpreters, etc. For instance, Apollo
English Junior requires teachers that have CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to
Speakers of Other Languages) to teach their students.
In conclusion, although there are various reasons for learning a foreign language besides
traveling to other countries, it provides an opportunity for us to develop ourselves in a
positive way.
8,00 / 10,00
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Thứ sáu, 9 Tháng tư 2021, 10:57 PM
Graded by
- Khoa Ngoại ngữ kinh tế Nguyễn Huỳnh Trang
There are still some mistakes in grammar and vocabulary. below is one
that person (which person??) must speak fluentLY in English ...
Essay advantages & disadvantages
One way to solve the problem of congestion in cities is to build sky trains which run
overhead rather than on or under the ground.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this solution to solve the congestion?
One way to solve the problem of congestion in cities is to build sky trains which run
overhead rather than on or under the ground. What are the advantages and disadvantages
of using this solution to solve the congestion?
In recent years, roads are becoming more congested because of an increase of privately
owned vehicles. It becomes a serious problem that needs to be solved in some countries.
The most feasible solution chosen is to build an overhead train due to its benefits, but
defects of sky trains compare to undergrounds or conventional trains should not be
ignored either.
There are three core benefits that sky trains obtains. First of all, the completion speed of
aerial metro projects is much more faster than the terrestrial and underground railways.
Especially, the process of tunneling to place the rails for subways will take long time and
a lot of money. For instance, the metro sky rail project in Singapore was completed in just
one year whereas the new ground rail project in Dubai took almost three years to
complete. Second, sky trains have more space available for expansion. Because the
majority of vehicles currently run on the ground, sky trains have unlimited opportunities
to develop rails in central cities. The best thing is overhead tubes will take significantly
less time than ground trains or subways to reach one destination from another. Moreover,
the customers or tourists can enjoy the beautiful view of the city through the glasses.
On the other hand, sky trains also have shortcomings in some features. Firstly, sky trains
are considered unsuitable for seniors and people with disabilities. The reason for that is
the stations do not have enough or no elevators to take them from the ticketing site on
second floor to the train station on third floor. Secondly, overground trains have to cope
with environmental factors such as rain, wind, storm and so on. It can damage electrical
equipments and disrupt communication. You might have noticed that overground trains
usually run slower in storm condition.
In conclusion, the sky train solution is a viable method when it comes to reducing
congestion. But countries must carefully consider its pros and cons to choose the solution
that suits best in their conditions and get the best results.
7,00 / 10,00
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Thứ sáu, 23 Tháng tư 2021, 6:16 AM
Graded by
- Khoa Ngoại ngữ kinh tế Nguyễn Huỳnh Trang
Essay writing
Choose one of the following topics and write a well-organized essay about it. The
essay should be at least 250 words.
Some people want to live in a house while others prefer living in an
apartment. Compare and contrast two kinds of accommodation: a house and an
Discuss how social media has affected our relationships with other people and
whether the effects are positive or negative.
Some people want to live in a house while others prefer living in an apartment. Compare
and contrast two kinds of accommodation: a house and an apartment.
People have different opinions and choices about their living places, as some choose to
live in a house while others prefer to live in an apartment. The following essay will
compare these two kinds of accommodation and give out answers for different choices. I
would like to focus on three core distinctions between an apartment and a house in cost,
maintenance and in emergency situations.
First of all, cost is one of the most important factors when considering a perfect living
place. In fact, the price of owing a house is way more expensive than owing an
apartment. Unlike an apartment, owing a house includes the rights to use, possess and
disposal the land placing that house. For this reason, people have to inspect and deliberate
the cost that suitable with their budget and theirs abilities to make a payment. In district 7
of Ho Chi Minh City, a 64 square meter apartment costs approximately 2 billion while a
64 square meter house costs nearly 7 billion.
Second, when the apartment’s owners want to maintenance or reconstruct their places,
they must pre-ask for permission and consult that apartment building owner due to
regulations on management and use of apartment buildings issued by the Ministry of
Construction. If the repairs affect the neighbors or the overall uniformity of the building,
then it will difficult to get permission. On the contrary, the repairs or reconstructions for
the house would rather easy because the ownership of the house and land belong only to
one person – the owner.
Last but not least, in some emergency situations, people living in a house likely have
higher chance to survive than the one living in an apartment, especially in fire accidents.
Since the apartment building is very tall and large, it is impossible for people on high
floors to escape or be rescued in time. On the other hand, the ability to rescue people and
put out the fire of the house is larger because the scale of the fire is usually very small.
For example, the fire accident in Carina Plaza apartment on March 23, 2018 at 1648 Vo
Van Kiet Street, District 8, Ho Chi Minh City left 13 dead and 51 injured. Therefore,
there are some people who are afraid of living in apartments.
In conclusion, it is hard to decide which kinds of accommodation has the more benefits,
but the choice depends on each person's decisions, preferences and circumstances.
Topic: Many people choose to go to university for academic study not to do
vocational training and this has become a serious problem in many countries.
Explain the main effects of this problem and suggest some possible solutions.
These days, a bachelor's degree is widely assumed to be prestigious, which allows people
to improve their self-worth and is the gateway to a brighter future. However, it leads to a
serious problem of students being increasingly unemployed or working in the wrong
fields. That also implies a shortage of qualified blue-collar employees. Thus, I will clarify
the main consequences of this issue and recommend some potential solutions in the
An increasing number of high-school graduates, often at the urging of their parents,
choosing to get a four-year college degree has some negative implications for a country's
economic system. We are facing an unprecedented skilled labor shortage. Most graduated
students from universities lack experience and specific working skills, necessitating an
additional budget for retraining courses for employers who recruit them. Furthermore, all
types of jobs have become hard to fill due to recent economic trends and companies are
now having a more difficult time finding blue-collar workers than white-collar workers
such as construction, warehousing, technical installation, etc. Not to mention, many
people have graduated from university, but they have not met the level which cannot
reach the knowledge labor.
To solve the problem, there must be more variety of courses and subjects in both the
university and vocational training programs which meet the needs of students' strengths
and interests. In addition, career-oriented courses must be designed not only for students
but also for parents so that they are aware of their children's career choices and
developments which can help their children make better decisions.
In conclusion, we should pay more attention to the career direction of students to avoid
the shortage of labor and reduce the number of unemployed students.
Peple 2:
Topic: Many people choose to go to university for academic study not to do
vocational training and this has become a serious problem in many countries.
Explain the main effects of this problem and suggest some possible solutions.
Going to university used to be not the only way to become a well-trained worker.
However, in this developing world, people wish to go to university for major study and
get a white-collar job, instead of attending a training course at vocational school. In this
essay, we will find out why this trend becomes a serious problem for some countries and
how we can solve it.
Evidently, the real state of this affair has caused many visible influences on the
unemployment rate and creating prejudice about blue-collar jobs. Firstly, as for the
continuous increase in the labor force, the competition in the labor market is intensified.
According to some Vietnam universities, they report that 80% of graduate students get
the job within 6 months, but they do not clarify whether these students are working in
their actual major or not. The other 20% is mentioned as those who are still struggling to
find their ideal jobs, or wish to get better opportunities with a postgraduate degree.
Secondly, people's dignity leads to the huge loss in blue-collar workers. A country can not
develop with just experts and officers, it needs the contribution from blue-collar workers
who work as electricians, plumbers, construction workers, and so on. Through training
courses at vocational school, they are able to start working as a skilled worker. Despite
facing danger and difficulty, they receive less respect from society.
The education and useful sources of information might be the possible solutions for this
affair. Students should be educated at the early age that both white collar jobs and blue
collar jobs are appreciated. They can freely make decisions according to their desire and
their living condition. Because of the fact that the tuition fee in university now becomes
much more expensive than in the past, plus with other fees when living far from home,
some students can not afford it. Additionally, students should be encouraged to speak out
their favorite things and not be affected by parents and peers. Furthermore, constantly
updating reports about the labor force can help students easily orientate themselves.
Reports must include the current situation of labor in every single field, which jobs lack
of qualified workers, and giving out some options for students which are different in
tuition fee, place, course duration and scholarships.
In today's society, people's minds are being changed a lot, especially the discussion
whether going to university or vocational school and which jobs are well-paid, which are
appreciated. These opinions lead to the huge loss in blue collar workers in recent years
and many graduate students can not find their own place in the job market. To emphasize,
we can not measure which type of workers is more important, all of them play an
important role in our life and contribute to the development of the country.
People 3:
t is disappointed to admit that in many country nowadays, learning does not hand in hand
with practice. In the long term, it creates many serious problem for not only each country
but also for the change of the world.
On the macro scale, it creates the imbalance in the workforce. So many student after a lot
of academic study and finish their university, they were lack of vocational skills. As the
result, if a country fails to have enough workers with good working skills, the
development of that country can be effected strongly. For specific, if a student learns
about electricity but do not have vocational training, he can not have enough skills or
experiences in order to become an electricians, the whole workforce of electricity being
On the micro scale, a student after finish their academic study without real experience,
the company which hired them has to have another budget to training them. Vice versa,
many people after finish their vocational training, they immediately have a suitable job
for their skill and knowledge. Many people with a bachelor degree in business
administration or finance are still jobless whereas those with a trade of plumbing or
nursing have a good job and, therefore, ensure a successful future.
On the whole, we have to change our study program as soon as possible. Academic study
must be sticked with practice, vocational training. Any knowledge which learned in class
must be relevant and put it into practice. This matter affects a lot on the operation of the
world economy.
People 3:
Many people choose to go to university for academic study not to do vocational
training and this has become a serious problem in many countries. Explain the main
effects of this problem and suggest some possible solutions.
It’s clear that many people choose to go to university for academic study not to do
vocational training and this has become a serious problem in many countries. This essay
will explain more about this main effect and give possible solutions.
First of all, the thought of choosing to get a bachelor’s degree is increasing with the
prospects of finding high-paid jobs, which create the break balance between skilled
labour and unemployment. A surplus of graduated student that lack of knowledge in
specific major or job leads to high rate of unemployment or crime and the demand of
skilled worker in some fields like construction, engineering is high.
Secondly, we can not deny that nowadays many graduated student that can not adapt to
working environment because of theoretical training course in the school so that they are
not being active when facing problems in reality, bad skill students also a problem with
enterprises because they need to hold a training course which takes time and money for
the company, meanwhile vocational training students have chances to be directly learned
and applied to their work, to they have a higher ability to work and get a higher salaries
which contribute to creating social gaps
In conclusion, the government should give some encouraging policy for people, build
innovative facilities and vocational training programs to attract young people and offer
promising jobs opportunities, thus unemployment rate has gradually improved.
People 4:
In this country for many years ago, people have had a state of mind that if they graduated
from a university, they could receive higher education certification and get a better job.
However, this thought has created a stereotype among people and increased the number
of bachelors. As a result, this has remained a serious problem in many societies. The
decision of many people to study in universities rather than do vocational training has
some obvious effects and there are some possible solutions to refer.
Some effects, lots of people entering universities, are time consumption in employee
training and unemployed risk for graduates. Firstly, in an academic environment, students
are familiar with theories and lack of practices. I usually hear that, the hardest question
that candidates receive in an interview is whether they have experienced it or not.
Sometimes, this is difficult to apply theories to the work because students do not get used
to it. As a result, fresh men from universities become inexperienced staff and companies
take time to train them again before employing them officially. Secondly, job
competitiveness in this level is high because of the increasing number of applicants.
People need to compete with each other to enter a vacancy or retain the current job. As a
result, unfortunate employees have to choose another job which has lower benefit than
they are worth or become an unemployee.
Searching for the practice, people find some possible solutions for this issue. Firstly,
educators enclose more practices during the academic studying so as to support the
lessons and experiences for students. Secondly, people are orienting towards students to
enroll in vocational training in junior and high schools. In fact, following up vocational
training’s curriculum will give people many practices in a particular job. In this aspect,
vocational school is better than universities.
To sum up, the issue of only direct to university still remains. The Administrators of
many countries have to face the difficulty every day. I hope that this writing could help
you somehow understand the impact of the problem and propose some reasonable plans
for resolving.
By Hằng:
Nowadays, people tend to overestimate academic education at universities rather than
take vocational training courses. This is completely a big mistake as it causes negative
effects on the countries' economy. In this essay, I will analyze these effects and put
forward some solutions for this problem.
To be honest, the high rate of choosing universities has been generating negative impacts
on labor resources as well as unemployment in many countries. Firstly, a lot of
universities in certain countries put the focus on theory rather than practices so their
students often lack real experiences. This leads to an imbalance in the quality of the labor
force inside the country. Secondly, many new graduates have delusions about their
abilities, so they are picky about careers. They often find it difficult to get a job, leading
to long-term unemployment. For example, there is a boy who studied abroad, came back
to Vietnam but still can not get a suitable job because of the picky and he had to be a
Grab driver temporarily.
In terms of this situation, some measurements should be taken for improvement.
Universities should complement some programs that offer students more real friction.
Besides, some low-fee vocational courses should be created to encourage students.
Moreover, instead of recruiting applicants with high standards, companies also should
offer many training courses for new staff who are talented but insufficient to the real
In conclusion, the tendency to select studying in universities instead of enrolling in
vocational training is controversial in many countries and it needs to take action to
improve the problem right away.
By Hà:
The number of people choosing to go to university is more and more, partly because the
ability of human knowledge is getting higher and higher, partly because the conditions
for university study also increase, however, there are some opinions to choose a
university because do not want vocational training.
Incorrect understanding or misunderstanding about vocational training makes students
and parents not choose it. Many opinions suggest that those who have to study vocational
training programs are less intelligent students. Or vocational training will be difficult
when the salary is not high,... These are common misunderstandings that cause people to
have prejudices about vocational training. Meanwhile, university studies are always
praised, committed to a better future.
The public preference for choosing to enroll in university for academic study instead of
doing vocational training results in many serious worlds on the whole country in general
and every individual in particular. First, the number of postgraduate unemployed
increases, the number of students increases, but the quality of teaching and learning is not
guaranteed. Second, the country lacks workers with vocational training and qualified
workers because few people choose vocational training. These two effects lead to an
imbalance in the workforce, affecting the country's economy. Besides, vocational training
misunderstandings make vocational institutions no longer focus on raising people's
awareness, or invest in more development because there are no learners.
Therefore, it is necessary to come up with solutions to overcome the above situation.
Firstly, it is necessary to raise people's awareness to have a correct view of college study
and vocational training through the media, career orientation sessions in schools. Second,
the government should have policies to encourage the selection of vocational training,
one of which may be to ensure jobs for quality vocational training students.
In general, studying at university or vocational training has its benefits, depending on
each person that should learn and make appropriate decisions. Students need to access
and have a good view of college and vocational training.