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Unit 13 16

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS Word. Transcript. Class. Meaning. activity. /æk'tiviti/. n. season. /'si:zn/. n. mùa. There are four seasons in my country.. weather. /'weθə/. n. thời tiết. What is the weather like today?. Summer. /'sʌmə/. n. mùa hè. It's very hot in the Summer.. Winter. /wintə/. n. mùa đông. I hate the Winter.. Autumn. /'ɔ:təm/. n. mùa thu. It's very cool in the Autumn.. Fall. /fɔ:l/. n. mùa thu. Do you like Fall?. Spring. /spriɳ/. n. mùa xuân. It's warm in the Spring.. rain. /rein/. n/v. mưa. There are heavy rains in Hanoi now.. rainy season. /'reini 'si:zn/. n. mùa mưa. It rains every day in the rainy season.. wet season. / wet'si:zn/. n. mùa mưa. dry season. /drai 'si:zn/. n. mùa khô. It seldom rains in the dry season.. sunny season / 'sʌni'si:zn/. n. mùa nắng. It's very hot in the sunny season.. hot. /hɔt/. adj. nóng. I feel very hot.. cold. /kould/. adj. lạnh, rét. Would you like a glass of cold water?. cool. /ku:l/. adj. mát. I like cool weather.. warm. /wɔ:m/. adj. ấm. It's warm today.. dry. /drai/. adj. khô. It's cold and dry.. wet. /wet/. adj. ướt, ẩm ướt. I am wet because it's raining.. humid. /'hju:mid/. adj. ẩm, ẩm ướt. I hate humid weather.. sultry. /'sʌltri/. adj. oi bức. I feel tired because it is very sultry.. basketball. /'bɑ:skitbɔ:l/. n. bóng rổ. He likes playing basketball.. volleyball. /'vɔlibɔ:l/. n. bóng chuyền. She can play volleyball very well.. hoạt động, sinh hoạt. Example. Do you like sporting activities?. There is a wet season and a dry season in my country..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> go for a walk. /gou fɔ ə wɔ:k/ v. go sailing. /gou seiliɳ/. v. die. /dai/. v. đi dạo đi chơi thuyền buồm chết. I want to go for a walk.. Do you want to go sailing?. He died because of age.. UNIT 14: MAKING PLANS Word. Transcript. Class. Meaning. plan. /plæn/. n. kế hoạch, dự án. plan. /plæn/. v. vacation. /və'keiʃn/. n. kỳ nghỉ. holiday. /'hɔlədi/. n. kỳ nghỉ, ngày lễ. go on holiday. /gou ɔn 'hɔlədi/ v. Summer. / 'sʌmə. vacation. və'keiʃn/. destination. lập kế hoạch, dự tính. đi nghỉ. Example Do you have any plans for this Summer?. I have to plan for a new project.. What are you going to do for vacation? I often visit my grandparents on Summer holiday. Where will you go on holiday? We often enjoy our Summer vacation in. n. kỳ nghỉ hè. /,desti'neiʃn/. n. điểm đến, nơi đến. citadel. /'sitədl/. n. bay. /bei/. n. vịnh. Ha Long bay is very beautiful.. beach. /bi:tʃ/. n. bãi biển. We are going to Sam Son beach.. pagoda. /pə'goudə/. n. chùa. match. /mætʃ/. n. trận đấu. camera. /'kæmərə/. n. group. /gru:p/. n. suggestion. /sə'ʤestʃn/. n. thành quách, thành trì. máy ảnh, máy quay phim nhóm lời đề nghị, sự gợi ý. the countryside. The next destination is Ha Long bay.. This is a very ancient citadel.. My grandmother usually goes to the pagoda. This is a very important football match.. I bought a new camera yesterday.. The class is divided into two groups.. Thank you so much for your suggestion..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> idea. /ai'diə/. n. ý,ý tưởng. note. /nout/. n. visit. /'vizit/. v. thăm, viếng. prepare. /pri'peə/. v. chuẩn bị. bring. /briɳ/. v. mang. take a photo. /teikə 'foutou /. v. chụp ảnh. Do you want to take a photo?. stay. /stei/. v. ở lại. We will stay at the hotel.. then. /ðen/. adv. sau đó, kế đó. finally. /'fainəli/. adv. lời ghi chép, lời ghi chú. cuối cùng, sau cùng. That's a good idea.. You need to take note.. We are going to visit Uncle Ho's mausoleum. My mother always prepares very carefully for vacation. You should bring the umbrella in case it rains.. She has dinner, then she does her homework.. Finally we arrived at home.. UNIT 15: COUNTRIES Word. Transcript. Class. Meaning. Example. world. /wə:ld/. n. thế giới. nation. /'neiʃn/. n. quốc gia. nationality. /,næʃə'næliti/. n. quốc tịch. What nationality are you?. Canada. /'kænədə/. n. Nước Ca-na-đa. She is from Canada.. Canadian. /kə'neidjən/. n/adj. người Ca-na-đa, thuộc về. That Canadian boy is very. nước Ca-na-đa. friendly.. France. /frɑ:ns/. n. Nước Pháp. He lives in France.. French. /frentʃ/. n/adj. tiếng Pháp, người Pháp,. He can speak French. thuộc về nước Pháp. fluently.. Japan. /ʤə'pæn/. n. Nước Nhật Bản. I've been to Japan twice.. Japanese. /,ʤæpə'ni:z/. n/adj. Tiếng Nhật, Người Nhật,. I can speak Japanese.. Russia is the largest country in the world. Each nation has its own regulations..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> thuộc về Nhật. Great Britain. /greit 'britn/. n. British. /'britiʃ/. n/adj. China. /'tʃainə/. n. Nước Anh. người Anh, thuộc nước Anh. Nước Trung Quốc. They are living in Great Britain.. Her nationality is British.. This computer is made in China.. tiếng Trung Quốc, người Chinese. /'tʃai'ni:z/. n/adj. Trung Quốc, thuộc về. Can you speak Chinese?. Trung Quốc. Australia. /ɔ'treiliə /. n. Nước ÚC. Australian. /ɔs'treiljən/. n/adj. The USA. /ðə ju:es 'ei/. n. Nước Hoa Kỳ (Mỹ). Malaysia. /mə'leiziə/. n. Mã-Lai. Malaysian. /mə'leiziən/. n/adj. language. /'læɳgwiʤ/. n. ngôn ngữ. speak. /spi:k/. v. nói. Vietnamese. /,vjetnə'mi:z/. n/adj. postcard. /'poustkɑ:d/. tower. người Úc, thuộc về nước Úc. tiếng Mã-lai, người Mã-lai, thuộc về nước Mã-lai. I am going to Australia next Sunday.. I know that Australian girl.. She is studying in The USA. She is from Malaysia.. They like Malaysian food.. English is the international language. They can speak English very well.. tiếng Việt Nam, người Việt. The Vietnamese are very. Nam. thuộc về Việt Nam. friendly.. n. bưu thiếp (ảnh). She sent me a postcard.. /'tauə/. n. tháp. Twin Tower. /twin'tauə/. n. tháp Đôi. The Great Wall. /ðə greit wɔ:l/. n. Vạn Lý Trường Thành. This is the highest tower in the city. The Petronas Twin Tower are in Malaysia. Have you ever been to The Great Wall?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> building. /'bildiɳ/. n. tòa nhà, tòa cao ốc. population. /,pɔpju'leiʃn/. n. dân số. capital. /'kæpitl/. n. thủ đô. Mexico City. /'meksikou siti/. n. thủ đô của Mê-hi-cô. Tokyo. /'toukiou/. n. thủ đô của Nhật. Chicago. /ʃikɑ:gou/. n. thành phố ở Mỹ. Kuala Lumpur. /'kwɑ: lʌmpu/. n. Thủ đô của Mã Lai. structure. /'strʌktʃə/. n. nature. /'neitʃə/. n. natural. /'nætʃrəl/. adj. feature. /'fi:tʃə/. n. My house is near that building. The population of the world is increasing rapidly. Paris is the capital of France. He lives in Mexico City. My sister is studying in Tokyo. He's from Chicago. He is working in Kuala Lumpur.. cấu trúc, công trình kiến. Tell me about the structure. trúc. of the examination.. thiên nhiên. He wants to explore nature when he travels.. thuộc về thiên nhiên, thuộc. This bag is made from. về tự nhiên. natural materials.. nét đặc biệt, điểm đặc. Her big eyes are her most. trưng. attractive feature. There are some high. mountain. /'mauntən/. n. núi. mountains in my hometown.. mount. /maunt/. n. ngọn (đỉnh) núi. Red River. /red 'rivə/. n. Sông Hồng. Mekong River. /'meikɔɳ 'rivə/. n. Sông Cửu Long. forest. /'fɔrist/. n. rừng. desert. /'dezət/. n. sa mạc. He climbed Mount Everest last year. My house is near the Red River. The Mekong River is the longest river in Vietnam. We have to protect the forest. Have you ever been to Sahara desert?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> gulf. /gʌlf/. n. vịnh. Gulf of Tonkin. /'gʌlf əvtɔnkin/. n. Vịnh Bắc Bộ. Tibet. /ti'bet/. n. Tây Tạng. ocean. /'ouʃn/. n. Đại dương. n. Địa Trung Hải. The Mediterranean Sea. /ðə meditə'reiniən si:/. A guft is another name for a large bay. Have you ever been to Gulf of Tonkin? She is living in Tibet. How many oceans are there in the world?. I saw The Mediterranean Sea yesterday.. north Africa. /nɔ:θ əfrikə/. n. Bắc Phi. He lives in north Africa.. Nile. /nail/. n. Sông Nile. The Nile river is in Egypt.. Everest. /'evərist/. n. ngọn Everest. lots of. /lɔtsəv/. adj. nhiều. She drinks lots of water.. a lot of. /ə lɔtəv /. adj. nhiều. She drinks a lot of water.. great. /greit/. adj. tuyệt vời. She's really great.. high. /hai/. adj. cao. That table is quite high.. long. /lɔɳ/. adj. dài. She has long hair.. thick. /θik/. adj. dày. That's a thick book.. flow. /fləʊ/. v. chảy. Everest is the highest mountain in the world.. Water always flows downhill.. UNIT 16: MAN AND ENVIRONMENT Word. Transcript. Class. Meaning. animal. /'æniməl/. n. động vật, con vật. plant. /plɑ:nt/. n. thực vật, cây. Example There are many kinds of animal in this zoo. Do you know this plant?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> plant. /plɑ:nt/. v. trồng. plants and. /plɑ:nts ænd. animals. 'æniməlz/. environment. n. động thực vật. /in'vaiərənmənt/. n. môi trường. buffalo. /'bʌfəlou/. n. con trâu. He has a buffalo.. cow. /kau/. n. bò cái. They raise many cows.. chicken. /'tʃikin/. n. gà, thịt gà. My uncle raises some chickens.. land. /lænd/. n. đất. His land is very large.. cart. /kɑ:t/. n. xe bò, xe ngựa. There is a cart over there.. pull. /pul/. v. kéo. This cow has to pull the cart.. plow. /plau/. n/v. cái cày (n), cày (v). I have never seen a plow.. plough. /plau/. n/v. cái cày (n), cày (v). produce. /prə'dju:s/. v. sản xuất. grow. /grou/. v. burn. /bə:n/. v. đốt. cut. /kʌt/. v. đốn, cắt. destroy. /dis'trɔi/. v. tàn phá, phá hủy. danger. /'deinʤə/. n. nguy hiểm. Is there any danger here?. be in danger. /bi: in 'deinʤə/. v. lâm nguy. Many animals are in danger.. Asia. /'eiʃə/. n. Châu Á. My country is in Asia.. Asian. /'eiʃn/. adj. thuộc về Châu Á. He looks like Asian people.. pollution. /pə'lu:ʃn/. n. sự ô nhiễm. pollute. /pə'lu:t/. v. làm ô nhiễm. trồng, phát triển, tăng trưởng. What are you planting? There are various kinds of plants and animals here. We have to protect our environment.. He has to plough before planting seeds. People produce a lot of goods every year.. They grow a lot of rice here.. Many people still burn the forest every day. He cuts my hair. We can't destroy the forest anymore.. Water pollution is becoming more serious now. People should not pollute their.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> environment. coal. /koul/. n. than. gas. /gæs/. n. power. /'pauə/. n. điện. light. /lait/. n. đèn (điện). faucet. /'fɔ:sit/. n. tap. /tæp/. n. trash. /træʃ/. n. rác. trash can. /træʃ kæn/. n. thùng rác. waste. /weist/. v. phung phí, lãng phí. waste. /weist/. n. waste food. /weist fu:d/. n. thức ăn thừa. waste paper. /weist 'peipə/. n. giấy vụn. scrap. /skræp/. n. metal. /'metl/. n. kim loại. scrap metal. /skræp 'metl/. n. kim loại phế thải. plastic. /'plæstik/. n. nhựa, chất dẻo. air. /eə/. n. không khí. rule. /ru:l/. n. quy tắc, phép tắc. hơi, khí đốt thiên nhiên. Coal can be used for cooking.. Gas is more expensive than coal.. They sometimes cut the power in the Summer. My father bought a new light yesterday.. vòi nước (tiếng Anh She always turns off the faucet Mỹ) vời nước (tiếng Anh Anh). after washing clothes.. I have changed to a new tap.. Don't throw trash on the street. Please put rubbish in the trash can. Don't waste your money on that game.. chất thải, vật dư. There is so much waste along the. thừa. street.. mảnh nhỏ, kim loại vụn. We can use the waste food for feeding pigs. We should collect waste paper.. Be careful with these scraps.. This table is made from metal. They earn money by collecting scrap metal. This chair is made from plastic. I like the fresh air in the countryside. You need to follow the rules..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> wild. /waild/. adj. hoang dã. Do you like wild nature?. wild animal. /waild 'æniməl/. n. thú rừng. I saw a wild animal yesterday.. wild flower. /waild flauə/. n. hoa dại. This wild flower is very beautiful.. pick. /pik/. v. hái, nhặt. They are picking ripe tomatoes.. damage. /'dæmiʤ/. v. làm hư hại. damage. /'dæmidʤ/. n. sự hư hại, thiệt hại. throw. /θrou/. v. ném, quăng. keep off. /ki:p ɔ:f/. v. rời xa, tránh xa. Please keep off the grass.. save. /seiv/. v. tiết kiệm, cứu. We need to save power.. collect. /kə'lekt/. v. thu nhặt, sưu tập. I often collect stamps.. collection. /kə'lekʃn/. n. leave. /li:v/. v. switch off. /switʃ ɔ:f/. v. switch on. /switʃ on/. v. turn off. /tə:n ɔ:f/. v. turn on. /tə:n on/. v. drip. /drip/. v. nhỏ giọt. Water is dripping from the ceiling.. recycle. /ri'saikl/. v. tái chế. We can recycle waste paper.. sự thu nhặt, bộ sưu tập. The storm damaged many houses. The storm causes a lot of damage. You shouldn't throw trash out the window.. I have a stamp collection.. bỏ. Don't leave your key here.. tắt (tắt đèn, tivi,. Can you switch off the TV,. đài,...). please?. bật (bật đèn, tivi,. Can you switch on the TV,. đài,...). please?. tắt (tắt đèn, tivi, đài,...) bật (bật đèn, tivi, đài,...). Turn off the light before going out.. Can you turn on the radio?.

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