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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week :3 Period:9. Teaching date: Class:. UNIT TWO: PERSONAL Lesson. INFORMATION B/ My birthday(B1+ B2+ B3). I/Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the sts will be able to speak ordinal number and dates fluently, review the months. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Ordinal numbers and the dates. 2, Structures: what’s the date? III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedures. 1. class organization: checking attendance 2.Warm up: checking the previous lesson. 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Ask the sts to repeat the ordinal numbers, which they learnt in class 6. Then use the part one to introduce the ordinal numbers. Play the tape and have the sts listen it carefully. Read the numbers aloud to the sts Go around the room, and ask each individual student to read the numbers aloud. Call on some sts read in front of the class. Rewrite the ordinal numbers on the board. Play the tape again and ask the sts to repeat them. Let the sts work with a partner.. Students’ activities The content Go to the board and speak . * Cardinal numbers + th = Ordinal numbers Look at it and listen Note: First: 1st Listen to the tape. Second: 2nd Third: 3rd Read after the teacher. * Cardinal numbers: Read individually. first, second, third, fourth, sixth, seventh, Write them into the fifth, eighth, ninth, tenth, notebooks. eleventh,twelfth, Listen and repeat. thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth,sixteenth, Work with a partner. seventeenth, eighteenth,nineteenth, Listen and read these twentieth, twenty- first,…. numbers..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Listen and make any necessary corrections. Give some numbers and have the sts practice by speaking and writing. Work in group Explain pronuciation”th”. Others remark Call on the sts read them correct again. Read aloud. Ask Ss to write the months in order from first to twelfth. Have Ss repeat the months. 16th, 20th, 31st, 12th..... January, February, March, April, May, June, July, and August,September,…… *Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, september, October, November, December. 4/ Consolidation: Guide students to read the important days in a year. 20/11. 22/12. 8/3. 19/8. 2/9 ……. 5/ Homework: -Copy the lesson and practice it at home. - learn cardinal numbers and months by heart - prepare B4 at home */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Week :4 Period:10. Teaching date: Class:. UNIT TWO: PERSONAL Lesson. INFORMATION B/ My birthday (B4). I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask and answer about birthdays and use the future simple tense..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: birthday, date of birth, nervous, worry, worried. 2, Structures: What’s your /her date of birth? When is your / her birthday? - June eighth. I’ll be 14 on my next birthday. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, and a cassette player. IV/Teaching procedures. 1. class organization: checking attendance 2.Warm up: checking the previous lesson 3. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content Look at the picture and Explain the new words: answer the questions. *New words: Then ask the sts to find the Guess what Mr Tan is nervous ,worried, teacher’s questions and asking Hoa. date of birth, compare with your ones. Listen to tape carefully. birthday.. Asks the sts to practice with * Listen( p. 25) a partner. Listen and read it. Has the sts read the questions in the book. Then Work in pair make them. Ask the sts to practice with Role-play the dialogue with Answer the questions a partner about Hoa. a partner. 1. Hoa is 13 years Read these words and write. old 2. She will be 14 Has students answer each Find the questions and on her next question on page 25 compare. birthday. Asks students to ask and 3.Her birthday is answer questions under the on June eighth. dialogue in groups Practice again the dialogue 4.Hoa lives with her uncle and aunt. Read them and answer. 4/ Consolidation: -. Have Ss play role the following dialogue without looking books *Yourselves: What is your family name? Where do you live? How old are you? When is your birthday?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> -. How old will you be on your next birthday?. 5. Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home. Learn new words by heart Prepare B6- B7 at home. */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Week :4 Teaching date: Period:11 Class:. UNIT TWO: PERSONAL. INFORMATION. B/ My birthday(B6+ B7) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read comprehension and acquitted with an invitation card. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: party, invite, finish, hope, join the fun. 2, Structures: My birthday is on....... The party will be at...... III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette- player.Picture in b6 IV/ procedures. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content 1,Warm up. Listen and answer, then - What is your name? Make questions for the write in the form. - When is your date of students: birth? - Where do you live? 2, Presentation - What is your telephone Have the sts look at the Look at the picture and numbers? picture and answer: -What is answer the questions. Lan doing? -What are they doing? Listen to the teacher -She is 12. Read the passage. and read the questions. -She lives at 24 Ly Have the students read the First, they can work Thuong Kiet Street. passage with a partner then they -She will invite some of Ask the students answer the speak in front of the her friends. questions about Lan such as: class. -It’ll begin at 5 o’clock in the evening and finish.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Tell the students to imagine what they would do if they had to plan a birthday party, then call on several students to give their answers in front of the class. Listen to them carefully and make any corrections. Speak about the aim of this exercise: You must complete this invitation card to Lan’s party. 3, Practice Have the sts work in the small groups, then ask them to complete the invitation card. Correct their mistakes if they have: Explain the body of the letter In order to practice the future simple tense, the teacher has the sts do this exercise.. at 9. -How old is Lan? -Where does Listen and compelete she live? this invitation. -When is her Work in the small birthday? groups -Who is she inviting to her party? -When will the Speak in front of the party begin and end? class, then correct mistakes yourselves. Listen to the teacher.. Dear Nam( Mai....) I am having a birthday party on Sunday, May Work with a partner 25th. The party will be at then practice in front of my house at 24 Ly the class. Thuong Kiet Street, Give the comments and from 5:00 to 9:00 correct. I hope you will come and join the fun. Love .. 4/ Consolidation: teacher guides students to answer the questions with guiding setences. *Guiding sentences: We will give Lan a pen/ a blouse.. -We will walk/ go by bike... -We will play “ hide and seek”... -We will eat cake and ice cream... -We will drink soft drinks... -We will leave at 9:00. 5/ Homework: Rewrite the lesson and write an invitation letter to your birthday. Prepare unit 3 At home.(A1) */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ .........................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Week :4 Period:12. Teaching date: Class:. UNIT THREE: AT. HOME. A/ What a lovely home!( A1) I/Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to describe different rooms in a house and preseny exlamations. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: awful, comfortable, lovely, bright, amazing, convenient, favorite, rest of the house..... 2, Structures: What an awful day! What a bright room! What nice color! III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a cassette- player and a tape, pictures… IV/Teaching procedures. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content -1, Warm up Go to board and do this ex. Put the correct tense of Have Ss choose the correct - ....will be.. the verbs: tense of the verbs - .....will you invite.. I(be).......14 years old 2, Presentation next month. Make some questions about - .... will you play.. Who..... you (invite)....to the sts your party birthday? Show the picture and ask Answer the teacher’s What games.....you some questions to introduce question (play)......? the new lesson, and ask the Ss ( by students) to name things in this picture they can speak by Vietnamese How many rooms are Listen and give comments. there in your house? Look at the picture and listen What are they? Play the tape twice to the teacher. What are there in Have the Ss listen to the each room? dialogue while reading along Name the things which are in Can you name? with it. the picture Let the Ss work in pairs. Read after the teacher. Tell the sts to role- play the *New words: dialogue. Explain the meaning of these Listen and repeat. awful, comfortable, words lovely, bright, pink,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 3, Practice Play the tape again and ask the sts to repeat it Call on some pairs to practice Explain the structure: Exclamations - Complaints: What an awful day! - Compliments: What a bright room! Can five some examples for students Now look at Now answer to answer the questions in your books. Have the sts work in pairs. Tell the sts that they will find the answer in the dialogue. Call some pairs, and give any necessary corrections; Ask the sts to work with a partner to talk about you Call some pairs to practice in front of the class. Work in pairs. Role- play the dialogue.. favorite, beautiful, modern, convenient.. Read these words and write them into the notebooks What an amazing kitchen! What a beautiful Listen the tape and repeat it room! again. What a lovely living Practice the dialogue in front room! of the class. What a boring party! Listen and write them. *Answer the questions: Read these questions. The living room, Work in pairs and find the Hoa’s bed room, and answers the kitchen. Work in pairs - Because it is bright Speak the answers in front of and it has nice colors: the class. pink andwhite. Others listen and give - A sink, a tub and a comments shower. A washing Ask and answer the machine, a dryer, a following questions again. refrigerator, a Work in pairs dishwasher and an electric stove.. 4/ Consolidation: - Listen and give comments - Talk 5 sentences about your house. 5/ Homework: Learn by heart the new words and the exclamations. Copy the lesson and practice it at home. Prepare A2 at home. */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Week :5 Period:13. Teaching date: Class: UNIT THREE: AT. HOME. A/ What a lovely home!( A2).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use exclamations to compliment and complain. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: complaint, expensive, wet, boring, bad, great, interesting, delicious, dinner, compliment. 2, Structures: What a lovely room! III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette- player, pictures… IV/ procedures. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content 1, Warm up Read the dialogue and Ask one student to read answer the questions. the reading and answer *Exclamations: the questions which are Find the exclamations What a beautiful bathroom! in the book. and write them. What a bright room! Have them find the Listen to the teacher. What an amazing kitchen! exclamations in the What a great idea! dialogue. 2, Presentation Listen to the teacher Use the exclamations which the student has just write on the board Look at the picture and *The words: to introduce the new write the exclamations. Awful/ boring/ wet/ lovely/ lesson. interesting/… Have the sts write the complaints and the compliments in the What an awful restaurant! notebooks. -What a wet day! Go around the class to Look at the pictures -What a boring party! help weak students. -What a bad movie! dinner. -What a great party! Let them read these Read aloud these words. -What a bright room! words, then call on -What an interesting room! several students to read again. Write the sentences on Listen and correct their the board. Form: mistakes. What +a/ an +adj + noun! 3, Practice What + adj + noun! Call on one or two Read after the teacher. students to write their Rewrite them on the sentences on the board notebooks. and read them.  Point and say.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Give some pictures of things and people and Look at these pictures to ask the students describe describe them by using the exclamations: Speak and write.. What is in the picture? There is a table. There are some chairs.. 4/ Consolidation: - Ask the sts to give the adjectives - Use these adjectives to have the sts talk the felling about people and things. Can draw the things or the people - Ask the sts to use these adjectives to speak. *Adjectives: Interesting/ boring/ bad/ Beautiful / warm/ hot Ex: what an interesting film!. 5/ Homework. - Write 6 exclamations. Learn by heart the adjectives Rewrite the lesson and practice it at home/ prepare B1,B3 at home. */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Week :5 Period:14. Teaching date: Class:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> UNIT THREE: AT. HOME.. B/ Hoa’ s Family( B1, B3) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak, ask and answer about occupations, practice reading comprehension. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: countryside, grow, raise, hard, from....to, job, photo. 2, Structures: What does your father do? He’s a farmer. Where does he work? He works on the farm. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a cassette- player and a tape. IV/ Teaching procedures. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up Use the picture of the house and ask the sts to describe it (Use the structure the exclamation and the preposition of position) 2,presentation Talk about yourself: My name’s...I am a teacher. I teach English in school Show the picture and ask: Now you will listen to the conversation about Hoa’s parents. They are farmers. Play the tape twice, and ask the sts to listen and read the dialogue at the same time. Have the sts work in pairs Ask the sts to role- play the dialogue Make any necessary corrections. Give the meaning of the new words: Make questions about Hoa’s family.. Students’ activities The content Describe the picture of the house. Who are they in the picture? -What are they doing? Listen to the teacher. -What are their jobs? -Where do they work? -Do they work hard? Look at the picture and *answers: answer. -They are Hoa’s parents. Listen to the tape. -They are working. -They are farmers. -They work on the farm. Read aloud the dialogue. -Yes, they do. Work in pairs. Role- play the dialogue.. *New words: countryside,grow vegetable, raise cattle, work hard, from.... still, housework, job.... Listen, read and write -. Listen and answer teacher’s questions. the -. What does Hoa’s father do? He is a farmer. Where does he work? On the farm..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> 3, Practice Have the sts work in pairs to talk about the farmers. Go around the class to help weak students.. Answer the questions under the dialogue in pairs Two pairs ask and answer the questions aloud Others listen to teacher’s comments to correct their mistake. -. What is her mother’s job? She is a housewife Who is this? What does he/she do? Where does he/ she do?. Has Ss repeat the words of the jobs. Asks Ss to match the half sentences. Checks and give comments on each sentence.. Read the words aloud Work in group Others remark and correct their mistakes,. 3/ Matching. *A farmer works on a farm. *A doctor takes care of sick people *A journalist writes for a newspaper. *A teacher teaches in a school. 4, Consolidation. Students answer the questions again. What does your father/ mother/ brother/ sister/ do? Where does she/ he work?. 5, Homework. Copy the lesson and practice it at home Write a paragraph to talkabout your family. Prepare B2, B4 at home. */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Week :5 Period:15. Teaching date: Class: UNIT THREE: AT. HOME. B/ Hoa’ s family(B2+B4). I/Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about occupations and match the half – sentences. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: about the occupations. 2, Structures: The present simple tense with occupations.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player, pictures. IV/Teaching procedures. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up Ask Ss to play –role the following dialogue in B1. 2, Presentation Introduces the reading about Lan’ s family by using three pictures to set the scene Asks Ss to pick new words up Has Ss read the text in silence 3, Practice Asks Ss to look at the pictures again, then talk about Lan’ s family. Has Ss talk about your family. Has Ss work in pair Goes aroud class to check and help weak Ss. Students’ activities Work in pair then answer some questions.. Look at the pictures then guess the meanings of the new words Repeat after teacher Silent reading in six minutes.. Look at them Practice in pair Work in pair in seven minutes. Some pairs practice aloud Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Guide students to listen Listen to cassette carefully to cassette twice. Work in groups to Ask students to complete the form complete the form Write on extra- board then others correct their mistake. The content -Where does Hoa’ s father do? -where does he work? -what does he do every day?  New words: Take care of (v) Journalist (n) Newspaper (n)  Read (page 34) What about Lan’ s family? What do her parents do? What does her father/ mother/brother/ do? Where does she/he work? About you. - where does your father/mother/brother/ sister work? - What does she/he do?. Name:..................... Age:....................... Job:........................ Place of work:...........

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 4, consolidation: Ss write a text about your family. My mother is …… she works in …… .My father is a …… he works in …… . …….. 5, Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home. Prepare B5 at home. */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Week :6 Period:16. Teaching date: Class: UNIT THREE: AT. HOME. B/ Hoa’ s family (B5). I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to describe apartments using comparatives and superlatives. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: look for, advice, empty, furnished, suitable, 2, Structures: It is expensive. It is more expensive. It is the most expensive. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare books, a tape and a cassette- player, picture. IV/Teaching procedures. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up. Students’ activities One student goes to the board. The content.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> Call on one student to talk and talks about the family about the family yourself. yourself. Ask some questions: Listen and answer the teacher’s questions. 2, Presentation Look at the picture and the Introduce the new lesson by books, listen to the teacher talking about the picture that carefully. is in the book Now we listen and read the conversation to know what they are talking about. Pick new words up with Listen to the teacher and read suggestions. new words. Ask Ss to look at the picture and listen to tape. Play the tape for the students. Play it a second time, and have the sts read the dialogue while listening to the tape. Have the sts work in pairs. Call some pairs and ask them to practice the dialogue. Listen and correct their mistakes Have Ss read the questions on page 36 3, Practice Ask Ss to answer the questions Help weak students Check their answer to make sure the students understand the exercise.. *Guiding questions: -Do you live in a house or an apartment? -Which is more comfortable? I live in a house/ an apartment -The sitting room is more comfortable.. *New words: look for, advice, empty, furnished, suitable, Read individually in front of the expensive class. Explain Comparatives (bigger, better, more read and write them into books. expensive, etc) and superlatives( best, cheapest, more expensive, Look at picture listen twice etc) *listen and read (p. 3536) Work with a partner. Speak loudly in front of the class. Note pronunciation and intonation Answer: a. The one at number 27. b. The one at number79. Read the questions aloud. c. The one at number 79. d. The one at number 27. The most suitable is the Work in group smallest but is the newest of the three apartments. It Remark and correct has two bed rooms, a *Listen these answers and write large modern bathroom them into notebooks. and a kitchen.. 4. Consolidation: Tell the students this exercise will give them practice in writing personal letters. Have the sts read through the letter, then tell them to fill in the blanks with the adjectives in the box at the top of the book..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> (Can ask them to read these adjectives first, and then fill) Have the sts read all the letter and give any necessary corrections( beautiful, expensive, cheapest, small, big, best). 5. Homework. Rewrite answers into notebook. Copy the lesson and practice it. Prepare language focus1 at home. */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Week :6 Period:17 ,18. Teaching date: Class:. Language focus 1 I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the structures which they have just learnt speak fluently and do exercises exactly. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Review all the vocabulary. 2, Structures: present simple tense, future simple tense, occupations, adjectives, prepositions. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare the pictures that are in the books. IV/ Teaching procedures Stages 1, Warm up. 2, Presentation. Teacher’s activities Ask some questions about the students such as: -What do you often do on Monday? -Where will you do tomorrow? -Will you go to school tomorrow? By asking the questions, the teacher reviews the present simple tense and the future simple tense. Ask the students to repeat the structures and grammar, which they have just learnt from unit1 to unit 3. - Present simple tense.. Students’ activities Listen and answer the teacher’s questions. -I often go to school on Monday. -I will go to school. -Yes, I will. Listen and do this exercise.. Speak it in front of the class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Future simple tense. Ordinal numbers. Prepositions. Adjectives. Occupations. Can ask them to give the example for the part. Listen and correct their mistakes 1- Tell the students to complete the passages using the verbs in brackets. Go around the class to help weak students. Call on some sts and ask them to read the keys. Listen and give any necessary corrections: a. is/ lives/ are/ goes b. are/ eat/ rides/ catch 2- Guide the sts to write the things Nam will do/won’t do tomorrow The first, can ask them to speak , and then write. -He will go to the post office, but he won’t call Ba. Call on some sts and have them write their sentences that they do. Make any necessary corrections. 4- Have the sts write the answers for the question: Where is my cat? By using the prepositions which are in your books. Correct their mistakes if they have -It’s under the table. -It’s in front of the chair. -It’s behind the TV. -It’s next to the bookcase. -It’s on the couch. Tell the sts to write these people’s job titles. -He is a fireman. -She is a doctor. -She is a teacher. -He is a farmer. -. 3, Practice. 4, Production. Give the example. Correct the mistakes. Listen to the teacher. Work with a partner Write the sentences on the board. Listen First speak and then write the sentences yourselves on the board.. Correct the mistakes. Listen and do this exercise.. Rewrite these sentences into the notebooks.. Work with a partner. Correct the mistakes and rewrite them into notebooks. One or two students read again the ordinal numbers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> 5, Homework. Ask the sts to repeat reading and Write these numbers writing the ordinal numbers Give some numbers to the sts write: 1st, 12th, 20th, 33rd,2nd,15th. Listen and write Rewrite all the exercises into the notebooks. Prepare for revision. */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Week :7 Period:19. Teaching date: Class:. REVISION Aim: To help Ss to remember the new words and the use of structures Teching aid: Workbook, blackboard....................... Exercise: I/ Write questions, begin with the words given -. -. 1/ Hoa’s father is a farmer. What...................................................? 2/ The doctor works in the hospital. Where........................................................................? 3/ She will go to school at 6 o’clock. What time........................................................................? 4/ It’s about 2 kilometers from my house to my school. How far.............................................................................?. II/ Supply the correct form of the verbs in the blanks. 1, Mai(be)............ my classmate. She(live).................with her brother at 23/6 Kim Dong street. We often(go).......................to school by bike because it(not be)............... far from our houses. 2, Tomorrow(be)...........................Hoa’s birthday. The party(start).....................at 7 o’clock. I and my friends(meet)....................................each other at Hoa’s house .I’m glad(see)......................them there.. III/ Rewrite the following dates and months.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> 2 / 9:............................................. 1 / 5:............................................. 8 / 3...................................................... 30 / 4............................................... 20 / 11................................................. 1/6 .................................................... IV/Complete the passage, use the words given in the box. For, out, in, is, weekdays. with, old, visit My name.........Mai. I’m 12 years.................I’m a student ...........grade 7. I live.......... my parents in Ho Chi Minh city. I go to school on..................... . At weekends, I often ................my grandparents. Sometimes we go out...........dinner. We seldom go........... of the city. V/ Use the correct adjective form. 1 / He is a..........................student in my class.( good ) 2/ My new school is................than my old school.( big ) 3/ This house is ................................for my family.( comfortable ) 4/ The cars are ..............................than the bikes ( expensive ) */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Week :7 Period:21. Teaching date: Class:. Unit four: At school. A/ Schedules( A1,2,3 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about the time, state the time and know the subjects..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: The subjects . 2, Structures: What time is it now?. It’s 7 o’clock. It’s five past two/ It’s five to two. I get up at five o’clock.. What time do you get up? III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a lock. IV/ Teaching procedures. 1/ class organization: checking attendance 2/ warm up: the prvious lesson 3/New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities To review the time, the teacher Listen and answer the asks some questions: teacher’s questions ( can by English or Vietnamese) Now you look at these clocks and make questions and answers. Now you will hear the tape saying different times . You Listen and repeat. listen and repeat. Play the tape , stop the each sentence. Call some sts to speak these Some sts stand up and sentences. speak loudly in front of the Listen and make any necessary class. corrections Have the sts make the questions and answers for the pictures. Look at these clocks and Listen and correct their make questions and mistakes. answers. Let the sts work with a partner. Listen to the teacher and Ask the sts to look at A2 and repeat speaking the time. answer about you. */ Request the sts to look at A3 and ask: Do you know what it is. Explain: Schedule. Introduce the subjects that they are in the book: Speak the aim of the listening: This. */ Answer the teacher’s questions. Work individually, based on own lives. Work in pairs: one asks the questions and the other answer.. The content 1, The time What time is it? -What time do you go to school? Note: It os fitteen past twelve ( It is a quarter past twelve.. -. What time is it? It is 7 o’clock. It is four fifteen/ It is a quarter past four. It is nine forty/ It is twenty to ten.. What time do you get up? I get up at five past thirteen. ( By the students) */ What time do you have your Math class?. Math, English, Music, History, Physic, Physical.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> schedule lacks some information. They are either names of subjects or times of the lesson. Now you listen to it and write the needed information. Ask the sts to copy the schedule in their notebooks.. Some pairs make questions education, Geography and answers in front o the class. Guess . (can speak in *Friday: Vietnamese) English: 7. 00/ Geography: 7.50/ Music:8. 40/ Listen to the teacher. Physics:9. 40/ History: Read after the teacher 10.30 these words. Listen the aim of the listening.  Saturday: Play the tape twice. Copy the schedule in your Physical Education: 1.00/ notebooks. Math: 2. 40/ English:3.40/ Listen to the tape and write Physics:4. 30 the information that you heard Call on some sts and ask them Correct own mistakes. to read the keys. - Yes / No -Do you like English/ Math.......? Correct the students’ mistakes Rewrite the exercises in -When do you have the notebooks.Write the English/Math.....? Learn by heart the new words. names of subjects and answer the questions. -I have English ...on Write the times that you do the Monday, Thursday and thing everyday. Saturday.. 4/ Consolidation: Students ask and answer the questions with time. 5/Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home Prepare A4- A5 at home */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Week :8 Teaching date: Period:22 Class:. Unit four: At school. A/ Schedules( A4,5 ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> I/ Objective. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask and answer about schedules, read for comprehension about subjects and schedules. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: other, subject, interesting, important, difficult. 2, Structures: What is she doing? She is studying Physic. What time does she have her Physic class? - She has her Physic class at 8.40 III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare pictures, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedures. 1/ class organization: checking attendance 2/ warm up: the previous lesson 3/New lesson: Teacher’s activities Do ex.1(21- sbt)Call on one st and ask him/ her to write the names of subjects. Ask some questions ; Now look at these pictures and answer: Do you know what they are doing? Have them tell the names of subjects that have in the pictures Ask them to look at the clocks and speak: What time is it now? Then ask: Ask for the picture and listen to the sts , correct their mistakes.. Students’ activities The content Look at the pictures and answer the teacher’s What is Lan doing? question. Tell the names of subjects: Physic, Geography, Literature Music, Math, Physical education. Look at the clock and speak about the times. Answer the questions of the teacher.. What time does she have her Physic class? Binh is studying Geography. He has Geography class at10.10 -Hung is studying Literature. He has his Literature class at 9.20 -Loan is studying Listen to the teacher and Music. She has her answer the questions of Music class at 3.30 -Hoa is studying Math. her/ him. She has her Math class Write and repeat these at 2.50 -Mi is studying Physical sentences. Education. She has her Physical Education class at 8. 40. - Ask Ss to look at B 5 - Look at B5. - Listen and read the dialouge between Hoa.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> page 44. and Thu - Listen to the tape. Play the tape twice. Call on some sts read in - Read in front of the front of the class class Correct the students’ mistakes Learn by heart the new words.. 4/ Consolidation: Ss ask and answer the questions again. 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home Prepare A6 at home. */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Week :8 Teaching date: Period:23 Class:. Unit four: At school. A/ Schedules( A6 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read comprehension and know the differences between schools in the USA and Vietnam. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: little, different from, uniform, hour, cafeteria, snack, popular, activity, baseball. 2, Structures: different from..... III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare some pictures of schools in USA and Vietnam. IV/ Teaching procedures. 1/ class organization: checking attendance 2/ warm up: the prvious lesson 3/New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content Call on two sts, ask them Speak about their own about their schedules. schedules Which country has capital Make some questions about city as Washington DC?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> America: Show the picture and speak: This is a class in USA. Now you will read the passage about school in America and decide the statements are True or False. Have the sts read the passage and check the boxes.. Listen and answer teacher’s questions. They can guess.. Call some sts and ask them to read loudly the keys Listen and give the comments Can ask: Why is it T or F? . Ask the sts write the differences from between schools in the USA and Vietnam.( in groups). Read in silence in 5 minutes. Go around the class to help the sts Call on two sts to go to the board and write . Check and give the comments: Play the tape Ask the students to read the text.. the What do you know about USA? -USA: the Unites States of America.. *Vocabulary: Read vocabulary and guess little, different from, the meanings uniform, hour, cafeteria, snack, popular, activity, Look at the picture and listen baseball. to the teacher. *Read( p.44). Read carefully. Compare with classmates Read loudly. *True or fale your - a, T - b, F - c, F. d, T e, F f, F. Listen and correct. USA: Students don’t usually wear school uniform. Classes start at Speak: Why is it T or F? 8.30 each morning and the school day ends at 3.30 or 4o’clock.There are no lessons on Saturday. - Vietnam: Students Write the differences from usually wear school between schools in the USA uniform. Classes start and Vietnam. earlier at 7 o’clock. On Saturday, the students still go to school. 4/Consolidation:  Write in correct order to make meaning sentences: - not/ American/ uniform/ do/ usually/ school/ wear/students - 9.5/ at/ Thursday/ science/ Mai/ class/ on/ has/.. 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home Prepare B1 at home */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Week :8 Teaching date:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> Period:24. Class:. Unit four: At school. B/ The library (B1) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak about the kinds of books that are in the library by using demonstratives and prepositions of position. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: As you can see, rack, reader, on the left, on the right,at the back of. 2, Structures: These shelves on the left have math and sience books. There are readers, novels and dictionaries. There is a book on the table. III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a picture of the library. IV/ Teaching procedures. 1/ class organization: checking attendance 2/ warm up: the previous lesson 3/New lesson: Teacher’s activities Ask the sts to speak the differences between schools in the USA and Vietnam. Make some questions about subjects Now we will visit a library by reading these following passages. Show the picture and ask: Name the racks that are in the picture. Ask students to read vocabulary Play the tape twice, and ask the sts listen to the tape. Then read after it .. Students’ activities. The content. Answer some questions. guiding * Guiduing questions: How many subjects do learn at school? Which subjects do you like best? Name the subjects that they Where do you go, learn. if you want to borrow books? Answer the question with Who is this? Who are they? suggestions What time does the library open?/ close?. Listen to the teacher. *vocabulary: Read new words carefully -As you can see Precdict the meanings from -on the left These racks have the picture -on the right magazines. -at the back of. These shelves on the left -next door have Math and science Play role the following books. dialogue *listent and read (p.47).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> Those shelves on the right have history and geography books. Make questions about the reading. Listen and corrects their mistakes if they have. Then give the keys:. Look at the picture and answer the questions: -It is a librarian./ They are students -It opens at 7am, and closes at 4.30 -They are Math, English..... *Answer the questions: -The magazines are on the racks near the science books. -The newspapers are on the racks near the history books. -The math and science Listen the tape and read it. books are on the shelves on Answer the questions in the left. .go around class to check groups -The history and ......are on and help students the shelves on the right. Read them and write them -They are at the back of into the books. the library. 4/ Consolidation: Students practice with a partner on page 47 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home Prepare B2- B3 at home */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Week :9 Teaching date: Period:25 Class:. Unit four: At school. B/ The library (B2 ,3) I/ Objects. By the end of the lesson, the students will review prepositions of positions and practice in asking and answering questions about location. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: in the middle, wellcome. 2, Structures: about the prepositions of positions. III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Stages 1, Warm up. Teacher’s activities Students activities Use the picture of the library to ask Look at the picture and answer the for the students with “ where” teacher’s questions..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> If you go to the library, who usually helps you find the books and how do you ask for the librarian? Now you will listen to the conversation between Nga and the 2,Presentation librarian. Play the tape and have the students to listen the dialogue. Play the tape again and ask them read it while they listen. Have the students work in pairs. Ask them to role-play the dialogue, then have them reverse the roles. Make questions for the students: - Where are the math books? - Where are magazines and newspapers?. Listen and answer the teacher’s questions.. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue. Work in pairs. Answer the questions: - They are on the shelves on the left. - They are on the racks in the middle. 3, Practice To review the prepositions of positions, the teacher has the students use the questions that are in B1 to ask and answer. Have the students label the shelves and racks in their exercise book. Now let’s guess the position of the racks and shelves of books in the library. Play the tape for the students. After that, ask the students to speak again the locations in front of the class. Make free conversations with the students Then ask them to practice with a partner. 4, Production. Work with a partner by asking and answering the questions. Do the teacher’s requests. Listen the tape and write.. Provide the answers.. Listen and correct their mistakes if Correct the mistakes. they have. Label the picture that is in B1 and Speak again..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> have the students ask each other. Help the students to practice. Review the question “where”. Make free conversations. 5, Homework Do exercise: 1,2 (24-sbt) Prepare for Unit 4: B4. Write in the notebooks.. */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Week :9 Teaching date: Period:26 Class:. Unit four: At school. B/ The library ( B4) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read for comprehension and remember the entire unit. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: receive, contain, million, employee, rocket, spare, adventure. 2, Structures: It is in Washington of theUSA. It has over 100 million of books. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedures. 1/ class organization: checking attendance 2/ warm up: the previous lesson 3/New lesson: Teacher’s activities Label the shelves and racks on the board, ask the sts to write the location of the books. Asks Ss to look at the position of the numbers Has Ss listen to tape Have the students write the locations of books. Call some students read. Students’ activities Look at the picture and write the position of books on the board. Look at then carefully Work in group. The content. 1. Study area 2. Science + Math 3. Geography 4+5. Newspapers listen Magazines 6+ 7. English 8. Librarian’s desk. and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> loudly the information that they have just heard. Look at the picture and guess that which the Asks students to look at largest library in the the picture that is in the world is? book and ask Read silently the passage Go around the class to help and guess. students reading. Have students write the answers in their notebooks, then ask them to compare with a partner. Write the answers in Call some students reading notebooks. these answers loudly in front of the class. After Compare with a partner. that, give the corrects Read the own answers, answers: Have students read again Listen and rewrite the these answers. correct answers.. Guiding question. Do you know which the largest library in the world is? *New words: Congress, capital, receive, contain, employee. Answer the questions: -It is in Washington D.C, the capital of the USA. -It has over 100 million books -It has 1,000 km of shelves. -Because it receives copies of all American books.. 4, Consolidation: Make some questions about the local library: Which is the largest library in Vietnam? Where is it? Did you come there? When or How often? Do you like it? Why? Ask students repeat the positions that are in unit 4.. 5, Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home Prepare Correction of the test. */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Week :9 Teaching date: Period:27 Class:. CORRECT THE TEST I. Aims.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to correct the test by themselves after teacher explains again the test. - Teaching aids: - Anticipated problems: II. Procedure 1. Warm up - Greetings 2. Content - Explain the knowleage of the test again. - Help Ss to correct by one self again. - Give correct answers.. */ Answer key:. I/ Mỗi câu đúng được 0.5 đ II/ Mỗi từ đúng được 0.5 đ. III/ Mỗi câu đúng được 0.5 đ IV/ Mỗi câu đúng được 0.5 đ V/ Mỗi câu đúng được 0.5 đ */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... Week :10 Period:28. Teaching date: Class:. Unit five: Work and play A / In class (A1).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak language used to talk about school subjects. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Use, computer, interested in, experiment 2, Stuctures: Do some experiments. Learn how to use a computer. And review the present simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare some pictures , and a cassette player IV/ Teaching procedures. 1/ class organization: checking attendance 2/ warm up: students read A4 on page 49 then ask and answer the questions - Where is the library of Congress? - How many employees work there? 3/New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Write the words in the Go to the board and do corrects order to make this exercise. meaningful sentences: Play the tape for the students. Have the students look at the pictures and read the captions under the each picture while listening the tape. Ask them to find the new words and explain these words: Call some students and ask them to read it again. Listen and correct their mistakes. Ask the questions for each picture. Have students works in pairs. Have one or two students ask their questions in front of the class.. Listen and answer the teacher’s questions: -Six day a week. -They start at 7 o’clock. -About eight.. The content *guiding questions: students/ have/ on/ lesson/ Vietnamese/ Saturday. -interesting/ Geography/ subject/ an/ is. Make questions: -How many day a week do you go to school? -What time do classes start? -How many subjects do you learn?. Listen, look at the pictures and read after the tape. Find the new words. Read after the teacher. Work in pairs. Practice in front of the class.. *New words: -Computer science. -Be interested in. -Do experiments. -map.. -What school does Mai.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> Check the questions made Answer these questions: up by the students. After that, give 5 questions: - Work with a partner. Then talk in front of the Have students work in class. pairs.. go? -How many days a week does Mai go to school? -What time do classes begin/finish? -What does Mai think about Geography? -What is her lesson today?. 4, Consolidation: Talk about you. Can make some questions for students: -Which grade are you in? -Do you go to school six days a week? -What do you think about your subjects? -What is your favorite class? Why? Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Write 5 questions about Mai and 5 ones about you. 5, Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home Prepare unit 5 (A2) at home. */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Week :10 Teaching date: Period:29 Class:. Unit five: Work and play. A/ In class. (A2 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read for comprehension to ask and answer questions about Ba. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: repair, appliance, fix, gutar, art club, artist. 2, Structures: What does he learn to do in elecctronics? He learn how to repair household appliances. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces. 1/ class organization: checking attendance 2/ warm up: Students look at the pictures to ask and answer the questions about Mai..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> What does Mai study in her Geography class? –She studies maps and learns about different countries. What does Mai study in her Computer science class?- She learns how to use a computer. 3/New lesson: Teacher’s activities - Ask the student to go to the board and give questions: - Have the students look at two pictures and introduce about them: This is Ba , tell me what he is doing. Now you read a passage about Ba and tell me what the main idea of the passage is. Have the students read the passage Go around to help the sts .Then ask them to read it aloud to the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Have them work in pairs( use the questions about Ba) Call some good students in order to practice in front of the class. Listen and give the keys: Call some students and ask them to read again the text to check those answers. Have the sts work in pairs, ask and answer about yourself, Make the questions for them.. Students’ activities Go to the board and answer the teacher’s questions.. Look at two pictures and tell: He is learning how to repair a socket board in picture one, and he is playing the guitar in the picture two. Read a passage and find the main idea of the passage.. The content What does Mai study in Physics? What do you study in Geography? What is your favorite subject?. *New words: enjoy, Electronics, household appliances, fix= repair, to be good at, Read the passage with a artists. partner. Then read it aloud. * Reading (p.52). Use the questions to work in pairs. Give the own answers. Compare with own answers and correct.. Read again the text. Answer the questions Work in group.. a. Ba likes Electronics best. b. Yes, he does. He enjoys school very much. c. He learns to repair household.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> Rewrite these sentences into notebooks. Listen and correct their Work in pairs. mistakes. Ask the teacher’s Learn by heart the questions. words and structures Then practice in front of that they’ve learnt. the class. Write the passage : what you usually do in free Talk about own free time time.. appliances. d. He will be able to fix his own appliances. e. Yes, he is. His drawings are very good. 4, Consolidation: Can ask the sts to talk more about their free time. What do you do in your free time? What are you good at? What is your favorite subject?. 5, Homework: Rewrite the lesson and practice it at home. Prepare A4- A5 at home. */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Week :10 Teaching date: Period:30 Class:. Unit five: Work and play. A/ In class. (A4,5 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read for comprehension to know the words about the subjects in school. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: essay, past >< present,event, around, world, language class, graph, globe, atlas. 2, Structures: We learn about books . She studies different contries and their people . III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching proceduces. 1/ Class organization: greeting and checking attendances 2/ Warm up: Make questions for student:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> -How many subjects do you study at school? -What are they? -Which subject do you like? Why? 3/ New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content Asks Ss to answer some Listen and answer the Guiding questions: guiding questions teacher’s questions. What are the pictures Has Ss look at the pictures about? then listen to write the Can you guess what correct letters next to the Work in groups subjects Ba and Hoa do on names Saturday morning ? Ba: d, a, e Now we read the passage Hoa: c, b, e to know the subjects that  new words: the Vietnamese students Pick new words up then essay, past, present, learn. repeat after teacher around, world. Play the tape and ask the students to read while -I like Math....because I listening. Listen to the tape and know many numbers. Introduce the new words: read. Call some students and have them read the passage. Read loudly in front of the Listen and correct their class. mistakes. Make questions for Answer the teacher’s students: question Let students to look at Now -We learn about books and -What do you study in discuss with a partner, and write essay. Literature? explain doing it: We have 4 -We study past and names of subjects in present. -What do you study in accordance with relevant -We study different History? words about each subject. countries and their people. -What do you study in You will find one -We learn about how Geography? irrelevant word and odd it things work. -What do you study in out. -No, We don’t. Physics? Have students work in small group Look at the books and -Do you learn to play Call groups to speak the listen carefully to soccer in English? keys. teacher’s explaining. Give the correct keys: Make questions students: Do you. for like. Literature- paintings. History- basketball.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> Math? What do you use in Math/Art/ Music... class? Now you match each subject to the correct items. Ask them to work with a partner. Call them to match. Give the correct keys.. Work in groups. Each group gives the keys and others listen and give comment. Compare with teacher’s keys. Answer these questions( you can speak by Vietnamese ) Work with a partner Some students match it. Compare with the teacher.. games. Science- preposition. English- England. Can give these words: globe, atlas, graphs, equations, calculator.. 4/ consolidation; Give students small papers to answer a question, such as: What do you study in Math/ Geography...........? Ask students to read their papers.. 5/ homework: Learn by heard the words and structures, Speak about favourite subjects. Do exercises...........in book Prepare B1,2 at home. */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Week :11 Teaching date: Period:31 Class:. Unit five: Work and play. B/ It is time for recess. (B1) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to discribe recess activiyies. II/ Language content. 1, Vocabulary: Recess, ring, bell,chat, blindman’s bluff, catch, marble,skip rope, noisy, indoor. 2, Structures: Some students are playing games. The bell rings and the students go into the yard. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepair a tape and a cassette- player. IV/ Teaching procedures. 1/ class organization: checking attendance 2/ warm up: Make questions for students: What do you study in.............?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> Are you good at.................? What is your favorite subject? Do you like playing games? Which game do you like playing? When do you usually play it? 3/ New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content Now you look at these Listen to the teacher’s pictures and speak what questions. *new words: they are doing. ( by students) Recess, ring, bell,chat, blindman’s bluff, catch, Introduce the new words: marble,skip rope, noisy, Play the tape, and ask indoor. students to look at the book, read the passage Look at these pictures and while listening. speak: They are playing Have them read passage games. aloud in front of the class. * Listen and read( p.56) Check for pronunciation Listen and read these and make any necessary words. corrections. Use each picture to make questions for students: Listen to the tape and read Let students to work in it. pairs.. Listen and correct their mistakes. You knew these students are playing these games, and you? Now you talk about yourselves. The first teacher makes questions and students answer them. Then students ask each other. Listen to students and help them practicing. After that, use the pictures to ask students to write the games that are. Read aloud in front of the class. - What are these students doing at recess? They are playing games. Answer the teacher’s -What are they playing? question They are playing catch. Work in pairs. One asks and other answer. ( Use those pictures to ask and answer). *What do you usually do at Talk about yourselves. recess? Do you usually talk with Work with a partner. your friends? What do you usually do Use these questions to after school? What is your practice with a partner. favorite game?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> under the pictures. */ B2. For the listening, teacher speaks the aim of it, and then play the tape. (Can ask students to read these words.). Compare the keys with a partner, and give it in Listen to the aim of the listening, and listen to the tape. frond of the class.. *Mai is playing catch. Kien is playing blindman’s bluff. Lan is skipping rope. Ba is playing marbles.. 4/ consolidation: Students ask and answer the questions again.. 5/ homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home. Prepare B3 at home. */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Week :11 Teaching date: Period:32 Class:. Unit five: Work and play. B/ It is time for resess. (B3 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson. The students will be able to speak about activites of students in America and compare with Vietnamese schools. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: energetic, portable, earphone, shooting some hoops, penpel, junior high school, score goals, take part in, swap 2, Structures: What do students do at recess? - The energetic students often play baskeball. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a tape and a cassette- player. IV/ Teacing procedures. 1/ class orgnazition: checking attendance 2/ warm up: Students read the reading text on page 56 then answer some questions. 3/ New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content Guide the game: Find Students listen to teacher -What do you usually do at some who to check and answer teacher’s recess?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> students.. Makes questions for students: -Do you know what students in the USA often do at recess? In order to know exactly what American students usually do at recess, now let’s read part 3 (page 57) Have students look at the picture and answer the questions: Play the tape for students. Have students listen to it and read silently while listening. Go around the class and help students by giving some new words: pen pal, take part in, energetic, portable. Have students read the text in front of the class and correct their mistakes if they have. Then ask them to work in pairs about the part Questions. a. Listen to students’ keys and give correct Ask students to read full answers. Have students work with partner.. questions. -I usually skipping rope. -Yes, I do/ No, I don’t. -I like playing catch.. -Do you play skipping rope...? -What do you like/ dislike doing? -What do Vietnamese play students often do at recess?. -They usually marble......... at recess. -No/ Yes Open the books and look at it. Answer the teacher’s questions.. Read after teacher these -What is he doing? new words. He is scoring goals. That is called “ Shooting some hoops” -What are they Listen to the tape.Read doing silently and can write these They are listening to music. words. They have an earphone. Read in front of the class. Work in pairs. Give answersRead answers.. Answers full a/c, b/a, c/d, d/d.. Talk about activities of students in USA and in Vietnam usually play at recess. ( need talk full sentences) Listen to teacher and do this exercise. Speak loudly in front of the class. Listen to teacher and answer questions.. What do you usually do at recess? -Do you like playing............? -What do the students in Vietnam/ in USA do at recess?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> 4/ consolidation: Write 5 sentences about you by answering this question: What do you usually do after school? Rewrite a conversation into the notebooks.. 5/ homework: Have students work with a partner about after school activities. Learn by heart vocabulary. Prepare unit 6 : A 1 at home. */ Experience: ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Week :11 Teaching date: Period:33 Class:. Unit six: After school. A/ What do you do? ( A1) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about after school activities. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: relax, invite, together, maybe. 2, Structures: You sould relax. I usually meet my friends. He practices it every day after school. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare some pictures, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedures. 1/ class orgnazition: checking attendance 2/ warm up: Students read the reading text on pages 57, 58 then answer some questions. 3/ New lesson: Teacher’s activities Make questions for students Now you look at these pictures and answer the questions: -. Introduce these words: play voleyball, do. Students’ activities The content Listen to teacher and answer teacher’s questions. : What do you usually do at ( by students) recess -What do you usually do Look at these pictures and after school? answer this question( by What are they doing in Vietnamese) each picture? They are playing voleyball..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> homework, meet friends. Now you will hear a conversation between Minh ans Hoa. They are talking about their after school activities. Play the tape and ask students to read it while listening. Have students work with a partner. Then call some pairs and ask them to read the text loundly in frond of the class.. They are doing homework. They are meeting friends *answer the questions: Read these words a/ she’ s doing her math homework. b/ they are going to get a Listen to the tape. cold drink in the cafeteria. Read a conversation.Work c/ he’ s in the music room. in pairs and read it. d/ he’ s learning to play the guitar. Answer the questions e/ he usually meets his friends. Lok at the pictures to takl 2a ) 1/ reading/ studying these activities in the library Work in pair 2/ simming in the pool Asks Ss to look at the Write the following 3/ playing computer games pictures on page 61 to say pictures 4/going to a movie about these activities Others remark and corect 5/ playing soccer Has ss work in pair Practice with pictures 6/ watching TV 4/ consolidation: Students read the dialogue and answer the questions again. 5/ homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home. Prepare A2b, A3 at home. IV/ Feedback: ………………………………………………………………………………... signature. Date of planning: Period:34, week:12.. Unit six: After school. A/ What do you do? (A2b - A3) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to practice asking and answering questions about after school activities using adverbs of frequently. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Adverbs of frequently: always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never, How often?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> 2, Structures: How often do you study in the library after school? -I always study in the library after school. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan - Prepare pictures of after school activities. IV/ Teaching procedures. 1/ class orgnazition: checking attendance 2/ warm- up: Students play role the following dialogue on page 60 then answer some questions: a/ What is Hoa doing? b/What are Minh and Hoa going to do? c/What does Minh usually do after shool? 3/ New lesson: Teacher’s activities Now you look at these pictures and answer the questions for each picture: For the first picture has done for the students, ask them to work in pairs by making questions and answering Listen to students and correct their mistakes if they have. Introduce adverbs of frequently Make a sentence for the first picture They always study in the library. Have students replace “ always” by other adverbs. Make questionsAsk students to work in pairs. 3, Practice. *Now talk about you: Have students use other activities to practice: go to the movie, visit one’s grandparents, do housework.... Students activities. The contents * Guiding questions:. Look at those pictures and do teacher’s requests. What are they doing? _They are studying in the Where are they? library. When do you -They sometimes study. often study? Do you often play Show each picture to ask it? and answer the questions.. Read these adverbs.. * adverbs of frequently: always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never They always study in the library.. Make sentences. Work in pairs. How often do they study in the library? By the students. What do you usually do after school? Practice in front of the How often do you class. ........after school?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> Asks Ss to look at the pictures to pick new words up Look at the pictures then Asks Ss to repeat them pick new words up Repeat after teacher Asks ss to read the reading text after getting the situation Has Ss answer the questions Goes around class to check and help weak students Aks Ss to work in pair again. Read in silence in ten minutes then read aloud Work in pair Others remark and correct their mistakes Work in pair after correcting.  New words: Pastime (n) Group (n) Rehearse (v) Celebration (n) Comics (n) *answer the questions: a/ Her group is rehearsing a play for the school anniversary celebration. b/He gets American stamps from Liz c/ On Wednesday afternoon d/ Nam never plays games.. 4/ Consolidation: *Make new sentences: -I/ always/ stay/ uncle/ weekends/. -Mai/ never/ go swimming/. -My brother/ usually/ watch TV/ evening/.@ Use the structure that you have learn to make a survey. Write 5 sentences about you to answer the question: What do you usually do after school? Other student uses the friend’s survey to speak: I and my friend usually read the books after school. 5/ Homework: Learn new words by heart .copy the lesson and practice it at home Prepare A4, B1 at home IV/ Feedback: Date of planning:28/10/2008. Period: 35, week: 12.. Unit six: After school. A/ What do you do? (A3 + A4 +A5) I/ Objectivies. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read for comprehension to answer the questions and listen for specific information. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Pastime, rehease, school anniversary celebration, president of the stamp collector’s club, sporty, lie..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> 2, Structures: Use the present simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare pictures of Nga, Nam and Hoa’s activities. IV/ Teaching produres. 1/ class orgnazition: checking attendance 2/ warm -up: teacher asks students to answer some questions: Do you like playing soccer? -How often do you play it? -What do you usually do after school? There are many activities to do after school. Do you know? 3/ New lesson: Stages 1, Warm up. 2, Presentation. Teacher’s activities Make questions for students: Now you read the passage that is in the book and answer the question: What does each student do after school? Ask students to look at these pictures and answer the questions” -What is Nga doing? She is rehearsing a play for the school anniversary celebration. Explain these words: rehearse, play, anniversary, celebration. -What is Ba doing? He is seeing the stamps. He is the president of the stamp collector’s club. Guide reading these words: stamp, president, collector, club. -What is Nam doing? He is lieing on the couch and watching TV. He is not very sporty. Explain the word: lie, sporty. Guide all the words. Ask students to look at the books and listen to the tape, then repeat Call some students to read. Correct their mistakes if they have And help them to find other new words, and explain them. Make questions for students:. Students’ activities Answer theses questions. ( By students). Can guess. Look at the book .. Listen and answer the teacher’s questions.( Can answer by Vietnamese). Listen and repeat the words that were given by the teacher.. Answer and write.. Read all the words. Listen to the tape and repeat it..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> 3, Practice. 4, Production. -What does Nga like doing after school hours? She likes acting. -What do Ba and his friends often do on Wednesday afternoons? They get together and talk about their stamps. -What does Nam do after school hours? He often watches videos, reads a library book or comics, or lies on the couch in front of the TV. Ask students to read again the reading. Then let them to work in pairs by answering the questions that are in the book. Call some groups to practice in front of the class.( Can play a game noughts and crosses for each group). You’ve just know what Ba, Nam and Nga do after school hours. What about other students, exactly Mai, Nam, Ba, Lan and Kien? What do they do after school? Now you listen to the tape and match each name to an activity. Ask students look at the book and repeat these words that are in the books.( Can ask them to guess) Play the tape twice and call a student to match. Pay the tape again to check. Then make a question for each student: What does Mai do after school hours? She goes to school cafeteria. Have them work in pairs. @Now talk about you. -What do you do after school hours? -How often do you do that? -When do you do it? -What activities do you like best? Show the student who has just. Read in front of the class. Answer these questions. Note these new words.. Read the text again. Work in pairs by asking and answering the questions. Practice in front of the class.. Listen to teacher.. Listen to the tape.. Go to the board and match.. Answer these questions.. Work in pairs. Talk about you by asking these.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> told and ask: What does he/ she do questions. after school hours? Etc. Use some pictures to match and talk: who and what does he/ she do after school hours? *Learn by heart the new words. Read again the reading and write Ask the other friend. the answers into your notebooks. Write 5 sentences about you. Play this game. 5, Homework. Rewrite these exercises into your notebooks. V/ Draw experience. Date of planning: Period: 35, week: 12.. Unit six: After school.(B1, A4) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the structures for making, accepting, and refusing invitations. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: assignment, relax. 2, Structures: What about going to the movies? Let’s go to my house! Why don’t you relax? III/ Teaching aids. - Make aplan. - Prepare some pictures of after school activities. IV/ Teaching produces. 1/ class orgnazition: checking attendance 2/ warm- up: Now you remind the old lesson and answer the questions: What does Nga do after school? Does Ba like collecting the stamps Is Nam very sporty? What does Nam do after school 3/ New lesson:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities The contents Listen and look at the * Guiding questions: @ You have just talk picture that is in pages 64. about some after school How many students are activities. Today we continue talking about Guess: They are listening to there in this picture? Who are they? other activities, now you music. look at this picture and you guess what they are -There are four: Ba, Nam, doing? Hoa and Lan. new words and expresstion: Introduce the new lesson to be on, relax, assignment. by making questions: Listen to the tape. -What about + V-ing...? Tomorrow is Sunday. -Why don’t you + V.......? They are talking about -Let’s+V..... what they should do in Invitations. this evening. Now listen Accepting: Great or Oh, I’d to the tape and answer that question. Practice in front of the class. love to. Refusing: I’m sorry. Play the tape twice and *answer the questions: ask them to repeat it. Nam wants to go to the Call four students to read . Listen and write. movies. Explain the new words Work in pairs. Ask them to work in pairs Practice in front of the class. -Because there aren’t any good movies at the moment. by answering the questions that are in the Answer the questions in -Lan wants to listen to music at her home. book. groups -Because she has so many Go around the class to Write into the notebooks assignments. help students Work in pair again. -It’s Saturday. Then have them practice *Match: in front of the class. a/ Mai- go to the school Listen and give the key. Listen and match carefully Write on the extra- boards cafeteria Asks Ss to listen then Others correct then read b/ Nam- rehearse aplay. c/ Ba- go to the circus. match each name to an again d/ Lan- watch movie activity e/ Kien- tidy the classroom 4/ Consolidation: Use the pictures of four students and small papers to stick on the board: Nam : doesn’t want to go to movie Ba :doen’t want go to Lan’s house Hoa: wants to listen to music Lan: wants to go to the movies Now you answer the question: What does Nam/ Ba/ Hoa/ Lan want to do? Now you make invitations with a partner, using : -Let’s.........

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> -What about........ -Why don’t you..... @ Write questions into notebooks. Imagine you won’t have any lessons tomorrow. You make some invitations with your friends to relax. 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home Prepare B2 at home. IV/ Feedback: ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Date of planning: Period:36, week:12.. Unit six: After school.(B2) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read for comprehension and discuss after- school activities in America. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: teenager, attent, youth, organization, scout, guide, musical instrument, coin, model, plane, 2, Structures: What do American teenages like doing in their free time? -They like attending youth organizations such as scouts and guides . III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare the pictures of American teenagers’ activities. IV/ Teaching procedures. 1/ class orgnazition: checking attendance 2/ warm up: Make questions for students: What do you usually do after school? ( you can speak 5 activities)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> 3/ New lesson: Teacher’s activities Now you can talk about organizations of Vietnamese teenagers. Introduce words: @ Ask students look at these pictures in pages 65 and talk about them: they are the most popular afterschool activities in America. Can you guess what these activities are. Have them read these words. Let students read the reading. Explain the words: Ask students to read the reading in front of the class. Listen to them and correct their mistakes. @ Have students answer this question: What do American teenagers like doing afterschool? Ask them to work in small groups. Then let them to answer their answers. Teacher can give an example: They like eating in fast food restaurants. Listen and correct their mistakes. @Have students work in groups and ask them answer the question: Listen to students and correct their mistakes if they have.. Students’ activities The content can use these words: play *New words; soccer, watch TV, collect organization, teenager, stamps, talk, skip- rope.....) youth.scout and guides By Vietnamese.. Look at these pictures.. And guess. Look at these pictures and talk about them..      . Some activities: eat and drink. Watch TV. Learn to play the guitar. Collect stamps or coins Go shopping. Attend youth organizations.. Read again these sentences. Scout also boy scout. -Guide also girl scout. Find other words that you -Coins. don’t know.. Read the reading. Which of the activities in the list for America teenagers do you think are also popular among Vietnamese Work in small groups. teenagers? -What organizations are there for teenagers in Practice in front of the class. Vietnam? watch TV, listen to music, go to the movies, help old Work in groups and answer people, collect stamps) the question: It is Vietnamese youth teenage.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> 4/ Consolidation: Make a survey for four students. Write on the papers. Speak loudly in front of the class. Compare with other groups and give the ideas Rewite into the notebooks. 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home Prepare B3- B5 at home. IV/ Feedback: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Signature. Date of planning: Period:37, week:13 Unit six:After. school..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> B/ Let’s go! ( B3+ B4+ B5 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to make invitations and refuse, accept invitations, study students’ activities in America. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: wedding, join,elderly people, community service, even, paint, concern, neighhood. 2, Structures: Would you like to..............? Yes, I’d love to. It’s my pleasure You are well come. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan -Prepare a tape and a cassette-player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Teacher’s activities @Talk about American teenagers’ activities that they like. Make questions for students: Through those questions teacher introduce the new lesson. @ Play the tape for each passage. Ask students repeat it . Ask students to work on pairs. Then have them practice in front of the class. Give other invitations: Why don’t you.............? or What about ........? Have students make invitations in other occasions. Then call some pairs to make invitations. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have.. Students’ activities The content Go to board and talk about America steenagers’ What is your date of activities birth? - Do you usually hold your birthday? (By students) - Do you invite your friends? - In which occasions do you use invitations? - How do you except or refuse the invitations? They can speak by Vietnamese. Would you like to come to my house for lunch. Listen and repeat. ( Invitation) -Yes, I’d love to.(Except). -I’d love to but I’m sorry I can’t. (refuse).. Work in pairs. Practice in front of the class. Ese the other invitations to new. words:. Elderly.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> Now you read this passage make the conversations. people, community and you know what they service, neighborhood do. clean- up campaigns. Play the tape, and ask Talk in front of the class. students to read it . Go around the class to help students and explain the Have students read it loudly Answer the questions. in front of the class and What do the students correct their mistakes if Listen and repeat these usually do in Summers in they have. new words. Vietnam? @ Ask students discuss in They usually do volunteer small groups about works. volunteer works of Do you know what kinds American teenagers and Read the pasage. of volunteer works do Vietnamese teenagers by American children often asking the questions : do to help community? How do some teenagers help the community? - How do Write these words. Vietnamese teenagers help the community? Go around class and help them. Read loudly. Then call some groups and ask they speak in front of the class. Work in small groups by Other groups and teacher answering two questions. listen to and give ideas. 4/ Consolidation: @ Teacher uses small papers to consolidate the lesson. Give exercises for students: - Make some invitations for your friends. - Give some community services in Vietnam and America. 5/ Homework: @ Learn by heart. Do exercises in the exercise book. Note speaking invitations and exceptings, refusing/ prepare language focus 2 at home. IV/ Feedback:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> Date of planning: Period:38, week:13. Language focus 2.(1- 3) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to do exercisex exactly and speak English fluently by using the words and structures that they had already learnt. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Repeat all of them. 2, Structures: III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare some pictures of exercises. IV/ Teaching produres. Teacher’s activities @ Make quetions for students: @ Ask students open the books and look at it and answer the questions: -Introduce the new word: kick and ask students to complete the passage by using the present progressive tense: S +is/ am/ are+ V.ing -Correct their mistakes and give the keys: doing. Is writing, is reading, is cooking, are playing, is kicking, running. *Have students look at the pictures and speak using this that, these and those. Listen and correct. *Ask students to talk about time by asking the. Students activities. Listen and answer these questions: - We are studying English. - There are ten.. The content What are you studying at the moment? How many subjects do you have? What are they? What time does this class start? Do you usually learn new words. - It starts at7,30. - Yes, we do. Look at the picture and answer the questions. What is Lan doing? What is Mr Thanh doing? What are her brothers Repeat the using of the doing? present progressive tense. - She is doing her homework. Read in front of the class. - He is reading Compare with the newspaper. teacher’s answers. - They are kicking the ball. Work with a partner and then speak in front of the class. Ba: what time is it? Nam:It’s nine forty It’s twenty to ten Answer this question: use.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> question: What time is all the ways of the time. it? Lan: what time does the Now look at the pictures Work in a small group. movie start? and complete these Write them into the Hoa: It starts at 7. 15. sentences. Note to speak notebooks. and write the correct time. 4/ Consolidation: @ Use the game to find the subjects you learn at school. Ex. How many subjects do you learn? What subjects do you like best? Do you always learn it? Etc 5/ Homework: copy the lesson and practice it at home. Prepare parts (4 -6) at home. IV/ Feedback:. Date of planning: Period:64, week:22. Language focus 3.(3- 5) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to do exercisex exactly and speak English fluently by using the words and structures that they had already learnt. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Repeat all of them. 2, Structures: III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare some pictures of exercises. IV/ Teaching produres. 1/ Class organization: checking attendance 2/ Warm –up: the previous leeson. 3/ New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content asks students to write the 3/ Past simple tense past form of the verbs in Work in pair then write a/ helped- rememberedthe table. them on the table took- sent- thought@ Talk about the subjects talked that you learn at school. Complete the sentences b/ talked- boughtAsk students to look at using the words in the box worked- sent the missing sentences and 4/ Simple tenses.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> complete each sentence Complete them and read Talk about the past simple aloud. , present simple, and future simple tenses Look at Nga’s diary and complete the dialogue Practice in front of the class. Asks students to work in pair with suggestions Goes around class to check and help weak students. Work in pairs Practice in pairs with your diary Work in pair again. Nga: …….help my Mom and study English. Minh: What did you do yesterday? Nga: I cleaned my room, helped my Mom, studied English, watched TV, played volleyball, and stayed at Hoa’s house. Minh: How about tomorrow? Nga: I will clean my room, helped my Mom, see a movie…….. 4/ Consolidation: Students write new sentences with more, less, and fewer Before, there were two eggs. Now, there are more eggs . Before, there was one liter of milk, now there is less milk. 5/ Homework: Do again these exercises into notebooks. Learn by heart the subjects you learn at school. Prepare for the test. IV/ Feedback:. Full name:............................. Class 7. English test (45’) §iÓm. Lêi phª cña c« gi¸o. I/ Put the corect tense of the verbs in blanks to complete the following sentences( 3m) 1- She learns how ( use ).....................a computer in her Computer Science class. 2- My sister (be)............... a doctor because she always (take).......................care of sick people. 3- Would you like (come)........................my house. 4- She ( watch)........................TV tonight. 5- The students( study)................................English now..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> II/ Make questions for the following answers.(2m) 1- We have English, Math, Literature and History on Thursday. - What........................................................................................................... 2- She usually has lunch at home. - How often........................................................................................................... 3- My favorite subject is Physics. - What...................................................................................................................... 4- They always play soccer in the evening. - When............................................................................................................................ III/ Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.(2m) 1, We go to school six days.........................( a week, in a week, on a week, at a week) 2, Students never have time to play the whole game because recess is....................... ( short, long, energetic, lesson) 3, I enjoy.........................volleyball. ( play, to play, playing, plays). 4, History is ..................interesting and important subject. (a, an, the, at) IV/Answer the questions about you. 1, What time do you get up?........................................................................................... 2, How often do you go to school?................................................................................. 3, What is your favorite subject?..................................................................................... 4, Are you goog at English?........................................................................................... V/ Correct the mistake in the following sentences (1m) 1, People are living longer so there are more elder people. ......................................................................................................................................... 2, Some young people work at hospital volunteers. ......................................................................................................................................... ThPreparatory date: Teaching date: Period 39 Date of planning: Period:42, week:14. Unit seven: The world of work. A/ A students’ work. (A1) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak about a student’s work and vacations. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: to be late for....., that takes about.........., vacation, summer vacation= summer holiday, last. 2, Structures: present simple tense, simple future tense and comparative of adjectives. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare some pictures of the summer vacation’s students..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> IV/ Teaching produres. 1/ Class organization: checking attendance 2/ Warm –up: Students make the sentences with adverbs of frequencey How often do you go to school? I usually go to school How often do you play video games? I sometimes play video games. 3/ New lesson: Teacher’s activities @Make some questions for students:- What time do your classes start and finish? Now you listen a conversation between Hoa and her uncle. Show the picture and ask questions. Students’ activities The content Listen and answer the questions: Do you like a summer ( by students ) vacation? Yes, I do. -When will you have a In June. summer vacation?. Look at the picture and answer the teacher’s @Play the tape and ask questions: students listen to it carefully. They are in the kitchen Play it again and have and they are eating students read the dialoge. breakfast. Have students work in pairs. Listen to the tape. Ask the pairs to role- play the dialoge and severe the Read the dialogue white roles. listening. Have one or two pairs roleWork in pairs. play in front of the class. Role- play the dialogue in Listen and correct their front of the class. mistakes if they have. Explain the meaning of the new words: @Ask students to look at these questions and read them. Rewrite the meaning of the Then have them work with a new words. parner. Tell the students that Read these new words. the answers are in the unit dialoge. Look at the questions and Have some pairs practice in read them. front of the class. Work in pairs. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have.. Where are they? What are they doing?. * The dialogue( 72). to be late for........, that takes about......, vacation, summer vacation, last.. *answer the questions: a/ Hoa’s classes start at 7 o’clock. b/ They finish at a quarter past eleven. c/ Hoa does her.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> That takes about 2 each day. Then ask students to with a partner, and them role- play it. Listen and correct mistakes.. hours Ask the questions in front of the class. work have Rewrite the correct their answers into the notebooks.. homework 2 hours a day. d/ Hoa will visit her parents on the their farm during her vacation. E,f,g/ student’s answer. 4/ consolidation: @Make questions for students: -What time do your classes start? -Do your classes start earlier or later? -For how many hours a day do you do your homework? Do you work fewer than Hoa? -When will you have a vacation? -What will you do during the vacation? 5/ Homework: Rewrite all the answers into notebooks.Then practice them at home. Prepare next lesson.( A3) IV/ Feedback:. Signature. Date of planning: Period:43, week:15 Unit seven:. The world of work.. A/ Students’ work. ( A2+ A3 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read for comprehension throught a letter and practice listening..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, celebrate. 2, Structures: Present simple tense and comparative of adjectives. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a letter in Viet Nam and some pictures of public holiday. IV/ Teaching procedures. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content 1, Warm up Listen to and answer the What do usually do @Make questions for teacher’s questions. during vacation? students: -If you don’t visit your uncle, what you will do? Use the letter to -Will you write a letter? introduce the lesson. Ask students to look at it, Look at books and tell about a this is a letter from letter. -Who wrote this letter? American and it is a letter -Who did he from Viet Nam. write this letter? -In @Ask students to answer your opinion, what is the the questions: Look at this letter and answer letter about? 2, Presentation the questions: Now you read this letter -Tim wrote this letter. and answer this question. -He wrote this letter to Hoa. Have students read the ( Students can guess ) letter, and go around the Read this letter. class to help the students. *new words: Give the meaning of hear, find, celebrate, these words: Easter, Thanksgiving, - Call some students to Christmas, like doing. read the letter. Teacher Read these new words and listen and corrects their write them. mistakes if they have. 3, Practice @Have the students work in pairs by asking and Practice in front of the class. answering these questions. Work in pairs. Ask them to practice in front of the class. Give the correct answers: Practice these questions in * Answer the questions: -. front of the class. Summer vacation is the *Can you name longest in America. American vacations that Write the correct answers into -During his vacation, Tim.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> you have just learnt. Now you look at these pictures and talk about them.( you can answer the question: Which vacation is in the first picture?) Play the tape and ask students to write the name of the public holiday in each of these pictures. Play the tape again. Ask students to give their answers. Then give the correct answers: Talk some sentences about these public vacations. Call some students to read.. notebooks.. spends time with his family. -Vietnamese students have fewer vacations than American students. Talk again these vacations. Guess: which vacation is in each picture. Listen to tape and write the . name of the public holiday in each picture. a. Give the answers. b. Listen to teacher. c. Work in small groups Answer the teacher’s d. questions. Go to the board and write all sentences that you wrote. Correct the mistake. Thanksgiving. Independence Day. New Year’s Eva ( Day ). Christmas.. 4/ Consolidation: @Now you talk about the vacations in Viet Nam. Teacher can make some questions: -How many vacations are there in Viet Nam? -What are they? -What do you usually do on each vacation? Ask students to work in pairs, then write on the papers. 5/ Homework: @ Learn by heart the new words.And practice the lesson at home @ Prepare A4 at home. IV/ Feedback:. Date of planning: Period:44, week:15.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> Unit seven :The world of work. A/ A student’s work ( A4 ) I/ Objectives By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to practice reading for comprehension. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: take a look= have a look, typical, keen, review, definitely. 2, Structures: The present simple tense, fewer/ more .....than.... III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a picture about Hoa. IV/ Teaching procedures. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up @Call a student and ask him/ her to talk about the public holidays in Viet Nam and in American. In the public holidays, you usually haven’t classes Now we read this text and we know that students work hard or don’t work hard. 2, Presentation @Ask students to look at this picture and answer the questions: What is Hoa doing? She is studying/ doing her homework. At home she always review lesson. She is a keen student so she is definitely not lazy. 3, Practice Now you read the text and find the main meaning of it. Can play the tape and ask them to listen.. Students’ activities Go to the board and answer the questions.. The content. . What do you usually do everyday? Is your work at school I usually go to school. hard? Yes, it is. How many hours a day do I study four hours a day. you study? Yes, I do. Do you have to do a lot of homework?. Look at this picture and answer: Hoa is studying/ doing her homework. Listen and read these Take a look, Have a look, words typical, period. Make questions for students. Read the text. -What do many people think? If the teacher plays the -How many hours a week tape you will listen it does Hoa work?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> Call students to read in front of the class. Give the words: @Ask students to read again the text, have them look at the questions and work in pairs . Go around the class and help them to answer the questions. Call some pairs to practice in front of the class. Give the correct answers: Have students read again the text. carefully. -Is Hoa a keen student? Read loudly in front of -Does Hoa study hard? the class. Read and write these Answer the questions: words. a. People think students have an easy life because Answer these questions: they only work a few hours ( can work with a a day and have along partner ). vacations. Read the text again. b.Hoa works 20 hours a Work in pairs. week. It is fewer than most Practice in front of the workers’ work. class. c.( student’s answer ) Rewrite these correct d. No, the writer doesn’t answers. think students are lazy. 4/ Consolidation: @Make questions about students: How many hours a day do you study at school/ at home? -Do you work hard? -Are you a good student? Why or Why not? -Do your parents think of you? -Is that more or fewer hours Hoa? Ask students to work with a partner, then have them practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. 5/ Homework: Learn by heart. answer again the questions into your notebooks. Prepare B1 at home. IV/ Feedback: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> Date of planning: Period:45, week:15 Unit seven: The. world of work.. B/ The worker. ( B1 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak daily works. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: part- time, homeless, mechanic, prefer, shift, day off. 2, Structures: He has fewer days off than my Mom. She takes care of thefamily. He repairs machines in the factory. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a photo of Tom’s family. IV/ Teaching produres. Teacher’s activties 1, Warm up @Call two students to talk about their studying. 2, Presentation Use the picture to introduce the new lesson by making questions: @Please read this letter and you will know who Tom write about Play the tape and ask the students listen to it carfully. Ask them to read after the tape. Then have them scan it. Go around the class and help them if they need. Call some studens to read the letter in front of the class. .. Students’ activites Talk about own studying.. The content. Look at books and answer the teacher’s questions. -What is this? -Whose letter is this? -Who does Tom write about in the letter? Read the letter. Listen to the tape.. .* New words: Take care of, part- time, homeless, mechanic, prefer, shilt, day off.. Read the letter while listening. *questions: Scan this letter. What is his mother’s job? What does his Dad do in a factory? Read in front of the What does he do in his class. free time? Where do they often.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> Listen to them and correct their mistakes if they have. Find the new words and Explain new words: Ask read them. the students to read the letter and answer the Answer the questions: questions:. go on vacation? *answers: - His mother is a housewife. - He repairs machines in a factory. - He plays golf. They often go to Florida.. Call students to answer these questions . Listen She works at home but to them and corect their three morning a week she mistakes. Look at the questions works part- time at a 3, Practice and work in pairs. local supermarket. @ Have students look at -She cooks lunch for the questions that are in Practice in front of the homeless people once a the pages 77, and ask class. week. them to work in pairs -He is a machanic. He Ask them to practice. Write the correct repairs machines in a Listen and correct their answers. factory. mistakes and give the -He works about 40 hours correct answers. ( Can compare with own a week. answers ) -The John family always Then ask them to goes to Florida on compare with sentences vacation. They have a that you guessed. great time there. .Ask them to speak and write these sentences. 4/ Consolidation: @ Have students use these words to make new sentences: -My Mom/ take care/ family. -cook/ homeless poeple/ once a week/. -My Dad/ machanic/ repair/ a factory/ -golf/ free time/. -go to florida/ vacation 5/Homework: @ Learn by heartthe lesson Read this letter again Prepare b2- b5 at home. IV/Feedback: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> Signature. Date of planning:23/11/2009 Period:46,week:16 Unit seven: The world of work. B/ The worker. (B 2 + B5) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read comprehension and then compare some information . II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: feed, buffalo, pig, collect the eggs, grow rice, crop, real, buffalo shed, chicken coop. 2, Structures: He works more hours than Tim’s father. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a picture, a tape and a casette player. IV/ Teaching produres. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up. Students’ activities Listen and answer: -He is a mechanic. @Make questions for -He works in a factory. students: -He usually works 40 hours a week. Now you read the text -He has two days off a to know some week. information about him. 2, Presentation -Yes, he has a three week @Ask students to look summer vacation. at the picture and Listen to teacher. answer the question. This is Hoa’s father. What does he do? Where does he work?. The content What is Mr Jonh’s job? -Where does he work? -How many hours a week does he usually work? -How many day off a week does he have? -Does he have a three week summer vacation? You have just known some information about Tim’s father. Do you know about Hoa’s father?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> What is this? This is a buffalo. Read the text and guide students to read. 3,practice Ask them to read the text. Go around the class and help them to read. Call some students to read the text. Listen to students and correct their mistakes. Give the new words: Make questions for students: ? @ Ask students look at the part b1 and answer again the questions about Tim’s father.( Or look at the answers that they answered). Ask them to compare with them. *Who works more hours? -Mr Tuan works more hours than Mr John *Who works less hours? -Mr John works less hours than Mr Tuan. @ Rewrite two jobs into notebooks and learn by heart.. Look at the picture and answer teacher’s questions: He is a farmer. He works in the fields. Listen to teacher and read it.. Practice in front of the class. Read and write the new words. He gets one day off, four or five times a year. -Yes, he does. Read again the text is in the page 76 and answer the questions about Mr John Then they write on the table that they drawn into the notebooks. Talk about them in front of the class. Answer two questions and note these answers. Work with a partner Talk about two jobs.. feed, buffalo, pig, egg, collect, grow, rice, buffalo shed, chicken coop. -What does Mr Tuan do? -How many hours a week does he work? -How many days off does he have? -Does he work more hours than Tim’s father Answer the questions: -He is a farmer. -He works 84 hours per week. -Mr John works about 40 hours per week. He gets two days of every week. He also has a three week summer vacation. -Mr Tuan works 84 hours per week. He gets one day off, four or five times a year. He has no real vacation.. 4/ Consolidation: @ Have students talk about two jobs: mechanic and farmer. Call some students to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes again. 5/ Homework:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> copy the lesson and practice it at home Prepare B1 at home IV/ Feedback: …………………………………………………………………………………………….. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to listen for coprehension and fill out into the form. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: hours per week, amout of vacation, be on duty, assistant, annual 2, Structures: Sometimes he works in the morning and sometimes he works in the afternoon. When he has less time, he goes to the city. Tim’s father has fewer days off than his father. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a tape and a cassette- player. IV/ Procedures. Stages 1, Warm up.. Teacher’s activities @ You talk about Tim’s father’s job and Hoa’s father’s job. Make some questions for students -What is your father’s job? -How many hours a week does he work? -What’s about his vacation? 2, Presentation. @ Now you listen to the tape and take notes. Explain the aim of this listening: It talks about some people and their jobs, you listen and take notes into this form. Label a form on the board, then guide the meaning of new words: -hours per week. -amount of vacation.. Students’ activities Go to board and talk about their jobs. ( By students ). Listen to the teacher about the aim of the listening. Put the box into the notebooks Repeat these works..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> Play the tape once. Play it twice. Call some students talk about each person and ask him or her fill out into the form that is on the board. Ask students to compare with their friends. Then play the tape three time( stop each sentence and check it) Give the correct sentences: Name Job. Hours per week doctor 70. 3, Practice. 4, Production. 5, Homework.. Peter weeks Susan nurse 50 weeks Jane shop 35 assistant Phong factory 48 Worker. Listen to the tape Each student talks the sentences that he/ she has just heard. Others compare with their friends. Listen again and check into the notebooks.. Amount of vacation four three one week two weeks. @Use the form over to make sentences. Ex: Peter works more hours than Susan. Susan works fewer hours than Peter. Ask students to make sentences as the same as those. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. @ Have students talk about the following jobs: - Mechanic. - Farmer. - Worker. - Teacher. - Nurse. - Shop assistant. ( Using the structures in form over to speak ) Can ask them this question: What are you going to do in the future?. Speak loudly in frond of the class, using the examples.. Rewrite them into the books.. Each student talks about a job. ( Using the main meaning of each job). By students. ( I’m going to be a doctor). Listen. Listen and write them into the notebooks..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> Then play the tape in part “ Play with words” @ Rewrite all the jobs that you have just spoken into the notebooks. Prepare the next lesson: Unit eight.. Date of planning: Period:47, week:16.. Unit eight: Places. A/ Asking the way. ( A1+ A2 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask and show the way. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: on the right, on the left, go straight a heard, opposite.... 2, Structures: Could you tell me how to get there? Could you show me the way to the supermarket, please? III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a casette- player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up @Call on one student to go to the board and talk about one’s job that you have just learnt in unit seven. Ask students to look at the pictures in the book and name them. 2, Presentation. @ Listen and give the correct names: b. .. Students’ activities A student goes to the board and talk about one’s job. Look at the pictures and name them. Read again these places.. The content a. National Bank of Vietnam. c. Saint Paul Hospital. d. Hotel. e. The Central Post office. f. Hanoi Railway station. Dong Xuan Market a. National Bank of Vietnam. g. Saint Paul Hospital. h. Hotel. i. The Central Post office..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> Guide the students to read. Ask students: Are there any similar places in our town? Name these places. Help them to name some places that are in the town. *Now you look at the picture that is in the pages 80 and answer the questions: You’ll hear a conversation between Nga and a tourist. You listen and answer that question. Play the tape, ask students to repeat the dialogue. Have students role- play the dialogue. Listen and help the students to read correctly. Ask students to practice in front of the class. Tell students to ask over question: 3,practice @ Ask students to roleplay Nga and foreigner.( Have students use the structures that are in the dialogue) Listen and correct their mistakes.. 4/ Consolidation:. Then write them on j. Hanoi Railway station. the books. Dong Xuan Market Tell some places where you live.. Look at the picture that is in the pages 80 and answer the questions. Read and write the new words. Who are they? They are Nga and a tourist Listen the Where are they? conversation between They are on the Nga and a tourist. street. What does the tourist want? Do you know? Repeat the tape. What does the tourist want? - He wants to go to the souvenir shop. Practice in front of the - He wants to go to the class. supermarket. *He used these sentences to Ask this question. ask the way: - Could you tell me how Practice these to get to the souvenir? sentences. - Could you tell me the way to the supermarket, Practice in front of the please? class the right. National Bank of Vietnam is in front of you..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> @ Draw some street maps on the board and ask students to make the dialogue about asking the way. @ Draw some street maps on the board and ask students to make the dialogue about asking the way. 5/Homework: copy the lesson and practice it at home prepare A3 at home. IV/ Feedback: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………... Date of planning: Period:48, week:16 Unit eight: Places. A/ Asking the way. ( A3 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask for and give directions to some places. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Review some places. 2, Structures: Ask the way and give directions. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player, a street map that is in the book. IV/ Teaching procedures. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up @ Call on two students to go to the board and they ask and give directions to some places. Ask for students: Name some places that you live near them. Now I have a map where I live, and you read places that you can.. Students’ activities. The content - : Could you show me Work in pair the way...? - Go straight ahead...... Ex: school, hospital, Look at the map and factory, market, read those places. hotel......etc. Then write them into your notebooks. -. bakery: toy store: drugstore: bank:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> 2, Presentation @ Put the map on the board and ask students to read. Give the meaning of the words: Have them practice these words. Explain asking and giving directions: . 3, Practice. @ Tell students to make the dialogue as much as over one, use these wordsAsk them to roleplay. Listen to students and correct their mistakes if they have. @ Ask them to look at the map again and ask: If I go straight ahead to the second street, turn right. What is on the left next to the restaurant? The bank. You will hear similar directions. Listen the tape and write names of shops, offices you hear following the directions in the tape. Play the tape 2 or 3 times. Call on some students to read the names. And then give the correct answers: b. a. If the class has time, students will repeat the sentences in the tape. Read more times them.. -. shoe store: police station: museum: stadium:. Listen to the teacher carefully. Read loudly example.. this *Where is the bank? The bank is between the hotel and the restaurant. It’s opposite the hospital. Or: Take the second Practice it again. street on the right. The bank is ............hospital Use those words to make the dialogue. : police station, shoe Practice in front of the store, bookstore, class by rolling- play. restaurant, hotel, post office and school. Look at the map again and listen to the teacher. Answer this question. Listen to the tape and give the names of places you heard.. a. c. Repeat the sentences d. you have just heard. e.. souvenir. shoe store. Hotel. Drug store..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> 4,consolidation: @ Use the map in the book and rewrite asking and giving directions into your notebook( Use the words given in the book) 5, Homework: copy the lesson and practice at home Prepare A4- A5 at home. IV/ Feedback: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… . Signature. Date of planning: Period:49, week:17. Unit eight: Places. A/ Asking the way. ( A4+ A5 ). I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask and answer about the distance between two places. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: coach, distance, have a guess. 2, Structures: How far is from( name of place ) to( name of place )? It is .................... III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching procedures. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1, Warm up Look at the map and make Use the street map in part the dialogue. 3 to check old lesson. Call two students and ask them to ask and gve directions to those places. 2, Presatation. @ Now you listen the conversation between Listen to the tape. Hoa and Lan.. The content If you want to know the distance between two places, which question you’ll make?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> Play the tape, and ask students to repeat. Have them role- play the dialogue. Ask them to review asking the distance between two places. Ask them to practice that structure @ Label the Vietnamese map on the board. Have students ask and answer question with a partner. - * Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. 3, Practice @ Use the street map in part 3 to make the dialogue. Ask them to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes.. Repeat the conversation. -. Practice the dialogue. -. Rewrite this quetion and answer.. How far is it from Hue to Ho Chi Minh City? I think it’s about 1, 030 km.. Look at the map and practice with a partner. How far is it from Hanoi to Vinh It’s about 913 km. Practice in front of the class. Look at again the street map in part 3 and make the dialogue as the example. ( By replacing the underlined words ) -. Could you tell me the way to the supermarket? Go straight ahead, take the first street on the right . It is in front of you. How far is it from here to the supermarket? Practice in front of the It’s about 500 meters class.. 4/ Consolidation: students play role the following dialogue again. Then ask and answer the questions. 5/ Homework: Have students read and write the part : remember. @ Learn by heat the structures in unit 8. Rewrite the questions and ansers in part 5 into your notebooks. Do exercises: 2 ( in pages 48 ) IV/ Feedback: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: Period: 50, week:17. Unit eight:. Places..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> B/ At the post office( B1) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask for information at the post office and practice in inquiring about prices. II/ Language contents. 1,Vocabulary: send, envolope, altogether, cost,change, mail, pay, receive. 2, Structures: How much does/ do .........pay it/ altogether? - It costs/ they cost............ How much chance does/ do................receive? - 1,000 dong. I’d like to send this letter to the USA. III/ Teaching aids. - make a plan. - Prapare a book, a tape and a cassette plaeyer. IV/ Teaching procedures. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up. @ Make questions for students: 2, Presetation. @ Now you look at this picture in the pages 83 and make questions for students: What do people usually do at the post office? If students don’t answer by English, you can speak by Vietnamese. Teacher helps them: Ask them to repeat these words. Play the tape and ask the students to listen the conversation between Liz and Clerk to know what they are talking about. Have them role play the dialogue. Listen and correct their. Students’ activities Listen and answer questions: - Yes, I do. - The post office. - About............ - Yes, I do. - About......... The content the -. Look at he picture and answer the question. -. Do you usually write the letters Where do you go to send them How far is it from your house to the post office? Do you often buy stamps and envelopes? How much are they?. Can by Vietnamese. Read after the teacher. And write them. Listen to the tape and repeat. Role play the dialogue.. sending letter/ postcard, sending/ receiving parcel, making long/ short distance phone calls, buying stamps/ envelopes..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> mistakes if they have. - I’d like to send this Explain the structures: Listen to the teacher letter to the USA. Play the tape again and explaining. - I’d like some ask students to repeat. envelopes. 3, Practice. - How much is/ are+ @ Then have them S? answer the questions in How much does/ the book. Read these sentences. do+ S+ cost? Listen and correct their -It’s+ price. mistakes. Listen the tape again and -It costs/ Theycost+ Give the correct answer the questions. price. answers: Practice in front of the class. - . Work with a partner. * Answer: Ask students to work - Liz’ll mail the letter with a partner by asking to USA. and answering the Answering the questions. - She pays 11,500 questions about you. Work in small groups. dong altogether. - Do you usually go to Make a new dialogue by She receives 3,500dong the post office? basing on the conversation in in change - Where is your part one. nearest post office? Practice in front of the class. - How do you get there from your home? - How much do your stamps and envelopes cost? Go around the class to help students. 4/ Consolidation: @ Have students work with a partner by basing on the conversation in part 1, you make up a similar conversation. The first the teacher can role- play a clerk and a student – a clerk. Then students make the dialogue. Go around the class and help students to make sentences. Ask them to practice in front of the class. Note the main structures: - I’d like to +V.......? - How much do/ does..........cost? It cost/ They cost........ 5/ Homework: @ Learn by heat the words and the structures. Read the dialogue more time. Do ex.1,2 ( in pages 50 ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> IV/ Feedback: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Date of planning: Period:51, week:17. Unit eight: Places. B/ At the post office. ( B2 – B3 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read for comprehension and answer the questions. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: local stamps, overseas mail, regularly, phone card. 2, Structures: I’d like some stamps for overseas mail. I need to buy a phone card. I need a phone card. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and a picture. IV/ Teaching procedures. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up Call two students and ask them to make the dialogue at the post office. 2, Presentation.. Students’ activities Two students go the board and make the dialogue. Look at the picture and. The content.  Guiding questions:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> Now you look at the picture and answer the questions: Ask the students to guess.( they can speak by Vietnamese ) If you want to know, you’ll listen to the conversation between Nga and Hoa. @ Play the tape. Ask students to repeat the tape. Call on some students to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Give some words that students didn’t know: Play the tape again and have students role- play it in front of the class again. Make questions for students: Ask students to compare with their guessing 3, Practice. @ Ask students to ask and answer the questions in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Give the correct answers: @ Ask students to talk about them. The first teacher can make questions for them , then the students make questions and answer them.. answer the questions; - to the post office. - They stamps.. want. Where do Hoa and Nga go after school? What do they want from some the post office? Do you know?. Listen to the tape and repeat. Practice in front of the class. Repeat these words. Rewrite them into the notebooks. Role -play the tape. Listen to the teacher and answer the teacher’s questions. Others listen to their answers and give comments. Compare with over guessing.. Make questions and answers in front of the class. If they have time, they’ll write these answers into the Guides students read and notebooks. complete the dialogue.. *New words:  local stamps.  Stamps for overseas.  A phone card. What does Hoa need from the post office? - Why does she need stamps for overseas? - How often does she write the letters? - Why does she need a phone card? - Does she phone her parents one a week? Answers: - Hoa needs some local stamps, some stamps for overseas and a phone card. - Because she has a pen pal in America. - She writes the letters very regularly- about once a month. - Because she phones her parents once a week. - Yes, she does.  Complete the dialogue Hoa: I would like.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span> Goes aroud class to check and help weak students Asks students to read in pair after completing Has students make up similar dialogues, use the words in the box. Read in silence then complete the dialogue Work in pair Make up dialogue suggestions.. similar with. five….. Clerk: Here you are... Hoa: …how much… Clerk: That is.. Hoa: Here is… Clerk:…Here’s your chang. 4/ Consolidation: @ Make the dialogue again. Answer the questions about you: What do you do from the post office?/ Why do you need them? 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home. Prepare B4- B5 at hom IV/Feedback: ………………………………………………………………………………………. Signature Date of planning: Period:52, week:18. Unit eight: Places. B/ At the post office.( B4- B5 ). I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak about the price of some things and practice listening for comprehension. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Review the words that are used at the post office. 2, Structures: I’d like........... How much is a letter to America? It’s 9,500 dong. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a cassette- player and a tape. IV/ Teaching procedures. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1, Warm up Make a dialogue and @ Ask students to make a answer the teacher’s dialogue again, and ask questions. some questions about Hoa and about the students.. The content *The questions: What does Hoa need from the post office? - Why does she need.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> Look at the picture and @ Ask students to read answer the question. the words given in the box and the dialogue. 2,Presentation Listen to the tape. @ Ask them look at the picture in the pages 85 and answer the questions:. Now you listen and say the cost of each item as Read the words in the box. well as the total cost of the things. Listen the tape again. Play the tape twice and ask them to answer the Read the dialogue that you questions: have completed. 3, Practice. Or practice in frontof the class. ( Ask students to listen the price of each item, then Listen the tape again and they must add up total). correct the mistakes. Give the correct answer: Ask them to listen again. Use the words in the box @ Explain the part 5. and make the other Read the questions and dialogue. ask students to answer them. Practice in front of the Have them work with a class. partner. Ask students first, then Look at the picture. ask them to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their Speak the name of these mistakes. things. 4/ Consolidation: Have students read the part: Remember: _ I need some envelopes. _ I need to buy a phone card. _ I’d like some stamps for overseas. _ I’d like to sed this letter to America. 5/ Homework: Write the lesson and practice it at home Review all the lessons.. stamps for overseas? - How often does she write the letters? - Why does she need a phone card? What are they? These are the things which Mrs Robinson will buy. What is the total cost? _ How much change will Mrs. Robinson have from 60,000 dong? -. The total cost is 59,000dong. She will have 1,000dong.  Questions: a/ How much is it to mail a local letter in Viet Nam? b/ How much is a letter to America? What does the post office sell apart from stamps?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span> IV/Feedback:. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 51, 52.. Consolidate for the first term. I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will review all the main words, structures and grammar that the students learnt from unit one to unit one. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: 2, Structures: III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book and some exercises. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up. 2 Practice. Teacher’s activities @ Make questions about students: - How are you? - Where do you study? - How often do you go to school? - How do you usually go to school?.....etc. Today we review the knowledge that we learnt from unit one to unit eight. @ Ex.1: Write correct tense of verbs in parentheses. - She needs (send) this letter to America. - The students in class 7a(learn) English now. - The doctor (take) care of sick people. - My mother usually (go) to work by motorbike. - We (visit) our grandmother this summer vacation.. Students’ activities Listen and answer the teacher’s questions.. Do these exercises. -. to sent. -. are learning. -. takes. -. goes. -. will visit.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span> Ex. 2: Make questions for underlined words. - She plays badminton twice a week. - Tourists visit the citadel in Hue. - They will buy new shoes next Sunday. - It takes me two hours to do my homework. - Our classes start at 7 o’clock. Ex.3: Make questions with the words given. - The farmers work very hard. - Vietnamese students work 25 hours a week. - She isn’t definitely because she works about 45 hours a week. - They always go to Ha Long Bay on vacation Ex.4: Write correct adjectives in the blanks. - Hoa is (thin) than Mai. - Who is the (tall) person in your family? - My father has (little) days of than my mother. - Easter and Christmas are the (important) vacations of American students. - She is a (good) student in my class. Ex.5: Rewrite the following sentences: - No one in our class is taller than Nam. - How interesting movie is! - What is your address? - What is your date of birth? - It’s one fifteen. Ex.6: Put one correct word into the blank to complete the following sentences. - I live with my family..........34. -. How often does she play badminton? What do tourists visit in Hue? When will they buy new shoes? How long does it take you to do your homework? What time do your classes start? How/ do the farmer work? How many/ hours a week do Vietnamese students work? Why/ isn’t she definitely? Where/ do they always go on vacation?. -. thinner tallest. -. less. -. most important. -. good. Nam is the/ tallest student in my class. What/ an interesting movie! Where/ do you live? When/ is your birthday? It’s fifteen past one.. -. at. - send.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span> Ly Thuong Kiet Street. - I’d like to.........this letter to USA. - ...........terrible weather! - She.........at supermarket. *Ex.7: Read carefully, and then answer te questions. Mr. Tuan and his wife, Mrs Hoa, live in Ha Tay. They both work in Ha noi.Mrs Hoa works in a hotel and Mr Tuan drives a taxi. They both enjoytheir jobs, because they meet a lot of different people. They live in a nice house, but they want to move.We like our jobs.Mrs Hoa says, but we have to travel in Ha noi every day. It takes a long time and it cost a lot of money. Mrs Hoa wants to buy a house in Ha Noi, but houses cost a lot too. a. Where do Mr Tuan and Mrs Hoa live? b. Where Does Mrs Hoa work? c. What does Mr Tuan do? d. Why do they enjoy their jobs? e. Why do they want to move to Hanoi?. -. What Works.  Ex.8:Choose the correct words to complete the following sentences: a. My parents are.......work now. ( in, with, at, on ) b. ...........are there in your room? ( which, what, who, how ) c. Hoa has...........of friends in Hue.( many, any, lots, some ) d. Hw is your new house different .......your old house? ( with, about, to, from ) e. His uncle works.......his farm. ( at, on, in, from ) f. Which of these two houses. -. at.. -. Which. -. Lots. -. From. -. on. -. cheaper. Read the text carefully. Practice in front of the class.. Work with a partner.. Answer the questions: -. They live in Ha Tay.. -. She works in a hotel. He is a taxi driver. Because they meet a lot of different people. Because they have to treval into Ha noi every day.. -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span> are.......( cheap, cheaper, cheapest, the cheapest). Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 55. Date of planning: Period: 58, week:20. Unit nine: At. home and away.. A/ A holiday in Nha Trang. ( A1 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to tell the activities that happened in the past and talk about a vacation. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: was, were, had, did, took, bought, wasn’t, gift, trip, tired 2, Structures: The past simple tense with irregular verbs. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette- player, and some pictures of Nha Trang. IV/ Teaching procedures. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1, Warm up Listen to the teacher and @ Make questions for answer the teacher’s students: questions. ( by students ) 2,Presentation Now we are going to listen to a conversation between Ba and Liz. They are talking about Listen. The content - What do you always do in summer vacation? - Do you like traveling? - Do you know which place is it? What you do when you visit Nha Trang?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span> Liz’s vacation in Nha Trang. You listen and tell me what they did there @Play the tape twice and ask students to repeat it. Have students work with a partner 3, Practice: Call on some pairs and ask them to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Talk about the dialogue: all activities that Liz tells about happened in the past: - a Ask the students to ask and answer each other. Listen to them carefully and correct their mistakes. @ Have the students read again the dialogue. Then ask them to arrange those sentences into order with a partner Call on students to read in front of the class. Then give the keys. Explain about the past verbs. go- went do- did Buy-bought visit- visited Take- took talk- talked Have had.return- returned Be- was/ were Ask them to read after teacher. @ Have students read the reading again and then answer the questions about Liz.. Listen and repeat the . How was your dialogue. vacation in N.T? - It was wonderful. I Work with a partner. had a lot of fun. b. What did you think Practice in front of of N.T? class. - It was beautiful. The people were friendly, but most things Read after the teacher. weren’t cheap. c. What places did you visit? Listen and write. - My parents took me to see Cham Temples and Tri Nguyen Aquarium. d. Did you buy any souvenirs? Practice in front of the - Yes, I did. I bought a class. lot of different gifts for friends in America. f. Were you tired after Talk about Liz. the trip? Number the sentences No, I wasn’t. -. Ask and answer these questions again in front of the class. -. Read again the dialogue. Arrange these sentences with a partner. Speak in front of the class.. Liz went to Nha Trang. Liz visited Tri Nguen Aquarium. Liz bought souvenirs. Liz returned to Ha Noi. Liz talked to Ba about her vacation..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span> 4/ Consolidation: *Ask the students talk about you by asking some questions: -Where did you go last vacation? -What did you think of it? -What places did you visit? -What did you buy? -Were you happy after the trip? 5/ Homework: @ Read the dialogue many times. Learn by heart the verbs in the past tense . prepare B1 at home Talk about Liz and you in past vacation. IV/ Feedback: ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Date of planning: Period:59, week:20 Unit nine: At home and away. A/ A holiday in Nha Trang. ( A2 ) I/ Objectivies. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the past tense and read comprehension. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: shark, dolphin, turtle, crap, type of fish, cap, poster, saw, thought, wore, ate. 2, Structures: The simple past tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a cassette player and a tape and some pictures of animals in the sea. IV/ Teaching produres. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content 1, Warm up @ Put the correct verbs in asks students to put the the blanks correct verbs in the Go to board and do this Liz............to Tri Nguyen blanks ( went, bought wasn’t, with her parents. had,went) She.........a lot of souvenirs for her friends Guess by Vietnamese or by in America.She........... English: What did Liz tired after the trip. 2, Presentation andher family do dring the She....................a great.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span> You knew that Liz and her family visited Tri Nguyen aquarium. Can you guess what Liz and her family did during the visit to Tri Nguyen? Call on some students to guess (they can guess by Vietnamese) 3/practice: @Play the tape and ask students to listen and read while listening the tape. Go around the class and help them. Call on some students to read the text in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Note the words that they don’t know: Ask them to work with a partner by asking the questions in the book. Call on some pairs to read loudly in front of the class. Listen and give the correct answers.. visit to Aquarium?. Tri. Nguen time.(bought, was’t. had, went. Listen to the tape and read it. New words: Read loudly in fron of the - shark, dolphin, turtle, class. crab, cap - see( saw), Read after the teacher these wear( wore ), eat( ate ) words. * Answer the questions: Work with a partner. - Her parents went to the aquarium with her. - They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many different types Students write the answer of fish. on the extra- board - They bought a cap and Work in group in ten a poster. minutes - Yes, she did. Liz wore the cap all day. - Yes, they ate fish and crab. - Because she rememberedthe Work in pair after correcting beautiful fish in the Work in pair again aquarium.. 4/ Consolidation: tell the story of Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium. Ask them to do in small groups, then call on students to speak each picture Listen and give the correct sentences - The Robinson family went to the aquarium. - They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many colorful fish. - There was a souvenir shop near the exit of the aquarium. - Mr Robinson bought Liz a cap with a picture of a dolphin on it. Mrs Robinson bought a poster. - After their visit to the aquarium, the Roinsons went to a food stall. Mr. And Mrs. Robinson ate fish and crab and Liz ate noodles. 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span> Prepare A3- A5 at home. IV/ Feedback: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 1, Warm up @ Put the correct verbs in the blanks Go to board and do this Liz............to Tri Nguyen with her ( went, bought wasn’t, had ) parents. She.........a lot of souvenirs for her friends in America.She........... tired after the trip. She....................a great time.(bought, was’t. had, went) You knew that Liz and her family Guess by Vietnamese or by visited Tri Nguyen aquarium. Can English: What did Liz andher you guess what Liz and her family family do dring the visit to Tri did during the visit to Tri Nguyen? Nguen Aquarium? Call on some students to guess (they 2, Presentation can guess by Vietnamese) Listen to the tape and read it. @Play the tape and ask students to listen and read while listening the Read loudly in fron of the class. tape. Go around the class and help them. Read after the teacher these Call on some students to read the words. text in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Work with a partner. Note the words that they don’t know: - shark, dolphin, turtle, crab, cap Practice the text by asking and - see( saw), wear( wore ), eat( ate ) answeing the questions. Ask them to work with a partner by asking the questions in the book. Call on some pairs to read loudly in Listen and repeat front of the class. Listen and give the correct answers. - Her parents went to the aquarium with her. Answer again these questions. - They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many different types of fish. - They bought a cap and a poster. - Yes, she did. Liz wore the cap all Read the text again. day. - Yes, they ate fish and crab. 3, Practice - Because she rememberedthe beautiful fish in the aquarium. Look at the pictures and tell the @ Have students read again the text story of Liz’s trip..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span> 4, Production. 5, Homwork. then make and answer again questuions. Listen and correst their mistakes. Now you look at these pictures and tell the story of Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium. Ask them to do in small groups, then call on students to speak each picture Listen and give the correct sentences - The Robinson family went to the aquarium. - They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many colorful fish. - There was a souvenir shop near the exit of the aquarium. - Mr Robinson bought Liz a cap with a picture of a dolphin on it. Mrs Robinson bought a poster. - After their visit to the aquarium, the Roinsons went to a food stall. Mr. And Mrs. Robinson ate fish and crab and Liz ate noodles. @ Have students read again the text and tell about the trip of Liz’s family to Aquarium in Nha Trang. Then make some questions for the text to review the past tense: - Where did they go? - Did they see sharks, dolphins.....? - What did Mr. Robinson buy for Liz? - Why did Liz eat noodles for lunch? After that the teacher notes the verbs in the past:* see- saw, eat- ate,thinkthought, wear- wore, look- looked, buy- bought, be- was/ were,go- went @ Read more time the text and tell again. Learn by heart all the verbs in the past. Do ex. 1,2( pages 53- S.B.T ). Work in small groups Speak about each picture. Speak again these sentences. If you have time you can rewrite these sentences into your notebooks.. Use the answers to tell again the story of Liz’s trip. Review the past tense by answer these questions: - They went to aquarium. - Yes, they did. - He bought a cap for Liz. - Because she remembered the beutiful fish in the aquarium. *Repeat these verbs and write them into the notebooks. Rewrite the duty into your notebooks.. Compare with owner answers. Speak in front of the class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span> 3, Practice.. 4, Production. 5, Homework. 1, Warm up. -b. The Robinsons returned to Ha Noi by bus. -d. This was the first time Liz saw the paddies. -e. They stopped at restaurant for a short time. -h. Mrs Robinson bought some food for Liz. -j. They arrived home in the evening. Play the tape the four times and stop it in each sentence to check the key and explain the new words: - Unfortunately: thËt kh«ng may - rice paddy: cánh đồng - peaceful: yªn b×nh - roadside restaurant: nhµ hµng ven đờng - peanuts: l¹c @ Ask students to read the sentences which they hear. And answer questions : -How did they returned to Ha Noi? -Was the second time Liz saw the paddies? -What did they do on the way back to Ha Noi? -What time did they arrived home? Call some pairs to practice . @ Talk about you by answering the questions: -How did you go to school yesterday -What time did you come back home -Did you watch T.V? -What did you do after school? @ Tell about Liz’s trip. Learn by heart all the verbs in the past. Write 5 sentences what you did yes.. Listen the tape again and check.. Read and write these words.. Read again and answer the questions: -. -. By bus. No, she wasn’t. They stopped at the restaurant and Mrs. Robinson bought some food for Liz. At about 7 p.m. Work with a partner. Practice in front of the class. Listen and rewrite the duty into the notebooks. @ Put the correct verbs in the blanks Go to board and do this Liz............to Tri Nguyen with her ( went, bought wasn’t, had ) parents. She.........a lot of souvenirs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span> 2, Presentation. 3, Practice. for her friends in America.She........... tired after the trip. She....................a great time.(bought, was’t. had, went) You knew that Liz and her family visited Tri Nguyen aquarium. Can you guess what Liz and her family did during the visit to Tri Nguyen? Call on some students to guess (they can guess by Vietnamese) @Play the tape and ask students to listen and read while listening the tape. Go around the class and help them. Call on some students to read the text in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Note the words that they don’t know: - shark, dolphin, turtle, crab, cap - see( saw), wear( wore ), eat( ate ) Ask them to work with a partner by asking the questions in the book. Call on some pairs to read loudly in front of the class. Listen and give the correct answers. - Her parents went to the aquarium with her. - They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many different types of fish. - They bought a cap and a poster. - Yes, she did. Liz wore the cap all day. - Yes, they ate fish and crab. - Because she rememberedthe beautiful fish in the aquarium. @ Have students read again the text then make and answer again questuions. Listen and correst their mistakes. Now you look at these pictures and tell the story of Liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium. Ask them to do in small groups, then. Guess by Vietnamese or by English: What did Liz andher family do dring the visit to Tri Nguen Aquarium? Listen to the tape and read it. Read loudly in fron of the class. Read after the teacher these words. Work with a partner. Practice the text by asking and answeing the questions. Listen and repeat. Answer again these questions.. Read the text again.. Look at the pictures and tell the story of Liz’s trip. Work in small groups Speak about each picture.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span> 4, Production. 5, Homwork. call on students to speak each picture Listen and give the correct sentences - The Robinson family went to the aquarium. - They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles and many colorful fish. - There was a souvenir shop near the exit of the aquarium. - Mr Robinson bought Liz a cap with a picture of a dolphin on it. Mrs Robinson bought a poster. - After their visit to the aquarium, the Roinsons went to a food stall. Mr. And Mrs. Robinson ate fish and crab and Liz ate noodles. @ Have students read again the text and tell about the trip of Liz’s family to Aquarium in Nha Trang. Then make some questions for the text to review the past tense: - Where did they go? - Did they see sharks, dolphins.....? - What did Mr. Robinson buy for Liz? - Why did Liz eat noodles for lunch? After that the teacher notes the verbs in the past:* see- saw, eat- ate,thinkthought, wear- wore, look- looked, buy- bought, be- was/ were,go- went @ Read more time the text and tell again. Learn by heart all the verbs in the past. Do ex. 1,2( pages 53- S.B.T ). Speak again these sentences. If you have time you can rewrite these sentences into your notebooks.. Use the answers to tell again the story of Liz’s trip. Review the past tense by answer these questions: - They went to aquarium. - Yes, they did. - He bought a cap for Liz. - Because she remembered the beutiful fish in the aquarium. *Repeat these verbs and write them into the notebooks. Rewrite the duty into your notebooks.. Compare with owner answers. Speak in front of the class.. -b. The Robinsons returned to Ha Noi by bus. Listen the tape again and check. -d. This was the first time Liz saw the paddies. -e. They stopped at restaurant for a.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span> 3, Practice.. 4, Production. 5, Homework. short time. -h. Mrs Robinson bought some food for Liz. -j. They arrived home in the evening. Play the tape the four times and stop it in each sentence to check the key and explain the new words: - Unfortunately: thËt kh«ng may - rice paddy: cánh đồng - peaceful: yªn b×nh - roadside restaurant: nhµ hµng ven đờng - peanuts: l¹c @ Ask students to read the sentences which they hear. And answer questions : -How did they returned to Ha Noi? -Was the second time Liz saw the paddies? -What did they do on the way back to Ha Noi? -What time did they arrived home? Call some pairs to practice . @ Talk about you by answering the questions: -How did you go to school yesterday -What time did you come back home -Did you watch T.V? -What did you do after school? @ Tell about Liz’s trip. Learn by heart all the verbs in the past. Write 5 sentences what you did yes.. Read and write these words.. Read again and answer the questions: -. -. By bus. No, she wasn’t. They stopped at the restaurant and Mrs. Robinson bought some food for Liz. At about 7 p.m. Work with a partner. Practice in front of the class. Listen and rewrite the duty into the notebooks. V/ Draw experience.. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Date of planning:…/ Period:60, week:20. Unit nine: At. home and away..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span> A/ A holiday in Nha Trang. ( A3+ A5 ). I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to hold information through listening and tell again the story you hear. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: paddy, stop, arrive 2, Structures: The past simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up @Ask the students tell about the trip of Liz. 2, Presentation @ You know that Liz’s family visited Nha Trang on vacation. Can you guess? Now you look at A3 and read these sentences, then you listen to the tape and choose the sentence in each pair which contains the similar information to the tape. Play the tape three times. Go around the class and help the students. Call on some students to read the choice. After that, give the correct sentences - improve Call some students to read the diary in front of class. Make questions for students: Ask students to work with a partner and then practice in front of the. Students’ activities Tell about Liz’s trip.. The content. Play: Rub out and remember Play the game by making Went was sentences with the words visited given in the box. Bought saw had Ate remember wasn’t Guess about this ( can talk by Vietnamese ) How did they return to Ha Noi? -What did they do on the way back to Ha Noi? -What time did Read these statements. they arrived home?. Listen to the tape. Work with a partner.. -. Read owner choice.. -. Listen to the teacher. -. Read Ba’s diary loudly in font of the class. -. Work with a partner by. Where did Liz and her parents arrive in Ha Noi from? What does Mr Robinson do? Who taught Liz Vietnamese? What does Ba collect? Where does her aunt live? When will they have dinner together?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span> class. asking these @ Have them look at : questions.Listen to - Liz lived next door to Ba. Now make these teacher. - Liz learned Vietnamese in sentences true and Vietnam. explain doing. - Ba collects stamps. Go around class and help Work in small groups. - Liz's aunt lived in New students to do. After that, Compare with teacher’s York. call on some students to answers. - They moved to the other read loudly. Work in small groups. side of Ha Noi. Listen and correct their Listen and correct. - They moved. Now Ba is mistakes. sad. 4/ Consolidation: @ Ask students to prepare a paper and write a diary of yesterday. Call on some students to read and give them the marks. Or ask them to use these verbs to make sentences: talk, go, arrive, teach, learn, do..... 5/Homework: @ Read again Ba’s diary then write a diary of your. Do exercise 4- pages 54 Prepare B1-B2 at home. IV/ Feedback: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Signature. V/ Draw experience..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span> Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 58. Unit nine: At home and away. A/ A holiday in Nha Trang ( A4 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of he lesson, the students will be able to use the past simple tense with verbs talk, rent, move..........through the reading comprehension. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: mine, rent, keep in touch, improve. 2, Structures: past simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up. Teacher’s activities @True or false: -Liz’s family went to Ha Noi on vacation. -They saw sharks, dolphins and turtles in Tri Nguyen Aquarium. -Liz didn’t eat fish. -They came back home by bus. -Liz saw rice paddies many times. -They arrived in Ha Noi at 7pm. Ask students to look at A4 and make some questions: -Is this a letter? No, it’s a diary. -Do you write diary? -What do you always write in your diary? ( If student answer yes. ) 2,Presentation @ Now you read Ba’s diary and talk What did Ba write in his diary? Have students read Ba’s diary. Help students to read some new words: - friend of mine. Date of planning:……/2010 Period:61, week: 21. Students’ activities Go to board and do this exercise. - false. - True - True - True. - False - False. Listen and answer the teacher’s questions.. Read Ba’s diary. Read with a partner. Practice in front of the class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span> Unit nine: At home and away. B/ Neighbors.( B1 + B2) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to the events that happen in the past. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: cut, hairdresser, neighbor, material, dressmaker, make. 2, Structures: Ms. Mai bought the material and made the dress for me. What a clever woman! III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player and a picture. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up @Ask students to talk about the activities that they did last week. Have them look at the pictures and listen to the teacher: Hoa and Lan are friends. They are talking to other. Now you listen to the tape carefully and tell me what are they talking about. 2,Presentation @ Play the tape. Ask students to the tape and rewrite things that you heard. Play the tape again. Have students talk in front of the class. Ask them to open the books and compare with the dialogue. Listen and repeat the dialogue. 3, Practice Call on some students to practice the dialogue in. Students’ activities Speak in front of the class, then write them.. The content Guiding questions:. Look at the picture and What activities did they guess what they are do last week? talking about. You know what they are taking about?. Listen to the tape and write sentences that you are heard Speak those sentences. Look at the dialogue and compare. Teacher explains: Repeat the dialogue. - What a nice dress! - What a clever woman! Practice in front of the - What an interesting class. book! Read these compliments.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span> front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Listen and compare with They are compliments with How....! What+ N Ask the students to compare with the Repeat the new words. - What does Hoa’s aunt compliments with Read again the dialogue do? How...........! and answer the questions. - Did her aunt cut Hoa’s Give the new words: cut, hair? neighbor, hairdresser, - What does Mrs. Mai material, dressmaker Practice with a partner by do? @ Have students read again using the Yes- No - What did Mrs. Mai do the dialogue and then questions. for Hoa? answer the questions: Ask them to practice with a - She’s a hairdresser. partner by asking an - Yes, she did. answering the questions Talk about the neighbors - Mrs. Mai is a Listen and correct their by asking the following dressmaker. mistakes. questions. - She bought the Now you practice Yes- No material and made the question. ( by the students ) dress for Hoa. The first teacher makes questions Did Hoa buy the dress? Then ask students to Listen and write the duty No, she didn’t. practice. into the notebooks. 4/ Consolidation: @ Have students talk about your neighbors: - Are your neighbors friendly? - Do you sometimes help them? - Do they help you? - What do you do for them? - What do they do for you? Ask them to work with a partner, then practice in front of the class. 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home. Prepare B3- B4 at home IV/ Feedback: ……………………………………………………………………………………………... Date of planning:……../ 2010 Period: 62, week: 21..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span> Unt nine: At home and away. B/ Neighbors. ( B3+ B4 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use past simple tense to speak through the text: The neighbor. II/Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: sew, hobby, decide, sewing machine, cushion, try, fit. 2, Structures: Past simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up @Read a dialogue and answer the questions, can use the Lucky number. Make some questions for students: - Teacher introduces some words: sewing, knitting, cooking......etc 2,Presentation @ Now you read the text about Hoa then answer some questions about her. Ask students to read silently and tell the content of the text. Teacher can make question for students: Call some students to read the text on front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes by guiding them to read the new words 3, Practice. @Ask them to answer the questions by working with a partner. Call some pairs to practice in. Students’ activities. The content What do you learn in Go to the board. Home Economic Answer the questions: - Do you like it? What do you like to do most in Home Economics? Read the text about Hoa - We learn how to cook. silently and tell the - Yes, I do. content of the text. - I like to cook most. Mrs. Mai- Hoa’s neighbor made a dress for her. Read the text in front of Who made a dress for the class. Hoa? Read and write these words * New words: Sew : ¸ sewing machine: cushion: try: Work with a partner. fit: hobby: Practice in front of the She learn how to use a -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span> front of the class. Listen and class these questions and sewing machine correct their mistakes, and answers. -She made her cushion then give the correst answers: for her armchair first. -It was blue and while. Have them write two -Next, she made her skirt. sentences into their Correct the mistakes and -It was green with while notebooks. write two sentences. flowers on it. @ Ask students to tell about *It looked very pretty. their neighbor by working -She tried it on but it with a partner. didn’t fit. Go around the class and help -Hoa’ neighbor helped them by making some her. questions: -Finally, it fitted very we -What is her/ his name? -How old is she/ he? Work with a partner to -What does she/ he do? tell about owner -What is she/ he good at? neighbor. Put the past verbs: Then have them do exercise Watch – watched in part 4. First answer these Buy – bought Explain doing it. questions and then tell Cut – cut Call some students to read about her or him. Use – used the work. Decide – decided / was Listen and give the correct Make – made/ wasn’t answers: @ Read more time Do this exercise, after Help – helped the text about Hoa. that read the work in Fit - fitted Rewrite the text in part 4, front of the class. and Remember into the notebooks. Listen and correct Learn by heart the part Remember.. 4/ Consolidation: Make the sentences with watched, bought, cut, used, decided, was, made, was, wasn’t, helped, fitted again.. 5/ Homework: Rewrite these duties into the notebooks.Then practice it at home. Prepare language focus 3( 1 -2) at home. IV/ Feedback: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning:……../2010.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span> Period:63, week:21.. Language focus three(1-2) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the knowlegdes from unit six to unit nine to do the exercises, especialy the past simple tense. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: 2, Structures: past simple tense, presenr simple tense, prepositions, adjectives: more, less, fewer. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare further exercises. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up @Make some questions for students: @Through these answers, the teacher reviews past simple tense: 2/ preview*Uses: The past simple tense expresses an action that completely finished in the past. This tense always goes with: yesterday, last night/ week/ year, ago..... 3, Practice @ Ask students to do the exercises *Past simple tense( in pages 97 ). a.Have students work, and then go to the board write the past simple tense. Buybought. Send- sent Helphelped. Think- thought Remember- remember. Taketook talk- talked b.Ask students to work. Students’ activities The content Answer the questions. - Hoa watched Mrs. Mai - What did Hoa do? make her dress. - What did her neighbor - She made a dress for Hoa. do for Hoa? - What did you do last night? Listen to the teacher carefully and rewrite them. *Formation: S + Ved/ V2. S + didn’t + V. Give some examples. Did + S + V? Example: Return- returned. -Mrs. Mai bought the Buy- bought. material. Go- went -Mrs. Mai didn’t buy the material. -Did Mrs Mai buy the material? -What did Mrs. Mai do for Answer the questions. Hoa? Structures: - How much is it? It’s 15,000dong Work with a partner Practice - How far is it from the in front of the class. shoes store to the minimart? It’s 500 meters Correct the mistakes.. -. help my Mom/ study.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span> with a partner. Read again these sentences. English Call on students to do each When did you decorate our - I cleaned my room, sentence, then give the classroom? helped my Mom, correct answers: played, - What did Hoa try on? studied English, talked, bought, worked, - Who did he talk to about watched TV, played sent. the film on TV? foodball and stayed at *Simple tense( in pages 98 - Where did you put the Hoa’s house. ) cake? - I will study English, Have students work with a - What time did you leave clean my room, help partner and then practice home for school? my Mom, see a movie, in front of the class. visit my grandmother Give the correct answers: Rewrite the duty into the and buy new shoes. *For one and two, the notebooks teacher asks students to make similar dialogues, use the words given in the book. Listen and correct their mistakes 4/ Consolidation: @ Write the questions with Wh- questions. - We decorated our classroom on Saturday evening. - Hoa tried her new dress on. - He talked to his teacher about the film on TV. - I put the cake on the cupboard. - I left home for school at 6.30 yesterday. 5/ Homework: @ Learn by heart the past simple tense and other structures. - Do exercises3, 4 in pages 56, 57. Learn by heart all the verbs and rewrite them into the notebooks. IV/ Feedback: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Signature. V/ Draw experience..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span> Date of planning: 01/01/2009 Period: 65, week: 22 Unit ten: Health and hygiene. A/ Personal hygiene. ( A1 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the phrases and structures to tell about personal hygiene. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: take moernig exercise, get up, eat candy, take care of yourself, iron your own clothes. 2, Structures: Use the past simple tense and simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tapeand a casstte player. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up @Call on studentsto do the exercise: Put the verbs into past simple tense. Do you remember about Hoa? Where does she come from? Where does she live now? Who does she live with? Where do her parents live? 2, Presentation @ You know that Hoa lives with her aunt in Ha Noi and her parent live in Hue, so that they usually write letters to Hoa. Now you read the letter wich Hoa’s mother sent her. Can you guess, what her mother wrote in the letter? Ask students to listen to. Students’ activities. The content. Go to the board and do this exercise: - ate. - Taught. - Made. -. Listen and and answer the questions: - She comes from Hue. - She lives with her aunt. - They live in Hue.. We( eat ).........a delicious dinner at restaurant last Sunday. He( teach )..........me English two weeks ago. I( make )...........a shirt for my Mom. Listen and guess.  New words: -. Listen to the teacher. Read silently the letter Read and words.. write. these. -. Take morning exercises: Get up early: Take care of oneself: Don’t eat too much candy or stay up late..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span> teacher, then read silently it. Guide reading the new words: Those actions are called personal hygiene. Call some students to read the text in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Make questions for each paraghraph: Ask them to work with a partner, then call some pairs to pracice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Give them the correct answers: Call spme students to read the text again. 3, Pactice @ Ask students to work in small groups by writing actions to take care of personal hygiene. Give some statements: brush teeth, wash clothes, have a bath, iron clothes Call on each group to tell about it. Listen and correct the mistakes.. Why are Hoa’s parents busy? Practice in front of the - Who helps them on the class. farm? - When did her aunt Read again each receive Hoa’s letter? paraghraph and answer the *What does her Mom want questions. her to do? *What does she want Hoa not to do? Work with a partner . - When will her parents go to Ha Noi? -. Answer these questions in front of the class.. Correct the answers. Read the text again. * Answer the questions: Work in small groups by writing the actions to take care of personal hygiene oneself. Talk about it in front of the class. Work in pair again. Her Mom wants her to do her own washing and ironing clothes. Her Mom doesn’t want her to eat too much candy and stay up late..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span> 4/ Consolidation: Listen and correct by opening each sentence: - Hoa got up and took a shower. - She polish her shoes and put them. She had her breakfast. - She put a sandwich in her lunch box. She went to school. - At recess, she drank some water and talked with her friends. - At home she changed into red pants and a shirt, she put on her sandals. - She washed and ironed her clothes - She went to bed at 11 o’clock. ( a, e, f, d, g, c, h, b ) 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home. Prepare A3 – A4 at home. IV/ feedback: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span> Date of planning:……/2009 Period:66, week:22 Unit ten: Health and hygiene. A/ Personal hygiene. ( A3 +A4) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak and write the daily actions . Review the words and phrases about the title of personnal hygiene. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: About the personal hygiene. 2, Structures: Review the simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Male a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up @Talk about actions that you did yesterday. 2, Presentation @ Now you look at Nam’s diary. Ask students to read the actions that Nam does everyday. Ask student to ask and answer the questions that you make yourself Give some questions for them: Have them work in pairs. Call some goups to. Students’ activities The content Go to the board and answer the questions. Do you remember how write the diary? Do you write the diary everyday? What do you usually do Look at the book and read. everyday? Practice with a partner. What does Nam do at 6. 30? OR What time does he get up? -. gets up. At 6.30. Talk about that in front of.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span> practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Then ask students to ask the question 3, Practice @ Now you takl about yourself. Let students to work in pairs Call some groups to practice in front of the class by using the questions: Then ask them to write the actions that you usually do everyday into the notebooks. One or two students rewrite on the board, others with a teacher correct the mistakes. @ Hold the class to play the game: True or false . Write some actions on the board , the students will put True or False after each action. Then you must make sentences with True. Then call two students to go to board and do this exercise. Correct and give marks for them.. the class.. Answer this question.. : What does Nam do everyday? - What does Nam do at 6. 30? OR What time does he get up?. Work with a partner. -. Practice in front of the class. Write on the board.. What do you do everyday? What time do you get up/ eat breakfast........?. Correct the mistakes.. Play this game.. Go to the board and do . Listen and correct .. Get up. dinner Polish the shoes. T.V Take a shower. movies Go to market. homework Go to school. parents. Write the duty.. 4/ Consolidation: @ Rewrite the actions that you usually do everyday. Write the verbs in part Remember into noteboos and learn by heart. Do exercise into workbook. 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home Prepare b1 at home. Have Watch Go to Do Help.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span> IV/Feedback: Signature. Date of planning:……/2010 Period:67, week;23 Unit ten: Health. and hygiene.. B. A bad toothache. ( B1 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about a visit to the dentist and can ask and answer the questions about the teeth hygiene. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: scared, hate, drill, cavity, fix, good luck. 2, Structures: Why did Hoa go to the dentist last week? - Because...... III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a picture, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1. Warm up @ Make questions for students: - the dentist  Ask the students to look at the picture and answer the questions: - Who are they? - What the matter with Minh? He has a toothache, so he has to go to the dentist. Now you listen to the tape to know what they are talking about. 2, Presentation @ Play the tape.. Students’ activities The content Listen and answer the What time do you get up? teacher’s questions. - Do you brush your teeth every day? - Do you have to go to the dentist? Look at the picture and - Why do you have to go answer the questions: to They are Minh and Hoa. He has a toothache. - Have an appointment: - To be scared: - Drill: - Fill a cavity: - Hurt: Listen to the tape..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span> Then ask the students to repeat the tape. Give the new words and phrases: Call on some students and ask them to read the new words. Ask them to practice the dialogue with a partner, then practice it in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Make some questions for the content of the dialogue: After that, have students make a dialogue again. 3, Practice @ Let students to practice with a partner about the questions. Call some pairs and ask them to ask and answer the questions. Listen and correct their mistakes. Listen and give the correct answers. @ Read more times the dialogue.. Find the words and What is Minh going to do phrases that you don’t at 10.30 this morning? know. - What happened to Hoa Read these words. last week? - How did the doctor help Practice with a partner. Hoa? Listen to the tape again.. - Minh has a toothache. - No, he doesn’t. The Practice with a partner loudness of the drill scares then talk in front of the him. class. - Because she had a toothache. Answer the questions. - She filled the cavity in her teeth. He is going to see the dentist at 10.30. - Do you brush your teeth She saw a dentist and the everyday? dentist filled a cavity in - Did you have a her tooth. toothache? - What did you do when Look at the questions and you had a bad toothache? answer with a partner. - Are you scared of seeing Practice in front of the the dentist? class. - What did the dentist do with your bad toothache? Rewrite the correct answer into the notebooks.. 4/ Consolidation: @ Make questions about the students. - Ask the students to practice with a partner first, then call some pairs. 5/ Homework: Answer again the questions into notebooks. Do ex. 1,3 in page 63- 64. Prepare b2 at home. IV/Feedback:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span> Date of planning:……./2010 Period:68, week;23 Unit ten: Health and hygiene. B/ A bad toothache.( B2 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to understand the lesson by listening the tape, reading and answering the questions and then they speak English well. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: feel, surgery, smile, fill, forget. 2, Structures: Present simple tense with WH- questions. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette- player. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up @Make some questions to check old lesson Now you listen and read the following paragraph to answer over questions. 2, Presentation @ Play the tape the first time, ask students to listen carefully, and give some information about Dr. Lai. Before playing the second time, the teacher give the following box to students. Students’ activities. The content . Do you often brush your Go to the board and answer teeth? the questions. Have you a bad toothache? Are you scared of seeing the dentist? How does the dentist help you? Listen carefully the tape. Notice Dr. Lai.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span> listen. A Look at the box to complete fter that , play the tape the formations about Dr. again to check. Lai Call on some students and ask them to read the information they listen. Listen again to check. Give the correct information. Some students talk about Make questions, in order to information that they heard. students answer. Before listening the text, the teacher ask students to Listen the teacher and talk about Minh. answer the questions. Play the tape for students. Have students read silently, and then ask them to Work with a partner . complete the story by using the words that are in the Practice in front of the reading. class. 3, Practice Call on some students to read the story Talk about Minh. Listen and correct the mistakes. Read the text silently. .. Dr. Lai’s job Dr. Lai’s clothes. How do children feel? Dr. Lai helps children explains........ gi ves.......... tel ls.............. re mind to clean....eat.... Dr. Lai is a dentist. She wears uniform to work. Most children feel scared when they come to see Dr. Lai. She explains what will happen. She gives them advice. She tells them how to look after their teeth and she reminds them to clean their teeth regularly and eat sensibly.. 4/ Consolidation: Students read the questions and others answer the questions 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home. Prepare B3- B4 at home IV/Feedback:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span> Date of planning:……/2010 Period:69, week;23. Unit ten: Health and hygiene. B/ A bad toothache. ( B3+ B4 ). I/ Objectivies. The students continue practicing about the teeth throughout information between Minh and Dr. Lai. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: About the teeth. 2, Structures: Why.......................? - Because...................... III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette- player. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content 1, Warm up @ Talk about Minh. Listen and answer the Have you a bad Make some questions questions. toothache? about students: When? Do you have to Now look at the picture, go to the dentist? and answer the questions: Are you nervous? Who is this? Look at the picture and talk about it. What’s the matter with 2, Presentation him? @ Have students look at the pictures and talk actions of them. Talk about this picture. Listen and correct their Work in small groups..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span> mistakes if they have. . Ask the students to Practice in front of the class. practice again. 3, Practice @ Have students work in small groups using the following Ask the students to talk about these pictures in front of the class. Teacher listens and corrects the mistakes. Use a tube of the Eat sweets. toothbrush. Use an old tooth See a dentist. rush Brush regularly Forget to brush . Teacher can give other pictures of the teeth and ask students to practice.. a. Minh’s tooth hurts. Why does he hurt? Make the dialogue. Because he has a cavity. b. Minh is very nervous. Why? Because he’s seeing the Practice the dialogue. dentist. c. The cavity is not serious. Why? Work in small groups by Because it’s small. writing the things that you d. Minh is very happy. need to do and don’t need to Why? do. Because his teeth are Ok Listen and correct the sentences Then use these sentences and talk again. Look at the other pictures and talk about it.. structure: Do brush teeth after meals. Don’t- use an old toothache.. Practice with a partner.. 4/ Consolidation: @ Talk about yourself. What do you need to do for your teeth What don’t you need to do for your teeth? Play the tape . Ask the students to listen and repeat. Teacher give the new words: Unhealthy food. Neglect. 5/ Homework: @ Talk about taking care of your teeth. Rewrite the sentences in part 5. Do exercises in the exercise book. Prepare unit 11 at home IV/Feedback: Signature.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span> Date of planning:……/2010 Period: 70, week:24. Unit eleven: Keep fit, stay healthy. A/ A check- up.( A1 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use new words and phrases to speak the healthy. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: check- up, medical records, take one’s temperature, measure, scales.... 2, Structures: Would you like............? III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and a picture of the lesson. IV/ Teaching produces Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up Make a question about students: Ask the students to look at the pictures and answer the questions about it to introduce the new lesson. 2, Presentation. @What do you think what. Students’ activities The content Listen and answer the What do you have to question. do to keep your teeth healthy? Look at the picture and talk about it by asking the questions. Who are they? Where are they?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span> they are doing? Ask them to guess, and then ask them to read the introduction to know the new lesson. Teacher makes the questions for students Talk to them that they can speak by Vietnamese. Now you read the dialogue by listening to the tape. Play the tape Have them read the dialogue while they listen to it Call on some students and ask them to read the dialogue. Listen and correct the mistakes if they have. Explain the new words and phrases. ( This structure is used to ask somebody to do something ) Have the students practice in pairs. Listen and correct their mistakes. 3, Practice. @ Ask them to listen to the dialogue again, and then number the sentences by using the information given in the conversation you have practiced. Have them speak loudly in front of the class. Listen carefully and give the correct answers: Have students tell the story again:. Guess what these students are doing. Where are the students Read silently the from? information and then They are from Quang answer the questions. Trung school. Note the new words What are they doing? and phrases. They are having a medical check- up What will they do in a check up? Listen to the tape and repeat it *That is 37 C. That is normal. You are one meter 45 centimeters tall. Practice the dialogue I’m 40 kilos. in front of the class. Height: Measure: Weigh: Listen , read and write Scales: them. Waiting room: *Would you open your mouth, please? Would you stand here, please? Would you get on the Repeat these scales, please? structures. a.6- b.8- c.3- d.2-e.5f.1-g.4-h.7 Hoa filled in her Practice them.Listen medical record. the dialogue again and The nurse called Hoa’s number the sentences name. with a partner. Hoa left the waiting room. Read the keys. The nurse took Hoa’s temperature. The nurse measured Hoa..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span> The nurse Hoa.. weighed. 4/ Consolidation: practice: Choose the correct answer> a. Students of my school are having a...........check- up. ( medicine, medium, medical ) b. I need to..............your temperature. ( take, make, do ) c. You have to..........in the form first. ( fill, feel, felt ) d. The doctor measured you because she wanted to know your......( high, height, weight ) 5/ Homework: @ Learn by heart the new words and phrases. Rewrite the sentences about checking the health. Do exercises into book. IV/Feedback:. Date of planning:……/2010 Period: 72, week:24. Unit eleven: Keep fit, stay healthy. A/ A check- up. ( A3) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak the healthy by listening and filling the medical records. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: About the healthy. 2, Structures: III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette- player. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities. The content 1, Warm up. @ Play the tape and ask Talk about yourself. Listen and correct their the students to listen it Look at the picture and mistakes: ask, how, your, carefully. listen to the teacher. 50, shorter, me, tall, After the second playing, meter 45 centimeters, teacher asks students to will, nurse, height, think, find the missing words. no, form..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span> Have them work with a partner, and then complete the dialogue. 2, Presentation. Call on some students to practice the dialogue. Ask students to make the dialogue again. Review the structures: @Make some questions about Hoa. Teacher asks and students answer. Then teacher asks students to practice in small groups. Call on some groups to ask and answer. Teacher can have students talk about themselves. @ Now you look at B3, and work in pairs, one of you is A and the other is B. Look at your copy of the medical record and cover the other copy. In turn, A asks B about the missing information and completes the record. Give some new words: 3, Practice.. Listen to the tape.. How tall are you? I’m one meter 45 Find the missing words to -How heavy are you?I’m complete the dialogue. 42 kilogram Work with a partner. Practice the dialogue in front of the class. - How old is Hoa? - How tall is she when Correct the mistake if you the nurse measured her? have. - How heavy is she? - Does she think she is Make the dialogue again. taller or shorter? - How tall is she? Repeat the structures.. - Forenames - Surname Work with a partner, then -Male.........> < practice it in front of the Female............( sex class.. A: Which class is he in? Others listen and give the What is his surname? ideas. Where does he live? What is his weight?/ How heavy is he? What is his height?/ Talk about yourself. How tall is he? B: Which school does he go to? Look at A3 and listen to What are his Teacher gives questions teacher’s explains. forenames? forms How old is he? *teacher notices the forms: -What is his weight? = @ Learn by heard the How heavy is he? structures about height Read these new words and -What is his height? = and weight. rewrite into your notebooks. How tall is he? Complete the medical Weight (n) weigh (v) record about yourself. Listen and answer the Height (n) High (a) Do exercises 2,3 ( 69- teacher’s questions..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span> sbt ) 4/ Consolidation: Students ask and answer the questions again. 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home. Prepare B1- B2 at home IV/Feedback: Signature. Date of planning:18/02/2010 Period:73, week: 25. Unit eleven: Keep fit, stay healthy B/ What was wrong with you? ( B1 –B3) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to ask and answer about the health and speak some names of illness. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: sick note, virus, cold, flu, headache. 2, Structures: What’s wrong with you? Have a bad cold. III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a picture of the lesson, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up @ Call two students on, and asks them to ask and answer about the health. Then the teacher gives the medical records and asks them to work in pairs by completing them.. Students’ activities Talk about your health. Fill the medical records.. The content Who are they? They are Lan and Mr. Tan, her teacher.. Talk about your medical records. Lan wasn’t there. She.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span> After that, call some students on to read the medical records of your friends. 2, Presentation @ Use the picture to introduce the new lesson: -Now you look at the balloon 1:, you listen and find out the structures that use to talk about health. Play the tape and ask students to listen and look at the books. Have students repeat the dialogue. Explain the words and phrases that students don’t know: Ask students to practice the dialogue again. 3, Practice. @ Have them look at “ Now answer” and answer the questions with a partner. Call some pairs on and ask them make questions and answers. Give the correct answers:. Look at the picture and listen to the teacher. Look at the picture, listen and answer the teacher’s questions. Repeat and write the new words.. was absent. What do you think Mr. Tan is asking Lan? Let’s look at the balloon 2 and answer: What’s wrong with Lan? Teacher introduces: She was sick. We’re going to listen to the conversation between Lan and Mr. Tan. Yesterday Lan was sick. Listen the tape and find out the structures that use to talk about health. To be sick. A little tired. Stay inside Repeat the tape. Sick note. Virus: Write and read these *What’s wrong/ the words. matter with sb? -S + have/ has + name of illness. Ex. What’s wrong with Lan yesterday? -She had a headache and Practice this structure. a bad cold. Make a dialogue again.. *Answer the questions: Because she had a bad cold. Answer the questions -She had a headache. with a partner. -Mr. Tan told Lan to stay inside at recess. -The doctor said that Lan Practice in front of the had a virus. class. -The doctor wrote Lan’s Listen and complete the sick note. Cold: 10 table.. Play the tape three times. After each time the teacher stops to check students. Then call some students on and ask them to read what they have just listened. Play last the tape and stop in each sentence to check. After that, give the correct Talk about something answer; what they have just listened.. Flu: 43 Stomachache:37 Headache: 5 Toothache:17. Total days lost: 112.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span> check these sentences. Correct the mistakes. 4/ Consolidation: @ Talk about yourself. Teacher makes some questions for students. -Were you ever absent from school last semester? -Why? If yes. -What was wrong with you? Then have students practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. 5/ Homework: @ Rewrite the sentences about health Make the dialogue with your friends about the health. Do exercises 1 ( 71 sbt ). Explain the structure: “ Had better + V ’’ -You had better stay inside. IV/ Feedback: ................................................................................................................................................ V/ Draw experience. Preparatory date: …..2010. Teaching date: Period 71. Unit eleven: Keep fit, stay healthy. B/ What was wrong with you? ( B 2+ B3 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak about the health again by taking a survey and listening to complete the table. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Name some of illness: flu, headache, stomachache, sickness, absence, account for.... 2, Structure: The simple past tense. III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and some small papers to take a survey. IV/ Teaching produces Stages 1, Warm up. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities @ Make some questions about Lan and ask students to answer. Listen and answer. the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span> Make questions about one or two students: Were you absent from school last semester? Why were you absent? Did you have a toothache/ a mump/ a headache/ a stomachache/ a flu? 2, Presentation. @ Give the surveys and explain: These are the surveys about the health of students. You now work in the group of 4 in turn ask and answer the given questions to complete the survey. Have the students read over words After that, the teacher asks students to fill the name of the students in the group and tick the illness which each of students had. Call all groups on to practice Rewrite the names of illness of groups on the board. After practicing, all the groups combine the results to find out which illness was the most common. Make questions for each class: -What was the most common illness? 3, Practice. -What was the least common illness? @ Before listening, the teacher makes questions for students: -Who was absent from class for one day yesterday? -Which sickness did you/ her/ him/ them have? Now we are going to listen to a report telling you the days’ absence due to sickness of 7a. You listen to it and complete the table by writing the days in each column. Play the tape three times. After each time the teacher stops to check students. Then call some students on and ask them to read what they have just listened. Play last the tape and stop in each sentence to check. After that, give the correct answer;. teacher’s questions. Read again these words.. Look at the surveys and work with a partner.. Fill in these surveys.. Practice in front of the class. Combine the results and ask which illness was the most common. Listen and answer the questions. Before listening, answer the teacher’s questions.. Listen to the tape.. Listen and complete the table. Talk about something what they have just listened. Check these sentences. Correct the mistakes..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span> ColdFluStomachacheHeadache Toothache Work in small groups.. 10 4, Production. 5, Homework. 43. 37. 5 17 Total days lost: 112 @ Ask students to take a survey for the class by using the over table.( Can give a mump ) Then ask students to practice with a partner about the illness. Model: -Were you absent last semester?/ last week?/ yesterday? -Why were you absent? -Did you have a flu? Listen and correct the mistakes. @ Learn by heart all the illness and make the sentences with them. Do exercises: 2,3( 72- 73sbt ). Practice with a partner.. Talk about that. Rewrite the duty into the notebook. V/ Draw experience.. Date of planning:……./2010 Period: 74, week:25 Unit eleven: Keep. fit, stay healthy.. B/ What was wrong with you? ( B4 + B5 ). I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about the common cold by reading the text. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: common cold, runny nose, symptom, cough, sneeze, cure, drugstore. 2, Structures: We call it the common cold because every year millions of people catch it. III/ Teaching aids..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span> -Make a plan . -Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and the pictures of the common cold. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up Play the game: Lucky number Make the questions about the health and the sickness. Among the diseases you learned, do you know which disease is the most common? The common cold. 2, Presentation. @ Ask the students to look at the picture and introduce the common cold: Read a passage the common cold and ask the students to listen to it. Have students read a passage. Explain the new structures: Call some students on and ask them to read it in front of the class. 3, Practice. @ Have students work with a partner by asking and answering the questions. Ask them to practice in front of the class. Listen and give the correct answers: Tell them to practice again. Listen and correct their mistakes. Tell about yourself. Answer these questions. Practice in front of the class.. Students’ activities. The content Play the game by He has a common cold. answering the questions. -Do you know what symptoms of the Listen to the teacher and common cold are? answer the question (can Tell me what are answer by Vietnamese) symptoms of the Look at the picture in common cold? the book and listen to the teacher. -runny nose: Answer this question -a light fewer: ( can answer by -coughing: Ho Vietnamese). -sneezing: Read these words and rewrite them into the notebooks. -Everybody knows the symptoms. Listen to the teacher. -Nobody knows a cure. -These medicines don’t Read a passage. cure a cold, but they do Listen the teacher’s relieve the symptoms. explaining. Can these structures into *Answer the questions: the notebooks. -Because every year Read it in front of the millions of people catch class it. -They are: runny nose, a Work in a small groups slight fewer, coughing by asking and answering and sneezing. the questions. -No, there is no cure for Practice in front of the the common cold. class. -No, these medicines After that, rewrite these don’t cure a cold but answers into the they relieve the notebooks. symptoms. Make questions and -We can prevent a cold answer them by eating well, doing again.Close the books exercise, keeping fit and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span> and do the teacher’s staying healthy. request. 4/ Consolidation: @ Ask students to close the books and work in small groups by writing the symptoms of the common cold and how can prevent a cold. Then answer the questions about you: -Do you have a common cold? -What are the symptoms of the common cold? -How do you feel? -What do you do when you have a common cold? -How can you do to prevent a cold? After that, ask students to practice with a partner. 5/ Homework: @ Read and learn by heart the words. Rewrite the answers and remember into the notebooks./ Prepare to do a test. IV/ Feedback:. Date of planning:……/2010 Period:78, week:26 Unit twelve: Let’s. eat!. A/ What shall we eat? (A2, A4) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to tell about the food and use “so/too” and “neither/either” in the sentences. II/ Language contents. 2, Structures: so + v +s / neither +v +s too/ so; either/ neither III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette- player and a picture of the dialogue..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span> IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up *Have students answer the questions: 2, Presentation @ Ask students use the structures that they have just learnt to make sentences. Use the words that are in A4 to write sentences. Call some students and ask them to write. 3/ practice Guide students to practice in pair with “too, so, eihter, neither”. Teacher asks students to remind food they like Has students answer some guiding questions before writing. Students activities. The content. Answer the questions then play role the dialogue. Read the form and practice in pair Each group build the situations with so/too; either/ neither. -Who doesn’t like pork? -What do they buy first? -Who likes to buy papaya and pineapple? -What do they buy finally Form: A: I’d like chicken. B: I do, too/ So do I. A: What about beef? B: I don’t like it. A: Neither do I/ I don’t either. Make the dialogue with a partner then practice in front of the class. Students answer questions carefully Work in pair suggestions. the. For breakfast, I ate………I drank………… For lunch, I ate…………. For dinner, I ate………….. with. Has students to write about food that they ate Write in exercise books then read them aloud 4/ Consolidation: Practice in pair with too, so/ either, neither again. Ex: I like orange juice. Do you like it? Yes, so do I/ I like orange juice, too. A: I don’t like cucumbers. Do you like them? B: No, I don’t like cucumbers either/ No, neither do I. 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home Prepare A3 at home. IV/ Feedback:. What did you eat and drink yesterday?. Signature.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span> Date of planning:……./2010 Period:79, week:27 Unit twelve: Let’s eat! A/ What shall we eat?(A3) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to know how to prepare the meals and use recipe to make some food. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: cook, boil, heat, stir- fry, slice...... 2, Structures: First, she sliced the beef. Then, she sliced some green peppers and onions. Next, she cooked some rice. After that, she made cucumber salad. III/ Teaching aids..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span> - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and some pictures . IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up @ Read and write all the names of fruits and food that you know, then answer the question: 2 Presentation @ Give some words to answer this question: slice, boil, heat, stir- fry, add Now you look at the picture and answer what they are doing? After that, ask students to read carefully to answer the questions. Go around the class to help the students reading and finding the new words Call some students on and ask them to read the text. Listen and correct the mistakes if they have. 3, Practice. @ Make questions for students: Have students make questions and answer questions by working with a partner and then practicing in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Now you look at part a : Answer the question and answer: What did Hoa, her uncle and aunt have for dinner? Write the menu.. Students activities. The content.  guiding questions: Write the names of the fruits which fruits and food do you and food. like and dislike? Answer the questions: Do you always cook meals? -Yes, I do. Do you like this work? -Yes, I do. What do you do when you Can speak by Vietnamese. cook meals? Listen and read these words. Read this text carefully Read and write these words.. *New words: - Green pepper: - Salt: - Vegetable oid: - Soy sauce: - Cucumber salad: - Chopsticks: - Spoon: - Glass:. Read loundly in front of the class. -What did Hoa’s aunt cook? -What did she do first/ next? -How did she poil the spinach? -What did she do last? -What did Hoa do?. Answer the teacher’s questions, and then practice with a partner by making questions and answering them. - She cooked dinner. -First, she slice the beef. Next, she slice some green peppers and onions. -She added a little salt to the spinach so it tasted good. -She sliced the cucumbers *Menu and made cucumber salad. Cucumber salad with onions..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span> -Hoa set the table with places, bowls, chopsticks, spoons and glasses. Write the menu. Compare with a partner and then read your menu in front of the class.. - Boiled spinach.. Now you look at part b, - Stir- fried and do the followings: beef with green peppers and This is the recipe Hoa’ onions. aunt used. You look at the Rice passage again and add the missing verbs to complete the instruction and then slice the beef/ slice the green match instructions to the Look at these pictures and pepper and onions/ heat the pictures. fill the missing words, after pan/ stir- fried the beef/ add Ask students to compare that put them in order to. some soy sauce to the dish/ with a partner and then boil rice/ add salt to the dish. read loudly in front of the *Match: class. Listen and correct the 1- c; 2- f; 3- a; 4- d; 5- b; 6Give the missing verbs: mistakes if you have. e; 7- g. *Matching the instructions to the pictures 4/ Consolidation: @ Use the pictures in pages 117 again and ask students to put them in the order that you have just learnt and talk about them. After that, ask students to talk again how to prepare a meal and the names of things in the meals. 5/ Homework: @ Read again the text. Learn by heart. Prepare B1 at home. IV/ Feedback:. Date of Planning:…….. 2010 Period:80, week:27. Unit twelve: Let’s eat! B/ Our food ( B1 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of he lesson, the students will be able to speak about food that is caused the disease. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: terrible, probably, dirt, sick. 2, Structures: It must be...... It was probably.............. Make somebody do something. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span> - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and a picture. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up @ Talk about how to cook rice/ how to boil the vegetable. Or ask students to take part in a recipe- writing competition for rice cooking by working in groups, using the verbs and structures you have learned. In 5 minutes, which group complete the recipe most quickly, will be winner. Go around the class to help the students, and then give them the recipe: 2, Presentation. @ Now you look at the picture and answer the questions. If students don’t talk by English, they can talk by Vietnamese. You are going to listen to the conversation between Ba and the doctor at the surgery. You answer the questionPlay the tape, and ask students to listen carefully. After playing the tape three times, ask them to guess and answer that question. Write the students’ answers on the board, and then have students read again the dialogue. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Give the new words and. Students’ activities Do this exercise. Work in the groups.. The content First, you put water in the pot and boil it. Next let it boil 5’. Finally serve it.. Talk about this. Listen to the teacher. Look at the picture and answer the question..  Questions: Guess what is wrong with Where is Ba? He is in the Ba. hospital. Can you guess what is wrong with him? Talk about the causes(can - He has a stomachache. talk by Vietnamese ) Now you tell me what causes stomachache? Listen to the tape to answer why Ba had a stomachache.. Guess to question.. answer. Why did Ba that stomachache?. have. a. Read the dialogue. * New phrase: -It must be.... Listen and rewrite these new words and phrases.. Read after the teacher. Listen to the tape again and. -Make somebody do something Ex. It must be something you ate. It was probably the spinach. That dirt can make.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span> phrases: answer the question over. you sick. : Why did Ba go to the Play the tape again and ask doctor? students to answer the over Why was he sick? question. Copy the answer and What did the doctor Compare with the first question. say to Ba? What can answer of students. make people sick? Have students rewrite the Must we wash the question and answer into Look at this and complete vegetable carefully? the notebooks. the passage. *Why did Ba have a  Answer the questions: stomachache? Compare with a partner. -Because he was sick. He had a stomachache -Because he ate some because he didn’t wash Practice in front of the class. spinach last night. spinach well. -He must wash the spinach 3, Practice. Correct the mistakes. well. @ Now look at the “ Now The dirt can make people complete the story ’’ and sick. complete the passage using -Yes, we must. the information in the conversation. Ask students to do this, and compare with a partner. Now answer these questions: Then call some students on Answer and make some to read the answers. After sentences with should and doctor/ sick/ asked/ had/ spinach/wash/ more that, give the correct shouldn’t. carefully/ vegetables/ make/ answers: Can make some she/ medicine. questions about this passage 4/ Consolidation: @ In addition to having a stomachache which diseases are caused from food? To avoid stomachache and other food- related diseases, what should we do and what shouldn’t we do? 5/ Homework: Ask students to make sentences to answer this question.. Read the dialogue again. Do exercise 1,2 in the pages 76- 77 sbt IV/ Feedback: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of Planning:……… 2010 Period:81, week:27..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span> Unit twelve: Let’s eat! B/ Our food. ( B2 – B5) I/ Objectivies. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak importance of food to keep fit and stay healthy. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: healthy/ unhealthy food, building food, moderate amounts, energy, products, cereals, healthy lifestyle 2, Structures: the simple tense III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette- player and some other things. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up @ Make questions for students: You know that food plays an important part in our life. It gives us the main energy for body development. Thus, a balanced died is especially important. In our today’s lesson, we’ll learn about the definition of a balanced diet and useful guidelines about food. 2, Presentation @ Make questions for students: To know whether your diet is balanced or not, you will find the right answer in our lesson. Call some students on and let them to read the text in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Give the meaning of the new words and phrases:. Students’ activities Answer the questions: - Yes/ No. - Because I ate too much candies. - Yes, I did. - I needn’t eat too much candy. Listen to the teacher. Note the new words.. Listen and answer. (By the students). The content *questions: -Have you ever have a stomachache? -Why did you have a stomachache? -Did you have to go to the doctor? -What did the doctor say to you?. What is your favorite food? -What do you always have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner? -Do you think your died is balanced?. Listen to the tape carefully. Repeat after the tape. Read it in front of the class. Read and write these words.. New words and phrases: healthy food >< unhealthy food -Moderate amounts -energy -balanced diet -fatty food -body- building food -dairy products -a variety of.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span> -cereals 3, Practice. @ Talk students to read again the text and answer the questions in the book Ask them to work with a partner, then have them practice in front of the class Listen and give the correct answers: teacher plays the tape and asks the students to listen it carefully. Have them compare with a partner. Listen and correct their mistakes .. Read again the text.. Work in groups or with a  Answers: partner. Sugar adds taste to food and gives you energy. Rewrite these answers into -A balanced diet is not the notebooks. enough, all people need Answer the questions and exercise to keep a healthy then work with a partner by life. making questions and answers. give the correct answers: Others listen and correct the -Lan: b, d, f, g. mistakes. -Ba: c, a, e, h. Give these words you heard -Nga: a, d, g. Listen and correct the -Hoa: b, e, g. mistakes. 4/ Consolidation: @ Talk about you Ask students to practice with a partner Teacher can talk about The pyramid food. *Repeat again the advantages of eating sugar and balanced diet. 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home Prepare language focus at home. IV/ Feedback: Signature. Date of Planning:……… 2010 Period:81, week. Unit twelve: Let’s eat. B/ Our food. ( B3+ B4 ) I/ Objectivies. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to speak about the food and write the menu about a healthy and balances meal by listening and writing. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: About the food. 2, Structures: Use the simple tense..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span> III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette- player and some pictures in the book. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages 1, Warm up. Teacher’s activities Talk about: -The importance of food. -The advantages of sugar. -What food should we eat/ shouldn’t eat –What does a “ balanced diet” mean? 2,Presentation @ How do you cook to have a meal healthy and balanced? In the past period, you learned about a balanced diet. Today we will further study about this concept through a menu for your self and family. Now you look at part 3 and the pie chart. They are three main food: -Body- building: bread, fish, milk....... -Energy- giving: honey, candy, cake... -Protective: pineapple, spinach... Now you use those foods to write a menu for yourself and your family, including details of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Remember to make your meal healthy and balanced. Go around class to help the students. Ask students to compare with a partner, and then call some groups, ask them to read the menu yourself. Listen, correct and give the ideas. 3, Practice @ To practice the food, the teacher asks students to look at these pictures and tell the names of these foods. Guide reading these words again: rice, noodles, fish, vegetables, fruits, beef, juice and water. Before playing the tape, teacher explains that this is conversation about Lan, Ba, Nga and Hoa. Now you hear and tell what they ate and drank among the food and drinks mentioned above by writing the letters a, b, c...next to each. Students’ activities Go to board and talk about this. Others listen and give ideas. Listen to the teacher. Look at the book and do teacher’s guidance.. Use those words to write a menu for yourself and your family.. Compare with a partner. Practice in front of the class. Correct the mistakes. Look at these pictures and talk about them. Read after the teacher. Listen to the teacher carefully.. Listen to the tape and put the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span> person corresponding with the food and drinks they used. Then, teacher plays the tape and asks the students to listen it carefully. Have them compare with a partner. After that, call some students and ask them to read aloud in frond of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes and give the correct answers: -Lan: b, d, f, g. -Ba: c, a, e, h. -Nga: a, d, g. -Hoa: b, e, g. Play the tape again and ask students to repeat the conversation. 4,Production. @ Hold the class to play the following game: Write many names of foods and drinks on the board, ask students to find the foods and drinks that Hoa, Nga, Ba and Lan used. And then, ask students to use these foods and drinks to write a menu for yourself and your family but remember to make your meal healthy and balanced. Call 3 or 4 students, if whoever writes faster and fuller, that will be a winner. 5, Homework @ Learn by heart. Write a menu for your family. Do exercises into ex. book V/ Draw experience.. words that you heard under Nga, Lan, Ba and Hoa. Give these words you heard Listen and mistakes.. correct. the. Play the game.. Write a menu for your family.. Write these duties into your notebooks..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(134)</span> Date of planning:…../ 2010 Period: 83, week: 28.. Language focus 4.(3 – 5) I/ Objectivies. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to do the exercises exactly. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Review all the words. 2, Structures: The present simple tense and the simple past tense. III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a book, pictures in the text book. IV/ teaching produces. Teacher’s activities *Review using so, neither, too, either Guide doing the exercise by giving a form: Have students work with a partner to complete the. Students activities.. The content. Listen and answer teacher’s I like durian. Do you like it? questions. I don’t like papaya. Do you Repeat using and form of like it? the simple past tense. a, I like mangoes..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(135)</span> dialogue. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. *Before making cucumber salad, the teacher makes some questions about food:? Now I will tell you to make a cucumber salad: Ask them to speak about this in front of the class.. Work with a partner, then practice in front of he class. Others listen and give the ideas.. -I like mangoes, too/ So do I. b. I don’t like papaya. - I don’t like either/ Neither do I. Look at the pictures and talk Do you like cucumber about them. salad? Correct the mistakes. -Yes, I do. What about you, B? Make the dialogue with a - I like, too partner and practice in front Do you know how to of the class. make a cucumber salad Teacher asks students to Listen and repeat look at the pictures again. Practice the dialogue. -Ingredients: ( in the text Makes cucumber salad with book ) the pictures Answer the questions of the -Making: use these Has students towork in teacher. following verbs: peel, wash, groups slice, mix, add, stir, wait.. 4/ Consolidation: Make a cucumber salad wit a partner. Talk about this in front of the class again. 5/ Homework: Rewrite into the notebooks then practice. Prepare unit 12 at home. IV/ Feedback.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(136)</span> Date of planning:…../2010 Period:84, week:28. Unit thirteen: Activities. A/ Sports ( A1+ A3 ). I/ Objectives By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to describe and speak about sports and entertainment. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Names of ports such as skateboarding, rollerblading, rollerskating... 2, Structures: Using adjectives and adverbs and model verbs. III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette- player and some pictures of sports. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities. 1, Warm up. Students’ activities The content Listen to teacher and answer -What do you usually do in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(137)</span> @ Make questions students: 2, Presentation.. for the questions. ( By the students ) Listen carefully. Look at the pictures in the Now you look at the pictures book and tell the names of of sports in the book and these sports. tell the names of these Read these words and sports. rewrite into notebooks. Teacher can ask students Guess 5 sports rest. speak by Vietnamese: Read these words. These about are 5 among 10 Hear 10 popular sports sports which American Listen and tell the names the teenagers like most. Can you other sports that you heard. guess rest? Repeat again these words. . Answer these questions. Play the tape, and have ( by the students ) students listen. Work with a partner. Practice in front of the class. Play the tape again, Others listen and correct 3, Practice. their mistakes. @ You have learned 10 Talk about the sports again sports which American the students in American teenagers like most. and Vietnamese like best. Teacher introduces about Students repeat after teacher adverbs and guides students to form them from adjectives Note how to change adjective into adverb then read them aloud Has SS look at the examples then remark. Asks students to remember some special adverbs Plays the tape twice and has Ss practice with a partner Goes around class to check and help weak students. your free time? -Do you like playing soccer? -When do you usually play it? -What sports do you think popular? What sports do you like best? * New words: soccer, tennis, swimming -Roller- skating: -Rollerblading: baseball, skateboarding, badminton, volleyball Surprising results: -The most popular choice: -One of the world’s most popular games: * The ten most popular sports Baseball: first Skateboarding: second Roller-skating: third ………... *In English in order to express how someone do something we use adverbs of manner. *Most of these adverbs are formed as follows: Adjective + ly= adverb skillful skillfully Look at the examples then slow slowly explain how to use adjective bad badly and adverb in the sentences quick quickly Make sentences with safe safely suggestions He plays soccer well. He is a good soccer player - Give some special adverbs Students listen carefully good well fast fast Work in pairs late late hard hard.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(138)</span> early. early. 4/ Consolidation: @ Ask students to talk about 10 sports which American teenagers like best. Make questions for students: “Which sport do you like best?/ -When do you usually play it?” 5/ Homework: @ Learn new words by heart Rewrite the lesson and practice it at home. Do exercises/ prepare A4- A6 at home. IV/ Feedback: Signature. Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 82. Unit thirteen: Activities. A/ Sports. ( A3+ A5 ). I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the adverbs of manner and know forms of adverbs from adjectives. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Adjectives and adverbs. 2, Structures: He’s a good soccer player. He plays soccer well. III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player. IV/ Teaching produces. Stages. Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(139)</span> 1, Warm up. @ Make questions for students: - Which sports do American teenagers like best? - What about Vietnamese teenagers? - Which sport do you like best? - Do you play it well? - Are you a good player? 2,Presentation @ You play soccer well so you are a good player. Now you look at these pictures that are in the book and tell the name of them. Or ask students: What is he/ she playing Listen and correct their mistakes. Play the tape and ask them to listen to the tape carefully. Then have them repeat. Make question: How does he play soccer? – He plays soccer well. *In English in order to express how someone do something we use adverbs of manner. *Most of these adverbs are formed as follows: Adjective + ly= adverb skillful skillfully slow slowly bad badly quick quickly safe safely Ask students to practice these sentences with a partner and then in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. Explain using the adjectives and adverbs @ Now you look at the pictures in the pages 133 and answer the questions: -What sport is it in the picture? Swimming. -Do you like swimming? Why? -Where can we go swimming? Now we read a passage about safety 3, Practice awareness in the swimming pool or on the beach. Read the passage and explain the. Listen and answer questions of teacher.. the. ( by students ). Listen to the teacher. Look at these pictures and talk about them. Answer: He is playing soccer. Listen the tape and repeat. Answer this question.. Listen and repeat. Practice in front of the class these adjectives and adverbs. Others listen.. Make sentences with a partner, using these adjectives and adverbs. Listen and repeat, and then rewrite into the notebook. Look at the pictures and answer questions..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(140)</span> 4, Production. meaning of the new words: -Summer is on its way: meaniing….. -Water safety awareness: -Aim: -Pool lifeguard: -Pool edge: -Obey: -Red and yellow flags: Ask students to read it carefully and change the adjectives in brackets to adverbs. Have them work in small groups. Call on some groups and ask them to read their keys. Listen and give the correct answers: Clear clearly Careful carefully Safe safely Careless carelessly Strict strictly What do you think about the position of the adverbs you have done? Give the comments. @ Use the pictures that are in part A3 to practice. Listen to and correct the mistakes. * Complete the sentences, use the adjectives or adverbs in bracket. -My mother cycles............ She is ........cyclist. ( slow/ slowly ) -Ba’s sister swims...........She is a........swimmer. ( quick/ quickly ) -Mr. Hai drives............He is a .......driver.( careful/ carefully ) -He plays table tennis.............he is a.......player.( skillful/ skillfully ) -The boys in my class play soccer........They are........players. (Good/ well) Call students to give the correct answers @ Learn by heart all adjectives and adverbs. Rewrite the part A5 into your notebook.. Listen to the teacher carefully. Read the passage and write these new words.. Read and practice these words and phrases. Do the exercise by changing the adjectives to adverbs. Listen and mistakes.. correct. the. Read and rewrite these words into the notebook.. Give ideas. Talk about these pictures again. Do this exercise. -slowly/ slow -quickly/ quick -carefully/ careful -skillful/ skillfully -well/ good. Rewrite these duties into the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(141)</span> Do exercise 1,2 in the exercise book.. notebook. 5, Homework. V/ Draw experience.. Date of planning:……../2010 Period:85, week:29 Unit three: ACTIVITIES A/ Sports. (A4+ A6 ) I/ Objectives By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to hold using the adverbs through the reading. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: walking, competition, wish, organize, participant, increase, ability. 2, Structures: Using the adjectives and adverbs. III/ Teaching aid. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and some pictures of walking. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content 1, Warm up Go to board and make the good/ well, skillful/ Make sentences with these sentences with these skillfully, bad/ badly. adjectives and adverbs: adjectives and adverbs. Ask some questions about Do you usually play sports.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(142)</span> students @ Now you look at this picture and answer the questions: Nowadays, many people like walking because it is very benefits for their health. You are going to read a passage about walking- one of the most popular sport activities. After that you answer the questions in your book. Read or play the tape. Guide the students to read a passage. Can go around the class to help them finding the new words: Call on some students to read this passage. Listen and correct their mistake if they have. 3, Practice. @ Have students answer the questions by working with a partner. Next, make questions in order to students answer. Call some students on and ask them to make questions and answers. Then, give the correct answers:. Answer the questions. every day? -What sport do you play? -Do you like walking?. Look at the picture and talk about it by asking the questions of teacher. - What are they doing? - Do you always take a walk? Listen to teacher. - What are the benefits of walking?. Listen to the tape and read it. Practice with a partner and find the new words. Read again these words and rewrite them into the notebook.. Practice in front of the class. Work with a partner. Answer the questions Make questions and answers. Others listen and give the ideas.. *New words: Walking for fun- WFF: - Competition: - Prize: - Organize: - Participant: - Increase: Instead of taking motorbike:. *Answer the questions: He takes part in Walking For Fun club. -The writer’s school team won the first prize, they were so happy and wanted to keep the activity. -One activity is a 5 km walk to the beach on Sunday morning, and other walk- toschool day. -It’s 5 km from school to the beach. -Wednesday is the WTS. -Members living near school often take part in the WTS.. Rewrite the correct answers @ Have students read again into the notebooks.Talk a passage and then talk about about these answers again. the benefits of walking. Listen and give the comments: fun, easy, Read a passage again. inexpensive, for everyone, healthy.... *Make questions: Is walking happy/ fun/ easy/ expensive?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(143)</span> Asks Ss to make some Talk about the benefits of -Can everyone take part in questions with suggestions walking. walking? Make questions in groups -Is walking healthy for everyone? 4/ Consolidation: Students change the adjectives in brackets to adverbs.then *Talk about you: Do you always walk everyday? Do you like it? Do you think of walking? Does everyone living next door to you walk, too? 5/ Homework: @ Rewrite the answers into your notebooks. Rewrite the benefits of walking Prepare B1 at home IV/ Feedback:. Date of planning:……../2010 Period:86, week:29 Unit thirteen: ACTIVITIES B/ Come and play. ( B1 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to use the model verbs (should, must, should, have to, can...........) through the dialogue about sports. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: paddle, spare, and model verbs. 2, Structures: I ought to finish my homework. I also have to finish this question for Math tomorrow. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and a pictures of sports, especially table tennis. IV/ Teaching produces..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(144)</span> Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up: asks the questions 2,Presentation @ Now you look at this picture and answer the questions: Now you listen to the conversation between Ba and Nam, then answer the question: Play the tape and ask students to listen it carefully. Play the tape again and have students ask the question: Ask students to read the dialogue and ask questions again. 3, Practice @ Have students look at the questions and ask them to work with a partner. Go around the class and help them. Make the questions for students. Let students to practice in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have.. Students’ activities Listen and answer teacher’s questions. Others listen and give the ideas.. The content @ Do you usually play sport? When do you usually play sport? What sport do you like best? Can you play table tennis? Look at the picture and Is it interesting? answer the questions: There are two. They are Ba How many students are there and Nam. in this picture? Who are they? Listen to the tape carefully What are they playing? and repeat it while listening. What should they do before Read the dialogue in front of they play table tennis? the class. Answer the questions with a Can Nam play table tennis? partner and then in front of Why not? the class. Should Nam finish his homework before he plays table tennis? Must Ba finish his homework? Look at part “ Questions ” and answer them with a partner. can, should, must, have to, ought to, could are model verbs. Make questions and answers in front of the class. *Nam can’t play table tennis. Nam should finish his Listen and correct the homework before he plays answers. table tennis. Play the tape again, and ask Nam must do his homework again the questions above. Rewrite the correct answers first. Write these sentences on the into notebooks. Ba also has to finish this board: question for Math tomorrow 4/ Consolidation: Explain these sentences: After model verbs add verb infinitive. Students make sentences..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(145)</span> 5/ Homework: Rewrite the sentences used model verbs and the lesson. Prepare B2 at home. IV/ Feedback:. Date of planning:……../2010 Period:88, week:30 Unit thirteen: Activities. B/ Come and play. ( B3- B5 ). I/ Objectives By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read comprehension about scuba- diving and practice about model verbs. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: ocean, pearl diver, special breathing equipment, deep- sea diving vessel, explore... 2, Structures: Use the modal verbs. III/ Teaching aids. Make a plan. Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and some pictures of the sports IV/ Teaching produces..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(146)</span> Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up You have learned about model verbs, the way to make and refuse an invitation. We continue to practice these verbs. 2, Presentation @ Ask students to look at the pictures in pages 136 and talk: This is a sport which we have never learned before. -- Now you tell me which sport it is: scuba- diving. Ask students to read a passage about scuba- diving and tell the main idea after the first reading. After the second reading, have them decide whether the statements are true or false. Call students to give the answers, and then give the correct answers: 3, Practice. Students’ activities Go to the board and answer teacher’s questions about Nam and yourself. -Nam can’t play table tennis. -He must do his homework. Listen to the tape carefully. Work with a partner.. Make new dialogue by using these words that are in the - Where can you play this box, sport: oceans - To scuba- dive, what Look at the pictures and equipment do we need/ have answer the question. to do? Special breathing equipment. Practice in front of the class. - How do we call living Others listen and give the things in the deep- sea? ideas. Underwater life. Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher Guess which sport it is. Answer the questions to find the new words. Repeat these words and rewrite them into the notebook. Read this text carefully and find the main idea. Work with a partner. Give the answer. Read again the text and correct the mistake.. Ask students to read the text again in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. @ Ask students to read again the text again and make some questions about the text: - May we know the land very well? Could man not stay underwater? Could man swim freely Listen and answer the underwater after the questions. invention of equipment? Who invented a deep- sea Others listen and give the diving vessel? correct answers. 4/ Consolidation:. The content @ Can Nam play table tennis? What must he do before he plays table tennis? What about you? What can you play?. False, True, False, True..  We may know the land but we know very little about the oceans.  Man could not stay underwater.  After the invention of special breathing equipment, man could swim freely underwater.  Nowadays, we can explore the oceans, using special TV camera as well..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(147)</span> students read the reading text again. 5/ Homework: Rewrite the duties into the notebooks. Prepare unit 14 at home IV/ Feedback:. Date of planning:……/2010 Period:89, week:30 Unit fourteen: Freetime fun. A/ Time for TV. ( A1 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson. The students will be able to speak about activities freetime, especially speak about TV. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: News, series, prefer, sound, boring, guess. 2, Structures: They prefer to do other things. We like to do different things. I’d like to come and watch that. III/ Teaching aids. Make a plan. Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette- player and a picture in the book. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up. Students’ activities The content Go to board and talk about How many students watch.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(148)</span> @ Ask students to talk about scuba- diving with special breathing equipment Make a survey about what you usually do in freetime. Make questions: 2,Presentation @ Now you look at the picture in the book, and answer a question Watching TV is one of the most popular activities in freetime. You listen to a conversation between Lan and Hoa. Play the tape twice or three times, and have students repeat the dialogue. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. 3, Practice. Ask them to work with a partner by reading again the dialogue. Go around class and help them if they need. Call some students and let them to make dialogue in front of the class. Give and explain the new words and structures: Ask them ask a question: What does Hoa’s family do in their freetime? -They talk about their day, usually read and sometimes play chess. @ Have students read. this. TV in their freetime? Do the teacher’s guidelines What time do you always and answer the questions. watch TV? What is your favorite program? Answer. Do you like to watch TV, too? Look at the picture and *Guiding questions: answer the questions. What are they doing? They are playing chess. When do they play it? Can you guess? Listen to teacher. Do they watch TV? . They prefer to do other Listen to the tape carefully. things. Repeat the dialogue. _She prefer to read books to newspapers Wok with a partner. b. We like to do different things. -I like to watch TV. c. Would you like to have Practice the dialogue in dinner at my house tonight? front of the class. -I’d love to. News in English: Series: “ The Read these new words and adventure of the Cricket’’ structures. Rewrite them notebook.. into. the What do Lan’s family do in their freetime? Her family watches TV every night.. Answer the questions. Practice with a partner.. What does Lan invite Hoa to do? What does Lan want Hoa to do after dinner?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(149)</span> again the dialogue and answer some questions about the dialogue. After that, ask them choose the best answer. Have students give their answers. Correct their mistakes and give the correct keys. Does Hoa’s family watch TV? Why not Read and make questions Does Hoa enjoy “ The again. adventure of the Cricket ” ? *Lan invites Hoa to eat dinner at her house. She wants Hoa to watch the correct keys: a. C; b. A; TV after dinner. c. B; d. C; e. D No, because they prefer to do other things. Yes, she does.. 4/ Consolidation: Now you talk about yourselves What do you usually do in your freetime? Do you like always to watch TV? What is your favorite program? Does your Mom? Dad like to watch TV? What does he/ she prefer to do in his/ her freetime? 5/ Homework: Do again part: Choose the correct answer into your notebook. Learn by heart the new words and structures. Talk about you about watching TV.Prepare A2 at home. IV/ Feedback: Date of planning:………./2010 Period:90, week:30 Unit fourteen: Freetime fun. A/ Time for TV. ( A2 ). I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson the students continue to speak about activities in the freetime and review the structure: Would you like to + V infinitive......... II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: about advertisements. 2, Structures: Would you like to + V infinitive............. What would you like to + V infinitive..............? III/ Teaching aids. Make a plan. Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and the advertisements in the books. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content 1,Warm up Do you like to watch TV in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(150)</span> In your freetime somebody likes to watch TV, someone likes to see movies, but someone like to play soccer.....etc. If you like to see movie, which program do you like best? 2, Presentation @ Now you look at these advertisements and talk about them. Guide students reading these advertisements and explain the meaning of them: Have them practice these advertisements in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes. You are going to listen to a conversation between Hoa and Lan. They are discussing the suitable program to see. You listen and answer: which program will they see? Play the tape and ask students to repeat it . Have them work with a partner and then call on some students and ask them make a dialogue again. Listen and correct their mistakes. Make questions: 3, Practice. @ Ask them to read again the dialogue and have them look the advertisement, then make up a similar conversation. First ask them to practice with a partner and then. Go to the board and answer your freetime? the questions. What is your program? Listen to the teacher.. favorite. Look at the advertisements and talk about them. Read after the teacher.  New words and phrases. Ha Noi Youth Culture Practice with a partner. House: Pop concert: Ha Noi Opera House: Rewrite these sentences into Classical concert: notebook. Detective movie: Nightly: New Age theater: Youth theater: Every night except Monday: Read again the sentences in front of the class. Listen to the tape. - Which program will they Repeat the dialogue while see? listening. They will see a cowboy Work with a partner. movie. - When will they see it? Practice in front of the class. They will see it on Sunday night. Answer these questions. Read again these advertisements and talk about them. Make up a similar conversation and then Would you practice in front of the class. infinitive.. like. to+. V.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(151)</span> practice in front of the -What would you like to+ V class. infinitive. Listen and correct their Talk about these sentences. -Can you make it on....... mistakes if they have. Notes these sentences: 4/ Consolidation: @ Use the invitations to make up the conversations, note the refutations and exceptions. Talk about you: - Do you like to see a movie? -Which program do you like best? -How often do you go to the movie theater? -When do you usually go to the movie theater? 5/ Homework: @ Learn by heart all the words. Read again the dialogue. Do exercise 2,3 sbt. Prepare A3 at home. IV/ Feedback: Signature. Date of planning: 28/08/2010 Period: 91, week: 31. Unit fourteen: Freetime fun. A/ Time for TV. ( A3 –A4) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak about the title of TV and know the development of TV in Vietnam. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: gather, black and white programs, might, change, comfortable, together, owner 2, Structures: What would you like to watch.......? I’d like to........ III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape a cassette player and some pictures in the book. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up. Students’ activities The content Go to the board and make What do you usually do in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(152)</span> @ Use the advertisements to ask students to make up the dialogue. Have students talk about you by asking the teacher’s questions: 2, Presentation @ Now today we’ll learn about TV in Viet Nam. Ask students to look at the pictures and the title: “ TV in Viet Nam ’’ and guess what the reading is about. After that, use the pictures to introduce the new words and phrases by making the questions: Guide the students to asking and give the correct answers: Explain new words and phrases: Ask students to read the reading with a partner and practice in front of class. Listen and correct their mistakes. 3, Practice. @ Ask the students to read again the reading . Have them close the books and look at the pictures to answer the questions again. Then ask them to ask and answer in front of the class. After that, have them complete the summary. Read and explain doing it. Ask them to work in small groups and give the ideas of own group.. the dialogue by using the advertisements. Other student answers teacher’s questions.. your freetime? Do you like to see movie? What about TV? Do you like to watch?. Listen and give the ideas. Listen to teacher. Look at the pictures and guess what the reading is about. Listen to teacher and answer the questions. Can answer by Vietnamese and English. Note the new words and phrases: Practice these words..  Guiding questions: P1: Did many people in VN have TV set in their home 30 years ago? What did they always do after dinners? Where did they watch TV? What color were the TV programs 30 years ago? P2: Do many people have TV in their home nowadays? Where do they watch it? What color are they?.  New words & phrases: TV set, nowadays, gather, Listen to teacher and repeat outside, inside owners TV, this. own. TV owners: Gather: Any more: Neighbor: Others listen and give the Black and while program ideas. Rewrite these words into notebooks. People, not, TV, popular, Work with a partner. evening, gather, they, today, Practice the reading in front have, life, know. of the class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(153)</span> 4/ Cosolidation: @ Hold the class to play the game by using the small papers to put order in the passage. Have them correct, and then read whole the reading. Or play True/ false. What about you: Does your family have a TV set? Do you like to watch it? Which program do you like best? When do you usually watch TV? 5/ Homework: @ Read again the reading. Rewrite part: complete the summary. Prepare B1- B2 at home. IV/ Feedback:. Date of planning: 28/08/2010 Period: 92, week: 31. Unit fourteen: Freetime fun. B/ What’s on?( B1+ B2) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to speak about TV and talk about programs they like best throughout the dialogue. II Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: to be on, program for teenagers, sport shows, cartoon. 2, Structures: Like to do or like doing. Prefer to do or Prefer doing. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and pictures of TV. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up. Students’ activities The content Go to board and talk about Do you like to watch TV?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(154)</span> @ Ask students to talk about the development of TV in Viet Nam. Use the game Lucky Number to check old lesson: 2, Presentation @ Use the picture to introduce the new lesson by making the questions: Now you listen to conversation between Ba and Nga and answer the questions: Play the tape and ask students to listen it carefully. Have them repeat while they listening. Call some students on and ask them to read the dialogue in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Talk about the structures: 3, Practice. @ Ask them to read the dialogue again ask look at the question to answer them First, make questions for students and then, ask them to make questions and answer them. Listen, correct their mistakes if they have and give the correct answers: *To understand more about TV program ask students to complete the passage by using the words in the box Have them work with a partner and then ask them to give their keys. Listen and correct their. this.. Which program do you like ? Answer the questions by When do you usually watch taking the numbers and TV? answer the teacher’s questions. Look at the picture to What program is on TV answer the questions: now? Cartoon. Note the new words. Do you like to watch cartoon on TV? Which character do you like Answer the questions. best?. Listen to the tape carefully.. What are about? cartoon?. they talking Do they like. What program Read the dialogue in front do they like to watch? of the class.. Read and listen to this *Like doing) carefully. Like to do I don’t like watching sports. On Sunday, I like to play sports. *Prefer to do / prefer doing Rewrite them into I prefer taking part in them. notebooks. I prefer to drink orange juice. Make questions partner.. Listen and mistakes.. with. correct. a * Answer the questions: No, because there aren’t any good programs for teenagers. -Ba watches sports shows, cartoons and movies. the -Nga likes to watch programs about teenagers in other countries..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(155)</span> mistakes: around, watch, Work with a partner. listen, series, show, like, station, receive, cities, Read the whole the passage. possible. Answer the questions. Can work in small groups.. -Because they don’t play the kind of the music she likes. -In the evening Nga is going to listen to the radio and maybe read a book.. 4/ Consolidation: Teacher asks students to listen and write the times of the programs. A/ Childen’s programs starts at five B/ The Early News is at six. C/ The Weather forecast is at ten past six. D/ The World Today is at a quarter past six. E/ The movive,’A Fistful of Dollars’ starts at seven. 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home. Prepare B3- B4 at home. IV/ Feedback:. Date of planning: 28/3/2010 Period: 93, week: 31. Unit fourteen: Freetime fun. B/ What’s on?( B3+ B4) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk by English about the most popular TV programs by listening comprehension. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: Early News, Weather forecast, The World Today ......etc. 2, Structures: What is on today? The present simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and some pictures in the book. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. The content.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(156)</span> 1, Warm up @ Make questions for students: 2, Presentation. * We know that nowadays there are many popular and interesting programs on TV. You look at these pictures and you can recognize the characters in each picture. Now you talk about them. Give the characters in pictures: Play the tape and ask students to repeat while they listening. 3, Practice. Ask them to practice with a partner, and then have them read it in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Make questions for each passage. @ After that, ask them to look at the questions in the books and work with a partner. Call on some students and let them to answer. Listen and give the correct answers. - (Students’ answer) Have students read the whole reading and ask them to practice about it. Listen and correct their mistake and give the new words:. Go to board and answer the teacher’s questions. Can answer by Vietnamese Listen to teacher.. - Did you watch TV last night? - Which program did you like best? - What about a sport show? - Do you name some programs you saw on TV last night?. Talk about these program Read and write - The Moffats band: Listen to the aim of listening. - 4 contestants of the road to the Olympia Peak: The famous detective Sherlock Holmes Make a question: In which programs do these scenes usually appear? Listen to the conversation and The moffats- pop music. write down the time that you Contestants- TV contests. heard. Sherlock Holmes- imports Give the keys. a. What is the long fom of Listen to the tape again and pop music? correct the mistakes. b. What are the common kinds of contest? How can viewers join in the contest? c. What are the imports? Look at these pictures and -Teenagers like to hear the talk about them. latest pop music and see the shows of their favorite artists. Then listen to the explanation - In contest program, the of the teacher. contestants are students, workers or family numbers. Repeat them and rewrite into - Imports usually include notebooks. police and hospital series. Listen and read. Audience, artist, perform, Read the reading while knowledge.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(157)</span> contestant, join in, series, listening. cheaply. Work with a partner 4/ Consolidation: @ Talk about you: Make questions for students: Do you like watching TV? What is your most favorite program? Ask students to ask each others and make a survey by using the questions above. Give some other program people like Collect the survey and ask students to answer: Which is the most popular you like watching? 5/ Homework: @ Talk about the programs you like watching on VTV. Talk about the most popular program the teenages in over the world like watching. Read the reading and learn by heard the new words. Prepare to do a test at home. IV/ Feedback: Signature. Date of planning: Period:96, week:32. Unit fifteen:. Going out.. A/ Video games.( A1 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the student will be able to hold the advice about the video games. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: amusement center, video games,addictive, arcade. 2, Structures: Don’t + V.inf III/ Teaching aids. -Make a plan. -Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and some pictures of video games. IV/ Teaching produces Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities The content.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(158)</span> 1, Warm up @ Hold the class to play a game: Networks by telling the names of the entertainment. Ask students to look at the picture and ask: 2, Presentation. @ Now you listen to the conversation between Lan and Nam. Nam is going to the amusement center, you listen to it and tell me what he will do there. Have students guess what Nam will do there. Play the tape, and ask students to listen carefully and read swiftly while listening. Explain the words that students don’t know the mean. Have students practice this dialogue by reading with a partner. Call some students on and ask them to make a dialogue in front of the class. Listen to them carefully and correct their mistakes. 3, Practice. @ Ask them to read again this dialogue and make questions for them:. Play this game.. What do you see in the picture? Amusement Center Look at the picture and Are there any amusement answer the teacher’s centers in your town? questions. Note the new Do you often go to an words. amusement center? ( If yes ) What do you usually do Can speak by Vietnamese. there? Listen to conversation between Nga and Nam. Guess what Nam will do in - Video games: the amusement center. - Addictive:. - Arcade: Read swiftly while listening to the tape. Read these words and write them into notebooks. Practice with a partner.. *Questions: - Where is Nam going? Read the dialogue in front - What is he going to do? of the class. - How often does he go? - Does he spent a lot of money? - How long does he usually Listen to teacher and stay? answer the teacher’s - Why must he be careful? question - What will he do later?. 4/ Consolidation: * Talk about you: Do you often play video games? Where do you usually play video games? When do you play it? Do you play too much? Why not? Ask them talk about yourself. 5/ Homework:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(159)</span> @ Learn by heart the advises and respondent./ prepare A2-A3 at home. Write 5 advises for you: need do and needn’t do in your free time. IV/ Feedback:. Signature. Date of planning: Period:97, week:33. Unit fifteen: Going out. A/ Video games.( A2 + A3 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about the video games and know the bad effects of it. II/ Language contents. 1, vocabulary: inventor, dizzy, outdoor, social skills, develop, premises, robber, roberry, teaching aid, VCR, VCDs. 2, Structures: Modal verbs. III/ Teaching aid. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape and a cassette player..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(160)</span> IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up @ Make questions for students. You knew the bad effects on video games if we play too much. Today we continue with this topic. In the reading, the doctor will give you some advice that prevent video games from becoming addictive. In your opinion, what are the advice. 2, Presentation @ Play the tape twice and ask students to listen to reading carefully. Play the tape again and have students repeat the reading while listening. Explain the new words: Ask students to read the reading with a partner. Go around the class and help them reading. Call some students on, and ask them to read the reading. Listen and correct their mistakes. Make questions for students: -. Complete the sentences by choosing the best suitable word. @ Ask students to read the reading again and ask the questions: -. 4/ Consolidation:. Students’ activities Answer the teacher’s questions. Other listen and correct their mistakes.. The content - Who usually play video games? - How long do they play it? - What effets caused by video games?. Listen to teacher.. Listen to the tape carefully Listen and read it while listening Find the new words and structures.  New words: - Dizzy: Read and write. - Play outdoor: Practice with a partner. - Social skills: - Develop: Who play video games? - Where do they play them? - Should they spend much time on these games? Why not? - What does the doctor say? Have students look at the part: Now answer. Read the text in front of the class. Listen to and answer teacher’s questions: -This is very bad for children. They should play outdoor and develop their social skills. millions of young people play video games. Read again the text answer -Some play them at home, these questions others play them in arcades. -No, they shouldn’t. Others listen and give the Because they can become ideas. tired or dizzy..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(161)</span> @ Talk about you by answering the questions: - What do you usually do in your freetime? - Do you see video or play video games? - What are harmful of playing too much video games? - Do you usually play it? - Are you tired? dizzy? backache? - In your opinion, what need you do in your freetime? 5/ Homework: @ Read the reading more times. Learn by heart all the words. Rewrite the advises of the doctor. Do exercises: 2, 3( 94- 95 sgk) IV/ Feedback:. Date of planning: . Period:98, week:33. Unit fifteen: Going out. B/ In the city( B1- B2 ) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about the city throughout a dialogue. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: busy road, traffic, direction, motorbike awake, scare, hate, neighborhood 2, Structures: The life in the city is very noise , the roads are busy The life in the village is quiet, and there is a little traffic. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and a picture of the city. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content 1, Warm up Go to the board and answer @ Talk the useful of teacher’s questions Do you live in the city or in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(162)</span> video . Talk the harm of video games. Introduce the new lesson by making some questions about students: @ Now you look at the picture in the book. Show the picture and talk about it: This is a city. What do you can see in it? Now you listen to conversation between Lan and Hoa and answer the question: Play the tape and ask students to listen it carefully. Tell them to repeat while listening. Call some students on and ask them to read in frond of the class. Give the meaning of the new words: : Play the tape again and ask students to read the dialogue. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. @ Have students look at these questions in the book and ask them to work in small groups. Go around the class and help them if they need. Call some groups on and let them to give the answers. Listen and give the correct answers: a. Have students practice. ( by students ). the town? -Do you like living the city? Why or why not? -What different from city and village?. Look at the picture and answer a question. Listen and note the new Bikes, motorbikes, words. cars.....are called traffics. This is a busy road. Listen to the tape carefully.. What did they talk to each other?. Read it while listening. Practice with a partner and then read it in front of the class. Read these new words and structures. Rewrite these words into the notebooks.. Listen and read again.. Look at the questions in the book and work in small groups. Give the own answers.. Rest: Different Quiet: Hate= dislike Noise Awake Direction: Scare: used to: Keep me awake: Get used to the noise *Answers:  Hoa goes to the school theater one a week. The rest of the week she usually stay at home in the evening.  No, she doesn’t like the city.  Before, Hoa lived in a village near Hue.  She liked living in a village because she knew all the people in her.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(163)</span> again these questions and answers in front of the Listen to teacher and correct class. Listen and correct the mistakes. their mistakes @ Ask students to work in small groups by talking the advantages and disadvantages in the city and in the village. Rewrite d, e and f into the notebooks.. neighborhood; the village was quiet and there was only a little traffic.  She doesn’t like the city because it is noisy and the roads are busy. She hates crossing the road most because bikes, motorbikes and cars come from every direction, and they scare. 4/ Consolidation: Now you talk about you What do you do in the evening? Do you like the city? Why? Why not? Do you like the countryside? Why? Why not? Ask students to use those questions to ask each other and answer them 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home. Prepare B3 at home. IV/ Feedback:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(164)</span> Date of planning:. Period:100, week:34.. Unit fifteen: Going out. B/ In the city. (B4+ B5). I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about the city and the countryside, listen to activities in the freetime. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: the words about the city and the countryside, activities in the freetime 2, Structures: The simple past tense and the simple tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette player and some pictures of activities in the freetime. IV/ Teaching produces Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Asks Ss to look at the picture Look at the pictures and and desribe some activities say about activities. The content * play table tennis * see a movies.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(165)</span> in the pictures Plays the tape twice Asks Ss to match the pictures carefully Asks Ss to match the name to the activity.. Listen to carafully. cassette. *play chess *listen CDs * watch a soccer. math Match each name to an Match: activity Ba- b, Hoa- a, Nga – d, Nam-c, Lan- f, an –e. Students read the *Remember: sentences in the play with What do you do in the Asks Ss to read the sentences words evening? and make the examples. I don’t like the city very Guides Ss to practice the Practice in groups and much. following sentences write them on the board The noise keeps me awake at night. 4/ Consolidation: Students look at the pictures to desribe about it. 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home. Prepare unit 16 at home. IV/ Feedback:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(166)</span> Date of planning: 15/ 4/ . Period:99, week:33. Unit fifteen: Going out. B/ In the city. (B3) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to understand more about the city throughout the reading comprehension. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: used to, get used to, socialize, enjoy, decide 2, Structures: Hoa soon got used to the busy city traffic III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, atape, and a cassette- player. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up @ Make questions about Hoa: 2, Presentation @ Now today we are going to read the text about Hoa and answer the question: what could Hoa do in the city? Ask students to scan the reading and finds the new words and new phrases Explain these words and phrases: Help them to read the text again. Call on some students and ask them to read it in front of the class. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Make questions so that students answer about Hoa. Listen to students and. Students’ activities Listen to teacher and answer the questions about Hoa. Guess: Will Hoa used to the city soon? How did she do? Listen to the teacher.. Scan the reading and find the new words. Read these words rewrite them notebooks.. and into. The content - What does Hoa do in the evening? - Does Hoa like the city? Why not? - What did Lan tell to Hoa? Lan told that Hoa will get used to the city soon. Can you guess will Hoa get used to it soon? How did Hoa do?  New words: - Help each other: - Together: - Far too expensive: - Eat out: - Socialize: - Public library: - After all:. * The questions: Did Hoa get used to the city? Read after the teacher. - What could Hoa do? - What did Hoa and her Read loudly in frond of the friends do when she go out?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(167)</span> correct their mistakes if class. - Why did Hoa rarely go to they have. see movies or eat out in the @ Have students to read Answer the teacher’s evening? again the reading, and then questions. - What did she prefer to do? ask them to practice with a - Why did Hoa decide that partner by making questions Others listen and correct the the city wasn’t so bad after and answer them. mistakes. all? Listen and correct their mistakes. 4/ Consolidation: @ Have students to read again the reading, and then ask some questions about you. - Do you like the city? Why? - Are you scared when you cross the busy road? What do you usually do in the evening? Can guide students to answer. 5/ Homework: Rewrite these duties into notebooks and prepare B4 –B5 at home. IV/ Feedback:. Signature. Date of planning: 20/ 4/ . Period:101, week:34. Unit sixteen: People. and places.. A/ Famous places in Asia. (A1 –A2) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to know some famous places in Asia. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: The countries in Asia and capitals of them. 2, Structures: The past simple and simple present tense. III/ Teaching aids. - Make a plan. - Prepare a book, a tape, a cassette- player and some pictures of capital of Asian countries. IV/ Teaching produces..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(168)</span> Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up @ Talk about Hoa by answering the question: @ Ask students to look at the postcard and the sentence in it: Greetings from Bangkok! Now answer the questions: 2, Presentation. Students’ activities The content Go to board and answer What did Hoa get used to do the teacher’s questions. in the city? Can you name some By students. countries by English? Among the counties over, which are in Asia?. Look at the picture in the book and notice the Thailand is a country in Asia. sentence: Greeting from Besides Thailand, which Bangkok! counties and their capitals in South East Asia do you know? Now you are going to listen a Name the countries are in conversation between Hoa South East Asia you know and Ba and answer the question: Which places her uncle flew to? Listen to teacher. Play the tape and ask students to name places that are in the tape. Listen to the tape to name Play the tape again and name the places you heard. the places:. Have students read these Read these places. names. Play the tape again and ask students to read after the tape while listening. Ask them to read with a Read the dialogue while partner and after that let them listening. to practice it in front of the class. Read with a partner and Listen and correct their read in frond of the class. mistakes. @ Have students read again Notice these sentences. the reading. Make some questions in so that the students answer. Read the dialogue again. - What does Mr. Nghia do? - Where did he send this postcard?. Where is Bangkok? In Thailand. - What do you know about Thailand?. Bangkok, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta, Phnom Penh, Vientiane and Yangon. Explain these words: - It’s his job to fly there. - Occasionally:. Answer these questions: - He is a pilot. - He sent this postcard from Bangkok. - It is in Thailand - He flies to Hong Kong....

<span class='text_page_counter'>(169)</span> - Where is that? - Where does he fly to? Look at the match and do *Mr Nghia is a pilot. He sent it with a partner. this postcard from Bangkok. It is in Thailand. He flies to Read the keys. Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore... 4/ Consolidation: Beijing Bangkok Kuala Lumpur Phnom Penh Vientiane Yangon Jakarta 5/ Homework:. a. b. c. d. e. f.. D F B C A E. China Thailand Malaysia Cambodia Laos Myanmar Indonesia Coy the lesson and practice it at home.. Prepare A3- A4 at home. IV/ Feedback:. Date of planning: ………./2010. Period:104, week:35. Unit sixteen: People and places. A/ Famous people. (B4 –B5) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about the famous people II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: inventor, invention, established, power station… 2,Structures: The simple tense with the past adverbs. III/ Teaching aid. -Make a plan. - Prepare a tape, a cassette player and some pictures of countries in South East Asia and the capitals of them. IV/ Teaching produces. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities @ Now you talk about the Listen to and talk about situation in the dialogue. that.. The content * new words: Education.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(170)</span> Asks Ss to pick new words up Now you look at the box in the book. The words in the box Ask students to read the reading text after completing. Listen and correct their mistakes if they have. Guides students to work in groups. Others listen and give the meanings Repeat after teacher.. Novel Reporter Interview Establish * work with parter. Listen and read Read more times the text with a partner and then practice in front of the class. Correct the mistakes. Play role the following suggestions.. Has students make your own dialogues about famous Students read the adjectives people in the box then make the Asks Ss to work in pair dialogue with suggestions. When were you born, Mr.Edison?. I was born in 1847. Were you. Yes, I am.. 4/ Consolidation: Students read the passage on page 159 answer the questions 5/ Homework: Copy the lesson and practice it at home. Prepare B4, B5 at home. IV/ Feedback:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(171)</span> Preparatory date: Teaching date: Period 99. Unit sixteen: People and places. A/ Famous places in Asia (A4) I/ Objectives. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to understand deeply about Asia through the reading. II/ Language contents. 1, Vocabulary: ancient monuments, Khmer/ Buddhist temples, puppet shows, resorts. 2, Structures: If you are interested in history, you could visit many ancient monuments. You may be interested in the traditions of different cultures. III/ Teaching aids..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(172)</span> Full name: Class: 7 Mark. ……. school. I/ Write the correct tense of verbs in brackets.(2m) 1, Tan often (listen)......................to pop music in his freetime. He (not like).............. (watch)..................TV. 2, People (gather).........................in TV owners’ houses to watch TV in 1960s. 3, Lan prefers (take)....................part in sports to (watch)..............them on TV. 4, Mr Ba (be)............. in his room now. He (read)...............................a newspaper. II/ Make questions, using the words given.(2m) 1, We watched TV in our living room last night. - Where............................................................................................................................ 2, She likes cartoons best. - What.............................................................................................................................. 3, My friend always goes to school by bike. - How............................................................................................................................... 4, I will invite some friends on my birthday next week. - Who.............................................................................................................................. III/ Choose the best suitable word to complete the following sentences.(2m) 1, Nam plays volleyball.............................( skillful, skillfully, skill) 2, She ought to.....................her homework before going to bed. (finishes, finished, finishing, finish) 3, We don’t like.............................soccer. (play, plays, playing, played).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(173)</span> IV/ Read the text carefully and answer the questions.(2m) In 1960s, most people in Viet Nam didn’t have a TV set. The people with TVs popular. In the evening, the neighbors gathered around the TV. They stayed until the TV programs finished. Viet Nam is different today. More families have a TV set and life is more comfortable. But neighbors don’t know each other as well as they did in the past because they watch TV in their own living room. 1, Did most people have a TV set in 1960s? ........................................................... 2, What did the neighbors do in the evening? .......................................................... 3, How is life today in Viet Nam?................................................................................. 4, Where do people watch TV today? .................................................................... V/ Make new sentences. Use the cue words. (2m) 1, Nam/ like/ watch TV. ................................................................................. 2, Chi/ prefer/ pop music/ classical music. ........................................................................................................................................ 3, I/ buy/ some flowers/ my mother’s birthday/ last week. ......................................................................................................................................... 4, They/ often/ listen/ radio/ when/ they/ be/free. ......................................................................................................................................... Full name: Class: 7 ………school §iÓm Lêi phª cña c« gi¸o. I/ Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. (2m) 1, He is a .......................driver. (careful/ carefully/ care) 2, Lan prefers ....................soccer games on TV. (watch/ watches/ watched/ watching) 3, Teenagers like to listen to the ................pop music. ( late/ latest/ later/ newest) 4, ..................do you watch TV? Every night. (How long/ how far/ When/ How often) II/ Write the correct tense of verbs in bracket. (2m) 1, Lan usually (play)....................tennis on Sunday. 4, My parents (take)..................me to the movies last night. 3, She (not study)..................English well last semester, so she (get)............bad marks 4, She has to (see)................the dentist because she (have)...................a toothache. 5, My mother (not like)......................( watch).........................series. III/ Make questions, using the words given. (2m) 1, We usually stay at home on Sundays. - When............................................................................................................................. 2, I like watching cartoons. - What.............................................................................................................................. 3, She played table tennis twice a week. - How often..................................................................................................................... 4, Mr. Lam went to home at 7 o’clock. - What time.....................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(174)</span> IV/ Read the text carefully and answer the questions. (2m) Last year, my school organized a club “walking for fun’’. Most students enjoy taking part in this club. The regular activity of the club is a 5 km walk to the beach on Sunday morning. Another activity is a walk- to- school day (WTS). Members living near school volunteer to take a walk every Wednesday. 1, What did your school organized last year? .............................................................. 2, Do most students enjoy taking part in this club? .............................................. 3, How far is it from the school to the beach? ......................................................... 4, Who often take part in WTS day? ........................................................................ V/ Make new sentences, use the cue words. (2m) 1, Lan/ not like/ watch/ sports on TV. ......................................................................................................................................... 2, I/ prefer/ plays/ series. ......................................................................................................................................... 3, She/ play/ badminton/ last year. ........................................................................................................................................ 4, You/ should/ wash/ hands/ meals/ every day..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(175)</span>
