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Unit 5

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>UNIT 5. THINGS I DO Period: 2631. DIVISION OF THE LESSON Period 26 Period 27 Period 28 Period 29 Period 30 Period 31 Period 32. Lesson 1: A1, 2, 3, 4/ page 52->54 Lesson 2: A5, 6, 7 page /54, 55 Lesson 3: B1, 2/ page 56, 57 Lesson 4: B3, 4 / page 57 Lesson 5: C1/ page 58 Lesson 6: C 2, 3 /page 59 Lesson 7: Grammar Practice. Date: October 9th 2012. UNIT 5: THINGS I DO. Period: 26. Lesson 1:A. MY DAY (A 1, 2, 3, 4/52-54). I. Aims - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use simple present tense to talk about daily routines. II. Language contents + Vocabulary: Verbs: - play games , do housework, play games, listen to music - do my homework - watch TV + Model sentences: - What does Nga do every day / every afternoon? - She gets up at six. - What do you do everyday? + Grammar: The Present simple tense III. Techniques - Slap the board; slap the board, survey, substitution drill. IV. Teaching aids - Pictures ,computer, posters V. Procedures.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Teacher and students’ activities T: asks Ss some questions Ss: work in pairs. T: presents new words by pictures Ss: listen and repeat T checks Ss’ understanding by playing some games Ss: practice “ Slap the board” and “What and where”. T: presents how to use the structures Ss: give some examples Ss work in pairs T: ask Ss to review the sentences about daily routines Ss: give some examples. T: plays the tape Ss listen and repeat. Ss: practice in pairs T: asks Ss to answer the questions. Ss: asking and answering the questions Ss work in pairs. T: plays the tape Ss listen and repeat.. Contents I. Warm up /Marks * Chatting - What do you do every morning? - What time do you get up? - What time is it? - What time do you go to school? II. Presentation a)Pre-teach - play games - do my homework - play games - do housework - listen to music - watch TV  Slap the board. b) Model sentences: - What does Nga do every day / every afternoon? - She gets up at six. - What do you do everyday? III. Practice A. 1/P 52. S1: Every day, I get up at six S2: Every day, Nga gets up at six A. 2/P 53/ Answers Keys a. Every day Nga gets up at six b. Every morning she goes to school c. Every afternoon she plays games d. Every evening she does her homework A. 3/P 53. * Picture drill S1: What do you do after school?. watch TV listen to GoPlay to school Have do my do housework Get games up music homework breakfast.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span>  Comments ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................................... Date : Period :27. UNIT 5 : THINGS I DO Lesson 3 : A. MY DAY ( A 5,6,7/54,55). I.Aims - By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to use Yes/No questions and short answers to talk about daily routines . II.Language contents + Vocabulary : - (to) play volleyball / soccer / sports - A girl ( girls) + Model sentences : - Do you play sports ? - Yes, I do / No, I don’t . - Does she play soccer? - Yes, she does/ No, she doesn’t. III.Techniques Yes/ No questions, Rub out and remember, grid, answer drill, Fine someone who. IV.Teaching aids Pictures ,cassette player ,posters V.Procedures Teacher and students’activities. Contents I.Warm up /Marks. T: asks Ss some questions Ss: work in pairs. T: presents newwords by pictures S: listen and repeat. * Chatting - What do you do every day/ morning/ afternoon/ evening ? - What time do you do after school ? II.Presentation a)Pre-teach - (to) play soccer - (to) play volleyball - (to) play sports - a girl  girls. T checks Ss’ understanding by playing  Rub out and remember some games S: practice“Rub out and remember” Ss work in pairs b) Model sentences: T: presents how to use Yes/ No questions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span>  Comments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ngày --------- tháng ------- năm 2010 Tổ phó. Đặng Thị Thu Nguyệt.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Date : Period :28. UNIT 5 : THINGS I DO Lesson 4 :B1,2 MY ROUTINE. I.Aims - By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to read and understand a picture story about Ba’s daily routine and they can use simple present tense . II.Language contents + Vocabulary : - (to) take a shower , eat a big breakfast, have classes, start , finish , have lunch, go to bed . + Model sentences : - What time do you go to bed ? - I go to bed at ten o’clock . Prepositions: at, from…. to III.Techniques Jumbled words, what and where, survey . IV.Teaching aids Pictures ,cassette player ,posters V.Procedures Teacher and students’activities. Contents I.Warm up /Marks. Teacher asks Students some questions Students: work in pairs. Teacher asks Students to play a games Students work in groups. Teacher presents newwords by pictures Students listen and read Students work in pairs. Teacher checks students’ understand Students practice “ What and where”.  Chatting - What do you do every day/ morning/ afternoon/ evening ? - What time do you do after school ? - What time do you do have breakfast ? - Do you play soccer ?  Jumbled words - ohseuowkr  - ltsien  - athcw  - rdea  - lpya  II.Pre – reading a)Pre-teach - (to) take a shower - (to) go to bed - (to) eat = have (breakfast) - (to) start - (to) finish - a quarter = ¼ = 15 minutes.  What and where. Classes Go bed Take ato shower Have lunch Eat breakfast Classes start finish.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span>  Comments Date : Period :29. UNIT 5 : THINGS I DO Lesson 4 :B3,4 MY ROUTINE. I.Aims - By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to ask and answer about the time of daily routine and they can use simple present tense . II.Language contents + Vocabulary : + Model sentences : - What time do you go to bed? - What time does Ba go to bed? Prepositions: at, from…. to III.Techniques Jumbled words, what and where, survey . IV.Teaching aids Pictures ,cassette player ,posters V.Procedures Teacher and students’activities. Contents I.Warm up /Marks. Teacher asks Students some questions Students work in pairs. Teacher asks Students to play a games. Students ask and answer the questions in exercise B3/P 57 Students practice in pairs Teacher asks Students to read remember.  Chatting - What do you do every day/ morning/ afternoon/ evening ? - What do you do after school ? - Do you play soccer ? II.Presentation Chaingame S1 : I get up at five thirty. S2 : I get up at five thirty. I have breakfast at six. S3 : I get up at five thirty. I have breakfast at six. I go to school at six fifteen. III.Practice B3/P57  Ask and answer the questions Ex a) - What time does Ba get up ? - He gets up at six . b) - What do you get up ? - I get up at six  Remember B4/ P57 Exercise 1:Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc 1)Every morning, I (get)--------- up at 5.30 2) Hoa (get)------------ up at 5.45.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span>  Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ngày --------- tháng ------- năm 2010 Tổ phó. Đặng Thị Thu Nguyệt. Date : Period :30. UNIT 5 : THINGS I DO Lesson 5 : C. CLASSES ( C 1/P58). I.Aims - By the end of the lesson ,students will be able to use “have” or “don’t have” to talk about the school timetable.Students can write their timetables in English. II.Language contents + Vocabulary : - Math, literature, history, geography, English . + Model sentences : - What do we have today ? - We have English . - I don’t have my timetable . - From---- to III.Techniques Networks, ordering vocabulary, word cue drill, mapped dialogue . IV.Teaching aids Pictures ,cassette player ,posters V.Procedures Teacher and students’activities. Contents I.Warm up /Marks. Teacher asks Students about the time Students: look at the clock and answer.  Chatting - 7:00 - 7:50. - 7:45 - 8:35. On Monday.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span>  Comments ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ .........................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Date : Period :31. UNIT 5 : THINGS I DO Lesson 6 :C. CLASSES ( C 2,3/P59). I.Aims - By the end of the lesson , students will be able to use the days of the week vocabulary with “has / doesn’t have” to talk about their weekly timetable . II.Language contents + Vocabulary : - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, art, music, Physical education.. + Model sentences : - When do we have history ? - We have it on Monday III.Techniques Matching , networks, board drill, predict dialogue . IV.Teaching aids Pictures ,cassette player ,posters. V.Procedures Teacher and students’activities. Contents I.Warm up /Marks. Teacher: asks Students some questions. Teacher: sets the scene and presents some newwords Students: listen and repeat. Teacher: asks Students to match the words with the meaning Students work in groups Students: correct Teacher: corrects Teacher: sets the scene Teacher: give the open dialogue and asks Students to complete it Student: work in pairs.  Chatting - What do we have on Monday ? - What time does it start ? - Do we have English on Monday ? II.Pre- reading a)Pre-teach - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday *subjects - art - music - Physical education.. b) Matching: A - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday. B -. Thứ bảy Thứ ba Môn vẽ Thứ hai Thứ tư Môn thể dục.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span>  Comments ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................................... Date : Period :32 I.Aims. UNIT 5 : THINGS I DO Lesson7 : GRAMMAR PRACTICE.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Have the students review some structures and vocabulary from unit 4 to unit 5, help students futher practice in simple pressent tense, tell the time, adjectives with “Be”, questions words, school subjects, days of the week . II.Language contents  Simple present tense  Telling the time .  Adjectives with “Be”  Questions words  School subjects  Days of the week . III.Techniques Gap- fill, picture drill, word cue drill given questions. IV.Teaching aids Pictures ,posters . V.Procedures Teacher and students’activities Teacher asks students some questions. Teacher: asks Students to review how to ask and answer the questions about the time Students give some examples Teacher: asks Students to practice in pairs Students practice exercises 2 /P 60 Ss work in pairs. Teacher: asks Students to tell some questions words Students practice in groups and write on the small board Teacher: asks Students to complete the sentences Students ask and answer questions. Contents I.Warm up /Marks  Chatting 1. What do you do every day ? 2. What do you do after school ? 3. What time do you go to bed ? 4. What do you have on Monday ? 5. When do you have English ? II.Grammar practice 1. Activity 1 : “Telling the time”  Picture drill (Exercise2 /P60)  Example exchange S1: What time is it ? S2: It’s seven o’clock . af (students’ answers) 2. Activity 2 : “Questions words”  Who  What  When  Where  Which  How Exercise 4/P62 a). where b). how c). what d). how e). which f). which 3. Activity 3: (Adjectives with “Be”) Exercise 3/P61 S1: Is your house big ? S2: Yes, it is ..

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